TH2.cxx File Reference

#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TClass.h"
#include "THashList.h"
#include "TH2.h"
#include "TVirtualPad.h"
#include "TF2.h"
#include "TProfile.h"
#include "TRandom.h"
#include "TMatrixFBase.h"
#include "TMatrixDBase.h"
#include "THLimitsFinder.h"
#include "TError.h"
#include "TMath.h"
#include "TObjString.h"
#include "TVirtualHistPainter.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


 ClassImp (TH2) TH2
 ClassImp (TH2C) TH2C
TH2C operator * (Float_t c1, TH2C &h1)
TH2C operator+ (TH2C &h1, TH2C &h2)
TH2C operator- (TH2C &h1, TH2C &h2)
TH2C operator * (TH2C &h1, TH2C &h2)
TH2C operator/ (TH2C &h1, TH2C &h2)
 ClassImp (TH2S) TH2S
TH2S operator * (Float_t c1, TH2S &h1)
TH2S operator+ (TH2S &h1, TH2S &h2)
TH2S operator- (TH2S &h1, TH2S &h2)
TH2S operator * (TH2S &h1, TH2S &h2)
TH2S operator/ (TH2S &h1, TH2S &h2)
 ClassImp (TH2I) TH2I
TH2I operator * (Float_t c1, TH2I &h1)
TH2I operator+ (TH2I &h1, TH2I &h2)
TH2I operator- (TH2I &h1, TH2I &h2)
TH2I operator * (TH2I &h1, TH2I &h2)
TH2I operator/ (TH2I &h1, TH2I &h2)
 ClassImp (TH2F) TH2F
TH2F operator * (Float_t c1, TH2F &h1)
TH2F operator * (TH2F &h1, Float_t c1)
TH2F operator+ (TH2F &h1, TH2F &h2)
TH2F operator- (TH2F &h1, TH2F &h2)
TH2F operator * (TH2F &h1, TH2F &h2)
TH2F operator/ (TH2F &h1, TH2F &h2)
 ClassImp (TH2D) TH2D
TH2D operator * (Float_t c1, TH2D &h1)
TH2D operator+ (TH2D &h1, TH2D &h2)
TH2D operator- (TH2D &h1, TH2D &h2)
TH2D operator * (TH2D &h1, TH2D &h2)
TH2D operator/ (TH2D &h1, TH2D &h2)

Function Documentation

ClassImp ( TH2D   ) 

Definition at line 3737 of file TH2.cxx.

ClassImp ( TH2F   ) 

Definition at line 3454 of file TH2.cxx.

ClassImp ( TH2I   ) 

Definition at line 3214 of file TH2.cxx.

ClassImp ( TH2S   ) 

Definition at line 2940 of file TH2.cxx.

ClassImp ( TH2C   ) 

Definition at line 2666 of file TH2.cxx.

ClassImp ( TH2   ) 

Definition at line 28 of file TH2.cxx.

TH2D operator * ( TH2D h1,
TH2D h2 

Definition at line 3982 of file TH2.cxx.

References h1, h2, TH1::Multiply(), and TH1::SetDirectory().

TH2D operator * ( Float_t  c1,
TH2D h1 

Definition at line 3949 of file TH2.cxx.

References h1, TH1::Scale(), and TH1::SetDirectory().

TH2F operator * ( TH2F h1,
TH2F h2 

Definition at line 3710 of file TH2.cxx.

References h1, h2, TH1::Multiply(), and TH1::SetDirectory().

TH2F operator * ( TH2F h1,
Float_t  c1 

Definition at line 3677 of file TH2.cxx.

References h1, TH1::Scale(), and TH1::SetDirectory().

TH2F operator * ( Float_t  c1,
TH2F h1 

Definition at line 3665 of file TH2.cxx.

References h1, TH1::Scale(), and TH1::SetDirectory().

TH2I operator * ( TH2I h1,
TH2I h2 

Definition at line 3427 of file TH2.cxx.

References h1, h2, TH1::Multiply(), and TH1::SetDirectory().

TH2I operator * ( Float_t  c1,
TH2I h1 

Definition at line 3394 of file TH2.cxx.

References h1, TH1::Scale(), and TH1::SetDirectory().

TH2S operator * ( TH2S h1,
TH2S h2 

Definition at line 3187 of file TH2.cxx.

References h1, h2, TH1::Multiply(), and TH1::SetDirectory().

TH2S operator * ( Float_t  c1,
TH2S h1 

Definition at line 3154 of file TH2.cxx.

References h1, TH1::Scale(), and TH1::SetDirectory().

TH2C operator * ( TH2C h1,
TH2C h2 

Definition at line 2913 of file TH2.cxx.

References h1, h2, TH1::Multiply(), and TH1::SetDirectory().

TH2C operator * ( Float_t  c1,
TH2C h1 

Definition at line 2880 of file TH2.cxx.

References h1, TH1::Scale(), and TH1::SetDirectory().

TH2D operator+ ( TH2D h1,
TH2D h2 

Definition at line 3960 of file TH2.cxx.

References TH1::Add(), h1, h2, and TH1::SetDirectory().

TH2F operator+ ( TH2F h1,
TH2F h2 

Definition at line 3688 of file TH2.cxx.

References TH1::Add(), h1, h2, and TH1::SetDirectory().

TH2I operator+ ( TH2I h1,
TH2I h2 

Definition at line 3405 of file TH2.cxx.

References TH1::Add(), h1, h2, and TH1::SetDirectory().

TH2S operator+ ( TH2S h1,
TH2S h2 

Definition at line 3165 of file TH2.cxx.

References TH1::Add(), h1, h2, and TH1::SetDirectory().

TH2C operator+ ( TH2C h1,
TH2C h2 

Definition at line 2891 of file TH2.cxx.

References TH1::Add(), h1, h2, and TH1::SetDirectory().

TH2D operator- ( TH2D h1,
TH2D h2 

Definition at line 3971 of file TH2.cxx.

References TH1::Add(), h1, h2, and TH1::SetDirectory().

TH2F operator- ( TH2F h1,
TH2F h2 

Definition at line 3699 of file TH2.cxx.

References TH1::Add(), h1, h2, and TH1::SetDirectory().

TH2I operator- ( TH2I h1,
TH2I h2 

Definition at line 3416 of file TH2.cxx.

References TH1::Add(), h1, h2, and TH1::SetDirectory().

TH2S operator- ( TH2S h1,
TH2S h2 

Definition at line 3176 of file TH2.cxx.

References TH1::Add(), h1, h2, and TH1::SetDirectory().

TH2C operator- ( TH2C h1,
TH2C h2 

Definition at line 2902 of file TH2.cxx.

References TH1::Add(), h1, h2, and TH1::SetDirectory().

TH2D operator/ ( TH2D h1,
TH2D h2 

Definition at line 3993 of file TH2.cxx.

References TH1::Divide(), h1, h2, and TH1::SetDirectory().

TH2F operator/ ( TH2F h1,
TH2F h2 

Definition at line 3721 of file TH2.cxx.

References TH1::Divide(), h1, h2, and TH1::SetDirectory().

TH2I operator/ ( TH2I h1,
TH2I h2 

Definition at line 3438 of file TH2.cxx.

References TH1::Divide(), h1, h2, and TH1::SetDirectory().

TH2S operator/ ( TH2S h1,
TH2S h2 

Definition at line 3198 of file TH2.cxx.

References TH1::Divide(), h1, h2, and TH1::SetDirectory().

TH2C operator/ ( TH2C h1,
TH2C h2 

Definition at line 2924 of file TH2.cxx.

References TH1::Divide(), h1, h2, and TH1::SetDirectory().

Generated on Tue Jul 5 16:01:10 2011 for ROOT_528-00b_version by  doxygen 1.5.1