TMath.cxx File Reference

#include "TMath.h"
#include "TError.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include "Riostream.h"
#include "TString.h"
#include <Math/SpecFuncMathCore.h>
#include <Math/PdfFuncMathCore.h>
#include <Math/ProbFuncMathCore.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


 NamespaceImp (TMath) namespace TMath
Long_t TMath::Hypot (Long_t x, Long_t y)
Double_t TMath::Hypot (Double_t x, Double_t y)
Double_t TMath::ASinH (Double_t x)
Double_t TMath::ACosH (Double_t x)
Double_t TMath::ATanH (Double_t x)
Double_t TMath::Log2 (Double_t x)
Int_t TMath::Nint (Float_t x)
Int_t TMath::Nint (Double_t x)
Double_t TMath::DiLog (Double_t x)
Double_t TMath::Erf (Double_t x)
Double_t TMath::Erfc (Double_t x)
Double_t TMath::ErfInverse (Double_t x)
Double_t TMath::ErfcInverse (Double_t x)
Double_t TMath::Factorial (Int_t n)
Double_t TMath::Freq (Double_t x)
Double_t TMath::Gamma (Double_t z)
Double_t TMath::Gamma (Double_t a, Double_t x)
Double_t TMath::GamCf (Double_t a, Double_t x)
Double_t TMath::GamSer (Double_t a, Double_t x)
Double_t TMath::BreitWigner (Double_t x, Double_t mean, Double_t gamma)
Double_t TMath::Gaus (Double_t x, Double_t mean, Double_t sigma, Bool_t norm)
Double_t TMath::Landau (Double_t x, Double_t mpv, Double_t sigma, Bool_t norm)
Double_t TMath::LnGamma (Double_t z)
Float_t TMath::Normalize (Float_t v[3])
Double_t TMath::Normalize (Double_t v[3])
Double_t TMath::Poisson (Double_t x, Double_t par)
Double_t TMath::PoissonI (Double_t x, Double_t par)
Double_t TMath::Prob (Double_t chi2, Int_t ndf)
Double_t TMath::KolmogorovProb (Double_t z)
Double_t TMath::KolmogorovTest (Int_t na, const Double_t *a, Int_t nb, const Double_t *b, Option_t *option)
Double_t TMath::Voigt (Double_t xx, Double_t sigma, Double_t lg, Int_t r)
Bool_t TMath::RootsCubic (const Double_t coef[4], Double_t &a, Double_t &b, Double_t &c)
void TMath::Quantiles (Int_t n, Int_t nprob, Double_t *x, Double_t *quantiles, Double_t *prob, Bool_t isSorted, Int_t *index, Int_t type)
void TMath::BubbleHigh (Int_t Narr, Double_t *arr1, Int_t *arr2)
void TMath::BubbleLow (Int_t Narr, Double_t *arr1, Int_t *arr2)
ULong_t TMath::Hash (const void *txt, Int_t ntxt)
ULong_t TMath::Hash (const char *txt)
Double_t TMath::BesselI0 (Double_t x)
Double_t TMath::BesselK0 (Double_t x)
Double_t TMath::BesselI1 (Double_t x)
Double_t TMath::BesselK1 (Double_t x)
Double_t TMath::BesselK (Int_t n, Double_t x)
Double_t TMath::BesselI (Int_t n, Double_t x)
Double_t TMath::BesselJ0 (Double_t x)
Double_t TMath::BesselJ1 (Double_t x)
Double_t TMath::BesselY0 (Double_t x)
Double_t TMath::BesselY1 (Double_t x)
Double_t TMath::StruveH0 (Double_t x)
Double_t TMath::StruveH1 (Double_t x)
Double_t TMath::StruveL0 (Double_t x)
Double_t TMath::StruveL1 (Double_t x)
Double_t TMath::Beta (Double_t p, Double_t q)
Double_t TMath::BetaCf (Double_t x, Double_t a, Double_t b)
Double_t TMath::BetaDist (Double_t x, Double_t p, Double_t q)
Double_t TMath::BetaDistI (Double_t x, Double_t p, Double_t q)
Double_t TMath::BetaIncomplete (Double_t x, Double_t a, Double_t b)
Double_t TMath::Binomial (Int_t n, Int_t k)
Double_t TMath::BinomialI (Double_t p, Int_t n, Int_t k)
Double_t TMath::CauchyDist (Double_t x, Double_t t, Double_t s)
Double_t TMath::ChisquareQuantile (Double_t p, Double_t ndf)
Double_t TMath::FDist (Double_t F, Double_t N, Double_t M)
Double_t TMath::FDistI (Double_t F, Double_t N, Double_t M)
Double_t TMath::GammaDist (Double_t x, Double_t gamma, Double_t mu, Double_t beta)
Double_t TMath::LaplaceDist (Double_t x, Double_t alpha, Double_t beta)
Double_t TMath::LaplaceDistI (Double_t x, Double_t alpha, Double_t beta)
Double_t TMath::LogNormal (Double_t x, Double_t sigma, Double_t theta, Double_t m)
Double_t TMath::NormQuantile (Double_t p)
Bool_t TMath::Permute (Int_t n, Int_t *a)
Double_t TMath::Student (Double_t T, Double_t ndf)
Double_t TMath::StudentI (Double_t T, Double_t ndf)
Double_t TMath::StudentQuantile (Double_t p, Double_t ndf, Bool_t lower_tail)
Double_t TMath::Vavilov (Double_t x, Double_t kappa, Double_t beta2)
Double_t TMath::VavilovI (Double_t x, Double_t kappa, Double_t beta2)
Double_t TMath::LandauI (Double_t x)
void TMath::VavilovSet (Double_t rkappa, Double_t beta2, Bool_t mode, Double_t *WCM, Double_t *AC, Double_t *HC, Int_t &itype, Int_t &npt)
Double_t TMath::VavilovDenEval (Double_t rlam, Double_t *AC, Double_t *HC, Int_t itype)

Function Documentation

NamespaceImp ( TMath   ) 

Definition at line 39 of file TMath.cxx.

References a, TMath::GamCf(), TMath::GamSer(), TMath::HC(), TMath::VavilovDenEval(), TMath::VavilovSet(), and x.

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