v2.10-0 (21000JUN2005)

Class TGo4Condition

Direct Known Subclasses:
TGo4CondArray, TGo4CounterCond, TGo4PolyCond, TGo4WinCond

class TGo4Condition
derived from TAttFill, TAttLine, TNamed

Field Summary
 private Bool_tfbCMaxDraw
          If true, draw corresponding value as label on working pad
 private Bool_tfbEnabled
          Flag to enable/disable this condition.
 private Bool_tfbFalse
          These are inverted by Invert(true), and restored by Invert(false).
 private Bool_tfbHistogramLink
          is true if this condition has link to a histogram name
 private Bool_tfbIntDraw
          If true, draw corresponding value as label on working pad
 private Bool_tfbIsChanged
          Flag to indicate that condition has been changed from graphical view
 private Bool_tfbIsPainted
          Flag to prevent Paint() method to redraw condition views after UnDraw.
 private Bool_tfbLabelDraw
          If true, draw corresponding value as label on working pad
 private Bool_tfbLastResult
          This can be used to store the last result by SetLast(bool).
 private Bool_tfbLimitsDraw
          If true, draw corresponding value as label on working pad
 private Bool_tfbMarkReset
 private Bool_tfbMultiEdit
          Flag to indicate that properties of all conditions in array are edited/used.
for use in TGo4CondArray or other multi-condition implementations
 private Bool_tfbOwnedByEditor
          Flag to suppress interactive deletion of condition.
 private Bool_tfbResult
          If fbEnabled is false, return this as result.
 private Bool_tfbStreamedCondition
          This allows to treat conditions streamed into pad
 private Bool_tfbTrue
          These are inverted by Invert(true), and restored by Invert(false)
 private Bool_tfbVisible
          Property to store visibility of condition on display
 private Bool_tfbXMaxDraw
          If true, draw corresponding value as label on working pad
 private Bool_tfbXMeanDraw
          If true, draw corresponding value as label on working pad
 private Bool_tfbXRMSDraw
          If true, draw corresponding value as label on working pad
 private Bool_tfbYMaxDraw
          If true, draw corresponding value as label on working pad
 private Bool_tfbYMeanDraw
          If true, draw corresponding value as label on working pad
 private Bool_tfbYRMSDraw
          If true, draw corresponding value as label on working pad
 private Double_tfdUpdateEpsilon
          Precision for the check if graphical representation change requires update
 static Bool_tfgbCMAXDRAW
          default setting for all conditions for label draw cmax flag.
 static Bool_tfgbINTDRAW
          default setting for all conditions for label draw integral flag.
 static Bool_tfgbLABELDRAW
          default setting for all conditions for label draw on/off flag.
 static Bool_tfgbLIMITSDRAW
          default setting for all conditions for label draw limits flag.
 static Bool_tfgbXMAXDRAW
          default setting for all conditions for label draw xmax flag.
 static Bool_tfgbXMEANDRAW
          default setting for all conditions for label draw xmean flag.
 static Bool_tfgbXRMSDRAW
          default setting for all conditions for label draw xrms flag.
 static Bool_tfgbYMAXDRAW
          default setting for all conditions for label draw ymax flag.
 static Bool_tfgbYMEANDRAW
          default setting for all conditions for label draw ymean flag.
 static Bool_tfgbYRMSDRAW
          default setting for all conditions for label draw yrms flag.
 const static const Double_tfgdUPDATEEPSILON
          default value for graphical update tolerance.
 private Int_tfiCounts
          Counts the number of calls of the Test method.
 private Int_tfiDim
          Dimension (1 or 2).
 private Int_tfiTrueCounts
          Counts the number of calls of the Test method with true result.
 protected TH1*fxCutHis
          temporary histogram used to calculate statistics on
polygon cuts.
 private TVirtualPad*fxDrawPad
          Remember last pad used for Draw.
 private TH1*fxHisto
          Reference to currently used histogram (for statistics boxes).
 private TStringfxHistoName
          contains associatied histogram name
 private TGo4Condition*fxNextCondition
 protected TGo4ConditionPainter*fxPainter
          Painter instance to display the condition in root pad.

Fields inherited from class TAttFill
fFillColor, fFillStyle

Fields inherited from class TAttLine
fLineColor, fLineStyle, fLineWidth

Fields inherited from class TNamed
fName, fTitle

Constructor Summary
TGo4Condition(const char * name)
TGo4Condition(const char * name, const char * title)

Destructor Summary
 virtual synchronized ~TGo4Condition()

Method Summary
 virtual voidAddCondition(TGo4Condition* next)
          Add another condition to this one.
          Test if work histogram is still exisiting.
 virtual voidClear(Option_t* opt)
 virtual Int_tCounts()
          Return number of calls of the Test method.
 virtual TGo4ConditionPainter*CreatePainter()
          Factory method to generate the subclass implentation for painter
 virtual voidDisable(Bool_t result)
          Freeze condition, on Test() return result.
 virtual voidDraw(Option_t* opt)
          Draw this condition on current pad
 virtual voidEnable()
          Enable (unfreeze) Test execution
 const Bool_tFixedResult()
          Returns the value set by Disable(value).
 virtual TGo4Condition*GetActiveCondition()
          To be overwritten for condition array.
 virtual Double_tGetCMax(TH1* histo)
          Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.
 virtual Int_tGetCurrentIndex()
          get index for array type subclasses
 virtual TCutG*GetCut(Bool_t owner)
 virtual voidGetFlags(Bool_t* enabled, Bool_t* lastresult, Bool_t* markreset, Bool_t* result, Bool_t* truevalue, Bool_t* falsevalue)
          Sets values of internal boolean flags to external variables.
 virtual Double_tGetIntegral(TH1* histo, Option_t* opt)
          Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.
          Returns result of last Test.
 const const Text_t*GetLinkedHistogram()
          Access name of the associated histogram.
 virtual Double_tGetMean(TH1* histo, Int_t axis)
          Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.
 virtual Int_tGetNumberOfConditions()
          for condition aggregates: return total number of conditions,
i.e.size of condition array
 virtual Double_tGetRMS(TH1* histo, Int_t axis)
          Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.
 virtual voidGetValues(Int_t& dim, Double_t& x1, Double_t& y1, Double_t& x2, Double_t& y2)
          access work histogram reference
 virtual Double_tGetXLow()
 virtual Double_tGetXMax(TH1* histo)
          Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.
 virtual Double_tGetXUp()
 virtual Double_tGetYLow()
 virtual Double_tGetYMax(TH1* histo)
          Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.
 virtual Double_tGetYUp()
          Increment the test counter.
          Increment the "test was true" counter.
          Initialize label setup from static default variables
 virtual voidInvert(Bool_t on)
          Inverts return values, when on is true, i.e. isTrue() will return false,
and isFalse() will return true.
 virtual Bool_tIsArrayType()
 virtual Bool_tIsChanged()
 virtual Bool_tIsCMaxDraw()
          Returns true if condition is enabled
 const Bool_tIsFalse()
          Use this as return, if test was false.
          True if the histogram of given name is linked to this
 virtual Bool_tIsIntDraw()
 virtual Bool_tIsLabelDraw()
 virtual Bool_tIsLimitsDraw()
 virtual Bool_tIsMultiEdit()
 protected const Bool_tIsPainted()
 virtual Bool_tIsPolygonType()
 const Bool_tIsTrue()
          Use this as return, if test was true.
 virtual Bool_tIsVisible()
          Visibility property for gui display in editor
 virtual Bool_tIsXMaxDraw()
 virtual Bool_tIsXMeanDraw()
 virtual Bool_tIsXRMSDraw()
 virtual Bool_tIsYMaxDraw()
 virtual Bool_tIsYMeanDraw()
 virtual Bool_tIsYRMSDraw()
 virtual voidMarkReset(Bool_t on)
          defines if condition counters shall be reset in UpdateFrom method
 virtual voidPaint(Option_t* opt)
          Display condition with plain root canvas and in go4 viewpanel
 virtual const voidPrint(Option_t* opt)
          Default printout for root object lists
 virtual voidPrintBar()
          Prints counters and bar.
 virtual voidPrintCondition(Bool_t full)
          Prints counters and boolean members.
 virtual voidResetCounts()
          Clear counters
          Will reset label position to defaults
          This will save draw flags into static default setup
 voidSetChanged(Bool_t on)
 virtual voidSetCMaxDraw(Bool_t on)
 virtual voidSetCounts(Int_t truecounts, Int_t counts)
          Set counters
 virtual voidSetCurrentIndex(Int_t ix)
          set index for array type subclasses
 voidSetDimension(Int_t d)
 protected voidSetDrawPad(TVirtualPad* pad)
 virtual voidSetFlags(Bool_t enabled, Bool_t lastresult, Bool_t markreset, Bool_t result, Bool_t truevalue, Bool_t falsevalue)
          Sets values of external boolean flags to internal variables.
 voidSetHistogram(const char * name)
          Define the name of the associated histogram.
 voidSetHistogramLink(Bool_t on)
          Define if this condition has association with an analysis histogram
 virtual voidSetIntDraw(Bool_t on)
 virtual voidSetLabelDraw(Bool_t on)
 voidSetLast(Bool_t value)
          Can be used in Test to store the result.
 virtual voidSetLimitsDraw(Bool_t on)
 voidSetMultiEdit(Bool_t on)
 voidSetOwnedByEditor(Bool_t on)
 voidSetPadHistogram(TVirtualPad* pad)
          Set first histogram found in pad as working histogram.
 protected voidSetPainted(Bool_t on)
 virtual voidSetPainter(TGo4ConditionPainter* painter)
          Replace default painter of this condition by external one.
if different views of this condition shall exist for different TPads,
the painter (i.e. view) can be exchanged before pad is updated.
 voidSetUpdateEpsilon(Double_t val)
          Configure graphical update tolerance for this condition individually.
by default, update tolerance is set to static value fgdUPDATEEPSILON
 virtual voidSetValues()
          Set values needed, i.e. limits for windows or cuts for polygons
 virtual voidSetValues(Double_t low1, Double_t up1)
 virtual voidSetValues(Double_t low1, Double_t up1, Double_t low2, Double_t up2)
 virtual voidSetValues(TCutG* newcut)
 virtual voidSetValues(Double_t* x, Double_t* y, Int_t len)
 virtual voidSetVisible(Bool_t on)
          Set/Unset visibility.
 voidSetWorkHistogram(TH1* histo)
          Set reference to work histogram for statistics functions.
 virtual voidSetXMaxDraw(Bool_t on)
 virtual voidSetXMeanDraw(Bool_t on)
 virtual voidSetXRMSDraw(Bool_t on)
 virtual voidSetYMaxDraw(Bool_t on)
 virtual voidSetYMeanDraw(Bool_t on)
 virtual voidSetYRMSDraw(Bool_t on)
 virtual Bool_tTest()
          Test if condition is true.
 virtual Bool_tTest(Double_t x, Double_t y)
 virtual Bool_tTest(Double_t x)
 virtual Bool_tTest(Bool_t result)
 virtual Int_tTrueCounts()
          Return number of true results of the Test method call.
 virtual voidUnDraw(Option_t* opt)
          Erase view of this condition from the pad
 virtual Bool_tUpdateFrom(TGo4Condition* cond, Bool_t counts)
          Copy values from cond to this.

Methods inherited from class TAttFill
Copy, GetFillColor, GetFillStyle, IsTransparent, Modify, ResetAttFill, SaveFillAttributes, SetFillAttributes, SetFillColor, SetFillStyle, Class, Class_Name, Class_Version, Dictionary, IsA, ShowMembers, Streamer, StreamerNVirtual, DeclFileName, ImplFileLine, ImplFileName, DeclFileLine

Methods inherited from class TAttLine
Copy, DistancetoLine, GetLineColor, GetLineStyle, GetLineWidth, ResetAttLine, SaveLineAttributes, SetLineAttributes, SetLineColor, SetLineStyle, SetLineWidth

Methods inherited from class TNamed
operator=, Clone, Compare, Copy, FillBuffer, GetName, GetTitle, Hash, IsSortable, SetName, SetNameTitle, SetTitle, ls, Sizeof

Field Detail


private Bool_t fbCMaxDraw
If true, draw corresponding value as label on working pad


private Bool_t fbEnabled
Flag to enable/disable this condition. Disabled condition will
always return fbResult.
Counters are incremented even if disabled.
After instantiation, fbEnabled will be false and fbResult true.


private Bool_t fbFalse
These are inverted by Invert(true), and restored by Invert(false).


private Bool_t fbHistogramLink
is true if this condition has link to a histogram name


private Bool_t fbIntDraw
If true, draw corresponding value as label on working pad


private Bool_t fbIsChanged
Flag to indicate that condition has been changed from graphical view


private Bool_t fbIsPainted
Flag to prevent Paint() method to redraw condition views after UnDraw.
Problem with Paint() called from ROOT event loop.


private Bool_t fbLabelDraw
If true, draw corresponding value as label on working pad


private Bool_t fbLastResult
This can be used to store the last result by SetLast(bool).
It can then be retrieved by GetLast() without new testing.


private Bool_t fbLimitsDraw
If true, draw corresponding value as label on working pad


private Bool_t fbMarkReset


private Bool_t fbMultiEdit
Flag to indicate that properties of all conditions in array are edited/used.
for use in TGo4CondArray or other multi-condition implementations


private Bool_t fbOwnedByEditor
Flag to suppress interactive deletion of condition.


private Bool_t fbResult
If fbEnabled is false, return this as result.


private Bool_t fbStreamedCondition
This allows to treat conditions streamed into pad


private Bool_t fbTrue
These are inverted by Invert(true), and restored by Invert(false)


private Bool_t fbVisible
Property to store visibility of condition on display


private Bool_t fbXMaxDraw
If true, draw corresponding value as label on working pad


private Bool_t fbXMeanDraw
If true, draw corresponding value as label on working pad


private Bool_t fbXRMSDraw
If true, draw corresponding value as label on working pad


private Bool_t fbYMaxDraw
If true, draw corresponding value as label on working pad


private Bool_t fbYMeanDraw
If true, draw corresponding value as label on working pad


private Bool_t fbYRMSDraw
If true, draw corresponding value as label on working pad


private Double_t fdUpdateEpsilon
Precision for the check if graphical representation change requires update


public static Bool_t fgbCMAXDRAW
default setting for all conditions for label draw cmax flag.


public static Bool_t fgbINTDRAW
default setting for all conditions for label draw integral flag.


public static Bool_t fgbLABELDRAW
default setting for all conditions for label draw on/off flag.


public static Bool_t fgbLIMITSDRAW
default setting for all conditions for label draw limits flag.


public static Bool_t fgbXMAXDRAW
default setting for all conditions for label draw xmax flag.


public static Bool_t fgbXMEANDRAW
default setting for all conditions for label draw xmean flag.


public static Bool_t fgbXRMSDRAW
default setting for all conditions for label draw xrms flag.


public static Bool_t fgbYMAXDRAW
default setting for all conditions for label draw ymax flag.


public static Bool_t fgbYMEANDRAW
default setting for all conditions for label draw ymean flag.


public static Bool_t fgbYRMSDRAW
default setting for all conditions for label draw yrms flag.


public const static const Double_t fgdUPDATEEPSILON
default value for graphical update tolerance.


private Int_t fiCounts
Counts the number of calls of the Test method.


private Int_t fiDim
Dimension (1 or 2).


private Int_t fiTrueCounts
Counts the number of calls of the Test method with true result.


protected TH1* fxCutHis
temporary histogram used to calculate statistics on
polygon cuts. Will be recalculated only if boundaries
habe changed.


private TVirtualPad* fxDrawPad
Remember last pad used for Draw. Needed for condition editor to
prevent displaying condition on pad other than the working pad.


private TH1* fxHisto
Reference to currently used histogram (for statistics boxes). This
is _not_ necessarily the same histogram as specified in the linked histogram!


private TString fxHistoName
contains associatied histogram name


private TGo4Condition* fxNextCondition


protected TGo4ConditionPainter* fxPainter
Painter instance to display the condition in root pad. To
be used in Paint() which is called on TPad::Update automatically for
all TObjects appended to the pad.
Constructor Detail


public TGo4Condition()


public TGo4Condition(const char * name)


public TGo4Condition(const char * name, const char * title)
Method Detail


public virtual synchronized ~TGo4Condition()
Method Detail


public virtual void AddCondition(TGo4Condition* next)
Add another condition to this one. The newly added condition
is added as next condition and may be tested together with
the current condition. User may specify the logical connection
between the chained conditions (e.g. a locical "and",
"or", "xor" relationships are all possible). Depends on the
implementation of Test() method. The chained conditions are
_not_ owned by the top level condition and are not deleted
by dtor, thus one condition instance may be chained to
several others.


public Bool_t CheckWorkHistogram()
Test if work histogram is still exisiting.


public virtual void Clear(Option_t* opt)


public virtual Int_t Counts()
Return number of calls of the Test method.


public virtual TGo4ConditionPainter* CreatePainter()
Factory method to generate the subclass implentation for painter


public virtual void Disable(Bool_t result)
Freeze condition, on Test() return result.
This overwrites inverted result, but does not change it


public virtual void Draw(Option_t* opt)
Draw this condition on current pad


public virtual void Enable()
Enable (unfreeze) Test execution


public const Bool_t FixedResult()
Returns the value set by Disable(value).


public virtual TGo4Condition* GetActiveCondition()
To be overwritten for condition array. By default, it returns this.


public virtual Double_t GetCMax(TH1* histo)
Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.


public virtual Int_t GetCurrentIndex()
get index for array type subclasses


public virtual TCutG* GetCut(Bool_t owner)


public Int_t GetDimension()


public TVirtualPad* GetDrawPad()


public virtual void GetFlags(Bool_t* enabled, Bool_t* lastresult, Bool_t* markreset, Bool_t* result, Bool_t* truevalue, Bool_t* falsevalue)
Sets values of internal boolean flags to external variables.
Overwritten in TGo4CondArray.


public virtual Double_t GetIntegral(TH1* histo, Option_t* opt)
Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.
Option may specify "width" to scale channel sum with axes


public Bool_t GetLast()
Returns result of last Test.


public const const Text_t* GetLinkedHistogram()
Access name of the associated histogram.


public virtual Double_t GetMean(TH1* histo, Int_t axis)
Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.


public virtual Int_t GetNumberOfConditions()
for condition aggregates: return total number of conditions,
i.e.size of condition array


public virtual Double_t GetRMS(TH1* histo, Int_t axis)
Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.


public Double_t GetUpdateEpsilon()


public virtual void GetValues(Int_t& dim, Double_t& x1, Double_t& y1, Double_t& x2, Double_t& y2)


public TH1* GetWorkHistogram()
access work histogram reference


public virtual Double_t GetXLow()


public virtual Double_t GetXMax(TH1* histo)
Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.


public virtual Double_t GetXUp()


public virtual Double_t GetYLow()


public virtual Double_t GetYMax(TH1* histo)
Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.


public virtual Double_t GetYUp()


public void IncCounts()
Increment the test counter. User has to take care
that this method is called within his/her Test method.


public void IncTrueCounts()
Increment the "test was true" counter. User has to take care
that this method is called within his/her Test method on success.


public void InitLabelStyle()
Initialize label setup from static default variables


public virtual void Invert(Bool_t on)
Inverts return values, when on is true, i.e. isTrue() will return false,
and isFalse() will return true. Whn on is false, inversion is reset.


public virtual Bool_t IsArrayType()


public virtual Bool_t IsChanged()


public virtual Bool_t IsCMaxDraw()


public Int_t IsEnabled()
Returns true if condition is enabled


public const Bool_t IsFalse()
Use this as return, if test was false. Takes into account inversion, i.e.
when condition is inverted, IsFalse returns true.


public Bool_t IsHistogramLink()
True if the histogram of given name is linked to this


public virtual Bool_t IsIntDraw()


public virtual Bool_t IsLabelDraw()


public virtual Bool_t IsLimitsDraw()


public virtual Bool_t IsMultiEdit()


public Bool_t IsOwnedByEditor()


protected const Bool_t IsPainted()


public virtual Bool_t IsPolygonType()


public const Bool_t IsTrue()
Use this as return, if test was true. Takes into account inversion, i.e.
when condition is inverted, IsTrue returns false.


public virtual Bool_t IsVisible()
Visibility property for gui display in editor


public virtual Bool_t IsXMaxDraw()


public virtual Bool_t IsXMeanDraw()


public virtual Bool_t IsXRMSDraw()


public virtual Bool_t IsYMaxDraw()


public virtual Bool_t IsYMeanDraw()


public virtual Bool_t IsYRMSDraw()


public virtual void MarkReset(Bool_t on)
defines if condition counters shall be reset in UpdateFrom method


public virtual void Paint(Option_t* opt)
Display condition with plain root canvas and in go4 viewpanel


public virtual const void Print(Option_t* opt)
Default printout for root object lists


public virtual void PrintBar()
Prints counters and bar.


public virtual void PrintCondition(Bool_t full)
Prints counters and boolean members.


public virtual void ResetCounts()
Clear counters


public void ResetLabel()
Will reset label position to defaults


public void SaveLabelStyle()
This will save draw flags into static default setup


public void SetChanged(Bool_t on)


public virtual void SetCMaxDraw(Bool_t on)


public virtual void SetCounts(Int_t truecounts, Int_t counts)
Set counters


public virtual void SetCurrentIndex(Int_t ix)
set index for array type subclasses


public void SetDimension(Int_t d)


protected void SetDrawPad(TVirtualPad* pad)


public virtual void SetFlags(Bool_t enabled, Bool_t lastresult, Bool_t markreset, Bool_t result, Bool_t truevalue, Bool_t falsevalue)
Sets values of external boolean flags to internal variables.
Overwritten in TGo4CondArray.


public void SetHistogram(const char * name)
Define the name of the associated histogram.


public void SetHistogramLink(Bool_t on)
Define if this condition has association with an analysis histogram


public virtual void SetIntDraw(Bool_t on)


public virtual void SetLabelDraw(Bool_t on)


public void SetLast(Bool_t value)
Can be used in Test to store the result. Is retrieved by GetLast()
without further test.


public virtual void SetLimitsDraw(Bool_t on)


public void SetMultiEdit(Bool_t on)


public void SetOwnedByEditor(Bool_t on)


public void SetPadHistogram(TVirtualPad* pad)
Set first histogram found in pad as working histogram.
For standalone conditions outside go4 viewpanel.


protected void SetPainted(Bool_t on)


public virtual void SetPainter(TGo4ConditionPainter* painter)
Replace default painter of this condition by external one.
if different views of this condition shall exist for different TPads,
the painter (i.e. view) can be exchanged before pad is updated.


public void SetUpdateEpsilon(Double_t val)
Configure graphical update tolerance for this condition individually.
by default, update tolerance is set to static value fgdUPDATEEPSILON


public virtual void SetValues()
Set values needed, i.e. limits for windows or cuts for polygons


public virtual void SetValues(Double_t low1, Double_t up1)


public virtual void SetValues(Double_t low1, Double_t up1, Double_t low2, Double_t up2)


public virtual void SetValues(TCutG* newcut)


public virtual void SetValues(Double_t* x, Double_t* y, Int_t len)


public virtual void SetVisible(Bool_t on)
Set/Unset visibility. Overloaded for subclasses!


public void SetWorkHistogram(TH1* histo)
Set reference to work histogram for statistics functions. Note
that this method does not change the histogram link definitions!


public virtual void SetXMaxDraw(Bool_t on)


public virtual void SetXMeanDraw(Bool_t on)


public virtual void SetXRMSDraw(Bool_t on)


public virtual void SetYMaxDraw(Bool_t on)


public virtual void SetYMeanDraw(Bool_t on)


public virtual void SetYRMSDraw(Bool_t on)


public virtual Bool_t Test()
Test if condition is true. Result is returned, the internal counters are
set appropriately. Should return fbResult if condition is not enabled.
the default is increment test counter and return true.


public virtual Bool_t Test(Double_t x, Double_t y)


public virtual Bool_t Test(Double_t x)


public virtual Bool_t Test(Bool_t result)


public virtual Int_t TrueCounts()
Return number of true results of the Test method call.


public virtual void UnDraw(Option_t* opt)
Erase view of this condition from the pad


public virtual Bool_t UpdateFrom(TGo4Condition* cond, Bool_t counts)
Copy values from cond to this. When counts is true, copy also counters.

Association Links

to Class TGo4ConditionPainter

Painter instance to display the condition in root pad. To
be used in Paint() which is called on TPad::Update automatically for
all TObjects appended to the pad.

to Class TH1

temporary histogram used to calculate statistics on
polygon cuts. Will be recalculated only if boundaries
habe changed.

to Class TGo4Condition

to Class TH1

Reference to currently used histogram (for statistics boxes). This
is _not_ necessarily the same histogram as specified in the linked histogram!

J.Adamczewski, M.Al-Turany, D.Bertini, H.G.Essel, S.Linev
