v2.10-0 (21000JUN2005)

Package Go4StatusAnalysis

Class Diagram Summary

Class Summary
TGo4AnalysisObjectNamesContains the name (key) list of all objects in the analysis scope.
TGo4AnalysisStatusStatus of the analysis instance.
TGo4AnalysisStepStatusStatus object of one analysis step.
TGo4CanvasStatusStatus object for TCanvas.
TGo4ConditionStatusStatus object for an analysis conditon.
TGo4EventProcStatusStatus object for an eventprocessor class.
TGo4EventSourceStatusStatus object for an eventsource class.
TGo4EventStatusStatus object for an eventclass.
TGo4EventStoreStatusStatus object for an eventstore class.
TGo4FitterEnvelopeThis class is a container for one fitter to
be send between gui and analysis and back.
TGo4HistogramStatusRuntime status of a histogram object.
TGo4ParameterStatusStatus object for an analysis parameter.
TGo4PictureStatusStatus object for picture object.
TGo4TreeStructureContains the branchelement structure of a certain TTree on the
analysis side.

J.Adamczewski, M.Al-Turany, D.Bertini, H.G.Essel, S.Linev
