afterbase.c File Reference

#include "config.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include "afterbase.h"
#include "asimage.h"
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/times.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


#define NAMLEN(dirent)   strlen((dirent)->d_name)
#define PATH_CHAR   '/'
#define hextoi(h)   (isdigit(h)?((h)-'0'):(isupper(h)?((h)-'A'+10):((h)-'a'+10)))
#define DEALLOC_CACHE_SIZE   1024


void asim_set_application_name (char *argv0)
const char * asim_get_application_name ()
unsigned int asim_get_output_threshold ()
unsigned int asim_set_output_threshold (unsigned int threshold)
Bool asim_show_error (const char *error_format,...)
Bool asim_show_warning (const char *warning_format,...)
Bool asim_show_progress (const char *msg_format,...)
Bool asim_show_debug (const char *file, const char *func, int line, const char *msg_format,...)
void asim_nonGNUC_debugout (const char *format,...)
void asim_nonGNUC_debugout_stub (const char *format,...)
int asim_check_file_mode (const char *file, int mode)
char * asim_put_file_home (const char *path_with_home)
char * asim_load_binary_file (const char *realfilename, long *file_size_return)
char * asim_load_file (const char *realfilename)
void unix_path2dos_path (char *path)
char * asim_find_file (const char *file, const char *pathlist, int type)
static char * find_envvar (char *var_start, int *end_pos)
static char * do_replace_envvar (char *path)
char * asim_copy_replace_envvar (char *path)
char * asim_mystrndup (const char *str, size_t n)
char * asim_mystrdup (const char *str)
int asim_mystrcasecmp (const char *s1, const char *s2)
int asim_mystrncasecmp (const char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n)
const char * asim_parse_argb_color (const char *color, CARD32 *pargb)
static int asim_asxml_var_nget (char *name, int n)
double asim_parse_math (const char *str, char **endptr, double size)
ASHashKey asim_default_hash_func (ASHashableValue value, ASHashKey hash_size)
long asim_default_compare_func (ASHashableValue value1, ASHashableValue value2)
long asim_desc_long_compare_func (ASHashableValue value1, ASHashableValue value2)
void asim_init_ashash (ASHashTable *hash, Bool freeresources)
ASHashTableasim_create_ashash (ASHashKey size, ASHashKey(*hash_func)(ASHashableValue, ASHashKey), long(*compare_func)(ASHashableValue, ASHashableValue), void(*item_destroy_func)(ASHashableValue, void *))
static void destroy_ashash_bucket (ASHashBucket *bucket, void(*item_destroy_func)(ASHashableValue, void *))
void asim_destroy_ashash (ASHashTable **hash)
static ASHashResult add_item_to_bucket (ASHashBucket *bucket, ASHashItem *item, long(*compare_func)(ASHashableValue, ASHashableValue))
ASHashResult asim_add_hash_item (ASHashTable *hash, ASHashableValue value, void *data)
static ASHashItem ** find_item_in_bucket (ASHashBucket *bucket, ASHashableValue value, long(*compare_func)(ASHashableValue, ASHashableValue))
ASHashResult asim_get_hash_item (ASHashTable *hash, ASHashableValue value, void **trg)
ASHashResult asim_remove_hash_item (ASHashTable *hash, ASHashableValue value, void **trg, Bool destroy)
void asim_flush_ashash_memory_pool ()
ASHashKey asim_pointer_hash_value (ASHashableValue value, ASHashKey hash_size)
ASHashKey asim_string_hash_value (ASHashableValue value, ASHashKey hash_size)
long asim_string_compare (ASHashableValue value1, ASHashableValue value2)
void asim_string_destroy_without_data (ASHashableValue value, void *data)
ASHashKey asim_casestring_hash_value (ASHashableValue value, ASHashKey hash_size)
long asim_casestring_compare (ASHashableValue value1, ASHashableValue value2)
int asim_get_drawable_size (Drawable d, unsigned int *ret_w, unsigned int *ret_h)
void sleep_a_little (int n)
void asim_start_ticker (unsigned int size)
void asim_wait_tick ()
int asim_my_scandir_ext (const char *dirname, int(*filter_func)(const char *), Bool(*handle_direntry_func)(const char *fname, const char *fullname, struct stat *stat_info, void *aux_data), void *aux_data)
void asim_asxml_var_init (void)
void asim_asxml_var_insert (const char *name, int value)
int asim_asxml_var_get (const char *name)
void asim_asxml_var_cleanup (void)
static char * lcstring (char *str)
static xml_elem_txml_elem_new (void)
static int xml_name2id (const char *name, ASHashTable *vocabulary)
static xml_elem_txml_elem_remove (xml_elem_t **list, xml_elem_t *elem)
static void xml_insert (xml_elem_t *parent, xml_elem_t *child)
xml_elem_tasim_xml_parse_parm (const char *parm, ASHashTable *vocabulary)
void asim_xml_elem_delete (xml_elem_t **list, xml_elem_t *elem)
static xml_elem_tcreate_CDATA_tag ()
static xml_elem_tcreate_CONTAINER_tag ()
xml_elem_tasim_xml_parse_doc (const char *str, ASHashTable *vocabulary)
int asim_xml_parse (const char *str, xml_elem_t *current, ASHashTable *vocabulary)
char * asim_interpret_ctrl_codes (char *text)
void asim_reset_xml_buffer (ASXmlBuffer *xb)
void asim_free_xml_buffer_resources (ASXmlBuffer *xb)
static void realloc_xml_buffer (ASXmlBuffer *xb, int len)
void asim_add_xml_buffer_chars (ASXmlBuffer *xb, char *tmp, int len)
static void add_xml_buffer_spaces (ASXmlBuffer *xb, int len)
static void add_xml_buffer_open_tag (ASXmlBuffer *xb, xml_elem_t *tag)
static void add_xml_buffer_close_tag (ASXmlBuffer *xb, xml_elem_t *tag)
int asim_spool_xml_tag (ASXmlBuffer *xb, char *tmp, int len)
Bool asim_xml_tags2xml_buffer (xml_elem_t *tags, ASXmlBuffer *xb, int tags_count, int depth)
void asim_xml_print (xml_elem_t *root)
xml_elem_tasim_format_xml_buffer_state (ASXmlBuffer *xb)


char * asim_ApplicationName = NULL
static unsigned int asim_as_output_threshold = OUTPUT_DEFAULT_THRESHOLD
static ASHashItemdeallocated_mem [DEALLOC_CACHE_SIZE+10]
static unsigned int deallocated_used = 0
static clock_t _as_ticker_last_tick = 0
static clock_t _as_ticker_tick_size = 1
static clock_t _as_ticker_tick_time = 0
static char * cdata_str = XML_CDATA_STR
static char * container_str = XML_CONTAINER_STR
static ASHashTableasxml_var = NULL

Define Documentation

#define DEALLOC_CACHE_SIZE   1024

Definition at line 854 of file afterbase.c.

Referenced by asim_remove_hash_item().

#define hextoi ( h   )     (isdigit(h)?((h)-'0'):(isupper(h)?((h)-'A'+10):((h)-'a'+10)))

Referenced by asim_parse_argb_color().

#define NAMLEN ( dirent   )     strlen((dirent)->d_name)

Definition at line 46 of file afterbase.c.

#define PATH_CHAR   '/'

Referenced by asim_find_file().


Referenced by asim_find_file().

Function Documentation

static ASHashResult add_item_to_bucket ( ASHashBucket bucket,
ASHashItem item,
long(*)(ASHashableValue, ASHashableValue compare_func 
) [static]

Definition at line 834 of file afterbase.c.

References ASH_ItemExistsDiffer, ASH_ItemExistsSame, ASH_Success, ASHashItem::data, ASHashItem::next, NULL, and ASHashItem::value.

Referenced by asim_add_hash_item().

static void add_xml_buffer_close_tag ( ASXmlBuffer xb,
xml_elem_t tag 
) [static]

Definition at line 1809 of file afterbase.c.

References ASXmlBuffer::buffer, realloc_xml_buffer(), xml_elem_t::tag, and ASXmlBuffer::used.

Referenced by asim_xml_tags2xml_buffer().

static void add_xml_buffer_open_tag ( ASXmlBuffer xb,
xml_elem_t tag 
) [static]

Definition at line 1763 of file afterbase.c.

References ASXmlBuffer::buffer, xml_elem_t::child, for(), free(), len, xml_elem_t::next, NULL, p, xml_elem_t::parm, realloc_xml_buffer(), t, xml_elem_t::tag, ASXmlBuffer::used, and xml_parse_parm.

Referenced by asim_xml_tags2xml_buffer().

static void add_xml_buffer_spaces ( ASXmlBuffer xb,
int  len 
) [static]

Definition at line 1752 of file afterbase.c.

References ASXmlBuffer::buffer, realloc_xml_buffer(), and ASXmlBuffer::used.

Referenced by asim_xml_tags2xml_buffer().

ASHashResult asim_add_hash_item ( ASHashTable hash,
ASHashableValue  value,
void *  data 

Definition at line 859 of file afterbase.c.

References add_item_to_bucket(), ASH_BadParameter, ASH_Success, ASHashItem::data, deallocated_mem, free(), hash, ASHashItem::next, NULL, safecalloc, and ASHashItem::value.

void asim_add_xml_buffer_chars ( ASXmlBuffer xb,
char *  tmp,
int  len 

Definition at line 1744 of file afterbase.c.

References ASXmlBuffer::buffer, realloc_xml_buffer(), and ASXmlBuffer::used.

void asim_asxml_var_cleanup ( void   ) 

Definition at line 1369 of file afterbase.c.

References asxml_var, destroy_ashash, and NULL.

int asim_asxml_var_get ( const char *  name  ) 

Definition at line 1344 of file afterbase.c.

References AS_HASHABLE, ASH_Success, asxml_var, asxml_var_init, get_hash_item, ASHashData::i, show_debug, and ASHashData::vptr.

void asim_asxml_var_init ( void   ) 

Definition at line 1308 of file afterbase.c.

References asxml_var, asxml_var_insert, create_ashash, Display(), ASVisual::dpy, get_default_asvisual(), NULL, string_compare, string_destroy_without_data, and string_hash_value.

void asim_asxml_var_insert ( const char *  name,
int  value 

Definition at line 1327 of file afterbase.c.

References add_hash_item, AS_HASHABLE, asxml_var, asxml_var_init, ASHashData::i, mystrdup, NULL, remove_hash_item, show_progress, True, and ASHashData::vptr.

static int asim_asxml_var_nget ( char *  name,
int  n 
) [static]

Definition at line 1359 of file afterbase.c.

References asxml_var_get.

Referenced by asim_parse_math().

long asim_casestring_compare ( ASHashableValue  value1,
ASHashableValue  value2 

Definition at line 1077 of file afterbase.c.

References i, and NULL.

ASHashKey asim_casestring_hash_value ( ASHashableValue  value,
ASHashKey  hash_size 

Definition at line 1055 of file afterbase.c.

References c, and i.

int asim_check_file_mode ( const char *  file,
int  mode 

Definition at line 200 of file afterbase.c.

References stat.

char* asim_copy_replace_envvar ( char *  path  ) 

Definition at line 476 of file afterbase.c.

References do_replace_envvar(), and mystrdup.

ASHashTable* asim_create_ashash ( ASHashKey  size,
ASHashKey(*)(ASHashableValue, ASHashKey hash_func,
long(*)(ASHashableValue, ASHashableValue compare_func,
void(*)(ASHashableValue, void *)  item_destroy_func 

Definition at line 768 of file afterbase.c.

References asim_default_compare_func(), asim_default_hash_func(), False, hash, init_ashash, and safecalloc.

long asim_default_compare_func ( ASHashableValue  value1,
ASHashableValue  value2 

Definition at line 743 of file afterbase.c.

Referenced by asim_create_ashash().

ASHashKey asim_default_hash_func ( ASHashableValue  value,
ASHashKey  hash_size 

Definition at line 737 of file afterbase.c.

Referenced by asim_create_ashash().

long asim_desc_long_compare_func ( ASHashableValue  value1,
ASHashableValue  value2 

Definition at line 749 of file afterbase.c.

void asim_destroy_ashash ( ASHashTable **  hash  ) 

Definition at line 816 of file afterbase.c.

References asim_init_ashash(), destroy_ashash_bucket(), free(), hash, i, LOCAL_DEBUG_CALLER_OUT, NULL, and True.

char* asim_find_file ( const char *  file,
const char *  pathlist,
int  type 

Definition at line 304 of file afterbase.c.

References access, False, free(), i, len, local, mystrdup, NULL, PATH_CHAR, PATH_SEPARATOR_CHAR, ptr, put_file_home, safecalloc, strcpy(), and True.

void asim_flush_ashash_memory_pool (  ) 

Definition at line 977 of file afterbase.c.

References deallocated_mem, and free().

xml_elem_t* asim_format_xml_buffer_state ( ASXmlBuffer xb  ) 

Definition at line 2086 of file afterbase.c.

References ASXML_BadAttrName, ASXML_BadStart, ASXML_BadTagName, ASXML_MissingAttrEq, ASXML_Start, ASXML_UnexpectedSlash, ASXML_UnmatchedClose, xml_elem_t::child, create_CDATA_tag(), ASXmlBuffer::level, NULL, xml_elem_t::parm, safemalloc, sprintf(), ASXmlBuffer::state, xml_elem_t::tag, ASXmlBuffer::tags_count, and xml_elem_new().

void asim_free_xml_buffer_resources ( ASXmlBuffer xb  ) 

Definition at line 1723 of file afterbase.c.

References ASXmlBuffer::allocated, ASXmlBuffer::buffer, ASXmlBuffer::current, free(), NULL, and ASXmlBuffer::used.

const char* asim_get_application_name (  ) 

Definition at line 100 of file afterbase.c.

References asim_ApplicationName.

int asim_get_drawable_size ( Drawable  d,
unsigned int *  ret_w,
unsigned int *  ret_h 

Definition at line 1106 of file afterbase.c.

References Display(), ASVisual::dpy, get_default_asvisual(), and root.

ASHashResult asim_get_hash_item ( ASHashTable hash,
ASHashableValue  value,
void **  trg 

Definition at line 913 of file afterbase.c.

References ASH_ItemNotExists, ASH_Success, find_item_in_bucket(), hash, and NULL.

unsigned int asim_get_output_threshold (  ) 

Definition at line 108 of file afterbase.c.

References asim_as_output_threshold.

void asim_init_ashash ( ASHashTable hash,
Bool  freeresources 

Definition at line 755 of file afterbase.c.

References free(), hash, and LOCAL_DEBUG_CALLER_OUT.

Referenced by asim_destroy_ashash().

char* asim_interpret_ctrl_codes ( char *  text  ) 

Definition at line 1671 of file afterbase.c.

References i, len, NULL, and ptr.

char* asim_load_binary_file ( const char *  realfilename,
long file_size_return 

Definition at line 245 of file afterbase.c.

References data, fclose(), fopen, fp, fread, len, NULL, safecalloc, and stat.

char* asim_load_file ( const char *  realfilename  ) 

Definition at line 269 of file afterbase.c.

References len, load_binary_file, NULL, and str.

int asim_my_scandir_ext ( const char *  dirname,
int(*)(const char *)  filter_func,
Bool(*)(const char *fname, const char *fullname, struct stat *stat_info, void *aux_data)  handle_direntry_func,
void *  aux_data 

Definition at line 1245 of file afterbase.c.

References closedir, d, free(), i, n, NULL, opendir, p, PATH_MAX, readdir, safecalloc, stat, and strcpy().

int asim_mystrcasecmp ( const char *  s1,
const char *  s2 

Definition at line 511 of file afterbase.c.

References c1, i, and NULL.

char* asim_mystrdup ( const char *  str  ) 

Definition at line 498 of file afterbase.c.

References c, malloc(), NULL, and strcpy().

int asim_mystrncasecmp ( const char *  s1,
const char *  s2,
size_t  n 

Definition at line 537 of file afterbase.c.

References c1, i, and NULL.

char* asim_mystrndup ( const char *  str,
size_t  n 

Definition at line 486 of file afterbase.c.

References c, calloc(), and NULL.

void asim_nonGNUC_debugout ( const char *  format,

Definition at line 185 of file afterbase.c.

References fprintf(), and get_application_name.

void asim_nonGNUC_debugout_stub ( const char *  format,

Definition at line 195 of file afterbase.c.

const char* asim_parse_argb_color ( const char *  color,
CARD32 *  pargb 

Definition at line 582 of file afterbase.c.

References argb, Display(), ASVisual::dpy, FindColor(), get_default_asvisual(), hextoi, len, NULL, ptr, and x3.

double asim_parse_math ( const char *  str,
char **  endptr,
double  size 

Definition at line 669 of file afterbase.c.

References asim_asxml_var_nget(), asim_parse_math(), NULL, num, ptr, and total.

Referenced by asim_parse_math().

ASHashKey asim_pointer_hash_value ( ASHashableValue  value,
ASHashKey  hash_size 

Definition at line 988 of file afterbase.c.

References ptr.

char* asim_put_file_home ( const char *  path_with_home  ) 

Definition at line 211 of file afterbase.c.

References getenv(), i, mystrdup, NULL, ptr, safemalloc, and str.

ASHashResult asim_remove_hash_item ( ASHashTable hash,
ASHashableValue  value,
void **  trg,
Bool  destroy 

Definition at line 935 of file afterbase.c.

References ASH_ItemNotExists, ASH_Success, DEALLOC_CACHE_SIZE, deallocated_mem, find_item_in_bucket(), free(), hash, ASHashItem::next, and NULL.

void asim_reset_xml_buffer ( ASXmlBuffer xb  ) 

Definition at line 1708 of file afterbase.c.

References ASXML_Start, ASXmlBuffer::current, False, ASXmlBuffer::level, ASXmlBuffer::quoted, ASXmlBuffer::state, ASXmlBuffer::tag_type, ASXmlBuffer::tags_count, ASXmlBuffer::used, and ASXmlBuffer::verbatim.

void asim_set_application_name ( char *  argv0  ) 

Definition at line 85 of file afterbase.c.

References asim_ApplicationName, i, and NULL.

unsigned int asim_set_output_threshold ( unsigned int  threshold  ) 

Definition at line 114 of file afterbase.c.

References asim_as_output_threshold.

Bool asim_show_debug ( const char *  file,
const char *  func,
int  line,
const char *  msg_format,

Definition at line 169 of file afterbase.c.

References False, fprintf(), get_application_name, get_output_threshold, OUTPUT_LEVEL_DEBUG, and True.

Bool asim_show_error ( const char *  error_format,

Definition at line 123 of file afterbase.c.

References False, fprintf(), get_application_name, get_output_threshold, OUTPUT_LEVEL_ERROR, and True.

Bool asim_show_progress ( const char *  msg_format,

Definition at line 153 of file afterbase.c.

References False, fprintf(), get_application_name, get_output_threshold, OUTPUT_LEVEL_PROGRESS, and True.

Bool asim_show_warning ( const char *  warning_format,

Definition at line 138 of file afterbase.c.

References False, fprintf(), get_application_name, get_output_threshold, OUTPUT_LEVEL_WARNING, and True.

int asim_spool_xml_tag ( ASXmlBuffer xb,
char *  tmp,
int  len 

Definition at line 1821 of file afterbase.c.

References add_xml_buffer_chars, ASXML_AttrEq, ASXML_AttrName, ASXML_AttrSlash, ASXML_AttrValue, ASXML_AttrValueStart, ASXML_BadAttrName, ASXML_BadStart, ASXML_BadTagName, ASXML_MissingAttrEq, ASXML_Start, ASXML_TagAttrOrClose, ASXML_TagName, ASXML_TagOpen, ASXML_UnexpectedSlash, ASXML_UnmatchedClose, False, i, ASXmlBuffer::level, ASXmlBuffer::quoted, start, ASXmlBuffer::state, ASXmlBuffer::tag_type, ASXmlBuffer::tags_count, True, and ASXmlBuffer::verbatim.

void asim_start_ticker ( unsigned int  size  ) 

Definition at line 1190 of file afterbase.c.

References NULL, and sleep_a_little().

long asim_string_compare ( ASHashableValue  value1,
ASHashableValue  value2 

Definition at line 1025 of file afterbase.c.

References i, and NULL.

void asim_string_destroy_without_data ( ASHashableValue  value,
void *  data 

Definition at line 1047 of file afterbase.c.

References free(), and NULL.

ASHashKey asim_string_hash_value ( ASHashableValue  value,
ASHashKey  hash_size 

Definition at line 1006 of file afterbase.c.

References c, and i.

void asim_wait_tick (  ) 

Definition at line 1217 of file afterbase.c.

References NULL, and sleep_a_little().

void asim_xml_elem_delete ( xml_elem_t **  list,
xml_elem_t elem 

Definition at line 1495 of file afterbase.c.

References cdata_str, container_str, free(), list, xml_elem_t::next, NULL, ptr, xml_elem_delete, and xml_elem_remove().

int asim_xml_parse ( const char *  str,
xml_elem_t current,
ASHashTable vocabulary 

Definition at line 1535 of file afterbase.c.

References create_CDATA_tag(), empty, lcstring(), mystrncasecmp, mystrndup, NULL, xml_elem_t::parm, ptr, xml_elem_t::tag, xml_elem_t::tag_id, xml_elem_new(), xml_insert(), xml_name2id(), xml_parse, and xml_tagchar.

xml_elem_t* asim_xml_parse_doc ( const char *  str,
ASHashTable vocabulary 

Definition at line 1529 of file afterbase.c.

References create_CONTAINER_tag(), and xml_parse.

xml_elem_t* asim_xml_parse_parm ( const char *  parm,
ASHashTable vocabulary 

Definition at line 1431 of file afterbase.c.

References free(), lcstring(), list, mystrndup, NULL, p, xml_elem_new(), xml_name2id(), and xml_tagchar.

void asim_xml_print ( xml_elem_t root  ) 

Definition at line 2074 of file afterbase.c.

References add_xml_buffer_chars, free_xml_buffer_resources, root, and xml_tags2xml_buffer.

Bool asim_xml_tags2xml_buffer ( xml_elem_t tags,
ASXmlBuffer xb,
int  tags_count,
int  depth 

Definition at line 2035 of file afterbase.c.

References add_xml_buffer_chars, add_xml_buffer_close_tag(), add_xml_buffer_open_tag(), add_xml_buffer_spaces(), cdata_str, xml_elem_t::child, False, xml_elem_t::next, NULL, xml_elem_t::parm, xml_elem_t::tag, xml_elem_t::tag_id, True, XML_CDATA_ID, and xml_tags2xml_buffer.

static xml_elem_t* create_CDATA_tag (  )  [static]

Definition at line 1510 of file afterbase.c.

References xml_elem_t::tag, xml_elem_t::tag_id, XML_CDATA_ID, XML_CDATA_STR, and xml_elem_new().

Referenced by asim_format_xml_buffer_state(), and asim_xml_parse().

static xml_elem_t* create_CONTAINER_tag (  )  [static]

Definition at line 1519 of file afterbase.c.

References xml_elem_t::tag, xml_elem_t::tag_id, XML_CONTAINER_ID, XML_CONTAINER_STR, and xml_elem_new().

Referenced by asim_xml_parse_doc().

static void destroy_ashash_bucket ( ASHashBucket bucket,
void(*)(ASHashableValue, void *)  item_destroy_func 
) [static]

Definition at line 801 of file afterbase.c.

References ASHashItem::data, free(), if(), ASHashItem::next, NULL, and ASHashItem::value.

Referenced by asim_destroy_ashash().

static char* do_replace_envvar ( char *  path  )  [static]

Definition at line 408 of file afterbase.c.

References data, find_envvar(), free(), getenv(), len, NULL, safecalloc, and strcpy().

Referenced by asim_copy_replace_envvar().

static char* find_envvar ( char *  var_start,
int *  end_pos 
) [static]

Definition at line 383 of file afterbase.c.

References getenv(), i, and NULL.

Referenced by do_replace_envvar().

static ASHashItem** find_item_in_bucket ( ASHashBucket bucket,
ASHashableValue  value,
long(*)(ASHashableValue, ASHashableValue compare_func 
) [static]

Definition at line 894 of file afterbase.c.

References NULL.

Referenced by asim_get_hash_item(), and asim_remove_hash_item().

static char* lcstring ( char *  str  )  [static]

Definition at line 1376 of file afterbase.c.

References ptr.

Referenced by asim_xml_parse(), and asim_xml_parse_parm().

static void realloc_xml_buffer ( ASXmlBuffer xb,
int  len 
) [inline, static]

Definition at line 1734 of file afterbase.c.

References ASXmlBuffer::allocated, ASXmlBuffer::buffer, realloc(), and ASXmlBuffer::used.

Referenced by add_xml_buffer_close_tag(), add_xml_buffer_open_tag(), add_xml_buffer_spaces(), and asim_add_xml_buffer_chars().

void sleep_a_little ( int  n  ) 

Definition at line 1165 of file afterbase.c.

References PORTABLE_SELECT, and Sleep().

Referenced by asim_start_ticker(), and asim_wait_tick().

void unix_path2dos_path ( char *  path  ) 

Definition at line 294 of file afterbase.c.

References i.

Referenced by ASImage2file(), locate_image_file(), and locate_image_file_in_path().

static xml_elem_t* xml_elem_new ( void   )  [static]

Definition at line 1384 of file afterbase.c.

References xml_elem_t::child, NEW, xml_elem_t::next, NULL, xml_elem_t::parm, xml_elem_t::tag, xml_elem_t::tag_id, and XML_UNKNOWN_ID.

Referenced by asim_format_xml_buffer_state(), asim_xml_parse(), asim_xml_parse_parm(), create_CDATA_tag(), and create_CONTAINER_tag().

static xml_elem_t* xml_elem_remove ( xml_elem_t **  list,
xml_elem_t elem 
) [static]

Definition at line 1402 of file afterbase.c.

References list, xml_elem_t::next, and ptr.

Referenced by asim_xml_elem_delete().

static void xml_insert ( xml_elem_t parent,
xml_elem_t child 
) [static]

Definition at line 1421 of file afterbase.c.

References xml_elem_t::child, xml_elem_t::next, and NULL.

Referenced by asim_xml_parse().

static int xml_name2id ( const char *  name,
ASHashTable vocabulary 
) [static]

Definition at line 1394 of file afterbase.c.

References AS_HASHABLE, get_hash_item, ASHashData::i, and ASHashData::vptr.

Referenced by asim_xml_parse(), and asim_xml_parse_parm().

Variable Documentation

clock_t _as_ticker_last_tick = 0 [static]

Definition at line 1157 of file afterbase.c.

clock_t _as_ticker_tick_size = 1 [static]

Definition at line 1158 of file afterbase.c.

clock_t _as_ticker_tick_time = 0 [static]

Definition at line 1159 of file afterbase.c.

char* asim_ApplicationName = NULL

Definition at line 82 of file afterbase.c.

Referenced by asim_get_application_name(), and asim_set_application_name().

unsigned int asim_as_output_threshold = OUTPUT_DEFAULT_THRESHOLD [static]

Definition at line 105 of file afterbase.c.

Referenced by asim_get_output_threshold(), and asim_set_output_threshold().

ASHashTable* asxml_var = NULL [static]

Definition at line 1305 of file afterbase.c.

Referenced by asim_asxml_var_cleanup(), asim_asxml_var_get(), asim_asxml_var_init(), and asim_asxml_var_insert().

char* cdata_str = XML_CDATA_STR [static]

Definition at line 1303 of file afterbase.c.

Referenced by asim_xml_elem_delete(), asim_xml_tags2xml_buffer(), and handle_asxml_tag_text().

char* container_str = XML_CONTAINER_STR [static]

Definition at line 1304 of file afterbase.c.

Referenced by asim_xml_elem_delete().

ASHashItem* deallocated_mem[DEALLOC_CACHE_SIZE+10] [static]

Definition at line 855 of file afterbase.c.

Referenced by asim_add_hash_item(), asim_flush_ashash_memory_pool(), and asim_remove_hash_item().

unsigned int deallocated_used = 0 [static]

Definition at line 856 of file afterbase.c.

Generated on Tue Jul 5 15:57:43 2011 for ROOT_528-00b_version by  doxygen 1.5.1