v2.10-0 (21000JUN2005)

Uses of Class

Packages that use Go4CommandMode_t

Uses of Go4CommandMode_t in Go4CommandsBase

Fields in Go4CommandsBase declared as Go4CommandMode_t
protected Go4CommandMode_tTGo4Command.fiMode
          mode value for execution rights of sending task
protected Go4CommandMode_tTGo4Command.fiProtection
          Execute protection of this command.

Methods in Go4CommandsBase that return Go4CommandMode_t

Methods in Go4CommandsBase with parameters of type Go4CommandMode_t
const static const char *TGo4Command.GetModeDescription(Go4CommandMode_t mode)
          text description of current execution mode
voidTGo4Command.SetMode(Go4CommandMode_t m)
protected voidTGo4Command.SetProtection(Go4CommandMode_t m)

Uses of Go4CommandMode_t in Go4CommandsTaskHandler

Fields in Go4CommandsTaskHandler declared as Go4CommandMode_t
private Go4CommandMode_tTGo4ComConnectSlave.fiLoginMode
          specify login mode

Methods in Go4CommandsTaskHandler with parameters of type Go4CommandMode_t
voidTGo4ComConnectSlave.SetLogin(Go4CommandMode_t mode)

Uses of Go4CommandMode_t in Go4TaskHandler

Fields in Go4TaskHandler declared as Go4CommandMode_t
private Go4CommandMode_tTGo4TaskHandler.fiRole
          For server connection to client: This indicates role of
connected client, if client is master.

Methods in Go4TaskHandler that return Go4CommandMode_t
          Check account and password of the client that requests a
connection to this server.

Methods in Go4TaskHandler with parameters of type Go4CommandMode_t
Bool_tTGo4ClientTask.ConnectServer(const char * node, UInt_t negport, Go4CommandMode_t role, const char * passwd)
          Connect this client to a waiting server task on node with
negotiation channel negport.
virtual Bool_tTGo4Master.ConnectSlave(const char * name, const char * remotehost, UInt_t negport, const char * remotedir, const char * remotecommand, Int_t mode, Bool_t startserver, Go4CommandMode_t role, const char * passwd)
          Start connection to the slave.
Bool_tTGo4TaskHandler.ServerLogin(TGo4Socket* connector, Go4CommandMode_t account)
          Negotiate login to requested server channel with account type
voidTGo4TaskHandler.SetRole(Go4CommandMode_t role)
Bool_tTGo4TaskManager.AddClient(const char * client, const char * host, Go4CommandMode_t role)
          adds client task of name to manager: create server task handler and try to connect to client
Command execution role depends on previous login passowrd
Int_tTGo4TaskManager.ConnectClient(const char * client, const char * host, Go4CommandMode_t role)
          used by connector runnable to wait for a client request to
connect to this server task.

J.Adamczewski, M.Al-Turany, D.Bertini, H.G.Essel, S.Linev
