v2.10-0 (21000JUN2005)

Class TGo4FitDataProfile

class TGo4FitDataProfile
derived from TGo4FitData

Data object, which provides access to TProfile ROOT class.

The TProfile object can be assigned to TGo4FitDataProfile object in constructor, in SetProfile() method or in SetObject() method of fitter. TProfile object may owned, or may not owned by data object.

Field Summary
 protected TGo4FitSlotfxProfile
          Slot for TProfile object.

Fields inherited from class Go4Fit.TGo4FitData
fbUseBinScale, fdExcludeLessThen, fdSigmaValue, fiDataType, fiTakeSigmasFrom, fxAxisTrans

Fields inherited from class TNamed
fName, fTitle

Fields inherited from class Go4Fit.TGo4FitSlotList
fbUpdateSlotList, fxSlotList

Constructor Summary
          Default constructor.
TGo4FitDataProfile(const char * iName, TProfile* , Bool_t iGraphOwned, Bool_t AddAmpl)
          Create TGo4FitDataProfile object with given name.

Destructor Summary
 virtual synchronized ~TGo4FitDataProfile()
          Destroys TGo4FitDataProfile object.

Method Summary
 virtual voidFillSlotList(TSeqCollection* list)
          Add pointer on slot, which should contain TProfile object, to list of slots.
          Returns pointer on TProfile object.
          Create TGo4FitDataProfileIter iterator, assosiated with given data object..
 virtual const voidPrint(Option_t* option)
          Print information on standard output.
 voidSetProfile(TProfile* iProfile, Bool_t iProfileOwned)
          Set pointer on TProfile object.

Methods inherited from class Go4Fit.TGo4FitData
AddAxisTrans, ApplyRangesForModelMask, BuffersAllocated, CanAmplTouch, CreateDrawObject, DefineBinsSize, DefineDimensions, DefineScaleMinMax, Finalize, GetAxisTrans, GetAxisTransSlot, GetBinsDevs, GetBinsResult, GetBinsSize, GetBinsValues, GetDataType, GetExcludeLessThen, GetFullIndex, GetIndexesSize, GetNumberOfTransSlots, GetScalesSize, GetScaleValues, GetSigmaSource, GetSigmaValue, GetUseBinScale, GetWidthValues, Initialize, IsAnyDataTransform, IsCompatibleData, SetAxisTrans, SetAxisTransNeeded, SetExcludeLessThen, SetNumberOfTransSlots, SetSigmaSource, SetSigmaValue, SetUseBinScale

Methods inherited from class Go4Fit.TGo4FitComponent
AddRangeCondition, AddRangeCut, CheckRangeConditions, ClearRanges, CollectParsTo, ExcludeRange, GetAmplError, GetAmplFullName, GetAmplIndex, GetAmplName, GetAmplPar, GetAmplValue, GetNumRangeCondition, GetNumRangeCut, GetRangeCondition, GetRangeCut, GetRangeMax, GetRangeMin, GetUseBuffers, IsAnyRangeLimits, IsRangeCutExcluding, MakeAmpl, NewAmplitude, NewParameter, RemoveAmpl, RemoveRangeCondition, RemoveRangeCut, SetAmplError, SetAmplIndex, SetAmplValue, SetRange, SetRangeCondition, SetRangeCutExcluding, SetRangeMax, SetRangeMin, SetUseBuffers

Methods inherited from class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParsList
AddPar, CanRollbackPars, ClearPars, ClearParsBlocking, CreatePar, Find, Find, Find, FindPar, FindPar, FindPar, Get, GetPar, GetParEpsilon, GetParError, GetParFixed, GetParFullName, GetParIndex, GetParName, GetParRange, GetParsValues, GetParValue, InsertPar, IsAllParsFixed, MemorizePars, NumFixedPars, NumFreePars, NumPars, PrintPars, RememberPars, RemovePar, RemovePar, RemoveParByIndex, SetParEpsilon, SetParError, SetParFixed, SetParName, SetParRange, SetParsNames, SetParsOwner, SetParsValues, SetParsValues, SetParValue

Methods inherited from class Go4Fit.TGo4FitNamed
GetFullName, GetOwner, GetOwnerFullName, SetOwner

Methods inherited from class TNamed
operator=, Clear, Clone, Compare, Copy, FillBuffer, GetName, GetTitle, Hash, IsSortable, SetName, SetNameTitle, SetTitle, ls, Sizeof, Class, Class_Name, Class_Version, Dictionary, IsA, ShowMembers, Streamer, StreamerNVirtual, DeclFileName, ImplFileLine, ImplFileName, DeclFileLine

Methods inherited from class Go4Fit.TGo4FitSlotList
CheckDuplicatesOnSlot, CheckObjects, ClearObjects, ClearSlot, ConnectSlots, ConnectSlots, FindSlot, GetSlot, GetSlotList, IsEmptySlots, IsObjectInSlots, NumSlots, PrepareSlotsForWriting, SetObject, SetObject, SetSaveFlagForObjects, SetUpdateSlotList

Field Detail


protected TGo4FitSlot fxProfile
Slot for TProfile object.
label fxProfile
Constructor Detail


public TGo4FitDataProfile()
Default constructor.


public TGo4FitDataProfile(const char * iName, TProfile* , Bool_t iGraphOwned, Bool_t AddAmpl)
Create TGo4FitDataProfile object with given name.
Pointer on TProfile object and ownership flag can be specified.
Scaling factor (amplitude) also can be added.
Method Detail


public virtual synchronized ~TGo4FitDataProfile()
Destroys TGo4FitDataProfile object.
Method Detail


public virtual void FillSlotList(TSeqCollection* list)
Add pointer on slot, which should contain TProfile object, to list of slots.


public TProfile* GetProfile()
Returns pointer on TProfile object.


public TGo4FitDataIter* MakeIter()
Create TGo4FitDataProfileIter iterator, assosiated with given data object..


public virtual const void Print(Option_t* option)
Print information on standard output.


public void SetProfile(TProfile* iProfile, Bool_t iProfileOwned)
Set pointer on TProfile object.
Ownership flag also can be specified. By default TProfile object not owned.

Association Links

to Class TGo4FitSlot

Slot for TProfile object.

Label fxProfile

J.Adamczewski, M.Al-Turany, D.Bertini, H.G.Essel, S.Linev
