v2.10-0 (21000JUN2005)

Uses of Interface

Packages that use TGo4EventSource

Uses of TGo4EventSource in Go4Analysis

Fields in Go4Analysis declared as TGo4EventSource
private TGo4EventSource*TGo4AnalysisStep.fxEventSource
          The source of the input events.

Methods in Go4Analysis with parameters of type TGo4EventSource
private Bool_tTGo4Analysis.AddEventSource(TGo4EventSource* source)
          Add reference to event source object to Go4 Folder structure.
private Bool_tTGo4Analysis.RemoveEventSource(TGo4EventSource* source)
          Remove reference to event source from go4 folder structure.
Bool_tTGo4AnalysisObjectManager.AddEventSource(TGo4EventSource* source)
          Add reference to event source object to Go4 Folder structure.
Bool_tTGo4AnalysisObjectManager.RemoveEventSource(TGo4EventSource* source)
          Remove reference to event source from go4 folder structure.

Uses of TGo4EventSource in Go4Event

Subinterfaces of TGo4EventSource in Go4Event
interface TGo4EventProcessor
          Abstract Factory used by the top level user event to unpack
the raw event into subevents or detector information.

Fields in Go4Event declared as TGo4EventSource
private TGo4EventSource*TGo4EventElement.fxEventSource
          The external event source instance which is used to fill this event structure
from the raw event.
protected TGo4EventSource*TGo4EventSourceException.fxEventSource

Constructors in Go4Event with parameters of type TGo4EventSource
TGo4EventEndException.TGo4EventEndException(TGo4EventSource* eventsource)
TGo4EventErrorException.TGo4EventErrorException(TGo4EventSource* eventsource, Int_t prio)
TGo4EventSourceException.TGo4EventSourceException(TGo4EventSource* eventsource)
TGo4EventTimeoutException.TGo4EventTimeoutException(TGo4EventSource* eventsource)

Methods in Go4Event that return TGo4EventSource
const TGo4EventSource*TGo4EventElement.GetEventSource()
abstract TGo4EventSource*TGo4EventFactory.CreateEventSource(TGo4EventSourceParameter* par)

Methods in Go4Event with parameters of type TGo4EventSource
voidTGo4EventElement.SetEventSource(TGo4EventSource* src)
          Setter for the event source that is currently used by the Fill method.

Uses of TGo4EventSource in Go4EventServer

Subinterfaces of TGo4EventSource in Go4EventServer
interface TGo4FileSource
          Raw event source which reads entries from a root TTree in a TFile.
interface TGo4MbsSource
interface TGo4TreeSource
          Raw event source which reads entries from a root TTree.

Methods in Go4EventServer that return TGo4EventSource
virtual TGo4EventSource*TGo4EventServerFactory.CreateEventSource(TGo4EventSourceParameter* par)

Uses of TGo4EventSource in Go4ExampleUserSource

Subinterfaces of TGo4EventSource in Go4ExampleUserSource
interface TYYYEventSource

Methods in Go4ExampleUserSource that return TGo4EventSource
virtual TGo4EventSource*TYYYUnpackFact.CreateEventSource(TGo4EventSourceParameter* par)

Uses of TGo4EventSource in Go4StatusAnalysis

Constructors in Go4StatusAnalysis with parameters of type TGo4EventSource
TGo4EventSourceStatus.TGo4EventSourceStatus(TGo4EventSource* ev)

J.Adamczewski, M.Al-Turany, D.Bertini, H.G.Essel, S.Linev
