DABC (Data Acquisition Backbone Core)  2.9.9
Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Protected Attributes
hadaq::MonitorModule Class Reference

Monitor of TRB slow control data. More...

#include <hadaq/MonitorModule.h>

Inheritance diagram for hadaq::MonitorModule:
dabc::ModuleAsync dabc::Module dabc::Worker dabc::Object

Public Member Functions

void BeforeModuleStart () override
 MonitorModule (const std::string &name, dabc::Command cmd=nullptr)
void ProcessTimerEvent (unsigned timer) override
 Method called by framework when timer event is produced. More...
virtual ~MonitorModule ()=default
- Public Member Functions inherited from dabc::ModuleAsync
virtual const char * ClassName () const
 Returns class name of the object. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from dabc::Module
std::string GetInfoParName () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from dabc::Worker
bool ActivateTimeout (double tmout_sec)
 Method used to produce timeout events in the worker. More...
Command Assign (Command cmd)
 ! Assign command with processor before command be submitted to other processor This produce ReplyCommand() call when command execution is finished Command itself returned if operation was successful, otherwise null() command More...
void AssignAddon (WorkerAddon *addon)
 Assigns addon to the worker Should be called before worker assigned to the thread. More...
bool AssignToThread (ThreadRef thrd, bool sync=true)
 Assign worker to thread, worker becomes active immediately. More...
bool CanSubmitCommand () const
 Returns true if command can be submitted to worker. More...
RecordField Cfg (const std::string &name, Command cmd=nullptr) const
 Returns configuration field of specified name Configuration value of specified name searched in following places: More...
bool DettachFromThread ()
 Detach worker from the thread, later worker can be assigned to some other thread Method especially useful to normally finish object recursion (if it possible). More...
bool Execute (Command cmd, double tmout=-1.)
 Execute command in the processor. More...
bool Execute (const std::string &cmd, double tmout=-1.)
bool HasThread () const
 Indicates if pointer on thread is not zero; thread-safe. More...
bool IsOwnThread () const
 Returns true if called from thread. More...
bool MakeThreadForWorker (const std::string &thrdname="")
 Creates appropriate thread for worker and assign worker to the thread. More...
Parameter Par (const std::string &name) const
 Returns reference on worker parameter object. More...
virtual std::string RequiredThrdClass () const
 Method returns name of required thread class for processor. More...
void SetWorkerPriority (int nq)
bool Submit (Command cmd)
 Submit command for execution in the processor. More...
ThreadRef thread ()
 Return reference on the worker thread; thread-safe. More...
std::string ThreadName () const
 Returns name of the worker thread; thread-safe
 Worker (Reference parent, const std::string &name)
std::string WorkerAddress (bool full=true)
 Return address, which can be used to submit command to the worker If full specified, command can be submitted from any node, which has connection to this node. More...
uint32_t WorkerId () const
int WorkerPriority () const
virtual ~Worker ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from dabc::Object
bool AddChild (Object *child, bool withmutex=true) throw ()
 Add object to list of child objects, thread safe More...
bool AddChildAt (Object *child, unsigned pos, bool withmutex=true)
 Add object to list of child objects at specified position. More...
ObjectFindChild (const char *name) const
 returns pointer on child object with given name More...
Reference FindChildRef (const char *name, bool force=false) const throw ()
 returns reference on child object with given name More...
bool GetAllChildRef (ReferencesVector *vect) const
ObjectGetChild (unsigned n) const
 returns pointer on child object More...
Reference GetChildRef (unsigned n) const
 returns reference on child object More...
Reference GetFolder (const std::string &name, bool force=false) throw ()
 Return folder of specified name, no special symbols allowed. More...
const char * GetName () const
 Returns name of the object, thread safe More...
ObjectGetParent () const
 Returns pointer on parent object, thread safe More...
Reference GetParentRef () const
bool IsChildsHidden () const
 Return true if object wants to hide childs from hierarchy scan, thread safe More...
bool IsHidden () const
 Return true if object wants to be hidden from hierarchy scan, thread safe More...
bool IsLogging () const
 Return true if object selected for logging, thread safe More...
bool IsName (const char *str) const
 Checks if object name is same as provided string, thread safe More...
bool IsName (const char *str, int len) const
 Checks if object name is same as provided, thread safe More...
bool IsName (const std::string &str) const
 Checks if object name is same as provided string, thread safe More...
bool IsNameMatch (const std::string &mask) const
 Check if object name match to the mask. More...
bool IsOwner () const
 Returns true if object is owner of its children, thread safe More...
bool IsParent (Object *obj) const
 Checks if specified argument is in the list of object parents. More...
bool IsTopXmlLevel () const
 Return true if object should be searched in the top level of the xml file, thread safe More...
std::string ItemName (bool compact=true) const
 Produce string, which can be used as name argument in dabc::mgr.FindItem(name) call. More...
unsigned NumChilds () const
 returns number of child objects More...
 Object (const std::string &name, unsigned flags=flIsOwner)
 Resolve problem with child-parent mutex locking. More...
 Object (Reference parent, const std::string &name, unsigned flags=flIsOwner)
virtual void Print (int lvl=0)
 Print object content on debug output. More...
bool RemoveChild (Object *child, bool cleanup=true) throw ()
 Detach child from parent object If cleanup==true and parent is owner of child, child will be destroyed. More...
bool RemoveChildAt (unsigned n, bool cleanup=true) throw ()
 Detach child object from parent at specified position If cleanup==true and object is owner of child, child will be destroyed. More...
bool RemoveChilds (bool cleanup=true)
 Remove all childs. More...
void SetLogging (bool on=true)
 Sets logging flag, thread safe More...
virtual ~Object ()

Protected Member Functions

uint32_t DoRead (uint32_t addr0, uint32_t addr)
std::string GetItemName (unsigned addr)
void OnThreadAssigned () override
bool ReadAllVariables (dabc::Buffer &buf)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from dabc::ModuleAsync
void ActivateInput (unsigned port=0)
 Produces event for specified input port Should be used when processing was stopped due to return false in ProcessRecv method. More...
void ActivateOutput (unsigned port=0)
 Produces event for specified output port. More...
void ActivatePool (unsigned pool)
 Produces event for specified pool handle. More...
bool CanRecv (unsigned indx=0) const
 Method return true if recv from specified port can be done. More...
bool CanSend (unsigned indx=0) const
 Method return true if send over specified port can be done. More...
bool CanTakeBuffer (unsigned pool=0)
 Returns true if memory pool can provide buffer. More...
 ModuleAsync (const std::string &name, Command cmd=nullptr)
 Constructor of ModuleAsync class. More...
unsigned NumCanRecv (unsigned indx=0) const
 Method return number of buffers which can be received via the port. More...
unsigned NumCanSend (unsigned indx=0) const
 Method return number of send operation can be done for specified port. More...
unsigned NumCanTake (unsigned pool=0) const
 Method return number of buffers which could be taken from data queue assigned with the pool. More...
Buffer PoolQueueItem (unsigned pool=0, unsigned nbuf=0)
 Returns buffer from queue assigned with the pool. More...
virtual bool ProcessBuffer (unsigned pool=0)
 Method called by framework when at least one buffer available in pool handle. More...
virtual void ProcessConnectEvent (const std::string &name, bool on)
 Method called by framework when connection state of the item is changed. More...
virtual void ProcessInputEvent (unsigned port)
 Method called by framework when input event is produced. More...
virtual void ProcessOutputEvent (unsigned port)
 Method called by framework when output event is produced. More...
virtual void ProcessPoolEvent (unsigned pool)
 Method called by framework when pool event is produced. More...
virtual bool ProcessRecv (unsigned port=0)
 Method called by framework when at least one buffer available in input port. More...
virtual bool ProcessSend (unsigned port=0)
 Method called by framework when at least one buffer can be send to output port. More...
virtual void ProcessUserEvent (unsigned item)
 Method called by framework when custom user event is produced. More...
Buffer Recv (unsigned indx=0)
 Methods receives buffers from the port. More...
bool RecvQueueFull (unsigned port=0)
 Returns true if receive queue is full and block input. More...
Buffer RecvQueueItem (unsigned port=0, unsigned nbuf=0)
 Returns buffer from receive queue of the input port. More...
bool Send (Buffer &buf)
 Send buffer over first output port. More...
bool Send (unsigned indx, Buffer &buf)
 Methods to send buffer via specified output port. More...
void SignalRecvWhenFull (unsigned port=0)
 Let input signal only when queue is full. More...
bool SkipInputBuffers (unsigned indx=0, unsigned nbuf=1)
 Remove items in input queue. More...
Buffer TakeBuffer (unsigned pool=0)
 Take buffer from memory pool. More...
BufferSize_t TotalSizeCanRecv (unsigned indx=0) const
 Method return total size of buffers can be received via the port. More...
virtual ~ModuleAsync ()
 Destructor of ModuleAsync class. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from dabc::Module
virtual void AfterModuleStop ()
bool BindPorts (const std::string &inpname, const std::string &outname)
 Bind input and output ports that both will share same connection. More...
virtual void BuildFieldsMap (RecordFieldsMap *cont)
 Fill fields map, which is relevant for the object Objects hierarchy produced from dabc::Manager. More...
bool CanSendToAllOutputs (bool exclude_disconnected=true) const
EventId ConstructUserItemEvent (unsigned indx=0)
unsigned CreateInput (const std::string &name, unsigned queue=10)
unsigned CreateOutput (const std::string &name, unsigned queue=10)
virtual Parameter CreatePar (const std::string &name, const std::string &kind="")
unsigned CreatePoolHandle (const std::string &poolname, unsigned queue=10)
 Creates handle for memory pool, which preserves reference on memory pool and provides fast access to memory pool functionality. More...
unsigned CreateTimer (const std::string &name, double period_sec=-1., bool synchron=false)
unsigned CreateUserItem (const std::string &name)
void DisconnectAllPorts (bool witherr=false)
 Method disconnects all module ports, should be called only from Module thread. More...
bool DisconnectPort (const std::string &name, bool witherr=false)
 Disconnect port from transport. More...
virtual bool DoStop ()
void EnsurePorts (unsigned numinp=0, unsigned numout=0, const std::string &poolname="")
 Method ensure that at least specified number of input and output ports will be created. More...
virtual int ExecuteCommand (Command cmd)
 Main method where commands are executed. More...
virtual bool Find (ConfigIO &cfg)
 Method to locate object in xml file. More...
unsigned FindInput (const std::string &name) const
unsigned FindOutput (const std::string &name) const
unsigned FindPool (const std::string &name) const
PortRef FindPort (const std::string &name) const
unsigned FindTimer (const std::string &name)
unsigned FindUserItem (const std::string &name)
ModuleItemGetItem (unsigned id) const
std::string InputName (unsigned indx=0, bool fullname=false) const
unsigned InputQueueCapacity (unsigned indx=0) const
bool InputQueueFull (unsigned indx=0) const
bool IsAutoPool (unsigned indx=0) const
 Returns true when handle automatically delivers buffers via the connection. More...
bool IsInputConnected (unsigned indx=0) const
bool IsOutputConnected (unsigned indx=0) const
bool IsPoolConnected (unsigned indx=0) const
bool IsPortConnected (const std::string &name) const
bool IsRunning () const
 Returns true if module if running. More...
bool IsValidInput (unsigned indx=0) const
bool IsValidOutput (unsigned indx=0) const
bool IsValidPool (unsigned indx=0) const
bool IsValidTimer (unsigned indx) const
bool IsValidUserItem (unsigned indx) const
virtual void ModuleCleanup ()
 Method, which can be reimplemented by user and should cleanup all references on buffers and other objects. More...
unsigned NumInputs () const
unsigned NumOutputs () const
unsigned NumPools () const
unsigned NumTimers () const
virtual void ObjectCleanup ()
 Inherited method, called during module destroy. More...
std::string OutputName (unsigned indx=0, bool fullname=false) const
unsigned OutputQueueCapacity (unsigned indx=0) const
std::string PoolName (unsigned indx=0, bool fullname=false) const
unsigned PortQueueCapacity (const std::string &name) const
virtual int PreviewCommand (Command cmd)
 This method called before command will be executed. More...
virtual void ProcessConnectionActivated (const std::string &name, bool on)
virtual void ProcessEvent (const EventId &)
virtual double ProcessTimeout (double last_diff)
void ProduceInputEvent (unsigned indx=0, unsigned cnt=1)
void ProduceOutputEvent (unsigned indx=0, unsigned cnt=1)
void ProducePoolEvent (unsigned indx=0, unsigned cnt=1)
void ProduceUserItemEvent (unsigned indx=0, unsigned cnt=1)
virtual bool ReplyCommand (Command cmd)
 Reimplement this method to react on command reply Return true if command can be destroyed by framework. More...
void SendToAllOutputs (Buffer &buf)
void SetAutoStop (bool on=true)
 If set, module will be automatically stopped when all i/o ports are disconnected. More...
void SetInfoParName (const std::string &name)
virtual void SetModulePriority (int pri=-1)
bool SetPortLoopLength (const std::string &name, unsigned cnt)
bool SetPortRatemeter (const std::string &name, const Parameter &ref)
bool SetPortSignaling (const std::string &name, Port::EventsProducing signal)
void ShootTimer (const std::string &name, double delay_sec=0.)
void ShootTimer (unsigned indx, double delay_sec=0.)
bool Start ()
 Starts execution of the module code. More...
bool Stop ()
 Stops execution of the module code. More...
bool SubmitCommandToTransport (const std::string &portname, Command cmd)
 Submits command to transport, assigned with the port. More...
std::string TimerName (unsigned n=0, bool fullname=false) const
std::string UserItemName (unsigned indx=0, bool fullname=false) const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from dabc::Worker
bool _FireDoNothingEvent ()
bool _FireEvent (uint16_t evid)
bool _FireEvent (uint16_t evid, uint32_t arg, int pri=-1)
bool _IsFireEvent () const
bool ActivateMainLoop ()
virtual void BeforeHierarchyScan (Hierarchy &h)
 Method called before publisher makes next snapshot of hierarchy. More...
void CancelCommands ()
void CleanupPublisher (bool sync=true)
 Release reference on publisher and unsubscribe/unpublish all registered entries. More...
CommandDefinition CreateCmdDef (const std::string &name)
virtual bool DestroyByOwnThread ()
 Inherited method from Object, invoked at the moment when worker requested to be destroyed by its thread. More...
bool DestroyPar (const std::string &name)
 Method must be used if worker wants to destroy parameter. More...
virtual void DoWorkerAfterMainLoop ()
 Internal - function executed after leaving main loop. More...
virtual void DoWorkerMainLoop ()
 Internal - entrance function for main loop execution. More...
bool ExecuteIn (Worker *dest, Command cmd)
 Executes command in specified worker. More...
bool FireEvent (uint16_t evid)
bool FireEvent (uint16_t evid, uint32_t arg, int pri=-1)
Reference GetPublisher ()
 Return reference on publisher. More...
bool IsWorkerActive () const
 Method indicates if worker is running in the thread and accepts normal events. More...
virtual void ObjectDestroyed (Object *)
 Method to clear object reference, will be called from thread context (when possible) More...
virtual void ProcessParameterEvent (const ParameterEvent &evnt)
 Interface method to retrieve subscribed parameter events. More...
virtual bool Publish (const Hierarchy &h, const std::string &path)
virtual bool PublishPars (const std::string &path)
bool RegisterForParameterEvent (const std::string &mask, bool onlychangeevent=true)
 Subscribe to parameter events from local or remote node. More...
void SetParValue (const std::string &name, const RecordField &v)
 Set parameter value and sync with worker hierarchy. More...
void SetWorkerCfgId (int id=-1)
 Set identifier which can be used in XML configuration ${}# formula It means that correspondent to the ID element of array will be extracted. More...
bool SingleLoop (double tmout)
virtual bool Subscribe (const std::string &path)
virtual bool Unpublish (const Hierarchy &h, const std::string &path)
bool UnregisterForParameterEvent (const std::string &mask)
 Unsubscribe to parameter events from local or remote node. More...
virtual bool Unsubscribe (const std::string &path)
 Worker (const ConstructorPair &pair)
 Special constructor, designed for inherited classes. More...
void WorkerSleep (double tmout)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from dabc::Object
virtual void _ChildsChanged ()
 Method called when new childs are add or old are removed. More...
virtual bool _DoDeleteItself ()
 This method is called at the moment when DecReference think that object can be destroyed and wants to return true. More...
bool _IsNormalState ()
 Same as IsNormalState() but without mutex lock - user should lock mutex himself. More...
virtual ObjectCreateInstance (const std::string &name)
 Method used to create new item to be placed as child of the object. More...
void DeleteThis ()
 Method should be used by the object to delete itself. More...
bool DestroyCalledFromOwnThread ()
 Internal DABC method, should be called by thread which was requested to destroy object. More...
void FillFullName (std::string &fullname, Object *upto, bool exclude_top_parent=false) const
 Method used to produce full item name,. More...
bool GetFlag (unsigned fl) const
 Return value of selected flag, not thread safe
bool IsNormalState ()
 Return true if object is in normal state. More...
unsigned NumReferences ()
 Return number of references on the object. More...
 Object (const ConstructorPair &pair, unsigned flags=flIsOwner)
MutexObjectMutex () const
 Returns mutex, used for protection of Object data members. More...
void SetAutoDestroy (bool on=true)
 Set autodestroy flag for the object Once enabled, object will be destroyed when last reference will be cleared. More...
void SetFlag (unsigned fl, bool on=true)
 Change value of selected flag, not thread safe
void SetName (const char *name)
 Changes object name. More...
void SetNameDirect (const char *name)
 Changes object name disregard of existing references. More...
void SetOwner (bool on=true)
 Specifies if object will be owner of its new childs. More...

Protected Attributes

std::vector< uint64_t > fAddrs
 array of monitored address More...
std::vector< uint64_t > fAddrs0
 array of monitored address More...
uint32_t fEventId
 event number More...
double fInterval
 Time interval for reading in seconds. More...
std::string fShellCmd
 shell command with formats pattern More...
unsigned fSubevId
 subevent id More...
std::string fTopFolder
 name of top folder, which should exists also in every variable More...
unsigned fTriggerType
 trigger type More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from dabc::Module
bool fAutoStop
 module will automatically stop when all i/o ports will be disconnected More...
dabc::Reference fDfltPool
 direct reference on memory pool, used when no pool handles are not created More...
std::string fInfoParName
 full name of parameter, used as info More...
std::vector< InputPort * > fInputs
 array of input ports More...
std::vector< ModuleItem * > fItems
 map for fast search of module items More...
std::vector< OutputPort * > fOutputs
 array of output ports More...
std::vector< PoolHandle * > fPools
 array of pools More...
std::string fPublishPars
 path where module pars will be published More...
bool fRunState
 true if module in the running state More...
unsigned fSysTimerIndex
 index of timer, which will be used with module itself More...
std::vector< Timer * > fTimers
 array of timers More...
std::vector< ModuleItem * > fUsers
 array of user items More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from dabc::Worker
WorkerAddonRef fAddon
 extension of worker for some special events More...
Reference fPublisher
 reference on publisher, once found, remain until end of object live More...
ThreadRef fThread
 reference on the thread, once assigned remain whole time More...
 pointer on main thread mutex More...
bool fWorkerActive
 indicates if worker can submit events to the th
int fWorkerCfgId
 special ID, can be used in XML configuration in ${}# formula More...
CommandsQueue fWorkerCommands
 all kinds of commands, processed by the worker More...
int fWorkerCommandsLevel
 Number of process commands recursion. More...
unsigned fWorkerFiredEvents
 indicate current balance between fired and processed events, used to correctly halt worker More...
Hierarchy fWorkerHierarchy
 place for publishing of worker parameters More...
uint32_t fWorkerId
 worker id in thread list, used for events submit More...
int fWorkerPriority
 priority of events, submitted by worker to the th
- Protected Attributes inherited from dabc::Object
int fObjectBlock
 counter for blocking calls, as long as non-zero, non of child can be removed More...
 list of the child objects More...
unsigned fObjectFlags
 flag, protected by the mutex More...
 mutex protects all private property of the object More...
std::string fObjectName
 object name More...
Reference fObjectParent
 reference on the parent object More...
int fObjectRefCnt
 accounts how many references existing on the object, thread safe More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from dabc::Worker
enum  EPriotiryLevels { priorityMaximum = 0 , priorityMinimum = -1 , priorityDefault = -7 , priorityMagic = -77 }
enum  EWorkerEventsCodes { evntFirstCore = 1 , evntFirstAddOn = 100 , evntFirstSystem = 200 , evntFirstUser = 1000 }
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from dabc::Worker
static int cmd_bool (bool v)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from dabc::Object
static void Destroy (Object *obj) throw ()
 User method for object destroyment. More...
static void InspectGarbageCollector ()
 \ brief Methods to inspect how many objects pointers are remained More...
static bool NameMatch (const std::string &name, const std::string &mask)
 Check if name matches to specified mask. More...
static bool NameMatchM (const std::string &name, const std::string &mask)
 Check if name matches to specified mask. More...
static unsigned NumInstances ()
 Static variable counts total number of objects instances. More...
- Protected Types inherited from dabc::Object
enum  EFlags {
  flStateMask = 0x000f , flIsOwner = 0x0010 , flCleanup = 0x0020 , flHasThread = 0x0040 ,
  flAutoDestroy = 0x0080 , flLogging = 0x0100 , flNoMutex = 0x0200 , flHidden = 0x0400 ,
  flChildsHidden = 0x0800 , flTopXmlLevel = 0x1000
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from dabc::Object
static ConstructorPair MakePair (const std::string &fullname, bool withmanager=true)
 Internal DABC method, used to produce pair - object parent and object name, which is typically should be used as argument in class constructor. More...
static ConstructorPair MakePair (Object *prnt, const std::string &fullname, bool withmanager=true)
 Internal DABC method, used to produce pair - object parent and object name, which is typically should be used as argument in class constructor. More...
static ConstructorPair MakePair (Reference prnt, const std::string &fullname, bool withmanager=true)
 Internal DABC method, used to produce pair - object parent and object name, which is typically should be used as argument in class constructor. More...

Detailed Description

Monitor of TRB slow control data.

Module builds hierarchy for connected FESA classes, which could be served via DABC web server in any browser

In addition, module can provide data with stored EPICS records in form of MBS events

Definition at line 32 of file MonitorModule.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ MonitorModule()

hadaq::MonitorModule::MonitorModule ( const std::string &  name,
dabc::Command  cmd = nullptr 

Definition at line 27 of file MonitorModule.cxx.

◆ ~MonitorModule()

virtual hadaq::MonitorModule::~MonitorModule ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ OnThreadAssigned()

void hadaq::MonitorModule::OnThreadAssigned ( )

Reimplemented from dabc::Module.

Definition at line 73 of file MonitorModule.cxx.

◆ GetItemName()

std::string hadaq::MonitorModule::GetItemName ( unsigned  addr)

Definition at line 67 of file MonitorModule.cxx.

◆ ReadAllVariables()

bool hadaq::MonitorModule::ReadAllVariables ( dabc::Buffer buf)

Definition at line 112 of file MonitorModule.cxx.

◆ DoRead()

uint32_t hadaq::MonitorModule::DoRead ( uint32_t  addr0,
uint32_t  addr 

Definition at line 79 of file MonitorModule.cxx.

◆ ProcessTimerEvent()

void hadaq::MonitorModule::ProcessTimerEvent ( unsigned  timer)

Method called by framework when timer event is produced.

Can be reimplemented by the user.

Reimplemented from dabc::ModuleAsync.

Definition at line 163 of file MonitorModule.cxx.

◆ BeforeModuleStart()

void hadaq::MonitorModule::BeforeModuleStart ( )

Reimplemented from dabc::Module.

Definition at line 174 of file MonitorModule.cxx.

Field Documentation

◆ fInterval

double hadaq::MonitorModule::fInterval

Time interval for reading in seconds.

Definition at line 35 of file MonitorModule.h.

◆ fTopFolder

std::string hadaq::MonitorModule::fTopFolder

name of top folder, which should exists also in every variable

Definition at line 36 of file MonitorModule.h.

◆ fSubevId

unsigned hadaq::MonitorModule::fSubevId

subevent id

Definition at line 37 of file MonitorModule.h.

◆ fTriggerType

unsigned hadaq::MonitorModule::fTriggerType

trigger type

Definition at line 38 of file MonitorModule.h.

◆ fShellCmd

std::string hadaq::MonitorModule::fShellCmd

shell command with formats pattern

Definition at line 39 of file MonitorModule.h.

◆ fAddrs0

std::vector<uint64_t> hadaq::MonitorModule::fAddrs0

array of monitored address

Definition at line 41 of file MonitorModule.h.

◆ fAddrs

std::vector<uint64_t> hadaq::MonitorModule::fAddrs

array of monitored address

Definition at line 42 of file MonitorModule.h.

◆ fEventId

uint32_t hadaq::MonitorModule::fEventId

event number

Definition at line 43 of file MonitorModule.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: