ROOT::Minuit2 Namespace Reference


class  ABObj
class  ABObj< vec, LAVector, double >
class  ABObj< sym, LASymMatrix, double >
class  ABProd
class  ABSum
class  gen
class  sym
class  vec
class  AlgebraicSumType
class  AlgebraicSumType< T, T >
class  AlgebraicSumType< vec, gen >
class  AlgebraicSumType< gen, vec >
class  AlgebraicSumType< vec, sym >
class  AlgebraicSumType< sym, vec >
class  AlgebraicProdType
class  AlgebraicProdType< T, T >
class  AlgebraicProdType< gen, gen >
class  AlgebraicProdType< sym, sym >
class  AlgebraicProdType< sym, gen >
class  AlgebraicProdType< gen, sym >
class  AlgebraicProdType< vec, gen >
class  AlgebraicProdType< gen, vec >
class  AlgebraicProdType< vec, sym >
class  AlgebraicProdType< sym, vec >
class  AnalyticalGradientCalculator
class  BasicFunctionGradient
class  BasicFunctionMinimum
class  BasicMinimumError
class  BasicMinimumParameters
class  BasicMinimumSeed
class  BasicMinimumState
class  CombinedMinimizer
class  CombinedMinimumBuilder
class  ContoursError
class  DavidonErrorUpdator
class  FCNAdapter
class  FCNBase
class  FCNGradAdapter
class  FCNGradientBase
class  FumiliBuilder
class  FumiliChi2FCN
class  FumiliErrorUpdator
class  FumiliFCNAdapter
class  FumiliFCNBase
class  FumiliGradientCalculator
class  FumiliMaximumLikelihoodFCN
class  FumiliMinimizer
class  FumiliStandardChi2FCN
class  FumiliStandardMaximumLikelihoodFCN
class  FunctionGradient
class  FunctionMinimizer
class  FunctionMinimum
class  GenericFunction
class  GradientCalculator
class  HessianGradientCalculator
class  InitialGradientCalculator
class  LASymMatrix
class  LAVector
class  MatrixInverse
class  MatrixInverse< vec, M, T >
class  MinimumBuilder
class  MinimumError
class  MinimumErrorUpdator
class  MinimumParameters
class  MinimumSeed
class  MinimumSeedGenerator
class  MinimumState
class  MinosError
class  Minuit2Minimizer
class  MinuitParameter
class  MnApplication
class  MnContours
class  MnCovarianceSqueeze
class  MnCross
class  MnEigen
class  MnFcn
class  MnFumiliMinimize
class  MnFunctionCross
class  MnGlobalCorrelationCoeff
class  MnHesse
class  MnLineSearch
class  MnMachinePrecision
class  MnMigrad
class  MnMinimize
class  MnMinos
class  MnParabola
class  MnParabolaFactory
class  MnParabolaPoint
class  MnParameterScan
class  MnPlot
class  MnPosDef
class  MnRefCountedPointer
class  MnReferenceCounter
class  MnScan
class  MnSeedGenerator
class  MnSimplex
class  MnStrategy
class  MnTiny
class  MnUserCovariance
class  MnUserFcn
class  MnUserParameters
class  MnUserParameterState
class  MnUserTransformation
class  MnVectorTransform
class  ModularFunctionMinimizer
class  MPITerminate
class  MPIProcess
class  NegativeG2LineSearch
class  Numerical2PGradientCalculator
class  ParametricFunction
class  ScanBuilder
class  ScanMinimizer
class  SimplexBuilder
class  SimplexMinimizer
class  SimplexParameters
class  SimplexSeedGenerator
class  SinParameterTransformation
class  SqrtLowParameterTransformation
class  SqrtUpParameterTransformation
class  StackOverflow
 define stack allocator symbol More...
class  StackError
class  StackAllocator
class  StackAllocatorHolder
class  VariableMetricBuilder
class  VariableMetricEDMEstimator
class  VariableMetricMinimizer
class  VectorOuterProduct
class  MnParStr
class  FlatRandomGen
class  GaussDataGen
class  GaussFcn
class  GaussFcn2
class  GaussFunction
class  GaussianModelFunction
class  GaussRandomGen
class  Quad12F
class  Quad1F
class  Quad4F
class  Quad4FGrad
class  Quad8F


typedef LASymMatrix MnAlgebraicSymMatrix
typedef LAVector MnAlgebraicVector
typedef LASymMatrix MnAlgebraicSymMatrix
typedef LAVector MnAlgebraicVector


enum  EMinimizerType
enum  EMinimizerType


template<class mt, class M, class T>
ABObj< mt, M, Toperator * (T f, const M &obj)
template<class mt, class M, class T>
ABObj< mt, M, Toperator/ (const M &obj, T f)
template<class mt, class M, class T>
ABObj< mt, M, Toperator- (const M &obj)
template<class atype, class A, class btype, class B, class T>
ABObj< typename AlgebraicProdType<
atype, btype >::Type, ABProd<
ABObj< atype, A, T >, ABObj<
btype, B, T > >, T
operator * (const ABObj< atype, A, T > &a, const ABObj< btype, B, T > &b)
template<class atype, class A, class btype, class B, class T>
ABObj< typename AlgebraicSumType<
atype, btype >::Type, ABSum<
ABObj< atype, A, T >, ABObj<
btype, B, T > >, T
operator+ (const ABObj< atype, A, T > &a, const ABObj< btype, B, T > &b)
template<class atype, class A, class btype, class B, class T>
ABObj< typename AlgebraicSumType<
atype, btype >::Type, ABSum<
ABObj< atype, A, T >, ABObj<
btype, B, T > >, T
operator- (const ABObj< atype, A, T > &a, const ABObj< btype, B, T > &b)
ABObj< sym, MatrixInverse<
sym, ABObj< sym, LASymMatrix,
double >, double >, double
Inverse (const ABObj< sym, LASymMatrix, double > &obj)
template<class T>
ABObj< sym, MatrixInverse<
sym, ABObj< sym, LASymMatrix,
double >, double >, double
operator * (T f, const ABObj< sym, MatrixInverse< sym, ABObj< sym, LASymMatrix, double >, double >, double > &inv)
template<class T>
ABObj< sym, MatrixInverse<
sym, ABObj< sym, LASymMatrix,
double >, double >, double
operator/ (const ABObj< sym, MatrixInverse< sym, ABObj< sym, LASymMatrix, double >, double >, double > &inv, T f)
template<class T>
ABObj< sym, MatrixInverse<
sym, ABObj< sym, LASymMatrix,
double >, double >, double
operator- (const ABObj< sym, MatrixInverse< sym, ABObj< sym, LASymMatrix, double >, double >, double > &inv)
int Invert (LASymMatrix &)
int Invert_undef_sym (LASymMatrix &)
ABObj< sym, VectorOuterProduct<
ABObj< vec, LAVector, double >,
double >, double
Outer_product (const ABObj< vec, LAVector, double > &obj)
template<class T>
ABObj< sym, VectorOuterProduct<
ABObj< vec, LAVector, T >,
T >, T
operator * (T f, const ABObj< sym, VectorOuterProduct< ABObj< vec, LAVector, T >, T >, T > &obj)
template<class T>
ABObj< sym, VectorOuterProduct<
ABObj< vec, LAVector, T >,
T >, T
operator/ (const ABObj< sym, VectorOuterProduct< ABObj< vec, LAVector, T >, T >, T > &obj, T f)
template<class T>
ABObj< sym, VectorOuterProduct<
ABObj< vec, LAVector, T >,
T >, T
operator- (const ABObj< sym, VectorOuterProduct< ABObj< vec, LAVector, T >, T >, T > &obj)
void Outer_prod (LASymMatrix &, const LAVector &, double f=1.)
int Mndaxpy (unsigned int, double, const double *, int, double *, int)
int Mndscal (unsigned int, double, double *, int)
int Mndspmv (const char *, unsigned int, double, const double *, const double *, int, double, double *, int)
template<class mt, class M, class T>
ABObj< mt, MatrixInverse<
mt, ABObj< mt, M, T >, T >,
Inverse (const ABObj< mt, M, T > &obj)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const FunctionMinimum &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const MinimumState &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const LAVector &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const LASymMatrix &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const MnUserParameters &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const MnUserCovariance &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const MnGlobalCorrelationCoeff &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const MnUserParameterState &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const MnMachinePrecision &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const MinosError &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const ContoursError &)
template<class M, class T>
ABObj< sym, VectorOuterProduct<
ABObj< vec, M, T >, T >,
Outer_product (const ABObj< vec, M, T > &obj)
double inner_product (const LAVector &, const LAVector &)
double similarity (const LAVector &, const LASymMatrix &)
double sum_of_elements (const LASymMatrix &)
int mneigen (double *, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, double *, double)
LAVector eigenvalues (const LASymMatrix &mat)
double mnddot (unsigned int, const double *, int, const double *, int)
int mnvert (LASymMatrix &t)
int mndspr (const char *, unsigned int, double, const double *, int, double *)
double mndasum (unsigned int, const double *, int)
double sum_of_elements (const LAVector &v)
int ControlPrintLevel ()
void RestoreGlobalPrintLevel (int)
void mnbins (double a1, double a2, int naa, double &bl, double &bh, int &nb, double &bwid)
void PrintContourPoint (const std::pair< double, double > &point)
bool mnlsame (const char *, const char *)
int mnxerbla (const char *, int)
void mnplot (double *xpt, double *ypt, char *chpt, int nxypt, int npagwd, int npagln)

Typedef Documentation

typedef LASymMatrix ROOT::Minuit2::MnAlgebraicSymMatrix

Definition at line 41 of file MnMatrix.h.

typedef LASymMatrix ROOT::Minuit2::MnAlgebraicSymMatrix

Definition at line 41 of file MnMatrix.h.

typedef LAVector ROOT::Minuit2::MnAlgebraicVector

Definition at line 42 of file MnMatrix.h.

typedef LAVector ROOT::Minuit2::MnAlgebraicVector

Definition at line 42 of file MnMatrix.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum ROOT::Minuit2::EMinimizerType

Definition at line 45 of file Minuit2Minimizer.h.

enum ROOT::Minuit2::EMinimizerType

Definition at line 45 of file Minuit2Minimizer.h.

Function Documentation

int ROOT::Minuit2::ControlPrintLevel (  ) 

Definition at line 67 of file Minuit2Minimizer.cxx.

LAVector ROOT::Minuit2::eigenvalues ( const LASymMatrix &  mat  ) 

Definition at line 20 of file LaEigenValues.cxx.

References i, info, j, mneigen(), ROOT::Minuit2::LASymMatrix::Nrow(), and result().

Referenced by ROOT::Minuit2::MnPosDef::operator()(), and ROOT::Minuit2::MnEigen::operator()().

double ROOT::Minuit2::inner_product ( const LAVector &  ,
const LAVector &   

Definition at line 19 of file LaInnerProduct.cxx.

References mnddot(), and v1.

Referenced by ROOT::Minuit2::VariableMetricBuilder::Minimum(), ROOT::Minuit2::FumiliBuilder::Minimum(), ROOT::Math::GoFTest::SetParameters(), TKDE::SetSigma(), and ROOT::Minuit2::DavidonErrorUpdator::Update().

template<class mt, class M, class T>
ABObj< mt, MatrixInverse< mt, ABObj< mt, M, T >, T >, T > ROOT::Minuit2::Inverse ( const ABObj< mt, M, T > &  obj  )  [inline]

Definition at line 60 of file MatrixInverse.h.

References T.

Referenced by G__G__GenVector_176_0_23(), G__G__GenVector_177_0_7(), G__G__GenVector_178_0_13(), G__G__GenVector_179_0_12(), G__G__GenVector_180_0_12(), G__G__GenVector_181_0_12(), G__G__GenVector_182_0_12(), G__G__GenVector_183_0_13(), G__G__GenVector_188_0_13(), G__G__GenVector_191_0_13(), G__G__GenVector_194_0_13(), G__G__GenVector_197_0_18(), G__G__GenVector_200_0_32(), G__G__GenVector_203_0_11(), G__G__GenVector_204_0_27(), G__G__Geom1_106_0_22(), G__G__Physics_146_0_23(), G__G__Physics_150_0_36(), G__G__Smatrix32_303_0_31(), G__G__Smatrix32_313_0_31(), G__G__Smatrix32_323_0_31(), G__G__Smatrix32_333_0_31(), G__G__Smatrix32_347_0_31(), G__G__Smatrix32_351_0_31(), G__G__Smatrix32_355_0_31(), G__G__Smatrix32_359_0_31(), G__G__Smatrix_119_0_31(), G__G__Smatrix_129_0_31(), G__G__Smatrix_137_0_31(), G__G__Smatrix_147_0_31(), G__G__Smatrix_157_0_31(), G__G__Smatrix_165_0_31(), G__G__Smatrix_175_0_31(), G__G__Smatrix_181_0_31(), G__G__Smatrix_187_0_31(), G__G__Smatrix_193_0_31(), G__G__Smatrix_199_0_31(), G__G__Smatrix_205_0_31(), G__G__Smatrix_211_0_31(), G__G__Smatrix_221_0_31(), G__G__Smatrix_229_0_31(), G__G__Smatrix_239_0_31(), G__G__Smatrix_249_0_31(), G__G__Smatrix_257_0_31(), G__G__Smatrix_267_0_31(), G__G__Smatrix_273_0_31(), G__G__Smatrix_279_0_31(), G__G__Smatrix_285_0_31(), G__G__Smatrix_291_0_31(), G__G__Smatrix_297_0_31(), G__G__Smatrix_307_0_31(), G__G__Smatrix_313_0_31(), G__G__Smatrix_317_0_31(), G__G__Smatrix_331_0_31(), G__G__Smatrix_337_0_31(), and G__G__Smatrix_341_0_31().

ABObj< sym, MatrixInverse< sym, ABObj< sym, LASymMatrix, double >, double >, double > ROOT::Minuit2::Inverse ( const ABObj< sym, LASymMatrix, double > &  obj  )  [inline]

Definition at line 25 of file LaInverse.h.

int ROOT::Minuit2::Invert ( LASymMatrix &   ) 

Definition at line 22 of file LaInverse.cxx.

References mnvert(), and t.

Referenced by G__G__Eve1_168_0_17(), G__G__GenVector_176_0_22(), G__G__GenVector_177_0_6(), G__G__GenVector_178_0_12(), G__G__GenVector_179_0_11(), G__G__GenVector_180_0_11(), G__G__GenVector_181_0_11(), G__G__GenVector_182_0_11(), G__G__GenVector_183_0_12(), G__G__GenVector_188_0_12(), G__G__GenVector_191_0_12(), G__G__GenVector_194_0_12(), G__G__GenVector_197_0_17(), G__G__GenVector_200_0_31(), G__G__GenVector_203_0_10(), G__G__GenVector_204_0_26(), G__G__GL_124_0_29(), G__G__Matrix_112_0_42(), G__G__Matrix_113_0_42(), G__G__Matrix_122_0_60(), G__G__Matrix_126_0_48(), G__G__Matrix_153_0_60(), G__G__Matrix_157_0_48(), G__G__Matrix_177_0_19(), G__G__Matrix_177_0_20(), G__G__Matrix_177_0_21(), G__G__Matrix_178_0_21(), G__G__Matrix_178_0_22(), G__G__Matrix_178_0_23(), G__G__Matrix_179_0_23(), G__G__Matrix_179_0_24(), G__G__Matrix_179_0_25(), G__G__Matrix_180_0_23(), G__G__Matrix_180_0_24(), G__G__Matrix_180_0_25(), G__G__Matrix_186_0_29(), G__G__Matrix_186_0_30(), G__G__Matrix_186_0_31(), G__G__Smatrix32_303_0_30(), G__G__Smatrix32_313_0_30(), G__G__Smatrix32_323_0_30(), G__G__Smatrix32_333_0_30(), G__G__Smatrix32_347_0_30(), G__G__Smatrix32_351_0_30(), G__G__Smatrix32_355_0_30(), G__G__Smatrix32_359_0_30(), G__G__Smatrix_119_0_30(), G__G__Smatrix_129_0_30(), G__G__Smatrix_137_0_30(), G__G__Smatrix_147_0_30(), G__G__Smatrix_157_0_30(), G__G__Smatrix_165_0_30(), G__G__Smatrix_175_0_30(), G__G__Smatrix_181_0_30(), G__G__Smatrix_187_0_30(), G__G__Smatrix_193_0_30(), G__G__Smatrix_199_0_30(), G__G__Smatrix_205_0_30(), G__G__Smatrix_211_0_30(), G__G__Smatrix_221_0_30(), G__G__Smatrix_229_0_30(), G__G__Smatrix_239_0_30(), G__G__Smatrix_249_0_30(), G__G__Smatrix_257_0_30(), G__G__Smatrix_267_0_30(), G__G__Smatrix_273_0_30(), G__G__Smatrix_279_0_30(), G__G__Smatrix_285_0_30(), G__G__Smatrix_291_0_30(), G__G__Smatrix_297_0_30(), G__G__Smatrix_307_0_30(), G__G__Smatrix_313_0_30(), G__G__Smatrix_317_0_30(), G__G__Smatrix_331_0_30(), G__G__Smatrix_337_0_30(), G__G__Smatrix_341_0_30(), ROOT::Minuit2::BasicMinimumError::Hessian(), ROOT::Minuit2::LASymMatrix::LASymMatrix(), ROOT::Minuit2::MnGlobalCorrelationCoeff::MnGlobalCorrelationCoeff(), ROOT::Minuit2::MnCovarianceSqueeze::operator()(), ROOT::Minuit2::MnHesse::operator()(), ROOT::Minuit2::LASymMatrix::operator+=(), ROOT::Minuit2::LASymMatrix::operator=(), and ROOT::Minuit2::FumiliErrorUpdator::Update().

int ROOT::Minuit2::Invert_undef_sym ( LASymMatrix &   ) 

void ROOT::Minuit2::mnbins ( double  a1,
double  a2,
int  naa,
double bl,
double bh,
int &  nb,
double bwid 

Definition at line 17 of file mnbins.cxx.

References double, int, log10(), and pow().

Referenced by G__G__Minuit_118_0_24(), and mnplot().

double ROOT::Minuit2::mndasum ( unsigned  int,
const double ,

Definition at line 22 of file mndasum.cxx.

References ROOT::Math::fabs(), and m.

Referenced by sum_of_elements().

int ROOT::Minuit2::Mndaxpy ( unsigned  int,
double  ,
const double ,
int  ,
double ,

Definition at line 20 of file mndaxpy.cxx.

References m.

Referenced by ROOT::Minuit2::LAVector::operator+=(), ROOT::Minuit2::LASymMatrix::operator+=(), ROOT::Minuit2::LASymMatrix::operator-=(), and ROOT::Minuit2::LAVector::operator-=().

double ROOT::Minuit2::mnddot ( unsigned  int,
const double ,
int  ,
const double ,

Definition at line 20 of file mnddot.cxx.

References m.

Referenced by inner_product(), and similarity().

int ROOT::Minuit2::Mndscal ( unsigned  int,
double  ,
double ,

Definition at line 20 of file mndscal.cxx.

References m.

Referenced by ROOT::Minuit2::LASymMatrix::LASymMatrix(), ROOT::Minuit2::LASymMatrix::operator *=(), ROOT::Minuit2::LAVector::operator *=(), ROOT::Minuit2::LAVector::operator+=(), and ROOT::Minuit2::LASymMatrix::operator+=().

int ROOT::Minuit2::Mndspmv ( const char *  ,
unsigned  int,
double  ,
const double ,
const double ,
int  ,
double  ,
double ,

Definition at line 23 of file mndspmv.cxx.

References info, j, k, mnlsame(), and mnxerbla().

Referenced by ROOT::Minuit2::LAVector::LAVector(), ROOT::Minuit2::LAVector::operator+=(), and ROOT::Minuit2::LAVector::operator=().

int ROOT::Minuit2::mndspr ( const char *  ,
unsigned  int,
double  ,
const double ,
int  ,

Definition at line 23 of file mndspr.cxx.

References info, j, k, mnlsame(), and mnxerbla().

Referenced by Outer_prod().

int ROOT::Minuit2::mneigen ( double ,
unsigned  int,
unsigned  int,
unsigned  int,
double ,

Definition at line 22 of file mnteigen.cxx.

References b, double, ROOT::Math::fabs(), j, k, l, m, pr(), s, and sqrt().

Referenced by eigenvalues().

bool ROOT::Minuit2::mnlsame ( const char *  ,
const char *   

Definition at line 22 of file mnlsame.cxx.

Referenced by Mndspmv(), and mndspr().

void ROOT::Minuit2::mnplot ( double xpt,
double ypt,
char *  chpt,
int  nxypt,
int  npagwd,
int  npagln 

Definition at line 26 of file mntplot.cxx.

References double, i, int, j, k, mnbins(), xmax, xmin, ymax, and ymin.

Referenced by G__G__Minuit_118_0_61(), and ROOT::Minuit2::MnPlot::operator()().

int ROOT::Minuit2::mnvert ( MnAlgebraicSymMatrix &  a  ) 

Inverts a symmetric matrix. Matrix is first scaled to have all ones on the diagonal (equivalent to change of units) but no pivoting is done since matrix is positive-definite.

Definition at line 24 of file mnvert.cxx.

References a, i, j, k, s, and sqrt().

Referenced by G__G__Minuit_118_0_76(), and Invert().

int ROOT::Minuit2::mnxerbla ( const char *  ,

Definition at line 27 of file mnxerbla.cxx.

Referenced by Mndspmv(), and mndspr().

template<class T>
ABObj< sym, VectorOuterProduct< ABObj< vec, LAVector, T >, T >, T > ROOT::Minuit2::operator * ( T  f,
const ABObj< sym, VectorOuterProduct< ABObj< vec, LAVector, T >, T >, T > &  obj 
) [inline]

Definition at line 34 of file LaOuterProduct.h.

References T.

template<class T>
ABObj< sym, MatrixInverse< sym, ABObj< sym, LASymMatrix, double >, double >, double > ROOT::Minuit2::operator * ( T  f,
const ABObj< sym, MatrixInverse< sym, ABObj< sym, LASymMatrix, double >, double >, double > &  inv 
) [inline]

Definition at line 30 of file LaInverse.h.

References inv().

template<class atype, class A, class btype, class B, class T>
ABObj< typename AlgebraicProdType< atype, btype >::Type, ABProd< ABObj< atype, A, T >, ABObj< btype, B, T > >, T > ROOT::Minuit2::operator * ( const ABObj< atype, A, T > &  a,
const ABObj< btype, B, T > &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 54 of file ABProd.h.

References a, b, and T.

template<class mt, class M, class T>
ABObj< mt, M, T > ROOT::Minuit2::operator * ( T  f,
const M &  obj 
) [inline]

Definition at line 140 of file ABObj.h.

template<class atype, class A, class btype, class B, class T>
ABObj< typename AlgebraicSumType< atype, btype >::Type, ABSum< ABObj< atype, A, T >, ABObj< btype, B, T > >, T > ROOT::Minuit2::operator+ ( const ABObj< atype, A, T > &  a,
const ABObj< btype, B, T > &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 54 of file ABSum.h.

References a, b, and T.

template<class T>
ABObj< sym, VectorOuterProduct< ABObj< vec, LAVector, T >, T >, T > ROOT::Minuit2::operator- ( const ABObj< sym, VectorOuterProduct< ABObj< vec, LAVector, T >, T >, T > &  obj  )  [inline]

Definition at line 48 of file LaOuterProduct.h.

References T.

template<class T>
ABObj< sym, MatrixInverse< sym, ABObj< sym, LASymMatrix, double >, double >, double > ROOT::Minuit2::operator- ( const ABObj< sym, MatrixInverse< sym, ABObj< sym, LASymMatrix, double >, double >, double > &  inv  )  [inline]

Definition at line 40 of file LaInverse.h.

References inv(), and T.

template<class atype, class A, class btype, class B, class T>
ABObj< typename AlgebraicSumType< atype, btype >::Type, ABSum< ABObj< atype, A, T >, ABObj< btype, B, T > >, T > ROOT::Minuit2::operator- ( const ABObj< atype, A, T > &  a,
const ABObj< btype, B, T > &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 61 of file ABSum.h.

References a, b, and T.

template<class mt, class M, class T>
ABObj< mt, M, T > ROOT::Minuit2::operator- ( const M &  obj  )  [inline]

Definition at line 152 of file ABObj.h.

References T.

template<class T>
ABObj< sym, VectorOuterProduct< ABObj< vec, LAVector, T >, T >, T > ROOT::Minuit2::operator/ ( const ABObj< sym, VectorOuterProduct< ABObj< vec, LAVector, T >, T >, T > &  obj,
T  f 
) [inline]

Definition at line 41 of file LaOuterProduct.h.

References T.

template<class T>
ABObj< sym, MatrixInverse< sym, ABObj< sym, LASymMatrix, double >, double >, double > ROOT::Minuit2::operator/ ( const ABObj< sym, MatrixInverse< sym, ABObj< sym, LASymMatrix, double >, double >, double > &  inv,
T  f 
) [inline]

Definition at line 35 of file LaInverse.h.

References inv().

template<class mt, class M, class T>
ABObj< mt, M, T > ROOT::Minuit2::operator/ ( const M &  obj,
T  f 
) [inline]

Definition at line 146 of file ABObj.h.

References T.

std::ostream & ROOT::Minuit2::operator<< ( std::ostream &  ,
const ContoursError &   

Definition at line 304 of file MnPrint.cxx.

References ROOT::Minuit2::ContoursError::NFcn(), plot(), ROOT::Minuit2::ContoursError::XMin(), ROOT::Minuit2::ContoursError::XMinosError(), ROOT::Minuit2::ContoursError::YMin(), and ROOT::Minuit2::ContoursError::YMinosError().

std::ostream & ROOT::Minuit2::operator<< ( std::ostream &  ,
const MinosError &   

Definition at line 262 of file MnPrint.cxx.

References ROOT::Minuit2::MinosError::AtLowerLimit(), ROOT::Minuit2::MinosError::AtLowerMaxFcn(), ROOT::Minuit2::MinosError::AtUpperLimit(), ROOT::Minuit2::MinosError::AtUpperMaxFcn(), ROOT::Minuit2::MinosError::IsValid(), ROOT::Minuit2::MinosError::Lower(), ROOT::Minuit2::MinosError::LowerNewMin(), ROOT::Minuit2::MinosError::LowerState(), ROOT::Minuit2::MinosError::LowerValid(), ROOT::Minuit2::MinosError::Min(), ROOT::Minuit2::MnUserParameterState::Name(), ROOT::Minuit2::MinosError::NFcn(), ROOT::Minuit2::MinosError::Parameter(), pr(), PRECISION, ROOT::Minuit2::MinosError::Upper(), ROOT::Minuit2::MinosError::UpperNewMin(), ROOT::Minuit2::MinosError::UpperState(), ROOT::Minuit2::MinosError::UpperValid(), and WIDTH.

std::ostream & ROOT::Minuit2::operator<< ( std::ostream &  ,
const MnMachinePrecision &   

Definition at line 249 of file MnPrint.cxx.

References ROOT::Minuit2::MnMachinePrecision::Eps(), pr(), and PRECISION.

std::ostream & ROOT::Minuit2::operator<< ( std::ostream &  ,
const MnUserParameterState &   

Definition at line 171 of file MnPrint.cxx.

References ROOT::Minuit2::MnUserParameterState::Covariance(), ROOT::Minuit2::MnUserParameterState::Edm(), ROOT::Minuit2::MnUserParameterState::Fval(), ROOT::Minuit2::MnUserParameterState::GlobalCC(), ROOT::Minuit2::MnUserParameterState::HasCovariance(), ROOT::Minuit2::MnUserParameterState::HasGlobalCC(), ROOT::Minuit2::MnUserParameterState::IsValid(), ROOT::Minuit2::MnUserParameterState::NFcn(), ROOT::Minuit2::MnUserParameterState::Parameters(), pr(), and PRECISION.

std::ostream & ROOT::Minuit2::operator<< ( std::ostream &  ,
const MnGlobalCorrelationCoeff &   

Definition at line 153 of file MnPrint.cxx.

References ROOT::Minuit2::MnGlobalCorrelationCoeff::GlobalCC(), i, and pr().

std::ostream & ROOT::Minuit2::operator<< ( std::ostream &  ,
const MnUserCovariance &   

Definition at line 116 of file MnPrint.cxx.

References ROOT::Math::fabs(), i, j, n, pr(), and sqrt().

std::ostream & ROOT::Minuit2::operator<< ( std::ostream &  ,
const MnUserParameters &   

Definition at line 67 of file MnPrint.cxx.

References ROOT::Math::fabs(), par, pr(), PRECISION, and WIDTH.

std::ostream & ROOT::Minuit2::operator<< ( std::ostream &  ,
const LASymMatrix &   

Definition at line 49 of file MnPrint.cxx.

References i, j, n, and pr().

std::ostream & ROOT::Minuit2::operator<< ( std::ostream &  ,
const LAVector &   

Definition at line 34 of file MnPrint.cxx.

References i, pr(), PRECISION, ROOT::Minuit2::LAVector::size(), and WIDTH.

std::ostream & ROOT::Minuit2::operator<< ( std::ostream &  ,
const MinimumState &   

Definition at line 231 of file MnPrint.cxx.

References min, pr(), and PRECISION.

std::ostream & ROOT::Minuit2::operator<< ( std::ostream &  ,
const FunctionMinimum &   

Definition at line 200 of file MnPrint.cxx.

References min, pr(), and PRECISION.

void ROOT::Minuit2::Outer_prod ( LASymMatrix &  ,
const LAVector &  ,
double  f = 1. 

Definition at line 50 of file LaOuterProduct.cxx.

References A, and mndspr().

Referenced by ROOT::Minuit2::LASymMatrix::LASymMatrix(), ROOT::Minuit2::LASymMatrix::operator+=(), and ROOT::Minuit2::LASymMatrix::operator=().

template<class M, class T>
ABObj< sym, VectorOuterProduct< ABObj< vec, M, T >, T >, T > ROOT::Minuit2::Outer_product ( const ABObj< vec, M, T > &  obj  )  [inline]

Definition at line 40 of file VectorOuterProduct.h.

References T.

ABObj< sym, VectorOuterProduct< ABObj< vec, LAVector, double >, double >, double > ROOT::Minuit2::Outer_product ( const ABObj< vec, LAVector, double > &  obj  )  [inline]

Definition at line 27 of file LaOuterProduct.h.

Referenced by ROOT::Minuit2::DavidonErrorUpdator::Update().

void ROOT::Minuit2::PrintContourPoint ( const std::pair< double, double > &  point  ) 

Definition at line 29 of file MnContours.cxx.

References MN_INFO_MSG2, and ROOT::Math::Util::ToString().

Referenced by ROOT::Minuit2::MnContours::Contour().

void ROOT::Minuit2::RestoreGlobalPrintLevel ( int   ) 

Definition at line 68 of file Minuit2Minimizer.cxx.

Referenced by ROOT::Minuit2::Minuit2Minimizer::Contour(), ROOT::Minuit2::Minuit2Minimizer::GetMinosError(), ROOT::Minuit2::Minuit2Minimizer::Hesse(), ROOT::Minuit2::Minuit2Minimizer::Minimize(), and ROOT::Minuit2::Minuit2Minimizer::Scan().

double ROOT::Minuit2::similarity ( const LAVector &  ,
const LASymMatrix &   

Definition at line 21 of file LaVtMVSimilarity.cxx.

References ROOT::Minuit2::LAVector::Data(), mnddot(), and value.

Referenced by ROOT::Minuit2::VariableMetricEDMEstimator::Estimate(), and ROOT::Minuit2::DavidonErrorUpdator::Update().

double ROOT::Minuit2::sum_of_elements ( const LAVector &  v  ) 

Definition at line 20 of file LaSumOfElements.cxx.

References mndasum().

double ROOT::Minuit2::sum_of_elements ( const LASymMatrix &   ) 

Definition at line 26 of file LaSumOfElements.cxx.

References m, and mndasum().

Referenced by ROOT::Minuit2::DavidonErrorUpdator::Update(), and ROOT::Minuit2::FumiliErrorUpdator::Update().

Generated on Tue Jul 5 17:00:27 2011 for ROOT_528-00b_version by  doxygen 1.5.1