List of Talks
[Conferences] [Seminars]
Contributions to National and International Conferences
- J. Schwiening
Review of DIRC Detectors,
Invited talk at the Future Charm-Tau Factory Workshop (FTCF2024), University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), Hefei, China Jan 14 - 18, 2024. - J. Schwiening
The PANDA DIRCs - PID at High Particle Fluxes,
Talk presented at the 15th Terascale Detector Workshop 2023, Heidelberg, Germany, Feb 27 - Mar 3, 2023. - W. Li and J. Schwiening
(representing the GlueX DIRC Group)
The GlueX DIRC Program at Jefferson Lab,
Talk presented at INSTR20: Instrumentation for Colliding Beam Physics, Novosibirsk, Russia, Feb 24-28, 2020. - X. He and J. Schwiening
(representing the EIC PID Collaboration/eRD14)
Development of a Compact, Projective and Modular Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detector for Particle Identification in EIC Experiments,
Talk presented at INSTR20: Instrumentation for Colliding Beam Physics, Novosibirsk, Russia, Feb 24-28, 2020. - G. Kalicy and J. Schwiening
(representing the EIC PID Collaboration/eRD14)
hpDIRC: the High-Performance DIRC for the Electron Ion Collider Detector,
Poster presented at INSTR20: Instrumentation for Colliding Beam Physics, Novosibirsk, Russia, Feb 24-28, 2020. - J. Schwiening
(representing the PANDA Cherenkov Group)
Recent Results from the PANDA DIRC Detectors,
Talk presented at the 2019 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Manchester, UK, Oct 26- Nov 25, 2019. - J. Schwiening
(representing the PANDA Collaboration)
PANDA: Detector Design and R&D,
Invited talk presented at the Electron-Ion Collider User Group Meeting, Paris, France, Jul 22-26, 2019. - J. Schwiening
(representing the PANDA Cherenkov Group)
The PANDA DIRC Detectors,
Talk presented at the 10th International Workshop on Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detectors (RICH 2018), Moscow, Russia, Jul 29 - Aug 4, 2018. - J. Schwiening
Status of DIRC Detectors,
Invited talk at the Super Charm-Tau Factory Workshop, Budker INP, Novosibirsk, Russia, May 26-27, 2018. - J. Schwiening
(representing the PANDA Cherenkov Group)
The PANDA Barrel DIRC Detector,
Invited talk presented at DIRC2017: Workshop on fast Cherenkov detectors, Castle Rauischholzhausen, Germany, Aug 7-9, 2017. - J. Schwiening
(representing the PANDA Cherenkov Group)
The PANDA Barrel DIRC Detector,
Talk presented at the 9th International Workshop on Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detectors (RICH 2016), Lake Bled, Slovenia, Sep 5-9, 2016. - J. Schwiening
Microchannel-Plate PMTs in DIRC Counters for PANDA and the Electron-Ion Collider Detector,
Invited talk presented at the Workshop on Microchannel-Plate (MCP) Based Detectors, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, USA, Dec 2-4, 2014. - J. Schwiening
(representing the PANDA Cherenkov Group)
Breakthrough in the Lifetime of Microchannel-Plate PMTs,
Talk presented at the 2014 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Seattle, Washington, USA, Nov 8-15, 2014. - J. Schwiening
Cherenkov Light Imaging in High Energy and Nuclear Physics,
Invited talk presented at the 8th International Workshop on Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detectors (RICH 2013), Hayama, Kanagawa, Japan, Dec 2-6, 2013. - J. Schwiening
(representing the PANDA Cherenkov Group)
The PANDA Barrel DIRC,
Invited talk presented at DIRC2013: Workshop on fast Cherenkov detectors, Castle Rauischholzhausen, Germany, Sept 4-6, 2013. - J. Schwiening
(representing the PANDA Cherenkov Group)
PANDA Barrel DIRC Prototype Results,
Talk presented at the 2012 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Anaheim, California, USA, Oct 29 - Nov 3, 2012. - J. Schwiening
(representing the PANDA Cherenkov Group)
The DIRC Detectors of the PANDA Experiment at FAIR,
Talk presented at TIPP2011 - Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics 2011, Chicago, Illinois, USA, Jun 9-14, 2011. - J. Schwiening
Review of Barrel DIRC Detectors: From BaBar to Panda and Super-B,
Invited talk at DIRC 2011: Workshop on Fast Cherenkov Detectors, Giessen, Germany, April 4 - 6, 2011.
- J. Schwiening
(representing the PANDA Cherenkov Group)
The Barrel DIRC for the PANDA Experiment at FAIR,
Talk presented at the 2010 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA, Oct 30 - Nov 6, 2010. - J. Schwiening
DIRC Detectors: from BABAR to PANDA and Beyond,
Invited talk at the Electron-Ion Collider Detector Workshop, Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, Newport News, VA, USA, June 4-5, 2010. - J. Schwiening
(representing the PANDA Cherenkov Group)
The Barrel DIRC Detector for the PANDA Experiment at FAIR,
Poster presented at the 7th Workshop on RICH Detectors (RICH 2010), Cassis, France, May 3-7, 2010,
doi:10.1016/j.nima.2010.10.061, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. Phys. Res. Sect. A 639 (2011) 315. - J. Schwiening
(representing the PANDA Cherenkov Group)
The Barrel DIRC Detector for the PANDA Experiment at FAIR,
Poster presented at the 2009 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Orlando, Florida, Oct 25-31, 2009. - J. Schwiening
(representing the BaBar-DIRC Collaboration)
The BaBar DIRC - Lessons Learned,
Invited talk at the Workshop on Fast Cherenkov Detectors, Giessen, Germany, May 11 - 13, 2009.
SLAC-PUB-13769 (Aug 2009), Journal for Instrumentation 4 P10004. - J. Schwiening
Status of the Fast Focusing DIRC (fDIRC)
Talk presented at the 6th Workshop on RICH Detectors (RICH07), Trieste, Italy, Oct 15 - 20, 2007.
SLAC-PUB-13104, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. Phys. Res. Sect. A 595 (2008) 104-107. - J. Schwiening
New Results on Focusing DIRC
Talk presented at the International Symposium on the Development of Detectors (SNIC2006),
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Stanford, California, April 3 - 6, 2006. - J. Schwiening
Test of a Prototype of the Focusing DIRC
Poster presented at the 2005 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Puerto Rico, Oct 23-29, 2005. - J. Schwiening
(representing the BaBar-DIRC Collaboration)
Performance of the BABAR DIRC
Talk presented at the 5th Workshop on RICH Detectors (RICH04), Playa del Carmen, Mexico, Nov 30 - Dec 5, 2004.
SLAC-PUB-11017, Nucl. Instr. Methods A 553 (2005) 317-322. - J. Schwiening
Timing and Detection Efficiency Properties of Multianode PMTs for a Focusing DIRC,
Talk presented at the 2003 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Portland, Oregon, Oct 19-24, 2003.
SLAC-PUB-10231 (Oct 2003), published in conference proceedings. - J. Schwiening
(representing the BaBar-DIRC Collaboration)
Operation of the DIRC at the High Luminosity PEP-II Collider,
Talk presented at the 4th Workshop on RICH Detectors (RICH02), Pylos, Greece, Jun 5-Jun 10, 2002.
SLAC-PUB-9473 (Aug 2002), Nucl. Instr. Methods A 502 (2003) 67. - J. Schwiening
(representing the BaBar-DIRC Collaboration)
The Performance of the BaBar DIRC,
Talk presented at the 4th Workshop on RICH Detectors (RICH02), Pylos, Greece, Jun 5-Jun 10, 2002.
SLAC-PUB-9473 (Aug 2002), Nucl. Instr. Methods A 502 (2003) 67. - J. Schwiening
(representing the BaBar-DIRC Collaboration)
Operational Experience With the DIRC Detector,
Talk presented at the 2001 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, San Diego, California, Nov 4-10, 2001.
SLAC-PUB-9088 (Dec 2001), IEEE Trans.Nucl.Sci.49:1071-1076, 2002.
- J. Schwiening
(representing the BaBar Collaboration)
Lifetimes, Mixing and CP Asymmetry of B Mesons with the BaBar Detector,
Talk presented at the Kaon 2001 Conference, Pisa, Italy, June 12 - 17, 2001.
Published in proceedings of the conference, Frascati Physics Series, Volume XXXVI (p 363-364). - J. Schwiening
(representing the BaBar-DIRC Collaboration)
DIRC, the Particle Identification System for BABAR,
Talk presented at 30th International Conference on High-Energy Physics (ICHEP 2000) Osaka, Japan, Jul 27-Aug 2, 2000.
SLAC-PUB-8590 (Aug 2000), published in Osaka 2000, High energy physics, vol. 2, 1250. - J. Schwiening
(representing the BaBar-DIRC Collaboration)
"DIRC - Particle Identification for BaBar: Radiator R&D and Construction Experience"
Poster presented at the 1999 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Seattle, Oct 26-28, 1999. - J. Schwiening and S. Spanier
(representing the BaBar-DIRC Collaboration)
"DIRC, Particle Identification for BaBar"
Poster presented at the 17th SLAC Summer Institute on Particle Physics,
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Stanford, California, U.S.A., July 7-16, 1999. - J. Schwiening
(representing the BaBar-DIRC Collaboration)
DIRC, the Internally Reflecting Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detector for BaBar,
Talk presented at the 1997 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Albuquerque, Nov 9-15 1997.
SLAC-PUB-7706 (Nov 1997), IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 45 (1998) 657-664 - J. Schwiening
(representing the BaBar-DIRC Collaboration)
DIRC, a new Type of Particle Identification System for BaBar,
Talk presented at the 5th International Workshop on Physics in Hadron Machines (BEAUTY 97), Santa Monica, Oct 13-17 1997.
SLAC-PUB-7715 (Dec 1997), Nucl. Instr. Methods A 408 (1998) 211-220. - J. Schwiening
(representing the BaBar-DIRC Collaboration)
DIRC, the Internally Reflecting Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detector for BaBar: Properties of the Quartz Radiators,
1997 ICFA School on Instrumentation in Elementary Particle Physics, Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico, July 7-19, 1997.
SLAC-PUB-7602 (Jul 1997), In *Leon 1997, Instrumentation in elementary particle physics* 407-408. - J. Schwiening
(representing the SLD Collaboration)
Hadron fragmentation functions and leading particle effects in decays into light flavors,
Talk presented at the XXXIInd Rencontre de Moriond,
QCD and High Energy Hadronic Interactions, Les Arcs, Savoie, France, 22-29 March 1997.
Proceedings of the conference (pp 293-298) and SLAC-PUB-7516 (May 1997). - J. Schwiening
DIRC, das Teilchenidentifikationssytem des BaBar Detektors,
Spring meeting of the German Physical Society (DPG), München, March 1997 - J. Schwiening
Die Produktion neutraler Kaonen in -Zerfällen,
Spring meeting of the German Physical Society (DPG), Karlsruhe, March 1995 - G. Alexander and J. Schwiening
Bose-Einstein Korrelationen in -Zerfällen,
Spring meeting of the German Physical Society (DPG), Karlsruhe, March 1995 - J. Schwiening
(representing the OPAL Collaboration)
First measurements on gluon splitting into heavy quarks in e+e- annihilations,
Talk presented at the 1995 Rencontre de Physique de la Vallée d'Aosta,
Results and Perspectives in Particle Physics, La Thuile, Vallée d'Aosta, 5-11 March 1995
Proceedings of the conference (pp 347-358) and Bonn University preprint BONN-HE-95-03 (June 1995). - J. Schwiening
Produktion und Bose-Einstein Korrelationen von -Mesonen in -Zerfällen,
Spring meeting of the German Physical Society (DPG), Dortmund, March 1994 - G. Alexander and J. Schwiening
Bose-Einstein Korrelationen in e+e- Annihilationen,
Spring meeting of the German Physical Society (DPG), Mainz, March 1993 - J. Schwiening
Bose-Einstein Correlations in e+e- Annihilations,
Proceedings of the 1992 DPF Meeting of the APS, Batavia, USA, November 1992 - J. Schwiening
Bose-Einstein Korrelationen,
24. Herbstschule für Hochenergiephysik, Maria Laach, 8. - 18. September 1992 - G. Maringer, U. Maur, J. Schwiening
Inklusive Wirkungsquerschnitte für - und -Produktion bei = 91 GeV,
Spring meeting of the German Physical Society (DPG), Aachen, March 1991 - G. Maringer, U. Maur, J. Schwiening
Die Suche nach Zerfällen seltsamer Teilchen mit dem OPAL Detektor
Spring meeting of the German Physical Society (DPG), Aachen, March 1991
- J. Schwiening
DIRC Detectors: from BABAR to PANDA and Beyond,
Particle Physics Seminar, Bonn University, June 2021. - J. Schwiening
DIRC Detectors for PANDA and Beyond,
Storage Rings Seminar, GSI, Mar 2015. - J. Schwiening
DIRC Detectors: from BABAR to PANDA and Beyond,
Physics Seminar, Jefferson Lab, Mar 2012. - J. Schwiening
DIRC Detectors: from BABAR to PANDA and Beyond,
Graduiertenkolleg, RWTH Aachen, December 2010. - J. Schwiening
DIRC Detectors: from BABAR to PANDA and Beyond,
Astrophysics and Particle Physics Seminar, University of Cincinnati, June 2010. - J. Schwiening
The DIRC detector for the BaBar experiment,
SCIPP seminar, Department of Physics, UCSC, Santa Cruz, CA, Dec 1997.
Last significant update: June 2010