v2.10-0 (21000JUN2005)

Class TGo4FitterConfig

class TGo4FitterConfig
derived from TGo4FitterAction

Fitter configuration action
By default all fitter parameters are used in optimization as independent from each other. But there are a lot of situation, then one would like to introduce some kind of dependency between parameters. For instance, two lines have constant difference in positions. In other cases some of the parameter properties should be redefined without touching parameter object itself. For such a cases configuration class TGo4FitterConfig was introduced. There are several routines of TGo4FitterConfig class, which provide useful fitter configurations:
SetParFixed() - fix value of given parameter;
SetParRange() - fix range for given parameter;
SetParEpsilon() - set initial error for given parameter.
SetParInit() - set initial value for parameter (can be double value or expression);
SetParDepend() - set dependency of given parameter via expression;
AddParNew() - create new parameter, which can be used in expressions.
Several configuration objects can be added to actions list. It may be useful, if several minimization routines are used. Then before each minimization action new configuration can be applied.

Field Summary
 protected Bool_tfbFixedByDefault
          Determine, if all parameters should be fixed by default.
 protected TGo4FitParsListfxParsCfg
          List of parameters objects, used for alternative configuration of parameters, which should be fitted.
 protected TObjArrayfxParsDepend
          Array of dependencies (TGo4FitDependency) for introducing dependency between fitted parameters.
 protected TObjArrayfxParsInit
          Array of dependencies for parameters initialization.
 protected TGo4FitParsListfxParsNew
          List of parameters object, which can be used in dependency calculations and minimization.
 protected TObjArrayfxResults
          Array of TGo4FitDependency objects, which repersent equations to calculate result values in fitter.

Fields inherited from class TNamed
fName, fTitle

Constructor Summary
          Default constructor.
TGo4FitterConfig(const char * iName, const char * iTitle)
          Creates TGo4FiierConfig object with given name and Title.

Destructor Summary
 virtual synchronized ~TGo4FitterConfig()
          Destroys TGo4FitterConfig object.

Method Summary
 voidAddParNew(const char * ParName, Double_t iValue)
          Add new parameter with given name and initial value.
 voidAddResult(const char * Expression)
          Add expression for calculating result value.
 voidAddResult(Double_t Value)
          Add constant value as result value.
 virtual voidDoAction(TGo4FitterAbstract* Fitter)
          Do configuration action.
 protected TGo4FitDependency*FindDepen(const char * FullName, TObjArray* list)
 virtual Bool_tGetParEpsilon(const char * ParName, Double_t& Epsilon)
          Return kTRUE, if parameter ParName has explicit configuration for epsilon value in minimization.
 virtual Bool_tGetParFixed(const char * ParName)
          Return kTRUE, if parameter ParName should be fixed in minimization.
 virtual Bool_tGetParRange(const char * ParName, Double_t& RangeMin, Double_t& RangeMax)
          Return kTRUE, if parameter ParName has explicit configuration for valid range in minimization.
          Get list of TGo4FitParameter objects, used as explicit configuration for minimizing.
          Returns list of TGo4FitDependency objects, used for dependencies calculations.
          Returns list of TGo4FitDependency objects, used for parameters initialization.
          Get list of TGo4FitParameter objects, which can be used in minimization and dependency calculations.
          Returns list of TGo4FitDependency objects, used for calculating result values for fitter.
 protected TGo4FitParameter*MakeParForProperties(const char * ParName)
 virtual const voidPrint(Option_t* option)
          Print information on standard output.
 voidSetParDepend(const char * FullName, const char * iExpression)
          Set dependency expression for parameter.
 virtual Bool_tSetParEpsilon(const char * ParName, Double_t Epsilon)
          Sets epsilon for parameter ParName.
 virtual Bool_tSetParFixed(const char * ParName, Bool_t iFixed)
          Sets, that parameter with ParName should be fixed or not.
 voidSetParInit(const char * FullName, Double_t iValue)
          Set initial value for parameter.
 voidSetParInit(const char * FullName, const char * iExpression)
          Set initial value for parameter, calculated from expression.
 virtual Bool_tSetParRange(const char * ParName, Double_t RangeMin, Double_t RangeMax)
          Sets valid range for parameter ParName.

Methods inherited from class Go4Fit.TGo4FitterAction
CanChangeFitter, NeedBuffers

Methods inherited from class Go4Fit.TGo4FitNamed
GetFullName, GetOwner, GetOwnerFullName, SetOwner

Methods inherited from class TNamed
operator=, Clear, Clone, Compare, Copy, FillBuffer, GetName, GetTitle, Hash, IsSortable, SetName, SetNameTitle, SetTitle, ls, Sizeof, Class, Class_Name, Class_Version, Dictionary, IsA, ShowMembers, Streamer, StreamerNVirtual, DeclFileName, ImplFileLine, ImplFileName, DeclFileLine

Field Detail


protected Bool_t fbFixedByDefault
Determine, if all parameters should be fixed by default.


protected TGo4FitParsList fxParsCfg
List of parameters objects, used for alternative configuration of parameters, which should be fitted.


protected TObjArray fxParsDepend
Array of dependencies (TGo4FitDependency) for introducing dependency between fitted parameters.


protected TObjArray fxParsInit
Array of dependencies for parameters initialization.


protected TGo4FitParsList fxParsNew
List of parameters object, which can be used in dependency calculations and minimization.


protected TObjArray fxResults
Array of TGo4FitDependency objects, which repersent equations to calculate result values in fitter.
Constructor Detail


public TGo4FitterConfig()
Default constructor.


public TGo4FitterConfig(const char * iName, const char * iTitle)
Creates TGo4FiierConfig object with given name and Title.
Method Detail


public virtual synchronized ~TGo4FitterConfig()
Destroys TGo4FitterConfig object.
Method Detail


public void AddParNew(const char * ParName, Double_t iValue)
Add new parameter with given name and initial value.
This parameter can be used later in dependency calculations in minimizations.


public void AddResult(const char * Expression)
Add expression for calculating result value.


public void AddResult(Double_t Value)
Add constant value as result value.


public virtual void DoAction(TGo4FitterAbstract* Fitter)
Do configuration action.
Calls TGoFitterAbstract::ApplyConfig(this) method.


protected TGo4FitDependency* FindDepen(const char * FullName, TObjArray* list)


public virtual Bool_t GetParEpsilon(const char * ParName, Double_t& Epsilon)
Return kTRUE, if parameter ParName has explicit configuration for epsilon value in minimization.
ParName may be standard or full name of parameter.


public virtual Bool_t GetParFixed(const char * ParName)
Return kTRUE, if parameter ParName should be fixed in minimization.
ParName may be standard or full name of parameter.


public virtual Bool_t GetParRange(const char * ParName, Double_t& RangeMin, Double_t& RangeMax)
Return kTRUE, if parameter ParName has explicit configuration for valid range in minimization.
ParName may be standard or full name of parameter.


public TGo4FitParsList& GetParsCfg()
Get list of TGo4FitParameter objects, used as explicit configuration for minimizing.


public TObjArray& GetParsDepend()
Returns list of TGo4FitDependency objects, used for dependencies calculations.


public TObjArray& GetParsInit()
Returns list of TGo4FitDependency objects, used for parameters initialization.


public TGo4FitParsList& GetParsNew()
Get list of TGo4FitParameter objects, which can be used in minimization and dependency calculations.


public TObjArray& GetResults()
Returns list of TGo4FitDependency objects, used for calculating result values for fitter.


protected TGo4FitParameter* MakeParForProperties(const char * ParName)


public virtual const void Print(Option_t* option)
Print information on standard output.


public void SetParDepend(const char * FullName, const char * iExpression)
Set dependency expression for parameter.
Expression may use fitter parameters like
Dependency expression calculated every time before fit function calculations.
FullName should be full name of parameter.


public virtual Bool_t SetParEpsilon(const char * ParName, Double_t Epsilon)
Sets epsilon for parameter ParName.
ParName may be standard or full name of parameter.


public virtual Bool_t SetParFixed(const char * ParName, Bool_t iFixed)
Sets, that parameter with ParName should be fixed or not.
ParName may be standard or full name of parameter.


public void SetParInit(const char * FullName, Double_t iValue)
Set initial value for parameter.
Init value sets to parameter once when configuration activating.
FullName should be full name of parameter.


public void SetParInit(const char * FullName, const char * iExpression)
Set initial value for parameter, calculated from expression.
Expression may use fitter parameters like
Initializing expression calculated once when config activated.
FullName should be full name of parameter.


public virtual Bool_t SetParRange(const char * ParName, Double_t RangeMin, Double_t RangeMax)
Sets valid range for parameter ParName.
ParName may be standard or full name of parameter.

Association Links

to Class TGo4FitParsList

List of parameters objects, used for alternative configuration of parameters, which should be fitted.

to Class TGo4FitParsList

List of parameters object, which can be used in dependency calculations and minimization.

to Class TObjArray

Array of dependencies for parameters initialization.

to Class TObjArray

Array of dependencies (TGo4FitDependency) for introducing dependency between fitted parameters.

to Class TObjArray

Array of TGo4FitDependency objects, which repersent equations to calculate result values in fitter.

to Class TGo4FitDependency

Label for pars dependency
Supplier Cardinality 0..*
Type aggregation

to Class TGo4FitDependency

Label for pars init
Supplier Cardinality 0..*
Type aggregation

to Class TGo4FitParsList

Supplier Cardinality 0..*
Type aggregation

J.Adamczewski, M.Al-Turany, D.Bertini, H.G.Essel, S.Linev
