TGeoNavigator Class Reference

#include <TGeoNavigator.h>

Inheritance diagram for TGeoNavigator:

TObject TObject List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 TGeoNavigator ()
 path to current node
 TGeoNavigator (TGeoManager *geom)
virtual ~TGeoNavigator ()
void BuildCache (Bool_t dummy=kFALSE, Bool_t nodeid=kFALSE)
Bool_t cd (const char *path="")
Bool_t CheckPath (const char *path) const
void CdNode (Int_t nodeid)
void CdDown (Int_t index)
void CdUp ()
void CdTop ()
void CdNext ()
void GetBranchNames (Int_t *names) const
void GetBranchNumbers (Int_t *copyNumbers, Int_t *volumeNumbers) const
void GetBranchOnlys (Int_t *isonly) const
Int_t GetNmany () const
TGeoNodeCrossBoundaryAndLocate (Bool_t downwards, TGeoNode *skipnode)
TGeoNodeFindNextBoundary (Double_t stepmax=TGeoShape::Big(), const char *path="", Bool_t frombdr=kFALSE)
TGeoNodeFindNextDaughterBoundary (Double_t *point, Double_t *dir, Int_t &idaughter, Bool_t compmatrix=kFALSE)
TGeoNodeFindNextBoundaryAndStep (Double_t stepmax=TGeoShape::Big(), Bool_t compsafe=kFALSE)
TGeoNodeFindNode (Bool_t safe_start=kTRUE)
TGeoNodeFindNode (Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z)
Double_tFindNormal (Bool_t forward=kTRUE)
Double_tFindNormalFast ()
TGeoNodeInitTrack (const Double_t *point, const Double_t *dir)
TGeoNodeInitTrack (Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z, Double_t nx, Double_t ny, Double_t nz)
void ResetState ()
void ResetAll ()
Double_t Safety (Bool_t inside=kFALSE)
TGeoNodeSearchNode (Bool_t downwards=kFALSE, const TGeoNode *skipnode=0)
TGeoNodeStep (Bool_t is_geom=kTRUE, Bool_t cross=kTRUE)
const Double_tGetLastPoint () const
Int_t GetVirtualLevel ()
Bool_t GotoSafeLevel ()
Int_t GetSafeLevel () const
Double_t GetSafeDistance () const
Double_t GetLastSafety () const
Double_t GetStep () const
void InspectState () const
Bool_t IsSafeStep (Double_t proposed, Double_t &newsafety) const
Bool_t IsSameLocation (Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z, Bool_t change=kFALSE)
Bool_t IsSameLocation () const
Bool_t IsSamePoint (Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z) const
Bool_t IsStartSafe () const
void SetStartSafe (Bool_t flag=kTRUE)
void SetStep (Double_t step)
Bool_t IsCheckingOverlaps () const
Bool_t IsCurrentOverlapping () const
Bool_t IsEntering () const
Bool_t IsExiting () const
Bool_t IsStepEntering () const
Bool_t IsStepExiting () const
Bool_t IsOutside () const
Bool_t IsOnBoundary () const
Bool_t IsNullStep () const
void SetCheckingOverlaps (Bool_t flag=kTRUE)
void SetOutside (Bool_t flag=kTRUE)
void DoBackupState ()
void DoRestoreState ()
Int_t GetNodeId () const
TGeoNodeGetNextNode () const
TGeoNodeGetMother (Int_t up=1) const
TGeoHMatrixGetMotherMatrix (Int_t up=1) const
TGeoHMatrixGetHMatrix ()
TGeoHMatrixGetCurrentMatrix () const
TGeoNodeGetCurrentNode () const
Int_t GetCurrentNodeId () const
const Double_tGetCurrentPoint () const
const Double_tGetCurrentDirection () const
TGeoVolumeGetCurrentVolume () const
const Double_tGetCldirChecked () const
const Double_tGetCldir () const
const Double_tGetNormal () const
Int_t GetLevel () const
const char * GetPath () const
Int_t GetStackLevel () const
void SetCurrentPoint (const Double_t *point)
void SetCurrentPoint (Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z)
void SetLastPoint (Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z)
void SetCurrentDirection (const Double_t *dir)
void SetCurrentDirection (Double_t nx, Double_t ny, Double_t nz)
void SetCldirChecked (Double_t *dir)
void LocalToMaster (const Double_t *local, Double_t *master) const
void LocalToMasterVect (const Double_t *local, Double_t *master) const
void LocalToMasterBomb (const Double_t *local, Double_t *master) const
void MasterToLocal (const Double_t *master, Double_t *local) const
void MasterToLocalVect (const Double_t *master, Double_t *local) const
void MasterToLocalBomb (const Double_t *master, Double_t *local) const
void MasterToTop (const Double_t *master, Double_t *top) const
void TopToMaster (const Double_t *top, Double_t *master) const
TGeoNodeCacheGetCache () const
Int_t PushPath (Int_t startlevel=0)
Bool_t PopPath ()
Bool_t PopPath (Int_t index)
Int_t PushPoint (Int_t startlevel=0)
Bool_t PopPoint ()
Bool_t PopPoint (Int_t index)
void PopDummy (Int_t ipop=9999)
 TGeoNavigator ()
 path to current node
 TGeoNavigator (TGeoManager *geom)
virtual ~TGeoNavigator ()
void BuildCache (Bool_t dummy=kFALSE, Bool_t nodeid=kFALSE)
Bool_t cd (const char *path="")
Bool_t CheckPath (const char *path) const
void CdNode (Int_t nodeid)
void CdDown (Int_t index)
void CdUp ()
void CdTop ()
void CdNext ()
void GetBranchNames (Int_t *names) const
void GetBranchNumbers (Int_t *copyNumbers, Int_t *volumeNumbers) const
void GetBranchOnlys (Int_t *isonly) const
Int_t GetNmany () const
TGeoNodeCrossBoundaryAndLocate (Bool_t downwards, TGeoNode *skipnode)
TGeoNodeFindNextBoundary (Double_t stepmax=TGeoShape::Big(), const char *path="", Bool_t frombdr=kFALSE)
TGeoNodeFindNextDaughterBoundary (Double_t *point, Double_t *dir, Int_t &idaughter, Bool_t compmatrix=kFALSE)
TGeoNodeFindNextBoundaryAndStep (Double_t stepmax=TGeoShape::Big(), Bool_t compsafe=kFALSE)
TGeoNodeFindNode (Bool_t safe_start=kTRUE)
TGeoNodeFindNode (Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z)
Double_tFindNormal (Bool_t forward=kTRUE)
Double_tFindNormalFast ()
TGeoNodeInitTrack (const Double_t *point, const Double_t *dir)
TGeoNodeInitTrack (Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z, Double_t nx, Double_t ny, Double_t nz)
void ResetState ()
void ResetAll ()
Double_t Safety (Bool_t inside=kFALSE)
TGeoNodeSearchNode (Bool_t downwards=kFALSE, const TGeoNode *skipnode=0)
TGeoNodeStep (Bool_t is_geom=kTRUE, Bool_t cross=kTRUE)
const Double_tGetLastPoint () const
Int_t GetVirtualLevel ()
Bool_t GotoSafeLevel ()
Int_t GetSafeLevel () const
Double_t GetSafeDistance () const
Double_t GetLastSafety () const
Double_t GetStep () const
void InspectState () const
Bool_t IsSafeStep (Double_t proposed, Double_t &newsafety) const
Bool_t IsSameLocation (Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z, Bool_t change=kFALSE)
Bool_t IsSameLocation () const
Bool_t IsSamePoint (Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z) const
Bool_t IsStartSafe () const
void SetStartSafe (Bool_t flag=kTRUE)
void SetStep (Double_t step)
Bool_t IsCheckingOverlaps () const
Bool_t IsCurrentOverlapping () const
Bool_t IsEntering () const
Bool_t IsExiting () const
Bool_t IsStepEntering () const
Bool_t IsStepExiting () const
Bool_t IsOutside () const
Bool_t IsOnBoundary () const
Bool_t IsNullStep () const
void SetCheckingOverlaps (Bool_t flag=kTRUE)
void SetOutside (Bool_t flag=kTRUE)
void DoBackupState ()
void DoRestoreState ()
Int_t GetNodeId () const
TGeoNodeGetNextNode () const
TGeoNodeGetMother (Int_t up=1) const
TGeoHMatrixGetMotherMatrix (Int_t up=1) const
TGeoHMatrixGetHMatrix ()
TGeoHMatrixGetCurrentMatrix () const
TGeoNodeGetCurrentNode () const
Int_t GetCurrentNodeId () const
const Double_tGetCurrentPoint () const
const Double_tGetCurrentDirection () const
TGeoVolumeGetCurrentVolume () const
const Double_tGetCldirChecked () const
const Double_tGetCldir () const
const Double_tGetNormal () const
Int_t GetLevel () const
const char * GetPath () const
Int_t GetStackLevel () const
void SetCurrentPoint (const Double_t *point)
void SetCurrentPoint (Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z)
void SetLastPoint (Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z)
void SetCurrentDirection (const Double_t *dir)
void SetCurrentDirection (Double_t nx, Double_t ny, Double_t nz)
void SetCldirChecked (Double_t *dir)
void LocalToMaster (const Double_t *local, Double_t *master) const
void LocalToMasterVect (const Double_t *local, Double_t *master) const
void LocalToMasterBomb (const Double_t *local, Double_t *master) const
void MasterToLocal (const Double_t *master, Double_t *local) const
void MasterToLocalVect (const Double_t *master, Double_t *local) const
void MasterToLocalBomb (const Double_t *master, Double_t *local) const
void MasterToTop (const Double_t *master, Double_t *top) const
void TopToMaster (const Double_t *top, Double_t *master) const
TGeoNodeCacheGetCache () const
Int_t PushPath (Int_t startlevel=0)
Bool_t PopPath ()
Bool_t PopPath (Int_t index)
Int_t PushPoint (Int_t startlevel=0)
Bool_t PopPoint ()
Bool_t PopPoint (Int_t index)
void PopDummy (Int_t ipop=9999)

Protected Member Functions

 TGeoNavigator (const TGeoNavigator &)
TGeoNavigatoroperator= (const TGeoNavigator &)
TGeoNodeFindInCluster (Int_t *cluster, Int_t nc)
Int_t GetTouchedCluster (Int_t start, Double_t *point, Int_t *check_list, Int_t ncheck, Int_t *result)
TGeoNodeCrossDivisionCell ()
void SafetyOverlaps ()
 TGeoNavigator (const TGeoNavigator &)
TGeoNavigatoroperator= (const TGeoNavigator &)
TGeoNodeFindInCluster (Int_t *cluster, Int_t nc)
Int_t GetTouchedCluster (Int_t start, Double_t *point, Int_t *check_list, Int_t ncheck, Int_t *result)
TGeoNodeCrossDivisionCell ()
void SafetyOverlaps ()

Private Attributes

Double_t fStep
Double_t fSafety
 step to be done from current point and direction
Double_t fLastSafety
 safety radius from current point
Double_t fNormal [3]
 last computed safety radius
Double_t fCldir [3]
 cosine of incident angle on current checked surface
Double_t fCldirChecked [3]
 unit vector to current closest shape
Double_t fPoint [3]
 unit vector to current checked shape
Double_t fDirection [3]
 current point
Double_t fLastPoint [3]
 current direction
Int_t fLevel
 last point for which safety was computed
Int_t fNmany
 current geometry level;
Int_t fNextDaughterIndex
 number of overlapping nodes on current branch
Int_t fOverlapSize
 next daughter index after FindNextBoundary
Int_t fOverlapMark
 current size of fOverlapClusters
 current recursive position in fOverlapClusters
Bool_t fSearchOverlaps
 internal array for overlaps
Bool_t fCurrentOverlapping
 flag set when an overlapping cluster is searched
Bool_t fStartSafe
 flags the type of the current node
Bool_t fIsEntering
 flag a safe start for point classification
Bool_t fIsExiting
 flag if current step just got into a new node
Bool_t fIsStepEntering
 flag that current track is about to leave current node
Bool_t fIsStepExiting
 flag that next geometric step will enter new volume
Bool_t fIsOutside
 flaag that next geometric step will exit current volume
Bool_t fIsOnBoundary
 flag that current point is outside geometry
Bool_t fIsSameLocation
 flag that current point is on some boundary
Bool_t fIsNullStep
 flag that a new point is in the same node as previous
 flag that last geometric step was null
 current geometry
 cache of states
 current volume
 current node
 top physical node
 last searched node
 next node that will be crossed
 current point is supposed to be inside this node
 backup state
 current stored global matrix
TString fPath
 current pointer to cached global matrix
 current recursive position in fOverlapClusters
 flag that last geometric step was null
 current geometry
 cache of states
 current volume
 current node
 top physical node
 last searched node
 next node that will be crossed
 current point is supposed to be inside this node
 backup state
 current stored global matrix

Detailed Description

Definition at line 37 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TGeoNavigator::TGeoNavigator ( const TGeoNavigator  )  [protected]

Definition at line 144 of file TGeoNavigator.cxx.

References fCldir, fCldirChecked, fDirection, fLastPoint, fNormal, fPoint, and i.

TGeoNavigator::TGeoNavigator (  ) 

path to current node

Referenced by G__G__Geom1_224_0_8().

TGeoNavigator::TGeoNavigator ( TGeoManager geom  ) 

Definition at line 94 of file TGeoNavigator.cxx.

References fCldir, fCldirChecked, fCurrentMatrix, fDirection, fLastPoint, fNormal, fOverlapClusters, fOverlapSize, fPoint, i, and TGeoMatrix::RegisterYourself().

TGeoNavigator::~TGeoNavigator (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 241 of file TGeoNavigator.cxx.

References fBackupState, fCache, and fOverlapClusters.

TGeoNavigator::TGeoNavigator ( const TGeoNavigator  )  [protected]

TGeoNavigator::TGeoNavigator (  ) 

path to current node

TGeoNavigator::TGeoNavigator ( TGeoManager geom  ) 

virtual TGeoNavigator::~TGeoNavigator (  )  [virtual]

Member Function Documentation

TGeoNavigator & TGeoNavigator::operator= ( const TGeoNavigator  )  [protected]

Definition at line 191 of file TGeoNavigator.cxx.

References fBackupState, fCache, fCldir, fCldirChecked, fCurrentMatrix, fCurrentNode, fCurrentOverlapping, fCurrentVolume, fDirection, fForcedNode, fGeometry, fGlobalMatrix, fIsEntering, fIsExiting, fIsNullStep, fIsOnBoundary, fIsOutside, fIsSameLocation, fIsStepEntering, fIsStepExiting, fLastNode, fLastPoint, fLastSafety, fLevel, fNextDaughterIndex, fNextNode, fNmany, fNormal, fOverlapClusters, fOverlapMark, fOverlapSize, fPath, fPoint, fSafety, fSearchOverlaps, fStartSafe, fStep, fTopNode, i, and TObject::operator=().

TGeoNode * TGeoNavigator::FindInCluster ( Int_t cluster,
Int_t  nc 
) [protected]

Definition at line 1886 of file TGeoNavigator.cxx.

References CdDown(), fCurrentNode, fCurrentOverlapping, fLastNode, fLevel, fNextNode, fSearchOverlaps, TGeoNode::GetDaughter(), GetVirtualLevel(), i, kFALSE, kTRUE, PopDummy(), PopPath(), PushPath(), and SearchNode().

Referenced by SearchNode().

Int_t TGeoNavigator::GetTouchedCluster ( Int_t  start,
Double_t point,
Int_t check_list,
Int_t  ncheck,
Int_t result 
) [protected]

Definition at line 1967 of file TGeoNavigator.cxx.

References TGeoVolume::Contains(), fCurrentNode, fGeometry, TGeoNode::GetDaughter(), TGeoNode::GetOverlaps(), TGeoNode::GetVolume(), i, TGeoVolume::IsActive(), TGeoManager::IsActivityEnabled(), j, local, and TGeoNode::MasterToLocal().

Referenced by SearchNode().

TGeoNode * TGeoNavigator::CrossDivisionCell (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 483 of file TGeoNavigator.cxx.

References CdDown(), CdUp(), CrossBoundaryAndLocate(), dir(), ROOT::Math::gv_detail::dist(), TGeoShape::DistFromInside(), TObject::Fatal(), fCurrentNode, fDirection, fGlobalMatrix, TGeoPatternFinder::FindNode(), fLevel, fPoint, fStep, TGeoPatternFinder::GetDivIndex(), TGeoNode::GetFinder(), TGeoPatternFinder::GetNext(), TGeoVolume::GetShape(), TGeoNode::GetVolume(), gTolerance, TGeoVolume::IsAssembly(), TGeoNode::IsOffset(), TGeoPatternFinder::IsOnBoundary(), kFALSE, kTRUE, TGeoMatrix::MasterToLocal(), and TGeoMatrix::MasterToLocalVect().

Referenced by FindNextBoundaryAndStep().

void TGeoNavigator::SafetyOverlaps (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 1620 of file TGeoNavigator.cxx.

References CdDown(), CdUp(), TGeoVolume::Contains(), contains(), fCurrentNode, fCurrentOverlapping, fGeometry, fIsOnBoundary, fNmany, fPoint, fSafety, TGeoNode::GetMatrix(), GetMother(), GetMotherMatrix(), TGeoVolume::GetNode(), TGeoNode::GetOverlaps(), GetSafeLevel(), TGeoVolume::GetShape(), TGeoNode::GetVolume(), gTolerance, TGeoNode::IsOffset(), TGeoNode::IsOverlapping(), kFALSE, kTRUE, local, TGeoManager::MasterToLocal(), TGeoMatrix::MasterToLocal(), PopPath(), PushPath(), safe, Safety(), and TGeoShape::Safety().

Referenced by Safety().

void TGeoNavigator::BuildCache ( Bool_t  dummy = kFALSE,
Bool_t  nodeid = kFALSE 

Definition at line 250 of file TGeoNavigator.cxx.

References fBackupState, fCache, fGeometry, fGlobalMatrix, TGeoNodeCache::GetCurrentMatrix(), TGeoManager::GetMaxLevel(), TGeoManager::GetTopNode(), TObject::Info(), kFALSE, and kTRUE.

Referenced by TGeoManager::AddNavigator(), TGeoManager::CloseGeometry(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_9(), and ResetAll().

Bool_t TGeoNavigator::cd ( const char *  path = ""  ) 

Definition at line 271 of file TGeoNavigator.cxx.

References CdDown(), CdTop(), TObject::Error(), fCurrentNode, fGeometry, TGeoVolume::GetIndex(), TNamed::GetName(), TGeoVolume::GetNode(), TGeoManager::GetTopNode(), TGeoNode::GetVolume(), TString::Index(), kFALSE, kTRUE, TString::Length(), length, and name.

Referenced by TGeoManager::cd(), FindNextBoundary(), G__G__Geom1_173_0_5(), G__G__Geom1_177_0_6(), G__G__Geom1_180_0_25(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_10(), and G__G__Geom1_226_0_9().

Bool_t TGeoNavigator::CheckPath ( const char *  path  )  const

Definition at line 311 of file TGeoNavigator.cxx.

References fGeometry, TGeoVolume::GetNode(), TGeoManager::GetTopNode(), TGeoNode::GetVolume(), TString::Index(), kFALSE, kTRUE, length, name, and top().

Referenced by TGeoManager::CheckPath(), G__G__Geom1_180_0_26(), and G__G__Geom1_224_0_11().

void TGeoNavigator::CdNode ( Int_t  nodeid  ) 

Definition at line 355 of file TGeoNavigator.cxx.

References TGeoNodeCache::CdNode(), fCache, fGlobalMatrix, and TGeoNodeCache::GetCurrentMatrix().

Referenced by TGeoManager::CdNode(), G__G__Geom1_180_0_27(), and G__G__Geom1_224_0_12().

void TGeoNavigator::CdDown ( Int_t  index  ) 

Definition at line 366 of file TGeoNavigator.cxx.

References TGeoNode::cd(), TGeoNodeCache::CdDown(), fCache, fCurrentNode, fCurrentOverlapping, fGlobalMatrix, fLevel, fNmany, TGeoNodeCache::GetCurrentMatrix(), TGeoNode::GetDaughter(), TGeoNode::IsOffset(), and TGeoNode::IsOverlapping().

Referenced by cd(), TGeoManager::CdDown(), CdNext(), CrossBoundaryAndLocate(), CrossDivisionCell(), FindInCluster(), FindNextBoundary(), FindNextBoundaryAndStep(), G__G__Geom1_180_0_28(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_13(), IsSameLocation(), SafetyOverlaps(), and SearchNode().

void TGeoNavigator::CdUp (  ) 

Definition at line 386 of file TGeoNavigator.cxx.

References CdTop(), TGeoNodeCache::CdUp(), fCache, fCurrentNode, fCurrentOverlapping, fGlobalMatrix, fLastNode, fLevel, fNmany, TGeoNodeCache::GetCurrentMatrix(), GetMother(), TGeoNodeCache::GetNode(), TGeoNode::IsOffset(), TGeoNode::IsOverlapping(), and kTRUE.

Referenced by CdNext(), TGeoManager::CdUp(), CrossBoundaryAndLocate(), CrossDivisionCell(), FindNextBoundary(), FindNextBoundaryAndStep(), G__G__Geom1_180_0_29(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_14(), GotoSafeLevel(), IsSameLocation(), SafetyOverlaps(), and SearchNode().

void TGeoNavigator::CdTop (  ) 

Definition at line 418 of file TGeoNavigator.cxx.

References TGeoNodeCache::CdTop(), fCache, fCurrentNode, fCurrentOverlapping, fGeometry, fGlobalMatrix, fLastNode, fLevel, fNmany, TGeoNodeCache::GetCurrentMatrix(), TGeoManager::GetTopNode(), and TGeoNode::IsOverlapping().

Referenced by cd(), TGeoManager::CdTop(), CdUp(), G__G__Geom1_180_0_30(), and G__G__Geom1_224_0_15().

void TGeoNavigator::CdNext (  ) 

Definition at line 434 of file TGeoNavigator.cxx.

References CdDown(), CdUp(), DoRestoreState(), fCache, fCurrentNode, fNextDaughterIndex, TGeoVolume::GetNextNodeIndex(), TGeoNode::GetVolume(), and TGeoVolume::IsAssembly().

Referenced by TGeoManager::CdNext(), G__G__Geom1_180_0_31(), and G__G__Geom1_224_0_16().

void TGeoNavigator::GetBranchNames ( Int_t names  )  const

Definition at line 462 of file TGeoNavigator.cxx.

References fCache, and TGeoNodeCache::GetBranchNames().

Referenced by G__G__Geom1_180_0_32(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_17(), and TGeoManager::GetBranchNames().

void TGeoNavigator::GetBranchNumbers ( Int_t copyNumbers,
Int_t volumeNumbers 
) const

Definition at line 469 of file TGeoNavigator.cxx.

References fCache, and TGeoNodeCache::GetBranchNumbers().

Referenced by G__G__Geom1_180_0_33(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_18(), and TGeoManager::GetBranchNumbers().

void TGeoNavigator::GetBranchOnlys ( Int_t isonly  )  const

Definition at line 476 of file TGeoNavigator.cxx.

References fCache, and TGeoNodeCache::GetBranchOnlys().

Referenced by G__G__Geom1_180_0_34(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_19(), and TGeoManager::GetBranchOnlys().

Int_t TGeoNavigator::GetNmany (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 105 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fNmany.

Referenced by G__G__Geom1_180_0_35(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_20(), and TGeoManager::GetNmany().

TGeoNode * TGeoNavigator::CrossBoundaryAndLocate ( Bool_t  downwards,
TGeoNode skipnode 

Definition at line 542 of file TGeoNavigator.cxx.

References TMath::Abs(), CdDown(), CdUp(), extra, fCurrentNode, fDirection, fForcedNode, fGeometry, fGlobalMatrix, fIsOutside, fLevel, fPoint, fStep, TGeoManager::GetCurrentNode(), TGeoVolume::GetNextNodeIndex(), TGeoHMatrix::GetTranslation(), TGeoNode::GetVolume(), gTolerance, TGeoVolume::IsAssembly(), kTRUE, and SearchNode().

Referenced by TGeoManager::CrossBoundaryAndLocate(), CrossDivisionCell(), FindNextBoundaryAndStep(), G__G__Geom1_180_0_153(), and G__G__Geom1_224_0_21().

TGeoNode * TGeoNavigator::FindNextBoundary ( Double_t  stepmax = TGeoShape::Big(),
const char *  path = "",
Bool_t  frombdr = kFALSE 

Definition at line 587 of file TGeoNavigator.cxx.

References TMath::Abs(), TGeoShape::Big(), TGeoNode::cd(), cd(), CdDown(), CdUp(), TObject::ClassName(), TGeoVolume::Contains(), TGeoHMatrix::CopyFrom(), dir(), TGeoShape::DistFromInside(), TGeoShape::DistFromOutside(), DoBackupState(), E, fCurrentMatrix, fCurrentNode, fCurrentOverlapping, fDirection, fForcedNode, fGeometry, fGlobalMatrix, FindNextDaughterBoundary(), fIsOnBoundary, fIsOutside, fIsStepEntering, fIsStepExiting, fLastPoint, fLastSafety, fNextDaughterIndex, fNextNode, fNmany, fPoint, fSafety, fStep, TGeoNode::GetDaughter(), TGeoNode::GetMatrix(), GetMother(), GetMotherMatrix(), TNamed::GetName(), TGeoVolume::GetNdaughters(), TGeoVolume::GetNextNodeIndex(), TGeoVolume::GetNode(), TGeoNode::GetOverlaps(), GetPath(), GetSafeLevel(), TGeoVolume::GetShape(), TGeoManager::GetTopNode(), TGeoManager::GetVerboseLevel(), TGeoNode::GetVolume(), gTolerance, i, TGeoVolume::IsAssembly(), TGeoNode::IsOffset(), TGeoNode::IsOverlapping(), IsSafeStep(), kFALSE, kN3, kTRUE, TGeoNode::MasterToLocal(), TGeoNode::MasterToLocalVect(), TGeoHMatrix::Multiply(), PopPath(), PushPath(), safe, and Safety().

Referenced by TGeoManager::FindNextBoundary(), G__G__Geom1_180_0_154(), and G__G__Geom1_224_0_22().

TGeoNode * TGeoNavigator::FindNextDaughterBoundary ( Double_t point,
Double_t dir,
Int_t idaughter,
Bool_t  compmatrix = kFALSE 

Definition at line 887 of file TGeoNavigator.cxx.

References TGeoShape::Big(), TGeoNode::cd(), TObject::ClassName(), TGeoVolume::Contains(), TGeoHMatrix::CopyFrom(), TGeoShape::DistFromOutside(), fCurrentMatrix, fCurrentNode, fGeometry, fGlobalMatrix, TGeoPatternFinder::FindNode(), fIsStepEntering, fIsStepExiting, fNextNode, fStep, TGeoNode::GetDaughter(), TGeoPatternFinder::GetDivIndex(), TGeoVolume::GetFinder(), TGeoNode::GetIndex(), TGeoNode::GetMatrix(), TNamed::GetName(), TGeoVolume::GetNdaughters(), TGeoPatternFinder::GetNdiv(), TGeoVolume::GetNextNodeIndex(), TGeoVoxelFinder::GetNextVoxel(), TGeoVolume::GetNode(), TGeoVolume::GetShape(), TGeoManager::GetVerboseLevel(), TGeoNode::GetVolume(), TGeoVolume::GetVoxels(), gTolerance, i, TGeoVolume::IsActive(), TGeoVolume::IsActiveDaughters(), TGeoManager::IsActivityEnabled(), TGeoVolume::IsAssembly(), TGeoNode::IsOverlapping(), TGeoVoxelFinder::IsSafeVoxel(), kFALSE, kTRUE, TGeoNode::MasterToLocal(), TGeoNode::MasterToLocalVect(), TGeoHMatrix::Multiply(), and TGeoVoxelFinder::SortCrossedVoxels().

Referenced by FindNextBoundary(), FindNextBoundaryAndStep(), TGeoManager::FindNextDaughterBoundary(), G__G__Geom1_180_0_155(), and G__G__Geom1_224_0_23().

TGeoNode * TGeoNavigator::FindNextBoundaryAndStep ( Double_t  stepmax = TGeoShape::Big(),
Bool_t  compsafe = kFALSE 

Definition at line 1059 of file TGeoNavigator.cxx.

References TGeoShape::Big(), TGeoNode::cd(), CdDown(), CdUp(), TObject::ClassName(), TGeoVolume::Contains(), TGeoHMatrix::CopyFrom(), CrossBoundaryAndLocate(), CrossDivisionCell(), dir(), TGeoShape::DistFromInside(), TGeoShape::DistFromOutside(), extra, fCurrentMatrix, fCurrentNode, fCurrentOverlapping, fDirection, fForcedNode, fGeometry, fGlobalMatrix, FindNextDaughterBoundary(), fIsOnBoundary, fIsOutside, fIsStepEntering, fIsStepExiting, fLastPoint, fLastSafety, fLevel, fNextNode, fNmany, fPoint, fSafety, fStep, TGeoNode::GetMatrix(), GetMother(), GetMotherMatrix(), TNamed::GetName(), TGeoVolume::GetNdaughters(), TGeoVolume::GetNextNodeIndex(), TGeoVolume::GetNode(), TGeoNode::GetOverlaps(), GetPath(), GetSafeLevel(), TGeoVolume::GetShape(), TGeoManager::GetTopNode(), TGeoManager::GetTopVolume(), TGeoManager::GetVerboseLevel(), TGeoNode::GetVolume(), gTolerance, i, TGeoVolume::IsAssembly(), TGeoNode::IsOffset(), TGeoNode::IsOverlapping(), IsSafeStep(), kFALSE, kN3, kTRUE, TGeoNode::MasterToLocal(), TGeoMatrix::MasterToLocal(), TGeoNode::MasterToLocalVect(), TGeoMatrix::MasterToLocalVect(), TGeoHMatrix::Multiply(), PopDummy(), PopPath(), PushPath(), and Safety().

Referenced by TGeoManager::FindNextBoundaryAndStep(), G__G__Geom1_180_0_156(), and G__G__Geom1_224_0_24().

TGeoNode * TGeoNavigator::FindNode ( Bool_t  safe_start = kTRUE  ) 

Definition at line 1394 of file TGeoNavigator.cxx.

References fCurrentNode, fIsEntering, fIsExiting, fIsOnBoundary, fIsOutside, fIsSameLocation, fSafety, fSearchOverlaps, fStartSafe, TGeoNode::IsOverlapping(), kFALSE, kTRUE, and SearchNode().

Referenced by TGeoManager::FindNode(), G__G__Geom1_173_0_53(), G__G__Geom1_177_0_16(), G__G__Geom1_180_0_157(), G__G__Geom1_180_0_158(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_25(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_26(), InitTrack(), IsSameLocation(), and Step().

TGeoNode * TGeoNavigator::FindNode ( Double_t  x,
Double_t  y,
Double_t  z 

Definition at line 1415 of file TGeoNavigator.cxx.

References fCurrentNode, fIsEntering, fIsExiting, fIsOnBoundary, fIsOutside, fIsSameLocation, fPoint, fSafety, fSearchOverlaps, fStartSafe, TGeoNode::IsOverlapping(), kFALSE, kTRUE, and SearchNode().

Double_t * TGeoNavigator::FindNormal ( Bool_t  forward = kTRUE  ) 

Definition at line 1455 of file TGeoNavigator.cxx.

References FindNormalFast().

Referenced by TGeoManager::FindNormal(), G__G__Geom1_180_0_159(), and G__G__Geom1_224_0_27().

Double_t * TGeoNavigator::FindNormalFast (  ) 

Definition at line 1439 of file TGeoNavigator.cxx.

References TGeoShape::ComputeNormal(), fCurrentMatrix, fDirection, fNextNode, fNormal, fPoint, TGeoVolume::GetShape(), TGeoNode::GetVolume(), local, TGeoMatrix::LocalToMasterVect(), TGeoMatrix::MasterToLocal(), and TGeoMatrix::MasterToLocalVect().

Referenced by FindNormal(), TGeoManager::FindNormalFast(), G__G__Geom1_180_0_160(), and G__G__Geom1_224_0_28().

TGeoNode * TGeoNavigator::InitTrack ( const Double_t point,
const Double_t dir 

Definition at line 1465 of file TGeoNavigator.cxx.

References FindNode(), SetCurrentDirection(), and SetCurrentPoint().

Referenced by G__G__Geom1_180_0_161(), G__G__Geom1_180_0_162(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_29(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_30(), and TGeoManager::InitTrack().

TGeoNode * TGeoNavigator::InitTrack ( Double_t  x,
Double_t  y,
Double_t  z,
Double_t  nx,
Double_t  ny,
Double_t  nz 

Definition at line 1475 of file TGeoNavigator.cxx.

References FindNode(), SetCurrentDirection(), and SetCurrentPoint().

void TGeoNavigator::ResetState (  ) 

Definition at line 1485 of file TGeoNavigator.cxx.

References fIsEntering, fIsExiting, fIsOnBoundary, fIsOutside, fIsStepEntering, fIsStepExiting, fSearchOverlaps, and kFALSE.

Referenced by G__G__Geom1_180_0_163(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_31(), ResetAll(), and TGeoManager::ResetState().

void TGeoNavigator::ResetAll (  ) 

Definition at line 2352 of file TGeoNavigator.cxx.

References BuildCache(), dummy, fBackupState, fCache, fCurrentMatrix, fCurrentNode, fCurrentOverlapping, fCurrentVolume, fGeometry, fIsNullStep, fIsSameLocation, fLastNode, fLastSafety, fLevel, fNextDaughterIndex, fNextNode, fNmany, fPath, fSafety, fStartSafe, fStep, GetHMatrix(), TGeoManager::GetTopNode(), TGeoManager::GetTopVolume(), gGeoIdentity, TGeoNodeCache::HasIdArray(), TGeoNodeCache::IsDummy(), kFALSE, and ResetState().

Referenced by G__G__Geom1_224_0_32().

Double_t TGeoNavigator::Safety ( Bool_t  inside = kFALSE  ) 

Definition at line 1496 of file TGeoNavigator.cxx.

References TMath::Abs(), TGeoShape::Big(), boxes, TGeoNode::cd(), fCurrentNode, fCurrentOverlapping, fGeometry, fGlobalMatrix, TGeoVolume::FindOverlaps(), fIsOnBoundary, fIsOutside, fNmany, fPoint, fSafety, TGeoVoxelFinder::GetBoxes(), TGeoPatternFinder::GetDivIndex(), TGeoVolume::GetFinder(), TGeoNode::GetNdaughters(), TGeoPatternFinder::GetNdiv(), TGeoVolume::GetNodes(), TGeoVolume::GetShape(), TGeoManager::GetTopVolume(), TGeoNode::GetVolume(), TGeoVolume::GetVoxels(), gTolerance, id, kFALSE, kTRUE, TGeoMatrix::MasterToLocal(), TGeoVoxelFinder::NeedRebuild(), safe, TGeoShape::Safety(), TGeoNode::Safety(), SafetyOverlaps(), TObjArray::UncheckedAt(), and TGeoVoxelFinder::Voxelize().

Referenced by FindNextBoundary(), FindNextBoundaryAndStep(), G__G__Geom1_105_0_54(), G__G__Geom1_108_0_21(), G__G__Geom1_177_0_42(), G__G__Geom1_180_0_164(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_33(), G__G__Geom1_238_0_17(), TGeoManager::Safety(), and SafetyOverlaps().

TGeoNode * TGeoNavigator::SearchNode ( Bool_t  downwards = kFALSE,
const TGeoNode skipnode = 0 

Definition at line 1692 of file TGeoNavigator.cxx.

References CdDown(), TGeoPatternFinder::CdNext(), CdUp(), TGeoVolume::Contains(), dir(), fCurrentNode, fCurrentOverlapping, fDirection, fForcedNode, fGeometry, fGlobalMatrix, FindInCluster(), TGeoPatternFinder::FindNode(), fIsOutside, fIsSameLocation, fLevel, fNextDaughterIndex, fNmany, fOverlapClusters, fOverlapMark, fOverlapSize, fPoint, fSearchOverlaps, TGeoVoxelFinder::GetCheckList(), TGeoVolume::GetCurrentNodeIndex(), TGeoNode::GetDaughter(), TGeoVolume::GetFinder(), TNamed::GetName(), TGeoVolume::GetNdaughters(), TGeoVolume::GetNode(), GetTouchedCluster(), TGeoManager::GetVerboseLevel(), TGeoNode::GetVolume(), TGeoVolume::GetVoxels(), GotoSafeLevel(), id, TGeoVolume::IsActive(), TGeoVolume::IsActiveDaughters(), TGeoManager::IsActivityEnabled(), TGeoVolume::IsAssembly(), TGeoNode::IsOffset(), kFALSE, kTRUE, TGeoMatrix::MasterToLocal(), TGeoMatrix::MasterToLocalVect(), and nc.

Referenced by CrossBoundaryAndLocate(), FindInCluster(), FindNode(), G__G__Geom1_180_0_165(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_34(), IsSameLocation(), and TGeoManager::SearchNode().

TGeoNode * TGeoNavigator::Step ( Bool_t  is_geom = kTRUE,
Bool_t  cross = kTRUE 

Definition at line 2007 of file TGeoNavigator.cxx.

References E, fCurrentNode, fDirection, FindNode(), fIsEntering, fIsExiting, fIsNullStep, fIsOnBoundary, fIsOutside, fPoint, fStep, GetNodeId(), i, kFALSE, and kTRUE.

Referenced by G__G__Geom1_180_0_166(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_35(), G__G__Geom1_243_0_20(), and TGeoManager::Step().

const Double_t* TGeoNavigator::GetLastPoint (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 122 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fLastPoint.

Referenced by G__G__Geom1_180_0_174(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_36(), G__G__Geom1_225_0_20(), G__G__Geom1_225_0_22(), and TGeoManager::GetLastPoint().

Int_t TGeoNavigator::GetVirtualLevel (  ) 

Definition at line 2045 of file TGeoNavigator.cxx.

References fCurrentNode, fCurrentOverlapping, TGeoNode::GetMedium(), GetMother(), TGeoNode::IsOffset(), and TGeoNode::IsOverlapping().

Referenced by FindInCluster(), G__G__Geom1_180_0_180(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_37(), and TGeoManager::GetVirtualLevel().

Bool_t TGeoNavigator::GotoSafeLevel (  ) 

Definition at line 2069 of file TGeoNavigator.cxx.

References CdUp(), TGeoVolume::Contains(), fCurrentNode, fCurrentOverlapping, fGlobalMatrix, fLevel, fNmany, fPoint, GetMother(), GetMotherMatrix(), TGeoNode::GetVolume(), TGeoNode::IsOffset(), TGeoNode::IsOverlapping(), kFALSE, kTRUE, and TGeoMatrix::MasterToLocal().

Referenced by G__G__Geom1_180_0_181(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_38(), TGeoManager::GotoSafeLevel(), and SearchNode().

Int_t TGeoNavigator::GetSafeLevel (  )  const

Definition at line 2113 of file TGeoNavigator.cxx.

References fCurrentOverlapping, fLevel, GetMother(), TGeoNode::IsOffset(), TGeoNode::IsOverlapping(), and level.

Referenced by FindNextBoundary(), FindNextBoundaryAndStep(), G__G__Geom1_180_0_182(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_39(), TGeoManager::GetSafeLevel(), and SafetyOverlaps().

Double_t TGeoNavigator::GetSafeDistance (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 126 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fSafety.

Referenced by G__G__Geom1_180_0_183(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_40(), and TGeoManager::GetSafeDistance().

Double_t TGeoNavigator::GetLastSafety (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 127 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fLastSafety.

Referenced by G__G__Geom1_180_0_184(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_41(), and TGeoManager::GetLastSafety().

Double_t TGeoNavigator::GetStep (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 128 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fStep.

Referenced by G__G__Geom1_180_0_185(), G__G__Geom1_182_0_15(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_42(), G__G__Geom1_243_0_11(), and TGeoManager::GetStep().

void TGeoNavigator::InspectState (  )  const

Definition at line 2129 of file TGeoNavigator.cxx.

References fIsEntering, fIsOnBoundary, fLevel, GetMother(), TNamed::GetName(), GetPath(), TObject::Info(), TGeoNode::IsOffset(), TGeoNode::IsOverlapping(), and level.

Referenced by G__G__Geom1_180_0_186(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_43(), and TGeoManager::InspectState().

Bool_t TGeoNavigator::IsSafeStep ( Double_t  proposed,
Double_t newsafety 
) const

Definition at line 2263 of file TGeoNavigator.cxx.

References ROOT::Math::gv_detail::dist(), fLastPoint, fLastSafety, fPoint, gTolerance, kFALSE, kTRUE, safe, and TMath::Sqrt().

Referenced by FindNextBoundary(), FindNextBoundaryAndStep(), and G__G__Geom1_224_0_44().

Bool_t TGeoNavigator::IsSameLocation ( Double_t  x,
Double_t  y,
Double_t  z,
Bool_t  change = kFALSE 

Definition at line 2147 of file TGeoNavigator.cxx.

References CdDown(), CdUp(), TGeoShape::Contains(), fCurrentNode, fCurrentOverlapping, fGlobalMatrix, TGeoPatternFinder::FindNode(), FindNode(), fIsOutside, fLastPoint, fLastSafety, fPoint, TGeoVoxelFinder::GetCheckList(), GetCurrentNodeId(), TGeoNode::GetDaughter(), TGeoVolume::GetFinder(), TGeoNode::GetIndex(), TGeoVolume::GetNdaughters(), TGeoVolume::GetShape(), TGeoNode::GetVolume(), TGeoVolume::GetVoxels(), kFALSE, kN3, kTRUE, local, TGeoMatrix::MasterToLocal(), PopPath(), PopPoint(), PushPath(), PushPoint(), SearchNode(), and SetCurrentPoint().

Referenced by TGeoManager::IsSameLocation().

Bool_t TGeoNavigator::IsSameLocation (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 132 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fIsSameLocation.

Referenced by G__G__Geom1_180_0_191(), G__G__Geom1_180_0_192(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_45(), and G__G__Geom1_224_0_46().

Bool_t TGeoNavigator::IsSamePoint ( Double_t  x,
Double_t  y,
Double_t  z 
) const

Definition at line 2288 of file TGeoNavigator.cxx.

References TMath::Abs(), E, fLastPoint, kFALSE, and kTRUE.

Referenced by G__G__Geom1_180_0_193(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_47(), and TGeoManager::IsSamePoint().

Bool_t TGeoNavigator::IsStartSafe (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 134 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fStartSafe.

Referenced by G__G__Geom1_180_0_194(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_48(), and TGeoManager::IsStartSafe().

void TGeoNavigator::SetStartSafe ( Bool_t  flag = kTRUE  )  [inline]

Definition at line 135 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References flag, and fStartSafe.

Referenced by G__G__Geom1_180_0_196(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_49(), and TGeoManager::SetStartSafe().

void TGeoNavigator::SetStep ( Double_t  step  )  [inline]

Definition at line 136 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fStep.

Referenced by G__G__Geom1_180_0_199(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_50(), and TGeoManager::SetStep().

Bool_t TGeoNavigator::IsCheckingOverlaps (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 137 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fSearchOverlaps.

Referenced by G__G__Geom1_180_0_188(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_51(), and TGeoManager::IsCheckingOverlaps().

Bool_t TGeoNavigator::IsCurrentOverlapping (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 138 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fCurrentOverlapping.

Referenced by G__G__Geom1_180_0_200(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_52(), and TGeoManager::IsCurrentOverlapping().

Bool_t TGeoNavigator::IsEntering (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 139 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fIsEntering.

Referenced by G__G__Geom1_180_0_201(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_53(), and TGeoManager::IsEntering().

Bool_t TGeoNavigator::IsExiting (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 140 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fIsExiting.

Referenced by G__G__Geom1_180_0_202(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_54(), and TGeoManager::IsExiting().

Bool_t TGeoNavigator::IsStepEntering (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 141 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fIsStepEntering.

Referenced by G__G__Geom1_180_0_203(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_55(), and TGeoManager::IsStepEntering().

Bool_t TGeoNavigator::IsStepExiting (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 142 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fIsStepExiting.

Referenced by G__G__Geom1_180_0_204(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_56(), and TGeoManager::IsStepExiting().

Bool_t TGeoNavigator::IsOutside (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 143 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fIsOutside.

Referenced by G__G__Geom1_180_0_205(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_57(), and TGeoManager::IsOutside().

Bool_t TGeoNavigator::IsOnBoundary (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 144 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fIsOnBoundary.

Referenced by G__G__Geom1_180_0_206(), G__G__Geom1_209_0_33(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_58(), and TGeoManager::IsOnBoundary().

Bool_t TGeoNavigator::IsNullStep (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 145 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fIsNullStep.

Referenced by G__G__Geom1_180_0_207(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_59(), and TGeoManager::IsNullStep().

void TGeoNavigator::SetCheckingOverlaps ( Bool_t  flag = kTRUE  )  [inline]

Definition at line 146 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References flag, and fSearchOverlaps.

Referenced by G__G__Geom1_180_0_195(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_60(), and TGeoManager::SetCheckingOverlaps().

void TGeoNavigator::SetOutside ( Bool_t  flag = kTRUE  )  [inline]

Definition at line 147 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fIsOutside, and flag.

Referenced by G__G__Geom1_180_0_209(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_61(), and TGeoManager::SetOutside().

void TGeoNavigator::DoBackupState (  ) 

Definition at line 2300 of file TGeoNavigator.cxx.

References fBackupState, fCurrentOverlapping, fLevel, fNmany, and TGeoCacheState::SetState().

Referenced by TGeoManager::DoBackupState(), FindNextBoundary(), G__G__Geom1_180_0_247(), and G__G__Geom1_224_0_62().

void TGeoNavigator::DoRestoreState (  ) 

Definition at line 2307 of file TGeoNavigator.cxx.

References fBackupState, fCache, fCurrentNode, fCurrentOverlapping, fGlobalMatrix, fLevel, fNmany, TGeoNodeCache::GetCurrentMatrix(), TGeoNodeCache::GetLevel(), TGeoNodeCache::GetNode(), and TGeoNodeCache::RestoreState().

Referenced by CdNext(), TGeoManager::DoRestoreState(), G__G__Geom1_180_0_248(), and G__G__Geom1_224_0_63().

Int_t TGeoNavigator::GetNodeId (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 151 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fCache, and TGeoNodeCache::GetNodeId().

Referenced by G__G__Geom1_180_0_250(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_64(), TGeoManager::GetNodeId(), and Step().

TGeoNode* TGeoNavigator::GetNextNode (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 152 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fNextNode.

Referenced by G__G__Geom1_180_0_251(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_65(), and TGeoManager::GetNextNode().

TGeoNode* TGeoNavigator::GetMother ( Int_t  up = 1  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 153 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fCache, and TGeoNodeCache::GetMother().

Referenced by CdUp(), FindNextBoundary(), FindNextBoundaryAndStep(), G__G__Geom1_180_0_252(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_66(), G__G__Geom1_225_0_12(), G__G__Geom1_226_0_14(), TGeoManager::GetMother(), GetSafeLevel(), GetVirtualLevel(), GotoSafeLevel(), InspectState(), and SafetyOverlaps().

TGeoHMatrix* TGeoNavigator::GetMotherMatrix ( Int_t  up = 1  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 154 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fCache, and TGeoNodeCache::GetMotherMatrix().

Referenced by FindNextBoundary(), FindNextBoundaryAndStep(), G__G__Geom1_180_0_253(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_67(), TGeoManager::GetMotherMatrix(), GotoSafeLevel(), and SafetyOverlaps().

TGeoHMatrix * TGeoNavigator::GetHMatrix (  ) 

Definition at line 2319 of file TGeoNavigator.cxx.

References fCurrentMatrix, and TGeoMatrix::RegisterYourself().

Referenced by G__G__Geom1_180_0_254(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_68(), TGeoManager::GetHMatrix(), and ResetAll().

TGeoHMatrix* TGeoNavigator::GetCurrentMatrix (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 156 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fCache, and TGeoNodeCache::GetCurrentMatrix().

Referenced by G__G__Geom1_180_0_255(), G__G__Geom1_201_0_8(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_69(), and TGeoManager::GetCurrentMatrix().

TGeoNode* TGeoNavigator::GetCurrentNode (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 157 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fCurrentNode.

Referenced by G__G__Geom1_180_0_258(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_70(), TGeoManager::GetCurrentNode(), and TGeoManager::IsInPhiRange().

Int_t TGeoNavigator::GetCurrentNodeId (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 158 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fCache, and TGeoNodeCache::GetCurrentNodeId().

Referenced by G__G__Geom1_180_0_259(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_71(), TGeoManager::GetCurrentNodeId(), and IsSameLocation().

const Double_t* TGeoNavigator::GetCurrentPoint (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 159 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fPoint.

Referenced by G__G__Geom1_180_0_260(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_72(), G__G__Geom1_243_0_8(), and TGeoManager::GetCurrentPoint().

const Double_t* TGeoNavigator::GetCurrentDirection (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 160 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fDirection.

Referenced by G__G__Geom1_180_0_261(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_73(), G__G__Geom1_243_0_9(), and TGeoManager::GetCurrentDirection().

TGeoVolume* TGeoNavigator::GetCurrentVolume (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 161 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fCurrentNode, and TGeoNode::GetVolume().

Referenced by G__G__Geom1_180_0_262(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_74(), TGeoManager::GetCurrentVolume(), and TGeoManager::IsInPhiRange().

const Double_t* TGeoNavigator::GetCldirChecked (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 162 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fCldirChecked.

Referenced by G__G__Geom1_180_0_263(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_75(), and TGeoManager::GetCldirChecked().

const Double_t* TGeoNavigator::GetCldir (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 163 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fCldir.

Referenced by G__G__Geom1_180_0_264(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_76(), and TGeoManager::GetCldir().

const Double_t* TGeoNavigator::GetNormal (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 165 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fNormal.

Referenced by G__G__Geom1_180_0_265(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_77(), and TGeoManager::GetNormal().

Int_t TGeoNavigator::GetLevel (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 166 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fLevel.

Referenced by G__G__Geom1_146_0_12(), G__G__Geom1_180_0_266(), G__G__Geom1_201_0_10(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_78(), G__G__Geom1_226_0_11(), and TGeoManager::GetLevel().

const char * TGeoNavigator::GetPath (  )  const

Definition at line 2330 of file TGeoNavigator.cxx.

References fCache, fIsOutside, TGeoNodeCache::GetPath(), and kGeoOutsidePath.

Referenced by FindNextBoundary(), FindNextBoundaryAndStep(), G__G__Geom1_180_0_268(), G__G__Geom1_201_0_12(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_79(), G__G__Geom1_227_0_5(), TGeoManager::GetPath(), and InspectState().

Int_t TGeoNavigator::GetStackLevel (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 168 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fCache, and TGeoNodeCache::GetStackLevel().

Referenced by G__G__Geom1_180_0_269(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_80(), and TGeoManager::GetStackLevel().

void TGeoNavigator::SetCurrentPoint ( const Double_t point  )  [inline]

Definition at line 169 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fPoint.

Referenced by G__G__Geom1_173_0_103(), G__G__Geom1_177_0_44(), G__G__Geom1_180_0_274(), G__G__Geom1_180_0_275(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_81(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_82(), InitTrack(), IsSameLocation(), and TGeoManager::SetCurrentPoint().

void TGeoNavigator::SetCurrentPoint ( Double_t  x,
Double_t  y,
Double_t  z 
) [inline]

Definition at line 170 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fPoint.

void TGeoNavigator::SetLastPoint ( Double_t  x,
Double_t  y,
Double_t  z 
) [inline]

Definition at line 172 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fLastPoint.

Referenced by G__G__Geom1_180_0_276(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_83(), and TGeoManager::SetLastPoint().

void TGeoNavigator::SetCurrentDirection ( const Double_t dir  )  [inline]

Definition at line 174 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fDirection.

Referenced by G__G__Geom1_180_0_277(), G__G__Geom1_180_0_278(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_84(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_85(), InitTrack(), and TGeoManager::SetCurrentDirection().

void TGeoNavigator::SetCurrentDirection ( Double_t  nx,
Double_t  ny,
Double_t  nz 
) [inline]

Definition at line 175 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fDirection.

void TGeoNavigator::SetCldirChecked ( Double_t dir  )  [inline]

Definition at line 178 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fCldirChecked.

Referenced by G__G__Geom1_180_0_279(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_86(), and TGeoManager::SetCldirChecked().

void TGeoNavigator::LocalToMaster ( const Double_t local,
Double_t master 
) const [inline]

Definition at line 181 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fCache, and TGeoNodeCache::LocalToMaster().

Referenced by G__G__Geom1_106_0_23(), G__G__Geom1_166_0_8(), G__G__Geom1_177_0_56(), G__G__Geom1_180_0_280(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_87(), TGeoManager::LocalToMaster(), and TGeoManager::TopToMaster().

void TGeoNavigator::LocalToMasterVect ( const Double_t local,
Double_t master 
) const [inline]

Definition at line 182 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fCache, and TGeoNodeCache::LocalToMasterVect().

Referenced by G__G__Geom1_106_0_24(), G__G__Geom1_177_0_57(), G__G__Geom1_180_0_281(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_88(), and TGeoManager::LocalToMasterVect().

void TGeoNavigator::LocalToMasterBomb ( const Double_t local,
Double_t master 
) const [inline]

Definition at line 183 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fCache, and TGeoNodeCache::LocalToMasterBomb().

Referenced by G__G__Geom1_106_0_25(), G__G__Geom1_180_0_282(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_89(), and TGeoManager::LocalToMasterBomb().

void TGeoNavigator::MasterToLocal ( const Double_t master,
Double_t local 
) const [inline]

Definition at line 184 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fCache, and TGeoNodeCache::MasterToLocal().

Referenced by G__G__Geom1_106_0_27(), G__G__Geom1_166_0_12(), G__G__Geom1_177_0_54(), G__G__Geom1_180_0_283(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_90(), TGeoManager::MasterToLocal(), and TGeoManager::MasterToTop().

void TGeoNavigator::MasterToLocalVect ( const Double_t master,
Double_t local 
) const [inline]

Definition at line 185 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fCache, and TGeoNodeCache::MasterToLocalVect().

Referenced by G__G__Geom1_106_0_28(), G__G__Geom1_177_0_55(), G__G__Geom1_180_0_284(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_91(), and TGeoManager::MasterToLocalVect().

void TGeoNavigator::MasterToLocalBomb ( const Double_t master,
Double_t local 
) const [inline]

Definition at line 186 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fCache, and TGeoNodeCache::MasterToLocalBomb().

Referenced by G__G__Geom1_106_0_29(), G__G__Geom1_180_0_285(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_92(), and TGeoManager::MasterToLocalBomb().

void TGeoNavigator::MasterToTop ( const Double_t master,
Double_t top 
) const

Definition at line 2338 of file TGeoNavigator.cxx.

References fCurrentMatrix, and TGeoMatrix::MasterToLocal().

Referenced by G__G__Geom1_180_0_286(), and G__G__Geom1_224_0_93().

void TGeoNavigator::TopToMaster ( const Double_t top,
Double_t master 
) const

Definition at line 2345 of file TGeoNavigator.cxx.

References fCurrentMatrix, and TGeoMatrix::LocalToMaster().

Referenced by G__G__Geom1_180_0_287(), and G__G__Geom1_224_0_94().

TGeoNodeCache* TGeoNavigator::GetCache (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 189 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fCache.

Referenced by G__G__Geom1_180_0_299(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_95(), and TGeoManager::GetCache().

Int_t TGeoNavigator::PushPath ( Int_t  startlevel = 0  )  [inline]

Definition at line 192 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fCache, fCurrentOverlapping, fNmany, and TGeoNodeCache::PushState().

Referenced by FindInCluster(), FindNextBoundary(), FindNextBoundaryAndStep(), G__G__Geom1_180_0_303(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_96(), IsSameLocation(), TGeoManager::PushPath(), and SafetyOverlaps().

Bool_t TGeoNavigator::PopPath (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 193 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fCache, fCurrentNode, fCurrentOverlapping, fGlobalMatrix, fLevel, fNmany, TGeoNodeCache::GetCurrentMatrix(), TGeoNodeCache::GetLevel(), TGeoNodeCache::GetNode(), and TGeoNodeCache::PopState().

Referenced by FindInCluster(), FindNextBoundary(), FindNextBoundaryAndStep(), G__G__Geom1_180_0_304(), G__G__Geom1_180_0_305(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_97(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_98(), IsSameLocation(), TGeoManager::PopPath(), and SafetyOverlaps().

Bool_t TGeoNavigator::PopPath ( Int_t  index  )  [inline]

Definition at line 194 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fCache, fCurrentNode, fCurrentOverlapping, fGlobalMatrix, fLevel, fNmany, TGeoNodeCache::GetCurrentMatrix(), TGeoNodeCache::GetLevel(), TGeoNodeCache::GetNode(), and TGeoNodeCache::PopState().

Int_t TGeoNavigator::PushPoint ( Int_t  startlevel = 0  )  [inline]

Definition at line 195 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fCache, fCurrentOverlapping, fNmany, fPoint, and TGeoNodeCache::PushState().

Referenced by G__G__Geom1_180_0_306(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_99(), IsSameLocation(), and TGeoManager::PushPoint().

Bool_t TGeoNavigator::PopPoint (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 196 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fCache, fCurrentNode, fCurrentOverlapping, fGlobalMatrix, fLevel, fNmany, fPoint, TGeoNodeCache::GetCurrentMatrix(), TGeoNodeCache::GetLevel(), TGeoNodeCache::GetNode(), and TGeoNodeCache::PopState().

Referenced by G__G__Geom1_180_0_307(), G__G__Geom1_180_0_308(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_100(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_101(), IsSameLocation(), and TGeoManager::PopPoint().

Bool_t TGeoNavigator::PopPoint ( Int_t  index  )  [inline]

Definition at line 197 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fCache, fCurrentNode, fCurrentOverlapping, fGlobalMatrix, fLevel, fNmany, fPoint, TGeoNodeCache::GetCurrentMatrix(), TGeoNodeCache::GetLevel(), TGeoNodeCache::GetNode(), and TGeoNodeCache::PopState().

void TGeoNavigator::PopDummy ( Int_t  ipop = 9999  )  [inline]

Definition at line 198 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fCache, and TGeoNodeCache::PopDummy().

Referenced by FindInCluster(), FindNextBoundaryAndStep(), G__G__Geom1_180_0_309(), G__G__Geom1_224_0_102(), and TGeoManager::PopDummy().

TGeoNavigator& TGeoNavigator::operator= ( const TGeoNavigator  )  [protected]

TGeoNode* TGeoNavigator::FindInCluster ( Int_t cluster,
Int_t  nc 
) [protected]

Int_t TGeoNavigator::GetTouchedCluster ( Int_t  start,
Double_t point,
Int_t check_list,
Int_t  ncheck,
Int_t result 
) [protected]

TGeoNode* TGeoNavigator::CrossDivisionCell (  )  [protected]

void TGeoNavigator::SafetyOverlaps (  )  [protected]

void TGeoNavigator::BuildCache ( Bool_t  dummy = kFALSE,
Bool_t  nodeid = kFALSE 

Bool_t TGeoNavigator::cd ( const char *  path = ""  ) 

Bool_t TGeoNavigator::CheckPath ( const char *  path  )  const

void TGeoNavigator::CdNode ( Int_t  nodeid  ) 

void TGeoNavigator::CdDown ( Int_t  index  ) 

void TGeoNavigator::CdUp (  ) 

void TGeoNavigator::CdTop (  ) 

void TGeoNavigator::CdNext (  ) 

void TGeoNavigator::GetBranchNames ( Int_t names  )  const

void TGeoNavigator::GetBranchNumbers ( Int_t copyNumbers,
Int_t volumeNumbers 
) const

void TGeoNavigator::GetBranchOnlys ( Int_t isonly  )  const

Int_t TGeoNavigator::GetNmany (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 105 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fNmany.

TGeoNode* TGeoNavigator::CrossBoundaryAndLocate ( Bool_t  downwards,
TGeoNode skipnode 

TGeoNode* TGeoNavigator::FindNextBoundary ( Double_t  stepmax = TGeoShape::Big(),
const char *  path = "",
Bool_t  frombdr = kFALSE 

TGeoNode* TGeoNavigator::FindNextDaughterBoundary ( Double_t point,
Double_t dir,
Int_t idaughter,
Bool_t  compmatrix = kFALSE 

TGeoNode* TGeoNavigator::FindNextBoundaryAndStep ( Double_t  stepmax = TGeoShape::Big(),
Bool_t  compsafe = kFALSE 

TGeoNode* TGeoNavigator::FindNode ( Bool_t  safe_start = kTRUE  ) 

TGeoNode* TGeoNavigator::FindNode ( Double_t  x,
Double_t  y,
Double_t  z 

Double_t* TGeoNavigator::FindNormal ( Bool_t  forward = kTRUE  ) 

Double_t* TGeoNavigator::FindNormalFast (  ) 

TGeoNode* TGeoNavigator::InitTrack ( const Double_t point,
const Double_t dir 

TGeoNode* TGeoNavigator::InitTrack ( Double_t  x,
Double_t  y,
Double_t  z,
Double_t  nx,
Double_t  ny,
Double_t  nz 

void TGeoNavigator::ResetState (  ) 

void TGeoNavigator::ResetAll (  ) 

Double_t TGeoNavigator::Safety ( Bool_t  inside = kFALSE  ) 

TGeoNode* TGeoNavigator::SearchNode ( Bool_t  downwards = kFALSE,
const TGeoNode skipnode = 0 

TGeoNode* TGeoNavigator::Step ( Bool_t  is_geom = kTRUE,
Bool_t  cross = kTRUE 

const Double_t* TGeoNavigator::GetLastPoint (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 122 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fLastPoint.

Int_t TGeoNavigator::GetVirtualLevel (  ) 

Bool_t TGeoNavigator::GotoSafeLevel (  ) 

Int_t TGeoNavigator::GetSafeLevel (  )  const

Double_t TGeoNavigator::GetSafeDistance (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 126 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fSafety.

Double_t TGeoNavigator::GetLastSafety (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 127 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fLastSafety.

Double_t TGeoNavigator::GetStep (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 128 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fStep.

void TGeoNavigator::InspectState (  )  const

Bool_t TGeoNavigator::IsSafeStep ( Double_t  proposed,
Double_t newsafety 
) const

Bool_t TGeoNavigator::IsSameLocation ( Double_t  x,
Double_t  y,
Double_t  z,
Bool_t  change = kFALSE 

Bool_t TGeoNavigator::IsSameLocation (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 132 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fIsSameLocation.

Bool_t TGeoNavigator::IsSamePoint ( Double_t  x,
Double_t  y,
Double_t  z 
) const

Bool_t TGeoNavigator::IsStartSafe (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 134 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fStartSafe.

void TGeoNavigator::SetStartSafe ( Bool_t  flag = kTRUE  )  [inline]

Definition at line 135 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References flag, and fStartSafe.

void TGeoNavigator::SetStep ( Double_t  step  )  [inline]

Definition at line 136 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fStep.

Bool_t TGeoNavigator::IsCheckingOverlaps (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 137 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fSearchOverlaps.

Bool_t TGeoNavigator::IsCurrentOverlapping (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 138 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fCurrentOverlapping.

Bool_t TGeoNavigator::IsEntering (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 139 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fIsEntering.

Bool_t TGeoNavigator::IsExiting (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 140 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fIsExiting.

Bool_t TGeoNavigator::IsStepEntering (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 141 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fIsStepEntering.

Bool_t TGeoNavigator::IsStepExiting (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 142 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fIsStepExiting.

Bool_t TGeoNavigator::IsOutside (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 143 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fIsOutside.

Bool_t TGeoNavigator::IsOnBoundary (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 144 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fIsOnBoundary.

Bool_t TGeoNavigator::IsNullStep (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 145 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fIsNullStep.

void TGeoNavigator::SetCheckingOverlaps ( Bool_t  flag = kTRUE  )  [inline]

Definition at line 146 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References flag, and fSearchOverlaps.

void TGeoNavigator::SetOutside ( Bool_t  flag = kTRUE  )  [inline]

Definition at line 147 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fIsOutside, and flag.

void TGeoNavigator::DoBackupState (  ) 

void TGeoNavigator::DoRestoreState (  ) 

Int_t TGeoNavigator::GetNodeId (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 151 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fCache, and TGeoNodeCache::GetNodeId().

TGeoNode* TGeoNavigator::GetNextNode (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 152 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fNextNode.

TGeoNode* TGeoNavigator::GetMother ( Int_t  up = 1  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 153 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fCache, and TGeoNodeCache::GetMother().

TGeoHMatrix* TGeoNavigator::GetMotherMatrix ( Int_t  up = 1  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 154 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fCache, and TGeoNodeCache::GetMotherMatrix().

TGeoHMatrix* TGeoNavigator::GetHMatrix (  ) 

TGeoHMatrix* TGeoNavigator::GetCurrentMatrix (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 156 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fCache, and TGeoNodeCache::GetCurrentMatrix().

TGeoNode* TGeoNavigator::GetCurrentNode (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 157 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fCurrentNode.

Int_t TGeoNavigator::GetCurrentNodeId (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 158 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fCache, and TGeoNodeCache::GetCurrentNodeId().

const Double_t* TGeoNavigator::GetCurrentPoint (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 159 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fPoint.

const Double_t* TGeoNavigator::GetCurrentDirection (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 160 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fDirection.

TGeoVolume* TGeoNavigator::GetCurrentVolume (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 161 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fCurrentNode, and TGeoNode::GetVolume().

const Double_t* TGeoNavigator::GetCldirChecked (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 162 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fCldirChecked.

const Double_t* TGeoNavigator::GetCldir (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 163 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fCldir.

const Double_t* TGeoNavigator::GetNormal (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 165 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fNormal.

Int_t TGeoNavigator::GetLevel (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 166 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fLevel.

const char* TGeoNavigator::GetPath (  )  const

Int_t TGeoNavigator::GetStackLevel (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 168 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fCache, and TGeoNodeCache::GetStackLevel().

void TGeoNavigator::SetCurrentPoint ( const Double_t point  )  [inline]

Definition at line 169 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fPoint.

void TGeoNavigator::SetCurrentPoint ( Double_t  x,
Double_t  y,
Double_t  z 
) [inline]

Definition at line 170 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fPoint.

void TGeoNavigator::SetLastPoint ( Double_t  x,
Double_t  y,
Double_t  z 
) [inline]

Definition at line 172 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fLastPoint.

void TGeoNavigator::SetCurrentDirection ( const Double_t dir  )  [inline]

Definition at line 174 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fDirection.

void TGeoNavigator::SetCurrentDirection ( Double_t  nx,
Double_t  ny,
Double_t  nz 
) [inline]

Definition at line 175 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fDirection.

void TGeoNavigator::SetCldirChecked ( Double_t dir  )  [inline]

Definition at line 178 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fCldirChecked.

void TGeoNavigator::LocalToMaster ( const Double_t local,
Double_t master 
) const [inline]

Definition at line 181 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fCache, and TGeoNodeCache::LocalToMaster().

void TGeoNavigator::LocalToMasterVect ( const Double_t local,
Double_t master 
) const [inline]

Definition at line 182 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fCache, and TGeoNodeCache::LocalToMasterVect().

void TGeoNavigator::LocalToMasterBomb ( const Double_t local,
Double_t master 
) const [inline]

Definition at line 183 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fCache, and TGeoNodeCache::LocalToMasterBomb().

void TGeoNavigator::MasterToLocal ( const Double_t master,
Double_t local 
) const [inline]

Definition at line 184 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fCache, and TGeoNodeCache::MasterToLocal().

void TGeoNavigator::MasterToLocalVect ( const Double_t master,
Double_t local 
) const [inline]

Definition at line 185 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fCache, and TGeoNodeCache::MasterToLocalVect().

void TGeoNavigator::MasterToLocalBomb ( const Double_t master,
Double_t local 
) const [inline]

Definition at line 186 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fCache, and TGeoNodeCache::MasterToLocalBomb().

void TGeoNavigator::MasterToTop ( const Double_t master,
Double_t top 
) const

void TGeoNavigator::TopToMaster ( const Double_t top,
Double_t master 
) const

TGeoNodeCache* TGeoNavigator::GetCache (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 189 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fCache.

Int_t TGeoNavigator::PushPath ( Int_t  startlevel = 0  )  [inline]

Definition at line 192 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fCache, fCurrentOverlapping, fNmany, and TGeoNodeCache::PushState().

Bool_t TGeoNavigator::PopPath (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 193 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fCache, fCurrentNode, fCurrentOverlapping, fGlobalMatrix, fLevel, fNmany, TGeoNodeCache::GetCurrentMatrix(), TGeoNodeCache::GetLevel(), TGeoNodeCache::GetNode(), and TGeoNodeCache::PopState().

Bool_t TGeoNavigator::PopPath ( Int_t  index  )  [inline]

Definition at line 194 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fCache, fCurrentNode, fCurrentOverlapping, fGlobalMatrix, fLevel, fNmany, TGeoNodeCache::GetCurrentMatrix(), TGeoNodeCache::GetLevel(), TGeoNodeCache::GetNode(), and TGeoNodeCache::PopState().

Int_t TGeoNavigator::PushPoint ( Int_t  startlevel = 0  )  [inline]

Definition at line 195 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fCache, fCurrentOverlapping, fNmany, fPoint, and TGeoNodeCache::PushState().

Bool_t TGeoNavigator::PopPoint (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 196 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fCache, fCurrentNode, fCurrentOverlapping, fGlobalMatrix, fLevel, fNmany, fPoint, TGeoNodeCache::GetCurrentMatrix(), TGeoNodeCache::GetLevel(), TGeoNodeCache::GetNode(), and TGeoNodeCache::PopState().

Bool_t TGeoNavigator::PopPoint ( Int_t  index  )  [inline]

Definition at line 197 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fCache, fCurrentNode, fCurrentOverlapping, fGlobalMatrix, fLevel, fNmany, fPoint, TGeoNodeCache::GetCurrentMatrix(), TGeoNodeCache::GetLevel(), TGeoNodeCache::GetNode(), and TGeoNodeCache::PopState().

void TGeoNavigator::PopDummy ( Int_t  ipop = 9999  )  [inline]

Definition at line 198 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

References fCache, and TGeoNodeCache::PopDummy().

Member Data Documentation

Double_t TGeoNavigator::fStep [private]

Definition at line 50 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

Referenced by CrossBoundaryAndLocate(), CrossDivisionCell(), FindNextBoundary(), FindNextBoundaryAndStep(), FindNextDaughterBoundary(), GetStep(), operator=(), ResetAll(), SetStep(), and Step().

Double_t TGeoNavigator::fSafety [private]

step to be done from current point and direction

Definition at line 51 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

Referenced by FindNextBoundary(), FindNextBoundaryAndStep(), FindNode(), GetSafeDistance(), operator=(), ResetAll(), Safety(), and SafetyOverlaps().

Double_t TGeoNavigator::fLastSafety [private]

safety radius from current point

Definition at line 52 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

Referenced by FindNextBoundary(), FindNextBoundaryAndStep(), GetLastSafety(), IsSafeStep(), IsSameLocation(), operator=(), and ResetAll().

Double_t TGeoNavigator::fNormal [private]

last computed safety radius

Definition at line 53 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

Referenced by FindNormalFast(), GetNormal(), operator=(), and TGeoNavigator().

Double_t TGeoNavigator::fCldir [private]

cosine of incident angle on current checked surface

Definition at line 54 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

Referenced by GetCldir(), operator=(), and TGeoNavigator().

Double_t TGeoNavigator::fCldirChecked [private]

unit vector to current closest shape

Definition at line 55 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

Referenced by GetCldirChecked(), operator=(), SetCldirChecked(), and TGeoNavigator().

Double_t TGeoNavigator::fPoint [private]

unit vector to current checked shape

Definition at line 56 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

Referenced by CrossBoundaryAndLocate(), CrossDivisionCell(), FindNextBoundary(), FindNextBoundaryAndStep(), FindNode(), FindNormalFast(), GetCurrentPoint(), GotoSafeLevel(), IsSafeStep(), IsSameLocation(), operator=(), PopPoint(), PushPoint(), Safety(), SafetyOverlaps(), SearchNode(), SetCurrentPoint(), Step(), and TGeoNavigator().

Double_t TGeoNavigator::fDirection [private]

current point

Definition at line 57 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

Referenced by CrossBoundaryAndLocate(), CrossDivisionCell(), FindNextBoundary(), FindNextBoundaryAndStep(), FindNormalFast(), GetCurrentDirection(), operator=(), SearchNode(), SetCurrentDirection(), Step(), and TGeoNavigator().

Double_t TGeoNavigator::fLastPoint [private]

current direction

Definition at line 58 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

Referenced by FindNextBoundary(), FindNextBoundaryAndStep(), GetLastPoint(), IsSafeStep(), IsSameLocation(), IsSamePoint(), operator=(), SetLastPoint(), and TGeoNavigator().

Int_t TGeoNavigator::fLevel [private]

last point for which safety was computed

Definition at line 59 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

Referenced by CdDown(), CdTop(), CdUp(), CrossBoundaryAndLocate(), CrossDivisionCell(), DoBackupState(), DoRestoreState(), FindInCluster(), FindNextBoundaryAndStep(), GetLevel(), GetSafeLevel(), GotoSafeLevel(), InspectState(), operator=(), PopPath(), PopPoint(), ResetAll(), and SearchNode().

Int_t TGeoNavigator::fNmany [private]

current geometry level;

Definition at line 60 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

Referenced by CdDown(), CdTop(), CdUp(), DoBackupState(), DoRestoreState(), FindNextBoundary(), FindNextBoundaryAndStep(), GetNmany(), GotoSafeLevel(), operator=(), PopPath(), PopPoint(), PushPath(), PushPoint(), ResetAll(), Safety(), SafetyOverlaps(), and SearchNode().

Int_t TGeoNavigator::fNextDaughterIndex [private]

number of overlapping nodes on current branch

Definition at line 61 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

Referenced by CdNext(), FindNextBoundary(), operator=(), ResetAll(), and SearchNode().

Int_t TGeoNavigator::fOverlapSize [private]

next daughter index after FindNextBoundary

Definition at line 62 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

Referenced by operator=(), SearchNode(), and TGeoNavigator().

Int_t TGeoNavigator::fOverlapMark [private]

current size of fOverlapClusters

Definition at line 63 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

Referenced by operator=(), and SearchNode().

Int_t* TGeoNavigator::fOverlapClusters [private]

current recursive position in fOverlapClusters

Definition at line 64 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

Referenced by operator=(), SearchNode(), TGeoNavigator(), and ~TGeoNavigator().

Bool_t TGeoNavigator::fSearchOverlaps [private]

internal array for overlaps

Definition at line 65 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

Referenced by FindInCluster(), FindNode(), IsCheckingOverlaps(), operator=(), ResetState(), SearchNode(), and SetCheckingOverlaps().

Bool_t TGeoNavigator::fCurrentOverlapping [private]

flag set when an overlapping cluster is searched

Definition at line 66 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

Referenced by CdDown(), CdTop(), CdUp(), DoBackupState(), DoRestoreState(), FindInCluster(), FindNextBoundary(), FindNextBoundaryAndStep(), GetSafeLevel(), GetVirtualLevel(), GotoSafeLevel(), IsCurrentOverlapping(), IsSameLocation(), operator=(), PopPath(), PopPoint(), PushPath(), PushPoint(), ResetAll(), Safety(), SafetyOverlaps(), and SearchNode().

Bool_t TGeoNavigator::fStartSafe [private]

flags the type of the current node

Definition at line 67 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

Referenced by FindNode(), IsStartSafe(), operator=(), ResetAll(), and SetStartSafe().

Bool_t TGeoNavigator::fIsEntering [private]

flag a safe start for point classification

Definition at line 68 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

Referenced by FindNode(), InspectState(), IsEntering(), operator=(), ResetState(), and Step().

Bool_t TGeoNavigator::fIsExiting [private]

flag if current step just got into a new node

Definition at line 69 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

Referenced by FindNode(), IsExiting(), operator=(), ResetState(), and Step().

Bool_t TGeoNavigator::fIsStepEntering [private]

flag that current track is about to leave current node

Definition at line 70 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

Referenced by FindNextBoundary(), FindNextBoundaryAndStep(), FindNextDaughterBoundary(), IsStepEntering(), operator=(), and ResetState().

Bool_t TGeoNavigator::fIsStepExiting [private]

flag that next geometric step will enter new volume

Definition at line 71 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

Referenced by FindNextBoundary(), FindNextBoundaryAndStep(), FindNextDaughterBoundary(), IsStepExiting(), operator=(), and ResetState().

Bool_t TGeoNavigator::fIsOutside [private]

flaag that next geometric step will exit current volume

Definition at line 72 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

Referenced by CrossBoundaryAndLocate(), FindNextBoundary(), FindNextBoundaryAndStep(), FindNode(), GetPath(), IsOutside(), IsSameLocation(), operator=(), ResetState(), Safety(), SearchNode(), SetOutside(), and Step().

Bool_t TGeoNavigator::fIsOnBoundary [private]

flag that current point is outside geometry

Definition at line 73 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

Referenced by FindNextBoundary(), FindNextBoundaryAndStep(), FindNode(), InspectState(), IsOnBoundary(), operator=(), ResetState(), Safety(), SafetyOverlaps(), and Step().

Bool_t TGeoNavigator::fIsSameLocation [private]

flag that current point is on some boundary

Definition at line 74 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

Referenced by FindNode(), IsSameLocation(), operator=(), ResetAll(), and SearchNode().

Bool_t TGeoNavigator::fIsNullStep [private]

flag that a new point is in the same node as previous

Definition at line 75 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

Referenced by IsNullStep(), operator=(), ResetAll(), and Step().

TGeoManager* TGeoNavigator::fGeometry [private]

flag that last geometric step was null

Definition at line 76 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

Referenced by BuildCache(), cd(), CdTop(), CheckPath(), CrossBoundaryAndLocate(), FindNextBoundary(), FindNextBoundaryAndStep(), FindNextDaughterBoundary(), GetTouchedCluster(), operator=(), ResetAll(), Safety(), SafetyOverlaps(), and SearchNode().

TGeoNodeCache* TGeoNavigator::fCache [private]

current geometry

Definition at line 77 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

Referenced by BuildCache(), CdDown(), CdNext(), CdNode(), CdTop(), CdUp(), DoRestoreState(), GetBranchNames(), GetBranchNumbers(), GetBranchOnlys(), GetCache(), GetCurrentMatrix(), GetCurrentNodeId(), GetMother(), GetMotherMatrix(), GetNodeId(), GetPath(), GetStackLevel(), LocalToMaster(), LocalToMasterBomb(), LocalToMasterVect(), MasterToLocal(), MasterToLocalBomb(), MasterToLocalVect(), operator=(), PopDummy(), PopPath(), PopPoint(), PushPath(), PushPoint(), ResetAll(), and ~TGeoNavigator().

TGeoVolume* TGeoNavigator::fCurrentVolume [private]

cache of states

Definition at line 78 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

Referenced by operator=(), and ResetAll().

TGeoNode* TGeoNavigator::fCurrentNode [private]

current volume

Definition at line 79 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

Referenced by cd(), CdDown(), CdNext(), CdTop(), CdUp(), CrossBoundaryAndLocate(), CrossDivisionCell(), DoRestoreState(), FindInCluster(), FindNextBoundary(), FindNextBoundaryAndStep(), FindNextDaughterBoundary(), FindNode(), GetCurrentNode(), GetCurrentVolume(), GetTouchedCluster(), GetVirtualLevel(), GotoSafeLevel(), IsSameLocation(), operator=(), PopPath(), PopPoint(), ResetAll(), Safety(), SafetyOverlaps(), SearchNode(), and Step().

TGeoNode* TGeoNavigator::fTopNode [private]

current node

Definition at line 80 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

Referenced by operator=().

TGeoNode* TGeoNavigator::fLastNode [private]

top physical node

Definition at line 81 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

Referenced by CdTop(), CdUp(), FindInCluster(), operator=(), and ResetAll().

TGeoNode* TGeoNavigator::fNextNode [private]

last searched node

Definition at line 82 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

Referenced by FindInCluster(), FindNextBoundary(), FindNextBoundaryAndStep(), FindNextDaughterBoundary(), FindNormalFast(), GetNextNode(), operator=(), and ResetAll().

TGeoNode* TGeoNavigator::fForcedNode [private]

next node that will be crossed

Definition at line 83 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

Referenced by CrossBoundaryAndLocate(), FindNextBoundary(), FindNextBoundaryAndStep(), operator=(), and SearchNode().

TGeoCacheState* TGeoNavigator::fBackupState [private]

current point is supposed to be inside this node

Definition at line 84 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

Referenced by BuildCache(), DoBackupState(), DoRestoreState(), operator=(), ResetAll(), and ~TGeoNavigator().

TGeoHMatrix* TGeoNavigator::fCurrentMatrix [private]

backup state

Definition at line 85 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

Referenced by FindNextBoundary(), FindNextBoundaryAndStep(), FindNextDaughterBoundary(), FindNormalFast(), GetHMatrix(), MasterToTop(), operator=(), ResetAll(), TGeoNavigator(), and TopToMaster().

TGeoHMatrix* TGeoNavigator::fGlobalMatrix [private]

current stored global matrix

Definition at line 86 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

Referenced by BuildCache(), CdDown(), CdNode(), CdTop(), CdUp(), CrossBoundaryAndLocate(), CrossDivisionCell(), DoRestoreState(), FindNextBoundary(), FindNextBoundaryAndStep(), FindNextDaughterBoundary(), GotoSafeLevel(), IsSameLocation(), operator=(), PopPath(), PopPoint(), Safety(), and SearchNode().

TString TGeoNavigator::fPath [private]

current pointer to cached global matrix

Definition at line 87 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

Referenced by operator=(), and ResetAll().

Int_t* TGeoNavigator::fOverlapClusters [private]

current recursive position in fOverlapClusters

Definition at line 64 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

TGeoManager* TGeoNavigator::fGeometry [private]

flag that last geometric step was null

Definition at line 76 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

TGeoNodeCache* TGeoNavigator::fCache [private]

current geometry

Definition at line 77 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

TGeoVolume* TGeoNavigator::fCurrentVolume [private]

cache of states

Definition at line 78 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

TGeoNode* TGeoNavigator::fCurrentNode [private]

current volume

Definition at line 79 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

TGeoNode* TGeoNavigator::fTopNode [private]

current node

Definition at line 80 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

TGeoNode* TGeoNavigator::fLastNode [private]

top physical node

Definition at line 81 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

TGeoNode* TGeoNavigator::fNextNode [private]

last searched node

Definition at line 82 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

TGeoNode* TGeoNavigator::fForcedNode [private]

next node that will be crossed

Definition at line 83 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

TGeoCacheState* TGeoNavigator::fBackupState [private]

current point is supposed to be inside this node

Definition at line 84 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

TGeoHMatrix* TGeoNavigator::fCurrentMatrix [private]

backup state

Definition at line 85 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

TGeoHMatrix* TGeoNavigator::fGlobalMatrix [private]

current stored global matrix

Definition at line 86 of file TGeoNavigator.h.

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Generated on Tue Jul 5 16:38:59 2011 for ROOT_528-00b_version by  doxygen 1.5.1