v2.10-0 (21000JUN2005)

Uses of Class

Packages that use TGo4AnalysisCommand

Uses of TGo4AnalysisCommand in Go4CommandsAnalysis

Subclasses of TGo4AnalysisCommand in Go4CommandsAnalysis
class TGo4AnalysisObjectCommand
          Intermediate class for all commands accessing an analysis object by name.
class TGo4AnalysisStepCommand
class TGo4ComAddTreeHistogram
          Adds a tree-histogram entry into dynamic list.
class TGo4ComAutosave
          Write objects into autosave file now.
class TGo4ComCloseAnalysis
          Executes the CloseAnalysis Method of TGo4Analysis framework.
class TGo4ComGetAnalysisStatus
          Requests for the current analysis status.
class TGo4ComGetNamesList
          Requests for the current folder list of analysis
class TGo4ComInitAnalysis
          Executes the InitEventClasses Method of TGo4Analysis framework.
class TGo4ComLoadAnalysisStatus
          Loads analysis settings from file specified by name.
class TGo4ComPrintConditions
          Printout all condition counters as bar diagram on the local analysis terminal.
class TGo4ComPrintDynList
          Printout of dynamic list status on the local analysis terminal.
class TGo4ComPrintHistograms
          Printout all histogram statisticx on the local analysis terminal.
class TGo4ComSaveAnalysisStatus
          Save current analysis settings to a file specified by name.
class TGo4ComSetAnalysisStatus
          Set the analysis framework to the status encapsulated in
this command.
class TGo4ComStartHistoServ
          Executes the InitEventClasses Method of TGo4Analysis framework.
class TGo4ComStopHistoServ
          Executes the InitEventClasses Method of TGo4Analysis framework.
class TGo4DynamicListCommand
          Baseclass for all commands effecting an dynamic list entry.

Constructors in Go4CommandsAnalysis with parameters of type TGo4AnalysisCommand
TGo4AnalysisCommand.TGo4AnalysisCommand(const TGo4AnalysisCommand& right)

Methods in Go4CommandsAnalysis that return TGo4AnalysisCommand
synchronized TGo4AnalysisCommand&TGo4AnalysisCommand.operator=(const TGo4AnalysisCommand& right)

Methods in Go4CommandsAnalysis with parameters of type TGo4AnalysisCommand
synchronized TGo4AnalysisCommand&TGo4AnalysisCommand.operator=(const TGo4AnalysisCommand& right)

J.Adamczewski, M.Al-Turany, D.Bertini, H.G.Essel, S.Linev
