
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef ROOT_TEfficiency_cxx
00002 #define ROOT_TEfficiency_cxx
00004 //standard header
00005 #include <vector>
00006 #include <string>
00007 #include <cmath>
00008 #include <stdlib.h>
00010 //ROOT headers
00011 #include "Math/ProbFunc.h"
00012 #include "Math/QuantFunc.h"
00013 #include "TBinomialEfficiencyFitter.h"
00014 #include "TDirectory.h"
00015 #include "TF1.h"
00016 #include "TGraphAsymmErrors.h"
00017 #include "TH1.h"
00018 #include "TH2.h"
00019 #include "TH3.h"
00020 #include "TList.h"
00021 #include "TMath.h"
00022 #include "TROOT.h"
00023 #include "TStyle.h"
00024 #include "TVirtualPad.h"
00025 #include "TError.h"
00026 #include "Math/BrentMinimizer1D.h"
00027 #include "Math/WrappedFunction.h"
00029 //custom headers
00030 #include "TEfficiency.h"
00032 // file with extra class for FC method
00033 #include "TEfficiencyHelper.h"
00035 //default values
00036 const Double_t kDefBetaAlpha = 1;
00037 const Double_t kDefBetaBeta = 1;
00038 const Double_t kDefConfLevel = 0.682689492137; // 1 sigma
00039 const TEfficiency::EStatOption kDefStatOpt = TEfficiency::kFCP;
00040 const Double_t kDefWeight = 1;
00042 ClassImp(TEfficiency)
00044 //______________________________________________________________________________
00045 // Begin_Html <center><h2>TEfficiency - a class to handle efficiency
00046 // histograms</h2></center>
00047 // <ol style="list-style-type: upper-roman;">
00048 // <li><a href="#over">Overview</a></li>
00049 // <li><a href="#create">Creating a TEfficiency object</a></li>
00050 // <li><a href="#fill">Fill in events</a></li>
00051 // <li><a href="#stat">Statistic options</a></li>
00052 // <ol><li><a href="#compare">Coverage probabilities for different methods</a></li></ol>
00053 // <li><a href="#cm">Merging and combining TEfficiency objects</a></li>
00054 //  <ol>
00055 //   <li><a href="#merge">When should I use merging?</a></li>
00056 //   <li><a href="#comb">When should I use combining?</a></li>
00057 //  </ol>
00058 // <li><a href="#other">Further operations</a>
00059 //  <ol>
00060 //   <li><a href="#histo">Information about the internal histograms</a></li>
00061 //   <li><a href="#fit">Fitting</a></li>
00062 //   <li><a href="#draw">Draw a TEfficiency object</a></li>
00063 //  </ol>
00064 // <li><a href="#class">TEfficiency class</a></li>
00065 // </ol>
00066 //
00067 // <h3><a name="over">I. Overview</a></h3>
00068 // This class handles the calculation of efficiencies and their uncertainties. It
00069 // provides several statistical methods for calculating frequentist and bayesian
00070 // confidence intervals as well as a function for combining several efficiencies.
00071 // <br />
00072 // Efficiencies have a lot of applications and meanings but in principle they can
00073 // be described by the fraction of good/passed events k out of sample containing
00074 // N events. One is usually interested in the dependency of the efficiency on other
00075 // (binned) variables. The number of passed and total events is therefore stored
00076 // internally in two histograms (<a href="http://root.cern.ch/root/html/TEfficiency.html#TEfficiency:fTotalHistogram">fTotalHistogram</a> and
00077 // <a href="http://root.cern.ch/root/html/TEfficiency.html#TEfficiency:fPassedHistogram">fPassedHistogram</a>). Then the
00078 // efficiency as well as its upper and lower error an be calculated for each bin
00079 // individually.<br />
00080 // As the efficiency can be regarded as a parameter of a binomial distribution, the
00081 // number of pass ed and total events must always be integer numbers. Therefore a
00082 // filling with weights is not possible however you can assign a global weight to each
00083 // TEfficiency object (<a href="http://root.cern.ch/root/html/TEfficiency.html#TEfficiency:SetWeight">SetWeight</a>). It is necessary to create one TEfficiency object
00084 // for each weight if you investigate a process involving different weights. This
00085 // procedure needs more effort but enables you to re-use the filled object in cases
00086 // where you want to change one or more weights. This would not be possible if all
00087 // events with different weights were filled in the same histogram.
00088 // 
00089 // <h3><a name="create">II. Creating a TEfficiency object</a></h3>
00090 // If you start a new analysis, it is highly recommended to use the TEfficiency class
00091 // from the beginning. You can then use one of the constructors for fixed or
00092 // variable bin size and your desired dimension. These constructors append the
00093 // created TEfficiency object to the current directory. So it will be written
00094 // automatically to a file during the next <a href="http://root.cern.ch/root/html/TFile.html#TFile:Write">TFile::Write</a> command.
00095 // <div class="code"><pre>
00096 // <b>Example:</b>
00097 //create a twodimensional TEfficiency object with
00098 //- name = "eff"
00099 //- title = "my efficiency"
00100 //- axistitles: x, y and LaTeX formated epsilon as label for Z axis
00101 //- 10 bins with constant bin width (= 1) along X axis starting at 0 (lower edge
00102 //  from first bin) upto 10 (upper edge of last bin)
00103 //- 20 bins with constant bin width (= 0.5) along Y axis starting at -5 (lower
00104 //  edge from first bin) upto 5 (upper edge of last bin)
00105 // TEfficiency* pEff = new TEfficiency("eff","my efficiency;x;y;#epsilon",10,0,10,20,-5,5);
00106 // </pre></div><div class="clear" />
00107 // If you already have two histograms filled with the number of passed and total
00108 // events, you will use the constructor <a href="http://root.cern.ch/root/html/TEfficiency.html#TEfficiency:TEfficiency%1">TEfficiency(const TH1& passed,const TH1& total)</a>
00109 // to construct the TEfficiency object. The histograms "passed" and "total" have
00110 // to fullfill the conditions  mentioned in <a href="http://root.cern.ch/root/html/TEfficiency.html#TEfficiency:CheckConsistency">CheckConsistency</a>, otherwise the construction will fail.
00111 // As the histograms already exist, the new TEfficiency is by default <b>not</b> attached
00112 // to the current directory to avoid duplication of data. If you want to store the
00113 // new object anyway, you can either write it directly by calling <a href="http://root.cern.ch/root/html/TObject.html#TObject:Write">Write</a> or attach it to a directory using <a href="http://root.cern.ch/root/html/TEfficiency.html#TEfficiency:SetDirectory">SetDirectory</a>.
00114 // This also applies for TEfficiency objects created by the copy constructor <a href="http://root.cern.ch/root/html/TEfficiency.html#TEfficiency:TEfficiency%8">TEfficiency(const TEfficiency& rEff)</a>.
00115 // <div class="code">
00116 // <pre>
00117 // <b>Example 1:</b>
00118 // TEfficiency* pEff = 0;
00119 // TFile* pFile = new TFile("myfile.root","recreate");
00120 // 
00121 // //h_pass and h_total are valid and consistent histograms
00122 // if(TEfficiency::CheckConsistency(h_pass,h_total))
00123 // {
00124 //   pEff = new TEfficiency(h_pass,h_total);
00125 //   // this will write the TEfficiency object to "myfile.root"
00126 //   // AND pEff will be attached to the current directory
00127 //   pEff->Write();
00128 // }
00129 // 
00130 // <b>Example 2:</b>
00131 // TEfficiency* pEff = 0;
00132 // TFile* pFile = new TFile("myfile.root","recreate");
00133 // 
00134 // //h_pass and h_total are valid and consistent histograms
00135 // if(TEfficiency::CheckConsistency(h_pass,h_total))
00136 // {
00137 //   pEff = new TEfficiency(h_pass,h_total);
00138 //   //this will attach the TEfficiency object to the current directory
00139 //   pEff->SetDirectory(gDirectory);
00140 //   //now all objects in gDirectory will be written to "myfile.root"
00141 //   pFile->Write();
00142 // }
00143 // </pre>
00144 // </div><div class="clear" />
00145 // In the case that you already have two filled histograms and you only want to
00146 // plot them as a graph, you should rather use <a href="http://root.cern.ch/root/html/TGraphAsymmErrors.html#TGraphAsymmErrors:TGraphAsymmErrors%8">TGraphAsymmErrors::TGraphAsymmErrors(const TH1* pass,const TH1* total,Option_t* opt)</a>
00147 // to create a graph object.
00148 //    
00149 // <h3><a name="fill">III. Filling with events</a></h3>
00150 //    You can fill the TEfficiency object by calling the <a href="http://root.cern.ch/root/html/TEfficiency.html#TEfficiency:Fill">Fill(Bool_t bPassed,Double_t x,Double_t y,Double_t z)</a> method.
00151 //    The boolean flag "bPassed" indicates whether the current event is a good
00152 //    (both histograms are filled) or not (only <a href="http://root.cern.ch/root/html/TEfficiency.html#TEfficiency:fTotalHistogram">fTotalHistogram</a> is filled).
00153 //    The variables x,y and z determine the bin which is filled. For lower
00154 //    dimensions the z- or even the y-value may be omitted.
00155 //    End_Html
00156 //    Begin_Macro(source)
00157 // {
00158 //    //canvas only needed for this documentation
00159 //    TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("example","",600,400);
00160 //    c1->SetFillStyle(1001);
00161 //    c1->SetFillColor(kWhite);
00162 //    
00163 //    //create one-dimensional TEfficiency object with fixed bin size
00164 //    TEfficiency* pEff = new TEfficiency("eff","my efficiency;x;#epsilon",20,0,10);
00165 //    TRandom3 rand;
00166 // 
00167 //    bool bPassed;
00168 //    double x;
00169 //    for(int i=0; i<10000; ++i)
00170 //    {
00171 //       //simulate events with variable under investigation
00172 //       x = rand.Uniform(10);
00173 //       //check selection: bPassed = DoesEventPassSelection(x)
00174 //       bPassed = rand.Rndm() < TMath::Gaus(x,5,4);
00175 //       pEff->Fill(bPassed,x);
00176 //    }
00177 // 
00178 //    pEff->Draw("AP");
00179 // 
00180 //    //only for this documentation
00181 //    return c1;
00182 // }
00183 //    End_Macro
00184 //    Begin_Html
00185 //    You can also set the number of passed or total events for a bin directly by
00186 //    using the <a href="http://root.cern.ch/root/html/TEfficiency.html#TEfficiency:SetPassedEvents">SetPassedEvents</a> or <a href="http://root.cern.ch/root/html/TEfficiency.html#TEfficiency:SetTotalEvents">SetTotalEvents</a> method.
00187 //    
00188 // <h3><a name="stat">IV. Statistic options</a></h3>
00189 //    The calculation of the estimated efficiency depends on the chosen statistic
00190 //    option. Let k denotes the number of passed events and N the number of total
00191 //    events.<br />
00192 //    <b>Frequentist methods</b><br />
00193 //    The expectation value of the number of passed events is given by the true
00194 //    efficiency times the total number of events. One can estimate the efficiency
00195 //    by replacing the expected number of passed events by the observed number of
00196 //    passed events. End_Html
00197 //    Begin_Latex
00198 // #LT k #GT = #epsilon #times N    #Rightarrow    #hat{#varepsilon} = #frac{k}{N}
00199 //    End_Latex
00200 //    Begin_Html
00201 //    <b>Bayesian methods</b><br />
00202 //    In bayesian statistics a likelihood-function (how probable is it to get the
00203 //    observed data assuming a true efficiency) and a prior probability (what is the
00204 //    probability that a certain true efficiency is actually realised) are used to
00205 //    determine a posterior probability by using Bayes theorem. At the moment, only
00206 //    beta distributions (have 2 free parameters) are supported as prior
00207 //    probabilities.
00208 //    End_Html
00209 //    Begin_Latex(separator='=',align='rl')
00210 //       P(#epsilon | k ; N) = #frac{1}{norm} #times P(k | #epsilon ; N) #times Prior(#epsilon)
00211 //       P(k | #epsilon ; N) = Binomial(N,k) #times #epsilon^{k} #times (1 - #epsilon)^{N - k} ... binomial distribution
00212 //       Prior(#epsilon) = #frac{1}{B(#alpha,#beta)} #times #epsilon ^{#alpha - 1} #times (1 - #epsilon)^{#beta - 1} #equiv Beta(#epsilon; #alpha,#beta)
00213 // #Rightarrow P(#epsilon | k ; N) = #frac{1}{norm'} #times #epsilon^{k + #alpha - 1} #times (1 - #epsilon)^{N - k + #beta - 1} #equiv Beta(#epsilon; k + #alpha, N - k + #beta)
00214 //    End_Latex
00215 //    Begin_Html
00216 //    By default the expectation value of this posterior distribution is used as estimator for the efficiency:
00217 //    End_Html
00218 //    Begin_Latex
00219 // #hat{#varepsilon} = #frac{k + #alpha}{N + #alpha + #beta}
00220 //    End_Latex
00221 //    Begin_Html  
00222 //    Optionally the mode can also be used as value for the estimated efficiency. This can be done by calling SetBit(kPosteriorMode) or 
00223 //    <a href="http://root.cern.ch/root/html/TEfficiency.html#TEfficiency:SetPosteriorMode">SetPosteriorMode</a>. In this case the estimated efficiency is:
00224 //    End_Html
00225 //    Begin_Latex
00226 // #hat{#varepsilon} = #frac{k + #alpha -1}{N + #alpha + #beta - 2}
00227 //    End_Latex
00228 //    Begin_Html  
00229 //    In the case of a uniform prior distribution, B(x,1,1), the posterior mode is k/n, equivalent to the frequentist estimate (the maximum likelihood value). 
00230 //   
00231 // The statistic options also specifiy which confidence interval is used for calculating
00232 // the uncertainties of the efficiency. The following properties define the error
00233 // calculation:
00234 // <ul>
00235 // <li><b>fConfLevel:</b> desired confidence level: 0 < fConfLevel < 1 (<a href="http://root.cern.ch/root/html/TEfficiency.html#TEfficiency:GetConfidenceLevel">GetConfidenceLevel</a> / <a href="http://root.cern.ch/root/html/TEfficiency.html#TEfficiency:SetConfidenceLevel">SetConfidenceLevel</a>)</li>
00236 // <li><b>fStatisticOption:</b> defines which method is used to calculate the boundaries of the confidence interval (<a href="http://root.cern.ch/root/html/TEfficiency.html#TEfficiency:SetStatisticOption">SetStatisticOption</a>)</li>
00237 // <li><b>fBeta_alpha, fBeta_beta:</b> parameters for the prior distribution which is only used in the bayesian case (<a href="http://root.cern.ch/root/html/TEfficiency.html#TEfficiency:GetBetaAlpha">GetBetaAlpha</a> / <a href="http://root.cern.ch/root/html/TEfficiency.html#TEfficiency:GetBetaBeta">GetBetaBeta</a> / <a href="http://root.cern.ch/root/html/TEfficiency.html#TEfficiency:SetBetaAlpha">SetBetaAlpha</a> / <a href="http://root.cern.ch/root/html/TEfficiency.html#TEfficiency:SetBetaBeta">SetBetaBeta</a>)</li>
00238 // <li><b>kIsBayesian:</b> flag whether bayesian statistics are used or not (<a href="http://root.cern.ch/root/html/TEfficiency.html#TEfficiency:UsesBayesianStat">UsesBayesianStat</a>)</li>
00239 // <li><b>kShortestInterval:</b> flag whether shortest interval (instead of central one) are used in case of Bayesian statistics  (<a href="http://root.cern.ch/root/html/TEfficiency.html#TEfficiency:UsesShortestInterval">UsesShortestInterval</a>). Normally shortest interval should be used in combination with the mode (see <a href="http://root.cern.ch/root/html/TEfficiency.html#TEfficiency:UsesPosteriorMode">UsesPosteriorMode</a>)</li>
00240 // <li><b>fWeight:</b> global weight for this TEfficiency object which is used during combining or merging with other TEfficiency objects(<a href="http://root.cern.ch/root/html/TEfficiency.html#TEfficiency:GetWeight">GetWeight</a> / <a href="http://root.cern.ch/root/html/TEfficiency.html#TEfficiency:SetWeight">SetWeight</a>)</li>
00241 // </ul>
00242 //    In the following table the implemented confidence intervals are listed
00243 //    with their corresponding statistic option. For more details on the calculation,
00244 //    please have a look at the the mentioned functions.<br /><br />
00245 // <table align="center" border="1" cellpadding="5" rules="rows" vspace="10">
00246 //    <caption align="bottom">implemented confidence intervals and their options</caption>
00247 //    <tr>
00248 //    <th>name</th><th>statistic option</th><th>function</th><th>kIsBayesian</th><th>parameters</th>
00249 //    </tr>
00250 //    <tr>
00251 //    <td>Clopper-Pearson</td><td>kFCP</td>
00252 //    <td>
00253 //     <a href="http://root.cern.ch/root/html/TEfficiency.html#TEfficiency:ClopperPearson">ClopperPearson</a>
00254 //    </td>
00255 //    <td>false</td>
00256 //    <td>
00257 //      <ul><li>total events</li><li>passed events</li><li>confidence level</li></ul>
00258 //    </td>
00259 //    </tr>
00260 //    <tr>
00261 //    <td>normal approximation</td><td>kFNormal</td>
00262 //    <td>
00263 //     <a href="http://root.cern.ch/root/html/TEfficiency.html#TEfficiency:Normal">Normal</a>
00264 //    </td>
00265 //    <td>false</td>
00266 //    <td>
00267 //      <ul><li>total events</li><li>passed events</li><li>confidence level</li></ul>
00268 //    </td>
00269 //    </tr>
00270 //    <tr>
00271 //    <td>Wilson</td><td>kFWilson</td>
00272 //    <td>
00273 //     <a href="http://root.cern.ch/root/html/TEfficiency.html#TEfficiency:Wilson">Wilson</a>
00274 //    </td>
00275 //    <td>false</td>
00276 //    <td>
00277 //      <ul><li>total events</li><li>passed events</li><li>confidence level</li></ul>
00278 //    </td>
00279 //    </tr>
00280 //    <tr>
00281 //    <td>Agresti-Coull</td><td>kFAC</td>
00282 //    <td>
00283 //     <a href="http://root.cern.ch/root/html/TEfficiency.html#TEfficiency:AgrestiCoull">AgrestiCoull</a>
00284 //    </td>
00285 //    <td>false</td>
00286 //    <td>
00287 //      <ul><li>total events</li><li>passed events</li><li>confidence level</li></ul>
00288 //    </td>
00289 //    </tr>
00290 //    <tr>
00291 //    <td>Feldman-Cousins</td><td>kFAC</td>
00292 //    <td>
00293 //     <a href="http://root.cern.ch/root/html/TEfficiency.html#TEfficiency:FeldmanCousins">FeldmanCousins</a>
00294 //    </td>
00295 //    <td>false</td>
00296 //    <td>
00297 //      <ul><li>total events</li><li>passed events</li><li>confidence level</li></ul>
00298 //    </td>
00299 //    </tr>
00300 //    <tr>
00301 //    <td>Jeffrey</td><td>kBJeffrey</td>
00302 //    <td>
00303 //     <a href="http://root.cern.ch/root/html/TEfficiency.html#TEfficiency:Bayesian">Bayesian</a>
00304 //    </td>
00305 //    <td>true</td>
00306 //    <td>
00307 //      <ul><li>total events</li><li>passed events</li><li>confidence level</li><li>fBeta_alpha = 0.5</li><li>fBeta_beta = 0.5</li></ul>
00308 //    </td>
00309 //    </tr>
00310 //    <td>Uniform prior</td><td>kBUniform</td>
00311 //    <td>
00312 //     <a href="http://root.cern.ch/root/html/TEfficiency.html#TEfficiency:Bayesian">Bayesian</a>
00313 //    </td>
00314 //    <td>true</td>
00315 //    <td>
00316 //      <ul><li>total events</li><li>passed events</li><li>confidence level</li><li>fBeta_alpha = 1</li><li>fBeta_beta = 1</li></ul>
00317 //    </td>
00318 //    </tr>
00319 //    <td>custom prior</td><td>kBBayesian</td>
00320 //    <td>
00321 //     <a href="http://root.cern.ch/root/html/TEfficiency.html#TEfficiency:Bayesian">Bayesian</a>
00322 //    </td>
00323 //    <td>true</td>
00324 //    <td>
00325 //      <ul><li>total events</li><li>passed events</li><li>confidence level</li><li>fBeta_alpha</li><li>fBeta_beta</li></ul>
00326 //    </td>
00327 //    </tr>
00328 //    </table>
00329 //    <br />
00330 //    The following example demonstrates the effect of different statistic options and
00331 //    confidence levels.
00332 //    End_Html
00333 //    Begin_Macro(source)
00334 // {
00335 //    //canvas only needed for the documentation
00336 //    TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("c1","",600,400);
00337 //    c1->Divide(2);
00338 //    c1->SetFillStyle(1001);
00339 //    c1->SetFillColor(kWhite);
00340 // 
00341 //    //create one-dimensional TEfficiency object with fixed bin size
00342 //    TEfficiency* pEff = new TEfficiency("eff","different confidence levels;x;#epsilon",20,0,10);
00343 //    TRandom3 rand;
00344 // 
00345 //    bool bPassed;
00346 //    double x;
00347 //    for(int i=0; i<1000; ++i)
00348 //    {
00349 //       //simulate events with variable under investigation
00350 //       x = rand.Uniform(10);
00351 //       //check selection: bPassed = DoesEventPassSelection(x)
00352 //       bPassed = rand.Rndm() < TMath::Gaus(x,5,4);
00353 //       pEff->Fill(bPassed,x);
00354 //    }
00355 // 
00356 //    //set style attributes
00357 //    pEff->SetFillStyle(3004);
00358 //    pEff->SetFillColor(kRed);
00359 // 
00360 //    //copy current TEfficiency object and set new confidence level
00361 //    TEfficiency* pCopy = new TEfficiency(*pEff);
00362 //    pCopy->SetConfidenceLevel(0.90);
00363 // 
00364 //    //set style attributes
00365 //    pCopy->SetFillStyle(3005);
00366 //    pCopy->SetFillColor(kBlue);
00367 // 
00368 //    c1->cd(1);
00369 //  
00370 //    //add legend
00371 //    TLegend* leg1 = new TLegend(0.3,0.1,0.7,0.5);
00372 //    leg1->AddEntry(pEff,"95%","F");
00373 //    leg1->AddEntry(pCopy,"68.3%","F");
00374 //    
00375 //    pEff->Draw("A4");
00376 //    pCopy->Draw("same4");
00377 //    leg1->Draw("same");
00378 // 
00379 //    //use same confidence level but different statistic methods
00380 //    TEfficiency* pEff2 = new TEfficiency(*pEff);
00381 //    TEfficiency* pCopy2 = new TEfficiency(*pEff);
00382 //    
00383 //    pEff2->SetStatisticOption(TEfficiency::kFNormal);
00384 //    pCopy2->SetStatisticOption(TEfficiency::kFAC);
00385 // 
00386 //    pEff2->SetTitle("different statistic options;x;#epsilon");
00387 // 
00388 //    //set style attributes
00389 //    pCopy2->SetFillStyle(3005);
00390 //    pCopy2->SetFillColor(kBlue);
00391 // 
00392 //    c1->cd(2);
00393 //  
00394 //    //add legend
00395 //    TLegend* leg2 = new TLegend(0.3,0.1,0.7,0.5);
00396 //    leg2->AddEntry(pEff2,"kFNormal","F");
00397 //    leg2->AddEntry(pCopy2,"kFAC","F");
00398 //    
00399 //    pEff2->Draw("a4");
00400 //    pCopy2->Draw("same4");
00401 //    leg2->Draw("same");
00402 // 
00403 //    //only for this documentation
00404 //    c1->cd(0);
00405 //    return c1;
00406 // }
00407 //    End_Macro
00408 //    Begin_Html
00409 //    The prior probability of the efficiency in bayesian statistics can be given
00410 //    in terms of a beta distribution. The beta distribution has to positive shape
00411 //    parameters. The resulting priors for different combinations of these shape
00412 //    parameters are shown in the plot below.
00413 //    End_Html
00414 //    Begin_Macro(source)
00415 //    {
00416 //       //canvas only needed for the documentation
00417 //       TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("c1","",600,400);
00418 //       c1->SetFillStyle(1001);
00419 //       c1->SetFillColor(kWhite);
00420 // 
00421 //       //create different beta distributions
00422 //       TF1* f1 = new TF1("f1","TMath::BetaDist(x,1,1)",0,1);
00423 //       f1->SetLineColor(kBlue);
00424 //       TF1* f2 = new TF1("f2","TMath::BetaDist(x,0.5,0.5)",0,1);
00425 //       f2->SetLineColor(kRed);
00426 //       TF1* f3 = new TF1("f3","TMath::BetaDist(x,1,5)",0,1);
00427 //       f3->SetLineColor(kGreen+3);
00428 //       f3->SetTitle("Beta distributions as priors;#epsilon;P(#epsilon)");
00429 //       TF1* f4 = new TF1("f4","TMath::BetaDist(x,4,3)",0,1);
00430 //       f4->SetLineColor(kViolet);
00431 // 
00432 //       //add legend
00433 //       TLegend* leg = new TLegend(0.25,0.5,0.85,0.89);
00434 //       leg->SetFillColor(kWhite);
00435 //       leg->SetFillStyle(1001);
00436 //       leg->AddEntry(f1,"a=1, b=1","L");
00437 //       leg->AddEntry(f2,"a=0.5, b=0.5","L");
00438 //       leg->AddEntry(f3,"a=1, b=5","L");
00439 //       leg->AddEntry(f4,"a=4, b=3","L");
00440 //       
00441 //       f3->Draw();
00442 //       f1->Draw("same");
00443 //       f2->Draw("Same");
00444 //       f4->Draw("same");
00445 //       leg->Draw("same");
00446 // 
00447 //       //only for this documentation
00448 //       return c1;
00449 //    }
00450 //    End_Macro      
00451 //    Begin_Html
00452 //
00453 //    <h4><a name="compare">IV.1 Coverage probabilities for different methods</a></h4>
00454 //    The following pictures illustrate the actual coverage probability for the
00455 //    different values of the true efficiency and the total number of events when a
00456 //    confidence level of 95% is desired.
00457 //    <p><img src="http://root.cern.ch/drupal/sites/default/files/images/normal95.gif" alt="normal approximation" width="600" height="400" /></p>
00458 //    <p><img src="http://root.cern.ch/drupal/sites/default/files/images/wilson95.gif" alt="wilson" width="600" height="400" /></p>
00459 //    <p><img src="http://root.cern.ch/drupal/sites/default/files/images/ac95.gif" alt="agresti coull" width="600" height="400" /></p>
00460 //    <p><img src="http://root.cern.ch/drupal/sites/default/files/images/cp95.gif" alt="clopper pearson" width="600" height="400" /></p>
00461 //    <p><img src="http://root.cern.ch/drupal/sites/default/files/images/uni95.gif" alt="uniform prior" width="600" height="400" /></p>
00462 //    <p><img src="http://root.cern.ch/drupal/sites/default/files/images/jeffrey95.gif" alt="jeffrey prior" width="600" height="400" /></p>
00463 //
00464 //    The average (over all possible true efficiencies) coverage probability for
00465 //    different number of total events is shown in the next picture.
00466 //    <p><img src="http://root.cern.ch/drupal/sites/default/files/images/av_cov.png" alt="average coverage" width="600" height="400" /></p>
00467 //    <h3><a name="cm">V. Merging and combining TEfficiency objects</a></h3>
00468 //    In many applications the efficiency should be calculated for an inhomogenous
00469 //    sample in the sense that it contains events with different weights. In order
00470 //    to be able to determine the correct overall efficiency, it is necessary to
00471 //    use for each subsample (= all events with the same weight) a different
00472 //    TEfficiency object. After finsihing your analysis you can then construct the
00473 //    overall efficiency with its uncertainty.<br />
00474 //    This procedure has the advantage that you can change the weight of one
00475 //    subsample easily without rerunning the whole analysis. On the other hand more
00476 //    efford is needed to handle several TEfficiency objects instead of one
00477 //    histogram. In the case of many different or even continuously distributed
00478 //    weights this approach becomes cumbersome. One possibility to overcome this
00479 //    problem is the usage of binned weights.<br /><br />
00480 //    <b>Example</b><br />
00481 //    In high particle physics weights arises from the fact that you want to
00482 //    normalise your results to a certain reference value. A very common formula for
00483 //    calculating weights is End_Html
00484 //    Begin_Latex(separator='-')
00485 //    w = #frac{#sigma L}{N_{gen} #epsilon_{trig}} - #sigma ... cross section
00486 //    - L ... luminosity
00487 //    - N_{gen} ... number of generated events
00488 //    - #epsilon_{trig} ... (known) trigger efficiency
00489 //    End_Latex
00490 //    Begin_Html
00491 //    The reason for different weights can therefore be:<ul>
00492 //    <li>different processes</li>
00493 //    <li>other integrated luminosity</li>
00494 //    <li>varying trigger efficiency</li>
00495 //    <li>different sample sizes</li>
00496 //    <li>...</li>
00497 //    <li>or even combination of them</li>
00498 //    </ul>
00499 //    Depending on the actual meaning of different weights in your case, you
00500 //    should either merge or combine them to get the overall efficiency.
00501 //                                                    
00502 //    <h4><a name="merge">V.1 When should I use merging?</a></h4>
00503 //    If the weights are artificial and do not represent real alternative hypotheses,
00504 //    you should merge the different TEfficiency objects. That means especially for
00505 //    the bayesian case that the prior probability should be the same for all merged
00506 //    TEfficiency objects. The merging can be done by invoking one of the following
00507 //    operations:
00508 //    <ul>
00509 //    <li> <b>eff1</b>.<a href="http://root.cern.ch/root/html/TEfficiency.html#TEfficiency:Add">Add</a>(eff2)</li>
00510 //    <li> <b>eff1</b> <a href="http://root.cern.ch/root/html/TEfficiency.html#TEfficiency:operator+=">+=</a> eff2</li>
00511 //    <li> <b>eff</b> = eff1 + eff2</li>
00512 //    </ul>
00513 //    The result of the merging is stored in the TEfficiency object which is marked
00514 //    bold above. The contents of the internal histograms of both TEfficiency
00515 //    objects are added and a new weight is assigned. The statistic options are not
00516 //    changed.
00517 //    End_Html
00518 //    Begin_Latex #frac{1}{w_{new}} = #frac{1}{w_{1}} + #frac{1}{w_{2}}End_Latex
00519 //    Begin_Html
00520 //    <b>Example:</b><br />
00521 //    If you use two samples with different numbers of generated events for the same
00522 //    process and you want to normalise both to the same integrated luminosity and
00523 //    trigger efficiency, the different weights then arise just from the fact that
00524 //    you have different numbers of events. The TEfficiency objects should be merged
00525 //    because the samples do not represent true alternatives. You expect the same
00526 //    result as if you would have a big sample with all events in it.
00527 //    End_Html
00528 //    Begin_Latex
00529 //    w_{1} = #frac{#sigma L}{#epsilon N_{1}}, w_{2} = #frac{#sigma L}{#epsilon N_{2}} #Rightarrow w_{new} = #frac{#sigma L}{#epsilon (N_{1} + N_{2})} = #frac{1}{#frac{1}{w_{1}} + #frac{1}{w_{2}}}
00530 //    End_Latex                                                      
00531 //    Begin_Html                                                             
00532 //                        
00533 //    <h4><a name="comb">V.2 When should I use combining?</a></h4>
00534 // You should combine TEfficiency objects whenever the weights represent
00535 // alternatives processes for the efficiency. As the combination of two TEfficiency
00536 // objects is not always consistent with the representation by two internal
00537 // histograms, the result is not stored in a TEfficiency object but a TGraphAsymmErrors
00538 // is returned which shows the estimated combined efficiency and its uncertainty
00539 // for each bin. At the moment the combination method <a href="http://root.cern.ch/root/html/TEfficiency.html#TEfficiency:Combine">Combine </a>only supports combination of 1-dimensional efficiencies in a bayesian approach.<br />
00540 // For calculating the combined efficiency and its uncertainty for each bin only Bayesian statistics is used. No frequentists methods are presently 
00541 // supported for computing the combined efficiency and its confidence interval.
00542 // In the case of the Bayesian statistics a combined posterior is constructed taking into account the weight of each TEfficiency object. The same prior is used 
00543 // for all the TEfficiency objects.
00544 // End_Html
00545 // Begin_Latex
00546 // P_{comb}(#epsilon | {w_{i}}, {k_{i}} , {N_{i}}) = #frac{1}{norm} #prod_{i}{L(k_{i} | N_{i}, #epsilon)}^{w_{i}} #Pi( #epsilon )  
00547 // L(k_{i} | N_{i}, #epsilon) is the likelihood function for the sample i ( a Binomial distribution) 
00548 // #Pi( #epsilon) is the prior, a beta distribution B(#epsilon, #alpha, #beta).
00549 // The resulting combined posterior is 
00550 // P_{comb}(#epsilon |{w_{i}}; {k_{i}}; {N_{i}}) = B(#epsilon, #sum_{i}{ w_{i} k_{i}} + #alpha, #sum_{i}{ w_{i}(n_{i}-k_{i})}+#beta)  
00551 // #hat{#varepsilon} = #int_{0}^{1} #epsilon #times P_{comb}(#epsilon | {k_{i}} , {N_{i}}) d#epsilon
00552 // confidence level = 1 - #alpha
00553 // #frac{#alpha}{2} = #int_{0}^{#epsilon_{low}} P_{comb}(#epsilon | {k_{i}} , {N_{i}}) d#epsilon ... defines lower boundary
00554 // 1- #frac{#alpha}{2} = #int_{0}^{#epsilon_{up}} P_{comb}(#epsilon | {k_{i}} , {N_{i}}) d#epsilon ... defines upper boundary
00555 // End_Latex
00556 // Begin_Html
00557 // <b>Example:</b><br />
00558 // If you use cuts to select electrons which can originate from two different
00559 // processes, you can determine the selection efficiency for each process. The
00560 // overall selection efficiency is then the combined efficiency. The weights to be used in the 
00561 // combination should be the probability that an
00562 // electron comes from the corresponding process.
00563 // End_Html
00564 // Begin_Latex
00565 // p_{1} = #frac{#sigma_{1}}{#sigma_{1} + #sigma_{2}} = #frac{N_{1}w_{1}}{N_{1}w_{1} + N_{2}w_{2}}
00566 // p_{2} = #frac{#sigma_{2}}{#sigma_{1} + #sigma_{2}} = #frac{N_{2}w_{2}}{N_{1}w_{1} + N_{2}w_{2}}
00567 // End_Latex
00568 // Begin_Html
00569 // <h3><a name="other">VI. Further operations</a></h3>
00570 // 
00571 // <h4><a name="histo">VI.1 Information about the internal histograms</a></h4>
00572 // The methods <a href="http://root.cern.ch/root/html/TEfficiency.html#TEfficiency:GetPassedHistogram">GetPassedHistogram</a> and <a href="http://root.cern.ch/root/html/TEfficiency.html#TEfficiency:GetTotalHistogram">GetTotalHistogram</a>
00573 // return a constant pointer to the internal histograms. They can be used to
00574 // obtain information about the internal histograms (e.g. the binning, number of passed / total events in a bin, mean values...).
00575 // One can obtain a clone of the internal histograms by calling <a href="http://root.cern.ch/root/html/TEfficiency.html#TEfficiency:GetCopyPassedHisto">GetCopyPassedHisto</a> or <a href="http://root.cern.ch/root/html/TEfficiency.html#TEfficiency:GetCopyTotalHisto">GetCopyTotalHisto</a>.
00576 // The returned histograms are completely independent from the current
00577 // TEfficiency object. By default, they are not attached to a directory to
00578 // avoid the duplication of data and the user is responsible for deleting them.
00579 // <div class="code">
00580 // <pre>
00581 // <b>Example:</b>
00582 // //open a root file which contains a TEfficiency object
00583 // TFile* pFile = new TFile("myfile.root","update");
00584 // 
00585 // //get TEfficiency object with name "my_eff"
00586 // TEfficiency* pEff = (TEfficiency*)pFile->Get("my_eff");
00587 // 
00588 // //get clone of total histogram
00589 // TH1* clone = pEff->GetCopyTotalHisto();
00590 // 
00591 // //change clone...
00592 // //save changes of clone directly
00593 // clone->Write();
00594 // //or append it to the current directoy and write the file
00595 // //clone->SetDirectory(gDirectory);
00596 // //pFile->Wrtie();
00597 // 
00598 // //delete histogram object
00599 // delete clone;
00600 // clone = 0;
00601 // </pre>
00602 // </div><div class="clear" />
00603 // It is also possible to set the internal total or passed histogram by using the
00604 // methods <a href="http://root.cern.ch/root/html/TEfficiency.html#TEfficiency:SetPassedHistogram">SetPassedHistogram</a> or
00605 // <a href="http://root.cern.ch/root/html/TEfficiency.html#TEfficiency:SetTotalHistogram">SetTotalHistogram</a>.
00606 // In order to ensure the validity of the TEfficiency object, the consistency of the
00607 // new histogram and the stored histogram is checked. It sometimes might be
00608 // impossible to change the histograms in a consistent way. Therefore one can force
00609 // the replacement by passing the option "f". Then the user has to ensure that the
00610 // other internal histogram is replaced as well and that the TEfficiency object is
00611 // in a valid state.
00612 // 
00613 //    <h4><a name="fit">VI.2 Fitting</a></h4>
00614 //    The efficiency can be fitted using the <a href="http://root.cern.ch/root/html/TEfficiency.html#TEfficiency:Fit">Fit</a> function which uses internally the <a href="http://root.cern.ch/root/html/TBinomialEfficiencyFitter.html#TBinomialEfficiencyFitter:Fit">TBinomialEfficiencyFitter::Fit</a> method.
00615 //    As this method is using a maximum-likelihood-fit, it is necessary to initialise
00616 //    the given fit function with reasonable start values.
00617 //    The resulting fit function is attached to the list of associated functions and
00618 //    will be drawn automatically during the next <a href="http://root.cern.ch/root/html/TEfficiency.html#TEfficiency:Draw">Draw</a> command.
00619 //    The list of associated function can be modified by using the pointer returned
00620 //    by <a href="http://root.cern.ch/root/html/TEfficiency.html#TEfficiency:GetListOfFunctions">GetListOfFunctions</a>.
00621 //    End_Html
00622 //    Begin_Macro(source)
00623 // {
00624 //    //canvas only needed for this documentation
00625 //    TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("example","",600,400);
00626 //    c1->SetFillStyle(1001);
00627 //    c1->SetFillColor(kWhite);
00628 //    
00629 //    //create one-dimensional TEfficiency object with fixed bin size
00630 //    TEfficiency* pEff = new TEfficiency("eff","my efficiency;x;#epsilon",20,0,10);
00631 //    TRandom3 rand;
00632 // 
00633 //    bool bPassed;
00634 //    double x;
00635 //    for(int i=0; i<10000; ++i)
00636 //    {
00637 //       //simulate events with variable under investigation
00638 //       x = rand.Uniform(10);
00639 //       //check selection: bPassed = DoesEventPassSelection(x)
00640 //       bPassed = rand.Rndm() < TMath::Gaus(x,5,4);
00641 //       pEff->Fill(bPassed,x);
00642 //    }
00643 // 
00644 //    //create a function for fitting and do the fit
00645 //    TF1* f1 = new TF1("f1","gaus",0,10);
00646 //    f1->SetParameters(1,5,2);
00647 //    pEff->Fit(f1);
00648 // 
00649 //    //create a threshold function
00650 //    TF1* f2 = new TF1("thres","0.8",0,10);
00651 //    f2->SetLineColor(kRed);
00652 //    //add it to the list of functions
00653 //    //use add first because the parameters of the last function will be displayed
00654 //    pEff->GetListOfFunctions()->AddFirst(f2);
00655 //    
00656 //    pEff->Draw("AP");
00657 // 
00658 //    //only for this documentation
00659 //    return c1;
00660 // }
00661 //    End_Macro
00662 //    Begin_Html
00663 //    
00664 //    <h4><a name="draw">VI.3 Draw a TEfficiency object</a></h4>
00665 //    A TEfficiency object can be drawn by calling the usual <a href="http://root.cern.ch/root/html/TEfficiency.html#TEfficiency:Draw">Draw</a> method.
00666 //    At the moment drawing is only supported for 1- and 2-dimensional TEfficiency
00667 //    objects. In the 1-dimensional case you can use the same options as for the <br />
00668 //    <a href="http://root.cern.ch/root/html/TGraph.html#TGraph:Draw">TGraphAsymmErrors::Draw</a> 
00669 //    method. For 2-dimensional TEfficiency objects you can pass the same options as
00670 //    for a <a href="http://root.cern.ch/root/html/TH1.html#TH1:Draw">TH2::Draw</a> object.
00671 // 
00672 //    <h3 style="margin-bottom:-3em;"><a name="class">VII. TEfficiency class</a></h3>
00673 //    
00674 //End_Html
00675 //______________________________________________________________________________
00677 //______________________________________________________________________________
00678 TEfficiency::TEfficiency():
00679    fBeta_alpha(kDefBetaAlpha),
00680    fBeta_beta(kDefBetaBeta),
00681    fBoundary(0),
00682    fConfLevel(kDefConfLevel),
00683    fDirectory(0),
00684    fFunctions(0),
00685    fPaintGraph(0),
00686    fPaintHisto(0),
00687    fPassedHistogram(0),
00688    fTotalHistogram(0),
00689    fWeight(kDefWeight)
00690 {
00691    //default constructor
00692    //
00693    //should not be used explicitly
00695    SetStatisticOption(kDefStatOpt);
00696 }
00698 //______________________________________________________________________________
00699 TEfficiency::TEfficiency(const TH1& passed,const TH1& total):
00700    fBeta_alpha(kDefBetaAlpha),
00701    fBeta_beta(kDefBetaBeta),
00702    fConfLevel(kDefConfLevel),
00703    fDirectory(0),
00704    fFunctions(new TList()),
00705    fPaintGraph(0),
00706    fPaintHisto(0),
00707    fWeight(kDefWeight)
00708 {
00709    //constructor using two existing histograms as input
00710    //
00711    //Input: passed - contains the events fullfilling some criteria
00712    //       total  - contains all investigated events
00713    //
00714    //Notes: - both histograms have to fullfill the conditions of CheckConsistency
00715    //       - dimension of the resulating efficiency object depends
00716    //         on the dimension of the given histograms
00717    //       - Clones of both histograms are stored internally
00718    //       - The function SetName(total.GetName() + "_clone") is called to set
00719    //         the names of the new object and the internal histograms..
00720    //       - The created TEfficiency object is NOT appended to a directory. It
00721    //         will not be written to disk during the next TFile::Write() command
00722    //         in order to prevent duplication of data. If you want to save this
00723    //         TEfficiency object anyway, you can either append it to a
00724    //         directory by calling SetDirectory(TDirectory*) or write it
00725    //         explicitly to disk by calling Write().
00727    //check consistency of histograms
00728    if(CheckConsistency(passed,total)) {
00729        Bool_t bStatus = TH1::AddDirectoryStatus();
00730        TH1::AddDirectory(kFALSE);
00731        fTotalHistogram = (TH1*)total.Clone();
00732        fPassedHistogram = (TH1*)passed.Clone();
00733        TH1::AddDirectory(bStatus);
00735        TString newName = total.GetName();
00736        newName += TString("_clone");
00737        SetName(newName);
00738    }
00739    else {
00740       Error("TEfficiency(const TH1&,const TH1&)","histograms are not consistent -> results are useless");
00741       Warning("TEfficiency(const TH1&,const TH1&)","using two empty TH1D('h1','h1',10,0,10)");
00743       Bool_t bStatus = TH1::AddDirectoryStatus();
00744       TH1::AddDirectory(kFALSE);
00745       fTotalHistogram = new TH1D("h1_total","h1 (total)",10,0,10);
00746       fPassedHistogram = new TH1D("h1_passed","h1 (passed)",10,0,10);
00747       TH1::AddDirectory(bStatus);
00748    }   
00750    SetStatisticOption(kDefStatOpt);
00751    SetDirectory(0);
00752 }
00754 //______________________________________________________________________________
00755 TEfficiency::TEfficiency(const char* name,const char* title,Int_t nbins,
00756                                 const Double_t* xbins):
00757    fBeta_alpha(kDefBetaAlpha),
00758    fBeta_beta(kDefBetaBeta),
00759    fConfLevel(kDefConfLevel),
00760    fDirectory(0),
00761    fFunctions(0),
00762    fPaintGraph(0),
00763    fPaintHisto(0),
00764    fWeight(kDefWeight)
00765 {
00766    //create 1-dimensional TEfficiency object with variable bin size
00767    //
00768    //constructor creates two new and empty histograms with a given binning
00769    //
00770    // Input: name   - the common part of the name for both histograms (no blanks)
00771    //                 fTotalHistogram has name: name + "_total"
00772    //                 fPassedHistogram has name: name + "_passed"
00773    //        title  - the common part of the title for both histogram
00774    //                 fTotalHistogram has title: title + " (total)"
00775    //                 fPassedHistogram has title: title + " (passed)"
00776    //                 It is possible to label the axis by passing a title with
00777    //                 the following format: "title;xlabel;ylabel".
00778    //        nbins  - number of bins on the x-axis
00779    //        xbins  - array of length (nbins + 1) with low-edges for each bin
00780    //                 xbins[nbinsx] ... lower edge for overflow bin
00782    Bool_t bStatus = TH1::AddDirectoryStatus();
00783    TH1::AddDirectory(kFALSE);
00784    fTotalHistogram = new TH1D("total","total",nbins,xbins);
00785    fPassedHistogram = new TH1D("passed","passed",nbins,xbins);
00786    TH1::AddDirectory(bStatus);
00788    Build(name,title);
00789 }
00791 //______________________________________________________________________________
00792 TEfficiency::TEfficiency(const char* name,const char* title,Int_t nbinsx,
00793                                 Double_t xlow,Double_t xup):
00794    fBeta_alpha(kDefBetaAlpha),
00795    fBeta_beta(kDefBetaBeta),
00796    fConfLevel(kDefConfLevel),
00797    fDirectory(0),
00798    fFunctions(0),
00799    fPaintGraph(0),
00800    fPaintHisto(0),
00801    fWeight(kDefWeight)
00802 {
00803    //create 1-dimensional TEfficiency object with fixed bins isze
00804    //
00805    //constructor creates two new and empty histograms with a fixed binning
00806    //
00807    // Input: name   - the common part of the name for both histograms(no blanks)
00808    //                 fTotalHistogram has name: name + "_total"
00809    //                 fPassedHistogram has name: name + "_passed"
00810    //        title  - the common part of the title for both histogram
00811    //                 fTotalHistogram has title: title + " (total)"
00812    //                 fPassedHistogram has title: title + " (passed)"
00813    //                 It is possible to label the axis by passing a title with
00814    //                 the following format: "title;xlabel;ylabel".
00815    //        nbinsx - number of bins on the x-axis
00816    //        xlow   - lower edge of first bin
00817    //        xup    - upper edge of last bin
00819    Bool_t bStatus = TH1::AddDirectoryStatus();
00820    TH1::AddDirectory(kFALSE);
00821    fTotalHistogram = new TH1D("total","total",nbinsx,xlow,xup);
00822    fPassedHistogram = new TH1D("passed","passed",nbinsx,xlow,xup);
00823    TH1::AddDirectory(bStatus);
00825    Build(name,title);
00826 }
00828 //______________________________________________________________________________
00829 TEfficiency::TEfficiency(const char* name,const char* title,Int_t nbinsx,
00830                            Double_t xlow,Double_t xup,Int_t nbinsy,
00831                            Double_t ylow,Double_t yup):
00832    fBeta_alpha(kDefBetaAlpha),
00833    fBeta_beta(kDefBetaBeta),
00834    fConfLevel(kDefConfLevel),
00835    fDirectory(0),
00836    fFunctions(0),
00837    fPaintGraph(0),
00838    fPaintHisto(0),
00839    fWeight(kDefWeight)
00840 {
00841    //create 2-dimensional TEfficiency object with fixed bin size
00842    //
00843    //constructor creates two new and empty histograms with a fixed binning
00844    //
00845    // Input: name   - the common part of the name for both histograms(no blanks)
00846    //                 fTotalHistogram has name: name + "_total"
00847    //                 fPassedHistogram has name: name + "_passed"
00848    //        title  - the common part of the title for both histogram
00849    //                 fTotalHistogram has title: title + " (total)"
00850    //                 fPassedHistogram has title: title + " (passed)"
00851    //                 It is possible to label the axis by passing a title with
00852    //                 the following format: "title;xlabel;ylabel;zlabel".
00853    //        nbinsx - number of bins on the x-axis
00854    //        xlow   - lower edge of first x-bin
00855    //        xup    - upper edge of last x-bin
00856    //        nbinsy - number of bins on the y-axis
00857    //        ylow   - lower edge of first y-bin
00858    //        yup    - upper edge of last y-bin
00860    Bool_t bStatus = TH1::AddDirectoryStatus();
00861    TH1::AddDirectory(kFALSE);
00862    fTotalHistogram = new TH2D("total","total",nbinsx,xlow,xup,nbinsy,ylow,yup);
00863    fPassedHistogram = new TH2D("passed","passed",nbinsx,xlow,xup,nbinsy,ylow,yup);
00864    TH1::AddDirectory(bStatus);
00866    Build(name,title);
00867 }
00869 //______________________________________________________________________________
00870 TEfficiency::TEfficiency(const char* name,const char* title,Int_t nbinsx,
00871                            const Double_t* xbins,Int_t nbinsy,
00872                            const Double_t* ybins):
00873    fBeta_alpha(kDefBetaAlpha),
00874    fBeta_beta(kDefBetaBeta),
00875    fConfLevel(kDefConfLevel),
00876    fDirectory(0),
00877    fFunctions(0),
00878    fPaintGraph(0),
00879    fPaintHisto(0),
00880    fWeight(kDefWeight)
00881 {
00882    //create 2-dimensional TEfficiency object with variable bin size
00883    //
00884    //constructor creates two new and empty histograms with a given binning
00885    //
00886    // Input: name   - the common part of the name for both histograms(no blanks)
00887    //                 fTotalHistogram has name: name + "_total"
00888    //                 fPassedHistogram has name: name + "_passed"
00889    //        title  - the common part of the title for both histogram
00890    //                 fTotalHistogram has title: title + " (total)"
00891    //                 fPassedHistogram has title: title + " (passed)"
00892    //                 It is possible to label the axis by passing a title with
00893    //                 the following format: "title;xlabel;ylabel;zlabel".
00894    //        nbinsx - number of bins on the x-axis
00895    //        xbins  - array of length (nbins + 1) with low-edges for each bin
00896    //                 xbins[nbinsx] ... lower edge for overflow x-bin
00897    //        nbinsy - number of bins on the y-axis
00898    //        ybins  - array of length (nbins + 1) with low-edges for each bin
00899    //                 ybins[nbinsy] ... lower edge for overflow y-bin
00901    Bool_t bStatus = TH1::AddDirectoryStatus();
00902    TH1::AddDirectory(kFALSE);
00903    fTotalHistogram = new TH2D("total","total",nbinsx,xbins,nbinsy,ybins);
00904    fPassedHistogram = new TH2D("passed","passed",nbinsx,xbins,nbinsy,ybins);
00905    TH1::AddDirectory(bStatus);
00907    Build(name,title);
00908 }
00910 //______________________________________________________________________________
00911 TEfficiency::TEfficiency(const char* name,const char* title,Int_t nbinsx,
00912                            Double_t xlow,Double_t xup,Int_t nbinsy,
00913                            Double_t ylow,Double_t yup,Int_t nbinsz,
00914                            Double_t zlow,Double_t zup):
00915    fBeta_alpha(kDefBetaAlpha),
00916    fBeta_beta(kDefBetaBeta),
00917    fConfLevel(kDefConfLevel),
00918    fDirectory(0),
00919    fFunctions(0),
00920    fPaintGraph(0),
00921    fPaintHisto(0),
00922    fWeight(kDefWeight)
00923 {
00924    //create 3-dimensional TEfficiency object with fixed bin size
00925    //
00926    //constructor creates two new and empty histograms with a fixed binning
00927    //
00928    // Input: name   - the common part of the name for both histograms(no blanks)
00929    //                 fTotalHistogram has name: name + "_total"
00930    //                 fPassedHistogram has name: name + "_passed"
00931    //        title  - the common part of the title for both histogram
00932    //                 fTotalHistogram has title: title + " (total)"
00933    //                 fPassedHistogram has title: title + " (passed)"
00934    //                 It is possible to label the axis by passing a title with
00935    //                 the following format: "title;xlabel;ylabel;zlabel".
00936    //        nbinsx - number of bins on the x-axis
00937    //        xlow   - lower edge of first x-bin
00938    //        xup    - upper edge of last x-bin
00939    //        nbinsy - number of bins on the y-axis
00940    //        ylow   - lower edge of first y-bin
00941    //        yup    - upper edge of last y-bin
00942    //        nbinsz - number of bins on the z-axis
00943    //        zlow   - lower edge of first z-bin
00944    //        zup    - upper edge of last z-bin
00946    Bool_t bStatus = TH1::AddDirectoryStatus();
00947    TH1::AddDirectory(kFALSE);
00948    fTotalHistogram = new TH3D("total","total",nbinsx,xlow,xup,nbinsy,ylow,yup,nbinsz,zlow,zup);
00949    fPassedHistogram = new TH3D("passed","passed",nbinsx,xlow,xup,nbinsy,ylow,yup,nbinsz,zlow,zup);
00950    TH1::AddDirectory(bStatus);
00952    Build(name,title);
00953 }
00955 //______________________________________________________________________________
00956 TEfficiency::TEfficiency(const char* name,const char* title,Int_t nbinsx,
00957                            const Double_t* xbins,Int_t nbinsy,
00958                            const Double_t* ybins,Int_t nbinsz,
00959                            const Double_t* zbins):
00960    fBeta_alpha(kDefBetaAlpha),
00961    fBeta_beta(kDefBetaBeta),
00962    fConfLevel(kDefConfLevel),
00963    fDirectory(0),
00964    fFunctions(0),
00965    fPaintGraph(0),
00966    fPaintHisto(0),
00967    fWeight(kDefWeight)
00968 {
00969    //create 3-dimensional TEfficiency object with variable bin size
00970    //
00971    //constructor creates two new and empty histograms with a given binning
00972    //
00973    // Input: name   - the common part of the name for both histograms(no blanks)
00974    //                 fTotalHistogram has name: name + "_total"
00975    //                 fPassedHistogram has name: name + "_passed"
00976    //        title  - the common part of the title for both histogram
00977    //                 fTotalHistogram has title: title + " (total)"
00978    //                 fPassedHistogram has title: title + " (passed)"
00979    //                 It is possible to label the axis by passing a title with
00980    //                 the following format: "title;xlabel;ylabel;zlabel".
00981    //        nbinsx - number of bins on the x-axis
00982    //        xbins  - array of length (nbins + 1) with low-edges for each bin
00983    //                 xbins[nbinsx] ... lower edge for overflow x-bin
00984    //        nbinsy - number of bins on the y-axis
00985    //        ybins  - array of length (nbins + 1) with low-edges for each bin
00986    //                 xbins[nbinsx] ... lower edge for overflow y-bin
00987    //        nbinsz - number of bins on the z-axis
00988    //        zbins  - array of length (nbins + 1) with low-edges for each bin
00989    //                 xbins[nbinsx] ... lower edge for overflow z-bin
00991    Bool_t bStatus = TH1::AddDirectoryStatus();
00992    TH1::AddDirectory(kFALSE);
00993    fTotalHistogram = new TH3D("total","total",nbinsx,xbins,nbinsy,ybins,nbinsz,zbins);
00994    fPassedHistogram = new TH3D("passed","passed",nbinsx,xbins,nbinsy,ybins,nbinsz,zbins);
00995    TH1::AddDirectory(bStatus);
00997    Build(name,title);
00998 }
01000 //______________________________________________________________________________
01001 TEfficiency::TEfficiency(const TEfficiency& rEff):
01002    TNamed(),
01003    TAttLine(),
01004    TAttFill(),
01005    TAttMarker(),
01006    fBeta_alpha(rEff.fBeta_alpha),
01007    fBeta_beta(rEff.fBeta_beta),
01008    fConfLevel(rEff.fConfLevel),
01009    fDirectory(0),
01010    fFunctions(new TList()),
01011    fPaintGraph(0),
01012    fPaintHisto(0),
01013    fWeight(rEff.fWeight)
01014 {
01015    //copy constructor
01016    //
01017    //The list of associated objects (e.g. fitted functions) is not copied.
01018    //
01019    //Note: - SetName(rEff.GetName() + "_copy") is called to set the names of the
01020    //        object and the histograms.
01021    //      - The titles are set by calling SetTitle("[copy] " + rEff.GetTitle()).
01022    //      - The copied TEfficiency object is NOT appended to a directory. It
01023    //        will not be written to disk during the next TFile::Write() command
01024    //        in order to prevent duplication of data. If you want to save this
01025    //        TEfficiency object anyway, you can either append it to a directory
01026    //        by calling SetDirectory(TDirectory*) or write it explicitly to disk
01027    //        by calling Write().
01029    Bool_t bStatus = TH1::AddDirectoryStatus();
01030    TH1::AddDirectory(kFALSE);
01031    fTotalHistogram = (TH1*)((rEff.fTotalHistogram)->Clone());
01032    fPassedHistogram = (TH1*)((rEff.fPassedHistogram)->Clone());
01033    TH1::AddDirectory(bStatus);
01035    TString name = rEff.GetName();
01036    name += "_copy";
01037    SetName(name);
01038    TString title = "[copy] ";
01039    title += rEff.GetTitle();
01040    SetTitle(title);
01042    SetStatisticOption(rEff.GetStatisticOption());
01044    SetDirectory(0);
01046    //copy style
01047    rEff.TAttLine::Copy(*this);
01048    rEff.TAttFill::Copy(*this);
01049    rEff.TAttMarker::Copy(*this);
01050 }
01052 //______________________________________________________________________________
01053 TEfficiency::~TEfficiency()
01054 {
01055    //default destructor
01057    //delete all function in fFunctions
01058    if(fFunctions) {
01060       TIter next(fFunctions);
01061       TObject* obj = 0;
01062       while((obj = next())) {
01063          delete obj;
01064       }
01066       fFunctions->Delete();
01067    }
01069    if(fDirectory)
01070       fDirectory->Remove(this);
01072    delete fFunctions;
01073    delete fTotalHistogram;
01074    delete fPassedHistogram;
01075    delete fPaintGraph;
01076    delete fPaintHisto;
01077 }
01079 //______________________________________________________________________________
01080 Double_t TEfficiency::AgrestiCoull(Int_t total,Int_t passed,Double_t level,Bool_t bUpper)
01081 {
01082    //calculates the boundaries for the frequentist Agresti-Coull interval
01083    //
01084    //Input: - total : number of total events
01085    //       - passed: 0 <= number of passed events <= total
01086    //       - level : confidence level
01087    //       - bUpper: true  - upper boundary is returned
01088    //                 false - lower boundary is returned
01089    //
01090    //calculation:
01091    //Begin_Latex(separator='=',align='rl')
01092    // #alpha = 1 - #frac{level}{2}
01093    // #kappa = #Phi^{-1}(1 - #alpha,1) ... normal quantile function
01094    // mode = #frac{passed + #frac{#kappa^{2}}{2}}{total + #kappa^{2}}
01095    // #Delta = #kappa * #sqrt{#frac{mode * (1 - mode)}{total + #kappa^{2}}}
01096    // return =  max(0,mode - #Delta) or min(1,mode + #Delta)
01097    //End_Latex
01099    Double_t alpha = (1.0 - level)/2;
01100    Double_t kappa = ROOT::Math::normal_quantile(1 - alpha,1);
01102    Double_t mode = (passed + 0.5 * kappa * kappa) / (total + kappa * kappa);
01103    Double_t delta = kappa * std::sqrt(mode * (1 - mode) / (total + kappa * kappa));
01105    if(bUpper)
01106       return ((mode + delta) > 1) ? 1.0 : (mode + delta);
01107    else
01108       return ((mode - delta) < 0) ? 0.0 : (mode - delta);
01109 }
01111 //______________________________________________________________________________
01112 Double_t TEfficiency::FeldmanCousins(Int_t total,Int_t passed,Double_t level,Bool_t bUpper) 
01113 { 
01114    //calculates the boundaries for the frequentist Feldman-Cousins interval
01115    //
01116    //Input: - total : number of total events
01117    //       - passed: 0 <= number of passed events <= total
01118    //       - level : confidence level
01119    //       - bUpper: true  - upper boundary is returned
01120    //                 false - lower boundary is returned
01121    //
01122    //
01123    Double_t lower = 0; 
01124    Double_t upper = 1;
01125    if (!FeldmanCousinsInterval(total,passed,level, lower, upper)) { 
01126       ::Error("FeldmanCousins","Error running FC method - return 0 or 1");
01127    }
01128    return (bUpper) ? upper : lower; 
01129 }
01130 Bool_t TEfficiency::FeldmanCousinsInterval(Int_t total,Int_t passed,Double_t level,Double_t & lower, Double_t & upper)
01131 {
01132    //calculates the interval boundaries using the frequentist methods of Feldman-Cousins
01133    //
01134    //Input: - total : number of total events
01135    //       - passed: 0 <= number of passed events <= total
01136    //       - level : confidence level
01137    //Output: 
01138    //       - lower :  lower boundary returned on exit
01139    //       - upper :  lower boundary returned on exit
01140    //
01141    //Return a flag with the status of the calculation 
01142    // 
01143    // Calculation: 
01144    // The Feldman-Cousins is a frequentist method where the interval is estimated using a Neyman construction where the ordering 
01145    // is based on the likelihood ratio: 
01146    //Begin_Latex(separator='=',align='rl')
01147    // LR =  #frac{Binomial(k | N, #epsilon)}{Binomial(k | N, #hat{#epsilon} ) }
01148    //End_Latex
01149    //See G. J. Feldman and R. D. Cousins, Phys. Rev. D57 (1998) 3873 
01150    // and   R. D. Cousins, K. E. Hymes, J. Tucker, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 612 (2010) 388
01151    //
01152    // Implemented using classes developed by Jordan Tucker and Luca Lista
01153    // See File hist/hist/src/TEfficiencyHelper.h
01154    //
01155    FeldmanCousinsBinomialInterval fc;
01156    double alpha = 1.-level;
01157    fc.Init(alpha);
01158    fc.Calculate(passed, total);
01159    lower = fc.Lower();
01160    upper = fc.Upper();
01161    return true;
01162 }
01164 //______________________________________________________________________________
01165 Double_t TEfficiency::Bayesian(Int_t total,Int_t passed,Double_t level,Double_t alpha,Double_t beta,Bool_t bUpper, Bool_t bShortest)
01166 {
01167    //calculates the boundaries for a Bayesian confidence interval (shortest or central interval depending on the option)
01168    //
01169    //Input: - total : number of total events
01170    //       - passed: 0 <= number of passed events <= total
01171    //       - level : confidence level
01172    //       - alpha : shape parameter > 0 for the prior distribution (fBeta_alpha)
01173    //       - beta  : shape parameter > 0 for the prior distribution (fBeta_beta)
01174    //       - bUpper: true  - upper boundary is returned
01175    //                 false - lower boundary is returned
01176    //
01177    //Note: In the case central confidence interval is calculated. 
01178    //      when passed = 0 (or passed = total) the lower (or upper) 
01179    //      interval values will be larger than 0 (or smaller than 1).   
01180    //
01181    //Calculation:
01182    //
01183    //The posterior probability in bayesian statistics is given by:
01184    //Begin_Latex P(#varepsilon |k,N) #propto L(#varepsilon|k,N) #times Prior(#varepsilon)End_Latex
01185    //As an efficiency can be interpreted as probability of a positive outcome of
01186    //a Bernoullli trial the likelihood function is given by the binomial
01187    //distribution:
01188    //Begin_Latex L(#varepsilon|k,N) = Binomial(N,k) #varepsilon ^{k} (1 - #varepsilon)^{N-k}End_Latex
01189    //At the moment only beta distributions are supported as prior probabilities
01190    //of the efficiency (Begin_Latex #scale[0.8]{B(#alpha,#beta)}End_Latex is the beta function):
01191    //Begin_Latex Prior(#varepsilon) = #frac{1}{B(#alpha,#beta)} #varepsilon ^{#alpha - 1} (1 - #varepsilon)^{#beta - 1}End_Latex
01192    //The posterior probability is therefore again given by a beta distribution:
01193    //Begin_Latex P(#varepsilon |k,N) #propto #varepsilon ^{k + #alpha - 1} (1 - #varepsilon)^{N - k + #beta - 1} End_Latex
01194    //In case of central intervals 
01195    //the lower boundary for the equal-tailed confidence interval is given by the
01196    //inverse cumulative (= quantile) function for the quantile Begin_Latex #frac{1 - level}{2} End_Latex.
01197    //The upper boundary for the equal-tailed confidence interval is given by the
01198    //inverse cumulative (= quantile) function for the quantile Begin_Latex #frac{1 + level}{2} End_Latex.
01199    //Hence it is the solution Begin_Latex #varepsilon End_Latex of the following equation:
01200    //Begin_Latex I_{#varepsilon}(k + #alpha,N - k + #beta) = #frac{1}{norm} #int_{0}^{#varepsilon} dt t^{k + #alpha - 1} (1 - t)^{N - k + #beta - 1} =  #frac{1 #pm level}{2} End_Latex
01201    // In the case of shortest interval the minimum interval aorund the mode is found by minimizing the length of all intervals whith the 
01202    // given probability content. See TEfficiency::BetaShortestInterval
01204    Double_t a = double(passed)+alpha;
01205    Double_t b = double(total-passed)+beta;
01207    if (bShortest) { 
01208       double lower = 0; 
01209       double upper = 1;
01210       BetaShortestInterval(level,a,b,lower,upper);
01211       return (bUpper) ? upper : lower; 
01212    }
01213    else 
01214       return BetaCentralInterval(level, a, b, bUpper);
01215 }
01216 //______________________________________________________________________________
01217 Double_t TEfficiency::BetaCentralInterval(Double_t level,Double_t a,Double_t b,Bool_t bUpper)
01218 {
01219    //calculates the boundaries for a central confidence interval for a Beta distribution
01220    //
01221    //Input: - level : confidence level
01222    //       -    a  : parameter > 0 for the beta distribution (for a posterior is passed + prior_alpha
01223    //       -    b  : parameter > 0 for the beta distribution (for a posterior is (total-passed) + prior_beta 
01224    //       - bUpper: true  - upper boundary is returned
01225    //                 false - lower boundary is returned
01226    //
01228    if(bUpper) {
01229       if((a > 0) && (b > 0))
01230          return ROOT::Math::beta_quantile((1+level)/2,a,b);
01231       else { 
01232          gROOT->Error("TEfficiency::BayesianCentral","Invalid input parameters - return 1");
01233          return 1;
01234       }
01235    }
01236    else {
01237       if((a > 0) && (b > 0))
01238          return ROOT::Math::beta_quantile((1-level)/2,a,b);
01239       else {
01240          gROOT->Error("TEfficiency::BayesianCentral","Invalid input parameters - return 0");
01241          return 0;
01242       }
01243    }
01244 }
01246 struct Beta_interval_length { 
01247    Beta_interval_length(Double_t level,Double_t alpha,Double_t beta ) : 
01248       fCL(level), fAlpha(alpha), fBeta(beta)                                     
01249    {}
01251    Double_t LowerMax() { 
01252       // max allowed value of lower given the interval size 
01253       return ROOT::Math::beta_quantile_c(fCL, fAlpha,fBeta);
01254    }
01256    Double_t operator() (double lower) const {
01257       // return length of interval
01258       Double_t plow = ROOT::Math::beta_cdf(lower, fAlpha, fBeta); 
01259       Double_t pup = plow + fCL; 
01260       double upper = ROOT::Math::beta_quantile(pup, fAlpha,fBeta);
01261       return upper-lower;
01262    }
01263    Double_t fCL; // interval size (confidence level)
01264    Double_t fAlpha; // beta distribution alpha parameter
01265    Double_t fBeta; // beta distribution beta parameter
01267 };
01269 //______________________________________________________________________________
01270 Bool_t TEfficiency::BetaShortestInterval(Double_t level,Double_t a,Double_t b, Double_t & lower, Double_t & upper)
01271 {
01272    //calculates the boundaries for a shortest confidence interval for a Beta  distribution
01273    //
01274    //Input: - level : confidence level
01275    //       -    a  : parameter > 0 for the beta distribution (for a posterior is passed + prior_alpha
01276    //       -    b  : parameter > 0 for the beta distribution (for a posterior is (total-passed) + prior_beta 
01277    //       - bUpper: true  - upper boundary is returned
01278    //                 false - lower boundary is returned
01279    //
01280    //
01281    //The lower/upper boundary are then obtained by finding the shortest interval of the beta distribbution 
01282    // contained the desired probability level. 
01283    // The length of all possible intervals is minimized in order to find the shortest one
01285    if (a <= 0 || b <= 0) {
01286       lower = 0; upper = 1; 
01287       gROOT->Error("TEfficiency::BayesianShortest","Invalid input parameters - return [0,1]");
01288       return kFALSE; 
01289    }
01291    // treat here special cases when mode == 0 or 1
01292    double mode = BetaMode(a,b);
01293    if (mode == 0.0) { 
01294       lower = 0; 
01295       upper = ROOT::Math::beta_quantile(level, a, b);
01296       return kTRUE;
01297    } 
01298    if (mode == 1.0) { 
01299       lower = ROOT::Math::beta_quantile_c(level, a, b);
01300       upper = 1.0;
01301       return kTRUE;
01302    }
01303    // special case when the shortest interval is undefined  return the central interval
01304    // can happen for a posterior when passed=total=0
01305    //
01306    if ( a==b && a<1.0) { 
01307       lower = BetaCentralInterval(level,a,b,kFALSE);
01308       upper = BetaCentralInterval(level,a,b,kTRUE);
01309       return kTRUE;
01310    }
01312    // for the other case perform a minimization
01313    // make a function of the length of the posterior interval as a function of lower bound
01314    Beta_interval_length intervalLength(level,a,b);
01315    // minimize the interval length
01316    ROOT::Math::WrappedFunction<const Beta_interval_length &> func(intervalLength);
01317    ROOT::Math::BrentMinimizer1D minim;
01318    minim.SetFunction(func, 0, intervalLength.LowerMax() );
01319    minim.SetNpx(2); // no need to bracket with many iterations. Just do few times to estimate some better points
01320    bool ret = minim.Minimize(100, 1.E-10,1.E-10);
01321    if (!ret) { 
01322       gROOT->Error("TEfficiency::BayesianShortes","Error finding the shortest interval"); 
01323       return kFALSE;
01324    }
01325    lower = minim.XMinimum();
01326    upper = lower + minim.FValMinimum();
01327    return kTRUE;
01328 }
01330 //______________________________________________________________________________
01331 Double_t TEfficiency::BetaMean(Double_t a,Double_t b)
01332 {
01333    // compute the mean (average) of the beta distribution
01334    //
01335    //Input:    a  : parameter > 0 for the beta distribution (for a posterior is passed + prior_alpha
01336    //          b  : parameter > 0 for the beta distribution (for a posterior is (total-passed) + prior_beta 
01337    //
01339    if (a <= 0 || b <= 0 ) { 
01340       gROOT->Error("TEfficiency::BayesianMean","Invalid input parameters - return 0");
01341       return 0;
01342    }
01344    Double_t mean =  a / (a + b);
01345    return mean; 
01346 }
01348 //______________________________________________________________________________
01349 Double_t TEfficiency::BetaMode(Double_t a,Double_t b)
01350 {
01351    // compute the mode of the beta distribution
01352    //
01353    //Input:    a  : parameter > 0 for the beta distribution (for a posterior is passed + prior_alpha
01354    //          b  : parameter > 0 for the beta distribution (for a posterior is (total-passed) + prior_beta 
01355    //
01356    // note the mode is defined for a Beta(a,b) only if (a,b)>1 (a = passed+alpha; b = total-passed+beta)
01357    // return then the following in case (a,b) < 1: 
01358    //  if (a==b) return 0.5 (it is really undefined)
01359    //  if (a < b) return 0;
01360    //  if (a > b) return 1;
01362    if (a <= 0 || b <= 0 ) { 
01363       gROOT->Error("TEfficiency::BayesianMode","Invalid input parameters - return 0");
01364       return 0;
01365    }
01366    if ( a <= 1 || b <= 1) {
01367       if ( a < b) return 0;
01368       if ( a > b) return 1; 
01369       if (a == b) return 0.5; // cannot do otherwise
01370    }
01372    // since a and b are > 1 here denominator cannot be 0 or < 0
01373    Double_t mode =  (a - 1.0) / (a + b -2.0);
01374    return mode; 
01375 }
01376 //______________________________________________________________________________
01377 void TEfficiency::Build(const char* name,const char* title)
01378 {
01379    //building standard data structure of a TEfficiency object
01380    //
01381    //Notes: - calls: SetName(name), SetTitle(title)
01382    //       - set the statistic option to the default (kFCP)
01383    //       - appends this object to the current directory
01384    //         SetDirectory(gDirectory)
01386    SetName(name);
01387    SetTitle(title);
01389    SetStatisticOption(kDefStatOpt);
01390    SetDirectory(gDirectory);
01392    //set normalisation factors to 0, otherwise the += may not work properly
01393    fPassedHistogram->SetNormFactor(0);
01394    fTotalHistogram->SetNormFactor(0);
01396    fFunctions = new TList();
01397 }
01399 //______________________________________________________________________________
01400 Bool_t TEfficiency::CheckBinning(const TH1& pass,const TH1& total)
01401 {
01402    //checks binning for each axis
01403    //
01404    //It is assumed that the passed histograms have the same dimension.
01406    TAxis* ax1 = 0;
01407    TAxis* ax2 = 0;
01409    //check binning along axis
01410    for(Int_t j = 0; j < pass.GetDimension(); ++j) {
01411       switch(j) {
01412       case 0:
01413          ax1 = pass.GetXaxis();
01414          ax2 = total.GetXaxis();
01415          break;
01416       case 1:
01417          ax1 = pass.GetYaxis();
01418          ax2 = total.GetYaxis();
01419          break;
01420       case 2:
01421          ax1 = pass.GetZaxis();
01422          ax2 = total.GetZaxis();
01423          break;
01424       }
01426       if(ax1->GetNbins() != ax2->GetNbins())
01427          return false;
01429       for(Int_t i = 1; i <= ax1->GetNbins() + 1; ++i)
01430          if(!TMath::AreEqualRel(ax1->GetBinLowEdge(i), ax2->GetBinLowEdge(i), 1.E-15))
01431             return false;
01433       if(!TMath::AreEqualRel(ax1->GetXmax(), ax2->GetXmax(), 1.E-15))
01434          return false;
01437    }
01439    return true;
01440 }
01442 //______________________________________________________________________________
01443 Bool_t TEfficiency::CheckConsistency(const TH1& pass,const TH1& total,Option_t* opt)
01444 {
01445    //checks the consistence of the given histograms
01446    //
01447    //The histograms are considered as consistent if:
01448    //- both have the same dimension
01449    //- both have the same binning
01450    //- pass.GetBinContent(i) <= total.GetBinContent(i) for each bin i
01451    //
01452    //Option: - w: The check for unit weights is skipped and therefore histograms
01453    //             filled with weights are accepted.
01455    if(pass.GetDimension() != total.GetDimension()) {
01456       gROOT->Error("TEfficiency::CheckConsistency","passed TEfficiency objects have different dimensions");
01457       return false;
01458    }
01460    if(!CheckBinning(pass,total)) {
01461       gROOT->Error("TEfficiency::CheckConsistency","passed TEfficiency objects have different binning");
01462       return false;
01463    }
01465    if(!CheckEntries(pass,total,opt)) {
01466       gROOT->Error("TEfficiency::CheckConsistency","passed TEfficiency objects do not have consistent bin contents");
01467       return false;
01468    }
01470    return true;
01471 }
01473 //______________________________________________________________________________
01474 Bool_t TEfficiency::CheckEntries(const TH1& pass,const TH1& total,Option_t* opt)
01475 {
01476    //checks whether bin contents are compatible with binomial statistics
01477    //
01478    //The following inequality has to be valid for each bin i:
01479    // total.GetBinContent(i) >= pass.GetBinContent(i)
01480    //
01481    //and the histogram have to be filled with unit weights.
01482    //
01483    //Option: - w: Do not check for unit weights -> accept histograms filled with
01484    //             weights
01485    //
01486    //Note: - It is assumed that both histograms have the same dimension and
01487    //        binning.
01489    TString option = opt;
01490    option.ToLower();
01492    //check for unit weights
01493    if(!option.Contains("w")) {      
01494       Double_t statpass[10];
01495       Double_t stattotal[10];
01497       pass.GetStats(statpass);
01498       total.GetStats(stattotal);
01500       //require: sum of weights == sum of weights^2
01501       if((TMath::Abs(statpass[0]-statpass[1]) > 1e-5) ||
01502          (TMath::Abs(stattotal[0]-stattotal[1]) > 1e-5))
01503          return false;
01504    }
01506    //check: pass <= total
01507    Int_t nbinsx, nbinsy, nbinsz, nbins;
01509    nbinsx = pass.GetNbinsX();
01510    nbinsy = pass.GetNbinsY();
01511    nbinsz = pass.GetNbinsZ();
01513    switch(pass.GetDimension()) {
01514    case 1: nbins = nbinsx + 2; break;
01515    case 2: nbins = (nbinsx + 2) * (nbinsy + 2); break;
01516    case 3: nbins = (nbinsx + 2) * (nbinsy + 2) * (nbinsz + 2); break;
01517    default: nbins = 0;
01518    }
01520    for(Int_t i = 0; i < nbins; ++i) {
01521       if(pass.GetBinContent(i) > total.GetBinContent(i))
01522          return false;
01523    }
01525    return true;
01526 }
01528 //______________________________________________________________________________
01529 Double_t TEfficiency::ClopperPearson(Int_t total,Int_t passed,Double_t level,Bool_t bUpper)
01530 {
01531    //calculates the boundaries for the frequentist Clopper-Pearson interval
01532    //
01533    //This interval is recommended by the PDG.
01534    //
01535    //Input: - total : number of total events
01536    //       - passed: 0 <= number of passed events <= total
01537    //       - level : confidence level
01538    //       - bUpper: true  - upper boundary is returned
01539    //                 false - lower boundary is returned
01540    //
01541    //calculation:
01542    //
01543    //The lower boundary of the Clopper-Pearson interval is the "exact" inversion
01544    //of the test:
01545    //Begin_Latex(separator='=',align='rl')
01546    //P(x #geq passed; total) = #frac{1 - level}{2}
01547    //P(x #geq passed; total) = 1 - P(x #leq passed - 1; total)
01548    // = 1 - #frac{1}{norm} * #int_{0}^{1 - #varepsilon} t^{total - passed} (1 - t)^{passed - 1} dt
01549    // = 1 - #frac{1}{norm} * #int_{#varepsilon}^{1} t^{passed - 1} (1 - t)^{total - passed} dt
01550    // = #frac{1}{norm} * #int_{0}^{#varepsilon} t^{passed - 1} (1 - t)^{total - passed} dt
01551    // = I_{#varepsilon}(passed,total - passed + 1)
01552    //End_Latex
01553    //The lower boundary is therfore given by the Begin_Latex #frac{1 - level}{2}End_Latex quantile
01554    //of the beta distribution.
01555    //
01556    //The upper boundary of the Clopper-Pearson interval is the "exact" inversion
01557    //of the test:
01558    //Begin_Latex(separator='=',align='rl')
01559    //P(x #leq passed; total) = #frac{1 - level}{2}
01560    //P(x #leq passed; total) = #frac{1}{norm} * #int_{0}^{1 - #varepsilon} t^{total - passed - 1} (1 - t)^{passed} dt
01561    // = #frac{1}{norm} * #int_{#varepsilon}^{1} t^{passed} (1 - t)^{total - passed - 1} dt
01562    // = 1 - #frac{1}{norm} * #int_{0}^{#varepsilon} t^{passed} (1 - t)^{total - passed - 1} dt
01563    // #Rightarrow 1 - #frac{1 - level}{2} = #frac{1}{norm} * #int_{0}^{#varepsilon} t^{passed} (1 - t)^{total - passed -1} dt
01564    // #frac{1 + level}{2} = I_{#varepsilon}(passed + 1,total - passed)
01565    //End_Latex
01566    //The upper boundary is therfore given by the Begin_Latex #frac{1 + level}{2}End_Latex quantile
01567    //of the beta distribution.
01568    //
01569    //Note: The connection between the binomial distribution and the regularized
01570    //      incomplete beta function Begin_Latex I_{#varepsilon}(#alpha,#beta)End_Latex has been used.
01572    Double_t alpha = (1.0 - level) / 2;
01573    if(bUpper)
01574       return ((passed == total) ? 1.0 : ROOT::Math::beta_quantile(1 - alpha,passed + 1,total-passed));
01575    else
01576       return ((passed == 0) ? 0.0 : ROOT::Math::beta_quantile(alpha,passed,total-passed+1.0));
01577 }
01578 //______________________________________________________________________________
01579 Double_t TEfficiency::Combine(Double_t& up,Double_t& low,Int_t n,
01580                               const Int_t* pass,const Int_t* total,
01581                               Double_t alpha, Double_t beta,
01582                               Double_t level,const Double_t* w,Option_t* opt)
01583 {
01584    //calculates the combined efficiency and its uncertainties
01585    //
01586    //This method does a bayesian combination of the given samples.
01587    //
01588    //Input:
01589    //- up     : contains the upper limit of the confidence interval afterwards
01590    //- low    : contains the lower limit of the confidence interval afterwards
01591    //- n      : number of samples which are combined
01592    //- pass   : array of length n containing the number of passed events
01593    //- total  : array of length n containing the corresponding numbers of total
01594    //           events
01595    //- alpha  : shape parameters for the beta distribution as prior
01596    //- beta   : shape parameters for the beta distribution as prior
01597    //- level  : desired confidence level
01598    //- w      : weights for each sample; if not given, all samples get the weight 1
01599    //           The weights do not need to be normalized, since they are internally renormalized 
01600    //           to the number of effective entries. 
01601    //- options:
01602    //
01603    // + mode : The mode is returned instead of the mean of the posterior as best value
01604    //          When using the mode the shortest interval is also computed instead of the central one
01605    // + shortest: compute shortest interval (done by default if mode option is set)
01606    // + central: compute central interval (done by default if mode option is NOT set)
01607    //
01608    //Begin_Html
01609    //Calculation:
01610    //<ol>
01611    //<li>The combined posterior distributions is calculated from the Bayes theorem assuming a common prior Beta distribution. 
01612    //     It is easy to proof that the combined posterior is then:</li> 
01613    //Begin_Latex(separator='=',align='rl')
01614    //P_{comb}(#epsilon |{w_{i}}; {k_{i}}; {N_{i}}) = B(#epsilon, #sum_{i}{ w_{i} k_{i}} + #alpha, #sum_{i}{ w_{i}(n_{i}-k_{i})}+#beta) 
01615    //w_{i} = weight for each sample renormalized to the effective entries 
01616    //w^{'}_{i} =  w_{i} #frac{ #sum_{i} {w_{i} } } { #sum_{i} {w_{i}^{2} } }  
01617    //End_Latex
01618    //Begin_Html
01619    //<li>The estimated efficiency is the mode (or the mean) of the obtained posterior distribution </li>
01620    //End_Html
01621    //Begin_Html
01622    //<li>The boundaries of the confidence interval for a confidence level (1 - a)
01623    //are given by the a/2 and 1-a/2 quantiles of the resulting cumulative
01624    //distribution.</li>
01625    //</ol>
01626    //End_Html
01627    //Example (uniform prior distribution):
01628    //Begin_Macro(source)
01629    //{
01630    //  TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("c1","",600,800);
01631    //  c1->Divide(1,2);
01632    //  c1->SetFillStyle(1001);
01633    //  c1->SetFillColor(kWhite);
01634    //
01635    //  TF1* p1 = new TF1("p1","TMath::BetaDist(x,19,9)",0,1);
01636    //  TF1* p2 = new TF1("p2","TMath::BetaDist(x,4,8)",0,1);
01637    //  TF1* comb = new TF1("comb2","TMath::BetaDist(x,[0],[1])",0,1);
01638    //  double norm = 1./(0.6*0.6+0.4*0.4); // weight normalization
01639    //  double a = 0.6*18.0 + 0.4*3.0 + 1.0;  // new alpha parameter of combined beta dist.
01640    //  double b = 0.6*10+0.4*7+1.0;  // new beta parameter of combined beta dist.
01641    //  comb->SetParameters(norm*a ,norm *b );
01642    //  TF1* const1 = new TF1("const1","0.05",0,1);
01643    //  TF1* const2 = new TF1("const2","0.95",0,1);
01644    //
01645    //  p1->SetLineColor(kRed);
01646    //  p1->SetTitle("combined posteriors;#epsilon;P(#epsilon|k,N)");
01647    //  p2->SetLineColor(kBlue);
01648    //  comb->SetLineColor(kGreen+2);
01649    //
01650    //  TLegend* leg1 = new TLegend(0.12,0.65,0.5,0.85);
01651    //  leg1->AddEntry(p1,"k1 = 18, N1 = 26","l");
01652    //  leg1->AddEntry(p2,"k2 = 3, N2 = 10","l");
01653    //  leg1->AddEntry(comb,"combined: p1 = 0.6, p2=0.4","l");
01654    //
01655    //  c1->cd(1);
01656    //  comb->Draw();
01657    //  p1->Draw("same");
01658    //  p2->Draw("same");
01659    //  leg1->Draw("same");
01660    //  c1->cd(2);
01661    //  const1->SetLineWidth(1);
01662    //  const2->SetLineWidth(1);
01663    //  TGraph* gr = (TGraph*)comb->DrawIntegral();
01664    //  gr->SetTitle("cumulative function of combined posterior with boundaries for cl = 95%;#epsilon;CDF");   
01665    //  const1->Draw("same");
01666    //  const2->Draw("same");   
01667    //
01668    //  c1->cd(0);
01669    //  return c1;
01670    //}
01671    //End_Macro
01673    TString option(opt);
01674    option.ToLower();
01676    //LM:  new formula for combination 
01677    // works only if alpha beta are the same always
01678    // the weights are normalized to w(i) -> N_eff w(i)/ Sum w(i) 
01679    // i.e. w(i) -> Sum (w(i) / Sum (w(i)^2) * w(i) 
01680    // norm = Sum (w(i) / Sum (w(i)^2) 
01681    double ntot = 0; 
01682    double ktot = 0; 
01683    double sumw = 0;
01684    double sumw2 = 0;
01685    for (int i = 0; i < n ; ++i) { 
01686       if(pass[i] > total[i]) {
01687          ::Error("TEfficiency::Combine","total events = %i < passed events %i",total[i],pass[i]);
01688 	 ::Info("TEfficiency::Combine","stop combining");
01689          return -1;
01690       }
01692       ntot += w[i] * total[i]; 
01693       ktot += w[i] * pass[i]; 
01694       sumw += w[i]; 
01695       sumw2 += w[i]*w[i]; 
01696       //mean += w[i] * (pass[i] + alpha[i])/(total[i] + alpha[i] + beta[i]);
01697    } 
01698    double norm = sumw/sumw2;
01699    ntot *= norm;
01700    ktot *= norm; 
01701    if(ktot > ntot) {
01702       ::Error("TEfficiency::Combine","total  = %f < passed  %f",ntot,ktot);
01703       ::Info("TEfficiency::Combine","stop combining");
01704       return -1;
01705    }
01707    double a = ktot + alpha; 
01708    double b = ntot - ktot + beta; 
01710    double mean = a/(a+b); 
01711    double mode = BetaMode(a,b);
01714    Bool_t shortestInterval = option.Contains("sh") || ( option.Contains("mode") && !option.Contains("cent") ); 
01716    if (shortestInterval) 
01717       BetaShortestInterval(level, a, b, low, up); 
01718    else {
01719       low = BetaCentralInterval(level, a, b, false);  
01720       up = BetaCentralInterval(level, a, b, true);  
01721    }
01723    if (option.Contains("mode")) return mode; 
01724    return mean; 
01726 }
01727 //______________________________________________________________________________
01728 TGraphAsymmErrors* TEfficiency::Combine(TCollection* pList,Option_t* option,
01729                                          Int_t n,const Double_t* w)
01730 {
01731    //combines a list of 1-dimensional TEfficiency objects
01732    //
01733    //A TGraphAsymmErrors object is returned which contains the estimated
01734    //efficiency and its uncertainty for each bin.
01735    //If the combination fails, a zero pointer is returned.
01736    //
01737    //At the moment the combining is only implemented for bayesian statistics.
01738    //
01739    //Input:
01740    //- pList  : list containing TEfficiency objects which should be combined
01741    //           only one-dimensional efficiencies are taken into account
01742    //- options  
01743    // + s     : strict combining; only TEfficiency objects with the same beta
01744    //           prior and the flag kIsBayesian == true are combined
01745    //           If not specified the prior parameter of the first TEfficiency object is used 
01746    // + v     : verbose mode; print information about combining
01747    // + cl=x  : set confidence level (0 < cl < 1). If not specified, the
01748    //           confidence level of the first TEfficiency object is used.
01749    // + mode    Use mode of combined posterior as estimated value for the efficiency
01750    // + shortest: compute shortest interval (done by default if mode option is set)
01751    // + central: compute central interval (done by default if mode option is NOT set)
01752    // 
01753    //- n      : number of weights (has to be the number of one-dimensional
01754    //           TEfficiency objects in pList)
01755    //           If no weights are passed, the internal weights GetWeight() of
01756    //           the given TEfficiency objects are used.
01757    //- w      : array of length n with weights for each TEfficiency object in
01758    //           pList (w[0] correspond to pList->First ... w[n-1] -> pList->Last)
01759    //           The weights do not have to be normalised.
01760    //
01761    //For each bin the calculation is done by the Combine(double&, double& ...) method.
01763    TString opt = option;
01764    opt.ToLower();
01766    //parameter of prior distribution, confidence level and normalisation factor
01767    Double_t alpha = -1;
01768    Double_t beta = -1;
01769    Double_t level = 0;
01771    //flags for combining
01772    Bool_t bStrict = false;
01773    Bool_t bOutput = false;
01774    Bool_t bWeights = false;
01775    //list of all information needed to weight and combine efficiencies
01776    std::vector<TH1*> vTotal;    vTotal.reserve(n); 
01777    std::vector<TH1*> vPassed;   vPassed.reserve(n); 
01778    std::vector<Double_t> vWeights;  vWeights.reserve(n);
01779 //    std::vector<Double_t> vAlpha;
01780 //    std::vector<Double_t> vBeta;
01782    if(opt.Contains("s")) {
01783       opt.ReplaceAll("s","");
01784       bStrict = true;
01785    }
01787    if(opt.Contains("v")) {
01788       opt.ReplaceAll("v","");
01789       bOutput = true;
01790    }
01792    if(opt.Contains("cl=")) {
01793       Ssiz_t pos = opt.Index("cl=") + 3; 
01794       level = atof( opt(pos,opt.Length() ).Data() );
01795       if((level <= 0) || (level >= 1))
01796          level = 0;
01797       opt.ReplaceAll("cl=","");
01798    }
01800    //are weights explicitly given
01801    if(n && w) {
01802       bWeights = true;
01803       for(Int_t k = 0; k < n; ++k) {
01804          if(w[k] > 0)
01805             vWeights.push_back(w[k]);
01806          else {
01807             gROOT->Error("TEfficiency::Combine","invalid custom weight found w = %.2lf",w[k]);
01808             gROOT->Info("TEfficiency::Combine","stop combining");
01809             return 0;
01810          }
01811       }
01812    }
01814    TIter next(pList);
01815    TObject* obj = 0;
01816    TEfficiency* pEff = 0;
01817    while((obj = next())) {
01818       pEff = dynamic_cast<TEfficiency*>(obj);
01819       //is object a TEfficiency object?
01820       if(pEff) {
01821          if(pEff->GetDimension() > 1)
01822             continue;
01823          if(!level) level = pEff->GetConfidenceLevel();
01825          if(alpha<1) alpha = pEff->GetBetaAlpha();
01826          if(beta<1) beta = pEff->GetBetaBeta();
01828          //if strict combining, check priors, confidence level and statistic
01829          if(bStrict) {
01830             if(alpha != pEff->GetBetaAlpha())
01831                continue;            
01832             if(beta != pEff->GetBetaBeta())
01833                continue;
01834             if(!pEff->UsesBayesianStat())
01835                continue;
01836          }
01838          vTotal.push_back(pEff->fTotalHistogram);
01839          vPassed.push_back(pEff->fPassedHistogram);
01841          //no weights given -> use weights of TEfficiency objects
01842          if(!bWeights)
01843             vWeights.push_back(pEff->fWeight);
01845          //strict combining -> using global prior
01846 //       if(bStrict) {
01847 //          vAlpha.push_back(alpha);
01848 //          vBeta.push_back(beta);
01849 //       }
01850 //       else {
01851 //          vAlpha.push_back(pEff->GetBetaAlpha());
01852 //          vBeta.push_back(pEff->GetBetaBeta());
01853 //       }
01854       }
01855    }
01857    //no TEfficiency objects found
01858    if(vTotal.empty()) {
01859       gROOT->Error("TEfficiency::Combine","no TEfficiency objects in given list");
01860       gROOT->Info("TEfficiency::Combine","stop combining");
01861       return 0;
01862    }
01864    //invalid number of custom weights
01865    if(bWeights && (n != (Int_t)vTotal.size())) {
01866       gROOT->Error("TEfficiency::Combine","number of weights n=%i differs from number of TEfficiency objects k=%i which should be combined",n,(Int_t)vTotal.size());
01867       gROOT->Info("TEfficiency::Combine","stop combining");
01868       return 0;
01869    }
01871    Int_t nbins_max = vTotal.at(0)->GetNbinsX();
01872    //check binning of all histograms
01873    for(UInt_t i=0; i<vTotal.size(); ++i) {
01874       try {
01875          TEfficiency::CheckBinning(*vTotal.at(0),*vTotal.at(i));
01876       }
01877       catch(std::exception&) {
01878          gROOT->Warning("TEfficiency::Combine","histograms have not the same binning -> results may be useless");
01879       }
01880       if(vTotal.at(i)->GetNbinsX() < nbins_max) nbins_max = vTotal.at(i)->GetNbinsX();
01881    }
01883    //display information about combining
01884    if(bOutput) {
01885       gROOT->Info("TEfficiency::Combine","combining %i TEfficiency objects",(Int_t)vTotal.size());
01886       if(bWeights)
01887          gROOT->Info("TEfficiency::Combine","using custom weights");
01888       if(bStrict) {
01889          gROOT->Info("TEfficiency::Combine","using the following prior probability for the efficiency: P(e) ~ Beta(e,%.3lf,%.3lf)",alpha,beta);
01890       }
01891       else
01892          gROOT->Info("TEfficiency::Combine","using individual priors of each TEfficiency object");
01893       gROOT->Info("TEfficiency::Combine","confidence level = %.2lf",level);
01894    }
01896    //create TGraphAsymmErrors with efficiency
01897    std::vector<Double_t> x(nbins_max);
01898    std::vector<Double_t> xlow(nbins_max);
01899    std::vector<Double_t> xhigh(nbins_max);
01900    std::vector<Double_t> eff(nbins_max); 
01901    std::vector<Double_t> efflow(nbins_max);
01902    std::vector<Double_t> effhigh(nbins_max);
01904    //parameters for combining:
01905    //number of objects
01906    Int_t num = vTotal.size();
01907    std::vector<Int_t> pass(num); 
01908    std::vector<Int_t> total(num); 
01910    //loop over all bins
01911    Double_t low, up;
01912    for(Int_t i=1; i <= nbins_max; ++i) {
01913       //the binning of the x-axis is taken from the first total histogram
01914       x[i-1] = vTotal.at(0)->GetBinCenter(i);
01915       xlow[i-1] = x[i-1] - vTotal.at(0)->GetBinLowEdge(i);
01916       xhigh[i-1] = vTotal.at(0)->GetBinWidth(i) - xlow[i-1];
01918       for(Int_t j = 0; j < num; ++j) {
01919          pass[j] = (Int_t)(vPassed.at(j)->GetBinContent(i) + 0.5);
01920          total[j] = (Int_t)(vTotal.at(j)->GetBinContent(i) + 0.5);
01921       }
01923       //fill efficiency and errors
01924       eff[i-1] = Combine(up,low,num,&pass[0],&total[0],alpha,beta,level,&vWeights[0],opt.Data());
01925       //did an error occured ?
01926       if(eff[i-1] == -1) {
01927          gROOT->Error("TEfficiency::Combine","error occured during combining");
01928          gROOT->Info("TEfficiency::Combine","stop combining");
01929          return 0;
01930       }
01931       efflow[i-1]= eff[i-1] - low;
01932       effhigh[i-1]= up - eff[i-1];
01933    }//loop over all bins
01935    TGraphAsymmErrors* gr = new TGraphAsymmErrors(nbins_max,&x[0],&eff[0],&xlow[0],&xhigh[0],&efflow[0],&effhigh[0]);
01937    return gr;
01938 }
01940 //______________________________________________________________________________
01941 Int_t TEfficiency::DistancetoPrimitive(Int_t px, Int_t py)
01942 {
01943    // Compute distance from point px,py to a graph.
01944    //
01945    //  Compute the closest distance of approach from point px,py to this line.
01946    //  The distance is computed in pixels units.
01947    //
01948    // Forward the call to the painted graph
01950    if (fPaintGraph) return fPaintGraph->DistancetoPrimitive(px,py);
01951    if (fPaintHisto) return fPaintHisto->DistancetoPrimitive(px,py);
01952    return 0;
01953 }
01956 //______________________________________________________________________________
01957 void TEfficiency::Draw(Option_t* opt)
01958 {
01959    //draws the current TEfficiency object
01960    //
01961    //options:
01962    //- 1-dimensional case: same options as TGraphAsymmErrors::Draw() 
01963    //    but as default "AP" is used
01964    //- 2-dimensional case: same options as TH2::Draw()
01965    //- 3-dimensional case: not yet supported
01966    //
01967    // specific TEfficiency drawing options: 
01968    // - E0 - plot bins where the total number of passed events is zero
01969    //      (the error interval will be [0,1] )
01971    //check options
01972    TString option = opt;
01973    option.ToLower();
01974    // use by default "AP"
01975    if (option.IsNull() ) option = "ap"; 
01977    if(gPad && !option.Contains("same"))
01978       gPad->Clear();
01980    AppendPad(option.Data());
01981 }
01983 //______________________________________________________________________________
01984 void TEfficiency::ExecuteEvent(Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py)
01985 {
01986    // Execute action corresponding to one event.
01987    //
01988    //  This member function is called when the drawn class is clicked with the locator
01989    //  If Left button clicked on one of the line end points, this point
01990    //     follows the cursor until button is released.
01991    //
01992    //  if Middle button clicked, the line is moved parallel to itself
01993    //     until the button is released.
01994    // Forward the call to the underlying graph
01995    if (fPaintGraph) fPaintGraph->ExecuteEvent(event,px,py);
01996    else if (fPaintHisto) fPaintHisto->ExecuteEvent(event,px,py);
01997 }
01999 //______________________________________________________________________________
02000 void TEfficiency::Fill(Bool_t bPassed,Double_t x,Double_t y,Double_t z)
02001 {
02002    //This function is used for filling the two histograms.
02003    //
02004    //Input: bPassed - flag whether the current event passed the selection
02005    //                 true: both histograms are filled
02006    //                 false: only the total histogram is filled
02007    //       x       - x value
02008    //       y       - y value (use default=0 for 1-D efficiencies)
02009    //       z       - z value (use default=0 for 2-D or 1-D efficiencies)
02011    switch(GetDimension()) {
02012    case 1:
02013       fTotalHistogram->Fill(x);
02014       if(bPassed)
02015          fPassedHistogram->Fill(x);
02016       break;
02017    case 2:
02018       ((TH2*)(fTotalHistogram))->Fill(x,y);
02019       if(bPassed)
02020          ((TH2*)(fPassedHistogram))->Fill(x,y);
02021       break;
02022    case 3:
02023       ((TH3*)(fTotalHistogram))->Fill(x,y,z);
02024       if(bPassed)
02025          ((TH3*)(fPassedHistogram))->Fill(x,y,z);
02026       break;
02027    }
02028 }
02030 //______________________________________________________________________________
02031 Int_t TEfficiency::FindFixBin(Double_t x,Double_t y,Double_t z) const
02032 {
02033    //returns the global bin number containing the given values
02034    //
02035    //Note: - values which belong to dimensions higher than the current dimension
02036    //        of the TEfficiency object are ignored (i.e. for 1-dimensional
02037    //        efficiencies only the x-value is considered)
02039    Int_t nx = fTotalHistogram->GetXaxis()->FindFixBin(x);
02040    Int_t ny = 0;
02041    Int_t nz = 0;
02043    switch(GetDimension()) {
02044    case 3: nz = fTotalHistogram->GetZaxis()->FindFixBin(z);
02045    case 2: ny = fTotalHistogram->GetYaxis()->FindFixBin(y);break;
02046    }
02048    return GetGlobalBin(nx,ny,nz);
02049 }
02051 //______________________________________________________________________________
02052 Int_t TEfficiency::Fit(TF1* f1,Option_t* opt)
02053 {
02054    //fits the efficiency using the TBinomialEfficiencyFitter class
02055    //
02056    //The resulting fit function is added to the list of associated functions.
02057    //
02058    //Options: - "+": previous fitted functions in the list are kept, by default
02059    //                all functions in the list are deleted
02060    //         - for more fitting options see TBinomialEfficiencyFitter::Fit
02062    TString option = opt;
02063    option.ToLower();
02065    //replace existing functions in list with same name
02066    Bool_t bDeleteOld = true;
02067    if(option.Contains("+")) {
02068       option.ReplaceAll("+","");
02069       bDeleteOld = false;
02070    }
02072    TBinomialEfficiencyFitter Fitter(fPassedHistogram,fTotalHistogram);
02074    Int_t result = Fitter.Fit(f1,option.Data());
02076    //create copy which is appended to the list
02077    TF1* pFunc = new TF1(*f1);
02079    if(bDeleteOld) {
02080       TIter next(fFunctions);
02081       TObject* obj = 0;
02082       while((obj = next())) {
02083          if(obj->InheritsFrom(TF1::Class())) {
02084             fFunctions->Remove(obj);
02085             delete obj;
02086          }
02087       }      
02088    }
02090    fFunctions->Add(pFunc);
02092    return result;
02093 }
02095 //______________________________________________________________________________
02096 TH1* TEfficiency::GetCopyPassedHisto() const
02097 {
02098    //returns a cloned version of fPassedHistogram
02099    //
02100    //Notes: - The histogram is filled with unit weights. You might want to scale
02101    //         it with the global weight GetWeight().
02102    //       - The returned object is owned by the user who has to care about the
02103    //         deletion of the new TH1 object.
02104    //       - This histogram is by default NOT attached to the current directory
02105    //         to avoid duplication of data. If you want to store it automatically
02106    //         during the next TFile::Write() command, you have to attach it to
02107    //         the corresponding directory.
02108    //Begin_html
02109    //<div class="code"><pre>
02110    //  TFile* pFile = new TFile("passed.root","update");
02111    //  TEfficiency* pEff = (TEfficiency*)gDirectory->Get("my_eff");
02112    //  TH1* copy = pEff->GetCopyPassedHisto();
02113    //  copy->SetDirectory(gDirectory);
02114    //  pFile->Write();
02115    //</pre></div>
02116    //<div class="clear"></div>
02117    //End_Html
02119    Bool_t bStatus = TH1::AddDirectoryStatus();
02120    TH1::AddDirectory(kFALSE);
02121    TH1* tmp = (TH1*)(fPassedHistogram->Clone());
02122    TH1::AddDirectory(bStatus);
02124    return tmp;
02125 }
02127 //______________________________________________________________________________
02128 TH1* TEfficiency::GetCopyTotalHisto() const
02129 {
02130    //returns a cloned version of fTotalHistogram
02131    //
02132    //Notes: - The histogram is filled with unit weights. You might want to scale
02133    //         it with the global weight GetWeight().
02134    //       - The returned object is owned by the user who has to care about the
02135    //         deletion of the new TH1 object.
02136    //       - This histogram is by default NOT attached to the current directory
02137    //         to avoid duplication of data. If you want to store it automatically
02138    //         during the next TFile::Write() command, you have to attach it to
02139    //         the corresponding directory.
02140    //Begin_Html
02141    //<div class="code"><pre>
02142    //  TFile* pFile = new TFile("total.root","update");
02143    //  TEfficiency* pEff = (TEfficiency*)gDirectory->Get("my_eff");
02144    //  TH1* copy = pEff->GetCopyTotalHisto();
02145    //  copy->SetDirectory(gDirectory);
02146    //  pFile->Write();
02147    //</pre></div>
02148    //<div class="clear"></div>
02149    //End_Html
02151    Bool_t bStatus = TH1::AddDirectoryStatus();
02152    TH1::AddDirectory(kFALSE);
02153    TH1* tmp = (TH1*)(fTotalHistogram->Clone());
02154    TH1::AddDirectory(bStatus);
02156    return tmp;
02157 }
02159 //______________________________________________________________________________
02160 Int_t TEfficiency::GetDimension() const
02161 {
02162    //returns the dimension of the current TEfficiency object
02164    return fTotalHistogram->GetDimension();
02165 }
02167 //______________________________________________________________________________
02168 Double_t TEfficiency::GetEfficiency(Int_t bin) const
02169 {
02170    //returns the efficiency in the given global bin
02171    //
02172    //Note: - The estimated efficiency depends on the chosen statistic option:
02173    //        for frequentist ones:
02174    //        Begin_Latex #hat{#varepsilon} = #frac{passed}{total} End_Latex
02175    //        for bayesian ones the expectation value of the resulting posterior
02176    //        distribution is returned:
02177    //        Begin_Latex #hat{#varepsilon} = #frac{passed + #alpha}{total + #alpha + #beta} End_Latex
02178    //        If the bit kPosteriorMode is set (or the method TEfficiency::UsePosteriorMode() has been called ) the 
02179    //        mode (most probable value) of the posterior is returned: 
02180    //        Begin_Latex #hat{#varepsilon} = #frac{passed + #alpha -1}{total + #alpha + #beta -2} End_Latex
02181    //       
02182    //      - If the denominator is equal to 0, an efficiency of 0 is returned.
02183    //      - When  Begin_Latex passed + #alpha < 1 End_Latex or Begin_Latex total - passed + #beta < 1 End_latex the above 
02184    //        formula for the mode is not valid. In these cases values the estimated efficiency is 0 or 1.  
02186    Int_t total = (Int_t)fTotalHistogram->GetBinContent(bin);
02187    Int_t passed = (Int_t)fPassedHistogram->GetBinContent(bin);
02189    if(TestBit(kIsBayesian)) { 
02191       // parameters for the beta prior distribution
02192       Double_t alpha = TestBit(kUseBinPrior) ? GetBetaAlpha(bin) : GetBetaAlpha(); 
02193       Double_t beta  = TestBit(kUseBinPrior) ? GetBetaBeta(bin)  : GetBetaBeta();
02195       if (!TestBit(kPosteriorMode) ) 
02196          return BetaMean(double(passed) + alpha , double(total-passed) + beta);
02197       else  
02198          return BetaMode(double(passed) + alpha , double(total-passed) + beta);
02200    } 
02201    else
02202       return (total)? ((Double_t)passed)/total : 0;
02203 }
02205 //______________________________________________________________________________
02206 Double_t TEfficiency::GetEfficiencyErrorLow(Int_t bin) const
02207 {
02208    //returns the lower error on the efficiency in the given global bin
02209    //
02210    //The result depends on the current confidence level fConfLevel and the
02211    //chosen statistic option fStatisticOption. See SetStatisticOption(Int_t) for
02212    //more details.
02214    Int_t total = (Int_t)fTotalHistogram->GetBinContent(bin);
02215    Int_t passed = (Int_t)fPassedHistogram->GetBinContent(bin);
02217    Double_t eff = GetEfficiency(bin);
02218    // parameters for the beta prior distribution
02219    Double_t alpha = TestBit(kUseBinPrior) ? GetBetaAlpha(bin) : GetBetaAlpha(); 
02220    Double_t beta  = TestBit(kUseBinPrior) ? GetBetaBeta(bin)  : GetBetaBeta();
02222    if(TestBit(kIsBayesian))
02223       return (eff - Bayesian(total,passed,fConfLevel,alpha,beta,false,TestBit(kShortestInterval)));
02224    else
02225       return (eff - fBoundary(total,passed,fConfLevel,false));
02226 }
02228 //______________________________________________________________________________
02229 Double_t TEfficiency::GetEfficiencyErrorUp(Int_t bin) const
02230 {   
02231    //returns the upper error on the efficiency in the given global bin
02232    //
02233    //The result depends on the current confidence level fConfLevel and the
02234    //chosen statistic option fStatisticOption. See SetStatisticOption(Int_t) for
02235    //more details.
02237    Int_t total = (Int_t)fTotalHistogram->GetBinContent(bin);
02238    Int_t passed = (Int_t)fPassedHistogram->GetBinContent(bin);
02240    Double_t eff = GetEfficiency(bin);
02241    // parameters for the beta prior distribution
02242    Double_t alpha = TestBit(kUseBinPrior) ? GetBetaAlpha(bin) : GetBetaAlpha(); 
02243    Double_t beta  = TestBit(kUseBinPrior) ? GetBetaBeta(bin)  : GetBetaBeta();
02245    if(TestBit(kIsBayesian))
02246       return (Bayesian(total,passed,fConfLevel,alpha,beta,true,TestBit(kShortestInterval)) - eff);
02247    else
02248       return fBoundary(total,passed,fConfLevel,true) - eff;
02249 }
02251 //______________________________________________________________________________
02252 Int_t TEfficiency::GetGlobalBin(Int_t binx,Int_t biny,Int_t binz) const
02253 {
02254    //returns the global bin number which can be used as argument for the
02255    //following functions:
02256    //
02257    // - GetEfficiency(bin), GetEfficiencyErrorLow(bin), GetEfficiencyErrorUp(bin)
02258    // - GetPassedEvents(bin), SetPassedEvents(bin), GetTotalEvents(bin),
02259    //   SetTotalEvents(bin)
02260    //
02261    //see TH1::GetBin() for conventions on numbering bins
02263    return fTotalHistogram->GetBin(binx,biny,binz);
02264 }
02266 //______________________________________________________________________________
02267 void TEfficiency::Merge(TCollection* pList)
02268 {
02269    //merges the TEfficiency objects in the given list to the given
02270    //TEfficiency object using the operator+=(TEfficiency&)
02271    //
02272    //The merged result is stored in the current object. The statistic options and
02273    //the confidence level are taken from the current object.
02274    //
02275    //This function should be used when all TEfficiency objects correspond to
02276    //the same process.
02277    //
02278    //The new weight is set according to:
02279    //Begin_Latex #frac{1}{w_{new}} = #sum_{i} \frac{1}{w_{i}}End_Latex 
02281    if(pList->IsEmpty())
02282       return;
02284    TIter next(pList);
02285    TObject* obj = 0;
02286    TEfficiency* pEff = 0;
02287    while((obj = next())) {
02288       pEff = dynamic_cast<TEfficiency*>(obj);
02289       if(pEff)
02290          *this += *pEff;
02291    }
02292 }
02294 //______________________________________________________________________________
02295 Double_t TEfficiency::Normal(Int_t total,Int_t passed,Double_t level,Bool_t bUpper)
02296 {
02297    //returns the confidence limits for the efficiency supposing that the
02298    //efficiency follows a normal distribution with the rms below
02299    //
02300    //Input: - total : number of total events
02301    //       - passed: 0 <= number of passed events <= total
02302    //       - level : confidence level
02303    //       - bUpper: true  - upper boundary is returned
02304    //                 false - lower boundary is returned
02305    //
02306    //calculation:
02307    //Begin_Latex(separator='=',align='rl')
02308    // #hat{#varepsilon} = #frac{passed}{total}
02309    // #sigma_{#varepsilon} = #sqrt{#frac{#hat{#varepsilon} (1 - #hat{#varepsilon})}{total}}
02310    // #varepsilon_{low} = #hat{#varepsilon} #pm #Phi^{-1}(#frac{level}{2},#sigma_{#varepsilon})
02311    //End_Latex
02313    Double_t alpha = (1.0 - level)/2;
02314    if (total == 0) return (bUpper) ? 1 : 0;
02315    Double_t average = ((Double_t)passed) / total;
02316    Double_t sigma = std::sqrt(average * (1 - average) / total);
02317    Double_t delta = ROOT::Math::normal_quantile(1 - alpha,sigma);
02319    if(bUpper)
02320       return ((average + delta) > 1) ? 1.0 : (average + delta);
02321    else
02322       return ((average - delta) < 0) ? 0.0 : (average - delta);
02323 }
02325 //______________________________________________________________________________
02326 TEfficiency& TEfficiency::operator+=(const TEfficiency& rhs)
02327 {
02328    //adds the histograms of another TEfficiency object to current histograms
02329    //
02330    //The statistic options and the confidence level remain unchanged.
02331    //
02332    //fTotalHistogram += rhs.fTotalHistogram;
02333    //fPassedHistogram += rhs.fPassedHistogram;
02334    //
02335    //calculates a new weight:
02336    //current weight of this TEfficiency object = Begin_Latex w_{1} End_Latex
02337    //weight of rhs = Begin_Latex w_{2} End_Latex
02338    //Begin_Latex w_{new} = \frac{w_{1} \times w_{2}}{w_{1} + w_{2}}End_Latex
02341    if (fTotalHistogram == 0 && fPassedHistogram == 0) { 
02342       // efficiency is empty just copy it over
02343       *this = rhs; 
02344       return *this;
02345    }
02346    else if (fTotalHistogram == 0 || fPassedHistogram == 0) {
02347       Fatal("operator+=","Adding to a non consistent TEfficiency object which has not a total or a passed histogram "); 
02348       return *this;
02349    }
02351    if (rhs.fTotalHistogram == 0 && rhs.fTotalHistogram == 0 ) {
02352       Warning("operator+=","no operation: adding an empty object");
02353       return *this;
02354    }
02355    else  if (rhs.fTotalHistogram == 0  || rhs.fTotalHistogram == 0 ) {
02356       Fatal("operator+=","Adding a non consistent TEfficiency object which has not a total or a passed histogram "); 
02357       return *this;
02358    }
02360    fTotalHistogram->ResetBit(TH1::kIsAverage);
02361    fPassedHistogram->ResetBit(TH1::kIsAverage);
02363    fTotalHistogram->Add(rhs.fTotalHistogram);
02364    fPassedHistogram->Add(rhs.fPassedHistogram);
02366    SetWeight((fWeight * rhs.GetWeight())/(fWeight + rhs.GetWeight()));
02368    return *this;
02369 }
02371 //______________________________________________________________________________
02372 TEfficiency& TEfficiency::operator=(const TEfficiency& rhs)
02373 {
02374    //assignment operator
02375    //
02376    //The histograms, statistic option, confidence level, weight and paint styles
02377    //of rhs are copied to the this TEfficiency object.
02378    //
02379    //Note: - The list of associated functions is not copied. After this
02380    //        operation the list of associated functions is empty.
02382    if(this != &rhs)
02383    {
02384       //statistic options
02385       SetStatisticOption(rhs.GetStatisticOption());
02386       SetConfidenceLevel(rhs.GetConfidenceLevel());
02387       SetBetaAlpha(rhs.GetBetaAlpha());
02388       SetBetaBeta(rhs.GetBetaBeta());
02389       SetWeight(rhs.GetWeight());
02391       //associated list of functions
02392       if(fFunctions)
02393          fFunctions->Delete();
02395       //copy histograms
02396       delete fTotalHistogram;
02397       delete fPassedHistogram;
02399       Bool_t bStatus = TH1::AddDirectoryStatus();
02400       TH1::AddDirectory(kFALSE);
02401       fTotalHistogram = (TH1*)(rhs.fTotalHistogram->Clone());
02402       fPassedHistogram = (TH1*)(rhs.fPassedHistogram->Clone());
02403       TH1::AddDirectory(bStatus);
02405       //delete temporary paint objects
02406       delete fPaintHisto;
02407       delete fPaintGraph;
02408       fPaintHisto = 0;
02409       fPaintGraph = 0;
02411       //copy style
02412       rhs.TAttLine::Copy(*this);
02413       rhs.TAttFill::Copy(*this);
02414       rhs.TAttMarker::Copy(*this);
02415    }
02417    return *this;
02418 }
02420 //______________________________________________________________________________
02421 void TEfficiency::Paint(const Option_t* opt)
02422 {
02423    //paints this TEfficiency object
02424    //
02425    //For details on the possible option see Draw(Option_t*)
02426    //
02427    // Note for 1D classes
02428    // In 1D the TEfficiency uses a TGraphAsymmErrors for drawing
02429    // The TGraph is created only the first time Paint is used. The user can manipulate the 
02430    // TGraph via the method TEfficiency::GetPaintedGraph()
02431    // The TGraph creates behing an histogram for the axis. The histogram is created also only the first time.
02432    // If the axis needs to be updated because in the meantime the class changed use this trick  
02433    // which will trigger a re-calculation of the axis of the graph
02434    // TEfficiency::GetPaintedGraph()->Set(0)
02435    //
02439    if(!gPad)
02440       return;
02442    TString option = opt;
02443    option.ToLower();
02445    Bool_t plot0Bins = false; 
02446    if (option.Contains("e0") ) plot0Bins = true; 
02448    //use TGraphAsymmErrors for painting
02449    if(GetDimension() == 1) {
02450       Int_t npoints = fTotalHistogram->GetNbinsX();
02451       if(!fPaintGraph) {
02452          fPaintGraph = new TGraphAsymmErrors(npoints);
02453          fPaintGraph->SetName("eff_graph");
02454       }
02456       //errors for points
02457              Double_t x,y,xlow,xup,ylow,yup;
02458       //point i corresponds to bin i+1 in histogram   
02459       // point j is point graph index
02460       // LM: cannot use TGraph::SetPoint because it deletes the underlying
02461       // histogram  each time (see TGraph::SetPoint)  
02462       // so use it only when extra points are added to the graph
02463       Int_t j = 0;
02464       double * px = fPaintGraph->GetX();
02465       double * py = fPaintGraph->GetY(); 
02466       double * exl = fPaintGraph->GetEXlow();
02467       double * exh = fPaintGraph->GetEXhigh();
02468       double * eyl = fPaintGraph->GetEYlow();
02469       double * eyh = fPaintGraph->GetEYhigh();
02470       for (Int_t i = 0; i < npoints; ++i) {
02471          if (!plot0Bins && fTotalHistogram->GetBinContent(i+1) == 0 )    continue;
02472          x = fTotalHistogram->GetBinCenter(i+1);
02473          y = GetEfficiency(i+1);
02474          xlow = fTotalHistogram->GetBinCenter(i+1) - fTotalHistogram->GetBinLowEdge(i+1);
02475          xup = fTotalHistogram->GetBinWidth(i+1) - xlow;
02476          ylow = GetEfficiencyErrorLow(i+1);
02477          yup = GetEfficiencyErrorUp(i+1);
02478          // in the case the graph already existed and extra points have been added 
02479          if (j >= fPaintGraph->GetN() ) { 
02480             fPaintGraph->SetPoint(j,x,y);
02481             fPaintGraph->SetPointError(j,xlow,xup,ylow,yup);
02482          }
02483          else { 
02484             px[j] = x;
02485             py[j] = y;
02486             exl[j] = xlow;
02487             exh[j] = xup; 
02488             eyl[j] = ylow; 
02489             eyh[j] = yup;
02490          }
02491          j++;
02492       }
02494       // tell the graph the effective number of points 
02495       fPaintGraph->Set(j);
02496       //refresh title before painting if changed 
02497       TString oldTitle = fPaintGraph->GetTitle(); 
02498       TString newTitle = GetTitle();
02499       if (oldTitle != newTitle )
02500          fPaintGraph->SetTitle(newTitle);
02502       //copying style information
02503       TAttLine::Copy(*fPaintGraph);
02504       TAttFill::Copy(*fPaintGraph);
02505       TAttMarker::Copy(*fPaintGraph);
02507       // this method forces the graph to compute correctly the axis
02508       // according to the given points
02509       fPaintGraph->GetHistogram();
02511       //paint graph      
02512       fPaintGraph->Paint(option.Data());
02514       //paint all associated functions
02515       if(fFunctions) {
02516          //paint box with fit parameters
02517          gStyle->SetOptFit(1);
02518          TIter next(fFunctions);
02519          TObject* obj = 0;
02520          while((obj = next())) {
02521             if(obj->InheritsFrom(TF1::Class())) {
02522                fPaintGraph->PaintStats((TF1*)obj);
02523                ((TF1*)obj)->Paint("sameC");
02524             }
02525          }
02526       }
02528       return;
02529    }
02531    //use TH2 for painting
02532    if(GetDimension() == 2) {
02533       Int_t nbinsx = fTotalHistogram->GetNbinsX();
02534       Int_t nbinsy = fTotalHistogram->GetNbinsY();
02535       TAxis * xaxis = fTotalHistogram->GetXaxis();
02536       TAxis * yaxis = fTotalHistogram->GetYaxis();
02537       if(!fPaintHisto) {
02538          if (xaxis->IsVariableBinSize() && yaxis->IsVariableBinSize() ) 
02539             fPaintHisto = new TH2F("eff_histo",GetTitle(),nbinsx,xaxis->GetXbins()->GetArray(),
02540                                    nbinsy,yaxis->GetXbins()->GetArray());
02541          else if (xaxis->IsVariableBinSize() && ! yaxis->IsVariableBinSize() )
02542             fPaintHisto = new TH2F("eff_histo",GetTitle(),nbinsx,xaxis->GetXbins()->GetArray(),
02543                                    nbinsy,yaxis->GetXmin(), yaxis->GetXmax());
02544          else if (!xaxis->IsVariableBinSize() &&  yaxis->IsVariableBinSize() )
02545             fPaintHisto = new TH2F("eff_histo",GetTitle(),nbinsx,xaxis->GetXmin(), xaxis->GetXmax(),
02546                                    nbinsy,yaxis->GetXbins()->GetArray());
02547          else 
02548             fPaintHisto = new TH2F("eff_histo",GetTitle(),nbinsx,xaxis->GetXmin(), xaxis->GetXmax(),
02549                                    nbinsy,yaxis->GetXmin(), yaxis->GetXmax());
02553          fPaintHisto->SetDirectory(0);
02554       }
02555       //refresh title before each painting
02556       fPaintHisto->SetTitle(GetTitle());
02558       Int_t bin;
02559       for(Int_t i = 0; i < nbinsx + 2; ++i) {
02560          for(Int_t j = 0; j < nbinsy + 2; ++j) {
02561             bin = GetGlobalBin(i,j);
02562             fPaintHisto->SetBinContent(bin,GetEfficiency(bin));
02563          }
02564       }
02566       //copying style information
02567       TAttLine::Copy(*fPaintHisto);
02568       TAttFill::Copy(*fPaintHisto);
02569       TAttMarker::Copy(*fPaintHisto);
02570       fPaintHisto->SetStats(0);
02572       //paint histogram
02573       fPaintHisto->Paint(option.Data());
02574       return;
02575    }
02576 }
02578 //______________________________________________________________________________
02579 void TEfficiency::SavePrimitive(ostream& out,Option_t* opt)
02580 {
02581    //have histograms fixed bins along each axis?
02582    Bool_t equi_bins = true;
02584    //indentation
02585    TString indent = "   ";
02586    //names for arrays containing the bin edges
02587    //static counter needed if more objects are saved
02588    static Int_t naxis = 0;
02589    TString sxaxis="xAxis",syaxis="yAxis",szaxis="zAxis";
02591    //note the missing break statements!
02592    switch(GetDimension()) {
02593    case 3:
02594      equi_bins = equi_bins && !fTotalHistogram->GetZaxis()->GetXbins()->fArray
02595        && !fTotalHistogram->GetZaxis()->GetXbins()->fN;
02596    case 2:
02597      equi_bins = equi_bins && !fTotalHistogram->GetYaxis()->GetXbins()->fArray
02598        && !fTotalHistogram->GetYaxis()->GetXbins()->fN;
02599    case 1:
02600      equi_bins = equi_bins && !fTotalHistogram->GetXaxis()->GetXbins()->fArray
02601        && !fTotalHistogram->GetXaxis()->GetXbins()->fN;
02602    }
02604    //create arrays containing the variable binning
02605    if(!equi_bins) {
02606       Int_t i;
02607       ++naxis;
02608       sxaxis += naxis;
02609       syaxis += naxis;
02610       szaxis += naxis;
02611       //x axis
02612       out << indent << "Double_t " << sxaxis << "["
02613           << fTotalHistogram->GetXaxis()->GetXbins()->fN << "] = {";
02614       for (i = 0; i < fTotalHistogram->GetXaxis()->GetXbins()->fN; ++i) {
02615          if (i != 0) out << ", ";
02616          out << fTotalHistogram->GetXaxis()->GetXbins()->fArray[i];
02617       }
02618       out << "}; " << std::endl;
02619       //y axis
02620       if(GetDimension() > 1) {
02621          out << indent << "Double_t " << syaxis << "["
02622              << fTotalHistogram->GetYaxis()->GetXbins()->fN << "] = {";
02623          for (i = 0; i < fTotalHistogram->GetYaxis()->GetXbins()->fN; ++i) {
02624            if (i != 0) out << ", ";
02625            out << fTotalHistogram->GetYaxis()->GetXbins()->fArray[i];
02626          }
02627          out << "}; " << std::endl;
02628       }
02629       //z axis
02630       if(GetDimension() > 2) {
02631          out << indent << "Double_t " << szaxis << "["
02632              << fTotalHistogram->GetZaxis()->GetXbins()->fN << "] = {";
02633          for (i = 0; i < fTotalHistogram->GetZaxis()->GetXbins()->fN; ++i) {
02634            if (i != 0) out << ", ";
02635            out << fTotalHistogram->GetZaxis()->GetXbins()->fArray[i];
02636          }
02637          out << "}; " << std::endl;
02638       }
02639    }//creating variable binning
02641    //TEfficiency pointer has efficiency name + counter
02642    static Int_t eff_count = 0;
02643    ++eff_count;
02644    TString eff_name = GetName();
02645    eff_name += eff_count;
02647    const char* name = eff_name.Data();
02649    //construct TEfficiency object
02650    const char quote = '"';
02651    out << indent << std::endl;
02652    out << indent << ClassName() << " * " << name << " = new " << ClassName()
02653        << "(" << quote << GetName() << quote << "," << quote
02654        << GetTitle() << quote <<",";
02655    //fixed bin size -> use n,min,max constructor
02656    if(equi_bins) {
02657       out << fTotalHistogram->GetXaxis()->GetNbins() << ","
02658           << fTotalHistogram->GetXaxis()->GetXmin() << ","
02659           << fTotalHistogram->GetXaxis()->GetXmax();
02660       if(GetDimension() > 1) {
02661          out << "," << fTotalHistogram->GetYaxis()->GetNbins() << ","
02662              << fTotalHistogram->GetYaxis()->GetXmin() << ","
02663              << fTotalHistogram->GetYaxis()->GetXmax();
02664       }
02665       if(GetDimension() > 2) {
02666          out << "," << fTotalHistogram->GetZaxis()->GetNbins() << ","
02667              << fTotalHistogram->GetZaxis()->GetXmin() << ","
02668              << fTotalHistogram->GetZaxis()->GetXmax();
02669       }
02670    }
02671    //variable bin size -> use n,*bins constructor
02672    else {
02673      out << fTotalHistogram->GetXaxis()->GetNbins() << "," << sxaxis;
02674      if(GetDimension() > 1)
02675         out << "," << fTotalHistogram->GetYaxis()->GetNbins() << ","
02676             << syaxis;
02677      if(GetDimension() > 2)
02678         out << "," << fTotalHistogram->GetZaxis()->GetNbins() << ","
02679             << szaxis;
02680    }
02681    out << ");" << std::endl;
02682    out << indent << std::endl;
02684    //set statistic options
02685    out << indent << name << "->SetConfidenceLevel(" << fConfLevel << ");"
02686        << std::endl;
02687    out << indent << name << "->SetBetaAlpha(" << fBeta_alpha << ");"
02688        << std::endl;
02689    out << indent << name << "->SetBetaBeta(" << fBeta_beta << ");" << std::endl;
02690    out << indent << name << "->SetWeight(" << fWeight << ");" << std::endl;
02691    out << indent << name << "->SetStatisticOption(" << fStatisticOption << ");"
02692        << std::endl;
02694    //set bin contents
02695    Int_t nbins = fTotalHistogram->GetNbinsX() + 2;
02696    if(GetDimension() > 1)
02697       nbins *= fTotalHistogram->GetNbinsY() + 2;
02698    if(GetDimension() > 2)
02699       nbins *= fTotalHistogram->GetNbinsZ() + 2;
02701    //important: set first total number than passed number
02702    for(Int_t i = 0; i < nbins; ++i) {
02703      out << indent << name <<"->SetTotalEvents(" << i << "," <<
02704        fTotalHistogram->GetBinContent(i) << ");" << std::endl;
02705      out << indent << name <<"->SetPassedEvents(" << i << "," <<
02706        fPassedHistogram->GetBinContent(i) << ");" << std::endl;
02707    }
02709    //save list of functions
02710    TIter next(fFunctions);
02711    TObject* obj = 0;
02712    while((obj = next())) {
02713       obj->SavePrimitive(out,"nodraw");
02714       if(obj->InheritsFrom(TF1::Class())) {
02715          out << indent << name << "->GetListOfFunctions()->Add("
02716              << obj->GetName() << ");" << std::endl;
02717       }
02718    }
02720    //set style
02721    SaveFillAttributes(out,name);
02722    SaveLineAttributes(out,name);
02723    SaveMarkerAttributes(out,name);
02725    //draw TEfficiency object
02726    TString option = opt;
02727    option.ToLower();
02728    if (!option.Contains("nodraw"))
02729       out<< indent << name<< "->Draw(" << quote << opt << quote << ");"
02730          << std::endl;
02731 }
02733 //______________________________________________________________________________
02734 void TEfficiency::SetBetaAlpha(Double_t alpha)
02735 {
02736    //sets the shape parameter Begin_Latex \alpha End_Latex
02737    //
02738    //The prior probability of the efficiency is given by the beta distribution:
02739    //Begin_Latex
02740    // f(\varepsilon;\alpha;\beta) = \frac{1}{B(\alpha,\beta)} \varepsilon^{\alpha-1} (1 - \varepsilon)^{\beta-1}
02741    //End_Latex
02742    //
02743    //Note: - both shape parameters have to be positive (i.e. > 0)
02745    if(alpha > 0)
02746       fBeta_alpha = alpha;
02747    else
02748       Warning("SetBetaAlpha(Double_t)","invalid shape parameter %.2lf",alpha);
02749 }
02751 //______________________________________________________________________________
02752 void TEfficiency::SetBetaBeta(Double_t beta)
02753 {   
02754    //sets the shape parameter Begin_Latex \beta End_Latex
02755    //
02756    //The prior probability of the efficiency is given by the beta distribution:
02757    //Begin_Latex
02758    // f(\varepsilon;\alpha,\beta) = \frac{1}{B(\alpha,\beta)} \varepsilon^{\alpha-1} (1 - \varepsilon)^{\beta-1}
02759    //End_Latex
02760    //
02761    //Note: - both shape parameters have to be positive (i.e. > 0)
02763    if(beta > 0)
02764       fBeta_beta = beta;
02765    else
02766       Warning("SetBetaBeta(Double_t)","invalid shape parameter %.2lf",beta);
02767 }
02769 //______________________________________________________________________________
02770 void TEfficiency::SetBetaBinParameters(Int_t bin, Double_t alpha, Double_t beta)
02771 {
02772    //sets different  shape parameter Begin_Latex \alpha and \beta End_Latex
02773    // for the prior distribution for each bin. By default the global parameter are used if they are not set 
02774    // for the specific bin 
02775    //The prior probability of the efficiency is given by the beta distribution:
02776    //Begin_Latex
02777    // f(\varepsilon;\alpha;\beta) = \frac{1}{B(\alpha,\beta)} \varepsilon^{\alpha-1} (1 - \varepsilon)^{\beta-1}
02778    //End_Latex
02779    //
02780    //Note: - both shape parameters have to be positive (i.e. > 0)
02782    if (!fPassedHistogram || !fTotalHistogram) return;
02783    TH1 * h1 = fTotalHistogram;
02784    // doing this I get h1->fN which is available only for a TH1D 
02785    UInt_t n = h1->GetBin(h1->GetNbinsX()+1, h1->GetNbinsY()+1, h1->GetNbinsZ()+1 ) + 1;
02787    // in case vector is not created do with defult alpha, beta params
02788    if (fBeta_bin_params.size() != n )       
02789       fBeta_bin_params = std::vector<std::pair<Double_t, Double_t> >(n, std::make_pair(fBeta_alpha, fBeta_beta) ); 
02791    // vector contains also values for under/overflows
02792    fBeta_bin_params[bin] = std::make_pair(alpha,beta);
02793    SetBit(kUseBinPrior,true);
02795 }
02797 //______________________________________________________________________________
02798 void TEfficiency::SetConfidenceLevel(Double_t level)
02799 {
02800    //sets the confidence level (0 < level < 1)
02801    // The default value is 1-sigma :~ 0.683
02803    if((level > 0) && (level < 1))
02804       fConfLevel = level;
02805    else
02806       Warning("SetConfidenceLevel(Double_t)","invalid confidence level %.2lf",level);
02807 }
02809 //______________________________________________________________________________
02810 void TEfficiency::SetDirectory(TDirectory* dir)
02811 {
02812    //sets the directory holding this TEfficiency object
02813    //
02814    //A reference to this TEfficiency object is removed from the current
02815    //directory (if it exists) and a new reference to this TEfficiency object is
02816    //added to the given directory.
02817    //
02818    //Notes: - If the given directory is 0, the TEfficiency object does not
02819    //         belong to any directory and will not be written to file during the
02820    //         next TFile::Write() command.
02822    if(fDirectory == dir)
02823       return;
02824    if(fDirectory)
02825       fDirectory->Remove(this);
02826    fDirectory = dir;
02827    if(fDirectory)
02828       fDirectory->Append(this);      
02829 }
02831 //______________________________________________________________________________
02832 void TEfficiency::SetName(const char* name)
02833 {
02834    //sets the name
02835    //
02836    //Note: The names of the internal histograms are set to "name + _total" or
02837    //      "name + _passed" respectively.
02839    TNamed::SetName(name);
02841    //setting the names (appending the correct ending)
02842    TString name_total = name + TString("_total");
02843    TString name_passed = name + TString("_passed");
02844    fTotalHistogram->SetName(name_total);
02845    fPassedHistogram->SetName(name_passed);
02846 }
02848 //______________________________________________________________________________
02849 Bool_t TEfficiency::SetPassedEvents(Int_t bin,Int_t events)
02850 {
02851    //sets the number of passed events in the given global bin
02852    //
02853    //returns "true" if the number of passed events has been updated
02854    //otherwise "false" ist returned
02855    //
02856    //Note: - requires: 0 <= events <= fTotalHistogram->GetBinContent(bin)
02858    if(events <= fTotalHistogram->GetBinContent(bin)) {
02859       fPassedHistogram->SetBinContent(bin,events);
02860       return true;
02861    }
02862    else {
02863       Error("SetPassedEvents(Int_t,Int_t)","total number of events (%.1lf) in bin %i is less than given number of passed events %i",fTotalHistogram->GetBinContent(bin),bin,events);
02864       return false;
02865    }
02866 }
02868 //______________________________________________________________________________
02869 Bool_t TEfficiency::SetPassedHistogram(const TH1& rPassed,Option_t* opt)
02870 {
02871    //sets the histogram containing the passed events
02872    //
02873    //The given histogram is cloned and stored internally as histogram containing
02874    //the passed events. The given histogram has to be consistent with the current
02875    //fTotalHistogram (see CheckConsistency(const TH1&,const TH1&)).
02876    //The method returns whether the fPassedHistogram has been replaced (true) or
02877    //not (false).
02878    //
02879    //Note: The list of associated functions fFunctions is cleared.
02880    //
02881    //Option: - "f": force the replacement without checking the consistency
02882    //               This can lead to inconsistent histograms and useless results
02883    //               or unexpected behaviour. But sometimes it might be the only
02884    //               way to change the histograms. If you use this option, you
02885    //               should ensure that the fTotalHistogram is replaced by a
02886    //               consistent one (with respect to rPassed) as well.
02888    TString option = opt;
02889    option.ToLower();
02891    Bool_t bReplace = option.Contains("f");
02893    if(!bReplace)
02894       bReplace = CheckConsistency(rPassed,*fTotalHistogram);
02896    if(bReplace) {
02897       delete fPassedHistogram;
02898       Bool_t bStatus = TH1::AddDirectoryStatus();
02899       TH1::AddDirectory(kFALSE);
02900       fPassedHistogram = (TH1*)(rPassed.Clone());
02901       fPassedHistogram->SetNormFactor(0);
02902       TH1::AddDirectory(bStatus);
02904       if(fFunctions)
02905          fFunctions->Delete();
02907       return true;
02908    }
02909    else
02910       return false;
02911 }
02913 //______________________________________________________________________________
02914 void TEfficiency::SetStatisticOption(EStatOption option)
02915 {
02916    //sets the statistic option which affects the calculation of the confidence interval
02917    //
02918    //Options:
02919    //- kFCP (=0)(default): using the Clopper-Pearson interval (recommended by PDG)
02920    //                      sets kIsBayesian = false
02921    //                      see also ClopperPearson
02922    //- kFNormal   (=1)   : using the normal approximation
02923    //                      sets kIsBayesian = false
02924    //                      see also Normal
02925    //- kFWilson   (=2)   : using the Wilson interval
02926    //                      sets kIsBayesian = false
02927    //                      see also Wilson
02928    //- kFAC       (=3)   : using the Agresti-Coull interval
02929    //                      sets kIsBayesian = false
02930    //                      see also AgrestiCoull
02931    //- kFFC       (=4)   : using the Feldman-Cousins frequentist method
02932    //                      sets kIsBayesian = false
02933    //                      see also FeldmanCousins    
02934    //- kBJeffrey  (=5)   : using the Jeffrey interval
02935    //                      sets kIsBayesian = true, fBeta_alpha = 0.5 and fBeta_beta = 0.5
02936    //                      see also Bayesian
02937    //- kBUniform  (=6)   : using a uniform prior
02938    //                      sets kIsBayesian = true, fBeta_alpha = 1 and fBeta_beta = 1
02939    //                      see also Bayesian
02940    //- kBBayesian (=7)   : using a custom prior defined by fBeta_alpha and fBeta_beta
02941    //                      sets kIsBayesian = true
02942    //                      see also Bayesian
02944    fStatisticOption = option;
02946    switch(option)
02947    {
02948    case kFCP:      
02949       fBoundary = &ClopperPearson;
02950       SetBit(kIsBayesian,false);
02951       break;
02952    case kFNormal:      
02953       fBoundary = &Normal;
02954       SetBit(kIsBayesian,false);
02955       break;
02956    case kFWilson:      
02957       fBoundary = &Wilson;
02958       SetBit(kIsBayesian,false);
02959       break;
02960    case kFAC:
02961       fBoundary = &AgrestiCoull;
02962       SetBit(kIsBayesian,false);
02963       break;
02964    case kFFC:
02965       fBoundary = &FeldmanCousins;
02966       SetBit(kIsBayesian,false);
02967       break;
02968    case kBJeffrey:
02969       fBeta_alpha = 0.5;
02970       fBeta_beta = 0.5;
02971       SetBit(kIsBayesian,true);
02972       SetBit(kUseBinPrior,false);
02973       break;
02974    case kBUniform:
02975       fBeta_alpha = 1;
02976       fBeta_beta = 1;
02977       SetBit(kIsBayesian,true);
02978       SetBit(kUseBinPrior,false);
02979       break;
02980    case kBBayesian:
02981       SetBit(kIsBayesian,true);
02982       break;
02983    default:
02984       fStatisticOption = kFCP;
02985       fBoundary = &ClopperPearson;
02986       SetBit(kIsBayesian,false);
02987    }
02988 }
02990 //______________________________________________________________________________
02991 void TEfficiency::SetTitle(const char* title)
02992 {
02993    //sets the title
02994    //
02995    //Notes: - The titles of the internal histograms are set to "title + (total)"
02996    //         or "title + (passed)" respectively.
02997    //       - It is possible to label the axis of the histograms as usual (see
02998    //         TH1::SetTitle).
02999    //
03000    //Example: Setting the title to "My Efficiency" and label the axis
03001    //Begin_Html
03002    //<div class="code"><pre>
03003    //pEff->SetTitle("My Efficiency;x label;eff");
03004    //</pre></div>
03005    //<div class="clear"></div>
03006    //End_Html
03008    TNamed::SetTitle(title);
03010    //setting the titles (looking for the first semicolon and insert the tokens there)
03011    TString title_passed = title; 
03012    TString title_total = title; 
03013    Ssiz_t pos = title_passed.First(";");
03014    if (pos != kNPOS) { 
03015       title_passed.Insert(pos," (passed)");
03016       title_total.Insert(pos," (total)");
03017    }
03018    else { 
03019       title_passed.Append(" (passed)");
03020       title_total.Append(" (total)");
03021    }
03022    fPassedHistogram->SetTitle(title_passed);
03023    fTotalHistogram->SetTitle(title_total);
03024 }
03026 //______________________________________________________________________________
03027 Bool_t TEfficiency::SetTotalEvents(Int_t bin,Int_t events)
03028 {
03029    //sets the number of total events in the given global bin
03030    //
03031    //returns "true" if the number of total events has been updated
03032    //otherwise "false" ist returned
03033    //
03034    //Note: - requires: fPassedHistogram->GetBinContent(bin) <= events
03036    if(events >= fPassedHistogram->GetBinContent(bin)) {      
03037       fTotalHistogram->SetBinContent(bin,events);
03038       return true;
03039    }
03040    else {
03041       Error("SetTotalEvents(Int_t,Int_t)","passed number of events (%.1lf) in bin %i is bigger than given number of total events %i",fPassedHistogram->GetBinContent(bin),bin,events);
03042       return false;
03043    }
03044 }
03046 //______________________________________________________________________________
03047 Bool_t TEfficiency::SetTotalHistogram(const TH1& rTotal,Option_t* opt)
03048 {
03049    //sets the histogram containing all events
03050    //
03051    //The given histogram is cloned and stored internally as histogram containing
03052    //all events. The given histogram has to be consistent with the current
03053    //fPassedHistogram (see CheckConsistency(const TH1&,const TH1&)).
03054    //The method returns whether the fTotalHistogram has been replaced (true) or
03055    //not (false).
03056    //
03057    //Note: The list of associated functions fFunctions is cleared.
03058    //
03059    //Option: - "f": force the replacement without checking the consistency
03060    //               This can lead to inconsistent histograms and useless results
03061    //               or unexpected behaviour. But sometimes it might be the only
03062    //               way to change the histograms. If you use this option, you
03063    //               should ensure that the fPassedHistogram is replaced by a
03064    //               consistent one (with respect to rTotal) as well.
03066    TString option = opt;
03067    option.ToLower();
03069    Bool_t bReplace = option.Contains("f");
03071    if(!bReplace)
03072       bReplace = CheckConsistency(*fPassedHistogram,rTotal);
03074    if(bReplace) {
03075       delete fTotalHistogram;
03076       Bool_t bStatus = TH1::AddDirectoryStatus();
03077       TH1::AddDirectory(kFALSE);
03078       fTotalHistogram = (TH1*)(rTotal.Clone());
03079       fTotalHistogram->SetNormFactor(0);
03080       TH1::AddDirectory(bStatus);
03082       if(fFunctions)
03083          fFunctions->Delete();
03085       return true;
03086    }
03087    else
03088       return false;
03089 }
03091 //______________________________________________________________________________
03092 void TEfficiency::SetWeight(Double_t weight)
03093 {
03094    //sets the global weight for this TEfficiency object
03095    //
03096    //Note: - weight has to be positive ( > 0)
03098    if(weight > 0)
03099       fWeight = weight;
03100    else
03101       Warning("SetWeight","invalid weight %.2lf",weight);
03102 }
03104 //______________________________________________________________________________
03105 Double_t TEfficiency::Wilson(Int_t total,Int_t passed,Double_t level,Bool_t bUpper)
03106 {
03107    //calculates the boundaries for the frequentist Wilson interval
03108    //
03109    //Input: - total : number of total events
03110    //       - passed: 0 <= number of passed events <= total
03111    //       - level : confidence level
03112    //       - bUpper: true  - upper boundary is returned
03113    //                 false - lower boundary is returned
03114    //
03115    //calculation:
03116    //Begin_Latex(separator='=',align='rl')
03117    // #alpha = 1 - #frac{level}{2}
03118    // #kappa = #Phi^{-1}(1 - #alpha,1) ... normal quantile function
03119    // mode = #frac{passed + #frac{#kappa^{2}}{2}}{total + #kappa^{2}}
03120    // #Delta = #frac{#kappa}{total + #kappa^{2}} * #sqrt{passed (1 - #frac{passed}{total}) + #frac{#kappa^{2}}{4}}
03121    // return = max(0,mode - #Delta) or min(1,mode + #Delta)
03122    //End_Latex
03124    Double_t alpha = (1.0 - level)/2;
03125    if (total == 0) return (bUpper) ? 1 : 0; 
03126    Double_t average = ((Double_t)passed) / total;
03127    Double_t kappa = ROOT::Math::normal_quantile(1 - alpha,1);
03129    Double_t mode = (passed + 0.5 * kappa * kappa) / (total + kappa * kappa);
03130    Double_t delta = kappa / (total + kappa*kappa) * std::sqrt(total * average
03131                                                               * (1 - average) + kappa * kappa / 4);
03132    if(bUpper)
03133       return ((mode + delta) > 1) ? 1.0 : (mode + delta);
03134    else
03135       return ((mode - delta) < 0) ? 0.0 : (mode - delta);
03136 }
03138 //______________________________________________________________________________
03139 const TEfficiency operator+(const TEfficiency& lhs,const TEfficiency& rhs)
03140 {
03141    // addition operator
03142    //
03143    // adds the corresponding histograms:
03144    // lhs.GetTotalHistogram() + rhs.GetTotalHistogram()
03145    // lhs.GetPassedHistogram() + rhs.GetPassedHistogram()
03146    //
03147    // the statistic option and the confidence level are taken from lhs
03149    TEfficiency tmp(lhs);
03150    tmp += rhs;
03151    return tmp;
03152 }
03154 #endif

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