v2.10-0 (21000JUN2005)

Package Go4Fit

Class Diagram Summary

Class Summary
TGo4FitAmplEstimationAmplitude estimation action
In additional to general minimization routine very useful amplitude estimation algorithm can be used.
TGo4FitAssignmentInternal class, used for assignment of model component to data
TGo4FitAxisTransBase class for axis transformation objects
TGo4FitComponentBasic absrtact class, combining common properties of data and model.
TGo4FitDataBasic abtract class for representing data, which should be fitted.
TGo4FitDataGraphData object, which provides access to TGraph and TGraphErrors ROOT objects.

TGo4FitDataHistogramData objects, which provides access to generic TH1 ROOT histogram.

TGo4FitDataIterIterator calss for data object.
TGo4FitDataProfileData object, which provides access to TProfile ROOT class.

TGo4FitDataRidgeSpecial object to approxiamte ridges on multi-dimensional histograms.

TGo4FitDependencyObject, used to store dependency of one parameter from other, calculated via expression.
TGo4FitLinearTransThe linear transfromation of selected data axis.

TGo4FitMatrixTransMatrix transfromation of scale values.

TGo4FitMinuitMinuit minimization action
Now only TGo4FitMinuit class, provided general minimization routine, is available.
TGo4FitMinuitResultResult values, taken from Minuit object.
TGo4FitModelBasic abstract class for represnting model components of fitted data.
TGo4FitModelFormulaModel object, which uses ROOT TFormula class facility.

TGo4FitModelFromDataModel object, which is uses TGo4FitData object to produce model bins.

TGo4FitModelFunctionModel objects, which uses external user function to calculate model values.

TGo4FitModelGauss1One dimensional gaussian peak.

TGo4FitModelGauss2Two dimensional gaussian peak.

TGo4FitModelGaussNN-dimensional gaussian peak.

TGo4FitModelPolynomModel objects, which reproduce component of polynomial function.

TGo4FitNamedExtension of ROOT TNamed class.
TGo4FitParameterModel and data objects parameter.
TGo4FitParsListList of TGo4FitParameter objects.
TGo4FitPeakFinderOutput action
To add some output to actions, TGo4FitterOutput action class should be used.
TGo4FitSlotObject for managing pointers on specific objects.
TGo4FitterCentral class of Go4Fit package.
TGo4FitterAbstractAbstract fitter class.
TGo4FitterActionBasic class for objects, which performs actions on fitter.
TGo4FitterConfigFitter configuration action
By default all fitter parameters are used in optimization as independent from each other.
TGo4FitterOutputOutput action
To add some output to actions, TGo4FitterOutput action class should be used.

J.Adamczewski, M.Al-Turany, D.Bertini, H.G.Essel, S.Linev
