v2.10-0 (21000JUN2005)

Class TGo4AnalysisStepStatus

class TGo4AnalysisStepStatus
derived from TGo4Status

Status object of one analysis step. Will be
aggregated in analysis status.

Since: 1/2001

Field Summary
 private Int_tfbErrorStopEnabled
          Operation mode switch.
 private Int_tfbErrorStopped
          True if the analysis step has been stopped
after input error.
 private Int_tfbProcessEnabled
          Enables processing of the input event.
 private Int_tfbSourceEnabled
          Enables event source.If true,
the event source is used to get the input event; otherwise
we use the output of the previous step.
 private Int_tfbStoreEnabled
          Enables event store.
 private Int_tfiProcessStatus
          Contains current analysis step status value.
 private TGo4EventProcessorParameter*fxProcessorType
          Parameter object of next event processor to be activated.
 private TGo4EventSourceParameter*fxSourceType
          Parameter object of next event source to be activated.
 private TGo4EventStoreParameter*fxStoreType
          Parameter object of next event storage to be activated.

Fields inherited from class TNamed
fName, fTitle

Constructor Summary
          default ctor for streamer.
TGo4AnalysisStepStatus(const char * name)

Destructor Summary
 virtual synchronized ~TGo4AnalysisStepStatus()

Method Summary
 const TGo4EventProcessorParameter*GetProcessorPar()
          Returns the event processor parameter which was
put into this status object.
 const Int_tGetProcessStatus()
          Returns status value of processor.
 const TGo4EventSourceParameter*GetSourcePar()
          Returns the event source parameter which was
put into this status object.
 const TGo4EventStoreParameter*GetStorePar()
          Returns the event store parameter which was
put into this status object.
 const Int_tIsErrorStopEnabled()
          True if analysis step shall stop on error.
 const Int_tIsErrorStopped()
          True if analysis step has been stopped on error.
 const Int_tIsProcessEnabled()
 const Int_tIsSourceEnabled()
 const Int_tIsStoreEnabled()
 virtual Int_tPrintStatus(Text_t* buffer, Int_t buflen)
          basic method to printout status information
on stdout; to be overridden by specific subclass
 voidSetErrorStopEnabled(Bool_t on)
          Enables or disables the stop-on-error mode.
 voidSetErrorStopped(Bool_t on)
          Enables or disables the stop-on-error mode.
 voidSetProcessEnabled(Bool_t on)
          Enables or disables the event processing.
 voidSetProcessorPar(TGo4EventProcessorParameter* kind)
          Sets the event processor parameter
which is used on intitialization of this step.
 voidSetProcessStatus(Int_t val)
          Sets status value of processor, user defined.
 voidSetSourceEnabled(Bool_t on)
          Enables or disables the event source.
 voidSetSourcePar(TGo4EventSourceParameter* kind)
          Sets the event source parameter which is used on intitialization
of this step.
 voidSetStoreEnabled(Bool_t on)
          Enables or disables the event store.
 voidSetStorePar(TGo4EventStoreParameter* kind)
          Sets the event store parameter which is used on intitialization
of this step.

Methods inherited from class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Status
Print, PrintBuffer, PrintIndent

Methods inherited from class TNamed
operator=, Clear, Clone, Compare, Copy, FillBuffer, GetName, GetTitle, Hash, IsSortable, SetName, SetNameTitle, SetTitle, ls, Sizeof, Class, Class_Name, Class_Version, Dictionary, IsA, ShowMembers, Streamer, StreamerNVirtual, DeclFileName, ImplFileLine, ImplFileName, DeclFileLine

Field Detail


private Int_t fbErrorStopEnabled
Operation mode switch. If true, the analysis
step process method will stop the analysis
if the event source returns an error code.
Otherwise, the event source may be reset then
and the analysis continues from start.


private Int_t fbErrorStopped
True if the analysis step has been stopped
after input error.


private Int_t fbProcessEnabled
Enables processing of the input event. If true,
Process method produces an output event from the input; otherwise
we do not fill the output. Useful if event source of this step shall be
used to pass the input event to another analysis step. If process is
disabled, also the eventstore is disabled.


private Int_t fbSourceEnabled
Enables event source.If true,
the event source is used to get the input event; otherwise
we use the output of the previous step.


private Int_t fbStoreEnabled
Enables event store. If true,
the event store is used as output; otherwise
we pass the output to the next step.


private Int_t fiProcessStatus
Contains current analysis step status value. To be checked by framework after Process().


private TGo4EventProcessorParameter* fxProcessorType
Parameter object of next event processor to be activated. Is used by
eventfactory as parameter for factory method. Meaning
is defined in actual user event factory.
link aggregation


private TGo4EventSourceParameter* fxSourceType
Parameter object of next event source to be activated. Is used by
eventfactory as parameter for factory method. Meaning
is defined in actual user event factory.
link aggregation


private TGo4EventStoreParameter* fxStoreType
Parameter object of next event storage to be activated. Is used by
eventfactory as parameter for factory method. Meaning
is defined in actual user event factory.
link aggregation
Constructor Detail


public TGo4AnalysisStepStatus()
default ctor for streamer.


public TGo4AnalysisStepStatus(const char * name)
Method Detail


public virtual synchronized ~TGo4AnalysisStepStatus()
Method Detail


public const TGo4EventProcessorParameter* GetProcessorPar()
Returns the event processor parameter which was
put into this status object.


public const Int_t GetProcessStatus()
Returns status value of processor. Meaning
of value may be user defined.


public const TGo4EventSourceParameter* GetSourcePar()
Returns the event source parameter which was
put into this status object.


public const TGo4EventStoreParameter* GetStorePar()
Returns the event store parameter which was
put into this status object.


public const Int_t IsErrorStopEnabled()
True if analysis step shall stop on error.


public const Int_t IsErrorStopped()
True if analysis step has been stopped on error.


public const Int_t IsProcessEnabled()


public const Int_t IsSourceEnabled()


public const Int_t IsStoreEnabled()


public virtual Int_t PrintStatus(Text_t* buffer, Int_t buflen)
basic method to printout status information
on stdout; to be overridden by specific subclass


public void SetErrorStopEnabled(Bool_t on)
Enables or disables the stop-on-error mode.


public void SetErrorStopped(Bool_t on)
Enables or disables the stop-on-error mode.


public void SetProcessEnabled(Bool_t on)
Enables or disables the event processing.


public void SetProcessorPar(TGo4EventProcessorParameter* kind)
Sets the event processor parameter
which is used on intitialization of this step.


public void SetProcessStatus(Int_t val)
Sets status value of processor, user defined.


public void SetSourceEnabled(Bool_t on)
Enables or disables the event source.


public void SetSourcePar(TGo4EventSourceParameter* kind)
Sets the event source parameter which is used on intitialization
of this step.


public void SetStoreEnabled(Bool_t on)
Enables or disables the event store.


public void SetStorePar(TGo4EventStoreParameter* kind)
Sets the event store parameter which is used on intitialization
of this step.

Association Links

to Class TGo4EventSourceParameter

Parameter object of next event source to be activated. Is used by
eventfactory as parameter for factory method. Meaning
is defined in actual user event factory.

Type aggregation

to Class TGo4EventStoreParameter

Parameter object of next event storage to be activated. Is used by
eventfactory as parameter for factory method. Meaning
is defined in actual user event factory.

Type aggregation

to Class TGo4EventProcessorParameter

Parameter object of next event processor to be activated. Is used by
eventfactory as parameter for factory method. Meaning
is defined in actual user event factory.

Type aggregation

J.Adamczewski, M.Al-Turany, D.Bertini, H.G.Essel, S.Linev
