Nearest Neighbor

:pencil: Random values

Write a function producing a std::vector of random float values.


Boilerplate for random number generation

std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 gen(rd());
std::uniform_real_distribution<float> rnd0_10(0.f, 10.f);
:pencil: Find nearest neighbor

Given another random value, find the closest neighbor in the random vector and return its index in the vector.

:pencil: Vectorize

Copy the code (or generalize via template) and work with stdx::native_simd<float> instead.

  1. Use simd(address, stdx::element_aligned) to load from an array of float
  2. Use std::vector<native_simd<float>>

Which one is better, if at all? When?

:pencil: Benchmark

Benchmark the three variants, over different sizes of the vector


One benchmark function, benchmarking different vector sizes

void name(benchmark::State& state) {
  const std::size_t n = state.range(0);
  std::vector<float> values(n);
  // ...

BENCHMARK(name)->Range(8, 8 << 20);
:pencil: 3-D

Go from 1-dim to three dimensional.

  1. AoS
  2. SoA
  3. AoVS
  4. kd-tree (kidding :wink: nothing for today, at least)
:pencil: … and benchmark

Further Reading

Data-Structure Vectorization

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