Write a benchmark (part 1)

(no SIMD yet)

In the simd-benchmarks directory:


Edit CMakeLists.txt and add add_benchmark(peakflop) at the bottom.


Create a new file peakflop.cpp and add the following boilerplate:

#include <benchmark/benchmark.h>

void peak(benchmark::State &state)
  float x = 1;
  for (auto _ : state) {
    x = x * 3 + 1;

  // compute FLOP/s and FLOP/cycle
  constexpr double flop_per_iteration = 2;
  state.counters["FLOP"] = {flop_per_iteration,
  if (state.counters.contains("CYCLES")) {
    state.counters["FLOP/cycle"] = {flop_per_iteration / state.counters["CYCLES"],

// Register the function as a benchmark

// Run the benchmark


Use make run_peakflop to compile and execute the benchmark (run make on the first time to create the new target)


Are the numbers correct? Anything wrong with the benchmark?


(optional) Inspect the binary with

vir_inspect.sh peakflop peak

results matching ""

    No results matching ""