v2.10-0 (21000JUN2005)

Uses of Class

Packages that use TGo4Condition

Uses of TGo4Condition in Go4Analysis

Methods in Go4Analysis that return TGo4Condition
TGo4Condition*TGo4Analysis.GetAnalysisCondition(const Text_t* name)
          Retrieves an analysis condition from list by name.
TGo4Condition*TGo4AnalysisObjectManager.GetAnalysisCondition(const Text_t* name)
          Retrieves an analysis condition from list by name.

Methods in Go4Analysis with parameters of type TGo4Condition
Bool_tTGo4Analysis.AddAnalysisCondition(TGo4Condition* con, const Text_t* subfolder)
          Puts a new analysis condition object in corresponding list.
Bool_tTGo4Analysis.SetAnalysisCondition(const Text_t* name, TGo4Condition* con, Bool_t counter)
          Set existing analysis condition of name to the values
of external condition object con.
Int_tTGo4Analysis.StoreCondition(const Text_t* name, TGo4Condition* con)
          Write condition con into eventstore of the step specified by name.
Bool_tTGo4AnalysisObjectManager.AddAnalysisCondition(TGo4Condition* con, const Text_t* subfolder)
          Puts a new analysis condition object in corresponding list.
Bool_tTGo4AnalysisObjectManager.SetAnalysisCondition(const Text_t* name, TGo4Condition* con, Bool_t counter, TFolder* parent)
          Set existing analysis condition of name to the values
of external condition object con.
Int_tTGo4AnalysisStep.Store(TGo4Condition* conny)
          Saves a condition correllated with the current event into the storage.
Int_tTGo4AnalysisStepManager.Store(const Text_t* name, TGo4Condition* con)
          Write condition con into eventstore of the step specified by name.

Uses of TGo4Condition in Go4CommandsAnalysis

Fields in Go4CommandsAnalysis declared as TGo4Condition
private TGo4Condition*TGo4ComSetCondition.fxCondition
          Condition containing the properties which shall be set.

Methods in Go4CommandsAnalysis with parameters of type TGo4Condition
voidTGo4ComSetCondition.SetCondition(TGo4Condition* cond)

Uses of TGo4Condition in Go4ConditionsBase

Subclasses of TGo4Condition in Go4ConditionsBase
class TGo4CondArray
class TGo4CounterCond
class TGo4PolyCond
class TGo4WinCond

Fields in Go4ConditionsBase declared as TGo4Condition
private TGo4Condition*TGo4Condition.fxNextCondition
protected TGo4Condition*TGo4ConditionPainter.fxCondition
          Condition to be painted.

Methods in Go4ConditionsBase that return TGo4Condition
TGo4Condition*TGo4CondArray.At(Int_t i)
          Returns condition object i from object array.
virtual TGo4Condition*TGo4CondArray.GetActiveCondition()
          Access to the currently selected condition.
synchronized TGo4Condition*TGo4CondArray.operator[](Int_t i)
          Returns condition object i from object array.
virtual TGo4Condition*TGo4Condition.GetActiveCondition()
          To be overwritten for condition array.

Methods in Go4ConditionsBase with parameters of type TGo4Condition
virtual Bool_tTGo4CondArray.UpdateFrom(TGo4Condition* cond, Bool_t counts)
virtual voidTGo4Condition.AddCondition(TGo4Condition* next)
          Add another condition to this one.
virtual Bool_tTGo4Condition.UpdateFrom(TGo4Condition* cond, Bool_t counts)
          Copy values from cond to this.
virtual voidTGo4ConditionPainter.SetCondition(TGo4Condition* con)
          Not inline, because we overwrite this for polygon condition.
Bool_tTGo4CounterCond.UpdateFrom(TGo4Condition* cond, Bool_t counts)
Bool_tTGo4PolyCond.UpdateFrom(TGo4Condition* cond, Bool_t counts)
          Copy values from cond to this.
virtual voidTGo4PolyCondPainter.SetCondition(TGo4Condition* con)
Bool_tTGo4WinCond.UpdateFrom(TGo4Condition* cond, Bool_t counts)
          Copy values from cond to this.

Uses of TGo4Condition in Go4DynamicList

Fields in Go4DynamicList declared as TGo4Condition
private TGo4Condition*TGo4DynamicEntry.fxCondition
          Condition to be checked on processing this entry.

Methods in Go4DynamicList with parameters of type TGo4Condition
voidTGo4DynamicEntry.CleanupCondition(TGo4Condition* con)
          If condition con matches the internal condition, the
reference to internal condition will be reset to 0.
protected voidTGo4DynamicEntryStatus.SetCondition(TGo4Condition* con)
virtual voidTGo4DynamicList.CleanupCondition(TGo4Condition* con)
          Remove reference to condition con from all dynamic list entries.

Uses of TGo4Condition in Go4Event

Methods in Go4Event that return TGo4Condition
TGo4Condition*TGo4EventProcessor.GetAnalysisCondition(const Text_t* name)
          Get condition from go4 framework.

Methods in Go4Event with parameters of type TGo4Condition
Bool_tTGo4EventProcessor.AddAnalysisCondition(TGo4Condition* con, const Text_t* subfolder)
          Register condition to go4 framework.
Int_tTGo4EventStore.Store(TGo4Condition* conny)
          Saves a condition correllated with the current event into the storage.

Uses of TGo4Condition in Go4EventServer

Methods in Go4EventServer with parameters of type TGo4Condition
virtual Int_tTGo4BackStore.Store(TGo4Condition* conny)
          Saves a condition correllated with the current event into the storage.
virtual Int_tTGo4FileStore.Store(TGo4Condition* conny)
          Saves a condition correllated with the current event into the storage.

Uses of TGo4Condition in Go4GUI

Fields in Go4GUI declared as TGo4Condition
private TGo4Condition*TGo4PadOptions.fxCondition
private TGo4Condition*TGo4WindowEditStatus.fxCondition
          owner pointer on condition under edit

Methods in Go4GUI that return TGo4Condition
TGo4Condition*TGo4WindowEditSlots.GetWorkPadCondition(Int_t index)
          access to condition stored in the padoptions of a working pad.
          Direct access to condition.

Methods in Go4GUI with parameters of type TGo4Condition
voidTGo4PadOptions.SetCondition(TGo4Condition* con)
voidTGo4WindowEditSlots.SetWorkPadCondition(TGo4Condition* con)
          Stor condition con into options of current working pad
voidTGo4WindowEditStatus.SetCondition(TGo4Condition* con)
          Replace edited condition by new one

Uses of TGo4Condition in Go4StatusAnalysis

Fields in Go4StatusAnalysis declared as TGo4Condition
private TGo4Condition*TGo4ConditionStatus.fxCondition

Constructors in Go4StatusAnalysis with parameters of type TGo4Condition
TGo4ConditionStatus.TGo4ConditionStatus(TGo4Condition* condition)

Methods in Go4StatusAnalysis that return TGo4Condition
TGo4Condition*TGo4ConditionStatus.GetCondition(Bool_t chown)
          Access to the condition wrapped in the status object.

J.Adamczewski, M.Al-Turany, D.Bertini, H.G.Essel, S.Linev
