TEveElement Class Reference

#include <TEveElement.h>

Inheritance diagram for TEveElement:

TEveArrow TEveArrow TEveCaloData TEveCaloData TEveCaloViz TEveCaloViz TEveDigitSet TEveDigitSet TEveElementList TEveElementList TEveElementObjectPtr TEveElementObjectPtr TEveGeoNode TEveGeoNode TEveParamList TEveParamList TEvePointSet TEvePointSet TEvePointSetArray TEvePointSetArray TEveProjectionAxes TEveProjectionAxes TEveSceneInfo TEveSceneInfo TEveStraightLineSet TEveStraightLineSet TEveText TEveText List of all members.

Public Types

enum  EChangeBits
enum  EChangeBits
typedef std::set< TEveListTreeInfosLTI_t
typedef sLTI_t::iterator sLTI_i
typedef sLTI_t::reverse_iterator sLTI_ri
typedef std::list< TEveElement * > List_t
typedef List_t::iterator List_i
typedef List_t::const_iterator List_ci
typedef std::set< TEveElement * > Set_t
typedef Set_t::iterator Set_i
typedef Set_t::const_iterator Set_ci
typedef void(TEveElement::*) Select_foo (Bool_t)
typedef void(TEveElement::*) ImplySelect_foo ()
typedef std::set< TEveListTreeInfosLTI_t
typedef sLTI_t::iterator sLTI_i
typedef sLTI_t::reverse_iterator sLTI_ri
typedef std::list< TEveElement * > List_t
typedef List_t::iterator List_i
typedef List_t::const_iterator List_ci
typedef std::set< TEveElement * > Set_t
typedef Set_t::iterator Set_i
typedef Set_t::const_iterator Set_ci
typedef void(TEveElement::*) Select_foo (Bool_t)
typedef void(TEveElement::*) ImplySelect_foo ()

Public Member Functions

 TEveElement ()
 TEveElement (Color_t &main_color)
 TEveElement (const TEveElement &e)
virtual ~TEveElement ()
virtual TEveElementCloneElement () const
virtual TEveElementCloneElementRecurse (Int_t level=0) const
virtual void CloneChildrenRecurse (TEveElement *dest, Int_t level=0) const
virtual const char * GetElementName () const
virtual const char * GetElementTitle () const
virtual TString GetHighlightTooltip ()
virtual void SetElementName (const char *name)
virtual void SetElementTitle (const char *title)
virtual void SetElementNameTitle (const char *name, const char *title)
virtual void NameTitleChanged ()
const TStringGetVizTag () const
void SetVizTag (const TString &tag)
TEveElementGetVizModel () const
void SetVizModel (TEveElement *model)
Bool_t FindVizModel ()
Bool_t ApplyVizTag (const TString &tag, const TString &fallback_tag="")
virtual void PropagateVizParamsToProjecteds ()
virtual void PropagateVizParamsToElements (TEveElement *el=0)
virtual void CopyVizParams (const TEveElement *el)
virtual void CopyVizParamsFromDB ()
void SaveVizParams (ostream &out, const TString &tag, const TString &var)
virtual void WriteVizParams (ostream &out, const TString &var)
TEveElementGetMaster ()
TEveCompoundGetCompound ()
void SetCompound (TEveCompound *c)
virtual void AddParent (TEveElement *re)
virtual void RemoveParent (TEveElement *re)
virtual void CheckReferenceCount (const TEveException &eh="TEveElement::CheckReferenceCount ")
virtual void CollectSceneParents (List_t &scenes)
virtual void CollectSceneParentsFromChildren (List_t &scenes, TEveElement *parent)
List_i BeginParents ()
List_i EndParents ()
List_ci BeginParents () const
List_ci EndParents () const
Int_t NumParents () const
Bool_t HasParents () const
const List_tRefChildren () const
List_i BeginChildren ()
List_i EndChildren ()
List_ci BeginChildren () const
List_ci EndChildren () const
Int_t NumChildren () const
Bool_t HasChildren () const
Bool_t HasChild (TEveElement *el)
TEveElementFindChild (const TString &name, const TClass *cls=0)
TEveElementFindChild (TPRegexp &regexp, const TClass *cls=0)
Int_t FindChildren (List_t &matches, const TString &name, const TClass *cls=0)
Int_t FindChildren (List_t &matches, TPRegexp &regexp, const TClass *cls=0)
TEveElementFirstChild () const
TEveElementLastChild () const
void EnableListElements (Bool_t rnr_self=kTRUE, Bool_t rnr_children=kTRUE)
void DisableListElements (Bool_t rnr_self=kFALSE, Bool_t rnr_children=kFALSE)
Bool_t GetDestroyOnZeroRefCnt () const
void SetDestroyOnZeroRefCnt (Bool_t d)
Int_t GetDenyDestroy () const
void IncDenyDestroy ()
void DecDenyDestroy ()
Int_t GetParentIgnoreCnt () const
void IncParentIgnoreCnt ()
void DecParentIgnoreCnt ()
virtual void PadPaint (Option_t *option)
virtual void PaintStandard (TObject *id)
virtual TObjectGetObject (const TEveException &eh) const
virtual TObjectGetEditorObject (const TEveException &eh) const
virtual TObjectGetRenderObject (const TEveException &eh) const
virtual void ExpandIntoListTree (TGListTree *ltree, TGListTreeItem *parent)
virtual void DestroyListSubTree (TGListTree *ltree, TGListTreeItem *parent)
virtual TGListTreeItemAddIntoListTree (TGListTree *ltree, TGListTreeItem *parent_lti)
virtual TGListTreeItemAddIntoListTree (TGListTree *ltree, TEveElement *parent)
virtual TGListTreeItemAddIntoListTrees (TEveElement *parent)
virtual Bool_t RemoveFromListTree (TGListTree *ltree, TGListTreeItem *parent_lti)
virtual Int_t RemoveFromListTrees (TEveElement *parent)
virtual sLTI_i FindItem (TGListTree *ltree)
virtual sLTI_i FindItem (TGListTree *ltree, TGListTreeItem *parent_lti)
virtual TGListTreeItemFindListTreeItem (TGListTree *ltree)
virtual TGListTreeItemFindListTreeItem (TGListTree *ltree, TGListTreeItem *parent_lti)
virtual Int_t GetNItems () const
void SpawnEditor ()
virtual void ExportToCINT (char *var_name)
void DumpSourceObject () const
void PrintSourceObject () const
void ExportSourceObjectToCINT (char *var_name) const
virtual Bool_t AcceptElement (TEveElement *el)
virtual void AddElement (TEveElement *el)
virtual void RemoveElement (TEveElement *el)
virtual void RemoveElementLocal (TEveElement *el)
virtual void RemoveElements ()
virtual void RemoveElementsLocal ()
virtual void AnnihilateElements ()
virtual void Annihilate ()
virtual void ProjectChild (TEveElement *el, Bool_t same_depth=kTRUE)
virtual void ProjectAllChildren (Bool_t same_depth=kTRUE)
virtual void Destroy ()
virtual void DestroyOrWarn ()
virtual void DestroyElements ()
virtual Bool_t HandleElementPaste (TEveElement *el)
virtual void ElementChanged (Bool_t update_scenes=kTRUE, Bool_t redraw=kFALSE)
virtual Bool_t CanEditElement () const
virtual Bool_t SingleRnrState () const
virtual Bool_t GetRnrSelf () const
virtual Bool_t GetRnrChildren () const
virtual Bool_t GetRnrState () const
virtual Bool_t GetRnrAnything () const
virtual Bool_t SetRnrSelf (Bool_t rnr)
virtual Bool_t SetRnrChildren (Bool_t rnr)
virtual Bool_t SetRnrSelfChildren (Bool_t rnr_self, Bool_t rnr_children)
virtual Bool_t SetRnrState (Bool_t rnr)
virtual void PropagateRnrStateToProjecteds ()
virtual Bool_t CanEditMainColor () const
void SetEditMainColor (Bool_t x)
Color_tGetMainColorPtr () const
void SetMainColorPtr (Color_t *color)
virtual Bool_t HasMainColor () const
virtual Color_t GetMainColor () const
virtual void SetMainColor (Color_t color)
void SetMainColorPixel (Pixel_t pixel)
void SetMainColorRGB (UChar_t r, UChar_t g, UChar_t b)
void SetMainColorRGB (Float_t r, Float_t g, Float_t b)
virtual void PropagateMainColorToProjecteds (Color_t color, Color_t old_color)
virtual Bool_t CanEditMainTransparency () const
void SetEditMainTransparency (Bool_t x)
virtual Char_t GetMainTransparency () const
virtual void SetMainTransparency (Char_t t)
void SetMainAlpha (Float_t alpha)
virtual void PropagateMainTransparencyToProjecteds (Char_t t, Char_t old_t)
virtual Bool_t CanEditMainTrans () const
virtual Bool_t HasMainTrans () const
virtual TEveTransPtrMainTrans (Bool_t create=kTRUE)
virtual TEveTransRefMainTrans ()
virtual void InitMainTrans (Bool_t can_edit=kTRUE)
virtual void DestroyMainTrans ()
virtual void SetTransMatrix (Double_t *carr)
virtual void SetTransMatrix (const TGeoMatrix &mat)
TRefGetSource ()
TObjectGetSourceObject () const
void SetSourceObject (TObject *o)
void * GetUserData () const
void SetUserData (void *ud)
Bool_t IsPickable () const
void SetPickable (Bool_t p)
virtual TEveElementForwardSelection ()
virtual TEveElementForwardEdit ()
virtual void SelectElement (Bool_t state)
virtual void IncImpliedSelected ()
virtual void DecImpliedSelected ()
virtual void UnSelected ()
virtual void HighlightElement (Bool_t state)
virtual void IncImpliedHighlighted ()
virtual void DecImpliedHighlighted ()
virtual void UnHighlighted ()
virtual void FillImpliedSelectedSet (Set_t &impSelSet)
virtual UChar_t GetSelectedLevel () const
void RecheckImpliedSelections ()
void SetCSCBits (UChar_t f)
void ResetCSCBits (UChar_t f)
Bool_t TestCSCBits (UChar_t f) const
void ResetAllCSCBits ()
void CSCImplySelectAllChildren ()
void CSCTakeAnyParentAsMaster ()
void CSCApplyMainColorToAllChildren ()
void CSCApplyMainColorToMatchingChildren ()
void CSCApplyMainTransparencyToAllChildren ()
void CSCApplyMainTransparencyToMatchingChildren ()
void StampColorSelection ()
void StampTransBBox ()
void StampObjProps ()
void StampVisibility ()
virtual void AddStamp (UChar_t bits)
virtual void ClearStamps ()
UChar_t GetChangeBits () const
virtual const TGPictureGetListTreeIcon (Bool_t open=kFALSE)
virtual const TGPictureGetListTreeCheckBoxIcon ()
void VizDB_Apply (const char *tag)
void VizDB_Reapply ()
void VizDB_UpdateModel (Bool_t update=kTRUE)
void VizDB_Insert (const char *tag, Bool_t replace=kTRUE, Bool_t update=kTRUE)
 ClassDef (TEveElement, 0)
 TEveElement ()
 TEveElement (Color_t &main_color)
 TEveElement (const TEveElement &e)
virtual ~TEveElement ()
virtual TEveElementCloneElement () const
virtual TEveElementCloneElementRecurse (Int_t level=0) const
virtual void CloneChildrenRecurse (TEveElement *dest, Int_t level=0) const
virtual const char * GetElementName () const
virtual const char * GetElementTitle () const
virtual TString GetHighlightTooltip ()
virtual void SetElementName (const char *name)
virtual void SetElementTitle (const char *title)
virtual void SetElementNameTitle (const char *name, const char *title)
virtual void NameTitleChanged ()
const TStringGetVizTag () const
void SetVizTag (const TString &tag)
TEveElementGetVizModel () const
void SetVizModel (TEveElement *model)
Bool_t FindVizModel ()
Bool_t ApplyVizTag (const TString &tag, const TString &fallback_tag="")
virtual void PropagateVizParamsToProjecteds ()
virtual void PropagateVizParamsToElements (TEveElement *el=0)
virtual void CopyVizParams (const TEveElement *el)
virtual void CopyVizParamsFromDB ()
void SaveVizParams (ostream &out, const TString &tag, const TString &var)
virtual void WriteVizParams (ostream &out, const TString &var)
TEveElementGetMaster ()
TEveCompoundGetCompound ()
void SetCompound (TEveCompound *c)
virtual void AddParent (TEveElement *re)
virtual void RemoveParent (TEveElement *re)
virtual void CheckReferenceCount (const TEveException &eh="TEveElement::CheckReferenceCount ")
virtual void CollectSceneParents (List_t &scenes)
virtual void CollectSceneParentsFromChildren (List_t &scenes, TEveElement *parent)
List_i BeginParents ()
List_i EndParents ()
List_ci BeginParents () const
List_ci EndParents () const
Int_t NumParents () const
Bool_t HasParents () const
const List_tRefChildren () const
List_i BeginChildren ()
List_i EndChildren ()
List_ci BeginChildren () const
List_ci EndChildren () const
Int_t NumChildren () const
Bool_t HasChildren () const
Bool_t HasChild (TEveElement *el)
TEveElementFindChild (const TString &name, const TClass *cls=0)
TEveElementFindChild (TPRegexp &regexp, const TClass *cls=0)
Int_t FindChildren (List_t &matches, const TString &name, const TClass *cls=0)
Int_t FindChildren (List_t &matches, TPRegexp &regexp, const TClass *cls=0)
TEveElementFirstChild () const
TEveElementLastChild () const
void EnableListElements (Bool_t rnr_self=kTRUE, Bool_t rnr_children=kTRUE)
void DisableListElements (Bool_t rnr_self=kFALSE, Bool_t rnr_children=kFALSE)
Bool_t GetDestroyOnZeroRefCnt () const
void SetDestroyOnZeroRefCnt (Bool_t d)
Int_t GetDenyDestroy () const
void IncDenyDestroy ()
void DecDenyDestroy ()
Int_t GetParentIgnoreCnt () const
void IncParentIgnoreCnt ()
void DecParentIgnoreCnt ()
virtual void PadPaint (Option_t *option)
virtual void PaintStandard (TObject *id)
virtual TObjectGetObject (const TEveException &eh) const
virtual TObjectGetEditorObject (const TEveException &eh) const
virtual TObjectGetRenderObject (const TEveException &eh) const
virtual void ExpandIntoListTree (TGListTree *ltree, TGListTreeItem *parent)
virtual void DestroyListSubTree (TGListTree *ltree, TGListTreeItem *parent)
virtual TGListTreeItemAddIntoListTree (TGListTree *ltree, TGListTreeItem *parent_lti)
virtual TGListTreeItemAddIntoListTree (TGListTree *ltree, TEveElement *parent)
virtual TGListTreeItemAddIntoListTrees (TEveElement *parent)
virtual Bool_t RemoveFromListTree (TGListTree *ltree, TGListTreeItem *parent_lti)
virtual Int_t RemoveFromListTrees (TEveElement *parent)
virtual sLTI_i FindItem (TGListTree *ltree)
virtual sLTI_i FindItem (TGListTree *ltree, TGListTreeItem *parent_lti)
virtual TGListTreeItemFindListTreeItem (TGListTree *ltree)
virtual TGListTreeItemFindListTreeItem (TGListTree *ltree, TGListTreeItem *parent_lti)
virtual Int_t GetNItems () const
void SpawnEditor ()
virtual void ExportToCINT (char *var_name)
void DumpSourceObject () const
void PrintSourceObject () const
void ExportSourceObjectToCINT (char *var_name) const
virtual Bool_t AcceptElement (TEveElement *el)
virtual void AddElement (TEveElement *el)
virtual void RemoveElement (TEveElement *el)
virtual void RemoveElementLocal (TEveElement *el)
virtual void RemoveElements ()
virtual void RemoveElementsLocal ()
virtual void AnnihilateElements ()
virtual void Annihilate ()
virtual void ProjectChild (TEveElement *el, Bool_t same_depth=kTRUE)
virtual void ProjectAllChildren (Bool_t same_depth=kTRUE)
virtual void Destroy ()
virtual void DestroyOrWarn ()
virtual void DestroyElements ()
virtual Bool_t HandleElementPaste (TEveElement *el)
virtual void ElementChanged (Bool_t update_scenes=kTRUE, Bool_t redraw=kFALSE)
virtual Bool_t CanEditElement () const
virtual Bool_t SingleRnrState () const
virtual Bool_t GetRnrSelf () const
virtual Bool_t GetRnrChildren () const
virtual Bool_t GetRnrState () const
virtual Bool_t GetRnrAnything () const
virtual Bool_t SetRnrSelf (Bool_t rnr)
virtual Bool_t SetRnrChildren (Bool_t rnr)
virtual Bool_t SetRnrSelfChildren (Bool_t rnr_self, Bool_t rnr_children)
virtual Bool_t SetRnrState (Bool_t rnr)
virtual void PropagateRnrStateToProjecteds ()
virtual Bool_t CanEditMainColor () const
void SetEditMainColor (Bool_t x)
Color_tGetMainColorPtr () const
void SetMainColorPtr (Color_t *color)
virtual Bool_t HasMainColor () const
virtual Color_t GetMainColor () const
virtual void SetMainColor (Color_t color)
void SetMainColorPixel (Pixel_t pixel)
void SetMainColorRGB (UChar_t r, UChar_t g, UChar_t b)
void SetMainColorRGB (Float_t r, Float_t g, Float_t b)
virtual void PropagateMainColorToProjecteds (Color_t color, Color_t old_color)
virtual Bool_t CanEditMainTransparency () const
void SetEditMainTransparency (Bool_t x)
virtual Char_t GetMainTransparency () const
virtual void SetMainTransparency (Char_t t)
void SetMainAlpha (Float_t alpha)
virtual void PropagateMainTransparencyToProjecteds (Char_t t, Char_t old_t)
virtual Bool_t CanEditMainTrans () const
virtual Bool_t HasMainTrans () const
virtual TEveTransPtrMainTrans (Bool_t create=kTRUE)
virtual TEveTransRefMainTrans ()
virtual void InitMainTrans (Bool_t can_edit=kTRUE)
virtual void DestroyMainTrans ()
virtual void SetTransMatrix (Double_t *carr)
virtual void SetTransMatrix (const TGeoMatrix &mat)
TRefGetSource ()
TObjectGetSourceObject () const
void SetSourceObject (TObject *o)
void * GetUserData () const
void SetUserData (void *ud)
Bool_t IsPickable () const
void SetPickable (Bool_t p)
virtual TEveElementForwardSelection ()
virtual TEveElementForwardEdit ()
virtual void SelectElement (Bool_t state)
virtual void IncImpliedSelected ()
virtual void DecImpliedSelected ()
virtual void UnSelected ()
virtual void HighlightElement (Bool_t state)
virtual void IncImpliedHighlighted ()
virtual void DecImpliedHighlighted ()
virtual void UnHighlighted ()
virtual void FillImpliedSelectedSet (Set_t &impSelSet)
virtual UChar_t GetSelectedLevel () const
void RecheckImpliedSelections ()
void SetCSCBits (UChar_t f)
void ResetCSCBits (UChar_t f)
Bool_t TestCSCBits (UChar_t f) const
void ResetAllCSCBits ()
void CSCImplySelectAllChildren ()
void CSCTakeAnyParentAsMaster ()
void CSCApplyMainColorToAllChildren ()
void CSCApplyMainColorToMatchingChildren ()
void CSCApplyMainTransparencyToAllChildren ()
void CSCApplyMainTransparencyToMatchingChildren ()
void StampColorSelection ()
void StampTransBBox ()
void StampObjProps ()
void StampVisibility ()
virtual void AddStamp (UChar_t bits)
virtual void ClearStamps ()
UChar_t GetChangeBits () const
virtual const TGPictureGetListTreeIcon (Bool_t open=kFALSE)
virtual const TGPictureGetListTreeCheckBoxIcon ()
void VizDB_Apply (const char *tag)
void VizDB_Reapply ()
void VizDB_UpdateModel (Bool_t update=kTRUE)
void VizDB_Insert (const char *tag, Bool_t replace=kTRUE, Bool_t update=kTRUE)
 ClassDef (TEveElement, 0)

Static Public Attributes

static const TGPicturefgRnrIcons [4]
static const TGPicturefgListTreeIcons [9]
static const TGPicturefgRnrIcons [4]
static const TGPicturefgListTreeIcons [9]

Protected Types

enum  ECompoundSelectionColorBits
enum  EDestruct
enum  ECompoundSelectionColorBits
enum  EDestruct

Protected Member Functions

virtual void PreDeleteElement ()
 Externally assigned and controlled user data.
virtual void RemoveElementsInternal ()
virtual void AnnihilateRecursively ()
virtual void PreDeleteElement ()
 Externally assigned and controlled user data.
virtual void RemoveElementsInternal ()
virtual void AnnihilateRecursively ()

Static Protected Member Functions

static const char * ToString (Bool_t b)
static const char * ToString (Bool_t b)

Protected Attributes

List_t fParents
List_t fChildren
TString fVizTag
 Element used as model from VizDB.
Int_t fNumChildren
Int_t fParentIgnoreCnt
Int_t fTopItemCnt
 Counter for parents that are ignored in ref-counting.
Int_t fDenyDestroy
 Counter for top-level list-tree items that prevent automatic destruction.
Bool_t fDestroyOnZeroRefCnt
 Deny-destroy count.
Bool_t fRnrSelf
Bool_t fRnrChildren
Bool_t fCanEditMainColor
Bool_t fCanEditMainTransparency
Bool_t fCanEditMainTrans
Char_t fMainTransparency
sLTI_t fItems
TRef fSource
 Set of list-tree-items.
void * fUserData
Bool_t fPickable
Bool_t fSelected
Bool_t fHighlighted
Short_t fImpliedSelected
Short_t fImpliedHighlighted
UChar_t fCSCBits
UChar_t fChangeBits
Char_t fDestructing
void * fUserData

Private Member Functions

TEveElementoperator= (const TEveElement &)
TEveElementoperator= (const TEveElement &)


class TEveManager


class  TEveListTreeInfo

Detailed Description

Definition at line 33 of file TEveElement.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::set<TEveListTreeInfo> TEveElement::sLTI_t

Definition at line 65 of file TEveElement.h.

typedef sLTI_t::iterator TEveElement::sLTI_i

Definition at line 66 of file TEveElement.h.

typedef sLTI_t::reverse_iterator TEveElement::sLTI_ri

Definition at line 67 of file TEveElement.h.

typedef std::list<TEveElement*> TEveElement::List_t

Definition at line 69 of file TEveElement.h.

typedef List_t::iterator TEveElement::List_i

Definition at line 70 of file TEveElement.h.

typedef List_t::const_iterator TEveElement::List_ci

Definition at line 71 of file TEveElement.h.

typedef std::set<TEveElement*> TEveElement::Set_t

Definition at line 73 of file TEveElement.h.

typedef Set_t::iterator TEveElement::Set_i

Definition at line 74 of file TEveElement.h.

typedef Set_t::const_iterator TEveElement::Set_ci

Definition at line 75 of file TEveElement.h.

typedef void(TEveElement::* ) TEveElement::Select_foo(Bool_t)

Definition at line 336 of file TEveElement.h.

typedef void(TEveElement::* ) TEveElement::ImplySelect_foo()

Definition at line 337 of file TEveElement.h.

typedef std::set<TEveListTreeInfo> TEveElement::sLTI_t

Definition at line 65 of file TEveElement.h.

typedef sLTI_t::iterator TEveElement::sLTI_i

Definition at line 66 of file TEveElement.h.

typedef sLTI_t::reverse_iterator TEveElement::sLTI_ri

Definition at line 67 of file TEveElement.h.

typedef std::list<TEveElement*> TEveElement::List_t

Definition at line 69 of file TEveElement.h.

typedef List_t::iterator TEveElement::List_i

Definition at line 70 of file TEveElement.h.

typedef List_t::const_iterator TEveElement::List_ci

Definition at line 71 of file TEveElement.h.

typedef std::set<TEveElement*> TEveElement::Set_t

Definition at line 73 of file TEveElement.h.

typedef Set_t::iterator TEveElement::Set_i

Definition at line 74 of file TEveElement.h.

typedef Set_t::const_iterator TEveElement::Set_ci

Definition at line 75 of file TEveElement.h.

typedef void(TEveElement::* ) TEveElement::Select_foo(Bool_t)

Definition at line 336 of file TEveElement.h.

typedef void(TEveElement::* ) TEveElement::ImplySelect_foo()

Definition at line 337 of file TEveElement.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum TEveElement::ECompoundSelectionColorBits [protected]

Definition at line 316 of file TEveElement.h.

enum TEveElement::EDestruct [protected]

Definition at line 326 of file TEveElement.h.

enum TEveElement::EChangeBits

Definition at line 377 of file TEveElement.h.

enum TEveElement::ECompoundSelectionColorBits [protected]

Definition at line 316 of file TEveElement.h.

enum TEveElement::EDestruct [protected]

Definition at line 326 of file TEveElement.h.

enum TEveElement::EChangeBits

Definition at line 377 of file TEveElement.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TEveElement::TEveElement (  ) 

Definition at line 69 of file TEveElement.cxx.

Referenced by CloneElement().

TEveElement::TEveElement ( Color_t main_color  ) 

Definition at line 104 of file TEveElement.cxx.

TEveElement::TEveElement ( const TEveElement e  ) 

Definition at line 139 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References fMainColorPtr, fMainTrans, fVizModel, and SetVizModel().

TEveElement::~TEveElement (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 189 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References fDestructing, fItems, fMainTrans, fParents, i, kAnnihilate, kStandard, p, and RemoveElementsInternal().

TEveElement::TEveElement (  ) 

TEveElement::TEveElement ( Color_t main_color  ) 

TEveElement::TEveElement ( const TEveElement e  ) 

virtual TEveElement::~TEveElement (  )  [virtual]

Member Function Documentation

TEveElement& TEveElement::operator= ( const TEveElement  )  [private]

void TEveElement::PreDeleteElement (  )  [protected, virtual]

Externally assigned and controlled user data.

Definition at line 215 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References gEve, and TEveManager::PreDeleteElement().

Referenced by AnnihilateRecursively(), CheckReferenceCount(), Destroy(), and TEveWindow::PreDeleteElement().

void TEveElement::RemoveElementsInternal (  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 1392 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References DestroyListSubTree(), fChildren, fItems, fNumChildren, i, and RemoveElementsLocal().

Referenced by RemoveElements(), and ~TEveElement().

void TEveElement::AnnihilateRecursively (  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 1645 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References TEveProjectable::ClearProjectedList(), DestroyListSubTree(), fChildren, fDestructing, fItems, fNumChildren, TEveProjectable::HasProjecteds(), i, kAnnihilate, PreDeleteElement(), and RemoveElementsLocal().

Referenced by Annihilate().

const char * TEveElement::ToString ( Bool_t  b  )  [static, protected]

Definition at line 2098 of file TEveElement.cxx.

Referenced by TEveLine::WriteVizParams(), TEveShape::WriteVizParams(), TEveStraightLineSet::WriteVizParams(), and TEveTrackList::WriteVizParams().

TEveElement * TEveElement::CloneElement (  )  const [virtual]

Definition at line 226 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References TEveElement().

Referenced by CloneElementRecurse().

TEveElement * TEveElement::CloneElementRecurse ( Int_t  level = 0  )  const [virtual]

Definition at line 235 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References CloneChildrenRecurse(), and CloneElement().

void TEveElement::CloneChildrenRecurse ( TEveElement dest,
Int_t  level = 0 
) const [virtual]

Definition at line 250 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References AddElement(), fChildren, and i.

Referenced by CloneElementRecurse().

const char * TEveElement::GetElementName (  )  const [virtual]

Definition at line 266 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References TNamed::GetName(), and GetObject().

Referenced by SigTestSpitter::Added(), AddElement(), Annihilate(), CheckReferenceCount(), Destroy(), TEveShape::FindConvexHull(), TEveDigitSet::GetHighlightTooltip(), TEveListTreeItem::GetText(), TEveListTreeItem::GetTextLength(), TEveProjectionManager::ImportElementsRecurse(), TParamFollower::OnParamChanged(), quadset_tooltip_callback(), SigTestSpitter::Removed(), update_html_summary(), SplitGLView::UpdateSummary(), and WriteVizParams().

const char * TEveElement::GetElementTitle (  )  const [virtual]

Definition at line 279 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References GetObject(), and TNamed::GetTitle().

Referenced by GetHighlightTooltip(), TEveListTreeItem::GetTipText(), TEveListTreeItem::GetTipTextLength(), TEveProjectionManager::ImportElementsRecurse(), and WriteVizParams().

virtual TString TEveElement::GetHighlightTooltip (  )  [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 123 of file TEveElement.h.

References GetElementTitle().

Referenced by TEveDigitSet::GetHighlightTooltip(), and TEveViewerList::HandleTooltip().

void TEveElement::SetElementName ( const char *  name  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 292 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References GetObject(), NameTitleChanged(), and TNamed::SetName().

Referenced by TEveProjectionManager::ImportElementsRecurse().

void TEveElement::SetElementTitle ( const char *  title  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 309 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References GetObject(), NameTitleChanged(), and TNamed::SetTitle().

Referenced by TEveProjectionManager::ImportElementsRecurse().

void TEveElement::SetElementNameTitle ( const char *  name,
const char *  title 
) [virtual]

Definition at line 326 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References GetObject(), NameTitleChanged(), and TNamed::SetNameTitle().

Referenced by TEveCaloLego::TEveCaloLego(), and TEveCaloViz::TEveCaloViz().

void TEveElement::NameTitleChanged (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 343 of file TEveElement.cxx.

Referenced by TEveElementList::SetElementName(), TEvePointSet::SetElementName(), SetElementName(), TEvePointSet::SetElementNameTitle(), TEveElementList::SetElementNameTitle(), SetElementNameTitle(), SetElementTitle(), TEveElementList::SetElementTitle(), TEvePointSet::SetElementTitle(), and TEvePointSet::SetTitle().

const TString& TEveElement::GetVizTag (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 129 of file TEveElement.h.

References fVizTag.

void TEveElement::SetVizTag ( const TString tag  )  [inline]

Definition at line 130 of file TEveElement.h.

References fVizTag.

Referenced by ApplyVizTag().

TEveElement* TEveElement::GetVizModel (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 132 of file TEveElement.h.

References fVizModel.

void TEveElement::SetVizModel ( TEveElement model  ) 

Definition at line 355 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References AddElement(), fParentIgnoreCnt, fVizModel, model, and RemoveElement().

Referenced by FindVizModel(), TEveManager::InsertVizDBEntry(), and TEveElement().

Bool_t TEveElement::FindVizModel (  ) 

Definition at line 374 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References TEveManager::FindVizDBEntry(), fVizTag, gEve, kFALSE, kTRUE, model, and SetVizModel().

Referenced by ApplyVizTag().

Bool_t TEveElement::ApplyVizTag ( const TString tag,
const TString fallback_tag = "" 

Definition at line 394 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References CopyVizParamsFromDB(), TString::Data(), FindVizModel(), TString::IsNull(), kFALSE, kTRUE, SetVizTag(), and Warning().

Referenced by VizDB_Apply().

void TEveElement::PropagateVizParamsToProjecteds (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 424 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References TEveProjectable::HasProjecteds(), and TEveProjectable::PropagateVizParams().

Referenced by TEveGedEditor::Update(), VizDB_Apply(), and VizDB_Reapply().

void TEveElement::PropagateVizParamsToElements ( TEveElement el = 0  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 442 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References CopyVizParams(), fChildren, and i.

Referenced by VizDB_UpdateModel().

void TEveElement::CopyVizParams ( const TEveElement el  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 460 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References AddStamp(), fCanEditMainColor, fCanEditMainTransparency, fMainTransparency, kCBColorSelection, and kCBObjProps.

Referenced by TEvePointSet::CopyVizParams(), TEveShape::CopyVizParams(), TEveStraightLineSet::CopyVizParams(), TEveTrackList::CopyVizParams(), CopyVizParamsFromDB(), TEveProjectable::PropagateVizParams(), PropagateVizParamsToElements(), VizDB_Insert(), and VizDB_UpdateModel().

void TEveElement::CopyVizParamsFromDB (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 477 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References CopyVizParams(), fVizModel, and Warning().

Referenced by ApplyVizTag(), and VizDB_Reapply().

void TEveElement::SaveVizParams ( ostream &  out,
const TString tag,
const TString var 

Definition at line 493 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References RooFit::ClassName(), GetObject(), t, and WriteVizParams().

void TEveElement::WriteVizParams ( ostream &  out,
const TString var 
) [virtual]

Definition at line 519 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References fCanEditMainColor, fCanEditMainTransparency, fMainTransparency, GetElementName(), GetElementTitle(), and t.

Referenced by SaveVizParams(), TEveShape::WriteVizParams(), TEveStraightLineSet::WriteVizParams(), TEveTrackList::WriteVizParams(), and TEvePointSet::WriteVizParams().

TEveElement * TEveElement::GetMaster (  ) 

Definition at line 610 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References fCompound, fParents, GetMaster(), TEveProjected::GetProjectable(), i, kCSCBTakeAnyParentAsMaster, and TestCSCBits().

Referenced by GetMaster(), and TEveSelection::MapPickedToSelected().

TEveCompound* TEveElement::GetCompound (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 146 of file TEveElement.h.

References fCompound.

Referenced by TEveCompound::AddElement(), TEveProjectionManager::ImportElementsRecurse(), TEveSelection::MapPickedToSelected(), and TEveCompound::RemoveElementLocal().

void TEveElement::SetCompound ( TEveCompound c  )  [inline]

Definition at line 147 of file TEveElement.h.

References c, and fCompound.

Referenced by TEveCompound::AddElement(), TEveProjectionManager::ImportElementsRecurse(), and TEveCompound::RemoveElementLocal().

void TEveElement::AddParent ( TEveElement re  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 639 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References fParents.

Referenced by AddElement().

void TEveElement::RemoveParent ( TEveElement re  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 649 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References CheckReferenceCount(), and fParents.

Referenced by RemoveElement().

void TEveElement::CheckReferenceCount ( const TEveException eh = "TEveElement::CheckReferenceCount "  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 664 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References AddElement(), fDenyDestroy, fDestroyOnZeroRefCnt, fDestructing, fParentIgnoreCnt, fTopItemCnt, gDebug, GetElementName(), TEveManager::GetOrphanage(), TEveManager::GetUseOrphanage(), gEve, Info, kNone, NumParents(), and PreDeleteElement().

Referenced by TEveTrackPropagator::CheckReferenceCount(), DecDenyDestroy(), DecParentIgnoreCnt(), RemoveFromListTree(), RemoveFromListTrees(), and RemoveParent().

void TEveElement::CollectSceneParents ( List_t scenes  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 695 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References fParents, and p.

void TEveElement::CollectSceneParentsFromChildren ( List_t scenes,
TEveElement parent 
) [virtual]

Definition at line 707 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References c, fChildren, fParents, and p.

List_i TEveElement::BeginParents (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 156 of file TEveElement.h.

References fParents.

List_i TEveElement::EndParents (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 157 of file TEveElement.h.

References fParents.

List_ci TEveElement::BeginParents (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 158 of file TEveElement.h.

References fParents.

List_ci TEveElement::EndParents (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 159 of file TEveElement.h.

References fParents.

Int_t TEveElement::NumParents (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 160 of file TEveElement.h.

References fParents.

Referenced by CheckReferenceCount().

Bool_t TEveElement::HasParents (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 161 of file TEveElement.h.

References fParents.

const List_t& TEveElement::RefChildren (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 163 of file TEveElement.h.

References fChildren.

List_i TEveElement::BeginChildren (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 164 of file TEveElement.h.

References fChildren.

Referenced by TEveGeoShape::DumpShapeTree(), TEveGeoNode::DumpShapeTree(), TEveTrackList::FindMomentumLimits(), TEveProjectionManager::ImportElementsRecurse(), PadPaint(), TEveProjectionManager::ProjectChildren(), TEveProjectionManager::ProjectChildrenRecurse(), TEveScene::RetransHierarchicallyRecurse(), TEveTrackList::SelectByP(), TEveTrackList::SelectByPt(), TEveTrackListProjected::SetDepth(), TEveTrackList::SetLineColor(), TEveTrackList::SetLineStyle(), TEveTrackList::SetLineWidth(), TEveTrackList::SetMainColor(), TEveTrackList::SetMarkerColor(), TEveTrackList::SetMarkerSize(), TEveTrackList::SetMarkerStyle(), TEveTrackList::SetRnrLine(), TEveTrackList::SetRnrPoints(), TEveProjectionManager::ShouldImport(), TEveProjectionManager::SubImportChildren(), update_html_summary(), and SplitGLView::UpdateSummary().

List_i TEveElement::EndChildren (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 165 of file TEveElement.h.

References fChildren.

Referenced by TEveGeoShape::DumpShapeTree(), TEveGeoNode::DumpShapeTree(), TEveTrackList::FindMomentumLimits(), TEveProjectionManager::ImportElementsRecurse(), PadPaint(), TEveProjectionManager::ProjectChildren(), TEveProjectionManager::ProjectChildrenRecurse(), TEveScene::RetransHierarchicallyRecurse(), TEveTrackList::SelectByP(), TEveTrackList::SelectByPt(), TEveTrackListProjected::SetDepth(), TEveTrackList::SetLineColor(), TEveTrackList::SetLineStyle(), TEveTrackList::SetLineWidth(), TEveTrackList::SetMainColor(), TEveTrackList::SetMarkerColor(), TEveTrackList::SetMarkerSize(), TEveTrackList::SetMarkerStyle(), TEveTrackList::SetRnrLine(), TEveTrackList::SetRnrPoints(), TEveProjectionManager::ShouldImport(), TEveProjectionManager::SubImportChildren(), update_html_summary(), and SplitGLView::UpdateSummary().

List_ci TEveElement::BeginChildren (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 166 of file TEveElement.h.

References fChildren.

List_ci TEveElement::EndChildren (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 167 of file TEveElement.h.

References fChildren.

Int_t TEveElement::NumChildren (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 168 of file TEveElement.h.

References fNumChildren.

Referenced by TEveViewerList::HandleTooltip().

Bool_t TEveElement::HasChildren (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 169 of file TEveElement.h.

References fNumChildren.

Referenced by TEveProjectionManager::ComputeBBox(), DestroyElements(), TEveWindowManager::DestroyWindowRecursively(), TEveWindowManager::DestroyWindows(), TEveGeoShape::DumpShapeTree(), TEveGeoNode::DumpShapeTree(), TEveGeoNode::ExpandIntoListTree(), TEveTrackList::FindMomentumLimits(), FirstChild(), GetRnrAnything(), TEveManager::InsertVizDBEntry(), LastChild(), RemoveElements(), and TEveSelection::UserPickedElement().

Bool_t TEveElement::HasChild ( TEveElement el  ) 

Definition at line 1497 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References fChildren.

Referenced by ProjectChild(), TEveSelection::UserPickedElement(), and TEveSelection::UserRePickedElement().

TEveElement * TEveElement::FindChild ( const TString name,
const TClass cls = 0 

Definition at line 1505 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References fChildren, i, TClass::InheritsFrom(), and name.

Referenced by alice_esd_split(), and geomGentleTPC().

TEveElement * TEveElement::FindChild ( TPRegexp regexp,
const TClass cls = 0 

Definition at line 1524 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References fChildren, i, TClass::InheritsFrom(), and regexp().

Int_t TEveElement::FindChildren ( List_t matches,
const TString name,
const TClass cls = 0 

Definition at line 1543 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References fChildren, i, TClass::InheritsFrom(), and name.

Int_t TEveElement::FindChildren ( List_t matches,
TPRegexp regexp,
const TClass cls = 0 

Definition at line 1567 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References fChildren, i, TClass::InheritsFrom(), and regexp().

TEveElement * TEveElement::FirstChild (  )  const

Definition at line 1591 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References fChildren, and HasChildren().

Referenced by TEveWindowManager::DestroyWindowRecursively(), TEveWindowManager::DestroyWindows(), TEveManager::GetDefaultViewer(), TEveViewerList::HandleTooltip(), and TEveManager::InsertVizDBEntry().

TEveElement * TEveElement::LastChild (  )  const

Definition at line 1599 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References fChildren, and HasChildren().

void TEveElement::EnableListElements ( Bool_t  rnr_self = kTRUE,
Bool_t  rnr_children = kTRUE 

Definition at line 1610 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References ElementChanged(), fChildren, i, and kTRUE.

void TEveElement::DisableListElements ( Bool_t  rnr_self = kFALSE,
Bool_t  rnr_children = kFALSE 

Definition at line 1625 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References ElementChanged(), fChildren, i, and kTRUE.

Bool_t TEveElement::GetDestroyOnZeroRefCnt (  )  const

Definition at line 1794 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References fDestroyOnZeroRefCnt.

void TEveElement::SetDestroyOnZeroRefCnt ( Bool_t  d  ) 

Definition at line 1804 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References fDestroyOnZeroRefCnt.

Int_t TEveElement::GetDenyDestroy (  )  const

Definition at line 1814 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References fDenyDestroy.

Referenced by TEveGListTreeEditorFrame::ItemKeyPress().

void TEveElement::IncDenyDestroy (  ) 

Definition at line 1823 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References fDenyDestroy.

Referenced by TEveCompositeFrame::AcquireEveWindow(), TEveManager::AddEvent(), arrow_standalone(), TVSDReader::LoadClusters(), TVSDReader::LoadEsdTracks(), SplitGLView::SplitGLView(), and TEveManager::TEveManager().

void TEveElement::DecDenyDestroy (  ) 

Definition at line 1832 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References CheckReferenceCount(), and fDenyDestroy.

Referenced by TEveManager::InsertVizDBEntry(), TEveCompositeFrame::RelinquishEveWindow(), and TEveManager::~TEveManager().

Int_t TEveElement::GetParentIgnoreCnt (  )  const

Definition at line 1842 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References fParentIgnoreCnt.

void TEveElement::IncParentIgnoreCnt (  ) 

Definition at line 1854 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References fParentIgnoreCnt.

Referenced by TEveViewerList::AddElement().

void TEveElement::DecParentIgnoreCnt (  ) 

Definition at line 1862 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References CheckReferenceCount(), and fParentIgnoreCnt.

Referenced by TEveViewerList::RemoveElementLocal().

void TEveElement::PadPaint ( Option_t option  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 1028 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References BeginChildren(), EndChildren(), GetRenderObject(), GetRnrChildren(), GetRnrSelf(), and i.

void TEveElement::PaintStandard ( TObject id  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 1047 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References TBuffer3D::fColor, TBuffer3D::fID, TBuffer3D::fTransparency, GetMainColor(), GetMainTransparency(), gPad, HasMainTrans(), id, TBuffer3D::kCore, TBuffer3DTypes::kGeneric, TBuffer3D::kNone, RefMainTrans(), TEveTrans::SetBuffer3D(), TBuffer3D::SetSectionsValid(), and Warning().

Referenced by TEveShape::Paint(), TEveCaloViz::Paint(), TEveText::Paint(), TEveDigitSet::Paint(), TEveStraightLineSet::Paint(), TEveArrow::Paint(), TEvePointSet::Paint(), TEveTriangleSet::Paint(), TEveProjectionAxes::Paint(), and TEvePlot3D::Paint().

TObject * TEveElement::GetObject ( const TEveException eh  )  const [virtual]

Definition at line 945 of file TEveElement.cxx.

Referenced by TEveRefBackPtr::DecRefCount(), GetEditorObject(), GetElementName(), GetElementTitle(), GetRenderObject(), TEveGedNameTextButton::HandleButton(), TEveGListTreeEditorFrame::ItemClicked(), SplitGLView::ItemClicked(), TEveGListTreeEditorFrame::ItemDblClicked(), SaveVizParams(), SetElementName(), SetElementNameTitle(), SetElementTitle(), and VizDB_Insert().

virtual TObject* TEveElement::GetEditorObject ( const TEveException eh  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 197 of file TEveElement.h.

References GetObject().

Referenced by TEveGedEditor::DisplayElement(), TEveGedEditor::ElementChanged(), TEveManager::ElementChanged(), and TEveGedEditor::ElementDeleted().

virtual TObject* TEveElement::GetRenderObject ( const TEveException eh  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 198 of file TEveElement.h.

References GetObject().

Referenced by TEveSceneList::DestroyElementRenderers(), TEveScene::DestroyElementRenderers(), PadPaint(), and TEveScene::RetransHierarchicallyRecurse().

void TEveElement::ExpandIntoListTree ( TGListTree ltree,
TGListTreeItem parent 
) [virtual]

Definition at line 732 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References fChildren, TGListTreeItem::GetFirstChild(), and i.

Referenced by TEveGeoNode::ExpandIntoListTree(), and TEveGListTreeEditorFrame::ItemDblClicked().

void TEveElement::DestroyListSubTree ( TGListTree ltree,
TGListTreeItem parent 
) [virtual]

Definition at line 752 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References TGListTreeItem::GetFirstChild(), i, and RemoveFromListTree().

Referenced by AnnihilateRecursively(), RemoveElementsInternal(), RemoveFromListTree(), and RemoveFromListTrees().

TGListTreeItem * TEveElement::AddIntoListTree ( TGListTree ltree,
TGListTreeItem parent_lti 
) [virtual]

Definition at line 767 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References TGListTree::AddItem(), TGContainer::ClearViewPort(), fChildren, fItems, fTopItemCnt, and i.

Referenced by AddIntoListTree(), AddIntoListTrees(), and TEveManager::AddToListTree().

TGListTreeItem * TEveElement::AddIntoListTree ( TGListTree ltree,
TEveElement parent 
) [virtual]

Definition at line 794 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References AddIntoListTree(), fItems, and i.

TGListTreeItem * TEveElement::AddIntoListTrees ( TEveElement parent  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 815 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References AddIntoListTree(), fItems, and i.

Referenced by AddElement().

Bool_t TEveElement::RemoveFromListTree ( TGListTree ltree,
TGListTreeItem parent_lti 
) [virtual]

Definition at line 830 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References CheckReferenceCount(), TGContainer::ClearViewPort(), TGListTree::DeleteItem(), DestroyListSubTree(), FindItem(), fItems, fTopItemCnt, i, kFALSE, and kTRUE.

Referenced by DestroyListSubTree(), and TEveManager::RemoveFromListTree().

Int_t TEveElement::RemoveFromListTrees ( TEveElement parent  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 857 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References CheckReferenceCount(), DestroyListSubTree(), fItems, fTopItemCnt, TGListTreeItem::GetUserData(), i, and j.

Referenced by RemoveElement().

TEveElement::sLTI_i TEveElement::FindItem ( TGListTree ltree  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 891 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References fItems, and i.

Referenced by RemoveFromListTree().

TEveElement::sLTI_i TEveElement::FindItem ( TGListTree ltree,
TGListTreeItem parent_lti 
) [virtual]

Definition at line 904 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References fItems, and i.

TGListTreeItem * TEveElement::FindListTreeItem ( TGListTree ltree  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 917 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References fItems, and i.

Referenced by TEveTrackList::FindTrackByIndex(), and TEveTrackList::FindTrackByLabel().

TGListTreeItem * TEveElement::FindListTreeItem ( TGListTree ltree,
TGListTreeItem parent_lti 
) [virtual]

Definition at line 930 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References fItems, and i.

virtual Int_t TEveElement::GetNItems (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 222 of file TEveElement.h.

References fItems.

Referenced by TEveGListTreeEditorFrame::ItemKeyPress().

void TEveElement::SpawnEditor (  ) 

Definition at line 960 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References TEveManager::EditElement(), and gEve.

void TEveElement::ExportToCINT ( char *  var_name  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 969 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References TString::Format(), gROOT, and TROOT::ProcessLine().

void TEveElement::DumpSourceObject (  )  const

Definition at line 980 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References TObject::Dump(), and GetSourceObject().

void TEveElement::PrintSourceObject (  )  const

Definition at line 995 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References GetSourceObject(), and TObject::Print().

void TEveElement::ExportSourceObjectToCINT ( char *  var_name  )  const

Definition at line 1010 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References TString::Format(), TObject::GetName(), GetSourceObject(), gROOT, and TROOT::ProcessLine().

Bool_t TEveElement::AcceptElement ( TEveElement el  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 1339 of file TEveElement.cxx.

Referenced by AddElement().

void TEveElement::AddElement ( TEveElement el  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 1350 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References AcceptElement(), AddIntoListTrees(), AddParent(), ElementChanged(), fChildren, fNumChildren, Form(), and GetElementName().

Referenced by add_jet(), TEveCompound::AddElement(), TEveSelection::AddElement(), TEveViewerList::AddElement(), TEveManager::AddElement(), TEveManager::AddGlobalElement(), TEveViewer::AddScene(), alice_esd_read(), alice_esd_split(), arrow(), CheckReferenceCount(), CloneChildrenRecurse(), compound(), TEveGeoNode::ExpandIntoListTree(), TEveProjectionManager::ImportElements(), TEveProjectionManager::ImportElementsRecurse(), TEvePointSetArray::InitBins(), TVSDReader::LoadEsdTracks(), MultiView::MultiView(), TEveWindow::PopulateEmptyFrame(), projection_prescale(), pythia_display(), pythia_next_event(), TEveWindow::ReplaceWindow(), TEveCaloViz::SetData(), SetVizModel(), TEveGeoShape::SubImportShapeExtract(), and TEveManager::TEveManager().

void TEveElement::RemoveElement ( TEveElement el  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 1367 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References ElementChanged(), fChildren, fNumChildren, RemoveElementLocal(), RemoveFromListTrees(), and RemoveParent().

Referenced by DestroyElements(), TEveWindow::DestroyWindow(), TEveWindowManager::DestroyWindowRecursively(), TEveWindowManager::DestroyWindows(), TEveManager::RemoveElement(), TEveSelection::RemoveElement(), TEveWindow::ReplaceWindow(), TEveCaloViz::SetData(), SetVizModel(), and TEveScene::~TEveScene().

void TEveElement::RemoveElementLocal ( TEveElement el  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 1379 of file TEveElement.cxx.

Referenced by RemoveElement(), TEveViewerList::RemoveElementLocal(), and TEveCompound::RemoveElementLocal().

void TEveElement::RemoveElements (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 1412 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References ElementChanged(), HasChildren(), and RemoveElementsInternal().

Referenced by TEvePointSetArray::InitBins(), and TEveSelection::RemoveElements().

void TEveElement::RemoveElementsLocal (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 1426 of file TEveElement.cxx.

Referenced by AnnihilateRecursively(), RemoveElementsInternal(), TEveCompound::RemoveElementsLocal(), and TEveViewerList::RemoveElementsLocal().

void TEveElement::AnnihilateElements (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 1716 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References c, fChildren, and fNumChildren.

void TEveElement::Annihilate (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 1679 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References TEveProjectable::AnnihilateProjecteds(), AnnihilateRecursively(), fDestructing, fParents, GetElementName(), gEve, TEveProjectable::HasProjecteds(), kAnnihilate, TEveManager::Redraw3D(), and Warning().

void TEveElement::ProjectChild ( TEveElement el,
Bool_t  same_depth = kTRUE 
) [virtual]

Definition at line 1435 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References TEveProjectable::BeginProjecteds(), cd(), TEveProjectable::EndProjecteds(), HasChild(), and i.

void TEveElement::ProjectAllChildren ( Bool_t  same_depth = kTRUE  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 1465 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References TEveProjectable::BeginProjecteds(), cd(), TEveProjectable::EndProjecteds(), and i.

void TEveElement::Destroy (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 1730 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References fDenyDestroy, TString::Format(), GetElementName(), gEve, PreDeleteElement(), and TEveManager::Redraw3D().

Referenced by DestroyOrWarn(), TEveWindow::DestroyWindow(), TEveWindow::DestroyWindowAndSlot(), and TEveManager::~TEveManager().

void TEveElement::DestroyOrWarn (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 1746 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References TString::Data(), Destroy(), and Warning().

void TEveElement::DestroyElements (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 1763 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References c, TString::Data(), fChildren, gDebug, gEve, HasChildren(), Info, TEveManager::Redraw3D(), RemoveElement(), and Warning().

Referenced by TEveManager::ClearOrphanage(), MultiView::DestroyEventRhoZ(), MultiView::DestroyEventRPhi(), TVSDReader::DropEvent(), load_event(), TVSDReader::LoadEsdTracks(), pythia_next_event(), update_projections(), and TEveManager::~TEveManager().

Bool_t TEveElement::HandleElementPaste ( TEveElement el  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 1874 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References TEveManager::AddElement(), gEve, and kTRUE.

Referenced by TEveManager::ElementPaste().

void TEveElement::ElementChanged ( Bool_t  update_scenes = kTRUE,
Bool_t  redraw = kFALSE 
) [virtual]

Definition at line 1884 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References TEveManager::ElementChanged(), and gEve.

Referenced by AddElement(), DisableListElements(), TEveTrackPropagator::ElementChanged(), EnableListElements(), TEveGeoShape::ImportShapeExtract(), TEveProjectionManager::ProjectChildrenRecurse(), RemoveElement(), RemoveElements(), TEveListTreeItem::Toggle(), and TEveGedEditor::Update().

virtual Bool_t TEveElement::CanEditElement (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 252 of file TEveElement.h.

References kTRUE.

Referenced by TEveElementEditor::SetModel().

virtual Bool_t TEveElement::SingleRnrState (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 253 of file TEveElement.h.

References kFALSE.

Referenced by TEveElementEditor::SetModel(), SetRnrChildren(), SetRnrSelf(), and SetRnrSelfChildren().

virtual Bool_t TEveElement::GetRnrSelf (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 254 of file TEveElement.h.

References fRnrSelf.

Referenced by TEveGeoShape::DumpShapeTree(), TEveGeoNode::DumpShapeTree(), TEveProjectionManager::ImportElementsRecurse(), PadPaint(), TEveScene::RetransHierarchicallyRecurse(), and TEveElementEditor::SetModel().

virtual Bool_t TEveElement::GetRnrChildren (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 255 of file TEveElement.h.

References fRnrChildren.

Referenced by TEveGeoShape::DumpShapeTree(), TEveGeoNode::DumpShapeTree(), TEveProjectionManager::ImportElementsRecurse(), PadPaint(), TEveScene::RetransHierarchicallyRecurse(), and TEveElementEditor::SetModel().

virtual Bool_t TEveElement::GetRnrState (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 256 of file TEveElement.h.

References fRnrChildren, and fRnrSelf.

Referenced by TEveListTreeItem::IsChecked(), TEveScene::Paint(), and TEveElementEditor::SetModel().

virtual Bool_t TEveElement::GetRnrAnything (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 257 of file TEveElement.h.

References fRnrChildren, fRnrSelf, and HasChildren().

Bool_t TEveElement::SetRnrSelf ( Bool_t  rnr  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 1077 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References fRnrSelf, kFALSE, kTRUE, PropagateRnrStateToProjecteds(), SetRnrState(), SingleRnrState(), and StampVisibility().

Referenced by TEveElementEditor::DoRnrSelf(), TEveGeoNodeEditor::DoVizNode(), TEveProjectionManager::ImportElementsRecurse(), TEvePointSetArray::InitBins(), TEvePointSetArray::SetRange(), and TEveGeoShape::SubImportShapeExtract().

Bool_t TEveElement::SetRnrChildren ( Bool_t  rnr  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 1099 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References fRnrChildren, kFALSE, kTRUE, PropagateRnrStateToProjecteds(), SetRnrState(), SingleRnrState(), and StampVisibility().

Referenced by TEveElementEditor::DoRnrChildren(), TEveGeoNodeEditor::DoVizNodeDaughters(), TEveProjectionManager::ImportElementsRecurse(), and TEveGeoShape::SubImportShapeExtract().

Bool_t TEveElement::SetRnrSelfChildren ( Bool_t  rnr_self,
Bool_t  rnr_children 
) [virtual]

Definition at line 1121 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References fRnrChildren, fRnrSelf, kFALSE, kTRUE, PropagateRnrStateToProjecteds(), SetRnrState(), SingleRnrState(), and StampVisibility().

Referenced by TEveGeoNode::TEveGeoNode().

Bool_t TEveElement::SetRnrState ( Bool_t  rnr  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 1143 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References fRnrChildren, fRnrSelf, kFALSE, kTRUE, PropagateRnrStateToProjecteds(), and StampVisibility().

Referenced by TEveElementEditor::DoRnrState(), geomGentleTPC(), projection(), SetRnrChildren(), SetRnrSelf(), SetRnrSelfChildren(), and TEveListTreeItem::Toggle().

void TEveElement::PropagateRnrStateToProjecteds (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 1160 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References fRnrChildren, fRnrSelf, TEveProjectable::HasProjecteds(), and TEveProjectable::PropagateRenderState().

Referenced by SetRnrChildren(), SetRnrSelf(), SetRnrSelfChildren(), and SetRnrState().

virtual Bool_t TEveElement::CanEditMainColor (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 264 of file TEveElement.h.

References fCanEditMainColor.

Referenced by TEveElementEditor::SetModel().

void TEveElement::SetEditMainColor ( Bool_t  x  )  [inline]

Definition at line 265 of file TEveElement.h.

References fCanEditMainColor.

Color_t* TEveElement::GetMainColorPtr (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 266 of file TEveElement.h.

References fMainColorPtr.

Referenced by TEveElementObjectPtr::TEveElementObjectPtr().

void TEveElement::SetMainColorPtr ( Color_t color  )  [inline]

Definition at line 267 of file TEveElement.h.

References fMainColorPtr.

Referenced by TEveDigitSet::SetFrame(), TEveElementList::TEveElementList(), TEveElementObjectPtr::TEveElementObjectPtr(), TEveGeoNode::TEveGeoNode(), TEveParamList::TEveParamList(), and TEveShape::TEveShape().

virtual Bool_t TEveElement::HasMainColor (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 269 of file TEveElement.h.

References fMainColorPtr.

Referenced by TEveListTreeItem::HasColor().

virtual Color_t TEveElement::GetMainColor (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 270 of file TEveElement.h.

References fMainColorPtr.

Referenced by TEveListTreeItem::GetColor(), TEveGeoShape::Paint(), PaintStandard(), SetMainColor(), TEveCompound::SetMainColor(), and TEveElementEditor::SetModel().

void TEveElement::SetMainColor ( Color_t  color  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 1175 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References fMainColorPtr, GetMainColor(), PropagateMainColorToProjecteds(), and StampColorSelection().

Referenced by arrow(), compound(), ConvertModel(), TVSDReader::LoadClusters(), TEveLine::SetLineColor(), TEveStraightLineSet::SetLineColor(), TEveDigitSet::SetMainColor(), TEveShape::SetMainColor(), TEveCompoundProjected::SetMainColor(), TEveCompound::SetMainColor(), TEveTrackList::SetMainColor(), TEveGeoNode::SetMainColor(), SetMainColorPixel(), SetMainColorRGB(), TEvePointSet::SetMarkerColor(), and triangleset().

void TEveElement::SetMainColorPixel ( Pixel_t  pixel  ) 

Definition at line 1194 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References TColor::GetColor(), and SetMainColor().

Referenced by TEveElementEditor::DoMainColor().

void TEveElement::SetMainColorRGB ( UChar_t  r,
UChar_t  g,
UChar_t  b 

Definition at line 1202 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References TColor::GetColor(), and SetMainColor().

Referenced by ConvertModel(), and TEveGeoShape::SubImportShapeExtract().

void TEveElement::SetMainColorRGB ( Float_t  r,
Float_t  g,
Float_t  b 

Definition at line 1210 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References TColor::GetColor(), and SetMainColor().

void TEveElement::PropagateMainColorToProjecteds ( Color_t  color,
Color_t  old_color 
) [virtual]

Definition at line 1218 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References TEveProjectable::HasProjecteds(), and TEveProjectable::PropagateMainColor().

Referenced by SetMainColor().

virtual Bool_t TEveElement::CanEditMainTransparency (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 277 of file TEveElement.h.

References fCanEditMainTransparency.

Referenced by TEveElementEditor::SetModel().

void TEveElement::SetEditMainTransparency ( Bool_t  x  )  [inline]

Definition at line 278 of file TEveElement.h.

References fCanEditMainTransparency.

virtual Char_t TEveElement::GetMainTransparency (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 279 of file TEveElement.h.

References fMainTransparency.

Referenced by TEveTrackProjectedGL::DirectDraw(), TEveGeoShape::DumpShapeTree(), TEveGeoShape::Paint(), PaintStandard(), TEveCompound::SetMainTransparency(), SetMainTransparency(), and TEveElementEditor::SetModel().

void TEveElement::SetMainTransparency ( Char_t  t  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 1230 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References fMainTransparency, GetMainTransparency(), PropagateMainTransparencyToProjecteds(), and StampColorSelection().

Referenced by add_jet(), ConvertModel(), TEveElementEditor::DoTransparency(), SetMainAlpha(), TEveCompound::SetMainTransparency(), TEveGeoNode::SetMainTransparency(), and TEveTriangleSet::SetTransparency().

void TEveElement::SetMainAlpha ( Float_t  alpha  ) 

Definition at line 1245 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References SetMainTransparency().

Referenced by TEveGeoShape::SubImportShapeExtract().

void TEveElement::PropagateMainTransparencyToProjecteds ( Char_t  t,
Char_t  old_t 
) [virtual]

Definition at line 1256 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References TEveProjectable::HasProjecteds(), and TEveProjectable::PropagateMainTransparency().

Referenced by SetMainTransparency().

virtual Bool_t TEveElement::CanEditMainTrans (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 284 of file TEveElement.h.

References fCanEditMainTrans.

Referenced by TEveElementEditor::SetModel().

virtual Bool_t TEveElement::HasMainTrans (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 285 of file TEveElement.h.

References fMainTrans.

Referenced by TEveGeoTopNode::Paint(), PaintStandard(), and TEveScene::RetransHierarchicallyRecurse().

TEveTrans * TEveElement::PtrMainTrans ( Bool_t  create = kTRUE  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 1271 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References fMainTrans, and InitMainTrans().

Referenced by TEveTrackProjected::MakeTrack(), TEveElementEditor::SetModel(), TEvePointSetProjected::UpdateProjection(), TEveStraightLineSetProjected::UpdateProjection(), and TEveLineProjected::UpdateProjection().

TEveTrans & TEveElement::RefMainTrans (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 1283 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References fMainTrans, and InitMainTrans().

Referenced by arrow(), boxset_cones(), TEveTriangleSetGL::DirectDraw(), TEveGeoShape::DumpShapeTree(), elliptic_boxset_cones(), TEveGeoShape::MakeBuffer3D(), TEveGeoShape::Paint(), TEveGeoTopNode::Paint(), PaintStandard(), TEveScene::RetransHierarchically(), TEveScene::RetransHierarchicallyRecurse(), TEveLegoEventHandler::Rotate(), TEveText::SetFontMode(), SetTransMatrix(), TEveGeoShape::SubImportShapeExtract(), TEveGeoTopNode::UseNodeTrans(), and view3ds().

void TEveElement::InitMainTrans ( Bool_t  can_edit = kTRUE  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 1295 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References fCanEditMainTrans, fMainTrans, and TEveTrans::UnitTrans().

Referenced by PtrMainTrans(), RefMainTrans(), TEveDigitSet::TEveDigitSet(), TEveGeoShape::TEveGeoShape(), TEveGeoTopNode::TEveGeoTopNode(), TEvePlot3D::TEvePlot3D(), TEveStraightLineSet::TEveStraightLineSet(), TEveText::TEveText(), and TEveTriangleSet::TEveTriangleSet().

void TEveElement::DestroyMainTrans (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 1309 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References fCanEditMainTrans, fMainTrans, and kFALSE.

void TEveElement::SetTransMatrix ( Double_t carr  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 1320 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References RefMainTrans(), and TEveTrans::SetFrom().

Referenced by triangleset().

void TEveElement::SetTransMatrix ( const TGeoMatrix mat  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 1328 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References RefMainTrans(), and TEveTrans::SetFrom().

TRef& TEveElement::GetSource (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 294 of file TEveElement.h.

References fSource.

TObject* TEveElement::GetSourceObject (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 295 of file TEveElement.h.

References fSource, and TRef::GetObject().

Referenced by DumpSourceObject(), ExportSourceObjectToCINT(), and PrintSourceObject().

void TEveElement::SetSourceObject ( TObject o  )  [inline]

Definition at line 296 of file TEveElement.h.

References fSource, and o.

void* TEveElement::GetUserData (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 302 of file TEveElement.h.

References fUserData.

void TEveElement::SetUserData ( void *  ud  )  [inline]

Definition at line 303 of file TEveElement.h.

References fUserData.

Bool_t TEveElement::IsPickable (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 339 of file TEveElement.h.

References fPickable.

Referenced by TEveProjectionManager::ImportElementsRecurse(), TEveViewerList::OnClicked(), TEveViewerList::OnMouseOver(), TEveViewerList::OnReClicked(), TEveViewerList::OnReMouseOver(), TEveViewerList::OnUnClicked(), and TEveViewerList::OnUnMouseOver().

void TEveElement::SetPickable ( Bool_t  p  )  [inline]

Definition at line 340 of file TEveElement.h.

References fPickable.

Referenced by add_jet(), arrow(), elliptic_boxset_cones(), TEveProjectionManager::ImportElementsRecurse(), and jetcone().

TEveElement * TEveElement::ForwardSelection (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 1897 of file TEveElement.cxx.

Referenced by TEveSelection::MapPickedToSelected().

TEveElement * TEveElement::ForwardEdit (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 1907 of file TEveElement.cxx.

Referenced by TEveSelection::UserPickedElement().

void TEveElement::SelectElement ( Bool_t  state  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 1917 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References fImpliedSelected, fParentIgnoreCnt, fSelected, StampColorSelection(), and UnSelected().

Referenced by TEveSelection::TEveSelection().

void TEveElement::IncImpliedSelected (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 1931 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References fImpliedSelected, and StampColorSelection().

Referenced by TEveSelection::TEveSelection().

void TEveElement::DecImpliedSelected (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 1940 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References fImpliedSelected, fSelected, StampColorSelection(), and UnSelected().

Referenced by TEveSelection::TEveSelection().

void TEveElement::UnSelected (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 1953 of file TEveElement.cxx.

Referenced by DecImpliedSelected(), SelectElement(), and TEveDigitSet::UnSelected().

void TEveElement::HighlightElement ( Bool_t  state  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 1961 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References fHighlighted, fImpliedHighlighted, fParentIgnoreCnt, StampColorSelection(), and UnHighlighted().

Referenced by TEveSelection::SetHighlightMode().

void TEveElement::IncImpliedHighlighted (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 1975 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References fImpliedHighlighted, and StampColorSelection().

Referenced by TEveSelection::SetHighlightMode().

void TEveElement::DecImpliedHighlighted (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 1984 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References fHighlighted, fImpliedHighlighted, StampColorSelection(), and UnHighlighted().

Referenced by TEveSelection::SetHighlightMode().

void TEveElement::UnHighlighted (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 1997 of file TEveElement.cxx.

Referenced by DecImpliedHighlighted(), HighlightElement(), and TEveDigitSet::UnHighlighted().

void TEveElement::FillImpliedSelectedSet ( Set_t impSelSet  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 2005 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References p.

Referenced by TEveSelection::DoElementSelect(), and TEveCompound::FillImpliedSelectedSet().

UChar_t TEveElement::GetSelectedLevel (  )  const [virtual]

Definition at line 2024 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References fHighlighted, fImpliedHighlighted, fImpliedSelected, and fSelected.

Referenced by TEveListTreeItem::GetActiveColor(), TEveListTreeItem::IsActive(), and TEveScene::Repaint().

void TEveElement::RecheckImpliedSelections (  ) 

Definition at line 2038 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References fHighlighted, fImpliedHighlighted, fImpliedSelected, fSelected, TEveManager::GetHighlight(), TEveManager::GetSelection(), gEve, and TEveSelection::RecheckImpliedSetForElement().

void TEveElement::SetCSCBits ( UChar_t  f  )  [inline]

Definition at line 361 of file TEveElement.h.

References fCSCBits.

void TEveElement::ResetCSCBits ( UChar_t  f  )  [inline]

Definition at line 362 of file TEveElement.h.

References fCSCBits.

Bool_t TEveElement::TestCSCBits ( UChar_t  f  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 363 of file TEveElement.h.

References fCSCBits.

Referenced by TEveCompound::FillImpliedSelectedSet(), GetMaster(), TEveCompound::SetMainColor(), and TEveCompound::SetMainTransparency().

void TEveElement::ResetAllCSCBits (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 365 of file TEveElement.h.

References fCSCBits.

void TEveElement::CSCImplySelectAllChildren (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 366 of file TEveElement.h.

References fCSCBits, and kCSCBImplySelectAllChildren.

void TEveElement::CSCTakeAnyParentAsMaster (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 367 of file TEveElement.h.

References fCSCBits, and kCSCBTakeAnyParentAsMaster.

void TEveElement::CSCApplyMainColorToAllChildren (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 368 of file TEveElement.h.

References fCSCBits, and kCSCBApplyMainColorToAllChildren.

void TEveElement::CSCApplyMainColorToMatchingChildren (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 369 of file TEveElement.h.

References fCSCBits, and kCSCBApplyMainColorToMatchingChildren.

void TEveElement::CSCApplyMainTransparencyToAllChildren (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 370 of file TEveElement.h.

References fCSCBits, and kCSCBApplyMainTransparencyToAllChildren.

void TEveElement::CSCApplyMainTransparencyToMatchingChildren (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 371 of file TEveElement.h.

References fCSCBits, and kCSCBApplyMainTransparencyToMatchingChildren.

void TEveElement::StampColorSelection (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 394 of file TEveElement.h.

References AddStamp(), and kCBColorSelection.

Referenced by TEveCaloData::CellSelectionChanged(), DecImpliedHighlighted(), DecImpliedSelected(), HighlightElement(), IncImpliedHighlighted(), IncImpliedSelected(), SelectElement(), SetMainColor(), SetMainTransparency(), TEveGeoNode::UpdateNode(), and TEveGeoNode::UpdateVolume().

void TEveElement::StampTransBBox (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 395 of file TEveElement.h.

References AddStamp(), and kCBTransBBox.

Referenced by TEveProjectionManager::ImportElements(), TEveProjectionManager::ProjectChildren(), TEveProjected::SetDepthCommon(), TEveProjectionManager::SubImportChildren(), and TEveProjectionManager::SubImportElements().

void TEveElement::StampObjProps (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 396 of file TEveElement.h.

References AddStamp(), and kCBObjProps.

Referenced by TEveCaloData::DataChanged(), TEveCaloData::InvalidateUsersCellIdCache(), TEveBoxSet::SetDrawConeCap(), and TEveShape::SetMainColor().

void TEveElement::StampVisibility (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 397 of file TEveElement.h.

References AddStamp(), and kCBVisibility.

Referenced by SetRnrChildren(), SetRnrSelf(), SetRnrSelfChildren(), and SetRnrState().

void TEveElement::AddStamp ( UChar_t  bits  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 2060 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References TEveManager::ElementStamped(), fChangeBits, fDestructing, gEve, and kNone.

Referenced by TEveGeoNode::AddStamp(), TEveGeoTopNode::AddStamp(), TEveSceneInfo::AddStamp(), CopyVizParams(), StampColorSelection(), StampObjProps(), StampTransBBox(), and StampVisibility().

virtual void TEveElement::ClearStamps (  )  [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 401 of file TEveElement.h.

References fChangeBits.

UChar_t TEveElement::GetChangeBits (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 403 of file TEveElement.h.

References fChangeBits.

const TGPicture * TEveElement::GetListTreeIcon ( Bool_t  open = kFALSE  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 2076 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References fgListTreeIcons.

Referenced by TEveListTreeItem::GetPicture().

const TGPicture * TEveElement::GetListTreeCheckBoxIcon (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 2085 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References fgRnrIcons, fRnrChildren, and fRnrSelf.

Referenced by TEveListTreeItem::GetCheckBoxPicture().

void TEveElement::VizDB_Apply ( const char *  tag  ) 

Definition at line 538 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References ApplyVizTag(), gEve, PropagateVizParamsToProjecteds(), and TEveManager::Redraw3D().

void TEveElement::VizDB_Reapply (  ) 

Definition at line 550 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References CopyVizParamsFromDB(), fVizModel, gEve, PropagateVizParamsToProjecteds(), and TEveManager::Redraw3D().

void TEveElement::VizDB_UpdateModel ( Bool_t  update = kTRUE  ) 

Definition at line 564 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References CopyVizParams(), fVizModel, gEve, PropagateVizParamsToElements(), TEveManager::Redraw3D(), and Warning().

void TEveElement::VizDB_Insert ( const char *  tag,
Bool_t  replace = kTRUE,
Bool_t  update = kTRUE 

Definition at line 587 of file TEveElement.cxx.

References CopyVizParams(), Error, GetObject(), gEve, TEveManager::InsertVizDBEntry(), TClass::New(), and TEveManager::Redraw3D().

TEveElement::ClassDef ( TEveElement  ,

TEveElement& TEveElement::operator= ( const TEveElement  )  [private]

virtual void TEveElement::PreDeleteElement (  )  [protected, virtual]

Externally assigned and controlled user data.

virtual void TEveElement::RemoveElementsInternal (  )  [protected, virtual]

virtual void TEveElement::AnnihilateRecursively (  )  [protected, virtual]

static const char* TEveElement::ToString ( Bool_t  b  )  [static, protected]

virtual TEveElement* TEveElement::CloneElement (  )  const [virtual]

virtual TEveElement* TEveElement::CloneElementRecurse ( Int_t  level = 0  )  const [virtual]

virtual void TEveElement::CloneChildrenRecurse ( TEveElement dest,
Int_t  level = 0 
) const [virtual]

virtual const char* TEveElement::GetElementName (  )  const [virtual]

virtual const char* TEveElement::GetElementTitle (  )  const [virtual]

virtual TString TEveElement::GetHighlightTooltip (  )  [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 123 of file TEveElement.h.

References GetElementTitle().

virtual void TEveElement::SetElementName ( const char *  name  )  [virtual]

virtual void TEveElement::SetElementTitle ( const char *  title  )  [virtual]

virtual void TEveElement::SetElementNameTitle ( const char *  name,
const char *  title 
) [virtual]

virtual void TEveElement::NameTitleChanged (  )  [virtual]

const TString& TEveElement::GetVizTag (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 129 of file TEveElement.h.

References fVizTag.

void TEveElement::SetVizTag ( const TString tag  )  [inline]

Definition at line 130 of file TEveElement.h.

References fVizTag.

TEveElement* TEveElement::GetVizModel (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 132 of file TEveElement.h.

References fVizModel.

void TEveElement::SetVizModel ( TEveElement model  ) 

Bool_t TEveElement::FindVizModel (  ) 

Bool_t TEveElement::ApplyVizTag ( const TString tag,
const TString fallback_tag = "" 

virtual void TEveElement::PropagateVizParamsToProjecteds (  )  [virtual]

virtual void TEveElement::PropagateVizParamsToElements ( TEveElement el = 0  )  [virtual]

virtual void TEveElement::CopyVizParams ( const TEveElement el  )  [virtual]

virtual void TEveElement::CopyVizParamsFromDB (  )  [virtual]

void TEveElement::SaveVizParams ( ostream &  out,
const TString tag,
const TString var 

virtual void TEveElement::WriteVizParams ( ostream &  out,
const TString var 
) [virtual]

TEveElement* TEveElement::GetMaster (  ) 

TEveCompound* TEveElement::GetCompound (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 146 of file TEveElement.h.

References fCompound.

void TEveElement::SetCompound ( TEveCompound c  )  [inline]

Definition at line 147 of file TEveElement.h.

References c, and fCompound.

virtual void TEveElement::AddParent ( TEveElement re  )  [virtual]

virtual void TEveElement::RemoveParent ( TEveElement re  )  [virtual]

virtual void TEveElement::CheckReferenceCount ( const TEveException eh = "TEveElement::CheckReferenceCount "  )  [virtual]

virtual void TEveElement::CollectSceneParents ( List_t scenes  )  [virtual]

virtual void TEveElement::CollectSceneParentsFromChildren ( List_t scenes,
TEveElement parent 
) [virtual]

List_i TEveElement::BeginParents (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 156 of file TEveElement.h.

References fParents.

List_i TEveElement::EndParents (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 157 of file TEveElement.h.

References fParents.

List_ci TEveElement::BeginParents (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 158 of file TEveElement.h.

References fParents.

List_ci TEveElement::EndParents (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 159 of file TEveElement.h.

References fParents.

Int_t TEveElement::NumParents (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 160 of file TEveElement.h.

References fParents.

Bool_t TEveElement::HasParents (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 161 of file TEveElement.h.

References fParents.

const List_t& TEveElement::RefChildren (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 163 of file TEveElement.h.

References fChildren.

List_i TEveElement::BeginChildren (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 164 of file TEveElement.h.

References fChildren.

List_i TEveElement::EndChildren (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 165 of file TEveElement.h.

References fChildren.

List_ci TEveElement::BeginChildren (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 166 of file TEveElement.h.

References fChildren.

List_ci TEveElement::EndChildren (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 167 of file TEveElement.h.

References fChildren.

Int_t TEveElement::NumChildren (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 168 of file TEveElement.h.

References fNumChildren.

Bool_t TEveElement::HasChildren (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 169 of file TEveElement.h.

References fNumChildren.

Bool_t TEveElement::HasChild ( TEveElement el  ) 

TEveElement* TEveElement::FindChild ( const TString name,
const TClass cls = 0 

TEveElement* TEveElement::FindChild ( TPRegexp regexp,
const TClass cls = 0 

Int_t TEveElement::FindChildren ( List_t matches,
const TString name,
const TClass cls = 0 

Int_t TEveElement::FindChildren ( List_t matches,
TPRegexp regexp,
const TClass cls = 0 

TEveElement* TEveElement::FirstChild (  )  const

TEveElement* TEveElement::LastChild (  )  const

void TEveElement::EnableListElements ( Bool_t  rnr_self = kTRUE,
Bool_t  rnr_children = kTRUE 

void TEveElement::DisableListElements ( Bool_t  rnr_self = kFALSE,
Bool_t  rnr_children = kFALSE 

Bool_t TEveElement::GetDestroyOnZeroRefCnt (  )  const

void TEveElement::SetDestroyOnZeroRefCnt ( Bool_t  d  ) 

Int_t TEveElement::GetDenyDestroy (  )  const

void TEveElement::IncDenyDestroy (  ) 

void TEveElement::DecDenyDestroy (  ) 

Int_t TEveElement::GetParentIgnoreCnt (  )  const

void TEveElement::IncParentIgnoreCnt (  ) 

void TEveElement::DecParentIgnoreCnt (  ) 

virtual void TEveElement::PadPaint ( Option_t option  )  [virtual]

virtual void TEveElement::PaintStandard ( TObject id  )  [virtual]

virtual TObject* TEveElement::GetObject ( const TEveException eh  )  const [virtual]

virtual TObject* TEveElement::GetEditorObject ( const TEveException eh  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 197 of file TEveElement.h.

References GetObject().

virtual TObject* TEveElement::GetRenderObject ( const TEveException eh  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 198 of file TEveElement.h.

References GetObject().

virtual void TEveElement::ExpandIntoListTree ( TGListTree ltree,
TGListTreeItem parent 
) [virtual]

virtual void TEveElement::DestroyListSubTree ( TGListTree ltree,
TGListTreeItem parent 
) [virtual]

virtual TGListTreeItem* TEveElement::AddIntoListTree ( TGListTree ltree,
TGListTreeItem parent_lti 
) [virtual]

virtual TGListTreeItem* TEveElement::AddIntoListTree ( TGListTree ltree,
TEveElement parent 
) [virtual]

virtual TGListTreeItem* TEveElement::AddIntoListTrees ( TEveElement parent  )  [virtual]

virtual Bool_t TEveElement::RemoveFromListTree ( TGListTree ltree,
TGListTreeItem parent_lti 
) [virtual]

virtual Int_t TEveElement::RemoveFromListTrees ( TEveElement parent  )  [virtual]

virtual sLTI_i TEveElement::FindItem ( TGListTree ltree  )  [virtual]

virtual sLTI_i TEveElement::FindItem ( TGListTree ltree,
TGListTreeItem parent_lti 
) [virtual]

virtual TGListTreeItem* TEveElement::FindListTreeItem ( TGListTree ltree  )  [virtual]

virtual TGListTreeItem* TEveElement::FindListTreeItem ( TGListTree ltree,
TGListTreeItem parent_lti 
) [virtual]

virtual Int_t TEveElement::GetNItems (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 222 of file TEveElement.h.

References fItems.

void TEveElement::SpawnEditor (  ) 

virtual void TEveElement::ExportToCINT ( char *  var_name  )  [virtual]

void TEveElement::DumpSourceObject (  )  const

void TEveElement::PrintSourceObject (  )  const

void TEveElement::ExportSourceObjectToCINT ( char *  var_name  )  const

virtual Bool_t TEveElement::AcceptElement ( TEveElement el  )  [virtual]

virtual void TEveElement::AddElement ( TEveElement el  )  [virtual]

virtual void TEveElement::RemoveElement ( TEveElement el  )  [virtual]

virtual void TEveElement::RemoveElementLocal ( TEveElement el  )  [virtual]

virtual void TEveElement::RemoveElements (  )  [virtual]

virtual void TEveElement::RemoveElementsLocal (  )  [virtual]

virtual void TEveElement::AnnihilateElements (  )  [virtual]

virtual void TEveElement::Annihilate (  )  [virtual]

virtual void TEveElement::ProjectChild ( TEveElement el,
Bool_t  same_depth = kTRUE 
) [virtual]

virtual void TEveElement::ProjectAllChildren ( Bool_t  same_depth = kTRUE  )  [virtual]

virtual void TEveElement::Destroy (  )  [virtual]

virtual void TEveElement::DestroyOrWarn (  )  [virtual]

virtual void TEveElement::DestroyElements (  )  [virtual]

virtual Bool_t TEveElement::HandleElementPaste ( TEveElement el  )  [virtual]

virtual void TEveElement::ElementChanged ( Bool_t  update_scenes = kTRUE,
Bool_t  redraw = kFALSE 
) [virtual]

virtual Bool_t TEveElement::CanEditElement (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 252 of file TEveElement.h.

References kTRUE.

virtual Bool_t TEveElement::SingleRnrState (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 253 of file TEveElement.h.

References kFALSE.

virtual Bool_t TEveElement::GetRnrSelf (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 254 of file TEveElement.h.

References fRnrSelf.

virtual Bool_t TEveElement::GetRnrChildren (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 255 of file TEveElement.h.

References fRnrChildren.

virtual Bool_t TEveElement::GetRnrState (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 256 of file TEveElement.h.

References fRnrChildren, and fRnrSelf.

virtual Bool_t TEveElement::GetRnrAnything (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 257 of file TEveElement.h.

References fRnrChildren, fRnrSelf, and HasChildren().

virtual Bool_t TEveElement::SetRnrSelf ( Bool_t  rnr  )  [virtual]

virtual Bool_t TEveElement::SetRnrChildren ( Bool_t  rnr  )  [virtual]

virtual Bool_t TEveElement::SetRnrSelfChildren ( Bool_t  rnr_self,
Bool_t  rnr_children 
) [virtual]

virtual Bool_t TEveElement::SetRnrState ( Bool_t  rnr  )  [virtual]

virtual void TEveElement::PropagateRnrStateToProjecteds (  )  [virtual]

virtual Bool_t TEveElement::CanEditMainColor (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 264 of file TEveElement.h.

References fCanEditMainColor.

void TEveElement::SetEditMainColor ( Bool_t  x  )  [inline]

Definition at line 265 of file TEveElement.h.

References fCanEditMainColor.

Color_t* TEveElement::GetMainColorPtr (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 266 of file TEveElement.h.

References fMainColorPtr.

void TEveElement::SetMainColorPtr ( Color_t color  )  [inline]

Definition at line 267 of file TEveElement.h.

References fMainColorPtr.

virtual Bool_t TEveElement::HasMainColor (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 269 of file TEveElement.h.

References fMainColorPtr.

virtual Color_t TEveElement::GetMainColor (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 270 of file TEveElement.h.

References fMainColorPtr.

virtual void TEveElement::SetMainColor ( Color_t  color  )  [virtual]

void TEveElement::SetMainColorPixel ( Pixel_t  pixel  ) 

void TEveElement::SetMainColorRGB ( UChar_t  r,
UChar_t  g,
UChar_t  b 

void TEveElement::SetMainColorRGB ( Float_t  r,
Float_t  g,
Float_t  b 

virtual void TEveElement::PropagateMainColorToProjecteds ( Color_t  color,
Color_t  old_color 
) [virtual]

virtual Bool_t TEveElement::CanEditMainTransparency (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 277 of file TEveElement.h.

References fCanEditMainTransparency.

void TEveElement::SetEditMainTransparency ( Bool_t  x  )  [inline]

Definition at line 278 of file TEveElement.h.

References fCanEditMainTransparency.

virtual Char_t TEveElement::GetMainTransparency (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 279 of file TEveElement.h.

References fMainTransparency.

virtual void TEveElement::SetMainTransparency ( Char_t  t  )  [virtual]

void TEveElement::SetMainAlpha ( Float_t  alpha  ) 

virtual void TEveElement::PropagateMainTransparencyToProjecteds ( Char_t  t,
Char_t  old_t 
) [virtual]

virtual Bool_t TEveElement::CanEditMainTrans (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 284 of file TEveElement.h.

References fCanEditMainTrans.

virtual Bool_t TEveElement::HasMainTrans (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 285 of file TEveElement.h.

References fMainTrans.

virtual TEveTrans* TEveElement::PtrMainTrans ( Bool_t  create = kTRUE  )  [virtual]

virtual TEveTrans& TEveElement::RefMainTrans (  )  [virtual]

virtual void TEveElement::InitMainTrans ( Bool_t  can_edit = kTRUE  )  [virtual]

virtual void TEveElement::DestroyMainTrans (  )  [virtual]

virtual void TEveElement::SetTransMatrix ( Double_t carr  )  [virtual]

virtual void TEveElement::SetTransMatrix ( const TGeoMatrix mat  )  [virtual]

TRef& TEveElement::GetSource (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 294 of file TEveElement.h.

References fSource.

TObject* TEveElement::GetSourceObject (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 295 of file TEveElement.h.

References fSource, and TRef::GetObject().

void TEveElement::SetSourceObject ( TObject o  )  [inline]

Definition at line 296 of file TEveElement.h.

References fSource, and o.

void* TEveElement::GetUserData (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 302 of file TEveElement.h.

References fUserData.

void TEveElement::SetUserData ( void *  ud  )  [inline]

Definition at line 303 of file TEveElement.h.

References fUserData.

Bool_t TEveElement::IsPickable (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 339 of file TEveElement.h.

References fPickable.

void TEveElement::SetPickable ( Bool_t  p  )  [inline]

Definition at line 340 of file TEveElement.h.

References fPickable.

virtual TEveElement* TEveElement::ForwardSelection (  )  [virtual]

virtual TEveElement* TEveElement::ForwardEdit (  )  [virtual]

virtual void TEveElement::SelectElement ( Bool_t  state  )  [virtual]

virtual void TEveElement::IncImpliedSelected (  )  [virtual]

virtual void TEveElement::DecImpliedSelected (  )  [virtual]

virtual void TEveElement::UnSelected (  )  [virtual]

virtual void TEveElement::HighlightElement ( Bool_t  state  )  [virtual]

virtual void TEveElement::IncImpliedHighlighted (  )  [virtual]

virtual void TEveElement::DecImpliedHighlighted (  )  [virtual]

virtual void TEveElement::UnHighlighted (  )  [virtual]

virtual void TEveElement::FillImpliedSelectedSet ( Set_t impSelSet  )  [virtual]

virtual UChar_t TEveElement::GetSelectedLevel (  )  const [virtual]

void TEveElement::RecheckImpliedSelections (  ) 

void TEveElement::SetCSCBits ( UChar_t  f  )  [inline]

Definition at line 361 of file TEveElement.h.

References fCSCBits.

void TEveElement::ResetCSCBits ( UChar_t  f  )  [inline]

Definition at line 362 of file TEveElement.h.

References fCSCBits.

Bool_t TEveElement::TestCSCBits ( UChar_t  f  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 363 of file TEveElement.h.

References fCSCBits.

void TEveElement::ResetAllCSCBits (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 365 of file TEveElement.h.

References fCSCBits.

void TEveElement::CSCImplySelectAllChildren (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 366 of file TEveElement.h.

References fCSCBits, and kCSCBImplySelectAllChildren.

void TEveElement::CSCTakeAnyParentAsMaster (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 367 of file TEveElement.h.

References fCSCBits, and kCSCBTakeAnyParentAsMaster.

void TEveElement::CSCApplyMainColorToAllChildren (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 368 of file TEveElement.h.

References fCSCBits, and kCSCBApplyMainColorToAllChildren.

void TEveElement::CSCApplyMainColorToMatchingChildren (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 369 of file TEveElement.h.

References fCSCBits, and kCSCBApplyMainColorToMatchingChildren.

void TEveElement::CSCApplyMainTransparencyToAllChildren (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 370 of file TEveElement.h.

References fCSCBits, and kCSCBApplyMainTransparencyToAllChildren.

void TEveElement::CSCApplyMainTransparencyToMatchingChildren (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 371 of file TEveElement.h.

References fCSCBits, and kCSCBApplyMainTransparencyToMatchingChildren.

void TEveElement::StampColorSelection (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 394 of file TEveElement.h.

References AddStamp(), and kCBColorSelection.

void TEveElement::StampTransBBox (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 395 of file TEveElement.h.

References AddStamp(), and kCBTransBBox.

void TEveElement::StampObjProps (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 396 of file TEveElement.h.

References AddStamp(), and kCBObjProps.

void TEveElement::StampVisibility (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 397 of file TEveElement.h.

References AddStamp(), and kCBVisibility.

virtual void TEveElement::AddStamp ( UChar_t  bits  )  [virtual]

virtual void TEveElement::ClearStamps (  )  [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 401 of file TEveElement.h.

References fChangeBits.

UChar_t TEveElement::GetChangeBits (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 403 of file TEveElement.h.

References fChangeBits.

virtual const TGPicture* TEveElement::GetListTreeIcon ( Bool_t  open = kFALSE  )  [virtual]

virtual const TGPicture* TEveElement::GetListTreeCheckBoxIcon (  )  [virtual]

void TEveElement::VizDB_Apply ( const char *  tag  ) 

void TEveElement::VizDB_Reapply (  ) 

void TEveElement::VizDB_UpdateModel ( Bool_t  update = kTRUE  ) 

void TEveElement::VizDB_Insert ( const char *  tag,
Bool_t  replace = kTRUE,
Bool_t  update = kTRUE 

TEveElement::ClassDef ( TEveElement  ,

Friends And Related Function Documentation

TEveManager [friend]

Definition at line 35 of file TEveElement.h.

Member Data Documentation

const TGPicture * TEveElement::fgRnrIcons [static]

Definition at line 62 of file TEveElement.h.

Referenced by G__setup_memvarTEveElement(), GetListTreeCheckBoxIcon(), and TEveUtil::SetupGUI().

const TGPicture * TEveElement::fgListTreeIcons [static]

Definition at line 63 of file TEveElement.h.

Referenced by G__setup_memvarTEveElement(), TEveProjectionAxes::GetListTreeIcon(), TEvePointSet::GetListTreeIcon(), TEveTrack::GetListTreeIcon(), TEveLine::GetListTreeIcon(), TEveText::GetListTreeIcon(), TEveViewer::GetListTreeIcon(), GetListTreeIcon(), TEveScene::GetListTreeIcon(), and TEveUtil::SetupGUI().

List_t TEveElement::fParents [protected]

Definition at line 78 of file TEveElement.h.

Referenced by AddParent(), Annihilate(), BeginParents(), CollectSceneParents(), CollectSceneParentsFromChildren(), EndParents(), GetMaster(), HasParents(), NumParents(), RemoveParent(), and ~TEveElement().

List_t TEveElement::fChildren [protected]

Definition at line 79 of file TEveElement.h.

Referenced by AddElement(), AddIntoListTree(), AnnihilateElements(), AnnihilateRecursively(), BeginChildren(), TEveCaloData::CellSelectionChanged(), CloneChildrenRecurse(), CollectSceneParentsFromChildren(), TEveCaloData::DataChanged(), TEveViewerList::DeleteAnnotations(), TEveSceneList::DestroyElementRenderers(), DestroyElements(), TEveSceneList::DestroyScenes(), DisableListElements(), EnableListElements(), EndChildren(), ExpandIntoListTree(), TEveGeoNode::ExpandIntoListTreesRecursively(), TEveCompound::FillImpliedSelectedSet(), TEveCaloData::FillImpliedSelectedSet(), FindChild(), FindChildren(), TEveTrackList::FindTrackByIndex(), TEveTrackList::FindTrackByLabel(), FirstChild(), TEveProjectionManager::HandleElementPaste(), HasChild(), TEveCaloData::InvalidateUsersCellIdCache(), LastChild(), TEveTrack::MakeTrack(), TEveTrackList::MakeTracks(), TEveScene::Paint(), TEveWindow::PostDock(), TEveWindow::PreUndock(), TEveSceneList::ProcessSceneChanges(), PropagateVizParamsToElements(), RefChildren(), RemoveElement(), RemoveElementsInternal(), TEveCompound::RemoveElementsLocal(), TEveViewerList::RemoveElementsLocal(), TEveSceneList::RepaintAllScenes(), TEveViewerList::RepaintAllViewers(), TEveSceneList::RepaintChangedScenes(), TEveViewerList::RepaintChangedViewers(), TEveViewerList::SceneDestructing(), TEveCompound::SetMainColor(), TEveCompound::SetMainTransparency(), TEvePointSetArray::SetMarkerColor(), TEvePointSetArray::SetMarkerSize(), TEvePointSetArray::SetMarkerStyle(), TEveCaloData::SetSliceColor(), TEveCaloData::SetSliceTransparency(), TEveViewerList::SwitchColorSet(), TEveGeoNode::UpdateNode(), and TEveGeoNode::UpdateVolume().

TEveCompound* TEveElement::fCompound [protected]

Definition at line 80 of file TEveElement.h.

Referenced by GetCompound(), GetMaster(), and SetCompound().

TEveElement* TEveElement::fVizModel [protected]

Definition at line 81 of file TEveElement.h.

Referenced by CopyVizParamsFromDB(), GetVizModel(), SetVizModel(), TEveElement(), VizDB_Reapply(), and VizDB_UpdateModel().

TString TEveElement::fVizTag [protected]

Element used as model from VizDB.

Definition at line 82 of file TEveElement.h.

Referenced by FindVizModel(), GetVizTag(), and SetVizTag().

Int_t TEveElement::fNumChildren [protected]

Definition at line 84 of file TEveElement.h.

Referenced by AddElement(), AnnihilateElements(), AnnihilateRecursively(), HasChildren(), NumChildren(), RemoveElement(), and RemoveElementsInternal().

Int_t TEveElement::fParentIgnoreCnt [protected]

Definition at line 85 of file TEveElement.h.

Referenced by CheckReferenceCount(), DecParentIgnoreCnt(), GetParentIgnoreCnt(), HighlightElement(), IncParentIgnoreCnt(), SelectElement(), and SetVizModel().

Int_t TEveElement::fTopItemCnt [protected]

Counter for parents that are ignored in ref-counting.

Definition at line 86 of file TEveElement.h.

Referenced by AddIntoListTree(), CheckReferenceCount(), RemoveFromListTree(), and RemoveFromListTrees().

Int_t TEveElement::fDenyDestroy [protected]

Counter for top-level list-tree items that prevent automatic destruction.

Definition at line 87 of file TEveElement.h.

Referenced by CheckReferenceCount(), DecDenyDestroy(), Destroy(), TEveWindow::DestroyWindow(), TEveWindow::DestroyWindowAndSlot(), GetDenyDestroy(), IncDenyDestroy(), and TEveWindow::~TEveWindow().

Bool_t TEveElement::fDestroyOnZeroRefCnt [protected]

Deny-destroy count.

Definition at line 88 of file TEveElement.h.

Referenced by CheckReferenceCount(), TEveWindow::DestroyWindow(), GetDestroyOnZeroRefCnt(), and SetDestroyOnZeroRefCnt().

Bool_t TEveElement::fRnrSelf [protected]

Definition at line 90 of file TEveElement.h.

Referenced by TEveGeoNode::AddStamp(), TEveSceneInfo::AddStamp(), GetListTreeCheckBoxIcon(), GetRnrAnything(), GetRnrSelf(), GetRnrState(), TEveGeoTopNode::Paint(), PropagateRnrStateToProjecteds(), SetRnrSelf(), SetRnrSelfChildren(), SetRnrState(), and TEveGeoTopNode::TEveGeoTopNode().

Bool_t TEveElement::fRnrChildren [protected]

Definition at line 91 of file TEveElement.h.

Referenced by TEveGeoNode::AddStamp(), GetListTreeCheckBoxIcon(), GetRnrAnything(), GetRnrChildren(), GetRnrState(), PropagateRnrStateToProjecteds(), SetRnrChildren(), SetRnrSelfChildren(), and SetRnrState().

Bool_t TEveElement::fCanEditMainColor [protected]

Definition at line 92 of file TEveElement.h.

Referenced by CanEditMainColor(), CopyVizParams(), SetEditMainColor(), TEveArrow::TEveArrow(), TEveCalo3D::TEveCalo3D(), TEveDigitSet::TEveDigitSet(), TEveElementList::TEveElementList(), TEveShape::TEveShape(), TEveText::TEveText(), and WriteVizParams().

Bool_t TEveElement::fCanEditMainTransparency [protected]

Definition at line 93 of file TEveElement.h.

Referenced by CanEditMainTransparency(), CopyVizParams(), SetEditMainTransparency(), TEveArrow::TEveArrow(), TEveCalo3D::TEveCalo3D(), TEveDigitSet::TEveDigitSet(), TEveElementList::TEveElementList(), TEveShape::TEveShape(), TEveText::TEveText(), and WriteVizParams().

Bool_t TEveElement::fCanEditMainTrans [protected]

Definition at line 94 of file TEveElement.h.

Referenced by CanEditMainTrans(), DestroyMainTrans(), InitMainTrans(), and TEveProjectionAxes::TEveProjectionAxes().

Char_t TEveElement::fMainTransparency [protected]

Definition at line 96 of file TEveElement.h.

Referenced by CopyVizParams(), GetMainTransparency(), SetMainTransparency(), and WriteVizParams().

Color_t* TEveElement::fMainColorPtr [protected]

Definition at line 97 of file TEveElement.h.

Referenced by GetMainColor(), GetMainColorPtr(), HasMainColor(), SetMainColor(), SetMainColorPtr(), TEveCalo3D::TEveCalo3D(), TEveElement(), TEveLine::TEveLine(), TEveStraightLineSet::TEveStraightLineSet(), TEveTrack::TEveTrack(), and TEveTrackList::TEveTrackList().

TEveTrans* TEveElement::fMainTrans [protected]

Definition at line 98 of file TEveElement.h.

Referenced by DestroyMainTrans(), HasMainTrans(), InitMainTrans(), PtrMainTrans(), RefMainTrans(), TEveElement(), and ~TEveElement().

sLTI_t TEveElement::fItems [protected]

Definition at line 100 of file TEveElement.h.

Referenced by AddIntoListTree(), AddIntoListTrees(), AnnihilateRecursively(), TEveGeoNode::ExpandIntoListTrees(), FindItem(), FindListTreeItem(), GetNItems(), RemoveElementsInternal(), RemoveFromListTree(), RemoveFromListTrees(), and ~TEveElement().

TRef TEveElement::fSource [protected]

Set of list-tree-items.

Definition at line 102 of file TEveElement.h.

Referenced by GetSource(), GetSourceObject(), and SetSourceObject().

void* TEveElement::fUserData [protected]

Definition at line 103 of file TEveElement.h.

Referenced by GetUserData(), and SetUserData().

Bool_t TEveElement::fPickable [protected]

Definition at line 310 of file TEveElement.h.

Referenced by IsPickable(), SetPickable(), TEveCaloViz::TEveCaloViz(), TEvePointSet::TEvePointSet(), and TEveStraightLineSet::TEveStraightLineSet().

Bool_t TEveElement::fSelected [protected]

Definition at line 311 of file TEveElement.h.

Referenced by DecImpliedSelected(), GetSelectedLevel(), RecheckImpliedSelections(), and SelectElement().

Bool_t TEveElement::fHighlighted [protected]

Definition at line 312 of file TEveElement.h.

Referenced by DecImpliedHighlighted(), GetSelectedLevel(), HighlightElement(), and RecheckImpliedSelections().

Short_t TEveElement::fImpliedSelected [protected]

Definition at line 313 of file TEveElement.h.

Referenced by DecImpliedSelected(), GetSelectedLevel(), IncImpliedSelected(), RecheckImpliedSelections(), and SelectElement().

Short_t TEveElement::fImpliedHighlighted [protected]

Definition at line 314 of file TEveElement.h.

Referenced by DecImpliedHighlighted(), GetSelectedLevel(), HighlightElement(), IncImpliedHighlighted(), and RecheckImpliedSelections().

UChar_t TEveElement::fCSCBits [protected]

Definition at line 333 of file TEveElement.h.

Referenced by CSCApplyMainColorToAllChildren(), CSCApplyMainColorToMatchingChildren(), CSCApplyMainTransparencyToAllChildren(), CSCApplyMainTransparencyToMatchingChildren(), CSCImplySelectAllChildren(), CSCTakeAnyParentAsMaster(), ResetAllCSCBits(), ResetCSCBits(), SetCSCBits(), and TestCSCBits().

UChar_t TEveElement::fChangeBits [protected]

Definition at line 390 of file TEveElement.h.

Referenced by AddStamp(), ClearStamps(), and GetChangeBits().

Char_t TEveElement::fDestructing [protected]

Definition at line 391 of file TEveElement.h.

Referenced by AddStamp(), Annihilate(), AnnihilateRecursively(), CheckReferenceCount(), ~TEveElement(), and TEveScene::~TEveScene().

const TGPicture* TEveElement::fgRnrIcons[4] [static]

Definition at line 62 of file TEveElement.h.

const TGPicture* TEveElement::fgListTreeIcons[9] [static]

Definition at line 63 of file TEveElement.h.

TEveCompound* TEveElement::fCompound [protected]

Definition at line 80 of file TEveElement.h.

TEveElement* TEveElement::fVizModel [protected]

Definition at line 81 of file TEveElement.h.

Color_t* TEveElement::fMainColorPtr [protected]

Definition at line 97 of file TEveElement.h.

TEveTrans* TEveElement::fMainTrans [protected]

Definition at line 98 of file TEveElement.h.

void* TEveElement::fUserData [protected]

Definition at line 103 of file TEveElement.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Tue Jul 5 16:36:49 2011 for ROOT_528-00b_version by  doxygen 1.5.1