v2.10-0 (21000JUN2005)

Uses of Class

Packages that use TGo4FitComponent

Uses of TGo4FitComponent in Go4Fit

Subclasses of TGo4FitComponent in Go4Fit
class TGo4FitData
          Basic abtract class for representing data, which should be fitted.
class TGo4FitModel
          Basic abstract class for represnting model components of fitted data.

Methods in Go4Fit that return TGo4FitComponent
TGo4FitComponent*TGo4Fitter.GetComp(Int_t n)
          Return TGo4FitComponent object with given index.

Methods in Go4Fit with parameters of type TGo4FitComponent
voidTGo4FitData.ApplyRangesForModelMask(TGo4FitComponent* model, Char_t* ModelMask)
          Exclude points from model according model range conditions.
private voidTGo4Fitter.CheckSlotsBeforeDelete(TGo4FitComponent* comp)

Uses of TGo4FitComponent in Go4FitGUI

Fields in Go4FitGUI declared as TGo4FitComponent
private TGo4FitComponent*TGo4FitGUIArrow.fxComp

Methods in Go4FitGUI that return TGo4FitComponent

Methods in Go4FitGUI with parameters of type TGo4FitComponent
voidTGo4FitGUIArrow.SetForRange(TGo4FitComponent* Comp, Int_t num, Double_t rangey, Double_t shiftx)
private voidTGo4FitPanelSlots.PaintRange(TGo4FitComponent* comp, int nrange, TGo4FitSlotStatus* sstatus, QFitItem* item)

J.Adamczewski, M.Al-Turany, D.Bertini, H.G.Essel, S.Linev
