v2.10-0 (21000JUN2005)

Class TGo4MbsHist

class TGo4MbsHist
derived from TObject

Object container for the mbs
histogram buffer structure.

Field Summary
 const static const Int_tfgiLISTLEN
          Default buffer length for list of histograms
 private Int_t*fiBuffer
 private Int_tfiBufLen
 private Int_tfiHisNum
          Number of histogram headers (1 in case of single his)
 private s_his_head*fxCursor
 private s_his_headfxHistoHead

Constructor Summary
TGo4MbsHist(TH1* histo)
          Create queue object from a single histogram
in this case, histogram header will fill s_his_head,
and data is copied to fiBuffer
TGo4MbsHist(TFolder* histofolder, const Text_t* filter)
          Create queue object with header information from a folder of histograms.
headers of histograms will be put into fiBuffer, the s_his_head is empty.

Destructor Summary
 virtual synchronized ~TGo4MbsHist()

Method Summary
 const Int_tGetBufLen()
 const Int_tGetHisNum()
 private voidPrepareHeader(TH1* source, const char * path, s_his_head* target)
          extract header information from histogram to mbs header structur
 private voidScanGo4Folder(TFolder* fold, const char * superfolders, const Text_t* filter)
          Scan go4 folders containing histograms and subfolders of histograms
header information is exctracted to buffer. filter may be applied
 private voidSetValue(char * address, Stat_t value)
          set value to adress in histogram buffer.

Field Detail


public const static const Int_t fgiLISTLEN
Default buffer length for list of histograms


private Int_t* fiBuffer


private Int_t fiBufLen


private Int_t fiHisNum
Number of histogram headers (1 in case of single his)


private s_his_head* fxCursor


private s_his_head fxHistoHead
Constructor Detail


public TGo4MbsHist()


public TGo4MbsHist(TH1* histo)
Create queue object from a single histogram
in this case, histogram header will fill s_his_head,
and data is copied to fiBuffer


public TGo4MbsHist(TFolder* histofolder, const Text_t* filter)
Create queue object with header information from a folder of histograms.
headers of histograms will be put into fiBuffer, the s_his_head is empty.
String filter gives expression to filter out histograms by name.
Method Detail


public virtual synchronized ~TGo4MbsHist()
Method Detail


public Int_t* GetBuffer()


public const Int_t GetBufLen()


public s_his_head* GetHead()


public const Int_t GetHisNum()


private void PrepareHeader(TH1* source, const char * path, s_his_head* target)
extract header information from histogram to mbs header structur


private void ScanGo4Folder(TFolder* fold, const char * superfolders, const Text_t* filter)
Scan go4 folders containing histograms and subfolders of histograms
header information is exctracted to buffer. filter may be applied


private void SetValue(char * address, Stat_t value)
set value to adress in histogram buffer. Check
histogram format in header for correct cast to int or float

Association Links

to Class s_his_head

to Class s_his_head

J.Adamczewski, M.Al-Turany, D.Bertini, H.G.Essel, S.Linev
