v2.10-0 (21000JUN2005)

Class TGo4EventProcessor

Direct Known Subclasses:
TGo4SimpleEventProcessor, TXXXProc, TXXXAnlProc, TXXXUnpackProc, TMeshB12AnlProc, TMeshB1AnlProc, TMeshB2AnlProc, TMeshB3AnlProc, TMeshFinalProc, TMeshProviderProc, TMeshUnpackProc, TYYYUnpackProc

class TGo4EventProcessor
derived from TGo4EventSource

Abstract Factory used by the top level user event to unpack
the raw event into subevents or detector information.
Factory method implementations are user specific; there
might be more than one factory method in this class, each
dedicated for one special subevent. Default factory method is

J. Adamczewski
Since: 1/2001

Field Summary
 private TGo4EventCalibration*fxCalibration
 private TGo4EventElement*fxInputEvent

Fields inherited from interface Go4Event.TGo4EventSource

Fields inherited from class TNamed
fName, fTitle

Constructor Summary
 TGo4EventProcessor(const char * name)
 private TGo4EventProcessor()
          Default ctor for root streamer.

Destructor Summary

Method Summary
 Bool_tAddAnalysisCondition(TGo4Condition* con, const Text_t* subfolder)
          Register condition to go4 framework.
 Bool_tAddCanvas(TCanvas* can, const Text_t* subfolder)
          Register TCanvas to go4 framework.
 Bool_tAddHistogram(TH1* his, const Text_t* subfolder, Bool_t replace)
          Register histogram to go4 framework.
 Bool_tAddObject(TNamed* anything, const Text_t* subfolder)
          Register user object to go4 framework.
 Bool_tAddParameter(TGo4Parameter* par, const Text_t* subfolder)
          Register paramter to go4 framework.
 Bool_tAddPicture(TGo4Picture* pic, const Text_t* subfolder)
          Register picture to go4 framework.
 Bool_tCheckCalibration(const char * classname)
          Check if calibration class is valid.
 Bool_tCheckInputEvent(const char * classname)
          Check if input event is valid.
 voidClear(Option_t* opt)
 TGo4Condition*GetAnalysisCondition(const Text_t* name)
          Get condition from go4 framework.
          Access to external calibration object.
 TCanvas*GetCanvas(const Text_t* name)
          Get TCanvas from go4 framework.
 TH1*GetHistogram(const Text_t* name)
          Get histogram from go4 framework.
          Access to external raw event which is set as association member.
 TGo4EventElement*GetInputEvent(const Text_t* stepname)
          Returns the input event structure of analysis step.
 TNamed*GetObject(const Text_t* name, const Text_t* folder)
          Get any object from go4 framework.
 TGo4EventElement*GetOutputEvent(const Text_t* stepname)
          Returns the output event structure of analysis step.
 TGo4Parameter*GetParameter(const Text_t* name)
          Get paramter from go4 framework.
 TGo4Picture*GetPicture(const Text_t* name)
          Get picture from go4 framework.
 voidMessage(Int_t prio, const Text_t* text, ... )
          Display a user message.
 Bool_tRemoveAnalysisCondition(const Text_t* name)
          UnRegister condition from go4 framework and delete it.
 Bool_tRemoveCanvas(const Text_t* name)
          UnRegister canvas from go4 framework and delete it.
 Bool_tRemoveHistogram(const Text_t* name)
          UnRegister histogram from go4 framework and delete it.
 Bool_tRemoveParameter(const Text_t* name)
          UnRegister parameter from go4 framework and delete it.
 Bool_tRemovePicture(const Text_t* name)
          UnRegister picture from go4 framework and delete it.
 voidSendObjectToGUI(TNamed* ob)
          Send any object as copy to gui.
 voidSetCalibration(TGo4EventCalibration* cali)
          Sets reference to external raw event which is used by
the concrete processor to unpack the interesting
 voidSetInputEvent(TGo4EventElement* raw)
          Sets reference to external raw event which is used by
the concrete processor to unpack the interesting

Methods inherited from interface Go4Event.TGo4EventSource
GetCreateStatus, GetErrMess, GetEventStatus, SetCreateStatus, SetErrMess, SetEventStatus, ThrowError

Methods inherited from class TNamed
operator=, Clone, Compare, Copy, FillBuffer, GetName, GetTitle, Hash, IsSortable, SetName, SetNameTitle, SetTitle, ls, Print, Sizeof, Class, Class_Name, Class_Version, Dictionary, IsA, ShowMembers, Streamer, StreamerNVirtual, DeclFileName, ImplFileLine, ImplFileName, DeclFileLine

Field Detail


private TGo4EventCalibration* fxCalibration
link aggregation


private TGo4EventElement* fxInputEvent
supplierCardinality 1
Constructor Detail


public TGo4EventProcessor(const char * name)


private TGo4EventProcessor()
Default ctor for root streamer.
Method Detail


public synchronized ~TGo4EventProcessor()
Method Detail


public Bool_t AddAnalysisCondition(TGo4Condition* con, const Text_t* subfolder)
Register condition to go4 framework. Shortcut forwarded to analysis instance


public Bool_t AddCanvas(TCanvas* can, const Text_t* subfolder)
Register TCanvas to go4 framework. Shortcut forwarded to analysis instance


public Bool_t AddHistogram(TH1* his, const Text_t* subfolder, Bool_t replace)
Register histogram to go4 framework. Shortcut forwarded to analysis instance


public Bool_t AddObject(TNamed* anything, const Text_t* subfolder)
Register user object to go4 framework. Shortcut forwarded to analysis instance


public Bool_t AddParameter(TGo4Parameter* par, const Text_t* subfolder)
Register paramter to go4 framework. Shortcut forwarded to analysis instance


public Bool_t AddPicture(TGo4Picture* pic, const Text_t* subfolder)
Register picture to go4 framework. Shortcut forwarded to analysis instance


public Bool_t CheckCalibration(const char * classname)
Check if calibration class is valid. Tests the pointer for
zero, and if not zero, compares classname of the
calibration instance with given string. To be used from the
Fill method and from the analysis method init event classes.


public Bool_t CheckInputEvent(const char * classname)
Check if input event is valid. Tests the pointer for
zero, and if not zero, compares classname of the
input event with given string. To be used from the
Fill method and from the analysis method init event classes.


public void Clear(Option_t* opt)


public TGo4Condition* GetAnalysisCondition(const Text_t* name)
Get condition from go4 framework. Shortcut forwarded to analysis instance


public TGo4EventCalibration* GetCalibration()
Access to external calibration object.


public TCanvas* GetCanvas(const Text_t* name)
Get TCanvas from go4 framework. Shortcut forwarded to analysis instance


public TH1* GetHistogram(const Text_t* name)
Get histogram from go4 framework. Shortcut forwarded to analysis instance


public TGo4EventElement* GetInputEvent()
Access to external raw event which is set as association member.


public TGo4EventElement* GetInputEvent(const Text_t* stepname)
Returns the input event structure of analysis step. Argument indicates
the step by name. Shortcut forwarded to analysis instance


public TNamed* GetObject(const Text_t* name, const Text_t* folder)
Get any object from go4 framework. Shortcut forwarded to analysis instance


public TGo4EventElement* GetOutputEvent(const Text_t* stepname)
Returns the output event structure of analysis step. Argument indicates
the step by name. Shortcut forwarded to analysis instance


public TGo4Parameter* GetParameter(const Text_t* name)
Get paramter from go4 framework. Shortcut forwarded to analysis instance


public TGo4Picture* GetPicture(const Text_t* name)
Get picture from go4 framework. Shortcut forwarded to analysis instance


public void Message(Int_t prio, const Text_t* text, ... )
Display a user message. Argument pri defines message priority:
<0: display raw text on local terminal like plain printf
0: display on local terminal only; if debug output is enabled
1: local terminal and info message in gui log panel (if gui mode)
2: local terminal and warning message in gui log panel (if gui mode)
3: local terminal and error message in gui log panel (if gui mode)


public Bool_t RemoveAnalysisCondition(const Text_t* name)
UnRegister condition from go4 framework and delete it. Shortcut forwarded to analysis instance


public Bool_t RemoveCanvas(const Text_t* name)
UnRegister canvas from go4 framework and delete it. Shortcut forwarded to analysis instance


public Bool_t RemoveHistogram(const Text_t* name)
UnRegister histogram from go4 framework and delete it. Shortcut forwarded to analysis instance


public Bool_t RemoveParameter(const Text_t* name)
UnRegister parameter from go4 framework and delete it. Shortcut forwarded to analysis instance


public Bool_t RemovePicture(const Text_t* name)
UnRegister picture from go4 framework and delete it. Shortcut forwarded to analysis instance


public void SendObjectToGUI(TNamed* ob)
Send any object as copy to gui. Shortcut forwarded to analysis instance


public void SetCalibration(TGo4EventCalibration* cali)
Sets reference to external raw event which is used by
the concrete processor to unpack the interesting


public void SetInputEvent(TGo4EventElement* raw)
Sets reference to external raw event which is used by
the concrete processor to unpack the interesting

Association Links

to Class TGo4EventElement

Supplier Cardinality 1

to Class TGo4EventCalibration

Type aggregation

J.Adamczewski, M.Al-Turany, D.Bertini, H.G.Essel, S.Linev
