v2.10-0 (21000JUN2005)

Uses of Class

Packages that use TGo4Analysis

Uses of TGo4Analysis in Go4Analysis

Fields in Go4Analysis declared as TGo4Analysis
private static TGo4Analysis*TGo4Analysis.fxInstance
          Static Pointer to the analysis singleton instance.
private TGo4Analysis*TGo4AnalysisStep.fxOwner
          Points back to the analysis wich keeps this step.

Methods in Go4Analysis that return TGo4Analysis
static TGo4Analysis*TGo4Analysis.Instance()

Uses of TGo4Analysis in Go4AnalysisClient

Fields in Go4AnalysisClient declared as TGo4Analysis
private TGo4Analysis*TGo4AnalysisClient.fxAnalysis
          The analysis the client is working on.
private TGo4Analysis*TGo4AnalysisMainRunnable.fxAnalysis
private TGo4Analysis*TGo4AnalysisWatchRunnable.fxAnalysis

Constructors in Go4AnalysisClient with parameters of type TGo4Analysis
TGo4AnalysisClient.TGo4AnalysisClient(const char * name, TGo4Analysis* analysis, const char * host, UInt_t negport, Bool_t histoserver, const char * basename, const char * passwd, Bool_t servermode, Bool_t autorun, Bool_t clientmode)
TGo4AnalysisClient.TGo4AnalysisClient(int argc, char * * argv, TGo4Analysis* analysis, Bool_t histoserver, const char * basename, const char * passwd, Bool_t servermode, Bool_t autorun)

Methods in Go4AnalysisClient that return TGo4Analysis
const TGo4Analysis*TGo4AnalysisClient.GetAnalysis()

Uses of TGo4Analysis in Go4Example1Step

Subclasses of TGo4Analysis in Go4Example1Step
class TXXXAnalysis

Uses of TGo4Analysis in Go4Example2Step

Subclasses of TGo4Analysis in Go4Example2Step
class TXXXAnalysis

Uses of TGo4Analysis in Go4ExampleMesh

Subclasses of TGo4Analysis in Go4ExampleMesh
class TMeshAnalysis

Uses of TGo4Analysis in Go4ExampleUserSource

Subclasses of TGo4Analysis in Go4ExampleUserSource
class TYYYAnalysis

Uses of TGo4Analysis in Go4HistogramServer

Fields in Go4HistogramServer declared as TGo4Analysis
private TGo4Analysis*TGo4HistogramServer.fxAnalysis

Methods in Go4HistogramServer that return TGo4Analysis
const TGo4Analysis*TGo4HistogramServer.GetAnalysis()

J.Adamczewski, M.Al-Turany, D.Bertini, H.G.Essel, S.Linev
