v2.10-0 (21000JUN2005)

Uses of Interface

Packages that use TGo4DynamicEntry

Uses of TGo4DynamicEntry in Go4DynamicList

Subinterfaces of TGo4DynamicEntry in Go4DynamicList
interface TGo4DynamicList
          Aggregate which is responsible for the dynamically created analysis objects like histograms.
interface TGo4HistogramEntry
          Entry for the dynamic list, specialized for histogram like objects.
interface TGo4TreeHistogramEntry
          Dynamic list entry which links a histogram to a certain tree.

Fields in Go4DynamicList declared as TGo4DynamicEntry
protected TGo4DynamicEntry*TGo4DynamicListException.fxEntry

Constructors in Go4DynamicList with parameters of type TGo4DynamicEntry
TGo4DynamicListException.TGo4DynamicListException(TGo4DynamicEntry* entry, const char * message, ... )

Methods in Go4DynamicList that return TGo4DynamicEntry
private TGo4DynamicEntry*TGo4DynamicEntryStatus.CreateDynamicEntry()
          Use status information to build a dynamic entry with this parameters.
TGo4DynamicEntry*TGo4DynamicList.GetEntry(const Text_t* name)
          Returns the list entry instance of the name
          Delivers next entry in list. 0 if no more entry
private virtual TGo4DynamicEntry*TGo4DynamicListStatus.CreateDynamicEntry()
          Use status information to build a dynamic entry with this parameters.
private virtual TGo4DynamicEntry*TGo4HistogramEntryStatus.CreateDynamicEntry()
          Use status information to build a dynamic entry with this parameters.
private virtual TGo4DynamicEntry*TGo4TreeHistogramEntryStatus.CreateDynamicEntry()
          Use status information to build a dynamic entry
with this parameters.

Methods in Go4DynamicList with parameters of type TGo4DynamicEntry
Bool_tTGo4DynamicList.AddEntry(TGo4DynamicEntry* en)
          An external dynamic entry object is added to the list.

J.Adamczewski, M.Al-Turany, D.Bertini, H.G.Essel, S.Linev
