TGWin32 Class Reference

#include <TGWin32.h>

Inheritance diagram for TGWin32:

TVirtualX TAttMarker TAttText TAttFill TAttLine TNamed TAttMarker TAttText TAttFill TAttLine TNamed List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 TGWin32 ()
 TGWin32 (const char *name, const char *title)
virtual ~TGWin32 ()
void DrawText (Int_t x, Int_t y, Float_t angle, Float_t mgn, const char *text, ETextMode mode)
void SetTextFont (Font_t fontnumber)
Int_t SetTextFont (char *fontname, ETextSetMode mode)
void SetTextSize (Float_t textsize)
Bool_t Init (void *display=0)
void ClearWindow ()
void ClosePixmap ()
void CloseWindow ()
void CopyPixmap (Int_t wid, Int_t xpos, Int_t ypos)
void DrawBox (Int_t x1, Int_t y1, Int_t x2, Int_t y2, EBoxMode mode)
void DrawCellArray (Int_t x1, Int_t y1, Int_t x2, Int_t y2, Int_t nx, Int_t ny, Int_t *ic)
void DrawFillArea (Int_t n, TPoint *xy)
void DrawLine (Int_t x1, Int_t y1, Int_t x2, Int_t y2)
void DrawPolyLine (Int_t n, TPoint *xy)
void DrawPolyMarker (Int_t n, TPoint *xy)
void GetCharacterUp (Float_t &chupx, Float_t &chupy)
Int_t GetDoubleBuffer (Int_t wid)
void GetGeometry (Int_t wid, Int_t &x, Int_t &y, UInt_t &w, UInt_t &h)
const char * DisplayName (const char *dpyName=0)
ULong_t GetPixel (Color_t cindex)
void GetPlanes (Int_t &nplanes)
void GetRGB (Int_t index, Float_t &r, Float_t &g, Float_t &b)
virtual void GetTextExtent (UInt_t &w, UInt_t &h, char *mess)
Float_t GetTextMagnitude ()
Window_t GetWindowID (Int_t wid)
Bool_t HasTTFonts () const
Int_t InitWindow (ULong_t window)
Int_t AddPixmap (ULong_t pix, UInt_t w, UInt_t h)
void MoveWindow (Int_t wid, Int_t x, Int_t y)
Int_t OpenPixmap (UInt_t w, UInt_t h)
void QueryPointer (Int_t &ix, Int_t &iy)
Pixmap_t ReadGIF (Int_t x0, Int_t y0, const char *file, Window_t id=0)
Int_t RequestLocator (Int_t mode, Int_t ctyp, Int_t &x, Int_t &y)
Int_t RequestString (Int_t x, Int_t y, char *text)
void RescaleWindow (Int_t wid, UInt_t w, UInt_t h)
Int_t ResizePixmap (Int_t wid, UInt_t w, UInt_t h)
void ResizeWindow (Int_t wid)
void SelectWindow (Int_t wid)
void SetCharacterUp (Float_t chupx, Float_t chupy)
void SetClipOFF (Int_t wid)
void SetClipRegion (Int_t wid, Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t w, UInt_t h)
void SetCursor (Int_t win, ECursor cursor)
void SetDoubleBuffer (Int_t wid, Int_t mode)
void SetDoubleBufferOFF ()
void SetDoubleBufferON ()
void SetDrawMode (EDrawMode mode)
void SetFillColor (Color_t cindex)
void SetFillStyle (Style_t style)
void SetLineColor (Color_t cindex)
void SetLineType (Int_t n, Int_t *dash)
void SetLineStyle (Style_t linestyle)
void SetLineWidth (Width_t width)
void SetMarkerColor (Color_t cindex)
void SetMarkerSize (Float_t markersize)
void SetMarkerStyle (Style_t markerstyle)
void SetOpacity (Int_t percent)
void SetRGB (Int_t cindex, Float_t r, Float_t g, Float_t b)
void SetTextAlign (Short_t talign=11)
void SetTextColor (Color_t cindex)
void SetTextMagnitude (Float_t mgn=1)
void Sync (Int_t mode)
void UpdateWindow (Int_t mode)
void Warp (Int_t ix, Int_t iy, Window_t id=0)
Int_t WriteGIF (char *name)
void WritePixmap (Int_t wid, UInt_t w, UInt_t h, char *pxname)
Window_t GetCurrentWindow () const
void GetWindowAttributes (Window_t id, WindowAttributes_t &attr)
void MapWindow (Window_t id)
void MapSubwindows (Window_t id)
void MapRaised (Window_t id)
void UnmapWindow (Window_t id)
void DestroyWindow (Window_t id)
void DestroySubwindows (Window_t id)
void RaiseWindow (Window_t id)
void LowerWindow (Window_t id)
void MoveWindow (Window_t id, Int_t x, Int_t y)
void MoveResizeWindow (Window_t id, Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t w, UInt_t h)
void ResizeWindow (Window_t id, UInt_t w, UInt_t h)
void IconifyWindow (Window_t id)
void ReparentWindow (Window_t id, Window_t pid, Int_t x, Int_t y)
void SetWindowBackground (Window_t id, ULong_t color)
void SetWindowBackgroundPixmap (Window_t id, Pixmap_t pxm)
Window_t CreateWindow (Window_t parent, Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t w, UInt_t h, UInt_t border, Int_t depth, UInt_t clss, void *visual, SetWindowAttributes_t *attr, UInt_t wtype)
Int_t OpenDisplay (const char *dpyName=0)
void CloseDisplay ()
Display_t GetDisplay () const
Visual_t GetVisual () const
Int_t GetScreen () const
Int_t GetDepth () const
Colormap_t GetColormap () const
Atom_t InternAtom (const char *atom_name, Bool_t only_if_exist)
Window_t GetDefaultRootWindow () const
Window_t GetParent (Window_t id) const
FontStruct_t LoadQueryFont (const char *font_name)
FontH_t GetFontHandle (FontStruct_t fs)
void DeleteFont (FontStruct_t fs)
GContext_t CreateGC (Drawable_t id, GCValues_t *gval)
void ChangeGC (GContext_t gc, GCValues_t *gval)
void CopyGC (GContext_t org, GContext_t dest, Mask_t mask)
void DeleteGC (GContext_t gc)
Cursor_t CreateCursor (ECursor cursor)
void SetCursor (Window_t id, Cursor_t curid)
Pixmap_t CreatePixmap (Drawable_t id, UInt_t w, UInt_t h)
Pixmap_t CreatePixmap (Drawable_t id, const char *bitmap, UInt_t width, UInt_t height, ULong_t forecolor, ULong_t backcolor, Int_t depth)
Pixmap_t CreatePixmapFromData (unsigned char *bits, UInt_t width, UInt_t height)
Pixmap_t CreateBitmap (Drawable_t id, const char *bitmap, UInt_t width, UInt_t height)
void DeletePixmap (Pixmap_t pmap)
Bool_t CreatePictureFromFile (Drawable_t id, const char *filename, Pixmap_t &pict, Pixmap_t &pict_mask, PictureAttributes_t &attr)
Bool_t CreatePictureFromData (Drawable_t id, char **data, Pixmap_t &pict, Pixmap_t &pict_mask, PictureAttributes_t &attr)
Bool_t ReadPictureDataFromFile (const char *filename, char ***ret_data)
void DeletePictureData (void *data)
void SetDashes (GContext_t gc, Int_t offset, const char *dash_list, Int_t n)
Bool_t ParseColor (Colormap_t cmap, const char *cname, ColorStruct_t &color)
Bool_t AllocColor (Colormap_t cmap, ColorStruct_t &color)
void QueryColor (Colormap_t cmap, ColorStruct_t &color)
void FreeColor (Colormap_t cmap, ULong_t pixel)
Int_t EventsPending ()
void NextEvent (Event_t &event)
void Bell (Int_t percent)
void CopyArea (Drawable_t src, Drawable_t dest, GContext_t gc, Int_t src_x, Int_t src_y, UInt_t width, UInt_t height, Int_t dest_x, Int_t dest_y)
void ChangeWindowAttributes (Window_t id, SetWindowAttributes_t *attr)
void ChangeProperty (Window_t id, Atom_t property, Atom_t type, UChar_t *data, Int_t len)
void DrawLine (Drawable_t id, GContext_t gc, Int_t x1, Int_t y1, Int_t x2, Int_t y2)
void ClearArea (Window_t id, Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t w, UInt_t h)
Bool_t CheckEvent (Window_t id, EGEventType type, Event_t &ev)
void SendEvent (Window_t id, Event_t *ev)
void WMDeleteNotify (Window_t id)
void SetKeyAutoRepeat (Bool_t on=kTRUE)
void GrabKey (Window_t id, Int_t keycode, UInt_t modifier, Bool_t grab=kTRUE)
void GrabButton (Window_t id, EMouseButton button, UInt_t modifier, UInt_t evmask, Window_t confine, Cursor_t cursor, Bool_t grab=kTRUE)
void GrabPointer (Window_t id, UInt_t evmask, Window_t confine, Cursor_t cursor, Bool_t grab=kTRUE, Bool_t owner_events=kTRUE)
void SetWindowName (Window_t id, char *name)
void SetIconName (Window_t id, char *name)
void SetIconPixmap (Window_t id, Pixmap_t pic)
void SetClassHints (Window_t id, char *className, char *resourceName)
void SetMWMHints (Window_t id, UInt_t value, UInt_t funcs, UInt_t input)
void SetWMPosition (Window_t id, Int_t x, Int_t y)
void SetWMSize (Window_t id, UInt_t w, UInt_t h)
void SetWMSizeHints (Window_t id, UInt_t wmin, UInt_t hmin, UInt_t wmax, UInt_t hmax, UInt_t winc, UInt_t hinc)
void SetWMState (Window_t id, EInitialState state)
void SetWMTransientHint (Window_t id, Window_t main_id)
void DrawString (Drawable_t id, GContext_t gc, Int_t x, Int_t y, const char *s, Int_t len)
Int_t TextWidth (FontStruct_t font, const char *s, Int_t len)
void GetFontProperties (FontStruct_t font, Int_t &max_ascent, Int_t &max_descent)
void GetGCValues (GContext_t gc, GCValues_t &gval)
FontStruct_t GetFontStruct (FontH_t fh)
void FreeFontStruct (FontStruct_t fs)
void ClearWindow (Window_t id)
Int_t KeysymToKeycode (UInt_t keysym)
void FillRectangle (Drawable_t id, GContext_t gc, Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t w, UInt_t h)
void DrawRectangle (Drawable_t id, GContext_t gc, Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t w, UInt_t h)
void DrawSegments (Drawable_t id, GContext_t gc, Segment_t *seg, Int_t nseg)
void SelectInput (Window_t id, UInt_t evmask)
Window_t GetInputFocus ()
void SetInputFocus (Window_t id)
Window_t GetPrimarySelectionOwner ()
void SetPrimarySelectionOwner (Window_t id)
void ConvertPrimarySelection (Window_t id, Atom_t clipboard, Time_t when)
void LookupString (Event_t *event, char *buf, Int_t buflen, UInt_t &keysym)
void GetPasteBuffer (Window_t id, Atom_t atom, TString &text, Int_t &nchar, Bool_t del)
void TranslateCoordinates (Window_t src, Window_t dest, Int_t src_x, Int_t src_y, Int_t &dest_x, Int_t &dest_y, Window_t &child)
void GetWindowSize (Drawable_t id, Int_t &x, Int_t &y, UInt_t &w, UInt_t &h)
void FillPolygon (Window_t id, GContext_t gc, Point_t *points, Int_t npnt)
void QueryPointer (Window_t id, Window_t &rootw, Window_t &childw, Int_t &root_x, Int_t &root_y, Int_t &win_x, Int_t &win_y, UInt_t &mask)
void SetForeground (GContext_t gc, ULong_t foreground)
void SetClipRectangles (GContext_t gc, Int_t x, Int_t y, Rectangle_t *recs, Int_t n)
void Update (Int_t mode=0)
Region_t CreateRegion ()
void DestroyRegion (Region_t reg)
void UnionRectWithRegion (Rectangle_t *rect, Region_t src, Region_t dest)
Region_t PolygonRegion (Point_t *points, Int_t np, Bool_t winding)
void UnionRegion (Region_t rega, Region_t regb, Region_t result)
void IntersectRegion (Region_t rega, Region_t regb, Region_t result)
void SubtractRegion (Region_t rega, Region_t regb, Region_t result)
void XorRegion (Region_t rega, Region_t regb, Region_t result)
Bool_t EmptyRegion (Region_t reg)
Bool_t PointInRegion (Int_t x, Int_t y, Region_t reg)
Bool_t EqualRegion (Region_t rega, Region_t regb)
void GetRegionBox (Region_t reg, Rectangle_t *)
char ** ListFonts (const char *fontname, Int_t max, Int_t &count)
void FreeFontNames (char **fontlist)
Drawable_t CreateImage (UInt_t width, UInt_t height)
void GetImageSize (Drawable_t id, UInt_t &width, UInt_t &height)
void PutPixel (Drawable_t id, Int_t x, Int_t y, ULong_t pixel)
void PutImage (Drawable_t id, GContext_t gc, Drawable_t img, Int_t dx, Int_t dy, Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t w, UInt_t h)
void DeleteImage (Drawable_t img)
unsigned char * GetColorBits (Drawable_t wid, Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t width, UInt_t height)
Int_t AddWindow (ULong_t qwid, UInt_t w, UInt_t h)
void RemoveWindow (ULong_t qwid)
void ShapeCombineMask (Window_t id, Int_t x, Int_t y, Pixmap_t mask)
UInt_t ScreenWidthMM () const
void DeleteProperty (Window_t, Atom_t &)
Int_t GetProperty (Window_t, Atom_t, Long_t, Long_t, Bool_t, Atom_t, Atom_t *, Int_t *, ULong_t *, ULong_t *, unsigned char **)
void ChangeActivePointerGrab (Window_t, UInt_t, Cursor_t)
void ConvertSelection (Window_t, Atom_t &, Atom_t &, Atom_t &, Time_t &)
Bool_t SetSelectionOwner (Window_t, Atom_t &)
void ChangeProperties (Window_t id, Atom_t property, Atom_t type, Int_t format, UChar_t *data, Int_t len)
void SetDNDAware (Window_t win, Atom_t *typelist)
void SetTypeList (Window_t win, Atom_t prop, Atom_t *typelist)
Window_t FindRWindow (Window_t win, Window_t dragwin, Window_t input, int x, int y, int maxd)
Bool_t IsDNDAware (Window_t win, Atom_t *typelist)
Bool_t GUIThreadMessageFunc (MSG *msg)
Bool_t IsCmdThread () const
void SetUserThreadId (ULong_t id)

Static Public Member Functions

static void Lock ()
static void Unlock ()

Protected Member Functions

void UpdateFillColor ()
void UpdateFillStyle ()
void UpdateLineColor ()
void UpdateMarkerStyle ()
void UpdateMarkerColor ()
void UpdateLineStyle ()
Bool_t AllocColor (GdkColormap *cmap, GdkColor *color)
void QueryColors (GdkColormap *cmap, GdkColor *colors, Int_t ncolors)
GdkGCGetGC (Int_t which) const
XColor_tGetColor (Int_t cid)

Protected Attributes

Int_t fScreenNumber
Bool_t fHasTTFonts
Bool_t fUseSysPointers
Int_t fTextAlignH
Int_t fTextAlignV
Int_t fTextAlign
Float_t fCharacterUpX
Float_t fCharacterUpY
Float_t fTextMagnitude
Int_t fDepth
Int_t fRedDiv
Int_t fGreenDiv
Int_t fBlueDiv
Int_t fRedShift
Int_t fGreenShift
Int_t fBlueShift
Handle_t fXEvent
Bool_t fFillColorModified
Bool_t fFillStyleModified
Bool_t fLineColorModified
Bool_t fPenModified
Bool_t fMarkerStyleModified
Bool_t fMarkerColorModified

Private Types

enum  EAlign

Private Member Functions

void Align (void)
void DrawImage (FT_Bitmap *source, ULong_t fore, ULong_t back, GdkImage *xim, Int_t bx, Int_t by)
Bool_t IsVisible (Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t w, UInt_t h)
GdkImageGetBackground (Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t w, UInt_t h)
void RenderString (Int_t x, Int_t y, ETextMode mode)
void CloseWindow1 ()
void PutImage (Int_t offset, Int_t itran, Int_t x0, Int_t y0, Int_t nx, Int_t ny, Int_t xmin, Int_t ymin, Int_t xmax, Int_t ymax, UChar_t *image, Drawable_t id)
void RemovePixmap (GdkDrawable *pix)
void SetColor (GdkGC *gc, Int_t ci)
void SetInput (Int_t inp)
void SetMarkerType (Int_t type, Int_t n, GdkPoint *xy)
void MakeOpaqueColors (Int_t percent, ULong_t *orgcolors, Int_t ncolors)
Int_t FindColor (ULong_t pixel, ULong_t *orgcolors, Int_t ncolors)
void ImgPickPalette (GdkImage *image, Int_t &ncol, Int_t *&R, Int_t *&G, Int_t *&B)
void MapGCValues (GCValues_t &gval, ULong_t &xmask, GdkGCValues &xgval, Bool_t tox=kTRUE)
void MapSetWindowAttributes (SetWindowAttributes_t *attr, ULong_t &xmask, GdkWindowAttr &xattr)
void MapCursor (ECursor cursor, Int_t &xcursor)
void MapColorStruct (ColorStruct_t *color, GdkColor &xcolor)
void MapModifierState (UInt_t &state, UInt_t &xstate, Bool_t tox=kTRUE)
void MapEvent (Event_t &ev, GdkEvent &xev, Bool_t tox=kTRUE)
void MapEventMask (UInt_t &emask, UInt_t &xemask, Bool_t tox=kTRUE)
void MapKeySym (UInt_t &keysym, UInt_t &xkeysym, Bool_t tox=kTRUE)

Private Attributes

FT_Vector fAlign
Int_t fMaxNumberOfWindows
GdkCursorfCursors [kNumCursors]

Detailed Description

Definition at line 80 of file TGWin32.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum TGWin32::EAlign [private]

Definition at line 83 of file TGWin32.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TGWin32::TGWin32 (  ) 

TGWin32::TGWin32 ( const char *  name,
const char *  title 

Definition at line 759 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References TStorage::Alloc(), TApplication::Argv(), TSystem::BaseName(), fCharacterUpX, fCharacterUpY, fColors, TVirtualX::fDrawMode, fFillColorModified, fFillStyleModified, TGWin32ProxyBase::fgMainThreadId, TGWin32VirtualXProxy::fgRealObject, fHasTTFonts, fLineColorModified, fMarkerColorModified, fMarkerStyleModified, fMaxNumberOfWindows, fPenModified, fRefreshTimer, fScreenNumber, fTextAlign, fTextAlignH, fTextAlignV, fTextMagnitude, fUseSysPointers, fWindows, fXEvent, gApplication, gMainThread, gPtr2Interpreter, gPtr2VirtualX, gROOT, gSystem, i, TROOT::IsBatch(), TVirtualX::kCopy, kFALSE, open, TGWin32VirtualXProxy::ProxyObject(), and TGWin32InterpreterProxy::ProxyObject().

TGWin32::~TGWin32 (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 807 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References CloseDisplay(), fColors, fRefreshTimer, Long64_t, TExMapIter::Next(), and value.

Member Function Documentation

void TGWin32::Align ( void   )  [private]

Definition at line 1186 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References align(), fAlign, FT_Vector_Transform(), fTextAlign, TTF::GetAscent(), TTF::GetRotMatrix(), TTF::GetWidth(), kBCenter, kBRight, kMCenter, kMLeft, kMRight, kTCenter, kTLeft, kTRight, FT_Vector_::x, and FT_Vector_::y.

Referenced by DrawText().

void TGWin32::DrawImage ( FT_Bitmap source,
ULong_t  fore,
ULong_t  back,
GdkImage xim,
Int_t  bx,
Int_t  by 
) [private]

Definition at line 1217 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References AllocColor(), b, _GdkColor::blue, d, fColormap, g, GetPixelImage(), TTF::GetSmoothing(), _GdkColor::green, int, kBitsPerByte, n, p, _GdkColor::pixel, PutPixel(), QueryColors(), _GdkColor::red, red, row, s, TESTBIT, TObject::Warning(), x, and y.

Referenced by RenderString().

Bool_t TGWin32::IsVisible ( Int_t  x,
Int_t  y,
UInt_t  w,
UInt_t  h 
) [private]

Definition at line 1378 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References GetCurrentWindow(), gVirtualX, height, kFALSE, kTRUE, width, and xy.

Referenced by RenderString().

GdkImage * TGWin32::GetBackground ( Int_t  x,
Int_t  y,
UInt_t  w,
UInt_t  h 
) [private]

Definition at line 1352 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_image_get(), GetCurrentWindow(), gVirtualX, height, width, and xy.

Referenced by RenderString().

void TGWin32::RenderString ( Int_t  x,
Int_t  y,
ETextMode  mode 
) [private]

Definition at line 1399 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References _GdkGCValues::background, FT_BitmapGlyphRec_::bitmap, depth, DrawImage(), TObject::Error(), fAlign, fDepth, TTGlyph::fImage, _GdkGCValues::foreground, FT_Glyph_To_Bitmap(), ft_render_mode_mono, ft_render_mode_normal, gdk_draw_image(), gdk_gc_get_values(), gdk_image_new(), GDK_IMAGE_SHARED, gdk_image_unref(), gdk_visual_get_best(), GetBackground(), TTF::GetBox(), GetCurrentWindow(), GetGC(), TTF::GetGlyphs(), TTF::GetNumGlyphs(), GetPixelImage(), TTF::GetSmoothing(), h, _GdkImage::height, int, IsVisible(), TVirtualX::kClear, FT_BitmapGlyphRec_::left, n, _GdkColor::pixel, PutPixel(), FT_BitmapGlyphRec_::top, w, _GdkImage::width, FT_Vector_::x, x1, FT_BBox_::xMax, FT_BBox_::xMin, FT_Vector_::y, FT_BBox_::yMax, and FT_BBox_::yMin.

Referenced by DrawText().

void TGWin32::CloseWindow1 (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1574 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References XWindow_t::buffer, fColormap, fMaxNumberOfWindows, fWindows, gCws, gdk_colormap_free_colors(), gdk_pixmap_unref, gdk_window_destroy(), XWindow_t::ispixmap, kTRUE, XWindow_t::ncolors, XWindow_t::new_colors, open, XWindow_t::open, and XWindow_t::window.

Referenced by ClosePixmap(), and CloseWindow().

void TGWin32::PutImage ( Int_t  offset,
Int_t  itran,
Int_t  x0,
Int_t  y0,
Int_t  nx,
Int_t  ny,
Int_t  xmin,
Int_t  ymin,
Int_t  xmax,
Int_t  ymax,
UChar_t image,
Drawable_t  id 
) [private]

Definition at line 4168 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References XWindow_t::drawing, gCws, gdk_win32_draw_segments(), gGCline, i, id, nlines, SetColor(), x, x1, _GdkSegment::x1, x2, _GdkSegment::x2, y, _GdkSegment::y1, and _GdkSegment::y2.

Referenced by ReadGIF().

void TGWin32::RemovePixmap ( GdkDrawable pix  )  [private]

Definition at line 2244 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_pixmap_unref.

void TGWin32::SetColor ( GdkGC gc,
Int_t  ci 
) [private]

Definition at line 2925 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References _GdkGCValues::background, fColormap, TVirtualX::fDrawMode, _GdkGCValues::foreground, gdk_gc_get_values(), gdk_gc_set_background(), gdk_gc_set_foreground(), TColor::GetBlue(), GetColor(), TROOT::GetColor(), TColor::GetGreen(), TColor::GetRed(), gROOT, TVirtualX::kXor, _GdkColor::pixel, and SetRGB().

Referenced by ClearWindow(), OpenPixmap(), PutImage(), RescaleWindow(), ResizePixmap(), ResizeWindow(), SetDoubleBufferON(), SetTextColor(), UpdateFillColor(), UpdateLineColor(), and UpdateMarkerColor().

void TGWin32::SetInput ( Int_t  inp  )  [private]

Definition at line 3196 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gCws, GDK_DRAWABLE_XID, and XWindow_t::window.

void TGWin32::SetMarkerType ( Int_t  type,
Int_t  n,
GdkPoint xy 
) [private]

Definition at line 3355 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gMarker, i, and xy.

Referenced by UpdateMarkerStyle().

void TGWin32::MakeOpaqueColors ( Int_t  percent,
ULong_t orgcolors,
Int_t  ncolors 
) [private]

Definition at line 3741 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References _GdkColor::blue, blue, fColormap, gCws, gdk_color_alloc(), gdk_color_context_free(), gdk_color_context_new(), gdk_color_context_query_colors(), gdk_visual_get_system(), green, _GdkColor::green, i, XWindow_t::ncolors, XWindow_t::new_colors, _GdkColor::pixel, _GdkColor::red, red, val, and TObject::Warning().

Referenced by SetOpacity().

Int_t TGWin32::FindColor ( ULong_t  pixel,
ULong_t orgcolors,
Int_t  ncolors 
) [private]

Definition at line 3802 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References TObject::Error(), and i.

Referenced by ImgPickPalette(), and SetOpacity().

void TGWin32::ImgPickPalette ( GdkImage image,
Int_t ncol,
Int_t *&  R,
Int_t *&  G,
Int_t *&  B 
) [private]

Definition at line 4037 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References _GdkColor::blue, CollectImageColors(), fColormap, FindColor(), for(), gCws, gdk_color_context_free(), gdk_color_context_new(), gdk_color_context_query_colors(), gdk_visual_get_system(), GetPixelImage(), _GdkColor::green, XWindow_t::height, i, image, int, PutPixel(), _GdkColor::red, red, XWindow_t::width, x, and y.

Referenced by WriteGIF().

void TGWin32::MapGCValues ( GCValues_t gval,
ULong_t xmask,
GdkGCValues xgval,
Bool_t  tox = kTRUE 
) [private]

Definition at line 4734 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References _GdkGCValues::background, _GdkColor::blue, _GdkGCValues::cap_style, _GdkGCValues::clip_mask, _GdkGCValues::clip_x_origin, _GdkGCValues::clip_y_origin, GCValues_t::fBackground, GCValues_t::fCapStyle, GCValues_t::fClipMask, GCValues_t::fClipXOrigin, GCValues_t::fClipYOrigin, GCValues_t::fFillStyle, GCValues_t::fFont, GCValues_t::fForeground, GCValues_t::fFunction, GCValues_t::fGraphicsExposures, _GdkGCValues::fill, GCValues_t::fJoinStyle, GCValues_t::fLineStyle, GCValues_t::fLineWidth, GCValues_t::fMask, _GdkGCValues::font, _GdkGCValues::foreground, GCValues_t::fStipple, GCValues_t::fSubwindowMode, GCValues_t::fTile, GCValues_t::fTsXOrigin, GCValues_t::fTsYOrigin, _GdkGCValues::function, GDK_AND, GDK_AND_INVERT, GDK_AND_REVERSE, GDK_CLEAR, GDK_CLIP_BY_CHILDREN, GDK_COPY, GDK_COPY_INVERT, GDK_EQUIV, GDK_GC_BACKGROUND, GDK_GC_CAP_STYLE, GDK_GC_CLIP_MASK, GDK_GC_CLIP_X_ORIGIN, GDK_GC_CLIP_Y_ORIGIN, GDK_GC_EXPOSURES, GDK_GC_FILL, GDK_GC_FONT, GDK_GC_FOREGROUND, GDK_GC_FUNCTION, GDK_GC_JOIN_STYLE, GDK_GC_LINE_STYLE, GDK_GC_LINE_WIDTH, GDK_GC_STIPPLE, GDK_GC_SUBWINDOW, GDK_GC_TILE, GDK_GC_TS_X_ORIGIN, GDK_GC_TS_Y_ORIGIN, GDK_INCLUDE_INFERIORS, GDK_INVERT, GDK_NAND, GDK_NOOP, GDK_OR, GDK_OR_INVERT, GDK_OR_REVERSE, GDK_SET, GDK_XOR, _GdkGCValues::graphics_exposures, _GdkColor::green, gval, _GdkGCValues::join_style, kClipByChildren, kGCBackground, kGCCapStyle, kGCClipMask, kGCClipXOrigin, kGCClipYOrigin, kGCFillStyle, kGCFont, kGCForeground, kGCFunction, kGCGraphicsExposures, kGCJoinStyle, kGCLineStyle, kGCLineWidth, kGCStipple, kGCSubwindowMode, kGCTile, kGCTileStipXOrigin, kGCTileStipYOrigin, kGXand, kGXandInverted, kGXandReverse, kGXclear, kGXcopy, kGXcopyInverted, kGXequiv, kGXinvert, kGXnand, kGXnoop, kGXor, kGXorInverted, kGXorReverse, kGXset, kGXxor, kIncludeInferiors, _GdkGCValues::line_style, _GdkGCValues::line_width, mask, _GdkColor::pixel, _GdkColor::red, _GdkGCValues::stipple, _GdkGCValues::subwindow_mode, _GdkGCValues::tile, _GdkGCValues::ts_x_origin, and _GdkGCValues::ts_y_origin.

Referenced by ChangeGC(), CopyGC(), CreateGC(), and GetGCValues().

void TGWin32::MapSetWindowAttributes ( SetWindowAttributes_t attr,
ULong_t xmask,
GdkWindowAttr xattr 
) [private]

Definition at line 4702 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References _GdkWindowAttr::colormap, _GdkWindowAttr::cursor, _GdkWindowAttr::event_mask, SetWindowAttributes_t::fColormap, SetWindowAttributes_t::fCursor, SetWindowAttributes_t::fEventMask, SetWindowAttributes_t::fMask, SetWindowAttributes_t::fOverrideRedirect, GDK_INPUT_OUTPUT, GDK_WA_COLORMAP, GDK_WA_CURSOR, GDK_WA_NOREDIR, kNone, kTRUE, kWAColormap, kWACursor, kWAEventMask, kWAOverrideRedirect, MapEventMask(), mask, _GdkWindowAttr::override_redirect, and _GdkWindowAttr::wclass.

Referenced by CreateWindow().

void TGWin32::MapCursor ( ECursor  cursor,
Int_t xcursor 
) [private]

void TGWin32::MapColorStruct ( ColorStruct_t color,
GdkColor xcolor 
) [private]

Definition at line 5432 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References _GdkColor::blue, _GdkColor::green, _GdkColor::pixel, and _GdkColor::red.

void TGWin32::MapModifierState ( UInt_t state,
UInt_t xstate,
Bool_t  tox = kTRUE 
) [private]

Definition at line 5598 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References GDK_MODIFIER_MASK, and kAnyModifier.

Referenced by GrabButton(), GrabKey(), MapEvent(), and QueryPointer().

void TGWin32::MapEvent ( Event_t ev,
GdkEvent xev,
Bool_t  tox = kTRUE 
) [private]

Definition at line 5653 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References _set_event_time(), _GdkEvent::any, _GdkEventExpose::area, AsmLong(), _GdkEventButton::button, _GdkEvent::button, _GdkEvent::client, _GdkEvent::configure, _GdkEventExpose::count, _GdkEvent::crossing, _GdkEventClient::data, _GdkEventClient::data_format, _GdkEventScroll::direction, _GdkEvent::expose, FALSE, Event_t::fCode, Event_t::fCount, Event_t::fFormat, Event_t::fHandle, Event_t::fHeight, _GdkEvent::focus_change, Event_t::fSendEvent, Event_t::fState, Event_t::fTime, Event_t::fType, Event_t::fUser, Event_t::fWidth, Event_t::fWindow, Event_t::fX, Event_t::fXRoot, Event_t::fY, Event_t::fYRoot, GDK_BUTTON_PRESS, GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE, GDK_CLIENT_EVENT, GDK_CONFIGURE, GDK_DELETE, GDK_DESTROY, GDK_DRAWABLE_XID, GDK_ENTER_NOTIFY, gdk_event_get_time(), GDK_EXPOSE, GDK_FOCUS_CHANGE, GDK_KEY_PRESS, GDK_KEY_RELEASE, GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY, GDK_MAP, GDK_MOTION_NOTIFY, GDK_NOTHING, GDK_SCROLL, GDK_SCROLL_DOWN, GDK_SCROLL_UP, GDK_SELECTION_CLEAR, GDK_SELECTION_NOTIFY, GDK_SELECTION_REQUEST, GDK_UNMAP, gdk_xid_table_lookup(), gWM_DELETE_WINDOW, HANDLE, _GdkRectangle::height, _GdkEventConfigure::height, if(), _GdkEventFocus::in, kButton4, kButton5, kButtonPress, kButtonRelease, kClientMessage, kConfigureNotify, kDestroyNotify, kEnterNotify, kExpose, _GdkEvent::key, _GdkEventKey::keyval, kFALSE, kFocusIn, kFocusOut, kGKeyPress, kKeyRelease, kLeaveNotify, kMapNotify, kMotionNotify, kNotifyNormal, kOtherEvent, kSelectionClear, kSelectionNotify, kSelectionRequest, kTRUE, kUnmapNotify, _GdkEventClient::l, _GdkEventKey::length, MapModifierState(), _GdkEventClient::message_type, _GdkEventCrossing::mode, _GdkEvent::motion, _GdkEventSelection::property, _GdkEventSelection::requestor, _GdkEvent::scroll, _GdkEvent::selection, _GdkEventSelection::selection, _GdkEventAny::send_event, SplitLong(), _GdkEventCrossing::state, _GdkEventButton::state, _GdkEventMotion::state, _GdkEventKey::state, _GdkEventKey::string, _GdkEventSelection::target, TRUE, _GdkEventCrossing::type, _GdkEventButton::type, _GdkEventAny::type, _GdkEventKey::type, _GdkEventClient::type, _GdkEventConfigure::type, _GdkEventMotion::type, _GdkEvent::type, _GdkEventExpose::type, _GdkEventFocus::type, _GdkEventSelection::type, _GdkEventConfigure::width, _GdkRectangle::width, _GdkEventButton::window, _GdkEventExpose::window, _GdkEventSelection::window, _GdkEventCrossing::window, _GdkEventKey::window, _GdkEventConfigure::window, _GdkEventMotion::window, _GdkEventFocus::window, _GdkEventAny::window, _GdkEventClient::window, _GdkEventScroll::window, POINT::x, _GdkEventCrossing::x, _GdkEventButton::x, _GdkEventConfigure::x, _GdkEventMotion::x, _GdkRectangle::x, _GdkEventScroll::x, _GdkEventCrossing::x_root, _GdkEventMotion::x_root, _GdkEventScroll::x_root, _GdkEventButton::x_root, POINT::y, _GdkEventCrossing::y, _GdkEventButton::y, _GdkEventConfigure::y, _GdkEventMotion::y, _GdkRectangle::y, _GdkEventScroll::y, _GdkEventButton::y_root, _GdkEventCrossing::y_root, _GdkEventMotion::y_root, and _GdkEventScroll::y_root.

Referenced by CheckEvent(), NextEvent(), and SendEvent().

void TGWin32::MapEventMask ( UInt_t emask,
UInt_t xemask,
Bool_t  tox = kTRUE 
) [private]

Definition at line 4623 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References GDK_BUTTON_MOTION_MASK, GDK_BUTTON_PRESS_MASK, GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK, GDK_ENTER_NOTIFY_MASK, GDK_EXPOSURE_MASK, GDK_FOCUS_CHANGE_MASK, GDK_KEY_PRESS_MASK, GDK_KEY_RELEASE_MASK, GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY_MASK, GDK_POINTER_MOTION_MASK, GDK_STRUCTURE_MASK, kButtonMotionMask, kButtonPressMask, kButtonReleaseMask, kEnterWindowMask, kExposureMask, kFocusChangeMask, kKeyPressMask, kKeyReleaseMask, kLeaveWindowMask, kPointerMotionMask, kStructureNotifyMask, and RooFitShortHand::L().

Referenced by ChangeActivePointerGrab(), ChangeWindowAttributes(), GetWindowAttributes(), GrabButton(), GrabPointer(), MapSetWindowAttributes(), and SelectInput().

void TGWin32::MapKeySym ( UInt_t keysym,
UInt_t xkeysym,
Bool_t  tox = kTRUE 
) [private]

Definition at line 6591 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References KeySymbolMap_t::fKeySym, fKeySym, fXKeySym, KeySymbolMap_t::fXKeySym, GDK_F1, GDK_F35, GDK_KP_0, GDK_KP_9, GDK_VoidSymbol, gKeyMap, i, kKey_0, kKey_F1, kKey_F35, and kKey_Unknown.

Referenced by KeysymToKeycode(), and LookupString().

void TGWin32::UpdateFillColor (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 3120 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References TAttFill::fFillColor, fFillColorModified, gdk_pixmap_unref, gFillPattern, gGCfill, kFALSE, and SetColor().

Referenced by DrawBox(), DrawCellArray(), and DrawFillArea().

void TGWin32::UpdateFillStyle (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 3150 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References TAttFill::fFillStyle, fFillStyleModified, gdk_bitmap_create_from_data(), gdk_gc_set_fill(), gdk_gc_set_stipple(), gdk_pixmap_unref, GDK_ROOT_PARENT, GDK_SOLID, GDK_STIPPLED, gFillPattern, gGCfill, gStipples, and kFALSE.

Referenced by DrawBox(), DrawCellArray(), and DrawFillArea().

void TGWin32::UpdateLineColor (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 3215 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References TAttLine::fLineColor, fLineColorModified, gGCdash, gGCline, kFALSE, and SetColor().

Referenced by DrawBox(), DrawLine(), and DrawPolyLine().

void TGWin32::UpdateMarkerStyle (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 3390 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References TAttMarker::fMarkerSize, TAttMarker::fMarkerStyle, fMarkerStyleModified, kFALSE, SetMarkerType(), _GdkPoint::x, and _GdkPoint::y.

Referenced by DrawPolyMarker().

void TGWin32::UpdateMarkerColor (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 3334 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References TAttMarker::fMarkerColor, fMarkerColorModified, gGCmark, kFALSE, and SetColor().

Referenced by DrawPolyMarker().

void TGWin32::UpdateLineStyle (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 3272 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References TObjArray::At(), TAttLine::fLineStyle, fPenModified, TObjArray::GetEntries(), TStyle::GetLineStyleString(), TNamed::GetName(), gStyle, j, kFALSE, SetLineType(), and TString::Tokenize().

Referenced by DrawBox(), DrawLine(), and DrawPolyLine().

Bool_t TGWin32::AllocColor ( GdkColormap cmap,
GdkColor color 
) [protected]

Definition at line 1131 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References fBlueDiv, fBlueShift, fGreenDiv, fGreenShift, fRedDiv, fRedShift, gdk_color_alloc(), kFALSE, and kTRUE.

Referenced by DrawImage().

void TGWin32::QueryColors ( GdkColormap cmap,
GdkColor colors,
Int_t  ncolors 
) [protected]

Definition at line 1161 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References b, _GdkVisual::blue_mask, fBlueShift, fGreenShift, fRedDiv, fRedShift, fVisual, g, gdk_color_context_free(), gdk_color_context_new(), gdk_color_context_query_colors(), gdk_visual_get_system(), _GdkVisual::green_mask, i, and _GdkVisual::red_mask.

Referenced by DrawImage().

GdkGC * TGWin32::GetGC ( Int_t  which  )  const [protected]

Definition at line 1929 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References TObject::Error(), and gGClist.

Referenced by RenderString().

XColor_t & TGWin32::GetColor ( Int_t  cid  )  [protected]

Definition at line 1907 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References TExMap::Add(), fColors, and TExMap::GetValue().

Referenced by ClearWindow(), DrawCellArray(), GetPixel(), GetRGB(), OpenDisplay(), RequestLocator(), SetColor(), SetRGB(), and SetTextColor().

void TGWin32::DrawText ( Int_t  x,
Int_t  y,
Float_t  angle,
Float_t  mgn,
const char *  text,
ETextMode  mode 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 1337 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References Align(), TTF::Init(), TTF::IsInitialized(), TTF::LayoutGlyphs(), TTF::PrepareString(), RenderString(), and TTF::SetRotationMatrix().

Referenced by RequestString().

void TGWin32::SetTextFont ( Font_t  fontnumber  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 1506 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References TAttText::fTextFont, and TTF::SetTextFont().

Int_t TGWin32::SetTextFont ( char *  fontname,
ETextSetMode  mode 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 1515 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References TTF::SetTextFont().

void TGWin32::SetTextSize ( Float_t  textsize  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 1530 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References TAttText::fTextSize, and TTF::SetTextSize().

Bool_t TGWin32::Init ( void *  display = 0  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 943 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_atom_intern(), gdk_init_check(), kFALSE, and kTRUE.

Referenced by OpenDisplay().

void TGWin32::ClearWindow (  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 1539 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References XWindow_t::double_buffer, XWindow_t::drawing, fWindows, gCws, gdk_win32_draw_rectangle(), gdk_window_clear(), gdk_window_set_background(), GetColor(), gGCpxmp, XWindow_t::height, XWindow_t::ispixmap, SetColor(), and XWindow_t::width.

void TGWin32::ClosePixmap (  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 1558 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References CloseWindow1().

void TGWin32::CloseWindow (  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 1566 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References CloseWindow1().

Referenced by IconifyWindow().

void TGWin32::CopyPixmap ( Int_t  wid,
Int_t  xpos,
Int_t  ypos 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 1613 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References XWindow_t::drawing, fWindows, gCws, gdk_window_copy_area, gGCpxmp, gTws, XWindow_t::height, and XWindow_t::width.

void TGWin32::DrawBox ( Int_t  x1,
Int_t  y1,
Int_t  x2,
Int_t  y2,
EBoxMode  mode 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 1626 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References TMath::Abs(), XWindow_t::drawing, fFillColorModified, fFillStyleModified, fLineColorModified, fPenModified, fWindows, gCws, gdk_win32_draw_rectangle(), gGCfill, gGCline, h, TVirtualX::kFilled, TVirtualX::kHollow, TMath::Min(), UpdateFillColor(), UpdateFillStyle(), UpdateLineColor(), UpdateLineStyle(), w, x, and y.

void TGWin32::DrawCellArray ( Int_t  x1,
Int_t  y1,
Int_t  x2,
Int_t  y2,
Int_t  nx,
Int_t  ny,
Int_t ic 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 1659 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References XWindow_t::drawing, fFillColorModified, fFillStyleModified, fWindows, gCws, gdk_gc_set_foreground(), gdk_win32_draw_rectangle(), GetColor(), gGCfill, h, i, j, kTRUE, TMath::Max(), UpdateFillColor(), UpdateFillStyle(), and w.

void TGWin32::DrawFillArea ( Int_t  n,
TPoint xy 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 1701 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References XWindow_t::drawing, fFillColorModified, fFillStyleModified, fWindows, TPoint::fY, gCws, gdk_win32_draw_lines(), gdk_win32_draw_polygon(), gGCfill, i, UpdateFillColor(), UpdateFillStyle(), x, xy, and _GdkPoint::y.

void TGWin32::DrawLine ( Int_t  x1,
Int_t  y1,
Int_t  x2,
Int_t  y2 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 1734 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References XWindow_t::drawing, fLineColorModified, fPenModified, fWindows, gCws, gdk_draw_line(), gdk_gc_set_dashes(), GDK_LINE_SOLID, gGCdash, gGCline, gint8, i, UpdateLineColor(), and UpdateLineStyle().

void TGWin32::DrawPolyLine ( Int_t  n,
TPoint xy 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 1762 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References XWindow_t::drawing, fLineColorModified, fPenModified, fWindows, TPoint::fY, gCws, gdk_gc_set_dashes(), GDK_LINE_SOLID, gdk_win32_draw_lines(), gdk_win32_draw_points(), gGCdash, gGCline, gint8, i, UpdateLineColor(), UpdateLineStyle(), and xy.

void TGWin32::DrawPolyMarker ( Int_t  n,
TPoint xy 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 1818 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References XWindow_t::drawing, fMarkerColorModified, fMarkerStyleModified, fWindows, TPoint::fY, gCws, gdk_win32_draw_points(), gGCmark, gMarker, i, UpdateMarkerColor(), UpdateMarkerStyle(), x, xy, and _GdkPoint::y.

void TGWin32::GetCharacterUp ( Float_t chupx,
Float_t chupy 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 1898 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References fCharacterUpX, and fCharacterUpY.

Int_t TGWin32::GetDoubleBuffer ( Int_t  wid  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 1943 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References XWindow_t::double_buffer, fWindows, gTws, and XWindow_t::open.

void TGWin32::GetGeometry ( Int_t  wid,
Int_t x,
Int_t y,
UInt_t w,
UInt_t h 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 1959 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References depth, fWindows, gdk_screen_height(), gdk_screen_width(), gdk_window_get_deskrelative_origin(), gdk_window_get_geometry(), gTws, XWindow_t::height, height, XWindow_t::width, width, and XWindow_t::window.

const char * TGWin32::DisplayName ( const char *  dpyName = 0  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 1996 of file TGWin32.cxx.

ULong_t TGWin32::GetPixel ( Color_t  cindex  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 2913 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References GetColor(), TROOT::GetColor(), gROOT, and SetRGB().

Referenced by WriteGIF().

void TGWin32::GetPlanes ( Int_t nplanes  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 2004 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_visual_get_best_depth().

void TGWin32::GetRGB ( Int_t  index,
Float_t r,
Float_t g,
Float_t b 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 2012 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References _GdkColor::blue, XColor_t::color, GetColor(), _GdkColor::green, and _GdkColor::red.

void TGWin32::GetTextExtent ( UInt_t w,
UInt_t h,
char *  mess 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 2029 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References TAttText::fTextSize, TTF::GetTextExtent(), TTF::SetTextFont(), and TTF::SetTextSize().

Float_t TGWin32::GetTextMagnitude (  )  [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 196 of file TGWin32.h.

References fTextMagnitude.

Window_t TGWin32::GetWindowID ( Int_t  wid  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 2042 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References fWindows, and XWindow_t::window.

Bool_t TGWin32::HasTTFonts (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 198 of file TGWin32.h.

References fHasTTFonts.

Int_t TGWin32::InitWindow ( ULong_t  window  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 2128 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References border, XWindow_t::buffer, XWindow_t::clip, _GdkWindowAttr::colormap, depth, XWindow_t::double_buffer, XWindow_t::drawing, _GdkWindowAttr::event_mask, fCursors, fMaxNumberOfWindows, fUseSysPointers, fWindows, gCws, gdk_colormap_get_system(), GDK_CURSOR_XID, GDK_DRAWABLE_XID, GDK_EXPOSURE_MASK, GDK_INPUT_OUTPUT, GDK_PROPERTY_CHANGE_MASK, GDK_STRUCTURE_MASK, GDK_WA_COLORMAP, GDK_WA_NOREDIR, GDK_WA_VISUAL, GDK_WA_WMCLASS, GDK_WA_X, GDK_WA_Y, GDK_WINDOW_CHILD, gdk_window_get_geometry(), gdk_window_get_visual, gdk_window_new(), _GdkWindowAttr::height, XWindow_t::height, i, XWindow_t::ispixmap, kPointer, RooFitShortHand::L(), LONG(), XWindow_t::new_colors, open, _GdkWindowAttr::override_redirect, TStorage::ReAlloc(), root, TRUE, _GdkWindowAttr::visual, _GdkWindowAttr::wclass, XWindow_t::width, _GdkWindowAttr::width, XWindow_t::window, _GdkWindowAttr::window_type, _GdkWindowAttr::x, and _GdkWindowAttr::y.

Int_t TGWin32::AddPixmap ( ULong_t  pix,
UInt_t  w,
UInt_t  h 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 7155 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References XWindow_t::buffer, XWindow_t::clip, XWindow_t::double_buffer, XWindow_t::drawing, fMaxNumberOfWindows, fWindows, gCws, gdk_pixmap_foreign_new(), XWindow_t::height, i, XWindow_t::ispixmap, XWindow_t::new_colors, open, XWindow_t::open, TStorage::ReAlloc(), XWindow_t::width, and XWindow_t::window.

void TGWin32::MoveWindow ( Int_t  wid,
Int_t  x,
Int_t  y 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 2052 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References fWindows, gdk_window_move(), gTws, XWindow_t::open, and XWindow_t::window.

Int_t TGWin32::OpenPixmap ( UInt_t  w,
UInt_t  h 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 2068 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References border, XWindow_t::buffer, XWindow_t::clip, depth, XWindow_t::double_buffer, XWindow_t::drawing, fMaxNumberOfWindows, fWindows, gCws, gdk_drawable_get_size(), gdk_gc_set_clip_mask(), gdk_pixmap_new(), GDK_ROOT_PARENT, gdk_visual_get_best_depth(), gdk_win32_draw_rectangle(), gGClist, gGCpxmp, XWindow_t::height, i, XWindow_t::ispixmap, kTRUE, XWindow_t::new_colors, None, open, TStorage::ReAlloc(), root, SetColor(), XWindow_t::width, and XWindow_t::window.

void TGWin32::QueryPointer ( Int_t ix,
Int_t iy 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 2231 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gCws, gdk_window_get_pointer(), mask, and XWindow_t::window.

Pixmap_t TGWin32::ReadGIF ( Int_t  x0,
Int_t  y0,
const char *  file,
Window_t  id = 0 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 4242 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References B, calloc(), CreatePixmap(), XWindow_t::drawing, TObject::Error(), fopen, fread, fseek, ftell, G, gCws, GIFdecode(), GIFinfo(), height, i, j, k, RooFitShortHand::L(), PutImage(), R, Rgl::rr, SetRGB(), and width.

Referenced by CreatePictureFromFile().

Int_t TGWin32::RequestLocator ( Int_t  mode,
Int_t  ctyp,
Int_t x,
Int_t y 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 2252 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References TMath::Abs(), _GdkEventButton::button, _GdkEvent::button, TGWin32ProxyBase::fMaxResponseTime, fUseSysPointers, gCws, GDK_BUTTON_PRESS, GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE, GDK_CROSSHAIR, gdk_cursor_new(), gdk_cursor_unref(), gdk_draw_line(), GDK_ENTER_NOTIFY, gdk_event_free(), gdk_event_get(), gdk_gc_set_foreground(), GDK_KEY_PRESS, GDK_KEY_RELEASE, GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY, gdk_syscursor_new(), gdk_win32_draw_arc(), gdk_win32_draw_rectangle(), gdk_window_set_cursor(), GetColor(), gGCecho, gNullCursor, XWindow_t::height, int, _GdkEvent::key, _GdkEventKey::keyval, kFALSE, TMath::Min(), TMath::Sqrt(), _GdkEvent::type, XWindow_t::width, XWindow_t::window, _GdkEventButton::x, and _GdkEventButton::y.

Int_t TGWin32::RequestString ( Int_t  x,
Int_t  y,
char *  text 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 2425 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References TSystem::Beep(), c, DrawText(), EventsPending(), fCursors, TGWin32ProxyBase::fMaxResponseTime, TAttText::fTextSize, fUseSysPointers, gCws, GDK_BackSpace, GDK_BUTTON_PRESS, gdk_cursor_new(), gdk_cursor_unref(), GDK_Delete, GDK_DRAWABLE_XID, GDK_End, GDK_ENTER_NOTIFY, GDK_Escape, gdk_event_free(), gdk_event_get(), GDK_Home, GDK_KEY_PRESS, GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY, GDK_Left, GDK_QUESTION_ARROW, GDK_Return, GDK_Right, gdk_syscursor_new(), gdk_window_set_cursor(), TTF::GetTextExtent(), gSystem, h, i, if(), _GdkEvent::key, _GdkEventKey::keyval, TVirtualX::kOpaque, kPointer, kTRUE, _GdkEventKey::length, TSystem::ProcessEvents(), SetInputFocus(), TTF::SetTextFont(), TTF::SetTextSize(), _GdkEventKey::string, _GdkEvent::type, and XWindow_t::window.

void TGWin32::RescaleWindow ( Int_t  wid,
UInt_t  w,
UInt_t  h 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 2666 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References XWindow_t::buffer, XWindow_t::double_buffer, XWindow_t::drawing, fWindows, gdk_gc_set_clip_mask(), gdk_pixmap_new(), gdk_pixmap_unref, GDK_ROOT_PARENT, gdk_visual_get_best_depth(), gdk_win32_draw_rectangle(), gdk_window_resize(), gGClist, gGCpxmp, gTws, XWindow_t::height, i, None, XWindow_t::open, SetColor(), XWindow_t::width, and XWindow_t::window.

int TGWin32::ResizePixmap ( Int_t  wid,
UInt_t  w,
UInt_t  h 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 2708 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References border, depth, XWindow_t::drawing, fWindows, gdk_drawable_get_size(), gdk_gc_set_clip_mask(), gdk_pixmap_new(), gdk_pixmap_unref, GDK_ROOT_PARENT, gdk_visual_get_best_depth(), gdk_win32_draw_rectangle(), gGClist, gGCpxmp, gTws, XWindow_t::height, i, kTRUE, None, root, SetColor(), XWindow_t::width, and XWindow_t::window.

void TGWin32::ResizeWindow ( Int_t  wid  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 2759 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References XWindow_t::buffer, depth, XWindow_t::double_buffer, XWindow_t::drawing, fWindows, gdk_gc_set_clip_mask(), gdk_pixmap_new(), gdk_pixmap_unref, GDK_ROOT_PARENT, gdk_visual_get_best_depth(), gdk_win32_draw_rectangle(), gdk_window_get_geometry(), gdk_window_resize(), gGClist, gGCpxmp, gTws, XWindow_t::height, i, kTRUE, None, root, SetColor(), XWindow_t::width, and XWindow_t::window.

void TGWin32::SelectWindow ( Int_t  wid  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 2808 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References XWindow_t::clip, XWindow_t::double_buffer, fMaxNumberOfWindows, fWindows, gCws, gdk_gc_set_clip_mask(), gdk_gc_set_clip_rectangle(), gGClist, XWindow_t::hclip, _GdkRectangle::height, i, XWindow_t::ispixmap, None, open, XWindow_t::wclip, _GdkRectangle::width, _GdkRectangle::x, XWindow_t::xclip, _GdkRectangle::y, and XWindow_t::yclip.

Referenced by RemoveWindow().

void TGWin32::SetCharacterUp ( Float_t  chupx,
Float_t  chupy 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 2838 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References TMath::Abs(), TMath::ACos(), fCharacterUpX, fCharacterUpY, TAttText::fTextAngle, and TMath::Sqrt().

void TGWin32::SetClipOFF ( Int_t  wid  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 2867 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References XWindow_t::clip, fWindows, gdk_gc_set_clip_mask(), gGClist, gTws, i, and None.

void TGWin32::SetClipRegion ( Int_t  wid,
Int_t  x,
Int_t  y,
UInt_t  w,
UInt_t  h 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 2882 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References XWindow_t::clip, XWindow_t::double_buffer, fWindows, gdk_gc_set_clip_rectangle(), gGClist, gTws, XWindow_t::hclip, _GdkRectangle::height, i, XWindow_t::ispixmap, XWindow_t::wclip, _GdkRectangle::width, _GdkRectangle::x, XWindow_t::xclip, _GdkRectangle::y, and XWindow_t::yclip.

void TGWin32::SetCursor ( Int_t  win,
ECursor  cursor 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 2967 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References fCursors, fWindows, gdk_window_set_cursor(), gTws, and XWindow_t::window.

Referenced by GrabPointer().

void TGWin32::SetDoubleBuffer ( Int_t  wid,
Int_t  mode 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 2995 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References fMaxNumberOfWindows, fWindows, gTws, i, XWindow_t::open, SetDoubleBufferOFF(), and SetDoubleBufferON().

void TGWin32::SetDoubleBufferOFF (  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 3035 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References XWindow_t::double_buffer, XWindow_t::drawing, gTws, and XWindow_t::window.

Referenced by SetDoubleBuffer().

void TGWin32::SetDoubleBufferON (  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 3045 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References XWindow_t::buffer, depth, XWindow_t::double_buffer, XWindow_t::drawing, fWindows, gdk_gc_set_clip_mask(), gdk_pixmap_new(), GDK_ROOT_PARENT, gdk_visual_get_best_depth(), gdk_win32_draw_rectangle(), gGClist, gGCpxmp, gTws, XWindow_t::height, i, XWindow_t::ispixmap, None, SetColor(), and XWindow_t::width.

Referenced by SetDoubleBuffer().

void TGWin32::SetDrawMode ( EDrawMode  mode  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 3070 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References TVirtualX::fDrawMode, GDK_COPY, gdk_gc_set_function(), GDK_INVERT, GDK_XOR, gGClist, i, TVirtualX::kCopy, TVirtualX::kInvert, and TVirtualX::kXor.

void TGWin32::SetFillColor ( Color_t  cindex  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 3105 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References TAttFill::fFillColor, fFillColorModified, TAttFill::GetFillColor(), gStyle, and kTRUE.

void TGWin32::SetFillStyle ( Style_t  style  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 3137 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References TAttFill::fFillStyle, fFillStyleModified, and kTRUE.

void TGWin32::SetLineColor ( Color_t  cindex  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 3204 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References TAttLine::fLineColor, fLineColorModified, and kTRUE.

void TGWin32::SetLineType ( Int_t  n,
Int_t dash 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 3225 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References TAttLine::fLineWidth, fPenModified, gdk_gc_set_line_attributes(), GDK_LINE_ON_OFF_DASH, GDK_LINE_SOLID, gGCdash, gGCline, i, j, kFALSE, and TMath::Min().

Referenced by UpdateLineStyle().

void TGWin32::SetLineStyle ( Style_t  linestyle  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 3261 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References TAttLine::fLineStyle, fPenModified, and kTRUE.

void TGWin32::SetLineWidth ( Width_t  width  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 3307 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References TAttLine::fLineWidth, fPenModified, and kTRUE.

void TGWin32::SetMarkerColor ( Color_t  cindex  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 3324 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References TAttMarker::fMarkerColor, fMarkerColorModified, and kTRUE.

void TGWin32::SetMarkerSize ( Float_t  markersize  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 3343 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References TAttMarker::fMarkerSize, TAttMarker::fMarkerStyle, and SetMarkerStyle().

void TGWin32::SetMarkerStyle ( Style_t  markerstyle  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 3380 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References TMath::Abs(), TAttMarker::fMarkerStyle, fMarkerStyleModified, and kTRUE.

Referenced by SetMarkerSize().

void TGWin32::SetOpacity ( Int_t  percent  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 3675 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References CollectImageColors(), depth, XWindow_t::drawing, fColormap, FindColor(), gCws, gdk_colors_free(), gdk_draw_image(), gdk_image_get(), gdk_image_unref(), gdk_visual_get_best_depth(), GetPixelImage(), gGCpxmp, XWindow_t::height, image, int, MakeOpaqueColors(), XWindow_t::ncolors, XWindow_t::new_colors, PutPixel(), XWindow_t::width, x, and y.

void TGWin32::SetRGB ( Int_t  cindex,
Float_t  r,
Float_t  g,
Float_t  b 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 3815 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References _GdkColor::blue, XColor_t::color, fColormap, XColor_t::fDefined, gdk_colormap_alloc_color(), gdk_colormap_free_colors(), GetColor(), _GdkColor::green, kFALSE, kTRUE, _GdkColor::pixel, _GdkColor::red, and short.

Referenced by GetPixel(), ReadGIF(), and SetColor().

void TGWin32::SetTextAlign ( Short_t  talign = 11  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 3852 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References fTextAlign, fTextAlignH, fTextAlignV, and TAttText::SetTextAlign().

void TGWin32::SetTextColor ( Color_t  cindex  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 3914 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_gc_get_values(), gdk_gc_set_background(), gdk_gc_set_foreground(), GetColor(), gGCinvt, gGCtext, and SetColor().

void TGWin32::SetTextMagnitude ( Float_t  mgn = 1  )  [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 232 of file TGWin32.h.

References fTextMagnitude.

void TGWin32::Sync ( Int_t  mode  ) 

Definition at line 3931 of file TGWin32.cxx.

void TGWin32::UpdateWindow ( Int_t  mode  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 3936 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References XWindow_t::double_buffer, XWindow_t::drawing, gCws, gdk_window_copy_area, gGCpxmp, XWindow_t::height, Update(), XWindow_t::width, and XWindow_t::window.

void TGWin32::Warp ( Int_t  ix,
Int_t  iy,
Window_t  id = 0 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 3954 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gCws, GDK_DRAWABLE_XID, XWindow_t::window, POINT::x, and POINT::y.

Int_t TGWin32::WriteGIF ( char *  name  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 4105 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References B, b, XWindow_t::drawing, TObject::Error(), fclose(), fopen, G, g, gCws, gdk_image_get(), gdk_image_unref(), GetPixel(), gGifFile, gGifImage, GIFencode(), XWindow_t::height, i, ImgPickPalette(), PutByte(), R, and XWindow_t::width.

void TGWin32::WritePixmap ( Int_t  wid,
UInt_t  w,
UInt_t  h,
char *  pxname 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 3978 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References fWindows, and gTws.

Window_t TGWin32::GetCurrentWindow (  )  const [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 1921 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References XWindow_t::drawing, and gCws.

Referenced by GetBackground(), IsVisible(), and RenderString().

void TGWin32::GetWindowAttributes ( Window_t  id,
WindowAttributes_t attr 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 5004 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References WindowAttributes_t::fBackingStore, WindowAttributes_t::fBorderWidth, WindowAttributes_t::fClass, WindowAttributes_t::fColormap, WindowAttributes_t::fDepth, WindowAttributes_t::fHeight, WindowAttributes_t::fMapInstalled, WindowAttributes_t::fMapState, WindowAttributes_t::fOverrideRedirect, WindowAttributes_t::fRoot, WindowAttributes_t::fSaveUnder, WindowAttributes_t::fVisual, WindowAttributes_t::fWidth, WindowAttributes_t::fX, WindowAttributes_t::fY, WindowAttributes_t::fYourEventMask, GDK_DRAWABLE_XID, GDK_ROOT_PARENT, gdk_window_get_colormap, gdk_window_get_events(), gdk_window_get_geometry(), gdk_window_get_visual, gdk_window_is_viewable(), gdk_window_is_visible(), id, kFALSE, kInputOutput, kIsUnmapped, kIsUnviewable, kIsViewable, kNotUseful, kTRUE, and MapEventMask().

void TGWin32::MapWindow ( Window_t  id  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 4322 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References GDK_DRAWABLE_TYPE, GDK_DRAWABLE_XID, gdk_window_show(), GDK_WINDOW_TEMP, GetDefaultRootWindow(), and GetParent().

void TGWin32::MapSubwindows ( Window_t  id  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 4337 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References EnumChildProc(), and GDK_DRAWABLE_XID.

void TGWin32::MapRaised ( Window_t  id  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 4349 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gConsoleWindow, GDK_DRAWABLE_TYPE, GDK_DRAWABLE_XID, GDK_WINDOW_CHILD, gdk_window_show(), GDK_WINDOW_TEMP, r1, r2, and r3.

void TGWin32::UnmapWindow ( Window_t  id  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 4376 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_window_hide().

void TGWin32::DestroyWindow ( Window_t  id  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 4386 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_window_destroy(), and kTRUE.

void TGWin32::DestroySubwindows ( Window_t  id  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 4396 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_window_destroy(), and kFALSE.

void TGWin32::RaiseWindow ( Window_t  id  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 4406 of file TGWin32.cxx.


void TGWin32::LowerWindow ( Window_t  id  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 4425 of file TGWin32.cxx.


void TGWin32::MoveWindow ( Window_t  id,
Int_t  x,
Int_t  y 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 4437 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_window_move().

void TGWin32::MoveResizeWindow ( Window_t  id,
Int_t  x,
Int_t  y,
UInt_t  w,
UInt_t  h 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 4447 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_window_move_resize().

void TGWin32::ResizeWindow ( Window_t  id,
UInt_t  w,
UInt_t  h 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 4458 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_window_resize().

void TGWin32::IconifyWindow ( Window_t  id  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 4468 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References CloseWindow(), GDK_DRAWABLE_XID, and gdk_window_lower().

void TGWin32::ReparentWindow ( Window_t  id,
Window_t  pid,
Int_t  x,
Int_t  y 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 4479 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_window_reparent().

void TGWin32::SetWindowBackground ( Window_t  id,
ULong_t  color 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 4490 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References _GdkColor::blue, gdk_window_set_background(), _GdkColor::green, _GdkColor::pixel, and _GdkColor::red.

void TGWin32::SetWindowBackgroundPixmap ( Window_t  id,
Pixmap_t  pxm 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 4506 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_window_set_back_pixmap().

Window_t TGWin32::CreateWindow ( Window_t  parent,
Int_t  x,
Int_t  y,
UInt_t  w,
UInt_t  h,
UInt_t  border,
Int_t  depth,
UInt_t  clss,
void *  visual,
SetWindowAttributes_t attr,
UInt_t  wtype 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 4516 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References background_color, _GdkWindowAttr::colormap, _GdkWindowAttr::cursor, _GdkWindowAttr::event_mask, SetWindowAttributes_t::fBackgroundPixel, SetWindowAttributes_t::fBackgroundPixmap, fCursors, SetWindowAttributes_t::fMask, fUseSysPointers, gdk_colormap_get_system(), GDK_CURSOR_XID, GDK_DECOR_BORDER, GDK_DRAWABLE_XID, GDK_EXPOSURE_MASK, GDK_INPUT_OUTPUT, GDK_NONE, GDK_PROPERTY_CHANGE_MASK, GDK_STRUCTURE_MASK, gdk_visual_get_system(), GDK_WA_COLORMAP, GDK_WA_NOREDIR, GDK_WA_VISUAL, GDK_WA_WMCLASS, GDK_WA_X, GDK_WA_Y, GDK_WINDOW_CHILD, GDK_WINDOW_DIALOG, gdk_window_new(), gdk_window_set_back_pixmap(), gdk_window_set_background(), gdk_window_set_decorations(), gdk_window_set_events(), GDK_WINDOW_TEMP, GDK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL, _GdkWindowAttr::height, kMainFrame, kNone, kParentRelative, kPointer, kTempFrame, kTransientFrame, kWABackPixel, kWABackPixmap, RooFitShortHand::L(), LONG(), MapSetWindowAttributes(), _GdkWindowAttr::override_redirect, TRUE, _GdkWindowAttr::visual, _GdkWindowAttr::wclass, _GdkWindowAttr::width, _GdkWindowAttr::window_type, _GdkWindowAttr::x, and _GdkWindowAttr::y.

Int_t TGWin32::OpenDisplay ( const char *  dpyName = 0  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 960 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References _GdkGCValues::background, _GdkColor::blue, _GdkVisual::blue_mask, fBlueDiv, fBlueShift, fColormap, fCursors, XColor_t::fDefined, fDepth, fGreenDiv, fGreenShift, fHasTTFonts, TGWin32ProxyBase::fMaxResponseTime, _GdkGCValues::foreground, fRedDiv, fRedShift, fScreenNumber, _GdkGCValues::function, fUseSysPointers, fVisual, gDebug, GDK_ARROW, gdk_bitmap_create_from_data(), GDK_BOTTOM_LEFT_CORNER, GDK_BOTTOM_RIGHT_CORNER, GDK_BOTTOM_SIDE, GDK_BUSY, GDK_CLIP_BY_CHILDREN, gdk_color_black(), gdk_color_white(), gdk_colormap_get_system(), GDK_CROSSHAIR, gdk_cursor_new(), gdk_cursor_new_from_pixmap(), gdk_debug_level, GDK_EXCHANGE, GDK_FLEUR, GDK_GC_BACKGROUND, GDK_GC_FOREGROUND, GDK_GC_FUNCTION, gdk_gc_get_values(), gdk_gc_new(), gdk_gc_new_with_values(), gdk_gc_set_background(), gdk_gc_set_foreground(), GDK_GC_SUBWINDOW, GDK_HAND2, GDK_INVERT, GDK_LEFT_PTR, GDK_LEFT_SIDE, GDK_PIRATE, GDK_RIGHT_SIDE, GDK_ROOT_PARENT, GDK_SB_H_DOUBLE_ARROW, GDK_SB_V_DOUBLE_ARROW, gdk_syscursor_new(), GDK_TOP_LEFT_CORNER, GDK_TOP_RIGHT_CORNER, GDK_TOP_SIDE, gdk_visual_get_best(), gdk_visual_get_best_depth(), gdk_visual_get_best_type(), GDK_VISUAL_TRUE_COLOR, GDK_XTERM, gEnv, GetColor(), TEnv::GetValue(), gGCdash, gGCecho, gGCfill, gGCinvt, gGCline, gGClist, gGCmark, gGCpxmp, gGCtext, gNullCursor, _GdkColor::green, _GdkVisual::green_mask, i, IDC_HAND, TTF::Init(), Init(), int, TTF::IsInitialized(), kArrowHor, kArrowRight, kArrowVer, kBitsPerByte, kBottomLeft, kBottomRight, kBottomSide, kCaret, kCross, kFALSE, kHand, kLeftSide, kMove, kNoDrop, kPointer, kRightSide, kRotate, kTopLeft, kTopRight, kTopSide, kTRUE, kWatch, _GdkColor::red, _GdkVisual::red_mask, TNamed::SetName(), TTF::SetSmoothing(), TNamed::SetTitle(), and _GdkGCValues::subwindow_mode.

void TGWin32::CloseDisplay (  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 886 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References TStorage::Dealloc(), TGWin32ProxyBase::fgMainThreadId, fWindows, fXEvent, gdk_event_free(), gInterpreter, TGWin32ProxyBase::GlobalLock(), TGWin32ProxyBase::GlobalUnlock(), gMainThread, gPtr2Interpreter, gPtr2VirtualX, gROOT, gSplash, gVirtualX, kTRUE, TGWin32VirtualXProxy::RealObject(), TGWin32InterpreterProxy::RealObject(), and TROOT::SetBatch().

Referenced by ~TGWin32().

Display_t TGWin32::GetDisplay (  )  const [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 5046 of file TGWin32.cxx.

Visual_t TGWin32::GetVisual (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 265 of file TGWin32.h.

Int_t TGWin32::GetScreen (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 266 of file TGWin32.h.

Int_t TGWin32::GetDepth (  )  const [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 5054 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_visual_get_best_depth().

Colormap_t TGWin32::GetColormap (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 268 of file TGWin32.h.

References fColormap.

Atom_t TGWin32::InternAtom ( const char *  atom_name,
Bool_t  only_if_exist 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 5062 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References a, gchar, gdk_atom_intern(), kNone, and None.

Referenced by FindRWindow(), GetProperty(), IsDNDAware(), and SetDNDAware().

Window_t TGWin32::GetDefaultRootWindow (  )  const [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 5075 of file TGWin32.cxx.


Referenced by MapWindow().

Window_t TGWin32::GetParent ( Window_t  id  )  const [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 5084 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_window_get_parent().

Referenced by IsDNDAware(), and MapWindow().

FontStruct_t TGWin32::LoadQueryFont ( const char *  font_name  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 5094 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_font_load(), and sprintf().

FontH_t TGWin32::GetFontHandle ( FontStruct_t  fs  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 5120 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_font_ref().

void TGWin32::DeleteFont ( FontStruct_t  fs  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 5131 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_font_unref().

GContext_t TGWin32::CreateGC ( Drawable_t  id,
GCValues_t gval 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 5139 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References GDK_CLIP_BY_CHILDREN, gdk_gc_new_with_values(), gval, kTRUE, MapGCValues(), and _GdkGCValues::subwindow_mode.

void TGWin32::ChangeGC ( GContext_t  gc,
GCValues_t gval 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 5159 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References _GdkGCValues::background, _GdkGCValues::clip_mask, _GdkGCValues::clip_x_origin, _GdkGCValues::clip_y_origin, _GdkGCValues::fill, GCValues_t::fMask, _GdkGCValues::font, _GdkGCValues::foreground, _GdkGCValues::function, GDK_GC_CAP_STYLE, GDK_GC_JOIN_STYLE, GDK_GC_LINE_STYLE, GDK_GC_LINE_WIDTH, gdk_gc_set_background(), gdk_gc_set_clip_mask(), gdk_gc_set_clip_origin(), gdk_gc_set_exposures(), gdk_gc_set_fill(), gdk_gc_set_font(), gdk_gc_set_foreground(), gdk_gc_set_function(), gdk_gc_set_stipple(), gdk_gc_set_subwindow(), gdk_gc_set_tile(), gdk_gc_set_ts_origin(), gdk_gc_set_values(), _GdkGCValues::graphics_exposures, gval, kGCBackground, kGCCapStyle, kGCClipMask, kGCClipXOrigin, kGCClipYOrigin, kGCFillStyle, kGCFont, kGCForeground, kGCFunction, kGCGraphicsExposures, kGCJoinStyle, kGCLineStyle, kGCLineWidth, kGCStipple, kGCSubwindowMode, kGCTile, kGCTileStipXOrigin, kGCTileStipYOrigin, kTRUE, MapGCValues(), mask, _GdkGCValues::stipple, _GdkGCValues::subwindow_mode, _GdkGCValues::tile, _GdkGCValues::ts_x_origin, and _GdkGCValues::ts_y_origin.

void TGWin32::CopyGC ( GContext_t  org,
GContext_t  dest,
Mask_t  mask 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 5224 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References GCValues_t::fMask, gdk_gc_copy(), gval, kTRUE, and MapGCValues().

void TGWin32::DeleteGC ( GContext_t  gc  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 5245 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_gc_unref().

Cursor_t TGWin32::CreateCursor ( ECursor  cursor  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 5253 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References fCursors.

void TGWin32::SetCursor ( Window_t  id,
Cursor_t  curid 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 2978 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_window_set_cursor().

Pixmap_t TGWin32::CreatePixmap ( Drawable_t  id,
UInt_t  w,
UInt_t  h 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 5261 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_pixmap_new(), GDK_ROOT_PARENT, and gdk_visual_get_best_depth().

Referenced by ReadGIF().

Pixmap_t TGWin32::CreatePixmap ( Drawable_t  id,
const char *  bitmap,
UInt_t  width,
UInt_t  height,
ULong_t  forecolor,
ULong_t  backcolor,
Int_t  depth 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 5273 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References _GdkColor::blue, gdk_pixmap_create_from_data(), GDK_ROOT_PARENT, _GdkColor::green, _GdkColor::pixel, and _GdkColor::red.

Pixmap_t TGWin32::CreatePixmapFromData ( unsigned char *  bits,
UInt_t  width,
UInt_t  height 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 7115 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References BI_RGB, tagBITMAPINFOHEADER::biBitCount, tagBITMAPINFOHEADER::biClrImportant, tagBITMAPINFOHEADER::biClrUsed, tagBITMAPINFOHEADER::biCompression, tagBITMAPINFOHEADER::biHeight, tagBITMAPINFOHEADER::biPlanes, tagBITMAPINFOHEADER::biSize, tagBITMAPINFOHEADER::biSizeImage, tagBITMAPINFOHEADER::biWidth, tagBITMAPINFOHEADER::biXPelsPerMeter, tagBITMAPINFOHEADER::biYPelsPerMeter, tagBITMAPINFO::bmiColors, tagBITMAPINFO::bmiHeader, gdk_pixmap_foreign_new(), HDC(), int, RooFitShortHand::L(), tagRGBQUAD::rgbBlue, tagRGBQUAD::rgbGreen, tagRGBQUAD::rgbRed, tagRGBQUAD::rgbReserved, and size.

Pixmap_t TGWin32::CreateBitmap ( Drawable_t  id,
const char *  bitmap,
UInt_t  width,
UInt_t  height 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 5300 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_bitmap_create_from_data(), and GDK_ROOT_PARENT.

void TGWin32::DeletePixmap ( Pixmap_t  pmap  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 5314 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_pixmap_unref.

Bool_t TGWin32::CreatePictureFromFile ( Drawable_t  id,
const char *  filename,
Pixmap_t pict,
Pixmap_t pict_mask,
PictureAttributes_t attr 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 5322 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References PictureAttributes_t::fHeight, PictureAttributes_t::fWidth, gdk_drawable_get_size(), gdk_pixmap_create_from_xpm(), GDK_ROOT_PARENT, kFALSE, kNone, kTRUE, and ReadGIF().

Bool_t TGWin32::CreatePictureFromData ( Drawable_t  id,
char **  data,
Pixmap_t pict,
Pixmap_t pict_mask,
PictureAttributes_t attr 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 5356 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_pixmap_create_from_xpm_d(), GDK_ROOT_PARENT, kFALSE, kNone, and kTRUE.

Bool_t TGWin32::ReadPictureDataFromFile ( const char *  filename,
char ***  ret_data 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 5383 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References GDK_DRAWABLE_XID, gdk_pixmap_create_from_xpm(), gdk_pixmap_unref, kFALSE, and LPVOID.

void TGWin32::DeletePictureData ( void *  data  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 5404 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References free().

void TGWin32::SetDashes ( GContext_t  gc,
Int_t  offset,
const char *  dash_list,
Int_t  n 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 5412 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_gc_set_dashes(), gint8, and i.

Bool_t TGWin32::ParseColor ( Colormap_t  cmap,
const char *  cname,
ColorStruct_t color 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 5443 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References _GdkColor::blue, gdk_color_parse(), _GdkColor::green, kFALSE, kTRUE, _GdkColor::pixel, and _GdkColor::red.

Bool_t TGWin32::AllocColor ( Colormap_t  cmap,
ColorStruct_t color 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 5465 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References _GdkColor::blue, FALSE, gdk_colormap_alloc_color(), _GdkColor::green, kTRUE, _GdkColor::pixel, _GdkColor::red, and TRUE.

void TGWin32::QueryColor ( Colormap_t  cmap,
ColorStruct_t color 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 5485 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References _GdkColor::blue, fColormap, gdk_color_context_free(), gdk_color_context_new(), gdk_color_context_query_color(), gdk_visual_get_system(), _GdkColor::green, _GdkColor::pixel, and _GdkColor::red.

void TGWin32::FreeColor ( Colormap_t  cmap,
ULong_t  pixel 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 5505 of file TGWin32.cxx.

Int_t TGWin32::EventsPending (  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 5563 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_event_queue_find_first().

Referenced by RequestString().

void TGWin32::NextEvent ( Event_t event  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 5577 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References Event_t::fType, gdk_event_free(), gdk_event_unqueue(), kFALSE, kOtherEvent, and MapEvent().

void TGWin32::Bell ( Int_t  percent  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 6022 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References TSystem::Beep(), and gSystem.

void TGWin32::CopyArea ( Drawable_t  src,
Drawable_t  dest,
GContext_t  gc,
Int_t  src_x,
Int_t  src_y,
UInt_t  width,
UInt_t  height,
Int_t  dest_x,
Int_t  dest_y 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 6030 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_window_copy_area.

void TGWin32::ChangeWindowAttributes ( Window_t  id,
SetWindowAttributes_t attr 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 6045 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References SetWindowAttributes_t::fBackgroundPixel, SetWindowAttributes_t::fBackgroundPixmap, SetWindowAttributes_t::fBorderWidth, SetWindowAttributes_t::fColormap, SetWindowAttributes_t::fCursor, SetWindowAttributes_t::fEventMask, flag, SetWindowAttributes_t::fMask, GDK_DECOR_BORDER, gdk_window_set_back_pixmap(), gdk_window_set_background(), gdk_window_set_colormap, gdk_window_set_cursor(), gdk_window_set_decorations(), gdk_window_set_events(), kWABackPixel, kWABackPixmap, kWABorderWidth, kWAColormap, kWACursor, kWAEventMask, MapEventMask(), and w.

void TGWin32::ChangeProperty ( Window_t  id,
Atom_t  property,
Atom_t  type,
UChar_t data,
Int_t  len 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 6091 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References GDK_PROP_MODE_REPLACE, and gdk_property_change().

void TGWin32::DrawLine ( Drawable_t  id,
GContext_t  gc,
Int_t  x1,
Int_t  y1,
Int_t  x2,
Int_t  y2 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 6105 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_draw_line().

void TGWin32::ClearArea ( Window_t  id,
Int_t  x,
Int_t  y,
UInt_t  w,
UInt_t  h 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 6116 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_window_clear_area().

Bool_t TGWin32::CheckEvent ( Window_t  id,
EGEventType  type,
Event_t ev 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 5513 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References Event_t::fCode, Event_t::fCount, Event_t::fFormat, Event_t::fHandle, Event_t::fHeight, Event_t::fSendEvent, Event_t::fState, Event_t::fTime, Event_t::fType, Event_t::fUser, Event_t::fWidth, Event_t::fWindow, Event_t::fX, Event_t::fXRoot, Event_t::fY, Event_t::fYRoot, gdk_check_typed_window_event(), kFALSE, kTRUE, RooFitShortHand::L(), MapEvent(), and _GdkEvent::type.

void TGWin32::SendEvent ( Window_t  id,
Event_t ev 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 5549 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_event_put(), kTRUE, and MapEvent().

void TGWin32::WMDeleteNotify ( Window_t  id  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 6126 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References FALSE, gdk_atom_intern(), GDK_DRAWABLE_XID, GDK_PROP_MODE_REPLACE, gWM_DELETE_WINDOW, W32ChangeProperty(), and XA_ATOM.

void TGWin32::SetKeyAutoRepeat ( Bool_t  on = kTRUE  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 6141 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_key_repeat_disable(), and gdk_key_repeat_restore().

void TGWin32::GrabKey ( Window_t  id,
Int_t  keycode,
UInt_t  modifier,
Bool_t  grab = kTRUE 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 6153 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_key_grab(), gdk_key_ungrab(), and MapModifierState().

void TGWin32::GrabButton ( Window_t  id,
EMouseButton  button,
UInt_t  modifier,
UInt_t  evmask,
Window_t  confine,
Cursor_t  cursor,
Bool_t  grab = kTRUE 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 6172 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_button_grab(), gdk_button_ungrab(), MapEventMask(), and MapModifierState().

void TGWin32::GrabPointer ( Window_t  id,
UInt_t  evmask,
Window_t  confine,
Cursor_t  cursor,
Bool_t  grab = kTRUE,
Bool_t  owner_events = kTRUE 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 6198 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References fCursors, GDK_CURRENT_TIME, GDK_CURSOR_XID, GDK_DRAWABLE_XID, gdk_pointer_grab(), gdk_pointer_ungrab(), kPointer, MapEventMask(), and SetCursor().

void TGWin32::SetWindowName ( Window_t  id,
char *  name 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 6220 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_window_set_title().

void TGWin32::SetIconName ( Window_t  id,
char *  name 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 6230 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_window_set_icon_name().

void TGWin32::SetIconPixmap ( Window_t  id,
Pixmap_t  pic 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 6240 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_window_set_icon().

void TGWin32::SetClassHints ( Window_t  id,
char *  className,
char *  resourceName 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 6252 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References free(), gdk_atom_intern(), GDK_DRAWABLE_XID, GDK_PROP_MODE_REPLACE, kFALSE, malloc(), s, safestrlen, strcpy(), type, W32ChangeProperty(), and XA_WM_CLASS.

void TGWin32::SetMWMHints ( Window_t  id,
UInt_t  value,
UInt_t  funcs,
UInt_t  input 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 6291 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_window_set_decorations(), and gdk_window_set_functions().

void TGWin32::SetWMPosition ( Window_t  id,
Int_t  x,
Int_t  y 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 6303 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_window_move().

void TGWin32::SetWMSize ( Window_t  id,
UInt_t  w,
UInt_t  h 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 6313 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_window_resize().

void TGWin32::SetWMSizeHints ( Window_t  id,
UInt_t  wmin,
UInt_t  hmin,
UInt_t  wmax,
UInt_t  hmax,
UInt_t  winc,
UInt_t  hinc 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 6323 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References flags, GDK_HINT_MAX_SIZE, GDK_HINT_MIN_SIZE, GDK_HINT_RESIZE_INC, gdk_window_set_geometry_hints(), _GdkGeometry::height_inc, _GdkGeometry::max_height, _GdkGeometry::max_width, _GdkGeometry::min_height, _GdkGeometry::min_width, and _GdkGeometry::width_inc.

void TGWin32::SetWMState ( Window_t  id,
EInitialState  state 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 6349 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References kIconicState, and kNormalState.

void TGWin32::SetWMTransientHint ( Window_t  id,
Window_t  main_id 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 6372 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_window_set_transient_for().

void TGWin32::DrawString ( Drawable_t  id,
GContext_t  gc,
Int_t  x,
Int_t  y,
const char *  s,
Int_t  len 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 6382 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gchar, gdk_gc_get_values(), and gdk_win32_draw_text().

Int_t TGWin32::TextWidth ( FontStruct_t  font,
const char *  s,
Int_t  len 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 6396 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_text_width().

void TGWin32::GetFontProperties ( FontStruct_t  font,
Int_t max_ascent,
Int_t max_descent 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 6404 of file TGWin32.cxx.

void TGWin32::GetGCValues ( GContext_t  gc,
GCValues_t gval 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 6415 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_gc_get_values(), gval, kFALSE, kTRUE, and MapGCValues().

FontStruct_t TGWin32::GetFontStruct ( FontH_t  fh  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 6429 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_font_ref().

void TGWin32::FreeFontStruct ( FontStruct_t  fs  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 6438 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_font_unref().

void TGWin32::ClearWindow ( Window_t  id  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 6446 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_window_clear().

Int_t TGWin32::KeysymToKeycode ( UInt_t  keysym  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 6456 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References MapKeySym().

void TGWin32::FillRectangle ( Drawable_t  id,
GContext_t  gc,
Int_t  x,
Int_t  y,
UInt_t  w,
UInt_t  h 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 6468 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_win32_draw_rectangle(), and kTRUE.

void TGWin32::DrawRectangle ( Drawable_t  id,
GContext_t  gc,
Int_t  x,
Int_t  y,
UInt_t  w,
UInt_t  h 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 6479 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_win32_draw_rectangle(), and kFALSE.

void TGWin32::DrawSegments ( Drawable_t  id,
GContext_t  gc,
Segment_t seg,
Int_t  nseg 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 6490 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_win32_draw_segments().

void TGWin32::SelectInput ( Window_t  id,
UInt_t  evmask 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 6501 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_window_set_events(), kTRUE, and MapEventMask().

Window_t TGWin32::GetInputFocus (  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 6516 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_xid_table_lookup().

void TGWin32::SetInputFocus ( Window_t  id  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 6525 of file TGWin32.cxx.


Referenced by RequestString().

Window_t TGWin32::GetPrimarySelectionOwner (  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 6536 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_selection_owner_get().

void TGWin32::SetPrimarySelectionOwner ( Window_t  id  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 6545 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References GDK_CURRENT_TIME, and gdk_selection_owner_set().

void TGWin32::ConvertPrimarySelection ( Window_t  id,
Atom_t  clipboard,
Time_t  when 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 6556 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_atom_intern(), and gdk_selection_convert().

void TGWin32::LookupString ( Event_t event,
char *  buf,
Int_t  buflen,
UInt_t keysym 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 6575 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References _lookup_string(), Event_t::fCode, kFALSE, and MapKeySym().

void TGWin32::GetPasteBuffer ( Window_t  id,
Atom_t  atom,
TString text,
Int_t nchar,
Bool_t  del 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 6631 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References data, FALSE, g_free(), gdk_atom_intern(), gdk_property_delete(), gdk_selection_property_get(), and text().

void TGWin32::TranslateCoordinates ( Window_t  src,
Window_t  dest,
Int_t  src_x,
Int_t  src_y,
Int_t dest_x,
Int_t dest_y,
Window_t child 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 6661 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References GDK_DRAWABLE_XID, gdk_xid_table_lookup(), POINT::x, and POINT::y.

void TGWin32::GetWindowSize ( Drawable_t  id,
Int_t x,
Int_t y,
UInt_t w,
UInt_t h 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 6694 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_drawable_get_size(), GDK_DRAWABLE_PIXMAP, GDK_DRAWABLE_TYPE, and gdk_window_get_geometry().

void TGWin32::FillPolygon ( Window_t  id,
GContext_t  gc,
Point_t points,
Int_t  npnt 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 6714 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_win32_draw_polygon(), and points.

void TGWin32::QueryPointer ( Window_t  id,
Window_t rootw,
Window_t childw,
Int_t root_x,
Int_t root_y,
Int_t win_x,
Int_t win_y,
UInt_t mask 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 6730 of file TGWin32.cxx.


void TGWin32::SetForeground ( GContext_t  gc,
ULong_t  foreground 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 6790 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References _GdkColor::blue, gdk_gc_set_foreground(), _GdkColor::green, _GdkColor::pixel, and _GdkColor::red.

void TGWin32::SetClipRectangles ( GContext_t  gc,
Int_t  x,
Int_t  y,
Rectangle_t recs,
Int_t  n 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 6804 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References Rectangle_t::fHeight, Rectangle_t::fWidth, Rectangle_t::fY, gdk_gc_set_clip_rectangle(), _GdkRectangle::height, i, _GdkRectangle::width, and _GdkRectangle::y.

void TGWin32::Update ( Int_t  mode = 0  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 6828 of file TGWin32.cxx.

Referenced by UpdateWindow().

Region_t TGWin32::CreateRegion (  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 6838 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_region_new().

void TGWin32::DestroyRegion ( Region_t  reg  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 6846 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_region_destroy().

void TGWin32::UnionRectWithRegion ( Rectangle_t rect,
Region_t  src,
Region_t  dest 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 6854 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References Rectangle_t::fHeight, Rectangle_t::fWidth, Rectangle_t::fX, Rectangle_t::fY, and gdk_region_union_with_rect().

Region_t TGWin32::PolygonRegion ( Point_t points,
Int_t  np,
Bool_t  winding 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 6867 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References GDK_EVEN_ODD_RULE, gdk_region_polygon(), GDK_WINDING_RULE, and points.

void TGWin32::UnionRegion ( Region_t  rega,
Region_t  regb,
Region_t  result 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 6877 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_regions_union().

void TGWin32::IntersectRegion ( Region_t  rega,
Region_t  regb,
Region_t  result 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 6886 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_regions_intersect().

void TGWin32::SubtractRegion ( Region_t  rega,
Region_t  regb,
Region_t  result 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 6896 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_regions_subtract().

void TGWin32::XorRegion ( Region_t  rega,
Region_t  regb,
Region_t  result 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 6904 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_regions_xor().

Bool_t TGWin32::EmptyRegion ( Region_t  reg  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 6913 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_region_empty().

Bool_t TGWin32::PointInRegion ( Int_t  x,
Int_t  y,
Region_t  reg 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 6921 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_region_point_in().

Bool_t TGWin32::EqualRegion ( Region_t  rega,
Region_t  regb 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 6929 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_region_equal().

void TGWin32::GetRegionBox ( Region_t  reg,
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 6937 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References Rectangle_t::fHeight, Rectangle_t::fWidth, Rectangle_t::fX, Rectangle_t::fY, and gdk_region_get_clipbox().

char ** TGWin32::ListFonts ( const char *  fontname,
Int_t  max,
Int_t count 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 6950 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_font_list_new(), and sprintf().

void TGWin32::FreeFontNames ( char **  fontlist  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 6974 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_font_list_free().

Drawable_t TGWin32::CreateImage ( UInt_t  width,
UInt_t  height 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 6982 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_image_new(), GDK_IMAGE_SHARED, and gdk_visual_get_best().

void TGWin32::GetImageSize ( Drawable_t  id,
UInt_t width,
UInt_t height 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 6991 of file TGWin32.cxx.

void TGWin32::PutPixel ( Drawable_t  id,
Int_t  x,
Int_t  y,
ULong_t  pixel 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 7000 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References image.

Referenced by DrawImage(), ImgPickPalette(), RenderString(), and SetOpacity().

void TGWin32::PutImage ( Drawable_t  id,
GContext_t  gc,
Drawable_t  img,
Int_t  dx,
Int_t  dy,
Int_t  x,
Int_t  y,
UInt_t  w,
UInt_t  h 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 7030 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_draw_image().

void TGWin32::DeleteImage ( Drawable_t  img  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 7043 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_image_unref().

unsigned char * TGWin32::GetColorBits ( Drawable_t  wid,
Int_t  x,
Int_t  y,
UInt_t  width,
UInt_t  height 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 7051 of file TGWin32.cxx.


Int_t TGWin32::AddWindow ( ULong_t  qwid,
UInt_t  w,
UInt_t  h 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 7197 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References XWindow_t::buffer, XWindow_t::clip, XWindow_t::double_buffer, XWindow_t::drawing, fMaxNumberOfWindows, fWindows, gCws, gdk_window_foreign_new(), XWindow_t::height, i, XWindow_t::ispixmap, XWindow_t::new_colors, open, TStorage::ReAlloc(), XWindow_t::width, and XWindow_t::window.

void TGWin32::RemoveWindow ( ULong_t  qwid  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 7245 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References XWindow_t::buffer, fColormap, fMaxNumberOfWindows, fWindows, gCws, gdk_colormap_free_colors(), gdk_pixmap_unref, XWindow_t::ncolors, XWindow_t::new_colors, open, XWindow_t::open, and SelectWindow().

void TGWin32::ShapeCombineMask ( Window_t  id,
Int_t  x,
Int_t  y,
Pixmap_t  mask 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 7280 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_window_shape_combine_mask().

UInt_t TGWin32::ScreenWidthMM (  )  const [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 7290 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gdk_screen_width_mm().

void TGWin32::DeleteProperty ( Window_t  ,
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 7300 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References GDK_DRAWABLE_XID, and hWnd.

Int_t TGWin32::GetProperty ( Window_t  ,
Atom_t  ,
Long_t  ,
Long_t  ,
Bool_t  ,
Atom_t  ,
Atom_t ,
Int_t ,
ULong_t ,
ULong_t ,
unsigned char **   
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 7313 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References data, GDK_DRAWABLE_XID, hWnd, i, InternAtom(), kFALSE, length, malloc(), ptr, and XA_ATOM.

void TGWin32::ChangeActivePointerGrab ( Window_t  ,
UInt_t  ,
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 7362 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References fCursors, gdk_window_set_cursor(), kHand, kNone, and MapEventMask().

void TGWin32::ConvertSelection ( Window_t  ,
Atom_t ,
Atom_t ,
Atom_t ,
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 7375 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References GDK_DRAWABLE_XID, gdk_selection_notify_msg, and hWnd.

Bool_t TGWin32::SetSelectionOwner ( Window_t  ,
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 7399 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References GDK_DRAWABLE_XID, gdk_selection_request_msg, hWnd, and kTRUE.

void TGWin32::ChangeProperties ( Window_t  id,
Atom_t  property,
Atom_t  type,
Int_t  format,
UChar_t data,
Int_t  len 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 7416 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References GDK_DRAWABLE_XID, i, length, and ptr.

void TGWin32::SetDNDAware ( Window_t  win,
Atom_t typelist 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 7528 of file TGWin32.cxx.


void TGWin32::SetTypeList ( Window_t  win,
Atom_t  prop,
Atom_t typelist 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 7441 of file TGWin32.cxx.


Window_t TGWin32::FindRWindow ( Window_t  win,
Window_t  dragwin,
Window_t  input,
int  x,
int  y,
int  maxd 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 7451 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References GDK_DRAWABLE_XID, gdk_xid_table_lookup(), InternAtom(), kFALSE, kNone, TRUE, version, POINT::x, and POINT::y.

Bool_t TGWin32::IsDNDAware ( Window_t  win,
Atom_t typelist 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 7509 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References GDK_DRAWABLE_XID, GetParent(), InternAtom(), kFALSE, kTRUE, and version.

Bool_t TGWin32::GUIThreadMessageFunc ( MSG *  msg  ) 

Definition at line 834 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References TGWin32ProxyBase::ExecuteCallBack(), TGWin32ProxyBase::fgPingMessageId, TGWin32ProxyBase::fgPostMessageId, TGWin32ProxyBase::GlobalUnlock(), kFALSE, kTRUE, MyTimerProc(), and WM_NCMOUSELEAVE.

Bool_t TGWin32::IsCmdThread (  )  const [virtual]

Reimplemented from TVirtualX.

Definition at line 877 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References TGWin32ProxyBase::fgMainThreadId, and TGWin32ProxyBase::fgUserThreadId.

void TGWin32::SetUserThreadId ( ULong_t  id  ) 

Definition at line 7556 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References TGWin32ProxyBase::fgMainThreadId, TGWin32ProxyBase::fgUserThreadId, and gSystem.

void TGWin32::Lock (  )  [static]

Definition at line 927 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gMainThread.

Referenced by TGWin32ProxyBase::Lock().

void TGWin32::Unlock (  )  [static]

Definition at line 935 of file TGWin32.cxx.

References gMainThread.

Referenced by TGWin32ProxyBase::Unlock().

Member Data Documentation

FT_Vector TGWin32::fAlign [private]

Definition at line 86 of file TGWin32.h.

Referenced by Align(), and RenderString().

Int_t TGWin32::fMaxNumberOfWindows [private]

Definition at line 95 of file TGWin32.h.

Referenced by AddPixmap(), AddWindow(), CloseWindow1(), InitWindow(), OpenPixmap(), RemoveWindow(), SelectWindow(), SetDoubleBuffer(), and TGWin32().

XWindow_t* TGWin32::fWindows [private]

Definition at line 96 of file TGWin32.h.

Referenced by AddPixmap(), AddWindow(), ClearWindow(), CloseDisplay(), CloseWindow1(), CopyPixmap(), DrawBox(), DrawCellArray(), DrawFillArea(), DrawLine(), DrawPolyLine(), DrawPolyMarker(), GetDoubleBuffer(), GetGeometry(), GetWindowID(), InitWindow(), MoveWindow(), OpenPixmap(), RemoveWindow(), RescaleWindow(), ResizePixmap(), ResizeWindow(), SelectWindow(), SetClipOFF(), SetClipRegion(), SetCursor(), SetDoubleBuffer(), SetDoubleBufferON(), TGWin32(), and WritePixmap().

TExMap* TGWin32::fColors [private]

Definition at line 97 of file TGWin32.h.

Referenced by GetColor(), TGWin32(), and ~TGWin32().

GdkCursor* TGWin32::fCursors[kNumCursors] [private]

Definition at line 98 of file TGWin32.h.

Referenced by ChangeActivePointerGrab(), CreateCursor(), CreateWindow(), GrabPointer(), InitWindow(), OpenDisplay(), RequestString(), and SetCursor().

GdkVisual* TGWin32::fVisual [protected]

Definition at line 124 of file TGWin32.h.

Referenced by OpenDisplay(), and QueryColors().

GdkColormap* TGWin32::fColormap [protected]

Definition at line 125 of file TGWin32.h.

Referenced by CloseWindow1(), DrawImage(), GetColormap(), ImgPickPalette(), MakeOpaqueColors(), OpenDisplay(), QueryColor(), RemoveWindow(), SetColor(), SetOpacity(), and SetRGB().

Int_t TGWin32::fScreenNumber [protected]

Definition at line 126 of file TGWin32.h.

Referenced by OpenDisplay(), and TGWin32().

Bool_t TGWin32::fHasTTFonts [protected]

Definition at line 127 of file TGWin32.h.

Referenced by HasTTFonts(), OpenDisplay(), and TGWin32().

Bool_t TGWin32::fUseSysPointers [protected]

Definition at line 128 of file TGWin32.h.

Referenced by CreateWindow(), InitWindow(), OpenDisplay(), RequestLocator(), RequestString(), and TGWin32().

Int_t TGWin32::fTextAlignH [protected]

Definition at line 129 of file TGWin32.h.

Referenced by SetTextAlign(), and TGWin32().

Int_t TGWin32::fTextAlignV [protected]

Definition at line 130 of file TGWin32.h.

Referenced by SetTextAlign(), and TGWin32().

Int_t TGWin32::fTextAlign [protected]

Reimplemented from TAttText.

Definition at line 131 of file TGWin32.h.

Referenced by Align(), SetTextAlign(), and TGWin32().

Float_t TGWin32::fCharacterUpX [protected]

Definition at line 132 of file TGWin32.h.

Referenced by GetCharacterUp(), SetCharacterUp(), and TGWin32().

Float_t TGWin32::fCharacterUpY [protected]

Definition at line 133 of file TGWin32.h.

Referenced by GetCharacterUp(), SetCharacterUp(), and TGWin32().

Float_t TGWin32::fTextMagnitude [protected]

Definition at line 134 of file TGWin32.h.

Referenced by GetTextMagnitude(), SetTextMagnitude(), and TGWin32().

Int_t TGWin32::fDepth [protected]

Definition at line 135 of file TGWin32.h.

Referenced by OpenDisplay(), and RenderString().

Int_t TGWin32::fRedDiv [protected]

Definition at line 136 of file TGWin32.h.

Referenced by AllocColor(), OpenDisplay(), and QueryColors().

Int_t TGWin32::fGreenDiv [protected]

Definition at line 137 of file TGWin32.h.

Referenced by AllocColor(), and OpenDisplay().

Int_t TGWin32::fBlueDiv [protected]

Definition at line 138 of file TGWin32.h.

Referenced by AllocColor(), and OpenDisplay().

Int_t TGWin32::fRedShift [protected]

Definition at line 139 of file TGWin32.h.

Referenced by AllocColor(), OpenDisplay(), and QueryColors().

Int_t TGWin32::fGreenShift [protected]

Definition at line 140 of file TGWin32.h.

Referenced by AllocColor(), OpenDisplay(), and QueryColors().

Int_t TGWin32::fBlueShift [protected]

Definition at line 141 of file TGWin32.h.

Referenced by AllocColor(), OpenDisplay(), and QueryColors().

Handle_t TGWin32::fXEvent [protected]

Definition at line 142 of file TGWin32.h.

Referenced by CloseDisplay(), and TGWin32().

TObject* TGWin32::fRefreshTimer [protected]

Definition at line 143 of file TGWin32.h.

Referenced by TGWin32(), and ~TGWin32().

Bool_t TGWin32::fFillColorModified [protected]

Definition at line 145 of file TGWin32.h.

Referenced by DrawBox(), DrawCellArray(), DrawFillArea(), SetFillColor(), TGWin32(), and UpdateFillColor().

Bool_t TGWin32::fFillStyleModified [protected]

Definition at line 146 of file TGWin32.h.

Referenced by DrawBox(), DrawCellArray(), DrawFillArea(), SetFillStyle(), TGWin32(), and UpdateFillStyle().

Bool_t TGWin32::fLineColorModified [protected]

Definition at line 147 of file TGWin32.h.

Referenced by DrawBox(), DrawLine(), DrawPolyLine(), SetLineColor(), TGWin32(), and UpdateLineColor().

Bool_t TGWin32::fPenModified [protected]

Definition at line 148 of file TGWin32.h.

Referenced by DrawBox(), DrawLine(), DrawPolyLine(), SetLineStyle(), SetLineType(), SetLineWidth(), TGWin32(), and UpdateLineStyle().

Bool_t TGWin32::fMarkerStyleModified [protected]

Definition at line 149 of file TGWin32.h.

Referenced by DrawPolyMarker(), SetMarkerStyle(), TGWin32(), and UpdateMarkerStyle().

Bool_t TGWin32::fMarkerColorModified [protected]

Definition at line 150 of file TGWin32.h.

Referenced by DrawPolyMarker(), SetMarkerColor(), TGWin32(), and UpdateMarkerColor().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Tue Jul 5 16:41:13 2011 for ROOT_528-00b_version by  doxygen 1.5.1