v2.10-0 (21000JUN2005)

Uses of Class

Packages that use TGo4TaskHandlerCommand

Uses of TGo4TaskHandlerCommand in Go4CommandsTaskHandler

Subclasses of TGo4TaskHandlerCommand in Go4CommandsTaskHandler
class TGo4ComConnectSlave
          master command: initiate connection to slave.
class TGo4ComDisconnectSlave
          master command: current slave
is removed (disconnected) from server
class TGo4ComExecLine
          Command executes string as CINT macro
class TGo4ComFlush
          command to flush the queues in case of a jam;
default ctor flushes all queues, ctor with parameter data, command or
status queues only
class TGo4ComGetStatus
          Command to request basic status information on the client task;
the reqest may be carried out by the command runnable that submits a system status
object into the status queue; otherwise a concrete client runnable may submit
any special status object into the queue on this command
class TGo4ComLaunchClient
          server command: current client is removed (disconnected) from server
class TGo4ComMasterQuit
          Master Command to quit (terminate) the master application.
class TGo4ComQuit
          Command to quit (terminate) the client,
after successful quit, the client may be removed from taskmanager on the
server side
class TGo4ComRelaunch
          Command to relaunch the working thread of a client, in case of a latchup
class TGo4ComRemoveClient
          server command: current client is removed (disconnected) from server
class TGo4ComServerQuit
          Server Command to quit (terminate) the server and the application
all clients are removed before
class TGo4ComStart
          Command calling the virtual method Start() of Client Task class;
this method is overridden by user client, thus any start action of the application
may be invoked by this (e.g. start of analysis main event loop)
class TGo4ComStop
          Command calling the virtual method Stop() of Client Task class;
this method is overridden by user client, thus any stop action of the application
may be invoked by this (e.g. stop of analysis main event loop)

Constructors in Go4CommandsTaskHandler with parameters of type TGo4TaskHandlerCommand
TGo4TaskHandlerCommand.TGo4TaskHandlerCommand(const TGo4TaskHandlerCommand& right)

Methods in Go4CommandsTaskHandler that return TGo4TaskHandlerCommand
synchronized TGo4TaskHandlerCommand&TGo4TaskHandlerCommand.operator=(const TGo4TaskHandlerCommand& right)

Methods in Go4CommandsTaskHandler with parameters of type TGo4TaskHandlerCommand
synchronized TGo4TaskHandlerCommand&TGo4TaskHandlerCommand.operator=(const TGo4TaskHandlerCommand& right)

J.Adamczewski, M.Al-Turany, D.Bertini, H.G.Essel, S.Linev
