List of Publications

[Textbooks]   [Editing]   [Journals]   [Reports]

I am co-author of about 1000 publications. About 660 of those are peer-reviewed journal publications which have been cited in about 68,000 publications. My h-index is about 115.

Textbook Contributions


Selected Journal Publications

I wrote or directly contributed to the following papers:

Research Reports

  1. R. Abdul Khalek et al.,
    Science Requirements and Detector Concepts for the Electron-Ion Collider: EIC Yellow Report ,
    arXiv:2103.05419 [physics.ins-det]
  2. SuperB Collaboration, M. Bona et al.,
    SuperB: A High-Luminosity Asymmetric e+ e- Super Flavor Factory. Conceptual Design Report ,
    arXiv:0709.0451 [hep-ex]
  3. J. Schwiening
    Eine Studie zur Produktion und Bose-Einstein-Korrelation neutraler Kaonen in hadronischen Z0-Zerfällen mit dem OPAL-Detektor,
    Dissertation (Ph.D. thesis) (1995), BONN-IR-95-13, Universität Bonn
  4. J. Schwiening
    Untersuchung zur K0s Produktion mit dem OPAL-Detektor: Vergleich von OPAL-Daten mit Monte-Carlo-Simulationen,
    Diplomarbeit (Diploma thesis) (1991), BONN-IR-91-42, Universität Bonn