DABC (Data Acquisition Backbone Core)  2.9.9
Namespaces | Data Structures | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
dabc Namespace Reference

Event manipulation API. More...


 Namespace dabc::Xml contains number of functions to work with xml files.

Data Structures

class  Application
 Base class for user-specific applications. More...
class  ApplicationRef
 Reference on dabc::Application class More...
class  AutoDestroyClass
class  Average
 Helper class to calculate average value. More...
class  BasicFile
 Base class for file writing/reading in DABC. More...
class  BinaryFile
 Generic file storage for DABC buffers. More...
struct  BinaryFileBufHeader
 Binary file buffer header structure. More...
struct  BinaryFileHeader
 Binary file header structure. More...
class  BinaryFileInput
 Binary file input object. More...
class  BinaryFileOutput
 Binary file output object. More...
class  BlockingOutput
class  Buffer
 Reference on memory from memory pool. More...
class  BufferContainer
 Container for data, referenced by Buffer class. More...
class  BuffersQueue
 Queue of buffers More...
class  CleanupEnvelope
 Template to put any object, not derived from dabc::Object, into cleanup queue. More...
class  CmdCleanupApplication
class  CmdConnectionManagerHandle
class  CmdCreateAny
class  CmdCreateApplication
class  CmdCreateDataInput
class  CmdCreateDevice
class  CmdCreateMemoryPool
class  CmdCreateModule
class  CmdCreateObject
class  CmdCreateThread
class  CmdCreateTransport
class  CmdDataInputClosed
 Base class for input transport implementations. More...
class  CmdDataInputFailed
class  CmdDeleteModule
class  CmdDeletePool
class  CmdDestroyDevice
class  CmdDestroyTransport
class  CmdGetBinary
 Command used to produce custom binary data for published in hierarchy entries. More...
class  CmdGetNamesList
 Command to request names list. More...
class  CmdGetNodesState
 Command to request current state of known nodes More...
class  CmdGlobalConnect
class  CmdHierarchyExec
 Command submitted to worker when item in hierarchy defined as DABC.Command and used to produce custom binary data for published in hierarchy entries. More...
class  CmdModule
class  CmdParameterEvent
 This command used to distribute parameter event to receivers. More...
class  CmdPublisher
class  CmdSetParameter
class  CmdStartModule
class  CmdStateTransition
class  CmdStopModule
class  CmdSubscriber
class  Command
 Represents command with its arguments. More...
class  CommandContainer
 Container object for command which should not been seen to normal user. More...
class  CommandDefinition
 Command definition class. More...
class  CommandsQueue
 Queue of commands More...
class  Condition
 posix pthread condition More...
class  ConfigBase
 Base class to read configuration from xml file. More...
class  ConfigIO
 Interface class between xml configuration and dabc objects. More...
class  Configuration
 Full-functional class to reading configuration from xml files. More...
class  ConnectionManager
 Connections manager class. More...
class  ConnectionObject
 Container for connection parameters. More...
class  ConnectionRequest
 Connection request. More...
class  ConnectionRequestFull
 Full description of connection request. More...
class  ConnTimer
 Special timer to reestablish port connections in the module. More...
class  CpuInfoModule
 Module provides CPU information More...
class  CpuStatistic
 Helper class to get CPU statistic. More...
class  DataInput
 Interface for implementing any kind of data input. More...
class  DataOutput
 Interface for implementing any kind of data output. More...
class  DateTime
 Class for holding GMT time with precision of nanoseconds. More...
struct  DependPair
 Keeps dependency between two objects. More...
class  DependPairList
class  Device
 Base class for device implementation. More...
class  DeviceRef
 Reference on dabc::Device class More...
struct  EventId
 Event structure, exchanged between DABC threads. More...
class  EventsIterator
 Iterator over events in dabc::Buffer class. More...
class  EventsIteratorRef
class  EventsProducer
 Producer of the events. More...
class  EventsProducerRef
class  Exception
 DABC exception. More...
class  Factory
 Factory for user-specific classes More...
class  FactoryPlugin
 Small helper class to correctly instantiate user-specific factories. More...
class  FileInput
 Interface for implementing file inputs. More...
class  FileInterface
 Defines and implements basic POSIX file interface. More...
class  FileOutput
 Interface for implementing file outputs. More...
class  Hierarchy
 Represents objects hierarchy of remote (or local) DABC process. More...
class  HierarchyContainer
class  HierarchyReading
class  HierarchyStore
class  History
class  HistoryContainer
struct  HistoryItem
class  HistoryIter
class  HistoryIterContainer
class  HStore
 class, used for direct store of records in JSON/XML form More...
class  InfoParameter
 Special info parameter class. More...
class  InputPort
 Input port. More...
class  InputTransport
class  IntGuard
 Guard for integer value. More...
class  iostream
 class to stream binary data More...
class  Iterator
 Iterator over objects hierarchy More...
class  LocalTransport
 Transport between two ports on the same node More...
class  LocalTransportRef
 Reference on the dabc::LocalTransport More...
class  LocalWorker
class  LocalWorkerRef
class  LockGuard
 Lock guard for posix mutex. More...
class  Logger
 Logging class. More...
class  LoggerEntry
class  LoggerLineEntry
class  Manager
 Manager of everything in DABC More...
class  ManagerRef
 Reference on manager object More...
class  MemoryBlock
class  MemoryContainer
 Helper class to release memory, allocated independently from memory pool Object will be deleted (with memory) when last reference in buffer disappear. More...
class  MemoryPool
class  MemoryPoolRef
 Reference on dabc::MemoryPool class More...
struct  MemSegment
 Structure with descriptor of single memory segment. More...
class  memstream
 iostream class, which write and read data from memory More...
class  Module
 Base for dabc::ModuleSync and dabc::ModuleAsync classes. More...
class  ModuleAsync
 Base class for user-derived code, implementing event-processing. More...
class  ModuleAsyncRef
 Reference on dabc::ModuleAsync class More...
class  ModuleItem
 Base class for module items like ports, timers, pool handles. More...
class  ModuleItemRef
 Reference on dabc::ModuleItem class More...
class  ModuleRef
 Reference on dabc::Module class More...
class  ModuleSync
 Base class for user-derived code, implementing main loop. More...
class  MultiplexerModule
 Multiplexer module. More...
class  Mutex
 posix pthread mutex More...
class  MutexPtr
 Pointer on posix pthread mutex More...
class  NetworkInetrface
 Network interface. More...
class  NetworkTransport
 Network transport. More...
class  NewConnectRec
class  NumericLocale
class  Object
 Base class for most of the DABC classes. More...
class  OutputPort
 Output port. More...
class  OutputTransport
 Base class for output transport implementations. More...
class  Parameter
 Parameter class More...
class  ParameterContainer
 Container for parameter object. More...
class  ParameterEvent
class  ParamEventReceiverList
struct  ParamEventReceiverRec
class  Pointer
 Manipulator with dabc::Buffer class. More...
class  PointersVector
 Specialized vector with pointers. More...
class  PoolHandle
 Handle for pool connection. More...
class  Port
 Base class for input and output ports. More...
class  PortRef
 Reference on the dabc::Port class More...
class  PosixThread
 class represents posix pthread functionality More...
class  Profiler
class  ProfilerGuard
class  Publisher
 Module manages published hierarchies and provide optimize access to them More...
struct  PublisherEntry
class  PublisherRef
class  Queue
 Template of circular queue. More...
class  Ratemeter
 Helper class to calculate data rate. More...
class  Record
class  RecordContainer
 Container for records fields. More...
class  RecordField
class  RecordFieldsMap
class  RecordsQueue
 Template of queue with complex objects. More...
class  Reference
 Reference on the arbitrary object More...
class  ReferencesVector
 Vector of dabc::Reference objects. More...
class  RepeaterModule
 Repeater module. More...
class  Runnable
 Object which could be run inside the dabc::PosixTh
class  sizestream
 special class only to define how many data will be written to the stream More...
class  SocketAddon
 Special addon class for handling of socket and socket events. More...
class  SocketAddonRef
class  SocketClientAddon
 Socket addon for handling connection on client side. More...
struct  SocketCmdPacket
 Defines syntax of raw packet, transformed on the command channels. More...
class  SocketCommandChannel
 Provides command channel to the dabc process. More...
class  SocketCommandClient
 Client side of command connection between two nodes. More...
class  SocketCommandClientRef
class  SocketConnectAddon
 Socket addon for handling connection events. More...
class  SocketDevice
 Device for establishing socket connections More...
class  SocketFactory
 Factory for socket classes More...
class  SocketIOAddon
 Socket addon for handling I/O events. More...
class  SocketNetworkInetrface
 Specific implementation of network transport for socket. More...
class  SocketProtocolAddon
class  SocketServerAddon
 Socket addon for handling connection requests on server side. More...
class  SocketThread
 Special thread class for handling sockets. More...
class  StdManagerFactory
struct  SubscriberEntry
struct  SXmlAttr_t
struct  SXmlDoc_t
struct  SXmlNode_t
class  Thread
 Represent thread functionality. More...
class  ThreadRef
 Reference on the dabc::Thread class More...
class  Timer
 Provides timer event to the module. More...
struct  TimeStamp
 Class for acquiring and holding timestamps. More...
class  Transport
 Base class for transport implementations. More...
class  TransportRef
 Reference on dabc::Transport class More...
class  UnlockGuard
 Unlock guard for posix mutex. More...
class  Url
 Uniform Resource Locator interpreter. More...
class  Worker
 Active object, which is working inside dabc::Thread. More...
class  WorkerAddon
 Generic addon for dabc::Worker. More...
class  WorkerAddonRef
 Reference on dabc::WorkerAddon object More...
class  WorkerRef
 Reference on dabc::Worker More...
class  XmlInputStream
class  XmlOutputStream


typedef uint32_t BufferSize_t
typedef Queue< unsigned, true > PortIdsQueue
typedef pthread_t Thread_t
typedef void * XMLAttrPointer_t
typedef void * XMLDocPointer_t
typedef void * XMLNodePointer_t
typedef void * XMLNsPointer_t


enum  { BinaryFileMagicValue = 1237 }
enum  { defaultDabcPort = 1237 }
enum  { evntProcessRequests = evntModuleLast }
enum  CommandRes {
  cmd_false = 0 , cmd_true = 1 , cmd_timedout = -1 , cmd_ignore = -2 ,
  cmd_postponed = -3 , cmd_noresult = -4 , cmd_canceled = -5
enum  DataInputCodes {
  di_ValidSize = 0xFFFFFFF0 , di_None = 0xFFFFFFF1 , di_Repeat = 0xFFFFFFF2 , di_RepeatTimeOut = 0xFFFFFFF3 ,
  di_EndOfStream = 0xFFFFFFF4 , di_Ok = 0xFFFFFFF5 , di_CallBack = 0xFFFFFFF6 , di_Error = 0xFFFFFFF7 ,
  di_SkipBuffer = 0xFFFFFFF8 , di_DfltBufSize = 0xFFFFFFF9 , di_NeedMoreBuf = 0xFFFFFFFA , di_HasEnoughBuf = 0xFFFFFFFB ,
  di_MoreBufReady = 0xFFFFFFFC , di_QueueBufReady = 0xFFFFFFFD
enum  DataOutputCodes {
  do_Ok , do_Skip , do_Repeat , do_RepeatTimeOut ,
  do_CallBack , do_Error , do_Close
enum  EBufferTypes {
  mbt_Null = 0 , mbt_Generic = 1 , mbt_Int64 = 2 , mbt_TymeSync = 3 ,
  mbt_AcknCounter = 4 , mbt_RawData = 5 , mbt_EOF = 6 , mbt_EOL = 7 ,
  mbt_User = 1000
enum  EModelItemConsts { moduleitemMinId = 1 , moduleitemMaxId = 65534 , moduleitemAnyId = 65535 }
enum  EModuleEvents {
  evntModuleNone = Worker::evntFirstSystem , evntInput , evntOutput , evntInputReinj ,
  evntOutputReinj , evntTimeout , evntPortConnect , evntPortDisconnect ,
  evntPortError , evntConnStart , evntConnStop , evntModuleLast ,
  evntUser = Worker::evntFirstUser
enum  EModuleItemType {
  mitInpPort , mitOutPort , mitPool , mitParam ,
  mitTimer , mitConnTimer , mitUser
enum  EParamEvent { parCreated = 0 , parConfigured = 1 , parModified = 2 , parDestroy = 3 }
enum  ExceptionKind {
  ex_None , ex_Stop , ex_Timeout , ex_Input ,
  ex_Output , ex_Connect , ex_Disconnect , ex_Command ,
  ex_Buffer , ex_Pool , ex_Object , ex_Hierarchy ,
  ex_Pointer , ex_Generic
enum  EXmlNodeType { kXML_NODE = 1 , kXML_COMMENT = 2 , kXML_PI_NODE = 3 , kXML_RAWLINE = 4 }
enum  HierarchyStreamKind { stream_NamesList , stream_Value , stream_Full , stream_NoDelete }
enum  HStoreMask {
  storemask_Compact = 0x03 , storemask_Version = 0x04 , storemask_TopVersion = 0x08 , storemask_History = 0x10 ,
  storemask_NoChilds = 0x20 , storemask_AsXML = 0x80
enum  ThreadsLayout { layoutMinimalistic , layoutPerModule , layoutBalanced , layoutMaximal }


bool ConnectDabcNode (const std::string &nodeaddr)
 Function establish connection with specified dabc node. More...
bool CreateManager (const std::string &name, int cmd_port=-1)
 Function should be used to create manager instance. More...
bool CtrlCPressed ()
 Returns true when CtrlC was pressed in handler. More...
bool DestroyManager ()
 Function can be used to destroy manager. More...
std::string format (const char *fmt,...)
void formats (std::string &sbuf, const char *fmt,...)
Hierarchy GetNodeHierarchy (const std::string &nodeaddr)
 Function request hierarchy of objects on remote node. More...
bool InstallSignalHandlers ()
 Method is used to install DABC-specific Ctrl-C handler It allows to correctly stop program execution when pressing Ctrl-C. More...
Loggerlgr ()
std::string MakeNodeName (const std::string &arg)
 Function creates node name, which can be supplied as receiver of dabc commands. More...
TimeStamp Now ()
std::string number_to_str (unsigned long num, int prec=1, int select=0)
 Convert number to string of form like 4.2G or 3.7M. More...
std::string replace_all (const std::string &str, const std::string &match, const std::string &replace)
 Replace all matches in the string. More...
void SetDebugLevel (int level=0)
void SetDebugPrefix (const char *prefix=0)
void SetFileLevel (int level=0)
std::string size_to_str (unsigned long sz, int prec=1, int select=0)
 Convert size to string of form like 4.2 GB or 3.7 MB. More...
void Sleep (double tm)
bool str_to_bool (const char *val, bool *res)
 Convert string to bool value. More...
bool str_to_double (const char *val, double *res)
 Convert string to double value. More...
bool str_to_int (const char *val, int *res)
 Convert string to integer value. More...
bool str_to_lint (const char *val, long *res)
 Convert string to long integer value. More...
bool str_to_luint (const char *val, long unsigned *res)
 Convert string to long unsigned integer value One could use hexadecimal (in form 0xabc100) or decimal format. More...
bool str_to_uint (const char *val, unsigned *res)
 Convert string to unsigned integer value One could use hexadecimal (in form 0xabc100) or decimal format. More...


const unsigned AcknoledgeQueueLength = 2
const BufferSize_t BufferSizeError = (dabc::BufferSize_t) -1
ManagerRef mgr
const char * prop_auth = "_auth"
const char * prop_error = "_error"
const char * prop_hash = "hash"
const char * prop_history = "_history"
const char * prop_kind = "_kind"
const char * prop_masteritem = "_master"
const char * prop_more = "_more"
const char * prop_producer = "_producer"
const char * prop_realname = "_realname"
const char * prop_time = "time"
const char * prop_version = "_version"
const char * prop_view = "_view"
const char * typeApplication = "dabc::Application"
const char * typeDevice = "dabc::Device"
const char * typeSocketDevice = "dabc::SocketDevice"
const char * typeSocketThread = "dabc::SocketThread"
const char * typeThread = "dabc::Thread"
const char * xml_flush = "flush"
const char * xml_maxsize = "maxsize"
const char * xml_number = "number"
const char * xmlActive = "active"
const char * xmlAffinity = "affinity"
const char * xmlAlignment = "Alignment"
const char * xmlAppDfltName = "App"
const char * xmlApplication = "Application"
const char * xmlAutoAttr = "auto"
const char * xmlBindAttr = "bind"
const char * xmlBufferSize = "BufferSize"
const char * xmlClassAttr = "class"
const char * xmlCleanupTimeout = "CleanupTimeout"
const char * xmlConnectionNode = "Connection"
const char * xmlConnTimeout = "ConnTimeout"
const char * xmlContext = "Context"
const char * xmlCopyCfg = "copycfg"
const char * xmlCpuInfo = "cpuinfo"
const char * xmlDABCNODEID = "DABCNODEID"
const char * xmlDABCSYS = "DABCSYS"
const char * xmlDebugger = "debugger"
const char * xmlDebuglevel = "debuglevel"
const char * xmlDeviceAttr = "device"
const char * xmlDeviceNode = "Device"
const char * xmlErrOut = "errout"
const char * xmlFalseValue = "false"
const char * xmlFileName = "FileName"
const char * xmlFileNumber = "FileNumber"
const char * xmlFileSizeLimit = "FileSizeLimit"
const char * xmlFixedLayout = "FixedLayout"
const char * xmlFlushTimeout = "FlushTimeout"
const char * xmlHaltTime = "halttime"
const char * xmlHostAttr = "host"
const char * xmlHostName = "HostName"
const char * xmlInitFunc = "func"
const char * xmlInlineDataSize = "InlineDataSize"
const char * xmlInputMask = "Input%u"
const char * xmlInputPrefix = "Input"
const char * xmlInputQueueSize = "InputQueueSize"
const char * xmlLDPATH = "LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
const char * xmlLogfile = "logfile"
const char * xmlLoglevel = "loglevel"
const char * xmlLoglimit = "loglimit"
const char * xmlLoopAttr = "loop"
const char * xmlMasterProcess = "master"
const char * xmlMcastAddr = "McastAddr"
const char * xmlMcastPort = "McastPort"
const char * xmlMcastRecv = "McastRecv"
const char * xmlMemoryPoolNode = "MemoryPool"
const char * xmlModuleNode = "Module"
const char * xmlNameAttr = "name"
const char * xmlNoDebugPrefix = "nodebugprefix"
const char * xmlNormalMainThrd = "normalmainthrd"
const char * xmlNullOut = "nullout"
const char * xmlNumBuffers = "NumBuffers"
const char * xmlNumInputs = "NumInputs"
const char * xmlNumOutputs = "NumOutputs"
const char * xmlNumReconnAttr = "numreconn"
const char * xmlNumSegments
const char * xmlOptionalAttr = "optional"
const char * xmlOutputMask = "Output%u"
const char * xmlOutputPrefix = "Output"
const char * xmlOutputQueueSize = "OutputQueueSize"
const char * xmlPoolAttr = "pool"
const char * xmlPoolName = "PoolName"
const char * xmlPortAttr = "port"
const char * xmlProtocol = "Protocol"
const char * xmlPublisher = "publisher"
const char * xmlQueueAttr = "queue"
const char * xmlRateAttr = "rate"
const char * xmlReconnectAttr = "reconnect"
const char * xmlRootNode = "dabc"
const char * xmlRunFunc = "runfunc"
const char * xmlRunNode = "Run"
const char * xmlRunTime = "runtime"
const char * xmlShowInfo = "ShowInfo"
const char * xmlSignalAttr = "signal"
const char * xmlSocketHost = "sockethost"
const char * xmlSshInit = "ssh_init"
const char * xmlSshPort = "ssh_port"
const char * xmlSshTest = "ssh_test"
const char * xmlSshTimeout = "ssh_timeout"
const char * xmlSshUser = "ssh_user"
const char * xmlStdOut = "stdout"
const char * xmlSyslog = "syslog"
const char * xmlSysloglevel = "sysloglevel"
const char * xmlTaskset = "taskset"
const char * xmlThrdStopTime = "thrdstoptime"
const char * xmlThreadAttr = "thread"
const char * xmlThreadNode = "Thread"
const char * xmlThreadsLayout = "threads_layout"
const char * xmlTimeoutAttr = "timeout"
const char * xmlTrueValue = "true"
const char * xmlUseacknAttr = "useackn"
const char * xmlUseAcknowledge = "UseAcknowledge"
const char * xmlUseControl = "control"
const char * xmlUserLib = "lib"
const char * xmlUserNode = "User"
const char * xmlValueAttr = "value"
const char * xmlVariablesNode = "Variables"
const char * xmlVersionAttr = "version"
const char * xmlWorkDir = "workdir"
const char * xmlWorkPool = "Pool"

Detailed Description

Event manipulation API.

Helper class to destroy manager when finishing process TODO: Check it precisely.

Core framework classes.

Typedef Documentation

◆ BufferSize_t

typedef uint32_t dabc::BufferSize_t

Definition at line 32 of file Buffer.h.

◆ PortIdsQueue

typedef Queue<unsigned, true> dabc::PortIdsQueue

Definition at line 26 of file MultiplexerModule.h.

◆ Thread_t

typedef pthread_t dabc::Thread_t

Definition at line 333 of file threads.h.

◆ XMLNodePointer_t

typedef void* dabc::XMLNodePointer_t

Definition at line 25 of file XmlEngine.h.

◆ XMLNsPointer_t

typedef void* dabc::XMLNsPointer_t

Definition at line 26 of file XmlEngine.h.

◆ XMLAttrPointer_t

typedef void* dabc::XMLAttrPointer_t

Definition at line 27 of file XmlEngine.h.

◆ XMLDocPointer_t

typedef void* dabc::XMLDocPointer_t

Definition at line 28 of file XmlEngine.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Definition at line 173 of file BinaryFile.h.

◆ EBufferTypes


Definition at line 38 of file Buffer.h.

◆ CommandRes


Definition at line 36 of file Command.h.

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Definition at line 92 of file ConfigBase.h.

◆ DataInputCodes


Definition at line 32 of file DataIO.h.

◆ DataOutputCodes


Definition at line 141 of file DataIO.h.

◆ ExceptionKind


Definition at line 27 of file Exception.h.

◆ HierarchyStreamKind


Definition at line 131 of file Hierarchy.h.

◆ ThreadsLayout


Definition at line 274 of file Manager.h.

◆ EModuleItemType


Definition at line 29 of file ModuleItem.h.

◆ EModuleEvents


Definition at line 39 of file ModuleItem.h.

◆ EModelItemConsts


Definition at line 55 of file ModuleItem.h.

◆ EParamEvent


produced once when parameter is created


event only for manager, used to react on reconfiguration of parameter


produced when parameter value modified. Either every change or after time interval (default = 1 sec)


produced once when parameter is destroyed

Definition at line 40 of file Parameter.h.

◆ HStoreMask


Definition at line 167 of file Record.h.

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Definition at line 24 of file MemoryPool.cxx.

◆ EXmlNodeType


Definition at line 33 of file XmlEngine.cxx.

Function Documentation

◆ CreateManager()

bool dabc::CreateManager ( const std::string &  name,
int  cmd_port = -1 

Function should be used to create manager instance.

cmd_port defines if socket communication channel will be created
cmd_port < 0 - nothing will be done (default) cmd_port == 0 - communication channel without server socket cmd_port > 0 - communication channel with specified server socket

Definition at line 26 of file api.cxx.

◆ InstallSignalHandlers()

bool dabc::InstallSignalHandlers ( )

Method is used to install DABC-specific Ctrl-C handler It allows to correctly stop program execution when pressing Ctrl-C.

Definition at line 83 of file api.cxx.

◆ CtrlCPressed()

bool dabc::CtrlCPressed ( )

Returns true when CtrlC was pressed in handler.

Definition at line 106 of file api.cxx.

◆ DestroyManager()

bool dabc::DestroyManager ( )

Function can be used to destroy manager.

Could be used to ensure that all dabc-relevant objects are destroyed

Definition at line 112 of file api.cxx.

◆ MakeNodeName()

std::string dabc::MakeNodeName ( const std::string &  arg)

Function creates node name, which can be supplied as receiver of dabc commands.

Definition at line 124 of file api.cxx.

◆ ConnectDabcNode()

bool dabc::ConnectDabcNode ( const std::string &  nodeaddr)

Function establish connection with specified dabc node.

Address should look like dabc://nodname:port

Definition at line 135 of file api.cxx.

◆ GetNodeHierarchy()

dabc::Hierarchy dabc::GetNodeHierarchy ( const std::string &  nodeaddr)

Function request hierarchy of objects on remote node.

Definition at line 162 of file api.cxx.

◆ SetDebugLevel()

void dabc::SetDebugLevel ( int  level = 0)

Definition at line 468 of file logging.cxx.

◆ SetFileLevel()

void dabc::SetFileLevel ( int  level = 0)

Definition at line 473 of file logging.cxx.

◆ SetDebugPrefix()

void dabc::SetDebugPrefix ( const char *  prefix = 0)

Definition at line 478 of file logging.cxx.

◆ lgr()

dabc::Logger * dabc::lgr ( )

Definition at line 483 of file logging.cxx.

◆ format()

std::string dabc::format ( const char *  fmt,

Definition at line 49 of file string.cxx.

◆ formats()

void dabc::formats ( std::string &  sbuf,
const char *  fmt,

Definition at line 26 of file string.cxx.

◆ size_to_str()

std::string dabc::size_to_str ( unsigned long  sz,
int  prec = 1,
int  select = 0 

Convert size to string of form like 4.2 GB or 3.7 MB.

[in]szsize value to convert
[in]precprecision after decimal point,
[in]selectforces to use special units 0 - default, 1 - B, 2 - KB, 3 - MB, 4 - GB
string with converted value

Definition at line 75 of file string.cxx.

◆ number_to_str()

std::string dabc::number_to_str ( unsigned long  num,
int  prec = 1,
int  select = 0 

Convert number to string of form like 4.2G or 3.7M.

[in]numnumber to convert
[in]precprecision after decimal point,
[in]selectforces to use special units 0 - default, 1 - normal, 2 - K, 3 - M, 4 - G
string with converted value

Definition at line 107 of file string.cxx.

◆ str_to_int()

bool dabc::str_to_int ( const char *  val,
int *  res 

Convert string to integer value.

[in]valsource string
[out]respointer on result value
true if succeed

Definition at line 142 of file string.cxx.

◆ str_to_lint()

bool dabc::str_to_lint ( const char *  val,
long *  res 

Convert string to long integer value.

[in]valsource string
[out]respointer on result value
true if succeed

Definition at line 162 of file string.cxx.

◆ str_to_uint()

bool dabc::str_to_uint ( const char *  val,
unsigned *  res 

Convert string to unsigned integer value One could use hexadecimal (in form 0xabc100) or decimal format.

[in]valsource string
[out]respointer on result value
true if succeed

Definition at line 184 of file string.cxx.

◆ str_to_luint()

bool dabc::str_to_luint ( const char *  val,
long unsigned *  res 

Convert string to long unsigned integer value One could use hexadecimal (in form 0xabc100) or decimal format.

[in]valsource string
[out]respointer on result value
true if succeed

Definition at line 200 of file string.cxx.

◆ str_to_double()

bool dabc::str_to_double ( const char *  val,
double *  res 

Convert string to double value.

[in]valsource string
[out]respointer on result value
true if succeed

Definition at line 216 of file string.cxx.

◆ str_to_bool()

bool dabc::str_to_bool ( const char *  val,
bool *  res 

Convert string to bool value.

[in]valsource string
[out]respointer on result value
true if succeed

Definition at line 229 of file string.cxx.

◆ replace_all()

std::string dabc::replace_all ( const std::string &  str,
const std::string &  match,
const std::string &  replace 

Replace all matches in the string.

[in]strinitial string
[in]matchfind content
[in]replacereplace content
result string

Definition at line 237 of file string.cxx.

◆ Now()

TimeStamp dabc::Now ( )

Definition at line 260 of file timing.h.

◆ Sleep()

void dabc::Sleep ( double  tm)

Definition at line 129 of file timing.cxx.

Variable Documentation

◆ BufferSizeError

const dabc::BufferSize_t dabc::BufferSizeError = (dabc::BufferSize_t) -1

Definition at line 21 of file Buffer.cxx.

◆ xmlRootNode

const char * dabc::xmlRootNode = "dabc"

Definition at line 27 of file ConfigBase.cxx.

◆ xmlVersionAttr

const char * dabc::xmlVersionAttr = "version"

Definition at line 28 of file ConfigBase.cxx.

◆ xmlContext

const char * dabc::xmlContext = "Context"

Definition at line 29 of file ConfigBase.cxx.

◆ xmlApplication

const char * dabc::xmlApplication = "Application"

Definition at line 30 of file ConfigBase.cxx.

◆ xmlAppDfltName

const char * dabc::xmlAppDfltName = "App"

Definition at line 31 of file ConfigBase.cxx.

◆ xmlVariablesNode

const char * dabc::xmlVariablesNode = "Variables"

Definition at line 32 of file ConfigBase.cxx.

◆ xmlNameAttr

const char * dabc::xmlNameAttr = "name"

Definition at line 33 of file ConfigBase.cxx.

◆ xmlHostAttr

const char * dabc::xmlHostAttr = "host"

Definition at line 34 of file ConfigBase.cxx.

◆ xmlPortAttr

const char * dabc::xmlPortAttr = "port"

Definition at line 35 of file ConfigBase.cxx.

◆ xmlClassAttr

const char * dabc::xmlClassAttr = "class"

Definition at line 36 of file ConfigBase.cxx.

◆ xmlDeviceAttr

const char * dabc::xmlDeviceAttr = "device"

Definition at line 37 of file ConfigBase.cxx.

◆ xmlThreadAttr

const char * dabc::xmlThreadAttr = "thread"

Definition at line 38 of file ConfigBase.cxx.

◆ xmlUseacknAttr

const char * dabc::xmlUseacknAttr = "useackn"

Definition at line 39 of file ConfigBase.cxx.

◆ xmlOptionalAttr

const char * dabc::xmlOptionalAttr = "optional"

Definition at line 40 of file ConfigBase.cxx.

◆ xmlPoolAttr

const char * dabc::xmlPoolAttr = "pool"

Definition at line 41 of file ConfigBase.cxx.

◆ xmlTimeoutAttr

const char * dabc::xmlTimeoutAttr = "timeout"

Definition at line 42 of file ConfigBase.cxx.

◆ xmlAutoAttr

const char * dabc::xmlAutoAttr = "auto"

Definition at line 43 of file ConfigBase.cxx.

◆ xmlReconnectAttr

const char * dabc::xmlReconnectAttr = "reconnect"

Definition at line 44 of file ConfigBase.cxx.

◆ xmlNumReconnAttr

const char * dabc::xmlNumReconnAttr = "numreconn"

Definition at line 45 of file ConfigBase.cxx.

◆ xmlValueAttr

const char * dabc::xmlValueAttr = "value"

Definition at line 46 of file ConfigBase.cxx.

◆ xmlRunNode

const char * dabc::xmlRunNode = "Run"

Definition at line 47 of file ConfigBase.cxx.

◆ xmlUserNode

const char * dabc::xmlUserNode = "User"

Definition at line 48 of file ConfigBase.cxx.

◆ xmlSshUser

const char * dabc::xmlSshUser = "ssh_user"

Definition at line 49 of file ConfigBase.cxx.

◆ xmlSshPort

const char * dabc::xmlSshPort = "ssh_port"

Definition at line 50 of file ConfigBase.cxx.

◆ xmlSshInit

const char * dabc::xmlSshInit = "ssh_init"

Definition at line 51 of file ConfigBase.cxx.

◆ xmlSshTest

const char * dabc::xmlSshTest = "ssh_test"

Definition at line 52 of file ConfigBase.cxx.

◆ xmlSshTimeout

const char * dabc::xmlSshTimeout = "ssh_timeout"

Definition at line 53 of file ConfigBase.cxx.


const char * dabc::xmlDABCSYS = "DABCSYS"

Definition at line 54 of file ConfigBase.cxx.


const char * dabc::xmlDABCUSERDIR = "DABCUSERDIR"

Definition at line 55 of file ConfigBase.cxx.


const char * dabc::xmlDABCWORKDIR = "DABCWORKDIR"

Definition at line 56 of file ConfigBase.cxx.


const char * dabc::xmlDABCNODEID = "DABCNODEID"

Definition at line 57 of file ConfigBase.cxx.


const char * dabc::xmlDABCNUMNODES = "DABCNUMNODES"

Definition at line 58 of file ConfigBase.cxx.

◆ xmlActive

const char * dabc::xmlActive = "active"

Definition at line 59 of file ConfigBase.cxx.

◆ xmlCopyCfg

const char * dabc::xmlCopyCfg = "copycfg"

Definition at line 60 of file ConfigBase.cxx.

◆ xmlStdOut

const char * dabc::xmlStdOut = "stdout"

Definition at line 61 of file ConfigBase.cxx.

◆ xmlErrOut

const char * dabc::xmlErrOut = "errout"

Definition at line 62 of file ConfigBase.cxx.

◆ xmlNullOut

const char * dabc::xmlNullOut = "nullout"

Definition at line 63 of file ConfigBase.cxx.

◆ xmlDebugger

const char * dabc::xmlDebugger = "debugger"

Definition at line 64 of file ConfigBase.cxx.

◆ xmlWorkDir

const char * dabc::xmlWorkDir = "workdir"

Definition at line 65 of file ConfigBase.cxx.

◆ xmlDebuglevel

const char * dabc::xmlDebuglevel = "debuglevel"

Definition at line 66 of file ConfigBase.cxx.

◆ xmlNoDebugPrefix

const char * dabc::xmlNoDebugPrefix = "nodebugprefix"

Definition at line 67 of file ConfigBase.cxx.

◆ xmlLogfile

const char * dabc::xmlLogfile = "logfile"

Definition at line 68 of file ConfigBase.cxx.

◆ xmlLoglevel

const char * dabc::xmlLoglevel = "loglevel"

Definition at line 70 of file ConfigBase.cxx.

◆ xmlSysloglevel

const char * dabc::xmlSysloglevel = "sysloglevel"

Definition at line 71 of file ConfigBase.cxx.

◆ xmlSyslog

const char * dabc::xmlSyslog = "syslog"

Definition at line 72 of file ConfigBase.cxx.

◆ xmlLoglimit

const char * dabc::xmlLoglimit = "loglimit"

Definition at line 69 of file ConfigBase.cxx.

◆ xmlRunTime

const char * dabc::xmlRunTime = "runtime"

Definition at line 73 of file ConfigBase.cxx.

◆ xmlHaltTime

const char * dabc::xmlHaltTime = "halttime"

Definition at line 74 of file ConfigBase.cxx.

◆ xmlThrdStopTime

const char * dabc::xmlThrdStopTime = "thrdstoptime"

Definition at line 75 of file ConfigBase.cxx.

◆ xmlNormalMainThrd

const char * dabc::xmlNormalMainThrd = "normalmainthrd"

Definition at line 76 of file ConfigBase.cxx.

◆ xmlAffinity

const char * dabc::xmlAffinity = "affinity"

Definition at line 77 of file ConfigBase.cxx.

◆ xmlThreadsLayout

const char * dabc::xmlThreadsLayout = "threads_layout"

Definition at line 78 of file ConfigBase.cxx.

◆ xmlTaskset

const char * dabc::xmlTaskset = "taskset"

Definition at line 79 of file ConfigBase.cxx.


const char * dabc::xmlLDPATH = "LD_LIBRARY_PATH"

Definition at line 80 of file ConfigBase.cxx.

◆ xmlUserLib

const char * dabc::xmlUserLib = "lib"

Definition at line 81 of file ConfigBase.cxx.

◆ xmlInitFunc

const char * dabc::xmlInitFunc = "func"

Definition at line 82 of file ConfigBase.cxx.

◆ xmlRunFunc

const char * dabc::xmlRunFunc = "runfunc"

Definition at line 83 of file ConfigBase.cxx.

◆ xmlCpuInfo

const char * dabc::xmlCpuInfo = "cpuinfo"

Definition at line 84 of file ConfigBase.cxx.

◆ xmlSocketHost

const char * dabc::xmlSocketHost = "sockethost"

Definition at line 85 of file ConfigBase.cxx.

◆ xmlUseControl

const char * dabc::xmlUseControl = "control"

Definition at line 86 of file ConfigBase.cxx.

◆ xmlMasterProcess

const char * dabc::xmlMasterProcess = "master"

Definition at line 87 of file ConfigBase.cxx.

◆ xmlPublisher

const char * dabc::xmlPublisher = "publisher"

Definition at line 88 of file ConfigBase.cxx.

◆ xmlTrueValue

const char * dabc::xmlTrueValue = "true"

Definition at line 90 of file ConfigBase.cxx.

◆ xmlFalseValue

const char * dabc::xmlFalseValue = "false"

Definition at line 91 of file ConfigBase.cxx.

◆ prop_kind

const char * dabc::prop_kind = "_kind"

Definition at line 29 of file Hierarchy.cxx.

◆ prop_version

const char * dabc::prop_version = "_version"

Definition at line 28 of file Hierarchy.cxx.

◆ prop_realname

const char * dabc::prop_realname = "_realname"

Definition at line 30 of file Hierarchy.cxx.

◆ prop_masteritem

const char * dabc::prop_masteritem = "_master"

Definition at line 31 of file Hierarchy.cxx.

◆ prop_producer

const char * dabc::prop_producer = "_producer"

Definition at line 32 of file Hierarchy.cxx.

◆ prop_error

const char * dabc::prop_error = "_error"

Definition at line 33 of file Hierarchy.cxx.

◆ prop_hash

const char * dabc::prop_hash = "hash"

Definition at line 35 of file Hierarchy.cxx.

◆ prop_auth

const char * dabc::prop_auth = "_auth"

Definition at line 34 of file Hierarchy.cxx.

◆ prop_history

const char * dabc::prop_history = "_history"

Definition at line 36 of file Hierarchy.cxx.

◆ prop_time

const char * dabc::prop_time = "time"

Definition at line 37 of file Hierarchy.cxx.

◆ prop_more

const char * dabc::prop_more = "_more"

Definition at line 38 of file Hierarchy.cxx.

◆ prop_view

const char * dabc::prop_view = "_view"

Definition at line 39 of file Hierarchy.cxx.

◆ mgr

ManagerRef dabc::mgr

Definition at line 42 of file Manager.cxx.

◆ xmlDeviceNode

const char * dabc::xmlDeviceNode = "Device"

Definition at line 30 of file Object.cxx.

◆ xmlThreadNode

const char * dabc::xmlThreadNode = "Thread"

Definition at line 31 of file Object.cxx.

◆ xmlMemoryPoolNode

const char * dabc::xmlMemoryPoolNode = "MemoryPool"

Definition at line 32 of file Object.cxx.

◆ xmlModuleNode

const char * dabc::xmlModuleNode = "Module"

Definition at line 33 of file Object.cxx.

◆ xmlConnectionNode

const char * dabc::xmlConnectionNode = "Connection"

Definition at line 34 of file Object.cxx.

◆ xmlQueueAttr

const char * dabc::xmlQueueAttr = "queue"

Definition at line 36 of file Object.cxx.

◆ xmlBindAttr

const char * dabc::xmlBindAttr = "bind"

Definition at line 37 of file Object.cxx.

◆ xmlSignalAttr

const char * dabc::xmlSignalAttr = "signal"

Definition at line 38 of file Object.cxx.

◆ xmlRateAttr

const char * dabc::xmlRateAttr = "rate"

Definition at line 39 of file Object.cxx.

◆ xmlLoopAttr

const char * dabc::xmlLoopAttr = "loop"

Definition at line 40 of file Object.cxx.

◆ xmlInputQueueSize

const char * dabc::xmlInputQueueSize = "InputQueueSize"

Definition at line 41 of file Object.cxx.

◆ xmlOutputQueueSize

const char * dabc::xmlOutputQueueSize = "OutputQueueSize"

Definition at line 42 of file Object.cxx.

◆ xmlInlineDataSize

const char * dabc::xmlInlineDataSize = "InlineDataSize"

Definition at line 43 of file Object.cxx.

◆ xmlPoolName

const char * dabc::xmlPoolName = "PoolName"

Definition at line 45 of file Object.cxx.

◆ xmlWorkPool

const char * dabc::xmlWorkPool = "Pool"

Definition at line 46 of file Object.cxx.

◆ xmlFixedLayout

const char * dabc::xmlFixedLayout = "FixedLayout"

Definition at line 47 of file Object.cxx.

◆ xmlCleanupTimeout

const char * dabc::xmlCleanupTimeout = "CleanupTimeout"

Definition at line 48 of file Object.cxx.

◆ xmlBufferSize

const char * dabc::xmlBufferSize = "BufferSize"

Definition at line 49 of file Object.cxx.

◆ xmlNumBuffers

const char * dabc::xmlNumBuffers = "NumBuffers"

Definition at line 50 of file Object.cxx.

◆ xmlNumSegments

const char* dabc::xmlNumSegments

◆ xmlAlignment

const char * dabc::xmlAlignment = "Alignment"

Definition at line 51 of file Object.cxx.

◆ xmlShowInfo

const char * dabc::xmlShowInfo = "ShowInfo"

Definition at line 52 of file Object.cxx.

◆ xmlNumInputs

const char * dabc::xmlNumInputs = "NumInputs"

Definition at line 54 of file Object.cxx.

◆ xmlNumOutputs

const char * dabc::xmlNumOutputs = "NumOutputs"

Definition at line 55 of file Object.cxx.

◆ xmlInputPrefix

const char * dabc::xmlInputPrefix = "Input"

Definition at line 56 of file Object.cxx.

◆ xmlInputMask

const char * dabc::xmlInputMask = "Input%u"

Definition at line 57 of file Object.cxx.

◆ xmlOutputPrefix

const char * dabc::xmlOutputPrefix = "Output"

Definition at line 58 of file Object.cxx.

◆ xmlOutputMask

const char * dabc::xmlOutputMask = "Output%u"

Definition at line 59 of file Object.cxx.

◆ xmlUseAcknowledge

const char * dabc::xmlUseAcknowledge = "UseAcknowledge"

Definition at line 60 of file Object.cxx.

◆ xmlFlushTimeout

const char * dabc::xmlFlushTimeout = "FlushTimeout"

Definition at line 61 of file Object.cxx.

◆ xmlConnTimeout

const char * dabc::xmlConnTimeout = "ConnTimeout"

Definition at line 62 of file Object.cxx.

◆ xmlProtocol

const char * dabc::xmlProtocol = "Protocol"

Definition at line 68 of file Object.cxx.

◆ xmlHostName

const char * dabc::xmlHostName = "HostName"

Definition at line 69 of file Object.cxx.

◆ xmlFileName

const char * dabc::xmlFileName = "FileName"

Definition at line 70 of file Object.cxx.

◆ xmlFileNumber

const char * dabc::xmlFileNumber = "FileNumber"

Definition at line 71 of file Object.cxx.

◆ xmlFileSizeLimit

const char * dabc::xmlFileSizeLimit = "FileSizeLimit"

Definition at line 72 of file Object.cxx.

◆ xml_maxsize

const char * dabc::xml_maxsize = "maxsize"

Definition at line 73 of file Object.cxx.

◆ xml_number

const char * dabc::xml_number = "number"

Definition at line 74 of file Object.cxx.

◆ xml_flush

const char * dabc::xml_flush = "flush"

Definition at line 75 of file Object.cxx.

◆ xmlMcastAddr

const char * dabc::xmlMcastAddr = "McastAddr"

Definition at line 64 of file Object.cxx.

◆ xmlMcastPort

const char * dabc::xmlMcastPort = "McastPort"

Definition at line 65 of file Object.cxx.

◆ xmlMcastRecv

const char * dabc::xmlMcastRecv = "McastRecv"

Definition at line 66 of file Object.cxx.

◆ typeThread

const char * dabc::typeThread = "dabc::Thread"

Definition at line 77 of file Object.cxx.

◆ typeDevice

const char * dabc::typeDevice = "dabc::Device"

Definition at line 78 of file Object.cxx.

◆ typeSocketDevice

const char * dabc::typeSocketDevice = "dabc::SocketDevice"

Definition at line 79 of file Object.cxx.

◆ typeSocketThread

const char * dabc::typeSocketThread = "dabc::SocketThread"

Definition at line 80 of file Object.cxx.

◆ typeApplication

const char * dabc::typeApplication = "dabc::Application"

Definition at line 81 of file Object.cxx.

◆ AcknoledgeQueueLength

const unsigned dabc::AcknoledgeQueueLength = 2

Definition at line 23 of file Transport.cxx.