v2.10-0 (21000JUN2005)

Uses of Class

Packages that use TGo4Command

Uses of TGo4Command in Go4CommandsAnalysis

Subclasses of TGo4Command in Go4CommandsAnalysis
class TGo4AnalysisCommand

Uses of TGo4Command in Go4CommandsBase

Fields in Go4CommandsBase declared as TGo4Command
private TGo4Command*TGo4CommandInvoker.fxCommand

Methods in Go4CommandsBase that return TGo4Command
TGo4Command*TGo4CommandProtoList.MakeCommand(const char * name)
          Creates a Clone of the specified command by name

Methods in Go4CommandsBase with parameters of type TGo4Command
virtual voidTGo4CommandInvoker.Invoke(TGo4Command* com)
voidTGo4CommandProtoList.AddCommand(TGo4Command* com)
          Adds a Command to the list

Uses of TGo4Command in Go4CommandsTaskHandler

Subclasses of TGo4Command in Go4CommandsTaskHandler
class TGo4TaskHandlerCommand

Uses of TGo4Command in Go4GUIRegistry

Methods in Go4GUIRegistry that return TGo4Command
TGo4Command*TGo4GUIRegistry.MakeCommand(const char * name)
          Method using internal command prototype list to produce a clone
of the specified command

Methods in Go4GUIRegistry with parameters of type TGo4Command
voidTGo4GUIRegistry.SubmitCommand(TGo4Command* com, const char * ObjectName, TGo4SlotsBaseClass* p, Bool_t Monitor, TQRootCanvas* c, TPad* pad)
          send given command to the current client task

TGo4Command* com: The Command to be Submitted

const char * ObjectName=0 : Name of this Command

TGo4SlotsBaseClass *p=0: Slots Class which will recieve the result of this command

bool Monitor=kFALSE : flag t indicate if this command should be send once or continously

TQRootCanvas *c=0 : The canvas which will be used to draw the results of this command (if any)

TPad *pad=0 : The Pad which will be used to draw the results of this command (if any)

Uses of TGo4Command in Go4TaskHandler

Methods in Go4TaskHandler that return TGo4Command
virtual TGo4Command*TGo4ServerTask.NextCommand()
          Delivers next command.
          Delivers next command from command queue.
TGo4Command*TGo4Task.MakeCommand(const char * name)
          Method using internal command prototype list to produce a clone
of the specified command
virtual TGo4Command*TGo4Task.NextCommand()
          Delivers next command from command queue.

Methods in Go4TaskHandler with parameters of type TGo4Command
voidTGo4ClientTask.AddLocalCommand(TGo4Command* com)
          Put command into the command queue for local execution in main thread
Bool_tTGo4Master.SubmitCommand(TGo4Command* com)
          send given command to the current slave task.
voidTGo4Task.AddUserCommand(TGo4Command* com)
          Add a user command object to the existing command list.
Bool_tTGo4Task.SubmitCommand(TGo4Command* com)
          send given command to the current client task.
Bool_tTGo4Task.SubmitLocalCommand(TGo4Command* com)
          send given command to the current client task.

Uses of TGo4Command in Go4TaskHandlerExample

Subclasses of TGo4Command in Go4TaskHandlerExample
class TGo4ExampleCommand

Methods in Go4TaskHandlerExample that return TGo4Command

J.Adamczewski, M.Al-Turany, D.Bertini, H.G.Essel, S.Linev
