Hello SIMD World


You can do this exercise locally or on Compiler Explorer (unless you want to use vir-simd).


#include <experimental/simd>
#include <iostream>

namespace stdx = std::experimental;

template <class T, class A>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, const stdx::simd<T, A>& v) {
    s << '[' << v[0];
    for (std::size_t i = 1; i < v.size(); ++i) {
        s << ", " << v[i];
    return s << ']';

int main() {
    return 0;

:pencil: simd constructors

Test the four different constructors:

  • default
  • broadcast
  • generator
  • load

… using different element types: double, char, unsigned, …

Check what happens if you use a non-vectorizable type.

Test different ABI tags (simd<T>, native_simd<T>, fixed_size_simd<T, N>, simd<T, simd_abi::scalar>).


Do an aligned load on an unaligned address.


You just learned a new reason for SIGSEGV. Remember this when your future self stares at the debugger, puzzled how the pointer can be out-of-bounds… :wink:

:pencil: Implement abs(simd<T, A>)

Implement and test the absolute value function (not using stdx::abs):

template <class T, class A>
simd<T, A> abs(simd<T, A> x) {
  // TODO

Note that a correct std::abs implementation cares about -0.. Bonus points if you have an idea… :wink:


Given a std::string_view (which is a contiguous range of chars),

  1. … count the number of spaces.
  2. … return the index of the first occurrence of a given char.
  3. … (optional) return the index of the first occurrence of a given substring.
int count_spaces(std::string_view s) {
  // TODO

int find(std::string_view s, char c) {
  // TODO

int find(std::string_view s, std::string_view s) {
  // TODO

:pencil: Optional 1: simd_for_each

(A fully general solution of this exercise is part of vir-simd.)

Write a simd_for_each algorithm that takes a range and a generic callable:

template <std::contiguous_range R>
void simd_for_each(R&& rng, auto&& fun) {
    // Load simd's from std::ranges::data(rng) and invoke fun with each.
    // Consider how and when to write back a modified simd.
    // don't forget the epilogue

For a completely generic solution you might want to use:

:pencil: Optional 2: Generalize simd_for_each

Use vir::simdize to generalize your simd_for_each from vectorizable range value types to “simdizable” range value types. I.e. make simd iteration over array of struct/std::tuple easy to use.

This example should work:

struct Point {
  float x, y, z;

void normalize(std::vector<Point>& data) {
  simd_for_each(data, [](auto& v) {
      auto& [x, y, z] = v;
      const auto scale = 1.f / sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z);
      x *= scale;
      y *= scale;
      z *= scale;

:pencil: Bonus: Optimize memory access

Optimize loads and stores: from scalar access to vector access.

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