v2.10-0 (21000JUN2005)

Uses of Class

Packages that use TGo4AnalysisObjectCommand

Uses of TGo4AnalysisObjectCommand in Go4CommandsAnalysis

Subclasses of TGo4AnalysisObjectCommand in Go4CommandsAnalysis
class TGo4ComClearObject
          Calls Clear() method of client object, if object of this name exists.
class TGo4ComCopyObject
          Copies client object of oldname into a new object of new name.
class TGo4ComCreateObject
          Creates new object of class name on client side.Object will be kept in
directory which matches to its base type, e.g in condition directory if it
inherits from condition, in data index dir if inherits from TGo4EventDataIndex, etc.
class TGo4ComDeleteObject
          Deletes the object by name at the client.
class TGo4ComGetCanvas
          Requests a TCanvasfrom the client.
class TGo4ComGetCondition
          Requests the status (settings) of an existing condition from the client.
class TGo4ComGetCurrentEvent
          Requests the current event as a sample from the
class TGo4ComGetEnvelope
          Requests the object by name from the client.
class TGo4ComGetObject
          Requests the object by name from the client.
class TGo4ComGetObjectStatus
          Requests the object status by name from the client.
class TGo4ComGetParameter
          Requests a parameter object from the client.
class TGo4ComGetPicture
          Requests a picture object from the client.
class TGo4ComGetTreeStructure
          Requests the branchelement structure of a tree from the analysis.
class TGo4ComSetCanvas
          Send the canvas status to define a canvas for the client.
class TGo4ComSetCondition
          Send the status to be set for an existing condition to the client.
class TGo4ComSetParameter
          Send the parameter to be set for an existing parameter to the client.
class TGo4ComSetPicture
          Send the picture to be set for an existing picture to the client.
class TGo4ComSetPrintEvent
          Sets explicit printout for the next n events to come
Event is searched by object name in the EventObjects folder.
class TGo4ComSetProtections
          Change protections against clearing (reset) or deletion, etc.
for target objects

J.Adamczewski, M.Al-Turany, D.Bertini, H.G.Essel, S.Linev
