Address: | Dr. Jochen Schwiening |
| GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH
| Planckstr. 1
| 64291 Darmstadt, Germany
Office: | Heckbüro 1.002
| Phone: +49 6159 71 1705
| Fax: +49 6159 71 3762
e-Mail: | |
Princial Responsibilities
Senior physicist at GSI,
head of PANDA Detectors department,
project leader PANDA barrel DIRC detector.
Diplom-Physiker, Physics, Bonn University, Germany, 1991;
Dr. rer. nat., Physics, Bonn University, Germany, 1995.
Professional Academic History
Graduate research associate, Bonn University, Germany, 1991-1995;
Visiting scientist, Tel Aviv University, Israel, 1992;
Research associate, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, USA, 1995-2001;
Staff research software developer, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, USA, 2001-2008;
System manager, BaBar DIRC detector, 2004-2008;
Senior staff scientist, GSI, Germany, since 2009;
Group leader, GSI DIRC detector group, since 2009;
System manager, PANDA Barrel DIRC detector, since 2009;
Principal investigator, DIRC-based PID for the EIC Central Detector
(eRD4, eRD14, eRD103, EICGENR&D12), since 2011;
Department head, FAIR@GSI: PANDA Detectors, 2012-2016;
Department head, PANDA Detectors, since 2016;
Research area deputy head, PANDA/Hadron Physics, since 2016.
Awards, Reviewing, and Memberships
Feodor Lynen fellow, Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung, 1995-1998;
Editor, member of editorial board, Nuclear Instruments and Methods A (NIM-A), since 2022;
Program reviews:
DOE Office of Science Advanced Detector Research Program,
French National Research Agency SIMI4 Program, Belle II Focused Review,
Belle Programme Advisory Committee;
International Advisory Committee, Instrumentation for Colliding Beam Physics Conference;
International Scientific Advisory Committee, RICH Workshop
(International Workshop on Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detectors);
Local Organizing Committee, DIRC2019: Workshop on fast Cherenkov detectors;
Topic Convener RICH2018 (Moscow, 2018);
Topic Convener, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium (Dresden, 2008);
Various boards and committees in BaBar, PANDA, and ePIC Collaborations;
Journal referee:
Advances in High Energy Physics,
European Physical Journal,
ICFA Instrumentation Bulletin,
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science,
Journal of Instrumentation (JINST),
Nature Communications,
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research (NIM-A);
Member of American Physical Society (2003-2010) and German
Physical Society (since 1991);
Member of large international collaborations and consortia:
OPAL (1991-1995), BaBar (1996-2009), SLD (1997-2008), PANDA (since 2009),
eRD4/eRD14/eRD103 (2011-2024), GlueX (2015-2024), Particle Data Group (since 2019),
ePIC (since 2022), DRD4 (since 2024), LHCb TORCH (since 2024).
Research Areas
Particle Identification, Cherenkov Detectors, Photon Detectors, Novel Detection Techniques, Heavy Flavor Physics.