v2.10-0 (21000JUN2005)

Class TGo4PolyCond

class TGo4PolyCond
derived from TGo4Condition

Field Summary
 private TCutG*cut
          Cut pointer.
 private Int_tfiPoints
          Number of points.
 private Double_tfXmax
          Maximum X coordinate.
 private Double_tfXmin
          Minimum X coordinate.
 private Double_tfYmax
          Maximum Y coordinate.
 private Double_tfYmin
          Minimum Y coordinate.

Fields inherited from class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition

Fields inherited from class TAttFill
fFillColor, fFillStyle

Fields inherited from class TAttLine
fLineColor, fLineStyle, fLineWidth

Fields inherited from class TNamed
fName, fTitle

Constructor Summary
TGo4PolyCond(const Text_t* name)
TGo4PolyCond(const Text_t* name, const Text_t* title)

Destructor Summary
 virtual synchronized ~TGo4PolyCond()

Method Summary
 static voidCleanupSpecials()
          Remove all references to any TCutGs from ROOT list of specials.
 private TCutG*CloneCut(TGo4PolyCond* source)
          Returns pointer to a cloned cut from source.
 private TH2*CreateCutHistogram(TH1* source)
          Create clone of source histogram that only has
contents for bins inside the current TCutG.
 virtual TGo4ConditionPainter*CreatePainter()
          Factory method to generate the subclass implentation for painter
 virtual Double_tGetCMax(TH1* histo)
          Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.
 TCutG*GetCut(Bool_t changeowner)
          Used to return the cut pointer of a TGo4PolyCond.
 virtual Double_tGetIntegral(TH1* histo, Option_t* opt)
          Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.
 virtual Double_tGetMean(TH1* histo, Int_t axis)
          Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.
 virtual Double_tGetRMS(TH1* histo, Int_t axis)
          Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.
 virtual Double_tGetXLow()
          minimum extension of polygon in x axis
 virtual Double_tGetXMax(TH1* histo)
          Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.
 virtual Double_tGetXUp()
          maximum extension of polygon in x axis
 virtual Double_tGetYLow()
          minimum extension of polygon in y axis
 virtual Double_tGetYMax(TH1* histo)
          Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.
 virtual Double_tGetYUp()
          maximum extension of polygon in y axis
 virtual Bool_tIsPolygonType()
 voidPrintCondition(Bool_t points)
          Printout values.
 virtual voidSetPainter(TGo4ConditionPainter* painter)
          Replace default painter of this condition by external one.
if different views of this condition shall exist for different TPads,
the painter (i.e. view) can be exchanged before pad is updated.
 voidSetValues(Double_t* x, Double_t* y, Int_t len)
          Delete old cut and create a new cut with X,Y values.
 voidSetValues(TCutG* newcut)
          Delete old cut and create new one by cloning newcut.
 Bool_tTest(Double_t x, Double_t y)
          Test if X,Y are inside.
 Bool_tUpdateFrom(TGo4Condition* cond, Bool_t counts)
          Copy values from cond to this.

Methods inherited from class Go4ConditionsBase.TGo4Condition
AddCondition, CheckWorkHistogram, Clear, Counts, Disable, Draw, Enable, FixedResult, GetActiveCondition, GetCurrentIndex, GetDimension, GetDrawPad, GetFlags, GetLast, GetLinkedHistogram, GetNumberOfConditions, GetUpdateEpsilon, GetValues, GetWorkHistogram, IncCounts, IncTrueCounts, InitLabelStyle, Invert, IsArrayType, IsChanged, IsCMaxDraw, IsEnabled, IsFalse, IsHistogramLink, IsIntDraw, IsLabelDraw, IsLimitsDraw, IsMultiEdit, IsOwnedByEditor, IsPainted, IsTrue, IsVisible, IsXMaxDraw, IsXMeanDraw, IsXRMSDraw, IsYMaxDraw, IsYMeanDraw, IsYRMSDraw, MarkReset, Paint, Print, PrintBar, ResetCounts, ResetLabel, SaveLabelStyle, SetChanged, SetCMaxDraw, SetCounts, SetCurrentIndex, SetDimension, SetDrawPad, SetFlags, SetHistogram, SetHistogramLink, SetIntDraw, SetLabelDraw, SetLast, SetLimitsDraw, SetMultiEdit, SetOwnedByEditor, SetPadHistogram, SetPainted, SetUpdateEpsilon, SetValues, SetValues, SetValues, SetVisible, SetWorkHistogram, SetXMaxDraw, SetXMeanDraw, SetXRMSDraw, SetYMaxDraw, SetYMeanDraw, SetYRMSDraw, Test, Test, Test, TrueCounts, UnDraw

Methods inherited from class TAttFill
Copy, GetFillColor, GetFillStyle, IsTransparent, Modify, ResetAttFill, SaveFillAttributes, SetFillAttributes, SetFillColor, SetFillStyle, Class, Class_Name, Class_Version, Dictionary, IsA, ShowMembers, Streamer, StreamerNVirtual, DeclFileName, ImplFileLine, ImplFileName, DeclFileLine

Methods inherited from class TAttLine
Copy, DistancetoLine, GetLineColor, GetLineStyle, GetLineWidth, ResetAttLine, SaveLineAttributes, SetLineAttributes, SetLineColor, SetLineStyle, SetLineWidth

Methods inherited from class TNamed
operator=, Clone, Compare, Copy, FillBuffer, GetName, GetTitle, Hash, IsSortable, SetName, SetNameTitle, SetTitle, ls, Sizeof

Field Detail


private TCutG* cut
Cut pointer.


private Int_t fiPoints
Number of points.


private Double_t fXmax
Maximum X coordinate.


private Double_t fXmin
Minimum X coordinate.


private Double_t fYmax
Maximum Y coordinate.


private Double_t fYmin
Minimum Y coordinate.
Constructor Detail


public TGo4PolyCond()


public TGo4PolyCond(const Text_t* name)


public TGo4PolyCond(const Text_t* name, const Text_t* title)
Method Detail


public virtual synchronized ~TGo4PolyCond()
Method Detail


public static void CleanupSpecials()
Remove all references to any TCutGs from ROOT list of specials.
To be used after loading condition from file, updating contition, or setting of cut.


private TCutG* CloneCut(TGo4PolyCond* source)
Returns pointer to a cloned cut from source. Name is set to callers name.
Used internally by UpdateFrom.


private TH2* CreateCutHistogram(TH1* source)
Create clone of source histogram that only has
contents for bins inside the current TCutG.
For calculation of statistical values.


public virtual TGo4ConditionPainter* CreatePainter()
Factory method to generate the subclass implentation for painter


public virtual Double_t GetCMax(TH1* histo)
Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.


public TCutG* GetCut(Bool_t changeowner)
Used to return the cut pointer of a TGo4PolyCond.
In source, pointer is set to 0, when changeowner is true.
Thus source object can be deleted without deleting the cut
which is now owned by the caller.
When changeowner is false, the pointer can only be used to
clone a new cut. The cut must not be deleted!


public virtual Double_t GetIntegral(TH1* histo, Option_t* opt)
Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.


public virtual Double_t GetMean(TH1* histo, Int_t axis)
Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.


public virtual Double_t GetRMS(TH1* histo, Int_t axis)
Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.


public virtual Double_t GetXLow()
minimum extension of polygon in x axis


public virtual Double_t GetXMax(TH1* histo)
Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.


public virtual Double_t GetXUp()
maximum extension of polygon in x axis


public virtual Double_t GetYLow()
minimum extension of polygon in y axis


public virtual Double_t GetYMax(TH1* histo)
Calculate value for histogram inside condition limits.


public virtual Double_t GetYUp()
maximum extension of polygon in y axis


public virtual Bool_t IsPolygonType()


public void PrintCondition(Bool_t points)
Printout values. If points is true, printout polygon points.


public virtual void SetPainter(TGo4ConditionPainter* painter)
Replace default painter of this condition by external one.
if different views of this condition shall exist for different TPads,
the painter (i.e. view) can be exchanged before pad is updated.


public void SetValues(Double_t* x, Double_t* y, Int_t len)
Delete old cut and create a new cut with X,Y values.


public void SetValues(TCutG* newcut)
Delete old cut and create new one by cloning newcut.


public Bool_t Test(Double_t x, Double_t y)
Test if X,Y are inside.


public Bool_t UpdateFrom(TGo4Condition* cond, Bool_t counts)
Copy values from cond to this.
Get a clone cut from cond by CloneCut as new cut. If counts is true, copy counters too.

Association Links

to Class TCutG

Cut pointer.

J.Adamczewski, M.Al-Turany, D.Bertini, H.G.Essel, S.Linev
