v2.10-0 (21000JUN2005)

Uses of Class

Packages that use TGo4CommandInvoker

Uses of TGo4CommandInvoker in Go4CommandsBase

Fields in Go4CommandsBase declared as TGo4CommandInvoker
private static TGo4CommandInvoker*TGo4CommandInvoker.fxInstance

Methods in Go4CommandsBase that return TGo4CommandInvoker
static TGo4CommandInvoker*TGo4CommandInvoker.Instance()

Uses of TGo4CommandInvoker in Go4TaskHandler

Fields in Go4TaskHandler declared as TGo4CommandInvoker
private TGo4CommandInvoker*TGo4CommandRunnable.fxInvoker
          client mode: link to external (static) invoker singleton, that is
used to execute the async commands before the command queue
server mode: not used
private TGo4CommandInvoker*TGo4TaskHandler.fxInvoker
          Link to external command invoker instance used for direct command in client mode:

Methods in Go4TaskHandler that return TGo4CommandInvoker
const TGo4CommandInvoker*TGo4TaskHandler.GetInvoker()
          returns pointer to copy of client invoker which may be used
by server to check the valid command clients

Methods in Go4TaskHandler with parameters of type TGo4CommandInvoker
voidTGo4TaskHandler.SetInvoker(TGo4CommandInvoker* inv)
          sets pointer to client invoker which may be used
by server to check the valid command clients

J.Adamczewski, M.Al-Turany, D.Bertini, H.G.Essel, S.Linev
