stream  0.10.0
stream analysis framework
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hadaq::TrbProcessor Class Reference

TRB processor. More...

#include <hadaq/TrbProcessor.h>

Inheritance diagram for hadaq::TrbProcessor:
base::StreamProc base::Processor hadaq::MonitorProcessor

Public Member Functions

 TrbProcessor (unsigned brdid=0, HldProcessor *hld=nullptr, int hfill=-1)
 Constructor, one could specify histogram fill level.
virtual ~TrbProcessor ()
HldProcessorGetHLD () const
 Returns instance of hadaq::HldProcessor to which it belongs.
void SetAutoCreate (bool on=true)
 enable autocreation mode if necessary, works for single event
void SetHadaqCTSId (unsigned id)
 Set id of CTS sub-sub event.
void AddHadaqHUBId (unsigned id)
 Add HUB id.
void SetHadaqHUBId (unsigned id1, unsigned id2=0, unsigned id3=0, unsigned id4=0)
 Set up to 4 different HUB ids.
void SetHadaqTDCId (unsigned)
 deprecated, keep for backward compatibility, can be ignored
void SetHadaqSUBId (unsigned)
 deprecated, keep for backward compatibility, can be ignored
virtual void UserPreLoop ()
 Pre loop function.
virtual void UserPostLoop ()
 Post loop function.
virtual void SetTriggerWindow (double left, double right)
 Set trigger window for all TDCs.
virtual void SetStoreKind (unsigned kind=1)
 Configure store kind.
virtual bool FirstBufferScan (const base::Buffer &buf)
 First scan of buffer - main entry point for data.
void SetPrintRawData (bool on=true)
 Enables printing of raw data.
bool IsPrintRawData () const
 Return true if printing of raw data enabled.
void SetPrintErrors (int cnt=100)
 Set number of errors which could be printed.
bool CheckPrintError ()
 Checks if error can be print out.
void SetCrossProcess (bool on=true)
 Enable Cross-processing - hits correlation between different TDCs.
bool IsCrossProcess () const
 Returns true if cross-processing enabled.
void SetCh0Enabled (bool on=true)
 Enable/disable ch0 store in output event for all TDC processors.
void SetSyncIds (unsigned mask, unsigned value)
 Set sync mask and value which, should be obtained from trigger type to detect CBM sync message in CTS sub-event Code is following: if ((trig_type & mask) == value) syncnum = sub->LastData();

void SetUseTriggerAsSync (bool on=true)
 Use TRB trigger number as SYNC message. More...
bool IsUseTriggerAsSync () const
 Returns true if trigger number should be used to sync events over all TRBs.
void SetCompensateEpochReset (bool on=true)
 When enabled, artificially create contiguous epoch value.
unsigned NumSubProc () const
 Returns number of sub-processors.
SubProcessorGetSubProc (unsigned indx) const
 Returns sub-processor by its index.
TdcProcessorGetTDC (unsigned tdcid, bool fullid=false) const
 Returns TDC processor according to it ID.
unsigned NumberOfTDC () const
 Returns number of TDC processors.
TdcProcessorGetTDCWithIndex (unsigned indx) const
 Get TDC processor by index.
void AddBufferToTDC (hadaqs::RawSubevent *sub, hadaq::SubProcessor *tdcproc, unsigned ix, unsigned datalen)
 Provide buffer to sub-processor.
TdcProcessorFindTDC (unsigned tdcid) const
 Find TDC with provided id.
int CreateTDC (unsigned id1, unsigned id2=0, unsigned id3=0, unsigned id4=0)
 Create up to 4 TDC with pre-configured default parameters.
void CreateCTS_TDC ()
 Create TDC processor, which extracts TDC information from CTS header.
void DisableCalibrationFor (unsigned firstch, unsigned lastch=0)
 Disable calibration of specified channels for all existing TDCs.
void SetAutoCalibrations (long cnt=100000)
 Set auto calibration for all existing TDCs.
void SetWriteCalibrations (const char *fileprefix, bool every_time=false, bool use_linear=false)
 Set write calibration for all existing TDCs.
bool LoadCalibrations (const char *fileprefix)
 Load calibrations for all existing TDCs as argument file prefix (without TDC id) should be specified.
void ConfigureCalibration (const std::string &name, long period, unsigned trigmask=0xFFFF)
 Configure calibration.
void SetCalibrTriggerMask (unsigned trigmask=0xFFFF)
 Set trigger ids mask which should be used for calibration Value 0x3FF enables calibration for all kinds of events Value (1 << 0xD) enable calibration for 0xD trigger.
bool CollectMissingTDCs (hadaqs::RawSubevent *sub, std::vector< unsigned > &ids)
 Using data structure in raw event, collect ids of missing TDCs. More...
void ClearFastTDCVector ()
 Clear helper vector of TDCs processor for fast access.
unsigned TransformSubEvent (hadaqs::RawSubevent *sub, void *tgtbuf=nullptr, unsigned tgtlen=0, bool only_hist=false, std::vector< unsigned > *newids=nullptr)
 Transform (calibrate) raw data Creates output HLD structure, used in HADES DAQ. More...
unsigned EmulateTransform (hadaqs::RawSubevent *sub, int dummycnt, bool only_hist=false)
 Emulate transform (calibrate) raw data - only for debugging.
void CreatePerTDCHistos ()
 Create overview histograms where each TDC corresponds one bin.
bool HasPerTDCHistos () const
 Are there per-TDC histograms.
void ClearDAQHistos ()
 Clear all DAQ-related histograms.
hadaqs::RawSubeventGetLastSubeventHdr ()
 Return reference on last subevent header.
hadaq::TrbMessageGetTrbMsg ()
 Return reference on last filled message.
- Public Member Functions inherited from base::StreamProc
virtual ~StreamProc ()
void SetTimeSorting (bool on)
 Enable/disable time sorting of data in output event.
bool IsTimeSorting () const
 Is time sorting enabled.
void SetTriggerMargin (double margin=0.)
 Set minimal distance between two triggers.
void CreateTriggerHist (unsigned multipl=40, unsigned nbins=2500, double left=-1e-6, double right=4e-6)
 create histograms for triggers
void SetRawScanOnly ()
 Method set raw-scan only mode for processor Processor will not be used for any data selection.
bool IsRawScanOnly () const
 Is only raw scan will be performed.
bool IsRawAnalysis () const
 Is raw analysis only.
bool IsTriggeredAnalysis () const
 Is triggered events analysis.
bool IsStreamAnalysis () const
 Is full stream analysis.
bool IsSynchronisationRequired () const
 Method indicate if any kind of time-synchronization technique should be applied for the processor. More...
unsigned minNumSyncRequired () const
 Returns minimal number of syncs required for time synchronisation.
virtual bool AddNextBuffer (const Buffer &buf)
 Provide next port of data to the processor. More...
virtual bool ScanNewBuffers ()
 Scanning all new buffers in the queue. More...
virtual bool ScanNewBuffersTm ()
 With new calibration set (where possible) time of buffers. More...
virtual void SkipAllData ()
 Method to remove all buffers, all triggers and so on. More...
virtual bool SkipBuffers (unsigned cnt)
 Force processor to skip buffers from input. More...
unsigned numSyncs () const
 Returns total number of sync markers.
unsigned numReadySyncs () const
 Returns number of read sync markers.
SyncMarkergetSync (unsigned n)
 Returns sync marker.
unsigned findSyncWithId (unsigned syncid) const
 find sync marker
virtual bool CollectTriggers (GlobalMarksQueue &queue)
 Method to deliver detected triggers from processor to central manager. More...
virtual bool DistributeTriggers (const GlobalMarksQueue &queue)
 This is method to get back identified triggers from central manager. More...
virtual bool ScanDataForNewTriggers ()
 Here each processor should scan data again for new triggers Method made virtual while some subprocessors will do it in connection with others. More...
unsigned NumReadySubevents () const
 Returns number of already build events.
virtual bool AppendSubevent (base::Event *evt)
 Append data for first trigger to the main event. More...
virtual bool SecondBufferScan (const base::Buffer &)
 Second generic scan of buffer Here selection of data for region-of-interest should be performed.
virtual void Store (Event *)
 Generic method to store processor data, In case of ROOT one should copy event data in temporary structures, which are mapped to the branch.
virtual void ResetStore ()
 Generic method to store processor data, In case of ROOT one should copy event data in temporary structures, which are mapped to the branch.
- Public Member Functions inherited from base::Processor
virtual ~Processor ()
ProcMgrmgr () const
 Return manager instance.
const char * GetName () const
 Get processor name.
unsigned GetID () const
 Get processor ID.
void SetHistFilling (int lvl=99)
 Set histogram filling level.
bool IsHistFilling () const
 Is histogram filling enabled.
int HistFillLevel () const
 Get histogram filling level.
unsigned GetStoreKind () const
 Get store kind.
bool IsStoreEnabled () const
 Is store enabled.
void SetStoreEnabled (bool on=true)
 Enable store - set store kind 1.

Static Public Member Functions

static void SetDefaults (unsigned numch=65, unsigned edges=0x1, bool ignore_sync=true)
 Set defaults for the next creation of TDC processors. More...
static unsigned GetDefaultNumCh ()
 Retun default number of TDC channels.
static void SetTDCRange (unsigned min, unsigned max)
 Define range for TDCs, used when auto mode is enabled.
static void SetHUBRange (unsigned min, unsigned max)
 Define range for HUBs, used when auto mode is enabled.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from base::StreamProc
static void SetMarksQueueCapacity (unsigned sz)
 Set markers queue capacity.
static void SetBufsQueueCapacity (unsigned sz)
 Set buffers queue capacity.

Protected Member Functions

virtual bool doTriggerSelection () const
 Returns true when processor used to select trigger signal TRB3 not yet able to perform trigger selection.
void AccountTriggerId (unsigned id)
 Assign current trigger id.
void AddSub (SubProcessor *tdc, unsigned id)
 Way to register sub-processor, like for TDC. More...
virtual void ScanSubEvent (hadaqs::RawSubevent *sub, unsigned trb3runid, unsigned trb3seqid)
 Scan FPGA-TDC data, distribute over sub-processors. More...
void BeforeEventScan ()
 Function called before each event scan.
void AfterEventScan ()
 Function called after event scan - TDCs analyze data they got.
void AfterEventFill ()
 if SetCrossProcess() enabled - fill histograms across TDCs
void BuildFastTDCVector ()
 Build vector of TDCs processor for fast access.
virtual void CreateBranch (TTree *t)
 Create branch in TTree to store hadaq::TrbMessage.
void EventError (const char *msg)
 Add event-related error message - adds event info.
void EventLog (const char *msg)
 Add event-related log message - adds event info.
void SetCrossProcessAll ()
 Cal SetCrossProcess for all existing TRB processors.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from base::StreamProc
 StreamProc (const char *name="", unsigned brdid=DummyBrdId, bool basehist=true)
 Make constructor protected - no way to create base class instance. More...
void SetSynchronisationKind (SyncKind kind=sync_Inter)
 Method indicate if any kind of time-synchronization technique should be applied for the processor. More...
void AddSyncMarker (SyncMarker &marker)
 add sync marker
bool AddTriggerMarker (LocalTimeMarker &marker, double tm_range=0.)
 Add new local trigger. More...
GlobalTime_t LocalToGlobalTime (GlobalTime_t localtm, unsigned *sync_index=0)
 Method converts local time (in ns representation) to global time. More...
bool IsSyncIndexWithInterpolation (unsigned indx) const
 Method return true when sync_index is means interpolation of time.
virtual GlobalTime_t ProvidePotentialFlushTime (GlobalTime_t last_marker)
 Method should return time, which could be flushed from the processor. More...
bool VerifyFlushTime (const base::GlobalTime_t &flush_time)
 Method must ensure that processor scanned such time and can really skip this data. More...
virtual double MaximumDisorderTm () const
 Time constant, defines how far disorder of messages can go.
unsigned TestHitTime (const base::GlobalTime_t &hittime, bool normal_hit, bool can_close_event=true)
 Method decides to which trigger window belong hit normal_hit - indicates that time is belong to data, which than can be assigned to output can_close_event - when true, hit time can be used to decide that event is ready. More...
template<class EventClass , class MessageClass >
void AddMessage (unsigned indx, EventClass *ev, const MessageClass &msg)
 add new message to event
bool eraseSyncAt (unsigned indx)
 Removes sync at specified position. More...
bool eraseFirstSyncs (unsigned sync_num)
 Remove specified number of syncs. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from base::Processor
 Processor (const char *name="", unsigned brdid=DummyBrdId)
 Make constructor protected - no way to create base class instance. More...
void SetBoardId (unsigned id)
 Set board id.
void SetPathPrefix (const std::string &prefix)
 Set path prefix for histogramsid.
void SetSubPrefix (const char *subname="", int indx=-1, const char *subname2="", int indx2=-1)
 Set subprefix for histograms and conditions. More...
void SetSubPrefix2 (const char *subname="", int indx=-1, const char *subname2="", int indx2=-1)
 Set subprefix for histograms and conditions, index uses 2 symbols. More...
H1handle MakeH1 (const char *name, const char *title, int nbins, double left, double right, const char *xtitle=0)
 Adds processor prefix to histogram name and calls base::ProcMgr::MakeH1 method.
void FillH1 (H1handle h1, double x, double weight=1.)
 Fill 1-D histogram.
void FastFillH1 (H1handle h1, int x, double weight=1.)
 Fast fill 1-D histogram. More...
double GetH1Content (H1handle h1, int nbin)
 Get bin content of 1-D histogram.
void SetH1Content (H1handle h1, int nbin, double v=0.)
 Set bin content of 1-D histogram.
int GetH1NBins (H1handle h1)
 Get bins numbers for 1-D histogram.
void ClearH1 (H1handle h1)
 Clear 1-D histogram.
void CopyH1 (H1handle tgt, H1handle src)
 Copy 1-D histogram from src to tgt.
void SetH1Title (H1handle h1, const char *title)
 Set 1-D histogram title.
H2handle MakeH2 (const char *name, const char *title, int nbins1, double left1, double right1, int nbins2, double left2, double right2, const char *options=0)
 Adds processor prefix to histogram name and calls base::ProcMgr::MakeH2 method.
void FillH2 (H1handle h2, double x, double y, double weight=1.)
 Fill 2-D histogram.
void FastFillH2 (H1handle h2, int x, int y)
 Fast fill 2-D histogram. More...
void SetH2Content (H2handle h2, int nbin1, int nbin2, double v=0.)
 Set bin content of 2-D histogram.
double GetH2Content (H2handle h2, int bin1, int bin2)
 Get bin content of 2-D histogram.
bool GetH2NBins (H2handle h2, int &nBins1, int &nBins2)
 Get number of bins for 2-D histogram.
void ClearH2 (base::H2handle h2)
 Clear 2-D histogram.
void SetH2Title (H2handle h2, const char *title)
 Change title of 2-D histogram.
C1handle MakeC1 (const char *name, double left, double right, H1handle h1=0)
 Create condition.
void ChangeC1 (C1handle c1, double left, double right)
 Change condition limits.
int TestC1 (C1handle c1, double value, double *dist=0)
 Test condition.
double GetC1Limit (C1handle c1, bool isleft=true)
 Get condition limit.
virtual bool RegisterObject (TObject *tobj, const char *subfolder=0)
 Register object.

Protected Attributes

HldProcessorfHldProc {nullptr}
 pointer on HLD processor
SubProcMap fMap
 map of sub-processors
unsigned fHadaqCTSId {0}
 identifier of CTS header in HADAQ event
std::vector< unsigned > fHadaqHUBId
 identifier of HUB header in HADQ event
unsigned fLastTriggerId {0}
 last seen trigger id
unsigned fLostTriggerCnt {0}
 lost trigger counts
unsigned fTakenTriggerCnt {0}
 registered trigger counts
base::H1handle fEvSize {nullptr}
 HADAQ event size.
unsigned fSubevHLen {0}
 maximal length of subevent in bytes
unsigned fSubevHDiv {0}
 integer division for subevent
base::H1handle fSubevSize {nullptr}
 HADAQ subevent size.
base::H1handle fLostRate {nullptr}
 lost rate
base::H1handle fTrigType {nullptr}
 trigger type
base::H1handle fErrBits {nullptr}
 error bit statistics
base::H1handle fMsgPerBrd {nullptr}
 ! messages per board
base::H1handle fErrPerBrd {nullptr}
 ! errors per board
base::H1handle fHitsPerBrd {nullptr}
 ! data hits per board
base::H2handle fCalHitsPerBrd {nullptr}
 ! calibration hits per board, used only in HADES
base::H2handle fToTPerBrd {nullptr}
 ! ToT values for each TDC channel
bool fPrintRawData
 true when raw data should be printed
bool fCrossProcess
 if true, cross-processing will be enabled
int fPrintErrCnt
 number of error messages, which could be printed
unsigned fSyncTrigMask
 mask which should be applied for trigger type
unsigned fSyncTrigValue
 value from trigger type (after mask) which corresponds to sync message
unsigned fCalibrTriggerMask
 trigger mask used for calibration
bool fUseTriggerAsSync
 when true, trigger number used as sync message between TRBs
bool fCompensateEpochReset
 when true, artificially create contiguous epoch value
bool fAutoCreate
 when true, automatically crates TDC processors
TrbMessage fMsg
 used for TTree store
TrbMessagepMsg {nullptr}
 used for TTree store
unsigned fMinTdc
 minimal id of TDC
unsigned fMaxTdc
 maximal id of TDC
std::vector< hadaq::TdcProcessor * > fTdcsVect
 array of TDCs
hadaqs::RawSubevent fLastSubevHdr
 ! copy of last subevent header (without data)
unsigned fCurrentRunId
 ! current runid
unsigned fCurrentEventId
 ! current processed event id, used in log msg
- Protected Attributes inherited from base::StreamProc
BuffersQueue fQueue
 ! buffers queue
unsigned fQueueScanIndex
 index of next buffer which should be scanned
unsigned fQueueScanIndexTm
 index of buffer to scan and set correct times of the buffer head
AnalysisKind fAnalysisKind
 defines that processor is doing
SyncKind fSynchronisationKind
 kind of synchronization
SyncMarksQueue fSyncs
 list of sync markers
unsigned fSyncScanIndex
 sync scan index, indicate number of syncs which can really be used for synchronization
bool fSyncFlag
 boolean, used in sync adjustment procedure
LocalMarkersQueue fLocalMarks
 queue with local markers
double fTriggerAcceptMaring
 time margin (in local time) to accept new trigger
GlobalTime_t fLastLocalTriggerTm
 time of last local trigger
GlobalMarksQueue fGlobalMarks
 list of global triggers in work
unsigned fGlobalTrigScanIndex
 index with first trigger which is not yet ready
unsigned fGlobalTrigRightIndex
 temporary value, used during second buffers scan
bool fTimeSorting
 defines if time sorting should be used for the messages
base::H1handle fTriggerTm
 ! histogram with time relative to the trigger
base::H1handle fMultipl
 ! histogram of event multiplicity
base::C1handle fTriggerWindow
 window used for data selection
- Protected Attributes inherited from base::Processor
std::string fName
 processor name, used for event naming
unsigned fID
 identifier, used mostly for debugging
 direct pointer on manager
std::string fPathPrefix
 histogram path prefix, used for histogram folder name
std::string fPrefix
 prefix, used for histogram names
std::string fSubPrefixD
 sub-prefix for histogram directory
std::string fSubPrefixN
 sub-prefix for histogram names
int fHistFilling
 level of histogram filling
unsigned fStoreKind
 if >0, store will be enabled for processor
bool fIntHistFormat
 if true, internal histogram format is used

Static Protected Attributes

static unsigned gNumChannels = 65
 default number of channels
static unsigned gEdgesMask = 0x1
 default edges mask
static bool gIgnoreSync = false
 ignore sync in analysis, very rare used for sync with other data sources
static unsigned gTDCMin = 0x0000
 min TDC id when doing autoscan
static unsigned gTDCMax = 0x0FFF
 max TDC id when doing autoscan
static unsigned gHUBMin = 0x8100
 min HUB id when doing autoscan
static unsigned gHUBMax = 0x81FF
 max HUB id when doing autoscan
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from base::StreamProc
static unsigned fMarksQueueCapacity = 10000
 maximum number of items in the marksers queue
static unsigned fBufsQueueCapacity = 100
 maximum number of items in the queue


class TdcProcessor
class SubProcessor
class HldProcessor

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from base::StreamProc
enum  SyncKind { sync_None , sync_Inter , sync_Left , sync_Right }
 kind of synchronization More...
- Protected Types inherited from base::StreamProc
typedef RecordsQueue< base::Buffer, false > BuffersQueue
 buffers queue
typedef RecordsQueue< base::SyncMarker, false > SyncMarksQueue
 sync markers queue
- Protected Types inherited from base::Processor
enum  { DummyBrdId = 0xffffffff }

Detailed Description

TRB processor.

This is generic processor for data, coming from TRB board Normally one requires specific sub-processor for frontend like TDC or any other Idea that TrbProcessor can interpret HADAQ event/subevent structures and will distribute data to sub-processors.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddSub()

void hadaq::TrbProcessor::AddSub ( SubProcessor tdc,
unsigned  id 

Way to register sub-processor, like for TDC.

Add sub-processor (like TDC or ADC)

◆ CollectMissingTDCs()

bool hadaq::TrbProcessor::CollectMissingTDCs ( hadaqs::RawSubevent sub,
std::vector< unsigned > &  ids 

Using data structure in raw event, collect ids of missing TDCs.

<! Extract data portion from the whole packet (in a loop)

◆ ScanSubEvent()

void hadaq::TrbProcessor::ScanSubEvent ( hadaqs::RawSubevent sub,
unsigned  trb3runid,
unsigned  trb3seqid 

Scan FPGA-TDC data, distribute over sub-processors.

Scan subevent.

this is first scan of subevent from TRB3 data our task is statistic over all messages we will found also for trigger-type 1 we should add SYNC message to each processor

<! Extract data portion from the whole packet (in a loop)

<! ================== Dummy header and inside ==========================

<! In theory here must be only one word - termination package with the status

<! ================= any other header ========================

Reimplemented in hadaq::MonitorProcessor.

◆ SetDefaults()

void hadaq::TrbProcessor::SetDefaults ( unsigned  numch = 65,
unsigned  edges = 0x1,
bool  ignore_sync = true 

Set defaults for the next creation of TDC processors.

numchprovides number of channels and edges.
edgesdefine how falling edges are used
  • 1 - use only rising edge, falling edge is ignore
  • 2 - falling edge enabled and fully independent from rising edge
  • 3 - falling edge enabled and uses calibration from rising edge
  • 4 - falling edge enabled and common statistic is used for calibration see hadaq::TdcProcessor::EEdgesMasks for more info
ignore_syncdefines if sync messages are ignored (true by default) *‍/

◆ SetUseTriggerAsSync()

void hadaq::TrbProcessor::SetUseTriggerAsSync ( bool  on = true)

Use TRB trigger number as SYNC message.

By this we synchronize all TDCs on all TRB boards by trigger number

◆ TransformSubEvent()

unsigned hadaq::TrbProcessor::TransformSubEvent ( hadaqs::RawSubevent sub,
void *  tgtbuf = nullptr,
unsigned  tgtlen = 0,
bool  only_hist = false,
std::vector< unsigned > *  newids = nullptr 

Transform (calibrate) raw data Creates output HLD structure, used in HADES DAQ.

<! ================= FPGA TDC header ========================

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: