v2.10-0 (21000JUN2005)

Package Go4HistogramServer

Class Diagram Summary

Class Summary
TGo4HisConnectorRunnableRunnable that waits for client connection request and starts new
TGo4HistogramServerHandles a histogram server (mbs histogram protocol) for the
histograms registered in the analysis.
TGo4MbsHistObject container for the mbs
histogram buffer structure.
TGo4ObjClientClient for the go4 object server delivering root objects.
TGo4ObjConnectorRunnableRunnable that serves an object request for object client
TGo4ObjConnectorTimertimer aggregated to the histogram server which is responsible to
establish connections of the go4 object clients.

J.Adamczewski, M.Al-Turany, D.Bertini, H.G.Essel, S.Linev
