v2.10-0 (21000JUN2005)

Class TGo4FitModelGaussN

class TGo4FitModelGaussN
derived from TGo4FitModel

N-dimensional gaussian peak.

Has following parameters:
"Ampl" - amplitude;
"Pos0", "Pos1", ... - line positions;
"Width0", "Width1", "... - line widths;
"Cov0_1", "Cov0_2", ..., "Cov1_2", "Cov1_3", ... - covariations parameters.
To create instance of this model:

TGo4FitModelGaussN *g = new TGo4FitModelGaussN("Gauss", 2);

where first parameter - name of model component, second - number of dimensions.

Field Summary
 protected TArrayIfxIndexes
          Array of axis indexes, where n-dim gaussian will be build.
 private Int_t*indx
          Temporary variable for EvalN() function.
 private TMatrixD*Matr_sig
          Temporary variable for EvalN() function.
 private Int_tndim
          Temporary variable for EvalN() function.
 private TVectorD*Vect_dx
          Temporary variable for EvalN() function.
 private TVectorD*Vect_mu
          Temporary variable for EvalN() function.
 private TVectorD*Vect_x
          Temporary variable for EvalN() function.

Fields inherited from class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
fbAbsoluteEps, fbIntegrScaling, fdIntegrEps, fiMaxIntegrDepth, fiMinIntegrDepth

Fields inherited from class TNamed
fName, fTitle

Fields inherited from class Go4Fit.TGo4FitSlotList
fbUpdateSlotList, fxSlotList

Constructor Summary
          Default constructor.
TGo4FitModelGaussN(const char * iName, Int_t iNDimension)
          Creates TGo4FitModelGaussN model with given name.

Destructor Summary
 virtual synchronized ~TGo4FitModelGaussN()
          Destroys TGo4FitModelGaussN object.

Method Summary
 protected virtual voidAfterEval()
 virtual Bool_tBeforeEval(Int_t )
 virtual Double_tEvalN(const Double_t* v)
 voidFillMuVector(TVectorD& Mu)
          Fills vector of gaussian position from parameters values.
 voidFillSigmaMatrix(TMatrixD& Sigma)
          Fill covariance matrix from parameters values.
 Int_tGetAxisForIndex(Int_t indx)
          Gets axis number (0 - x-axis, 1 - y-axis) for specified dimension of gaussian.
          Returns number of dimensions (number of axises), where gaussian will be build.
 protected TStringGetCovarParName(Int_t naxis1, Int_t naxis2)
 protected virtual Int_tGetPosParIndex(Int_t naxis)
 protected TStringGetPosParName(Int_t naxis)
 protected virtual Int_tGetWidthParIndex(Int_t naxis)
 protected TStringGetWidthParName(Int_t naxis)
 virtual const voidPrint(Option_t* option)
          Print information on standard output.
 Bool_tResortIndexes(Int_t leaveaxis)
          Checks duplicates in axis numbers, associated to different gaussian dimensions.
leaveaixs (if specified) sets dimension number, which will be unchanged.
 voidSetAxisForIndex(Int_t indx, Int_t axis)
          Change axis number for specified index (dimension) of gaussian.
 Bool_tSetAxisNumbers(Int_t naxis)
          Sets number of axises (dimensions), where gaussian will be build.

Methods inherited from class Go4Fit.TGo4FitModel
AddModelToDataResult, AssignmentName, AssignToData, BuffersAllocated, ChangeDataNameInAssignments, ClearAssigmentTo, ClearAssignments, ClearAssignmentTo, ConnectToDataIfAssigned, Evaluate, Evaluate, Evaluate, Evaluate, EvaluateAndIntegrate, EvaluateAtPoint, EvaluateAtPoint, Finalize, Get, GetAssignedConnection, GetDataFullIndex, GetDataIndexesSize, GetGroupIndex, GetModelBins, GetPosition, GetPosPar, GetRatioValueFor, GetWidth, GetWidthPar, Initialize, Integral, IsAssignTo, NeedIntegration, NumAssigments, NumPars, RebuildShape, SetBackgroundGroupIndex, SetGroupIndex, SetIntegrationsProperty, SetNeedToRebuild, SetPosition, SetWidth, UserFunction

Methods inherited from class Go4Fit.TGo4FitComponent
AddRangeCondition, AddRangeCut, CanAmplTouch, CheckRangeConditions, ClearRanges, CollectParsTo, ExcludeRange, GetAmplError, GetAmplFullName, GetAmplIndex, GetAmplName, GetAmplPar, GetAmplValue, GetNumRangeCondition, GetNumRangeCut, GetRangeCondition, GetRangeCut, GetRangeMax, GetRangeMin, GetUseBuffers, IsAnyRangeLimits, IsRangeCutExcluding, MakeAmpl, NewAmplitude, NewParameter, RemoveAmpl, RemoveRangeCondition, RemoveRangeCut, SetAmplError, SetAmplIndex, SetAmplValue, SetRange, SetRangeCondition, SetRangeCutExcluding, SetRangeMax, SetRangeMin, SetUseBuffers

Methods inherited from class Go4Fit.TGo4FitParsList
AddPar, CanRollbackPars, ClearPars, ClearParsBlocking, CreatePar, Find, Find, Find, FindPar, FindPar, FindPar, GetPar, GetParEpsilon, GetParError, GetParFixed, GetParFullName, GetParIndex, GetParName, GetParRange, GetParsValues, GetParValue, InsertPar, IsAllParsFixed, MemorizePars, NumFixedPars, NumFreePars, PrintPars, RememberPars, RemovePar, RemovePar, RemoveParByIndex, SetParEpsilon, SetParError, SetParFixed, SetParName, SetParRange, SetParsNames, SetParsOwner, SetParsValues, SetParsValues, SetParValue

Methods inherited from class Go4Fit.TGo4FitNamed
GetFullName, GetOwner, GetOwnerFullName, SetOwner

Methods inherited from class TNamed
operator=, Clear, Clone, Compare, Copy, FillBuffer, GetName, GetTitle, Hash, IsSortable, SetName, SetNameTitle, SetTitle, ls, Sizeof, Class, Class_Name, Class_Version, Dictionary, IsA, ShowMembers, Streamer, StreamerNVirtual, DeclFileName, ImplFileLine, ImplFileName, DeclFileLine

Methods inherited from class Go4Fit.TGo4FitSlotList
CheckDuplicatesOnSlot, CheckObjects, ClearObjects, ClearSlot, ConnectSlots, ConnectSlots, FillSlotList, FindSlot, GetSlot, GetSlotList, IsEmptySlots, IsObjectInSlots, NumSlots, PrepareSlotsForWriting, SetObject, SetObject, SetSaveFlagForObjects, SetUpdateSlotList

Field Detail


protected TArrayI fxIndexes
Array of axis indexes, where n-dim gaussian will be build.


private Int_t* indx
Temporary variable for EvalN() function.


private TMatrixD* Matr_sig
Temporary variable for EvalN() function.


private Int_t ndim
Temporary variable for EvalN() function.


private TVectorD* Vect_dx
Temporary variable for EvalN() function.


private TVectorD* Vect_mu
Temporary variable for EvalN() function.


private TVectorD* Vect_x
Temporary variable for EvalN() function.
Constructor Detail


public TGo4FitModelGaussN()
Default constructor.


public TGo4FitModelGaussN(const char * iName, Int_t iNDimension)
Creates TGo4FitModelGaussN model with given name.
Number of dimensions also can be specified (default = 3).
Method Detail


public virtual synchronized ~TGo4FitModelGaussN()
Destroys TGo4FitModelGaussN object.
Method Detail


protected virtual void AfterEval()


public virtual Bool_t BeforeEval(Int_t )


public virtual Double_t EvalN(const Double_t* v)


public void FillMuVector(TVectorD& Mu)
Fills vector of gaussian position from parameters values.


public void FillSigmaMatrix(TMatrixD& Sigma)
Fill covariance matrix from parameters values.


public Int_t GetAxisForIndex(Int_t indx)
Gets axis number (0 - x-axis, 1 - y-axis) for specified dimension of gaussian.
Can be, that first dimension of gaussian assign to z-axis, 2-nd dimension to x-axis, 3-rd dimension to y-axis.
Default (created in constructor) is normal numbering, when number of dimension is equal to number of axis.


public Int_t GetAxisNumbers()
Returns number of dimensions (number of axises), where gaussian will be build.


protected TString GetCovarParName(Int_t naxis1, Int_t naxis2)


protected virtual Int_t GetPosParIndex(Int_t naxis)


protected TString GetPosParName(Int_t naxis)


protected virtual Int_t GetWidthParIndex(Int_t naxis)


protected TString GetWidthParName(Int_t naxis)


public virtual const void Print(Option_t* option)
Print information on standard output.


public Bool_t ResortIndexes(Int_t leaveaxis)
Checks duplicates in axis numbers, associated to different gaussian dimensions.
leaveaixs (if specified) sets dimension number, which will be unchanged.


public void SetAxisForIndex(Int_t indx, Int_t axis)
Change axis number for specified index (dimension) of gaussian.


public Bool_t SetAxisNumbers(Int_t naxis)
Sets number of axises (dimensions), where gaussian will be build. Should be more than 0.

Association Links

to Class TArrayI

Array of axis indexes, where n-dim gaussian will be build.

to Class TVectorD

Temporary variable for EvalN() function.

to Class TVectorD

Temporary variable for EvalN() function.

to Class TVectorD

Temporary variable for EvalN() function.

J.Adamczewski, M.Al-Turany, D.Bertini, H.G.Essel, S.Linev
