TASImage Class Reference

#include <TASImage.h>

Inheritance diagram for TASImage:

TImage TImage TAttImage TNamed TAttImage TNamed TAttImage TNamed TAttImage TNamed List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 TASImage ()
 TASImage (UInt_t w, UInt_t h)
 TASImage (const char *file, EImageFileTypes type=kUnknown)
 TASImage (const char *name, const Double_t *imageData, UInt_t width, UInt_t height, TImagePalette *palette=0)
 TASImage (const char *name, const TArrayD &imageData, UInt_t width, TImagePalette *palette=0)
 TASImage (const char *name, const TVectorD &imageData, UInt_t width, TImagePalette *palette=0)
 TASImage (const TASImage &img)
TASImageoperator= (const TASImage &img)
virtual ~TASImage ()
TObjectClone (const char *newname) const
void SetEditable (Bool_t on=kTRUE)
Bool_t IsEditable () const
void Browse (TBrowser *)
void SetTitle (const char *title="")
const char * GetTitle () const
const char * GetIconName () const
void FromPad (TVirtualPad *pad, Int_t x=0, Int_t y=0, UInt_t w=0, UInt_t h=0)
void Draw (Option_t *option="")
void Paint (Option_t *option="")
Int_t DistancetoPrimitive (Int_t px, Int_t py)
void ExecuteEvent (Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py)
char * GetObjectInfo (Int_t px, Int_t py) const
void SetPalette (const TImagePalette *palette)
void Zoom (UInt_t offX, UInt_t offY, UInt_t width, UInt_t height)
void UnZoom ()
void Flip (Int_t flip=180)
void Mirror (Bool_t vert=kTRUE)
void Scale (UInt_t width, UInt_t height)
void Slice (UInt_t xStart, UInt_t xEnd, UInt_t yStart, UInt_t yEnd, UInt_t toWidth, UInt_t toHeight)
void Tile (UInt_t width, UInt_t height)
void Crop (Int_t x=0, Int_t y=0, UInt_t width=0, UInt_t height=0)
void Pad (const char *color="#00FFFFFF", UInt_t left=0, UInt_t right=0, UInt_t top=0, UInt_t bottom=0)
void Blur (Double_t hr=3, Double_t vr=3)
Double_tVectorize (UInt_t max_colors=256, UInt_t dither=4, Int_t opaque_threshold=1)
void Gray (Bool_t on=kTRUE)
void StartPaletteEditor ()
void HSV (UInt_t hue=0, UInt_t radius=360, Int_t H=0, Int_t S=0, Int_t V=0, Int_t x=0, Int_t y=0, UInt_t width=0, UInt_t height=0)
void Merge (const TImage *im, const char *op="alphablend", Int_t x=0, Int_t y=0)
void Append (const TImage *im, const char *option="+", const char *color="#00000000")
void Gradient (UInt_t angle=0, const char *colors="#FFFFFF #000000", const char *offsets=0, Int_t x=0, Int_t y=0, UInt_t width=0, UInt_t height=0)
void Bevel (Int_t x=0, Int_t y=0, UInt_t width=0, UInt_t height=0, const char *hi="#ffdddddd", const char *lo="#ff555555", UShort_t thick=1, Bool_t pressed=kFALSE)
void DrawText (Int_t x=0, Int_t y=0, const char *text="", Int_t size=12, const char *color=0, const char *font="fixed", EText3DType type=TImage::kPlain, const char *fore_file=0, Float_t angle=0)
void DrawText (TText *text, Int_t x=0, Int_t y=0)
void BeginPaint (Bool_t fast=kTRUE)
void EndPaint ()
void DrawLine (UInt_t x1, UInt_t y1, UInt_t x2, UInt_t y2, const char *col="#000000", UInt_t thick=1)
void DrawDashLine (UInt_t x1, UInt_t y1, UInt_t x2, UInt_t y2, UInt_t nDash, const char *pDash, const char *col="#000000", UInt_t thick=1)
void DrawBox (Int_t x1, Int_t y1, Int_t x2, Int_t y2, const char *col="#000000", UInt_t thick=1, Int_t mode=0)
void DrawRectangle (UInt_t x, UInt_t y, UInt_t w, UInt_t h, const char *col="#000000", UInt_t thick=1)
void FillRectangle (const char *col=0, Int_t x=0, Int_t y=0, UInt_t width=0, UInt_t height=0)
void DrawPolyLine (UInt_t nn, TPoint *xy, const char *col="#000000", UInt_t thick=1, TImage::ECoordMode mode=kCoordModeOrigin)
void PutPixel (Int_t x, Int_t y, const char *col="#000000")
void PolyPoint (UInt_t npt, TPoint *ppt, const char *col="#000000", TImage::ECoordMode mode=kCoordModeOrigin)
void DrawSegments (UInt_t nseg, Segment_t *seg, const char *col="#000000", UInt_t thick=1)
void FillPolygon (UInt_t npt, TPoint *ppt, const char *col="#000000", const char *stipple=0, UInt_t w=16, UInt_t h=16)
void FillPolygon (UInt_t npt, TPoint *ppt, TImage *tile)
void CropPolygon (UInt_t npt, TPoint *ppt)
void DrawFillArea (UInt_t npt, TPoint *ppt, const char *col="#000000", const char *stipple=0, UInt_t w=16, UInt_t h=16)
void DrawFillArea (UInt_t npt, TPoint *ppt, TImage *tile)
void FillSpans (UInt_t npt, TPoint *ppt, UInt_t *widths, const char *col="#000000", const char *stipple=0, UInt_t w=16, UInt_t h=16)
void FillSpans (UInt_t npt, TPoint *ppt, UInt_t *widths, TImage *tile)
void CropSpans (UInt_t npt, TPoint *ppt, UInt_t *widths)
void CopyArea (TImage *dst, Int_t xsrc, Int_t ysrc, UInt_t w, UInt_t h, Int_t xdst=0, Int_t ydst=0, Int_t gfunc=3, EColorChan chan=kAllChan)
void DrawCellArray (Int_t x1, Int_t y1, Int_t x2, Int_t y2, Int_t nx, Int_t ny, UInt_t *ic)
void FloodFill (Int_t x, Int_t y, const char *col, const char *min_col, const char *max_col=0)
void DrawCubeBezier (Int_t x1, Int_t y1, Int_t x2, Int_t y2, Int_t x3, Int_t y3, const char *col="#000000", UInt_t thick=1)
void DrawStraightEllips (Int_t x, Int_t y, Int_t rx, Int_t ry, const char *col="#000000", Int_t thick=1)
void DrawCircle (Int_t x, Int_t y, Int_t r, const char *col="#000000", Int_t thick=1)
void DrawEllips (Int_t x, Int_t y, Int_t rx, Int_t ry, Int_t angle, const char *col="#000000", Int_t thick=1)
void DrawEllips2 (Int_t x, Int_t y, Int_t rx, Int_t ry, Int_t angle, const char *col="#000000", Int_t thick=1)
void ReadImage (const char *file, EImageFileTypes type=TImage::kUnknown)
void WriteImage (const char *file, EImageFileTypes type=TImage::kUnknown)
void SetImage (const Double_t *imageData, UInt_t width, UInt_t height, TImagePalette *palette=0)
void SetImage (const TArrayD &imageData, UInt_t width, TImagePalette *palette=0)
void SetImage (const TVectorD &imageData, UInt_t width, TImagePalette *palette=0)
void SetImage (Pixmap_t pxm, Pixmap_t mask=0)
void FromWindow (Drawable_t wid, Int_t x=0, Int_t y=0, UInt_t w=0, UInt_t h=0)
void FromGLBuffer (UChar_t *buf, UInt_t w, UInt_t h)
UInt_t GetWidth () const
UInt_t GetHeight () const
UInt_t GetScaledWidth () const
UInt_t GetScaledHeight () const
Bool_t IsValid () const
Bool_t IsGray () const
ASImageGetImage () const
void SetImage (ASImage *image)
TImageGetScaledImage () const
Pixmap_t GetPixmap ()
Pixmap_t GetMask ()
TArrayLGetPixels (Int_t x=0, Int_t y=0, UInt_t w=0, UInt_t h=0)
TArrayDGetArray (UInt_t w=0, UInt_t h=0, TImagePalette *pal=gWebImagePalette)
UInt_tGetArgbArray ()
UInt_tGetRgbaArray ()
Double_tGetVecArray ()
UInt_tGetScanline (UInt_t y)
void GetImageBuffer (char **buffer, int *size, EImageFileTypes type=TImage::kPng)
void GetZoomPosition (UInt_t &x, UInt_t &y, UInt_t &w, UInt_t &h) const
Bool_t SetImageBuffer (char **buffer, EImageFileTypes type=TImage::kPng)
void PaintImage (Drawable_t wid, Int_t x, Int_t y, Int_t xsrc=0, Int_t ysrc=0, UInt_t wsrc=0, UInt_t hsrc=0, Option_t *opt="")
void SetPaletteEnabled (Bool_t on=kTRUE)
void SavePrimitive (ostream &out, Option_t *option="")
Bool_t SetJpegDpi (const char *name, UInt_t dpi=72)
 TASImage ()
 TASImage (UInt_t w, UInt_t h)
 TASImage (const char *file, EImageFileTypes type=kUnknown)
 TASImage (const char *name, const Double_t *imageData, UInt_t width, UInt_t height, TImagePalette *palette=0)
 TASImage (const char *name, const TArrayD &imageData, UInt_t width, TImagePalette *palette=0)
 TASImage (const char *name, const TVectorD &imageData, UInt_t width, TImagePalette *palette=0)
 TASImage (const TASImage &img)
TASImageoperator= (const TASImage &img)
virtual ~TASImage ()
TObjectClone (const char *newname) const
void SetEditable (Bool_t on=kTRUE)
Bool_t IsEditable () const
void Browse (TBrowser *)
void SetTitle (const char *title="")
const char * GetTitle () const
const char * GetIconName () const
void FromPad (TVirtualPad *pad, Int_t x=0, Int_t y=0, UInt_t w=0, UInt_t h=0)
void Draw (Option_t *option="")
void Paint (Option_t *option="")
Int_t DistancetoPrimitive (Int_t px, Int_t py)
void ExecuteEvent (Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py)
char * GetObjectInfo (Int_t px, Int_t py) const
void SetPalette (const TImagePalette *palette)
void Zoom (UInt_t offX, UInt_t offY, UInt_t width, UInt_t height)
void UnZoom ()
void Flip (Int_t flip=180)
void Mirror (Bool_t vert=kTRUE)
void Scale (UInt_t width, UInt_t height)
void Slice (UInt_t xStart, UInt_t xEnd, UInt_t yStart, UInt_t yEnd, UInt_t toWidth, UInt_t toHeight)
void Tile (UInt_t width, UInt_t height)
void Crop (Int_t x=0, Int_t y=0, UInt_t width=0, UInt_t height=0)
void Pad (const char *color="#00FFFFFF", UInt_t left=0, UInt_t right=0, UInt_t top=0, UInt_t bottom=0)
void Blur (Double_t hr=3, Double_t vr=3)
Double_tVectorize (UInt_t max_colors=256, UInt_t dither=4, Int_t opaque_threshold=1)
void Gray (Bool_t on=kTRUE)
void StartPaletteEditor ()
void HSV (UInt_t hue=0, UInt_t radius=360, Int_t H=0, Int_t S=0, Int_t V=0, Int_t x=0, Int_t y=0, UInt_t width=0, UInt_t height=0)
void Merge (const TImage *im, const char *op="alphablend", Int_t x=0, Int_t y=0)
void Append (const TImage *im, const char *option="+", const char *color="#00000000")
void Gradient (UInt_t angle=0, const char *colors="#FFFFFF #000000", const char *offsets=0, Int_t x=0, Int_t y=0, UInt_t width=0, UInt_t height=0)
void Bevel (Int_t x=0, Int_t y=0, UInt_t width=0, UInt_t height=0, const char *hi="#ffdddddd", const char *lo="#ff555555", UShort_t thick=1, Bool_t pressed=kFALSE)
void DrawText (Int_t x=0, Int_t y=0, const char *text="", Int_t size=12, const char *color=0, const char *font="fixed", EText3DType type=TImage::kPlain, const char *fore_file=0, Float_t angle=0)
void DrawText (TText *text, Int_t x=0, Int_t y=0)
void BeginPaint (Bool_t fast=kTRUE)
void EndPaint ()
void DrawLine (UInt_t x1, UInt_t y1, UInt_t x2, UInt_t y2, const char *col="#000000", UInt_t thick=1)
void DrawDashLine (UInt_t x1, UInt_t y1, UInt_t x2, UInt_t y2, UInt_t nDash, const char *pDash, const char *col="#000000", UInt_t thick=1)
void DrawBox (Int_t x1, Int_t y1, Int_t x2, Int_t y2, const char *col="#000000", UInt_t thick=1, Int_t mode=0)
void DrawRectangle (UInt_t x, UInt_t y, UInt_t w, UInt_t h, const char *col="#000000", UInt_t thick=1)
void FillRectangle (const char *col=0, Int_t x=0, Int_t y=0, UInt_t width=0, UInt_t height=0)
void DrawPolyLine (UInt_t nn, TPoint *xy, const char *col="#000000", UInt_t thick=1, TImage::ECoordMode mode=kCoordModeOrigin)
void PutPixel (Int_t x, Int_t y, const char *col="#000000")
void PolyPoint (UInt_t npt, TPoint *ppt, const char *col="#000000", TImage::ECoordMode mode=kCoordModeOrigin)
void DrawSegments (UInt_t nseg, Segment_t *seg, const char *col="#000000", UInt_t thick=1)
void FillPolygon (UInt_t npt, TPoint *ppt, const char *col="#000000", const char *stipple=0, UInt_t w=16, UInt_t h=16)
void FillPolygon (UInt_t npt, TPoint *ppt, TImage *tile)
void CropPolygon (UInt_t npt, TPoint *ppt)
void DrawFillArea (UInt_t npt, TPoint *ppt, const char *col="#000000", const char *stipple=0, UInt_t w=16, UInt_t h=16)
void DrawFillArea (UInt_t npt, TPoint *ppt, TImage *tile)
void FillSpans (UInt_t npt, TPoint *ppt, UInt_t *widths, const char *col="#000000", const char *stipple=0, UInt_t w=16, UInt_t h=16)
void FillSpans (UInt_t npt, TPoint *ppt, UInt_t *widths, TImage *tile)
void CropSpans (UInt_t npt, TPoint *ppt, UInt_t *widths)
void CopyArea (TImage *dst, Int_t xsrc, Int_t ysrc, UInt_t w, UInt_t h, Int_t xdst=0, Int_t ydst=0, Int_t gfunc=3, EColorChan chan=kAllChan)
void DrawCellArray (Int_t x1, Int_t y1, Int_t x2, Int_t y2, Int_t nx, Int_t ny, UInt_t *ic)
void FloodFill (Int_t x, Int_t y, const char *col, const char *min_col, const char *max_col=0)
void DrawCubeBezier (Int_t x1, Int_t y1, Int_t x2, Int_t y2, Int_t x3, Int_t y3, const char *col="#000000", UInt_t thick=1)
void DrawStraightEllips (Int_t x, Int_t y, Int_t rx, Int_t ry, const char *col="#000000", Int_t thick=1)
void DrawCircle (Int_t x, Int_t y, Int_t r, const char *col="#000000", Int_t thick=1)
void DrawEllips (Int_t x, Int_t y, Int_t rx, Int_t ry, Int_t angle, const char *col="#000000", Int_t thick=1)
void DrawEllips2 (Int_t x, Int_t y, Int_t rx, Int_t ry, Int_t angle, const char *col="#000000", Int_t thick=1)
void ReadImage (const char *file, EImageFileTypes type=TImage::kUnknown)
void WriteImage (const char *file, EImageFileTypes type=TImage::kUnknown)
void SetImage (const Double_t *imageData, UInt_t width, UInt_t height, TImagePalette *palette=0)
void SetImage (const TArrayD &imageData, UInt_t width, TImagePalette *palette=0)
void SetImage (const TVectorD &imageData, UInt_t width, TImagePalette *palette=0)
void SetImage (Pixmap_t pxm, Pixmap_t mask=0)
void FromWindow (Drawable_t wid, Int_t x=0, Int_t y=0, UInt_t w=0, UInt_t h=0)
void FromGLBuffer (UChar_t *buf, UInt_t w, UInt_t h)
UInt_t GetWidth () const
UInt_t GetHeight () const
UInt_t GetScaledWidth () const
UInt_t GetScaledHeight () const
Bool_t IsValid () const
Bool_t IsGray () const
ASImageGetImage () const
void SetImage (ASImage *image)
TImageGetScaledImage () const
Pixmap_t GetPixmap ()
Pixmap_t GetMask ()
TArrayLGetPixels (Int_t x=0, Int_t y=0, UInt_t w=0, UInt_t h=0)
TArrayDGetArray (UInt_t w=0, UInt_t h=0, TImagePalette *pal=gWebImagePalette)
UInt_tGetArgbArray ()
UInt_tGetRgbaArray ()
Double_tGetVecArray ()
UInt_tGetScanline (UInt_t y)
void GetImageBuffer (char **buffer, int *size, EImageFileTypes type=TImage::kPng)
void GetZoomPosition (UInt_t &x, UInt_t &y, UInt_t &w, UInt_t &h) const
Bool_t SetImageBuffer (char **buffer, EImageFileTypes type=TImage::kPng)
void PaintImage (Drawable_t wid, Int_t x, Int_t y, Int_t xsrc=0, Int_t ysrc=0, UInt_t wsrc=0, UInt_t hsrc=0, Option_t *opt="")
void SetPaletteEnabled (Bool_t on=kTRUE)
void SavePrimitive (ostream &out, Option_t *option="")
Bool_t SetJpegDpi (const char *name, UInt_t dpi=72)

Static Public Member Functions

static const ASVisualGetVisual ()
static UInt_t AlphaBlend (UInt_t bot, UInt_t top)
static void Image2Drawable (ASImage *im, Drawable_t wid, Int_t x, Int_t y, Int_t xsrc=0, Int_t ysrc=0, UInt_t wsrc=0, UInt_t hsrc=0, Option_t *opt="")
static const ASVisualGetVisual ()
static UInt_t AlphaBlend (UInt_t bot, UInt_t top)
static void Image2Drawable (ASImage *im, Drawable_t wid, Int_t x, Int_t y, Int_t xsrc=0, Int_t ysrc=0, UInt_t wsrc=0, UInt_t hsrc=0, Option_t *opt="")

Protected Member Functions

EImageFileTypes GetFileType (const char *ext)
void MapFileTypes (EImageFileTypes &type, UInt_t &astype, Bool_t toas=kTRUE)
void MapQuality (EImageQuality &quality, UInt_t &asquality, Bool_t toas=kTRUE)
EImageFileTypes GetFileType (const char *ext)
void MapFileTypes (EImageFileTypes &type, UInt_t &astype, Bool_t toas=kTRUE)
void MapQuality (EImageQuality &quality, UInt_t &asquality, Bool_t toas=kTRUE)

Static Protected Member Functions

static Bool_t InitVisual ()
static Bool_t InitVisual ()

Protected Attributes

 pointer to image structure of original image
Double_t fMaxValue
 temporary scaled and zoomed image produced from original image
Double_t fMinValue
 max value in image
UInt_t fZoomOffX
 min value in image
UInt_t fZoomOffY
 X - offset for zooming in image pixels.
UInt_t fZoomWidth
 Y - offset for zooming im image pixels.
UInt_t fZoomHeight
 width of zoomed image in image pixels
Int_t fZoomUpdate
 hight of zoomed image in image pixels
Bool_t fEditable
 kZoom - new zooming required, kZoomOps - other ops in action, kNoZoom - no zooming or ops
Int_t fPaintMode
 kTRUE image can be resized, moved by resizing/moving gPad
 1 - fast mode, 0 - low memory slow mode
Bool_t fIsGray
 gray image
 pointer to image structure of original image
 1 - fast mode, 0 - low memory slow mode

Static Protected Attributes

static THashTablefgPlugList
 kTRUE if image is gray
static ASVisualfgVisual
 hash table containing loaded plugins
static Bool_t fgInit
static THashTablefgPlugList
 kTRUE if image is gray
static ASVisualfgVisual
 hash table containing loaded plugins

Private Types


Private Member Functions

void DrawVLine (UInt_t x, UInt_t y1, UInt_t y2, UInt_t col, UInt_t thick)
void DrawHLine (UInt_t y, UInt_t x1, UInt_t x2, UInt_t col, UInt_t thick)
void DrawLineInternal (UInt_t x1, UInt_t y1, UInt_t x2, UInt_t y2, UInt_t col, UInt_t thick)
void DrawWideLine (UInt_t x1, UInt_t y1, UInt_t x2, UInt_t y2, UInt_t col, UInt_t thick)
void DrawDashHLine (UInt_t y, UInt_t x1, UInt_t x2, UInt_t nDash, const char *pDash, UInt_t col, UInt_t thick)
void DrawDashVLine (UInt_t x, UInt_t y1, UInt_t y2, UInt_t nDash, const char *pDash, UInt_t col, UInt_t thick)
void DrawDashZLine (UInt_t x1, UInt_t y1, UInt_t x2, UInt_t y2, UInt_t nDash, const char *pDash, UInt_t col)
void DrawDashZTLine (UInt_t x1, UInt_t y1, UInt_t x2, UInt_t y2, UInt_t nDash, const char *pDash, UInt_t col, UInt_t thick)
Bool_t GetPolygonSpans (UInt_t npt, TPoint *ppt, UInt_t *nspans, TPoint **firstPoint, UInt_t **firstWidth)
void GetFillAreaSpans (UInt_t npt, TPoint *ppt, UInt_t *nspans, TPoint **firstPoint, UInt_t **firstWidth)
void FillRectangleInternal (UInt_t col, Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t width, UInt_t height)
void DrawTextTTF (Int_t x, Int_t y, const char *text, Int_t size, UInt_t color, const char *font_name, Float_t angle)
void DrawGlyph (void *bitmap, UInt_t color, Int_t x, Int_t y)
void SetDefaults ()
void CreateThumbnail ()
void DestroyImage ()
const char * TypeFromMagicNumber (const char *file)
void DrawVLine (UInt_t x, UInt_t y1, UInt_t y2, UInt_t col, UInt_t thick)
void DrawHLine (UInt_t y, UInt_t x1, UInt_t x2, UInt_t col, UInt_t thick)
void DrawLineInternal (UInt_t x1, UInt_t y1, UInt_t x2, UInt_t y2, UInt_t col, UInt_t thick)
void DrawWideLine (UInt_t x1, UInt_t y1, UInt_t x2, UInt_t y2, UInt_t col, UInt_t thick)
void DrawDashHLine (UInt_t y, UInt_t x1, UInt_t x2, UInt_t nDash, const char *pDash, UInt_t col, UInt_t thick)
void DrawDashVLine (UInt_t x, UInt_t y1, UInt_t y2, UInt_t nDash, const char *pDash, UInt_t col, UInt_t thick)
void DrawDashZLine (UInt_t x1, UInt_t y1, UInt_t x2, UInt_t y2, UInt_t nDash, const char *pDash, UInt_t col)
void DrawDashZTLine (UInt_t x1, UInt_t y1, UInt_t x2, UInt_t y2, UInt_t nDash, const char *pDash, UInt_t col, UInt_t thick)
Bool_t GetPolygonSpans (UInt_t npt, TPoint *ppt, UInt_t *nspans, TPoint **firstPoint, UInt_t **firstWidth)
void GetFillAreaSpans (UInt_t npt, TPoint *ppt, UInt_t *nspans, TPoint **firstPoint, UInt_t **firstWidth)
void FillRectangleInternal (UInt_t col, Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t width, UInt_t height)
void DrawTextTTF (Int_t x, Int_t y, const char *text, Int_t size, UInt_t color, const char *font_name, Float_t angle)
void DrawGlyph (void *bitmap, UInt_t color, Int_t x, Int_t y)
void SetDefaults ()
void CreateThumbnail ()
void DestroyImage ()
const char * TypeFromMagicNumber (const char *file)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 33 of file TASImage.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum [private]

Definition at line 36 of file TASImage.h.

anonymous enum [private]

Definition at line 37 of file TASImage.h.

anonymous enum [private]

Definition at line 36 of file TASImage.h.

anonymous enum [private]

Definition at line 37 of file TASImage.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TASImage::TASImage (  ) 

Definition at line 205 of file TASImage.cxx.

References SetDefaults().

TASImage::TASImage ( UInt_t  w,
UInt_t  h 

Definition at line 214 of file TASImage.cxx.

References create_asimage(), fImage, SetDefaults(), and UnZoom().

TASImage::TASImage ( const char *  file,
EImageFileTypes  type = kUnknown 

Definition at line 225 of file TASImage.cxx.

References TString::Data(), TSystem::ExpandPathName(), gSystem, ReadImage(), and SetDefaults().

TASImage::TASImage ( const char *  name,
const Double_t imageData,
UInt_t  width,
UInt_t  height,
TImagePalette palette = 0 

Definition at line 239 of file TASImage.cxx.

References palette, SetDefaults(), and SetImage().

TASImage::TASImage ( const char *  name,
const TArrayD imageData,
UInt_t  width,
TImagePalette palette = 0 

Definition at line 252 of file TASImage.cxx.

References palette, SetDefaults(), and SetImage().

TASImage::TASImage ( const char *  name,
const TVectorD imageData,
UInt_t  width,
TImagePalette palette = 0 

Definition at line 266 of file TASImage.cxx.

References palette, SetDefaults(), and SetImage().

TASImage::TASImage ( const TASImage img  ) 

Definition at line 280 of file TASImage.cxx.

References ASImage::alt, clone_asimage(), double, fEditable, fGrayImage, fImage, fIsGray, fScaledImage, fZoomHeight, fZoomOffX, fZoomOffY, fZoomUpdate, fZoomWidth, kNoZoom, malloc(), SCL_DO_ALL, SetDefaults(), size, and ASImage::ASImageAlternative::vector.

TASImage::~TASImage (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 346 of file TASImage.cxx.

References DestroyImage(), and fScaledImage.

TASImage::TASImage (  ) 

TASImage::TASImage ( UInt_t  w,
UInt_t  h 

TASImage::TASImage ( const char *  file,
EImageFileTypes  type = kUnknown 

TASImage::TASImage ( const char *  name,
const Double_t imageData,
UInt_t  width,
UInt_t  height,
TImagePalette palette = 0 

TASImage::TASImage ( const char *  name,
const TArrayD imageData,
UInt_t  width,
TImagePalette palette = 0 

TASImage::TASImage ( const char *  name,
const TVectorD imageData,
UInt_t  width,
TImagePalette palette = 0 

TASImage::TASImage ( const TASImage img  ) 

virtual TASImage::~TASImage (  )  [virtual]

Member Function Documentation

void TASImage::DrawVLine ( UInt_t  x,
UInt_t  y1,
UInt_t  y2,
UInt_t  col,
UInt_t  thick 
) [private]

Definition at line 3717 of file TASImage.cxx.

References _alphaBlend, ASImage::alt, ASImage::ASImageAlternative::argb32, fImage, ASImage::height, w, and ASImage::width.

Referenced by DrawBox(), DrawLineInternal(), and DrawRectangle().

void TASImage::DrawHLine ( UInt_t  y,
UInt_t  x1,
UInt_t  x2,
UInt_t  col,
UInt_t  thick 
) [private]

Definition at line 3753 of file TASImage.cxx.

References _alphaBlend, ASImage::alt, ASImage::ASImageAlternative::argb32, fImage, ASImage::height, w, and ASImage::width.

Referenced by DrawBox(), DrawLineInternal(), and DrawRectangle().

void TASImage::DrawLineInternal ( UInt_t  x1,
UInt_t  y1,
UInt_t  x2,
UInt_t  y2,
UInt_t  col,
UInt_t  thick 
) [private]

Definition at line 3801 of file TASImage.cxx.

References _alphaBlend, TMath::Abs(), ASImage::alt, ASImage::ASImageAlternative::argb32, BeginPaint(), d, DrawHLine(), DrawVLine(), DrawWideLine(), fImage, InitVisual(), TObject::Warning(), and ASImage::width.

Referenced by DrawLine(), and DrawPolyLine().

void TASImage::DrawWideLine ( UInt_t  x1,
UInt_t  y1,
UInt_t  x2,
UInt_t  y2,
UInt_t  col,
UInt_t  thick 
) [private]

Definition at line 5571 of file TASImage.cxx.

References asim_line_to(), asim_move_to(), ASDrawTool::center_x, ASDrawTool::center_y, create_draw_context_argb32(), destroy_asdraw_context32(), fImage, ASDrawTool::height, ASDrawTool::matrix, and ASDrawTool::width.

Referenced by DrawDashZTLine(), and DrawLineInternal().

void TASImage::DrawDashHLine ( UInt_t  y,
UInt_t  x1,
UInt_t  x2,
UInt_t  nDash,
const char *  pDash,
UInt_t  col,
UInt_t  thick 
) [private]

Definition at line 4053 of file TASImage.cxx.

References _alphaBlend, ASImage::alt, ASImage::ASImageAlternative::argb32, fImage, ASImage::height, w, and ASImage::width.

Referenced by DrawDashLine().

void TASImage::DrawDashVLine ( UInt_t  x,
UInt_t  y1,
UInt_t  y2,
UInt_t  nDash,
const char *  pDash,
UInt_t  col,
UInt_t  thick 
) [private]

Definition at line 4110 of file TASImage.cxx.

References _alphaBlend, ASImage::alt, ASImage::ASImageAlternative::argb32, fImage, ASImage::height, w, and ASImage::width.

Referenced by DrawDashLine().

void TASImage::DrawDashZLine ( UInt_t  x1,
UInt_t  y1,
UInt_t  x2,
UInt_t  y2,
UInt_t  nDash,
const char *  pDash,
UInt_t  col 
) [private]

Definition at line 4168 of file TASImage.cxx.

References _alphaBlend, TMath::Abs(), ASImage::alt, ASImage::ASImageAlternative::argb32, TMath::ATan2(), TMath::Cos(), d, fImage, TMath::Nint(), TMath::Sin(), and ASImage::width.

Referenced by DrawDashLine().

void TASImage::DrawDashZTLine ( UInt_t  x1,
UInt_t  y1,
UInt_t  x2,
UInt_t  y2,
UInt_t  nDash,
const char *  pDash,
UInt_t  col,
UInt_t  thick 
) [private]

Definition at line 4353 of file TASImage.cxx.

References a, TMath::Abs(), TMath::ATan2(), TMath::Cos(), DrawWideLine(), TMath::Nint(), TMath::Sin(), and x0.

Referenced by DrawDashLine().

Bool_t TASImage::GetPolygonSpans ( UInt_t  npt,
TPoint ppt,
UInt_t nspans,
TPoint **  firstPoint,
UInt_t **  firstWidth 
) [private]

Definition at line 5101 of file TASImage.cxx.

References ASImage::alt, ASImage::ASImageAlternative::argb32, BeginPaint(), BRESINCRPGON, BRESINITPGON, dr, fImage, TPoint::fY, GetPolyYBounds(), InitVisual(), kFALSE, kTRUE, min, TObject::Warning(), ymax, and ymin.

Referenced by CropPolygon(), and FillPolygon().

void TASImage::GetFillAreaSpans ( UInt_t  npt,
TPoint ppt,
UInt_t nspans,
TPoint **  firstPoint,
UInt_t **  firstWidth 
) [private]

void TASImage::FillRectangleInternal ( UInt_t  col,
Int_t  x,
Int_t  y,
UInt_t  width,
UInt_t  height 
) [private]

Definition at line 3631 of file TASImage.cxx.

References _alphaBlend, _MEMSET_, ASImage::alt, ASImage::ASImageAlternative::argb32, fgVisual, fill_asimage(), fImage, ASImage::height, j, p0(), and ASImage::width.

Referenced by DrawCellArray(), and FillRectangle().

void TASImage::DrawTextTTF ( Int_t  x,
Int_t  y,
const char *  text,
Int_t  size,
UInt_t  color,
const char *  font_name,
Float_t  angle 
) [private]

Definition at line 5824 of file TASImage.cxx.

References FT_BitmapGlyphRec_::bitmap, DrawGlyph(), TTGlyph::fImage, FT_Glyph_To_Bitmap(), ft_render_mode_normal, TTF::GetBox(), TTF::GetGlyphs(), TTF::GetNumGlyphs(), h, TTF::Init(), TTF::IsInitialized(), TTF::LayoutGlyphs(), FT_BitmapGlyphRec_::left, n, TTF::PrepareString(), TTF::SetRotationMatrix(), TTF::SetTextFont(), TTF::SetTextSize(), FT_BitmapGlyphRec_::top, FT_BBox_::xMin, FT_BBox_::yMax, and FT_BBox_::yMin.

Referenced by DrawText().

void TASImage::DrawGlyph ( void *  bitmap,
UInt_t  color,
Int_t  x,
Int_t  y 
) [private]

Definition at line 5608 of file TASImage.cxx.

References ASImage::alt, ASImage::ASImageAlternative::argb32, b, d, fImage, g, ASImage::height, s, and ASImage::width.

Referenced by DrawText(), and DrawTextTTF().

void TASImage::SetDefaults (  )  [private]

Definition at line 177 of file TASImage.cxx.

References fEditable, fgInit, fGrayImage, fImage, fIsGray, fMaxValue, fMinValue, fPaintMode, TAttImage::fPaletteEnabled, fScaledImage, fZoomHeight, fZoomOffX, fZoomOffY, fZoomUpdate, fZoomWidth, gProgName, kFALSE, kTRUE, kZoomOps, and set_application_name.

Referenced by operator=(), and TASImage().

void TASImage::CreateThumbnail (  )  [private]

Definition at line 5960 of file TASImage.cxx.

References ASA_ASImage, ASImage2xpmRawBuff(), ASImageLayer::bevel, blend_scanlines_name2func(), buf, ASImageLayer::clip_height, ASImageLayer::clip_width, d, destroy_asimage(), ASImageLayer::dst_x, ASImageLayer::dst_y, fgVisual, fImage, TNamed::fTitle, TAttImage::GetImageCompression(), TAttImage::GetImageQuality(), h, ASImage::height, ASImageLayer::im, init_image_layers(), InitVisual(), merge_layers(), ASImageLayer::merge_scanlines, pad_asimage(), ptr, scale_asimage(), size, w, and ASImage::width.

Referenced by Browse(), and SetTitle().

void TASImage::DestroyImage (  )  [private]

Referenced by BeginPaint(), Bevel(), Blur(), Crop(), DrawText(), EndPaint(), Flip(), FromGLBuffer(), FromPad(), FromWindow(), Gradient(), HSV(), Merge(), Mirror(), operator=(), Pad(), ReadImage(), Scale(), SetImage(), SetImageBuffer(), Slice(), Tile(), and ~TASImage().

const char * TASImage::TypeFromMagicNumber ( const char *  file  )  [private]

Definition at line 392 of file TASImage.cxx.

References fclose(), fopen, fp, and fread.

Referenced by ReadImage().

TImage::EImageFileTypes TASImage::GetFileType ( const char *  ext  )  [protected]

Definition at line 739 of file TASImage.cxx.

References TImage::kAnimGif, TImage::kBmp, TImage::kCur, TImage::kGif, TImage::kIco, TImage::kJpeg, TImage::kPng, TImage::kPnm, TImage::kPpm, TImage::kTga, TImage::kTiff, TImage::kUnknown, TImage::kXbm, TImage::kXcf, TImage::kXml, TImage::kXpm, and s.

Referenced by WriteImage().

void TASImage::MapFileTypes ( EImageFileTypes type,
UInt_t astype,
Bool_t  toas = kTRUE 
) [protected]

Definition at line 784 of file TASImage.cxx.

References ASIT_Bmp, ASIT_Cur, ASIT_Gif, ASIT_GZCompressedXpm, ASIT_Ico, ASIT_Jpeg, ASIT_Png, ASIT_Pnm, ASIT_Ppm, ASIT_Targa, ASIT_Tiff, ASIT_Unknown, ASIT_Xbm, ASIT_Xcf, ASIT_XMLScript, ASIT_Xpm, ASIT_ZCompressedXpm, TImage::kAnimGif, TImage::kBmp, TImage::kCur, TImage::kGif, TImage::kGZCompressedXpm, TImage::kIco, TImage::kJpeg, TImage::kPng, TImage::kPnm, TImage::kPpm, TImage::kTga, TImage::kTiff, TImage::kUnknown, TImage::kXbm, TImage::kXcf, TImage::kXml, TImage::kXpm, and TImage::kZCompressedXpm.

Referenced by WriteImage().

void TASImage::MapQuality ( EImageQuality quality,
UInt_t asquality,
Bool_t  toas = kTRUE 
) [protected]

Definition at line 870 of file TASImage.cxx.

References TAttImage::kImgBest, TAttImage::kImgDefault, TAttImage::kImgFast, TAttImage::kImgGood, and TAttImage::kImgPoor.

Referenced by WriteImage().

Bool_t TASImage::InitVisual (  )  [static, protected]

Definition at line 2095 of file TASImage.cxx.

References create_asvisual(), create_asvisual_for_id(), depth, destroy_asvisual(), Display(), ASVisual::dpy, fgVisual, gROOT, gVirtualX, TROOT::IsBatch(), kFALSE, and kTRUE.

Referenced by Append(), BeginPaint(), Bevel(), Blur(), Clone(), CopyArea(), CreateThumbnail(), Crop(), CropSpans(), DrawDashLine(), DrawFillArea(), DrawLineInternal(), DrawRectangle(), DrawText(), FillRectangle(), FillSpans(), Flip(), FromPad(), FromWindow(), GetMask(), GetPixmap(), GetPolygonSpans(), Gradient(), Gray(), HSV(), Merge(), Mirror(), Pad(), Paint(), PolyPoint(), PutPixel(), ReadImage(), Scale(), SetImage(), SetPalette(), Slice(), Tile(), and Vectorize().

TASImage & TASImage::operator= ( const TASImage img  ) 

Definition at line 309 of file TASImage.cxx.

References ASImage::alt, clone_asimage(), DestroyImage(), double, fEditable, fGrayImage, fImage, fIsGray, fPaintMode, fScaledImage, fZoomHeight, fZoomOffX, fZoomOffY, fZoomUpdate, fZoomWidth, kNoZoom, malloc(), SCL_DO_ALL, SetDefaults(), size, and ASImage::ASImageAlternative::vector.

TObject * TASImage::Clone ( const char *  newname  )  const [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 2676 of file TASImage.cxx.

References ASImage::alt, ASImage::ASImageAlternative::argb32, Clone(), clone_asimage(), TImage::Create(), fImage, fMaxValue, fMinValue, fScaledImage, fZoomHeight, fZoomOffX, fZoomOffY, fZoomUpdate, fZoomWidth, ASImage::height, InitVisual(), safemalloc, SCL_DO_ALL, TNamed::SetName(), TObject::Warning(), and ASImage::width.

Referenced by Clone().

void TASImage::SetEditable ( Bool_t  on = kTRUE  )  [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 95 of file TASImage.h.

References fEditable.

Bool_t TASImage::IsEditable (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 96 of file TASImage.h.

References fEditable.

Referenced by ExecuteEvent().

void TASImage::Browse ( TBrowser  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TObject.

Definition at line 6138 of file TASImage.cxx.

References ASImage::alt, CreateThumbnail(), Draw(), fImage, and ASImage::ASImageAlternative::vector.

void TASImage::SetTitle ( const char *  title = ""  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TNamed.

Definition at line 6171 of file TASImage.cxx.

References CreateThumbnail(), TNamed::fTitle, TString::Index(), TString::IsNull(), TString::Replace(), and start.

Referenced by GetTitle().

const char * TASImage::GetTitle (  )  const [virtual]

Reimplemented from TNamed.

Definition at line 6152 of file TASImage.cxx.

References TString::Data(), TNamed::fName, TNamed::fTitle, gDirectory, TString::IsNull(), TDirectory::IsWritable(), and SetTitle().

Referenced by GetIconName().

const char* TASImage::GetIconName (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented from TObject.

Definition at line 100 of file TASImage.h.

References GetTitle().

void TASImage::FromPad ( TVirtualPad pad,
Int_t  x = 0,
Int_t  y = 0,
UInt_t  w = 0,
UInt_t  h = 0 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 997 of file TASImage.cxx.

References TMath::Abs(), ASImage::alt, ASImage::ASImageAlternative::argb32, BeginPaint(), BIT, bitmap2asimage(), bits, canvas, clone_asimage(), DestroyImage(), TObject::Error(), fgVisual, fImage, fScaledImage, TVirtualPad::GetCanvas(), TVirtualPad::GetCanvasID(), TVirtualPad::GetName(), TVirtualPad::GetPixmapID(), TVirtualPS::GetStream(), gPad, gROOT, gSystem, gThreadXAR, gVirtualPS, gVirtualX, ASImage::height, InitVisual(), TROOT::IsBatch(), kAllPlanes, TVirtualPS::Open(), TVirtualPad::Paint(), pixmap2asimage(), TSystem::ProcessEvents(), TROOT::ProcessLineFast(), safemalloc, SCL_DO_ALL, TObject::SetBit(), TNamed::SetName(), TSystem::Sleep(), TVirtualPad::UtoPixel(), TVirtualPad::VtoPixel(), TObject::Warning(), and ASImage::width.

void TASImage::Draw ( Option_t option = ""  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TObject.

Definition at line 1088 of file TASImage.cxx.

References TString::Contains(), cx, TString::Data(), TObject::Draw(), TFrame::Draw(), TObject::Error(), fImage, Form(), TNamed::GetName(), TStyle::GetScreenFactor(), gPad, gROOT, gStyle, h, ASImage::height, TROOT::ProcessLineFast(), TString::ReplaceAll(), TWbox::SetBorderMode(), TAttFill::SetFillColor(), TAttLine::SetLineColor(), TString::ToLower(), top(), w, and ASImage::width.

Referenced by Browse(), FITS_tutorial1(), and FITS_tutorial3().

void TASImage::Paint ( Option_t option = ""  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TObject.

Definition at line 1275 of file TASImage.cxx.

References ASImage::alt, ASA_ARGB32, ASA_ASImage, axis, ASScanline::blue, ASImageDecoder::buffer, TVirtualPS::CellArrayBegin(), TVirtualPS::CellArrayEnd(), TVirtualPS::CellArrayFill(), ASGradient::color, colors, TString::Contains(), TImage::Create(), TString::Data(), ASImageDecoder::decode_image_scanline, destroy_asimage(), TObject::Error(), TImagePalette::fColorAlpha, TImagePalette::fColorBlue, TImagePalette::fColorGreen, TImagePalette::fColorRed, TAttImage::fConstRatio, fgVisual, fImage, fMaxValue, fMinValue, TImagePalette::fNumPoints, TAttImage::fPaletteEnabled, TImagePalette::fPoints, fScaledImage, fZoomHeight, fZoomOffX, fZoomOffY, fZoomUpdate, fZoomWidth, TAttImage::GetConstRatio(), GetHeight(), TAttImage::GetImageCompression(), TAttImage::GetImageQuality(), TROOT::GetListOfColors(), TAttImage::GetPalette(), TVirtualPS::GetStream(), GetWidth(), gPad, GRADIENT_Top2Bottom, ASScanline::green, gROOT, gVirtualPS, gVirtualX, ASImage::height, image, Image2Drawable(), TString::Index(), TObject::InheritsFrom(), InitVisual(), int, TROOT::IsBatch(), kFALSE, kTRUE, kZoomOps, make_gradient(), max, min, ASGradient::npoints, ASGradient::offset, parse_argb_color, ASScanline::red, scale_asimage(), SCL_DO_ALL, SCL_DO_COLOR, TAttFill::SetFillColor(), TAttFill::SetFillStyle(), start_image_decoding(), stop_image_decoding(), tile_asimage(), tile_x, TString::ToLower(), ASGradient::type, ASImage::ASImageAlternative::vector, Vectorize(), TObject::Warning(), ASImage::width, x1, and x2.

Int_t TASImage::DistancetoPrimitive ( Int_t  px,
Int_t  py 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TObject.

Definition at line 1597 of file TASImage.cxx.

References gPad.

void TASImage::ExecuteEvent ( Int_t  event,
Int_t  px,
Int_t  py 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TObject.

Definition at line 1621 of file TASImage.cxx.

References TMath::Abs(), fImage, fScaledImage, fZoomHeight, fZoomOffX, fZoomOffY, fZoomWidth, gPad, gVirtualX, ASImage::height, image, IsEditable(), IsValid(), kButton1Down, kButton1Motion, kButton1Up, kCross, TVirtualX::kHollow, kTRUE, ASImage::width, and Zoom().

char * TASImage::GetObjectInfo ( Int_t  px,
Int_t  py 
) const [virtual]

Reimplemented from TObject.

Definition at line 1702 of file TASImage.cxx.

References ASImage::alt, fImage, fScaledImage, fZoomHeight, fZoomOffX, fZoomOffY, fZoomWidth, gPad, ASImage::height, image, info, IsValid(), snprintf, ASImage::ASImageAlternative::vector, and ASImage::width.

void TASImage::SetPalette ( const TImagePalette palette  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TAttImage.

Definition at line 1742 of file TASImage.cxx.

References ASImage::alt, ASA_ASImage, ASVectorPalette::channels, colorize_asimage_vector(), TImagePalette::fColorAlpha, TImagePalette::fColorBlue, TImagePalette::fColorGreen, TImagePalette::fColorRed, fgVisual, fImage, fMaxValue, fMinValue, TImagePalette::fNumPoints, TImagePalette::fPoints, fScaledImage, TAttImage::GetImageQuality(), TAttImage::GetPalette(), InitVisual(), IsValid(), ASVectorPalette::npoints, palette, ASVectorPalette::points, TAttImage::SetPalette(), ASImage::ASImageAlternative::vector, and TObject::Warning().

void TASImage::Zoom ( UInt_t  offX,
UInt_t  offY,
UInt_t  width,
UInt_t  height 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 1906 of file TASImage.cxx.

References fImage, fZoomHeight, fZoomOffX, fZoomOffY, fZoomUpdate, fZoomWidth, ASImage::height, IsValid(), kZoom, TObject::Warning(), and ASImage::width.

Referenced by ExecuteEvent().

void TASImage::UnZoom (  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 1936 of file TASImage.cxx.

References fImage, fScaledImage, fZoomHeight, fZoomOffX, fZoomOffY, fZoomUpdate, fZoomWidth, ASImage::height, IsValid(), kZoom, TObject::Warning(), and ASImage::width.

Referenced by Append(), Bevel(), Blur(), Crop(), DrawRectangle(), DrawText(), FillRectangle(), Flip(), Gradient(), HSV(), Merge(), Mirror(), Pad(), Scale(), SetImageBuffer(), Slice(), TASImage(), Tile(), and Vectorize().

void TASImage::Flip ( Int_t  flip = 180  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 1957 of file TASImage.cxx.

References ASImage::alt, ASA_ASImage, DestroyImage(), fgVisual, fImage, flip_asimage(), TAttImage::GetImageCompression(), TAttImage::GetImageQuality(), h, ASImage::height, InitVisual(), IsValid(), UnZoom(), ASImage::ASImageAlternative::vector, w, TObject::Warning(), and ASImage::width.

void TASImage::Mirror ( Bool_t  vert = kTRUE  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 2003 of file TASImage.cxx.

References ASImage::alt, ASA_ASImage, DestroyImage(), fgVisual, fImage, TAttImage::GetImageCompression(), TAttImage::GetImageQuality(), ASImage::height, InitVisual(), IsValid(), mirror_asimage(), UnZoom(), ASImage::ASImageAlternative::vector, TObject::Warning(), and ASImage::width.

void TASImage::Scale ( UInt_t  width,
UInt_t  height 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 1795 of file TASImage.cxx.

References ASA_ASImage, DestroyImage(), fgVisual, fImage, fZoomUpdate, TAttImage::GetImageCompression(), TAttImage::GetImageQuality(), InitVisual(), IsValid(), kZoomOps, scale_asimage(), UnZoom(), and TObject::Warning().

Referenced by GetArray(), and SavePrimitive().

void TASImage::Slice ( UInt_t  xStart,
UInt_t  xEnd,
UInt_t  yStart,
UInt_t  yEnd,
UInt_t  toWidth,
UInt_t  toHeight 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 1835 of file TASImage.cxx.

References ASA_ASImage, DestroyImage(), fgVisual, fImage, fZoomUpdate, TAttImage::GetImageCompression(), TAttImage::GetImageQuality(), InitVisual(), IsValid(), kZoomOps, slice_asimage(), UnZoom(), and TObject::Warning().

void TASImage::Tile ( UInt_t  width,
UInt_t  height 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 1873 of file TASImage.cxx.

References ASA_ASImage, DestroyImage(), fgVisual, fImage, fZoomUpdate, TAttImage::GetImageCompression(), TAttImage::GetImageQuality(), InitVisual(), IsValid(), kZoomOps, tile_asimage(), UnZoom(), and TObject::Warning().

void TASImage::Crop ( Int_t  x = 0,
Int_t  y = 0,
UInt_t  width = 0,
UInt_t  height = 0 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 3305 of file TASImage.cxx.

References ASA_ASImage, ASImageDecoder::buffer, create_asimage(), ASImageDecoder::decode_image_scanline, destroy_asimage(), DestroyImage(), fgVisual, fImage, fZoomUpdate, TAttImage::GetImageCompression(), TAttImage::GetImageQuality(), ASImage::height, InitVisual(), kZoomOps, ASImageOutput::output_image_scanline, SCL_DO_ALL, start_image_decoding(), start_image_output(), stop_image_decoding(), stop_image_output(), UnZoom(), TObject::Warning(), and ASImage::width.

void TASImage::Pad ( const char *  color = "#00FFFFFF",
UInt_t  left = 0,
UInt_t  right = 0,
UInt_t  top = 0,
UInt_t  bottom = 0 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 3255 of file TASImage.cxx.

References ARGB32_White, ASA_ASImage, create_asimage(), DestroyImage(), fgVisual, fill_asimage(), fImage, fZoomUpdate, TAttImage::GetImageCompression(), TAttImage::GetImageQuality(), h, ASImage::height, InitVisual(), kZoomOps, pad_asimage(), parse_argb_color, UnZoom(), w, TObject::Warning(), and ASImage::width.

Referenced by Append().

void TASImage::Blur ( Double_t  hr = 3,
Double_t  vr = 3 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 2644 of file TASImage.cxx.

References ARGB32_White, ASA_ASImage, blur_asimage_gauss(), create_asimage(), DestroyImage(), fgVisual, fill_asimage(), fImage, TAttImage::GetImageCompression(), TAttImage::GetImageQuality(), ASImage::height, InitVisual(), SCL_DO_ALL, UnZoom(), TObject::Warning(), and ASImage::width.

Double_t * TASImage::Vectorize ( UInt_t  max_colors = 256,
UInt_t  dither = 4,
Int_t  opaque_threshold = 1 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 2715 of file TASImage.cxx.

References ASImage::alt, ARGB32_White, b, ASColormapEntry::blue, colormap_asimage(), ASColormap::count, create_asimage(), destroy_colormap(), ASColormap::entries, TImagePalette::fColorAlpha, TImagePalette::fColorBlue, TImagePalette::fColorGreen, TImagePalette::fColorRed, fgVisual, fill_asimage(), fImage, fMaxValue, fMinValue, TAttImage::fPalette, TImagePalette::fPoints, g, ASColormapEntry::green, ASImage::height, i, if(), INDEX_SHIFT_BLUE, INDEX_SHIFT_GREEN, INDEX_SHIFT_RED, InitVisual(), j, kTRUE, MAKE_INDEXED_COLOR24, ASColormapEntry::red, UnZoom(), ASImage::ASImageAlternative::vector, TObject::Warning(), ASImage::width, x, and y.

Referenced by Paint(), and SetPaletteEnabled().

void TASImage::Gray ( Bool_t  on = kTRUE  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 6406 of file TASImage.cxx.

References ASScanline::alpha, ASImage::alt, ASImage::ASImageAlternative::argb32, ASA_ARGB32, ASA_ASImage, ASIMAGE_QUALITY_DEFAULT, b, ASScanline::back_color, ASVisual::BGR_mode, ASScanline::blue, ASImageDecoder::buffer, create_asimage(), ASImageDecoder::decode_image_scanline, fGrayImage, fgVisual, fImage, fIsGray, ASScanline::flags, fScaledImage, g, TAttImage::GetImageCompression(), TAttImage::GetImageQuality(), ASScanline::green, ASImage::height, InitVisual(), IsValid(), j, kTRUE, l, ASImageOutput::output_image_scanline, prepare_scanline(), ASScanline::red, result(), Rgl::rr, SCL_DO_ALL, start_image_decoding(), start_image_output(), stop_image_decoding(), stop_image_output(), tile_asimage(), TObject::Warning(), and ASImage::width.

void TASImage::StartPaletteEditor (  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TAttImage.

Definition at line 2144 of file TASImage.cxx.

References ASImage::alt, fImage, IsValid(), TAttImage::StartPaletteEditor(), ASImage::ASImageAlternative::vector, and TObject::Warning().

void TASImage::HSV ( UInt_t  hue = 0,
UInt_t  radius = 360,
Int_t  H = 0,
Int_t  S = 0,
Int_t  V = 0,
Int_t  x = 0,
Int_t  y = 0,
UInt_t  width = 0,
UInt_t  height = 0 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 2799 of file TASImage.cxx.

References adjust_asimage_hsv(), ARGB32_White, ASA_ASImage, ASIMAGE_QUALITY_TOP, create_asimage(), DestroyImage(), fgVisual, fill_asimage(), fImage, ASImage::height, InitVisual(), UnZoom(), TObject::Warning(), and ASImage::width.

void TASImage::Merge ( const TImage im,
const char *  op = "alphablend",
Int_t  x = 0,
Int_t  y = 0 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 2589 of file TASImage.cxx.

References ASA_ASImage, ASImageLayer::bevel, blend_scanlines_name2func(), ASImageLayer::clip_height, ASImageLayer::clip_width, DestroyImage(), ASImageLayer::dst_x, ASImageLayer::dst_y, fgVisual, fImage, TImage::GetHeight(), TAttImage::GetImageCompression(), TAttImage::GetImageQuality(), TImage::GetWidth(), ASImage::height, ASImageLayer::im, init_image_layers(), InitVisual(), merge_layers(), ASImageLayer::merge_scanlines, UnZoom(), TObject::Warning(), and ASImage::width.

Referenced by Append().

void TASImage::Append ( const TImage im,
const char *  option = "+",
const char *  color = "#00000000" 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 3379 of file TASImage.cxx.

References fImage, TImage::GetHeight(), TImage::GetWidth(), ASImage::height, InitVisual(), Merge(), Pad(), TString::Strip(), UnZoom(), TObject::Warning(), and ASImage::width.

void TASImage::Gradient ( UInt_t  angle = 0,
const char *  colors = "#FFFFFF #000000",
const char *  offsets = 0,
Int_t  x = 0,
Int_t  y = 0,
UInt_t  width = 0,
UInt_t  height = 0 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 2878 of file TASImage.cxx.

References alphablend_scanlines(), ASA_ASImage, ASImageLayer::bevel, c, ASImageLayer::clip_height, ASImageLayer::clip_width, ASGradient::color, TString::Data(), destroy_asimage(), DestroyImage(), ASImageLayer::dst_x, ASImageLayer::dst_y, fgVisual, fImage, TAttImage::GetImageCompression(), TAttImage::GetImageQuality(), GRADIENT_BottomLeft2TopRight, GRADIENT_Left2Right, GRADIENT_Top2Bottom, GRADIENT_TopLeft2BottomRight, ASImage::height, i, ASImageLayer::im, init_image_layers(), InitVisual(), make_gradient(), merge_layers(), ASImageLayer::merge_scanlines, ASGradient::npoints, o, ASGradient::offset, p, parse_argb_color, SCL_DO_ALL, str, ASGradient::type, UnZoom(), TObject::Warning(), and ASImage::width.

void TASImage::Bevel ( Int_t  x = 0,
Int_t  y = 0,
UInt_t  width = 0,
UInt_t  height = 0,
const char *  hi = "#ffdddddd",
const char *  lo = "#ff555555",
UShort_t  thick = 1,
Bool_t  pressed = kFALSE 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 3133 of file TASImage.cxx.

References alphablend_scanlines(), ASA_ASImage, ASImageLayer::bevel, ASImageBevel::bottom_inline, ASImageBevel::bottom_outline, ASImageLayer::clip_height, ASImageLayer::clip_width, create_asimage(), destroy_asimage(), DestroyImage(), ASImageLayer::dst_x, ASImageLayer::dst_y, fgVisual, fill, fill_asimage(), fImage, GetAverage(), GetHilite(), TAttImage::GetImageCompression(), TAttImage::GetImageQuality(), GetShadow(), h, ASImage::height, hi, ASImageBevel::hi_color, ASImageBevel::hihi_color, ASImageBevel::hilo_color, ASImageLayer::im, init_image_layers(), InitVisual(), ASImageBevel::left_inline, ASImageBevel::left_outline, ASImageBevel::lo_color, ASImageBevel::lolo_color, merge_layers(), ASImageLayer::merge_scanlines, parse_argb_color, ASImageBevel::right_inline, ASImageBevel::right_outline, ASImageBevel::top_inline, ASImageBevel::top_outline, ASImageBevel::type, UnZoom(), w, TObject::Warning(), and ASImage::width.

void TASImage::DrawText ( Int_t  x = 0,
Int_t  y = 0,
const char *  text = "",
Int_t  size = 12,
const char *  color = 0,
const char *  font = "fixed",
EText3DType  type = TImage::kPlain,
const char *  fore_file = 0,
Float_t  angle = 0 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 2463 of file TASImage.cxx.

References ASImage::alt, ASImage::ASImageAlternative::argb32, ARGB32_Black, ASA_ASImage, ASF_GuessWho, ASImage::back_color, ASImageLayer::bevel, ASImageLayer::clip_height, ASImageLayer::clip_width, create_asimage(), create_font_manager(), TString::Data(), destroy_asimage(), DestroyImage(), ASVisual::dpy, draw_text(), DrawTextTTF(), ASImageLayer::dst_x, ASImageLayer::dst_y, TString::EndsWith(), TSystem::ExpandPathName(), fgVisual, file2ASImage(), fill_asimage(), fImage, get_asfont(), get_text_size(), TAttImage::GetImageCompression(), TAttImage::GetImageQuality(), gFontManager, gSystem, ASImage::height, height, IC_ALPHA, ASImageLayer::im, init_image_layers(), InitVisual(), kFALSE, kTRUE, merge_layers(), move_asimage_channel(), parse_argb_color, release_font(), SCREEN_GAMMA, TString::Strip(), tile_asimage(), UnZoom(), TObject::Warning(), ASImage::width, and width.

void TASImage::DrawText ( TText text,
Int_t  x = 0,
Int_t  y = 0 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 5685 of file TASImage.cxx.

References align(), ASImage::alt, ASImage::ASImageAlternative::argb32, TColor::AsHexString(), BeginPaint(), FT_BitmapGlyphRec_::bitmap, DrawGlyph(), TTGlyph::fImage, fImage, FT_Glyph_To_Bitmap(), ft_render_mode_normal, FT_Vector_Transform(), TTF::GetAscent(), TROOT::GetColor(), TTF::GetGlyphs(), TTF::GetNumGlyphs(), TTF::GetRotMatrix(), TNamed::GetTitle(), TTF::GetWidth(), gPad, gROOT, TTF::Init(), InitVisual(), TTF::IsInitialized(), TTF::LayoutGlyphs(), FT_BitmapGlyphRec_::left, n, parse_argb_color, TTF::PrepareString(), TTF::SetRotationMatrix(), TTF::SetTextFont(), TTF::SetTextSize(), text(), FT_BitmapGlyphRec_::top, TObject::Warning(), FT_Vector_::x, and FT_Vector_::y.

void TASImage::BeginPaint ( Bool_t  fast = kTRUE  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 3420 of file TASImage.cxx.

References ASImage::alt, ASImage::ASImageAlternative::argb32, ASA_ARGB32, ASIMAGE_QUALITY_DEFAULT, DestroyImage(), fgVisual, fImage, fPaintMode, ASImage::height, InitVisual(), tile_asimage(), TObject::Warning(), and ASImage::width.

Referenced by CopyArea(), CropSpans(), DrawDashLine(), DrawFillArea(), DrawLineInternal(), DrawRectangle(), DrawText(), FillSpans(), FromPad(), GetArgbArray(), GetPixmap(), GetPolygonSpans(), GetRgbaArray(), PolyPoint(), and PutPixel().

void TASImage::EndPaint (  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 3457 of file TASImage.cxx.

References ASImage::alt, ASImage::ASImageAlternative::argb32, ASA_ASImage, ASIMAGE_QUALITY_DEFAULT, DestroyImage(), fgVisual, fImage, fPaintMode, ASImage::height, kFALSE, tile_asimage(), TObject::Warning(), and ASImage::width.

void TASImage::DrawLine ( UInt_t  x1,
UInt_t  y1,
UInt_t  x2,
UInt_t  y2,
const char *  col = "#000000",
UInt_t  thick = 1 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 3789 of file TASImage.cxx.

References DrawLineInternal(), and parse_argb_color.

void TASImage::DrawDashLine ( UInt_t  x1,
UInt_t  y1,
UInt_t  x2,
UInt_t  y2,
UInt_t  nDash,
const char *  pDash,
const char *  col = "#000000",
UInt_t  thick = 1 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 4511 of file TASImage.cxx.

References ASImage::alt, ASImage::ASImageAlternative::argb32, BeginPaint(), DrawDashHLine(), DrawDashVLine(), DrawDashZLine(), DrawDashZTLine(), fImage, InitVisual(), parse_argb_color, and TObject::Warning().

void TASImage::DrawBox ( Int_t  x1,
Int_t  y1,
Int_t  x2,
Int_t  y2,
const char *  col = "#000000",
UInt_t  thick = 1,
Int_t  mode = 0 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 4003 of file TASImage.cxx.

References TMath::Abs(), create_asimage(), DrawHLine(), DrawRectangle(), DrawVLine(), FillRectangle(), fImage, h, TVirtualX::kFilled, TVirtualX::kHollow, TMath::Min(), parse_argb_color, and w.

void TASImage::DrawRectangle ( UInt_t  x,
UInt_t  y,
UInt_t  w,
UInt_t  h,
const char *  col = "#000000",
UInt_t  thick = 1 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 3962 of file TASImage.cxx.

References ASImage::alt, ASImage::ASImageAlternative::argb32, BeginPaint(), create_asimage(), DrawHLine(), DrawVLine(), FillRectangle(), fImage, InitVisual(), parse_argb_color, UnZoom(), and TObject::Warning().

Referenced by DrawBox().

void TASImage::FillRectangle ( const char *  col = 0,
Int_t  x = 0,
Int_t  y = 0,
UInt_t  width = 0,
UInt_t  height = 0 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 3684 of file TASImage.cxx.

References ARGB32_White, create_asimage(), FillRectangleInternal(), fImage, InitVisual(), parse_argb_color, UnZoom(), and TObject::Warning().

Referenced by DrawBox(), and DrawRectangle().

void TASImage::DrawPolyLine ( UInt_t  nn,
TPoint xy,
const char *  col = "#000000",
UInt_t  thick = 1,
TImage::ECoordMode  mode = kCoordModeOrigin 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 4556 of file TASImage.cxx.

References DrawLineInternal(), TImage::kCoordModePrevious, parse_argb_color, x0, and xy.

Referenced by DrawSegments().

void TASImage::PutPixel ( Int_t  x,
Int_t  y,
const char *  col = "#000000" 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 4582 of file TASImage.cxx.

References _alphaBlend, ASImage::alt, ASImage::ASImageAlternative::argb32, BeginPaint(), fImage, ASImage::height, InitVisual(), parse_argb_color, TObject::Warning(), and ASImage::width.

void TASImage::PolyPoint ( UInt_t  npt,
TPoint ppt,
const char *  col = "#000000",
TImage::ECoordMode  mode = kCoordModeOrigin 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 4618 of file TASImage.cxx.

References _alphaBlend, ASImage::alt, ASImage::ASImageAlternative::argb32, BeginPaint(), fImage, TPoint::fY, ASImage::height, InitVisual(), TImage::kCoordModePrevious, parse_argb_color, TObject::Warning(), and ASImage::width.

void TASImage::DrawSegments ( UInt_t  nseg,
Segment_t seg,
const char *  col = "#000000",
UInt_t  thick = 1 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 4679 of file TASImage.cxx.

References DrawPolyLine(), TPoint::fX, Segment_t::fX1, Segment_t::fX2, TPoint::fY, Segment_t::fY1, Segment_t::fY2, TImage::kCoordModeOrigin, and TObject::Warning().

void TASImage::FillPolygon ( UInt_t  npt,
TPoint ppt,
const char *  col = "#000000",
const char *  stipple = 0,
UInt_t  w = 16,
UInt_t  h = 16 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 5247 of file TASImage.cxx.

References FillSpans(), FillSpansInternal, GetPolygonSpans(), and parse_argb_color.

Referenced by DrawFillArea().

void TASImage::FillPolygon ( UInt_t  npt,
TPoint ppt,
TImage tile 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 5280 of file TASImage.cxx.

References FillSpans(), and GetPolygonSpans().

void TASImage::CropPolygon ( UInt_t  npt,
TPoint ppt 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 5306 of file TASImage.cxx.

References CropSpans(), and GetPolygonSpans().

void TASImage::DrawFillArea ( UInt_t  npt,
TPoint ppt,
const char *  col = "#000000",
const char *  stipple = 0,
UInt_t  w = 16,
UInt_t  h = 16 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 5333 of file TASImage.cxx.

References ASImage::alt, ASImage::ASImageAlternative::argb32, BeginPaint(), _EdgeTableEntry::bres, CreateETandAET(), _ScanLineList::edgelist, EVALUATEEDGEEVENODD, FillPolygon(), FillSpans(), FillSpansInternal, fImage, FreeStorage(), TPoint::fX, TPoint::fY, InitVisual(), InsertionSort(), kFALSE, kTRUE, loadAET(), BRESINFO::minor_axis, _ScanLineListBlock::next, _ScanLineList::next, _EdgeTableEntry::next, parse_argb_color, _ScanLineList::scanline, EdgeTable::scanlines, TObject::Warning(), EdgeTable::ymax, and EdgeTable::ymin.

void TASImage::DrawFillArea ( UInt_t  npt,
TPoint ppt,
TImage tile 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 5448 of file TASImage.cxx.

References ASImage::alt, ASImage::ASImageAlternative::argb32, BeginPaint(), _EdgeTableEntry::bres, CreateETandAET(), _ScanLineList::edgelist, EVALUATEEDGEEVENODD, FillPolygon(), FillSpans(), fImage, FreeStorage(), TPoint::fX, TPoint::fY, InitVisual(), InsertionSort(), loadAET(), BRESINFO::minor_axis, _ScanLineList::next, _ScanLineListBlock::next, _EdgeTableEntry::next, _ScanLineList::scanline, EdgeTable::scanlines, TObject::Warning(), EdgeTable::ymax, and EdgeTable::ymin.

void TASImage::FillSpans ( UInt_t  npt,
TPoint ppt,
UInt_t widths,
const char *  col = "#000000",
const char *  stipple = 0,
UInt_t  w = 16,
UInt_t  h = 16 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 4703 of file TASImage.cxx.

References _alphaBlend, ASImage::alt, ASImage::ASImageAlternative::argb32, BeginPaint(), fImage, for(), TPoint::fX, TPoint::fY, ASImage::height, if(), InitVisual(), j, parse_argb_color, TObject::Warning(), and ASImage::width.

Referenced by DrawFillArea(), and FillPolygon().

void TASImage::FillSpans ( UInt_t  npt,
TPoint ppt,
UInt_t widths,
TImage tile 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 4763 of file TASImage.cxx.

References _alphaBlend, ASImage::alt, ASImage::ASImageAlternative::argb32, BeginPaint(), fImage, for(), TPoint::fX, TPoint::fY, TImage::GetArgbArray(), TImage::GetHeight(), TImage::GetWidth(), ASImage::height, InitVisual(), j, TObject::Warning(), and ASImage::width.

void TASImage::CropSpans ( UInt_t  npt,
TPoint ppt,
UInt_t widths 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 4819 of file TASImage.cxx.

References ASImage::alt, ASImage::ASImageAlternative::argb32, BeginPaint(), fImage, TPoint::fY, ASImage::height, if(), InitVisual(), TObject::Warning(), and ASImage::width.

Referenced by CropPolygon().

void TASImage::CopyArea ( TImage dst,
Int_t  xsrc,
Int_t  ysrc,
UInt_t  w,
UInt_t  h,
Int_t  xdst = 0,
Int_t  ydst = 0,
Int_t  gfunc = 3,
EColorChan  chan = kAllChan 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 4887 of file TASImage.cxx.

References ASImage::alt, ASImage::ASImageAlternative::argb32, BeginPaint(), fImage, ASImage::height, if(), InitVisual(), kGXand, kGXandInverted, kGXandReverse, kGXclear, kGXcopy, kGXcopyInverted, kGXequiv, kGXinvert, kGXnand, kGXnoop, kGXnor, kGXor, kGXorInverted, kGXorReverse, kGXset, kGXxor, out, TObject::Warning(), and ASImage::width.

void TASImage::DrawCellArray ( Int_t  x1,
Int_t  y1,
Int_t  x2,
Int_t  y2,
Int_t  nx,
Int_t  ny,
UInt_t ic 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 5013 of file TASImage.cxx.

References FillRectangleInternal(), h, j, TMath::Max(), and w.

void TASImage::FloodFill ( Int_t  x,
Int_t  y,
const char *  col,
const char *  min_col,
const char *  max_col = 0 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 6398 of file TASImage.cxx.

void TASImage::DrawCubeBezier ( Int_t  x1,
Int_t  y1,
Int_t  x2,
Int_t  y2,
Int_t  x3,
Int_t  y3,
const char *  col = "#000000",
UInt_t  thick = 1 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 6193 of file TASImage.cxx.

References asim_cube_bezier(), ASDrawTool::center_x, ASDrawTool::center_y, create_draw_context_argb32(), destroy_asdraw_context32(), fImage, ASDrawTool::height, ASDrawTool::matrix, parse_argb_color, and ASDrawTool::width.

void TASImage::DrawStraightEllips ( Int_t  x,
Int_t  y,
Int_t  rx,
Int_t  ry,
const char *  col = "#000000",
Int_t  thick = 1 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 6234 of file TASImage.cxx.

References asim_straight_ellips(), ASDrawTool::center_x, ASDrawTool::center_y, create_draw_context_argb32(), destroy_asdraw_context32(), fImage, ASDrawTool::height, ASDrawTool::matrix, parse_argb_color, and ASDrawTool::width.

void TASImage::DrawCircle ( Int_t  x,
Int_t  y,
Int_t  r,
const char *  col = "#000000",
Int_t  thick = 1 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 6275 of file TASImage.cxx.

References asim_circle(), ASDrawTool::center_x, ASDrawTool::center_y, create_draw_context_argb32(), destroy_asdraw_context32(), fImage, ASDrawTool::height, ASDrawTool::matrix, parse_argb_color, and ASDrawTool::width.

void TASImage::DrawEllips ( Int_t  x,
Int_t  y,
Int_t  rx,
Int_t  ry,
Int_t  angle,
const char *  col = "#000000",
Int_t  thick = 1 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 6316 of file TASImage.cxx.

References asim_ellips(), ASDrawTool::center_x, ASDrawTool::center_y, create_draw_context_argb32(), destroy_asdraw_context32(), fImage, ASDrawTool::height, ASDrawTool::matrix, parse_argb_color, and ASDrawTool::width.

void TASImage::DrawEllips2 ( Int_t  x,
Int_t  y,
Int_t  rx,
Int_t  ry,
Int_t  angle,
const char *  col = "#000000",
Int_t  thick = 1 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 6357 of file TASImage.cxx.

References asim_ellips2(), ASDrawTool::center_x, ASDrawTool::center_y, create_draw_context_argb32(), destroy_asdraw_context32(), fImage, ASDrawTool::height, ASDrawTool::matrix, parse_argb_color, and ASDrawTool::width.

void TASImage::ReadImage ( const char *  file,
EImageFileTypes  type = TImage::kUnknown 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 451 of file TASImage.cxx.

References THashTable::Add(), ASA_ASImage, TString::Atoi(), TSystem::BaseName(), bitmap2asimage(), xmlio::Class, ASImageImportParams::compression, TString::Data(), DestroyImage(), RootCsg::dot(), fEditable, fgPlugList, file2ASImage_extra(), ASImageImportParams::filter, fImage, TPluginManager::FindHandler(), THashTable::FindObject(), ASImageImportParams::flags, TNamed::fName, TString::Form(), ASImageImportParams::format, fPaintMode, fScaledImage, fZoomHeight, fZoomOffX, fZoomOffY, fZoomUpdate, fZoomWidth, ASImageImportParams::gamma, ASImageImportParams::gamma_table, TAttImage::GetImageCompression(), TROOT::GetPluginManager(), gIconPaths, gROOT, gSystem, h, handler, ASImage::height, ASImageImportParams::height, image, TObject::InheritsFrom(), init_icon_paths(), InitVisual(), TString::IsDigit(), TString::IsNull(), kFALSE, kNoZoom, TImage::kXpm, TString::Length(), NULL, TImagePlugin::ReadFile(), ASImageImportParams::return_animation_delay, SCL_DO_ALL, SCREEN_GAMMA, ASImageImportParams::search_path, set_output_threshold, SetImageBuffer(), TString::Strip(), ASImageImportParams::subimage, TString::ToLower(), TypeFromMagicNumber(), w, TObject::Warning(), ASImageImportParams::width, and ASImage::width.

Referenced by TASImage().

void TASImage::WriteImage ( const char *  file,
EImageFileTypes  type = TImage::kUnknown 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 586 of file TASImage.cxx.

References ASGifExportParams::animate_delay, ASGifExportParams::animate_repeats, ASImage2bmp(), ASImage2file(), ASImage2xcf(), ASPngExportParams::compression, ASTiffExportParams::compression_type, TString::Data(), ASXpmExportParams::dither, ASGifExportParams::dither, TObject::Error(), EXPORT_ALPHA, EXPORT_ANIMATION_REPEATS, EXPORT_APPEND, fImage, ASJpegExportParams::flags, ASTiffExportParams::flags, ASGifExportParams::flags, ASXpmExportParams::flags, ASPngExportParams::flags, fScaledImage, GetFileType(), TAttImage::GetImageCompression(), TAttImage::GetImageQuality(), ASImageExportParams::gif, TString::Index(), int, IsValid(), ASImageExportParams::jpeg, ASTiffExportParams::jpeg_quality, TImage::kAnimGif, TImage::kBmp, TImage::kGif, TImage::kJpeg, kNPOS, TImage::kPng, TImage::kTiff, TImage::kUnknown, TImage::kXcf, TImage::kXpm, MapFileTypes(), MapQuality(), ASXpmExportParams::max_colors, ASGifExportParams::opaque_threshold, ASXpmExportParams::opaque_threshold, ASTiffExportParams::opaque_threshold, ASImageExportParams::png, quality, ASJpegExportParams::quality, ASTiffExportParams::rows_per_strip, s, t, ASImageExportParams::tiff, TIFF_COMPRESSION_JPEG, TIFF_COMPRESSION_NONE, ASGifExportParams::type, ASJpegExportParams::type, ASTiffExportParams::type, ASXpmExportParams::type, ASPngExportParams::type, and ASImageExportParams::xpm.

void TASImage::SetImage ( const Double_t imageData,
UInt_t  width,
UInt_t  height,
TImagePalette palette = 0 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 903 of file TASImage.cxx.

References ASA_ASImage, ASVectorPalette::channels, create_asimage_from_vector(), DestroyImage(), TImagePalette::fColorAlpha, TImagePalette::fColorBlue, TImagePalette::fColorGreen, TImagePalette::fColorRed, fgVisual, fImage, fMaxValue, fMinValue, TImagePalette::fNumPoints, for(), TAttImage::fPaletteEnabled, TImagePalette::fPoints, fScaledImage, fZoomHeight, fZoomOffX, fZoomOffY, fZoomUpdate, fZoomWidth, TAttImage::GetImageCompression(), TAttImage::GetImageQuality(), TAttImage::GetPalette(), InitVisual(), kTRUE, ASVectorPalette::npoints, palette, ASVectorPalette::points, TAttImage::SetPalette(), and TObject::Warning().

Referenced by SetImage(), and TASImage().

void TASImage::SetImage ( const TArrayD imageData,
UInt_t  width,
TImagePalette palette = 0 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 968 of file TASImage.cxx.

References TArrayD::GetArray(), TArray::GetSize(), palette, and SetImage().

void TASImage::SetImage ( const TVectorD imageData,
UInt_t  width,
TImagePalette palette = 0 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 982 of file TASImage.cxx.

References TVectorT< Element >::GetMatrixArray(), TVectorT< Element >::GetNoElements(), palette, and SetImage().

void TASImage::SetImage ( Pixmap_t  pxm,
Pixmap_t  mask = 0 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 2260 of file TASImage.cxx.

References bitmap2asimage(), bits, DestroyImage(), fgVisual, fImage, TNamed::fName, TString::Form(), fScaledImage, gVirtualX, h, InitVisual(), TString::IsNull(), kAllPlanes, picture2asimage(), w, TObject::Warning(), and xy.

void TASImage::FromWindow ( Drawable_t  wid,
Int_t  x = 0,
Int_t  y = 0,
UInt_t  w = 0,
UInt_t  h = 0 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 6522 of file TASImage.cxx.

References bitmap2asimage(), bits, DestroyImage(), fgVisual, fImage, fScaledImage, gSystem, gThreadXAR, gVirtualX, InitVisual(), kAllPlanes, pixmap2asimage(), TSystem::ProcessEvents(), TSystem::Sleep(), TObject::Warning(), and xy.

void TASImage::FromGLBuffer ( UChar_t buf,
UInt_t  w,
UInt_t  h 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 6574 of file TASImage.cxx.

References bitmap2asimage(), DestroyImage(), fImage, and fScaledImage.

UInt_t TASImage::GetWidth (  )  const [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 2042 of file TASImage.cxx.

References fImage, and ASImage::width.

Referenced by GetScaledWidth(), Paint(), and SavePrimitive().

UInt_t TASImage::GetHeight (  )  const [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 2052 of file TASImage.cxx.

References fImage, and ASImage::height.

Referenced by GetScaledHeight(), Paint(), and SavePrimitive().

UInt_t TASImage::GetScaledWidth (  )  const

Definition at line 2062 of file TASImage.cxx.

References fImage, fScaledImage, GetWidth(), and ASImage::width.

UInt_t TASImage::GetScaledHeight (  )  const

Definition at line 2072 of file TASImage.cxx.

References fImage, fScaledImage, GetHeight(), and ASImage::height.

Bool_t TASImage::IsValid (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 185 of file TASImage.h.

References fImage, kFALSE, and kTRUE.

Referenced by ExecuteEvent(), Flip(), GetObjectInfo(), Gray(), Mirror(), Scale(), SetPalette(), Slice(), StartPaletteEditor(), Tile(), UnZoom(), WriteImage(), and Zoom().

Bool_t TASImage::IsGray (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 186 of file TASImage.h.

References fIsGray.

ASImage* TASImage::GetImage (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 187 of file TASImage.h.

References fImage.

void TASImage::SetImage ( ASImage image  )  [inline]

Definition at line 188 of file TASImage.h.

References DestroyImage(), fImage, and image.

TImage* TASImage::GetScaledImage (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 189 of file TASImage.h.

References fScaledImage.

Pixmap_t TASImage::GetPixmap (  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 2163 of file TASImage.cxx.

References ASImage::alt, ASImage::ASImageAlternative::argb32, asimage2pixmap(), BeginPaint(), fgVisual, fImage, fScaledImage, gVirtualX, ASImage::height, InitVisual(), kTRUE, TObject::Warning(), and ASImage::width.

Pixmap_t TASImage::GetMask (  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 2196 of file TASImage.cxx.

References a, ASScanline::alpha, bit, bits, ASImageDecoder::buffer, CLRBIT, ASImageDecoder::decode_image_scanline, fgVisual, fImage, fScaledImage, gVirtualX, i, InitVisual(), SCL_DO_ALPHA, SETBIT, start_image_decoding(), stop_image_decoding(), TObject::Warning(), x, and y.

TArrayL * TASImage::GetPixels ( Int_t  x = 0,
Int_t  y = 0,
UInt_t  w = 0,
UInt_t  h = 0 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 2305 of file TASImage.cxx.

References TArrayL::AddAt(), b, ASScanline::blue, ASImageDecoder::buffer, ASImageDecoder::decode_image_scanline, fImage, fScaledImage, g, ASScanline::green, i, k, p, ASScanline::red, TColor::RGB2Pixel(), SCL_DO_ALL, start_image_decoding(), and TObject::Warning().

TArrayD * TASImage::GetArray ( UInt_t  w = 0,
UInt_t  h = 0,
TImagePalette pal = gWebImagePalette 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 2395 of file TASImage.cxx.

References TArrayD::AddAt(), ASImage::alt, b, ASScanline::blue, ASImageDecoder::buffer, ASImageDecoder::decode_image_scanline, fImage, fScaledImage, g, ASScanline::green, ASImage::height, i, k, p, palette, ASScanline::red, Scale(), SCL_DO_ALL, start_image_decoding(), ASImage::ASImageAlternative::vector, TObject::Warning(), and ASImage::width.

UInt_t * TASImage::GetArgbArray (  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 3483 of file TASImage.cxx.

References BeginPaint(), fImage, fScaledImage, and TObject::Warning().

UInt_t * TASImage::GetRgbaArray (  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 3512 of file TASImage.cxx.

References a, argb, BeginPaint(), fImage, fScaledImage, j, and TObject::Warning().

Double_t * TASImage::GetVecArray (  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 2376 of file TASImage.cxx.

References ASImage::alt, fImage, ASImage::ASImageAlternative::vector, and TObject::Warning().

UInt_t * TASImage::GetScanline ( UInt_t  y  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 3561 of file TASImage.cxx.

References ASScanline::buffer, ASImageDecoder::buffer, ASImageDecoder::decode_image_scanline, fgVisual, fImage, fScaledImage, SCL_DO_ALL, start_image_decoding(), stop_image_decoding(), and TObject::Warning().

void TASImage::GetImageBuffer ( char **  buffer,
int *  size,
EImageFileTypes  type = TImage::kPng 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 5858 of file TASImage.cxx.

References ASImage2PNGBuff(), ASImage2xpmRawBuff(), fImage, fScaledImage, kFALSE, TImage::kXpm, and params.

Referenced by SavePrimitive().

void TASImage::GetZoomPosition ( UInt_t x,
UInt_t y,
UInt_t w,
UInt_t h 
) const

Definition at line 2082 of file TASImage.cxx.

References fZoomHeight, fZoomOffX, fZoomOffY, and fZoomWidth.

Bool_t TASImage::SetImageBuffer ( char **  buffer,
EImageFileTypes  type = TImage::kPng 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 5888 of file TASImage.cxx.

References ASA_ASImage, DestroyImage(), fImage, TNamed::fName, TString::Form(), gRandom, ASImage::height, TRandom::Integer(), TString::IsNull(), kFALSE, kTRUE, TImage::kXpm, params, PNGBuff2ASimage(), ptr, SCL_DO_ALL, UnZoom(), ASImage::width, xpm_data2ASImage(), and xpmRawBuff2ASImage().

Referenced by ReadImage().

void TASImage::PaintImage ( Drawable_t  wid,
Int_t  x,
Int_t  y,
Int_t  xsrc = 0,
Int_t  ysrc = 0,
UInt_t  wsrc = 0,
UInt_t  hsrc = 0,
Option_t opt = "" 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 1259 of file TASImage.cxx.

References fImage, fScaledImage, and Image2Drawable().

void TASImage::SetPaletteEnabled ( Bool_t  on = kTRUE  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TAttImage.

Definition at line 6595 of file TASImage.cxx.

References ASImage::alt, fImage, TAttImage::fPaletteEnabled, gPad, top(), ASImage::ASImageAlternative::vector, and Vectorize().

void TASImage::SavePrimitive ( ostream &  out,
Option_t option = "" 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TObject.

Definition at line 6626 of file TASImage.cxx.

References buf, TString::Data(), GetHeight(), GetImageBuffer(), TNamed::GetName(), GetWidth(), TImage::kXpm, name, TMath::Nint(), Scale(), and str.

const ASVisual * TASImage::GetVisual (  )  [static]

Definition at line 5063 of file TASImage.cxx.

References fgVisual.

Referenced by G__G__ASImage_147_0_122(), G__setup_memfuncTASImage(), and TASPaletteEditor::PaintPalette::Paint().

UInt_t TASImage::AlphaBlend ( UInt_t  bot,
UInt_t  top 
) [static]

Definition at line 5051 of file TASImage.cxx.

References _alphaBlend.

Referenced by G__G__ASImage_147_0_123(), and G__setup_memfuncTASImage().

void TASImage::Image2Drawable ( ASImage im,
Drawable_t  wid,
Int_t  x,
Int_t  y,
Int_t  xsrc = 0,
Int_t  ysrc = 0,
UInt_t  wsrc = 0,
UInt_t  hsrc = 0,
Option_t opt = "" 
) [static]

Definition at line 1149 of file TASImage.cxx.

References a, ASScanline::alpha, ASImage::alt, ASImage::ASImageAlternative::argb32, ASA_ARGB32, asimage2drawable(), ASIMAGE_QUALITY_DEFAULT, bit, bits, ASImageDecoder::buffer, CLRBIT, ASImageDecoder::decode_image_scanline, destroy_asimage(), GCValues_t::fClipMask, GCValues_t::fClipXOrigin, GCValues_t::fClipYOrigin, fgVisual, GCValues_t::fMask, gVirtualX, ASImage::height, i, if(), kGCClipMask, kGCClipXOrigin, kGCClipYOrigin, kNone, mask, option, SCL_DO_ALPHA, SETBIT, start_image_decoding(), stop_image_decoding(), tile_asimage(), and ASImage::width.

Referenced by G__G__ASImage_147_0_124(), G__setup_memfuncTASImage(), Paint(), TASPaletteEditor::PaintPalette::Paint(), and PaintImage().

Bool_t TASImage::SetJpegDpi ( const char *  name,
UInt_t  dpi = 72 

Definition at line 6665 of file TASImage.cxx.

References buf, fclose(), fopen, fp, fread, fwrite, kFALSE, and kTRUE.

void TASImage::DrawVLine ( UInt_t  x,
UInt_t  y1,
UInt_t  y2,
UInt_t  col,
UInt_t  thick 
) [private]

void TASImage::DrawHLine ( UInt_t  y,
UInt_t  x1,
UInt_t  x2,
UInt_t  col,
UInt_t  thick 
) [private]

void TASImage::DrawLineInternal ( UInt_t  x1,
UInt_t  y1,
UInt_t  x2,
UInt_t  y2,
UInt_t  col,
UInt_t  thick 
) [private]

void TASImage::DrawWideLine ( UInt_t  x1,
UInt_t  y1,
UInt_t  x2,
UInt_t  y2,
UInt_t  col,
UInt_t  thick 
) [private]

void TASImage::DrawDashHLine ( UInt_t  y,
UInt_t  x1,
UInt_t  x2,
UInt_t  nDash,
const char *  pDash,
UInt_t  col,
UInt_t  thick 
) [private]

void TASImage::DrawDashVLine ( UInt_t  x,
UInt_t  y1,
UInt_t  y2,
UInt_t  nDash,
const char *  pDash,
UInt_t  col,
UInt_t  thick 
) [private]

void TASImage::DrawDashZLine ( UInt_t  x1,
UInt_t  y1,
UInt_t  x2,
UInt_t  y2,
UInt_t  nDash,
const char *  pDash,
UInt_t  col 
) [private]

void TASImage::DrawDashZTLine ( UInt_t  x1,
UInt_t  y1,
UInt_t  x2,
UInt_t  y2,
UInt_t  nDash,
const char *  pDash,
UInt_t  col,
UInt_t  thick 
) [private]

Bool_t TASImage::GetPolygonSpans ( UInt_t  npt,
TPoint ppt,
UInt_t nspans,
TPoint **  firstPoint,
UInt_t **  firstWidth 
) [private]

void TASImage::GetFillAreaSpans ( UInt_t  npt,
TPoint ppt,
UInt_t nspans,
TPoint **  firstPoint,
UInt_t **  firstWidth 
) [private]

void TASImage::FillRectangleInternal ( UInt_t  col,
Int_t  x,
Int_t  y,
UInt_t  width,
UInt_t  height 
) [private]

void TASImage::DrawTextTTF ( Int_t  x,
Int_t  y,
const char *  text,
Int_t  size,
UInt_t  color,
const char *  font_name,
Float_t  angle 
) [private]

void TASImage::DrawGlyph ( void *  bitmap,
UInt_t  color,
Int_t  x,
Int_t  y 
) [private]

void TASImage::SetDefaults (  )  [private]

void TASImage::CreateThumbnail (  )  [private]

void TASImage::DestroyImage (  )  [private]

const char* TASImage::TypeFromMagicNumber ( const char *  file  )  [private]

EImageFileTypes TASImage::GetFileType ( const char *  ext  )  [protected]

void TASImage::MapFileTypes ( EImageFileTypes type,
UInt_t astype,
Bool_t  toas = kTRUE 
) [protected]

void TASImage::MapQuality ( EImageQuality quality,
UInt_t asquality,
Bool_t  toas = kTRUE 
) [protected]

static Bool_t TASImage::InitVisual (  )  [static, protected]

TASImage& TASImage::operator= ( const TASImage img  ) 

TObject* TASImage::Clone ( const char *  newname  )  const [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

void TASImage::SetEditable ( Bool_t  on = kTRUE  )  [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 95 of file TASImage.h.

References fEditable.

Bool_t TASImage::IsEditable (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 96 of file TASImage.h.

References fEditable.

void TASImage::Browse ( TBrowser  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TObject.

void TASImage::SetTitle ( const char *  title = ""  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TNamed.

const char* TASImage::GetTitle (  )  const [virtual]

Reimplemented from TNamed.

const char* TASImage::GetIconName (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented from TObject.

Definition at line 100 of file TASImage.h.

References GetTitle().

void TASImage::FromPad ( TVirtualPad pad,
Int_t  x = 0,
Int_t  y = 0,
UInt_t  w = 0,
UInt_t  h = 0 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

void TASImage::Draw ( Option_t option = ""  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TObject.

void TASImage::Paint ( Option_t option = ""  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TObject.

Int_t TASImage::DistancetoPrimitive ( Int_t  px,
Int_t  py 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TObject.

void TASImage::ExecuteEvent ( Int_t  event,
Int_t  px,
Int_t  py 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TObject.

char* TASImage::GetObjectInfo ( Int_t  px,
Int_t  py 
) const [virtual]

Reimplemented from TObject.

void TASImage::SetPalette ( const TImagePalette palette  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TAttImage.

void TASImage::Zoom ( UInt_t  offX,
UInt_t  offY,
UInt_t  width,
UInt_t  height 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

void TASImage::UnZoom (  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

void TASImage::Flip ( Int_t  flip = 180  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

void TASImage::Mirror ( Bool_t  vert = kTRUE  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

void TASImage::Scale ( UInt_t  width,
UInt_t  height 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

void TASImage::Slice ( UInt_t  xStart,
UInt_t  xEnd,
UInt_t  yStart,
UInt_t  yEnd,
UInt_t  toWidth,
UInt_t  toHeight 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

void TASImage::Tile ( UInt_t  width,
UInt_t  height 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

void TASImage::Crop ( Int_t  x = 0,
Int_t  y = 0,
UInt_t  width = 0,
UInt_t  height = 0 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

void TASImage::Pad ( const char *  color = "#00FFFFFF",
UInt_t  left = 0,
UInt_t  right = 0,
UInt_t  top = 0,
UInt_t  bottom = 0 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

void TASImage::Blur ( Double_t  hr = 3,
Double_t  vr = 3 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Double_t* TASImage::Vectorize ( UInt_t  max_colors = 256,
UInt_t  dither = 4,
Int_t  opaque_threshold = 1 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

void TASImage::Gray ( Bool_t  on = kTRUE  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

void TASImage::StartPaletteEditor (  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TAttImage.

void TASImage::HSV ( UInt_t  hue = 0,
UInt_t  radius = 360,
Int_t  H = 0,
Int_t  S = 0,
Int_t  V = 0,
Int_t  x = 0,
Int_t  y = 0,
UInt_t  width = 0,
UInt_t  height = 0 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

void TASImage::Merge ( const TImage im,
const char *  op = "alphablend",
Int_t  x = 0,
Int_t  y = 0 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

void TASImage::Append ( const TImage im,
const char *  option = "+",
const char *  color = "#00000000" 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

void TASImage::Gradient ( UInt_t  angle = 0,
const char *  colors = "#FFFFFF #000000",
const char *  offsets = 0,
Int_t  x = 0,
Int_t  y = 0,
UInt_t  width = 0,
UInt_t  height = 0 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

void TASImage::Bevel ( Int_t  x = 0,
Int_t  y = 0,
UInt_t  width = 0,
UInt_t  height = 0,
const char *  hi = "#ffdddddd",
const char *  lo = "#ff555555",
UShort_t  thick = 1,
Bool_t  pressed = kFALSE 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

void TASImage::DrawText ( Int_t  x = 0,
Int_t  y = 0,
const char *  text = "",
Int_t  size = 12,
const char *  color = 0,
const char *  font = "fixed",
EText3DType  type = TImage::kPlain,
const char *  fore_file = 0,
Float_t  angle = 0 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

void TASImage::DrawText ( TText text,
Int_t  x = 0,
Int_t  y = 0 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

void TASImage::BeginPaint ( Bool_t  fast = kTRUE  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

void TASImage::EndPaint (  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

void TASImage::DrawLine ( UInt_t  x1,
UInt_t  y1,
UInt_t  x2,
UInt_t  y2,
const char *  col = "#000000",
UInt_t  thick = 1 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

void TASImage::DrawDashLine ( UInt_t  x1,
UInt_t  y1,
UInt_t  x2,
UInt_t  y2,
UInt_t  nDash,
const char *  pDash,
const char *  col = "#000000",
UInt_t  thick = 1 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

void TASImage::DrawBox ( Int_t  x1,
Int_t  y1,
Int_t  x2,
Int_t  y2,
const char *  col = "#000000",
UInt_t  thick = 1,
Int_t  mode = 0 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

void TASImage::DrawRectangle ( UInt_t  x,
UInt_t  y,
UInt_t  w,
UInt_t  h,
const char *  col = "#000000",
UInt_t  thick = 1 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

void TASImage::FillRectangle ( const char *  col = 0,
Int_t  x = 0,
Int_t  y = 0,
UInt_t  width = 0,
UInt_t  height = 0 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

void TASImage::DrawPolyLine ( UInt_t  nn,
TPoint xy,
const char *  col = "#000000",
UInt_t  thick = 1,
TImage::ECoordMode  mode = kCoordModeOrigin 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

void TASImage::PutPixel ( Int_t  x,
Int_t  y,
const char *  col = "#000000" 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

void TASImage::PolyPoint ( UInt_t  npt,
TPoint ppt,
const char *  col = "#000000",
TImage::ECoordMode  mode = kCoordModeOrigin 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

void TASImage::DrawSegments ( UInt_t  nseg,
Segment_t seg,
const char *  col = "#000000",
UInt_t  thick = 1 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

void TASImage::FillPolygon ( UInt_t  npt,
TPoint ppt,
const char *  col = "#000000",
const char *  stipple = 0,
UInt_t  w = 16,
UInt_t  h = 16 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

void TASImage::FillPolygon ( UInt_t  npt,
TPoint ppt,
TImage tile 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

void TASImage::CropPolygon ( UInt_t  npt,
TPoint ppt 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

void TASImage::DrawFillArea ( UInt_t  npt,
TPoint ppt,
const char *  col = "#000000",
const char *  stipple = 0,
UInt_t  w = 16,
UInt_t  h = 16 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

void TASImage::DrawFillArea ( UInt_t  npt,
TPoint ppt,
TImage tile 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

void TASImage::FillSpans ( UInt_t  npt,
TPoint ppt,
UInt_t widths,
const char *  col = "#000000",
const char *  stipple = 0,
UInt_t  w = 16,
UInt_t  h = 16 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

void TASImage::FillSpans ( UInt_t  npt,
TPoint ppt,
UInt_t widths,
TImage tile 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

void TASImage::CropSpans ( UInt_t  npt,
TPoint ppt,
UInt_t widths 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

void TASImage::CopyArea ( TImage dst,
Int_t  xsrc,
Int_t  ysrc,
UInt_t  w,
UInt_t  h,
Int_t  xdst = 0,
Int_t  ydst = 0,
Int_t  gfunc = 3,
EColorChan  chan = kAllChan 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

void TASImage::DrawCellArray ( Int_t  x1,
Int_t  y1,
Int_t  x2,
Int_t  y2,
Int_t  nx,
Int_t  ny,
UInt_t ic 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

void TASImage::FloodFill ( Int_t  x,
Int_t  y,
const char *  col,
const char *  min_col,
const char *  max_col = 0 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

void TASImage::DrawCubeBezier ( Int_t  x1,
Int_t  y1,
Int_t  x2,
Int_t  y2,
Int_t  x3,
Int_t  y3,
const char *  col = "#000000",
UInt_t  thick = 1 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

void TASImage::DrawStraightEllips ( Int_t  x,
Int_t  y,
Int_t  rx,
Int_t  ry,
const char *  col = "#000000",
Int_t  thick = 1 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

void TASImage::DrawCircle ( Int_t  x,
Int_t  y,
Int_t  r,
const char *  col = "#000000",
Int_t  thick = 1 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

void TASImage::DrawEllips ( Int_t  x,
Int_t  y,
Int_t  rx,
Int_t  ry,
Int_t  angle,
const char *  col = "#000000",
Int_t  thick = 1 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

void TASImage::DrawEllips2 ( Int_t  x,
Int_t  y,
Int_t  rx,
Int_t  ry,
Int_t  angle,
const char *  col = "#000000",
Int_t  thick = 1 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

void TASImage::ReadImage ( const char *  file,
EImageFileTypes  type = TImage::kUnknown 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

void TASImage::WriteImage ( const char *  file,
EImageFileTypes  type = TImage::kUnknown 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

void TASImage::SetImage ( const Double_t imageData,
UInt_t  width,
UInt_t  height,
TImagePalette palette = 0 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

void TASImage::SetImage ( const TArrayD imageData,
UInt_t  width,
TImagePalette palette = 0 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

void TASImage::SetImage ( const TVectorD imageData,
UInt_t  width,
TImagePalette palette = 0 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

void TASImage::SetImage ( Pixmap_t  pxm,
Pixmap_t  mask = 0 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

void TASImage::FromWindow ( Drawable_t  wid,
Int_t  x = 0,
Int_t  y = 0,
UInt_t  w = 0,
UInt_t  h = 0 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

void TASImage::FromGLBuffer ( UChar_t buf,
UInt_t  w,
UInt_t  h 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

UInt_t TASImage::GetWidth (  )  const [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

UInt_t TASImage::GetHeight (  )  const [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

UInt_t TASImage::GetScaledWidth (  )  const

UInt_t TASImage::GetScaledHeight (  )  const

Bool_t TASImage::IsValid (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 185 of file TASImage.h.

References fImage, kFALSE, and kTRUE.

Bool_t TASImage::IsGray (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 186 of file TASImage.h.

References fIsGray.

ASImage* TASImage::GetImage (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 187 of file TASImage.h.

References fImage.

void TASImage::SetImage ( ASImage image  )  [inline]

Definition at line 188 of file TASImage.h.

References DestroyImage(), fImage, and image.

TImage* TASImage::GetScaledImage (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Definition at line 189 of file TASImage.h.

References fScaledImage.

Pixmap_t TASImage::GetPixmap (  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Pixmap_t TASImage::GetMask (  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

TArrayL* TASImage::GetPixels ( Int_t  x = 0,
Int_t  y = 0,
UInt_t  w = 0,
UInt_t  h = 0 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

TArrayD* TASImage::GetArray ( UInt_t  w = 0,
UInt_t  h = 0,
TImagePalette pal = gWebImagePalette 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

UInt_t* TASImage::GetArgbArray (  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

UInt_t* TASImage::GetRgbaArray (  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

Double_t* TASImage::GetVecArray (  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

UInt_t* TASImage::GetScanline ( UInt_t  y  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

void TASImage::GetImageBuffer ( char **  buffer,
int *  size,
EImageFileTypes  type = TImage::kPng 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

void TASImage::GetZoomPosition ( UInt_t x,
UInt_t y,
UInt_t w,
UInt_t h 
) const

Bool_t TASImage::SetImageBuffer ( char **  buffer,
EImageFileTypes  type = TImage::kPng 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

void TASImage::PaintImage ( Drawable_t  wid,
Int_t  x,
Int_t  y,
Int_t  xsrc = 0,
Int_t  ysrc = 0,
UInt_t  wsrc = 0,
UInt_t  hsrc = 0,
Option_t opt = "" 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TImage.

void TASImage::SetPaletteEnabled ( Bool_t  on = kTRUE  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TAttImage.

void TASImage::SavePrimitive ( ostream &  out,
Option_t option = "" 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TObject.

static const ASVisual* TASImage::GetVisual (  )  [static]

static UInt_t TASImage::AlphaBlend ( UInt_t  bot,
UInt_t  top 
) [static]

static void TASImage::Image2Drawable ( ASImage im,
Drawable_t  wid,
Int_t  x,
Int_t  y,
Int_t  xsrc = 0,
Int_t  ysrc = 0,
UInt_t  wsrc = 0,
UInt_t  hsrc = 0,
Option_t opt = "" 
) [static]

Bool_t TASImage::SetJpegDpi ( const char *  name,
UInt_t  dpi = 72 

Member Data Documentation

ASImage* TASImage::fImage [protected]

Definition at line 58 of file TASImage.h.

Referenced by Append(), BeginPaint(), Bevel(), Blur(), Browse(), Clone(), CopyArea(), CreateThumbnail(), Crop(), CropSpans(), Draw(), DrawBox(), DrawCircle(), DrawCubeBezier(), DrawDashHLine(), DrawDashLine(), DrawDashVLine(), DrawDashZLine(), DrawEllips(), DrawEllips2(), DrawFillArea(), DrawGlyph(), DrawHLine(), DrawLineInternal(), DrawRectangle(), DrawStraightEllips(), DrawText(), DrawVLine(), DrawWideLine(), EndPaint(), ExecuteEvent(), FillRectangle(), FillRectangleInternal(), FillSpans(), Flip(), FromGLBuffer(), FromPad(), FromWindow(), GetArgbArray(), GetArray(), GetHeight(), GetImage(), GetImageBuffer(), GetMask(), GetObjectInfo(), GetPixels(), GetPixmap(), GetPolygonSpans(), GetRgbaArray(), GetScaledHeight(), GetScaledWidth(), GetScanline(), GetVecArray(), GetWidth(), Gradient(), Gray(), HSV(), IsValid(), Merge(), Mirror(), operator=(), Pad(), Paint(), PaintImage(), PolyPoint(), PutPixel(), ReadImage(), Scale(), SetDefaults(), SetImage(), SetImageBuffer(), SetPalette(), SetPaletteEnabled(), Slice(), StartPaletteEditor(), TASImage(), Tile(), UnZoom(), Vectorize(), WriteImage(), and Zoom().

TASImage* TASImage::fScaledImage [protected]

pointer to image structure of original image

Definition at line 59 of file TASImage.h.

Referenced by Clone(), ExecuteEvent(), FromGLBuffer(), FromPad(), FromWindow(), GetArgbArray(), GetArray(), GetImageBuffer(), GetMask(), GetObjectInfo(), GetPixels(), GetPixmap(), GetRgbaArray(), GetScaledHeight(), GetScaledImage(), GetScaledWidth(), GetScanline(), Gray(), operator=(), Paint(), PaintImage(), ReadImage(), SetDefaults(), SetImage(), SetPalette(), TASImage(), UnZoom(), WriteImage(), and ~TASImage().

Double_t TASImage::fMaxValue [protected]

temporary scaled and zoomed image produced from original image

Definition at line 60 of file TASImage.h.

Referenced by Clone(), Paint(), SetDefaults(), SetImage(), SetPalette(), and Vectorize().

Double_t TASImage::fMinValue [protected]

max value in image

Definition at line 61 of file TASImage.h.

Referenced by Clone(), Paint(), SetDefaults(), SetImage(), SetPalette(), and Vectorize().

UInt_t TASImage::fZoomOffX [protected]

min value in image

Definition at line 62 of file TASImage.h.

Referenced by Clone(), ExecuteEvent(), GetObjectInfo(), GetZoomPosition(), operator=(), Paint(), ReadImage(), SetDefaults(), SetImage(), TASImage(), UnZoom(), and Zoom().

UInt_t TASImage::fZoomOffY [protected]

X - offset for zooming in image pixels.

Definition at line 63 of file TASImage.h.

Referenced by Clone(), ExecuteEvent(), GetObjectInfo(), GetZoomPosition(), operator=(), Paint(), ReadImage(), SetDefaults(), SetImage(), TASImage(), UnZoom(), and Zoom().

UInt_t TASImage::fZoomWidth [protected]

Y - offset for zooming im image pixels.

Definition at line 64 of file TASImage.h.

Referenced by Clone(), ExecuteEvent(), GetObjectInfo(), GetZoomPosition(), operator=(), Paint(), ReadImage(), SetDefaults(), SetImage(), TASImage(), UnZoom(), and Zoom().

UInt_t TASImage::fZoomHeight [protected]

width of zoomed image in image pixels

Definition at line 65 of file TASImage.h.

Referenced by Clone(), ExecuteEvent(), GetObjectInfo(), GetZoomPosition(), operator=(), Paint(), ReadImage(), SetDefaults(), SetImage(), TASImage(), UnZoom(), and Zoom().

Int_t TASImage::fZoomUpdate [protected]

hight of zoomed image in image pixels

Definition at line 66 of file TASImage.h.

Referenced by Clone(), Crop(), operator=(), Pad(), Paint(), ReadImage(), Scale(), SetDefaults(), SetImage(), Slice(), TASImage(), Tile(), UnZoom(), and Zoom().

Bool_t TASImage::fEditable [protected]

kZoom - new zooming required, kZoomOps - other ops in action, kNoZoom - no zooming or ops

Definition at line 67 of file TASImage.h.

Referenced by IsEditable(), operator=(), ReadImage(), SetDefaults(), SetEditable(), and TASImage().

Int_t TASImage::fPaintMode [protected]

kTRUE image can be resized, moved by resizing/moving gPad

Definition at line 68 of file TASImage.h.

Referenced by BeginPaint(), EndPaint(), operator=(), ReadImage(), and SetDefaults().

ASImage* TASImage::fGrayImage [protected]

1 - fast mode, 0 - low memory slow mode

Definition at line 69 of file TASImage.h.

Referenced by Gray(), operator=(), SetDefaults(), and TASImage().

Bool_t TASImage::fIsGray [protected]

gray image

Definition at line 70 of file TASImage.h.

Referenced by Gray(), IsGray(), operator=(), SetDefaults(), and TASImage().

THashTable * TASImage::fgPlugList [static, protected]

kTRUE if image is gray

Definition at line 71 of file TASImage.h.

Referenced by ReadImage().

ASVisual * TASImage::fgVisual [static, protected]

hash table containing loaded plugins

Definition at line 73 of file TASImage.h.

Referenced by BeginPaint(), Bevel(), Blur(), CreateThumbnail(), Crop(), DrawText(), EndPaint(), FillRectangleInternal(), Flip(), FromPad(), FromWindow(), GetMask(), GetPixmap(), GetScanline(), GetVisual(), Gradient(), Gray(), HSV(), Image2Drawable(), InitVisual(), Merge(), Mirror(), Pad(), Paint(), Scale(), SetImage(), SetPalette(), Slice(), Tile(), and Vectorize().

static Bool_t TASImage::fgInit [static, protected]

Definition at line 74 of file TASImage.h.

Referenced by SetDefaults().

ASImage* TASImage::fImage [protected]

Definition at line 58 of file TASImage.h.

TASImage* TASImage::fScaledImage [protected]

pointer to image structure of original image

Definition at line 59 of file TASImage.h.

ASImage* TASImage::fGrayImage [protected]

1 - fast mode, 0 - low memory slow mode

Definition at line 69 of file TASImage.h.

THashTable* TASImage::fgPlugList [static, protected]

kTRUE if image is gray

Definition at line 71 of file TASImage.h.

ASVisual* TASImage::fgVisual [static, protected]

hash table containing loaded plugins

Definition at line 73 of file TASImage.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Tue Jul 5 16:34:38 2011 for ROOT_528-00b_version by  doxygen 1.5.1