v2.10-0 (21000JUN2005)

Uses of Class

Packages that use TGo4PolyCond

Uses of TGo4PolyCond in Go4Analysis

Methods in Go4Analysis that return TGo4PolyCond
TGo4PolyCond*TGo4AnalysisObjectManager.MakePolyCond(const Text_t* foldername, const Text_t* conditionname, Int_t size, Float_t[2] points, const Text_t* bindhistogram, Bool_t invert)
          Create polygon 2-dim condition in conditions folder.

Uses of TGo4PolyCond in Go4ConditionsBase

Fields in Go4ConditionsBase declared as TGo4PolyCond
private TGo4PolyCond*TGo4PolyCondView.fxPolyCondition
          pointer to viewed condition for update after graphical action

Methods in Go4ConditionsBase that return TGo4PolyCond
TGo4PolyCond*TGo4CondArray.Poly(Int_t i)
          Returns polygon condition object i from object array.

Methods in Go4ConditionsBase with parameters of type TGo4PolyCond
private TCutG*TGo4PolyCond.CloneCut(TGo4PolyCond* source)
          Returns pointer to a cloned cut from source.
voidTGo4PolyCondView.SetCondition(TGo4PolyCond* condition)

Uses of TGo4PolyCond in Go4Example1Step

Fields in Go4Example1Step declared as TGo4PolyCond
private TGo4PolyCond*TXXXProc.fPolyCon

Uses of TGo4PolyCond in Go4Example2Step

Fields in Go4Example2Step declared as TGo4PolyCond
private TGo4PolyCond*TXXXUnpackProc.fPolyCon1

Uses of TGo4PolyCond in Go4ExampleUserSource

Fields in Go4ExampleUserSource declared as TGo4PolyCond
private TGo4PolyCond*TYYYUnpackProc.fPolyConEmit

Uses of TGo4PolyCond in Go4GUI

Methods in Go4GUI that return TGo4PolyCond
TGo4PolyCond*TGo4PreviewPanelSlots.GetActivePolygon(TVirtualPad* pad)
          Get polygon in list which is active for edit

Methods in Go4GUI with parameters of type TGo4PolyCond
Bool_tTGo4PreviewPanelSlots.AddPolygon(TGo4PolyCond* con, TVirtualPad* pad, Bool_t clone)
          register polygon condition object of current pad into list of regions.
voidTGo4PreviewPanelSlots.ScanCutG(TVirtualPad* pad, TGo4PolyCond* toupdate)
          Scan pad for a newly created CutG and put it into
a polygon condition toupdate.

Uses of TGo4PolyCond in Go4StatusAnalysis

Methods in Go4StatusAnalysis with parameters of type TGo4PolyCond
protected Int_tTGo4ConditionStatus.ConditionSize(TGo4PolyCond* polly)
          Calculate real memory size for polly

J.Adamczewski, M.Al-Turany, D.Bertini, H.G.Essel, S.Linev
