v2.10-0 (21000JUN2005)

Class TGo4FitSlotList

Direct Known Subclasses:
TGo4FitComponent, TGo4FitterAbstract

class TGo4FitSlotList

Field Summary
 protected Bool_tfbUpdateSlotList
 protected TObjArray*fxSlotList

Constructor Summary

Destructor Summary
 virtual synchronized ~TGo4FitSlotList()

Method Summary
 protected voidCheckDuplicatesOnSlot()
          Resolve situation, when same object assigned to several slots with ownership flag.
 Bool_tCheckObjects(Bool_t MakeOut)
          Check, if all necessary objects are provided.
 voidClearObjects(const char * PlaceName, Bool_t NonOwned)
          Clear object from slot(s), which are defined by PlaceName condition.
 voidClearSlot(TGo4FitSlot* slot, Bool_t NonOwned)
          Clear object in specified slot.
 Bool_tConnectSlots(TGo4FitSlot* slot1, TGo4FitSlot* slot2)
          Connects first slot to second.
 Bool_tConnectSlots(const char * Slot1FullName, const char * Slot2FullName)
          Connects first slot to second.
 virtual voidFillSlotList(TSeqCollection* lst)
          Fill list of TGo4FitSlot objects to provided collection.
 TGo4FitSlot*FindSlot(const char * FullSlotName)
          Find slot in list with given full name;
 TGo4FitSlot*GetSlot(Int_t nslot)
          Returns slots from list with specified index
 const const TObjArray*GetSlotList(Bool_t ForceUpdate)
          Return pointer in TObjArray with list of all slots in list.
          Return kTRUE, if there are empty slots in list.
 TGo4FitSlot*IsObjectInSlots(TObject* obj)
          Checks, if object assign to one of slots.
          Returns number of slots in list.
 protected voidPrepareSlotsForWriting()
 TGo4FitSlot*SetObject(TObject* obj, Bool_t iOwned)
          Set object to first suitable slot with defined ownership flag.
 TGo4FitSlot*SetObject(const char * PlaceName, TObject* obj, Bool_t iOwned)
          Set object to first suitable slot, which have PlaceName name or owner of which
has PlaceName full name with defined ownership flag.
 voidSetSaveFlagForObjects(Int_t iSaveFlag, const char * PlaceName)
          Set save flag for object(s), assigned to fitter.
          Update internal list of slots (if exists).

Field Detail


protected Bool_t fbUpdateSlotList


protected TObjArray* fxSlotList
Constructor Detail


public TGo4FitSlotList()
Method Detail


public virtual synchronized ~TGo4FitSlotList()
Method Detail


protected void CheckDuplicatesOnSlot()
Resolve situation, when same object assigned to several slots with ownership flag.


public Bool_t CheckObjects(Bool_t MakeOut)
Check, if all necessary objects are provided.


public void ClearObjects(const char * PlaceName, Bool_t NonOwned)
Clear object from slot(s), which are defined by PlaceName condition.
If PlaceName==0, all slots will be clead.
If NonOwned = kTRUE, only not owned objects will be cleared (pointer will be set to 0)
otherwise all pointers will be cleared and owned objects will be deleted


public void ClearSlot(TGo4FitSlot* slot, Bool_t NonOwned)
Clear object in specified slot.
Checks, if same object is assign to another slot.
Used by ClearObjects() method.


public Bool_t ConnectSlots(TGo4FitSlot* slot1, TGo4FitSlot* slot2)
Connects first slot to second.
Return kFALSE, if failed


public Bool_t ConnectSlots(const char * Slot1FullName, const char * Slot2FullName)
Connects first slot to second.
Return kFALSE, if failed


public virtual void FillSlotList(TSeqCollection* lst)
Fill list of TGo4FitSlot objects to provided collection.
This function should be implemented in every derived object, which would provide slots for outside.


public TGo4FitSlot* FindSlot(const char * FullSlotName)
Find slot in list with given full name;


public TGo4FitSlot* GetSlot(Int_t nslot)
Returns slots from list with specified index


public const const TObjArray* GetSlotList(Bool_t ForceUpdate)
Return pointer in TObjArray with list of all slots in list.
This list should be permanenetly updated in inherited class by SetUpdateSlotList()
method to keep list of slots actual.


public Bool_t IsEmptySlots()
Return kTRUE, if there are empty slots in list.


public TGo4FitSlot* IsObjectInSlots(TObject* obj)
Checks, if object assign to one of slots.
Return pointer on slot, to which object is assigned, otherwise 0.


public Int_t NumSlots()
Returns number of slots in list.


protected void PrepareSlotsForWriting()


public TGo4FitSlot* SetObject(TObject* obj, Bool_t iOwned)
Set object to first suitable slot with defined ownership flag.
Slot must be empty
Return pointer on slot, to which object was assigned


public TGo4FitSlot* SetObject(const char * PlaceName, TObject* obj, Bool_t iOwned)
Set object to first suitable slot, which have PlaceName name or owner of which
has PlaceName full name with defined ownership flag.
If PlaceName==0, SetObject(TObject*, Bool_t) method will be called.
If only slot suits to defined condition, object in slot will be overwritten.
Return pointer on slot, to which object was assigned


public void SetSaveFlagForObjects(Int_t iSaveFlag, const char * PlaceName)
Set save flag for object(s), assigned to fitter.
If save flag set to 0, object(s) wil be saved, if it owned by slot.
If save flag set to 1, object(s) will be saved in any case.
If save flag set to 2, object(s) will never be saved.
PlaceName define exact slot name or owner name
if (PlaceName==0), flag will be set for all slots in list.


public void SetUpdateSlotList()
Update internal list of slots (if exists).

Association Links

to Class TObjArray

J.Adamczewski, M.Al-Turany, D.Bertini, H.G.Essel, S.Linev
