export.c File Reference

#include "config.h"
#include <png.h>
#include <X11/Xmd.h>
#include <jpeglib.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "afterbase.h"
#include "libungif/gif_lib.h"
#include <tiff.h>
#include <tiffio.h>
#include "asimage.h"
#include "imencdec.h"
#include "xcf.h"
#include "xpm.h"
#include "ungif.h"
#include "import.h"
#include "export.h"
#include "ascmap.h"
#include "bmp.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  ASImPNGBuffer


#define SHOW_PENDING_IMPLEMENTATION_NOTE(f)   show_error( "I'm sorry, but " f " image writing is pending implementation. Appreciate your patience" )
#define SHOW_UNSUPPORTED_NOTE(f, path)   show_error( "unable to write file \"%s\" - " f " image format is not supported.\n", (path) )
#define GIF_GCE_BYTES   4


Bool ASImage2file (ASImage *im, const char *dir, const char *file, ASImageFileTypes type, ASImageExportParams *params)
static FILE * open_writeable_image_file (const char *path)
void scanline2raw (register CARD8 *row, ASScanline *buf, CARD8 *gamma_table, unsigned int width, Bool grayscale, Bool do_alpha)
Bool ASImage2xpm (ASImage *im, const char *path, ASImageExportParams *params)
Bool ASImage2xpmRawBuff (ASImage *im, CARD8 **buffer, int *size, ASImageExportParams *params)
static Bool ASImage2png_int (ASImage *im, void *data, png_rw_ptr write_fn, png_flush_ptr flush_fn, register ASImageExportParams *params)
Bool ASImage2png (ASImage *im, const char *path, register ASImageExportParams *params)
void asim_png_write_data (png_structp png_ptr, png_bytep data, png_size_t length)
void asim_png_flush_data (png_structp png_ptr)
Bool ASImage2PNGBuff (ASImage *im, CARD8 **buffer, int *size, ASImageExportParams *params)
Bool ASImage2jpeg (ASImage *im, const char *path, ASImageExportParams *params)
Bool ASImage2xcf (ASImage *im, const char *path, ASImageExportParams *params)
Bool ASImage2ppm (ASImage *im, const char *path, ASImageExportParams *params)
static size_t bmp_write32 (FILE *fp, CARD32 *data, int count)
static size_t bmp_write16 (FILE *fp, CARD16 *data, int count)
Bool ASImage2bmp (ASImage *im, const char *path, ASImageExportParams *params)
Bool ASImage2ico (ASImage *im, const char *path, ASImageExportParams *params)
Bool ASImage2gif (ASImage *im, const char *path, ASImageExportParams *params)
Bool ASImage2tiff (ASImage *im, const char *path, ASImageExportParams *params)


as_image_writer_func as_image_file_writers [ASIT_Unknown]

Define Documentation

#define GIF_GCE_BYTES   4

Referenced by ASImage2gif().


Referenced by ASImage2gif().

#define SHOW_PENDING_IMPLEMENTATION_NOTE (  )     show_error( "I'm sorry, but " f " image writing is pending implementation. Appreciate your patience" )

Definition at line 258 of file export.c.

Referenced by ASImage2ico(), ASImage2ppm(), and ASImage2xcf().

path   )     show_error( "unable to write file \"%s\" - " f " image format is not supported.\n", (path) )

Definition at line 260 of file export.c.

Referenced by ASImage2tiff().

Function Documentation

void asim_png_flush_data ( png_structp  png_ptr  ) 

Definition at line 682 of file export.c.

Referenced by ASImage2PNGBuff().

void asim_png_write_data ( png_structp  png_ptr,
png_bytep  data,
png_size_t  length 

Definition at line 667 of file export.c.

References ASImPNGBuffer::allocated_size, ASImPNGBuffer::buffer, png_get_io_ptr(), realloc(), and ASImPNGBuffer::used_size.

Referenced by ASImage2PNGBuff().

Bool ASImage2bmp ( ASImage im,
const char *  path,
ASImageExportParams params 

Definition at line 976 of file export.c.

References ASImage2DBI, tagBITMAPFILEHEADER::bfOffBits, tagBITMAPFILEHEADER::bfReserved1, tagBITMAPFILEHEADER::bfReserved2, tagBITMAPFILEHEADER::bfSize, tagBITMAPFILEHEADER::bfType, tagBITMAPINFOHEADER::biCompression, tagBITMAPINFOHEADER::biHeight, tagBITMAPINFOHEADER::biPlanes, tagBITMAPINFOHEADER::biSize, tagBITMAPINFOHEADER::biWidth, bmbits, bmi, tagBITMAPINFO::bmiHeader, BMP_SIGNATURE, bmp_write16(), bmp_write32(), False, fclose(), free(), fwrite, get_default_asvisual(), ASImage::height, NULL, open_writeable_image_file(), outfile, SHOW_TIME, START_TIME, True, and ASImage::width.

Referenced by TASImage::WriteImage().

Bool ASImage2file ( ASImage im,
const char *  dir,
const char *  file,
ASImageFileTypes  type,
ASImageExportParams params 

Definition at line 144 of file export.c.

References as_image_file_writers, ASIT_Unknown, False, free(), NULL, params, safemalloc, show_error, strcpy(), and unix_path2dos_path().

Referenced by save_asimage_to_file(), and TASImage::WriteImage().

Bool ASImage2gif ( ASImage im,
const char *  path,
ASImageExportParams params 

Definition at line 1036 of file export.c.

References APPLICATION_EXT_FUNC_CODE, ASIT_Gif, ColorMapObject::ColorCount, GifImageDesc::ColorMap, colormap_asimage(), ColorMapObject::Colors, ASColormap::count, destroy_colormap(), DGifCloseFile(), EGifCloseFile(), EGifOpenFileHandle(), EGifPutExtension(), EGifPutExtensionFirst(), EGifPutExtensionLast(), EGifPutImageDesc(), EGifPutLine(), EGifPutScreenDesc(), ASColormap::entries, EXPORT_ALPHA, EXPORT_ANIMATION_REPEATS, EXPORT_APPEND, False, FALSE, fclose(), fopen, fprintf(), free(), free_gif_saved_images(), FreeMapObject(), get_asimage_chanmask(), get_flags, get_gif_saved_images(), ASImageExportParams::gif, GIF_ERROR, GIF_GCE_BYTES, GIF_NETSCAPE_EXT_BYTES, GIF_OK, GRAPHICS_EXT_FUNC_CODE, ASImage::height, GifFileType::Image, infile, LOCAL_DEBUG_CALLER_OUT, MakeMapObject(), MIN, NULL, open_gif_read(), open_writeable_image_file(), outfile, params, safemalloc, GifFileType::SBackGroundColor, SCL_DO_ALPHA, GifFileType::SColorMap, GifFileType::SColorResolution, GifFileType::SHeight, SHOW_TIME, START_TIME, GifFileType::SWidth, True, ASGifExportParams::type, ASImageExportParams::type, ASImage::width, write_gif_saved_images(), x, x01, and y.

Bool ASImage2ico ( ASImage im,
const char *  path,
ASImageExportParams params 

Definition at line 1025 of file export.c.


Bool ASImage2jpeg ( ASImage im,
const char *  path,
ASImageExportParams params 

Definition at line 740 of file export.c.

References ASIT_Jpeg, b, ASScanline::blue, ASImageDecoder::buffer, ASImageDecoder::decode_image_scanline, EXPORT_GRAYSCALE, False, fclose(), free(), g, get_flags, ASScanline::green, ASImage::height, i, jpeg_compress_struct::image_height, jpeg_compress_struct::image_width, jpeg_compress_struct::in_color_space, jpeg_compress_struct::input_components, int, JCS_GRAYSCALE, JCS_RGB, ASImageExportParams::jpeg, jpeg_create_compress, jpeg_destroy_compress(), jpeg_finish_compress(), jpeg_set_defaults(), jpeg_set_quality(), jpeg_start_compress(), jpeg_std_error(), jpeg_stdio_dest(), jpeg_write_scanlines(), LOCAL_DEBUG_OUT, MIN, NULL, open_writeable_image_file(), outfile, params, ASScanline::red, safemalloc, SCL_DO_BLUE, SCL_DO_GREEN, SCL_DO_RED, SHOW_TIME, start_image_decoding(), START_TIME, stop_image_decoding(), TRUE, True, ASJpegExportParams::type, ASImageExportParams::type, void, ASImage::width, and y.

Bool ASImage2png ( ASImage im,
const char *  path,
register ASImageExportParams params 

Definition at line 642 of file export.c.

References ASImage2png_int(), False, fclose(), NULL, open_writeable_image_file(), and outfile.

static Bool ASImage2png_int ( ASImage im,
void *  data,
png_rw_ptr  write_fn,
png_flush_ptr  flush_fn,
register ASImageExportParams params 
) [static]

Definition at line 480 of file export.c.

References a, ASScanline::alpha, ARGB32_BLUE16, ARGB32_GREEN16, ARGB32_RED16, ASIT_Png, b, ASImage::back_color, png_color_16_struct::blue, ASScanline::blue, ASImageDecoder::buffer, ASPngExportParams::compression, ASImageDecoder::decode_image_scanline, EXPORT_ALPHA, EXPORT_GRAYSCALE, False, ASPngExportParams::flags, free(), g, get_asimage_chanmask(), get_flags, ASScanline::green, png_color_16_struct::green, ASImage::height, i, info_ptr, int, LOCAL_DEBUG_OUT, MIN, NULL, PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY, PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY_ALPHA, PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB, PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB_ALPHA, PNG_COMPRESSION_TYPE_DEFAULT, png_create_info_struct(), png_create_write_struct(), png_destroy_info_struct(), png_destroy_write_struct(), PNG_FILTER_TYPE_DEFAULT, png_init_io(), PNG_INTERLACE_NONE, PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, png_set_bKGD(), png_set_compression_level(), png_set_IHDR(), png_set_write_fn(), png_write_end(), png_write_info(), png_write_rows(), ASScanline::red, png_color_16_struct::red, safecalloc, safemalloc, SCL_DO_ALL, SCL_DO_ALPHA, SCL_DO_BLUE, SCL_DO_GREEN, SCL_DO_RED, SHOW_TIME, start_image_decoding(), START_TIME, stop_image_decoding(), True, ASImage::width, and y.

Referenced by ASImage2png(), and ASImage2PNGBuff().

Bool ASImage2PNGBuff ( ASImage im,
CARD8 **  buffer,
int *  size,
ASImageExportParams params 

Definition at line 689 of file export.c.

References asim_png_flush_data(), asim_png_write_data(), ASImage2png_int(), ASImPNGBuffer::buffer, False, free(), NULL, params, True, and ASImPNGBuffer::used_size.

Referenced by TASImage::GetImageBuffer().

Bool ASImage2ppm ( ASImage im,
const char *  path,
ASImageExportParams params 

Definition at line 919 of file export.c.


Bool ASImage2tiff ( ASImage im,
const char *  path,
ASImageExportParams params 

Definition at line 1240 of file export.c.

References a, ASScanline::alpha, ASImage2tiff(), ASIT_Tiff, b, ASScanline::blue, buf, ASImageDecoder::buffer, ASTiffExportParams::compression_type, ASImageDecoder::decode_image_scanline, EXPORT_ALPHA, EXPORT_GRAYSCALE, False, g, get_asimage_chanmask(), get_flags, ASScanline::green, ASImage::height, i, k, LOCAL_DEBUG_OUT, NULL, out, params, ASScanline::red, row, SCL_DO_ALL, SCL_DO_ALPHA, SCL_DO_BLUE, SCL_DO_GREEN, SCL_DO_RED, SHOW_TIME, SHOW_UNSUPPORTED_NOTE, start_image_decoding(), START_TIME, stop_image_decoding(), TIFF_COMPRESSION_NONE, True, ASTiffExportParams::type, and ASImage::width.

Referenced by ASImage2tiff().

Bool ASImage2xcf ( ASImage im,
const char *  path,
ASImageExportParams params 

Definition at line 895 of file export.c.

References False, free_xcf_image(), NULL, print_xcf_image(), SHOW_PENDING_IMPLEMENTATION_NOTE, SHOW_TIME, and START_TIME.

Referenced by TASImage::WriteImage().

Bool ASImage2xpm ( ASImage im,
const char *  path,
ASImageExportParams params 

Definition at line 271 of file export.c.

References ASIT_Xpm, ASColormapEntry::blue, build_xpm_charmap(), ASXpmCharmap::char_code, colormap_asimage(), ASColormap::count, ASXpmCharmap::count, ASXpmCharmap::cpp, destroy_colormap(), destroy_xpm_charmap(), ASColormap::entries, EXPORT_ALPHA, False, fclose(), fprintf(), free(), get_flags, ASColormapEntry::green, ASColormap::has_opaque, ASImage::height, height, LOCAL_DEBUG_CALLER_OUT, LOCAL_DEBUG_OUT, NULL, open_writeable_image_file(), outfile, params, ptr, ASColormapEntry::red, show_error, SHOW_TIME, START_TIME, True, ASImageExportParams::type, ASXpmExportParams::type, ASImage::width, x, ASImageExportParams::xpm, and y.

Bool ASImage2xpmRawBuff ( ASImage im,
CARD8 **  buffer,
int *  size,
ASImageExportParams params 

Definition at line 354 of file export.c.

References ASIT_Xpm, ASColormapEntry::blue, build_xpm_charmap(), calloc(), ASXpmCharmap::char_code, colormap_asimage(), ASColormap::count, ASXpmCharmap::count, ASXpmCharmap::cpp, destroy_colormap(), destroy_xpm_charmap(), ASColormap::entries, EXPORT_ALPHA, False, free(), get_flags, ASColormapEntry::green, ASColormap::has_opaque, ASImage::height, LOCAL_DEBUG_OUT, NULL, params, ptr, ASColormapEntry::red, SHOW_TIME, sprintf(), START_TIME, True, ASImageExportParams::type, ASXpmExportParams::type, ASImage::width, x, ASImageExportParams::xpm, and y.

Referenced by TASImage::CreateThumbnail(), and TASImage::GetImageBuffer().

static size_t bmp_write16 ( FILE *  fp,
CARD16 *  data,
int  count 
) [static]

Definition at line 953 of file export.c.

References fwrite, size_t, and total.

Referenced by ASImage2bmp().

static size_t bmp_write32 ( FILE *  fp,
CARD32 *  data,
int  count 
) [static]

Definition at line 930 of file export.c.

References fwrite, size_t, and total.

Referenced by ASImage2bmp().

static FILE* open_writeable_image_file ( const char *  path  )  [static]

Definition at line 186 of file export.c.

References fopen, fp, NULL, and show_error.

Referenced by ASImage2bmp(), ASImage2gif(), ASImage2jpeg(), ASImage2png(), and ASImage2xpm().

void scanline2raw ( register CARD8 *  row,
ASScanline buf,
CARD8 *  gamma_table,
unsigned int  width,
Bool  grayscale,
Bool  do_alpha 

Definition at line 199 of file export.c.

References buf, and x.

Variable Documentation

as_image_writer_func as_image_file_writers[ASIT_Unknown]

Initial value:

        ASImage2xpm ,
        ASImage2xpm ,
        ASImage2xpm ,
        ASImage2png ,
        ASImage2xcf ,
        ASImage2ppm ,
        ASImage2ppm ,
        ASImage2bmp ,
        ASImage2ico ,
        ASImage2ico ,
        ASImage2gif ,

Definition at line 123 of file export.c.

Referenced by ASImage2file().

Generated on Tue Jul 5 15:57:54 2011 for ROOT_528-00b_version by  doxygen 1.5.1