unuranDemo.C File Reference

#include "TStopwatch.h"
#include "TUnuran.h"
#include "TUnuranContDist.h"
#include "TUnuranMultiContDist.h"
#include "TUnuranDiscrDist.h"
#include "TUnuranEmpDist.h"
#include "TH1.h"
#include "TH3.h"
#include "TF3.h"
#include "TMath.h"
#include "TRandom2.h"
#include "TSystem.h"
#include "TStyle.h"
#include "TApplication.h"
#include "TCanvas.h"
#include "Math/ProbFunc.h"
#include "Math/DistFunc.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>

Go to the source code of this file.


#define NGEN   1000000


void testStringAPI ()
double distr (double *x, double *p)
double cdf (double *x, double *p)
void testDistr1D ()
double gaus3d (double *x, double *p)
void testDistrMultiDim ()
double poisson (double *x, double *p)
void testDiscDistr ()
void testEmpDistr ()
void unuranDemo ()


int izone = 0
TCanvasc1 = 0

Define Documentation

#define NGEN   1000000

Definition at line 51 of file unuranDemo.C.

Referenced by testDiscDistr(), testDistr1D(), testDistrMultiDim(), testEmpDistr(), and testStringAPI().

Function Documentation

double cdf ( double x,
double p 

Definition at line 108 of file unuranDemo.C.

References ROOT::Math::breitwigner_cdf().

double distr ( double x,
double p 

Definition at line 104 of file unuranDemo.C.

References ROOT::Math::breitwigner_pdf().

Referenced by TCurlyArc::DistancetoPrimitive(), TEllipse::DistancetoPrimitive(), TUnuran::Init(), TGeoPgon::SliceCrossingIn(), testDistr1D(), and RooStats::HypoTestResult::UpdatePValue().

double gaus3d ( double x,
double p 

Definition at line 185 of file unuranDemo.C.

References c, exp(), TMath::Pi(), result(), sqrt(), u, and w.

double poisson ( double x,
double p 

Definition at line 271 of file unuranDemo.C.

References ROOT::Math::poisson_pdf().

Referenced by testDiscDistr().

void testDiscDistr (  ) 

Definition at line 275 of file unuranDemo.C.

References c1, TCanvas::cd(), TH1::Chi2Test(), TH1::Draw(), TH2::Fill(), gRandom, h1, h2, i, TUnuran::Init(), izone, k, TUnuran::MethodName(), n, NGEN, poisson(), TRandom::Poisson(), TUnuran::SampleDiscr(), TAttMarker::SetMarkerStyle(), TUnuranDiscrDist::SetMode(), TUnuranDiscrDist::SetProbSum(), and w.

Referenced by unuranDemo().

void testDistr1D (  ) 

Definition at line 113 of file unuranDemo.C.

References c1, TCanvas::cd(), cdf(), TH1::Chi2Test(), ROOT::Math::gv_detail::dist(), distr(), TH1::Draw(), fc, TH2::Fill(), h1, h2, i, TUnuran::Init(), izone, method, TUnuran::MethodName(), n, NGEN, par, random, TUnuran::Sample(), TFormula::SetParameters(), w, and x.

Referenced by unuranDemo().

void testDistrMultiDim (  ) 

Definition at line 201 of file unuranDemo.C.

References c1, TCanvas::cd(), TH1::Chi2Test(), ROOT::Math::gv_detail::dist(), TH1::Draw(), TH2::Fill(), gaus3d(), gRandom, h1, h2, i, TUnuran::Init(), izone, method, TUnuran::MethodName(), NGEN, par, TUnuran::SampleMulti(), w, and x.

Referenced by unuranDemo().

void testEmpDistr (  ) 

Definition at line 328 of file unuranDemo.C.

References c1, TCanvas::cd(), ROOT::Math::gv_detail::dist(), TH1::Draw(), TH2::Fill(), TH1::Fill(), TH1::FillN(), TRandom::Gaus(), TH1::GetRandom(), gRandom, h1, h2, i, TUnuran::Init(), izone, kBlue, kRed, TUnuran::MethodName(), n, NGEN, TUnuran::Sample(), TAttLine::SetLineColor(), w, and x.

Referenced by unuranDemo().

void testStringAPI (  ) 

Definition at line 57 of file unuranDemo.C.

References c1, TCanvas::cd(), TH1::Draw(), TH2::Fill(), TRandom::Gaus(), gRandom, h1, h2, i, TUnuran::Init(), izone, TUnuran::MethodName(), n, NGEN, TUnuran::Sample(), w, and x.

Referenced by unuranDemo().

void unuranDemo (  ) 

Definition at line 396 of file unuranDemo.C.

References c1, TPad::Divide(), gStyle, gSystem, TSystem::Load(), TStyle::SetOptFit(), testDiscDistr(), testDistr1D(), testDistrMultiDim(), testEmpDistr(), testStringAPI(), and TCanvas::Update().

Variable Documentation

TCanvas* c1 = 0

Definition at line 54 of file unuranDemo.C.

int izone = 0

Definition at line 53 of file unuranDemo.C.

Referenced by testDiscDistr(), testDistr1D(), testDistrMultiDim(), testEmpDistr(), and testStringAPI().

Generated on Tue Jul 5 16:09:39 2011 for ROOT_528-00b_version by  doxygen 1.5.1