Jochen Schwiening

Address: Dr. Jochen Schwiening
GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH
Planckstr. 1
64291 Darmstadt, Germany
Office: Heckbüro 1.002
Phone: +49 6159 71 1705
Fax: +49 6159 71 3762

Princial Responsibilities

Senior physicist at GSI, head of PANDA Detectors department, project leader PANDA barrel DIRC detector.


Diplom-Physiker, Physics, Bonn University, Germany, 1991;
Dr. rer. nat., Physics, Bonn University, Germany, 1995.

Professional Academic History

Graduate research associate, Bonn University, Germany, 1991-1995;
Visiting scientist, Tel Aviv University, Israel, 1992;
Research associate, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, USA, 1995-2001;
Staff research software developer, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, USA, 2001-2008;
System manager, BaBar DIRC detector, 2004-2008;
Senior staff scientist, GSI, Germany, since 2009;
Group leader, GSI DIRC detector group, since 2009;
System manager, PANDA Barrel DIRC detector, since 2009;
Principal investigator, DIRC-based PID for the EIC Central Detector (eRD4, eRD14, eRD103, EICGENR&D12), since 2011;
Department head, FAIR@GSI: PANDA Detectors, 2012-2016;
Department head, PANDA Detectors, since 2016;
Research area deputy head, PANDA/Hadron Physics, since 2016.

Awards, Reviewing, and Memberships

Feodor Lynen fellow, Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung, 1995-1998;
Editor, member of editorial board, Nuclear Instruments and Methods A (NIM-A), since 2022;
Program reviews: DOE Office of Science Advanced Detector Research Program, French National Research Agency SIMI4 Program, Belle II Focused Review, Belle Programme Advisory Committee;
Committees: International Advisory Committee, Instrumentation for Colliding Beam Physics Conference; International Scientific Advisory Committee, RICH Workshop (International Workshop on Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detectors); Local Organizing Committee, DIRC2019: Workshop on fast Cherenkov detectors; Topic Convener RICH2018 (Moscow, 2018); Topic Convener, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium (Dresden, 2008); Various boards and committees in BaBar, PANDA, and ePIC Collaborations;
Journal referee: Advances in High Energy Physics, European Physical Journal, ICFA Instrumentation Bulletin, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Journal of Instrumentation (JINST), Nature Communications, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research (NIM-A);
Member of American Physical Society (2003-2010) and German Physical Society (since 1991);
Member of large international collaborations and consortia: OPAL (1991-1995), BaBar (1996-2009), SLD (1997-2008), PANDA (since 2009), eRD4/eRD14/eRD103 (2011-2024), GlueX (2015-2024), Particle Data Group (since 2019), ePIC (since 2022), DRD4 (since 2024), LHCb TORCH (since 2024).

Research Areas

Particle Identification, Cherenkov Detectors, Photon Detectors, Novel Detection Techniques, Heavy Flavor Physics.
Jochen Schwiening