v2.10-0 (21000JUN2005)

Uses of Class

Packages that use TGo4FitModel

Uses of TGo4FitModel in Go4Fit

Subclasses of TGo4FitModel in Go4Fit
class TGo4FitModelFormula
          Model object, which uses ROOT TFormula class facility.

class TGo4FitModelFromData
          Model object, which is uses TGo4FitData object to produce model bins.

class TGo4FitModelFunction
          Model objects, which uses external user function to calculate model values.

class TGo4FitModelGauss1
          One dimensional gaussian peak.

class TGo4FitModelGauss2
          Two dimensional gaussian peak.

class TGo4FitModelGaussN
          N-dimensional gaussian peak.

class TGo4FitModelPolynom
          Model objects, which reproduce component of polynomial function.


Methods in Go4Fit that return TGo4FitModel
TGo4FitModel*TGo4Fitter.AddModel(const char * DataName, TGo4FitModel* m)
          Add model component to fitter and assign it to specified data object.
TGo4FitModel*TGo4Fitter.AddModel(TGo4FitModel* m)
          Add model component to fitter.
TGo4FitModel*TGo4Fitter.FindModel(const char * ModelName)
          Return model component with given name.
TGo4FitModel*TGo4Fitter.GetModel(Int_t n)
          Return model component with given index.
TGo4FitModel*TGo4Fitter.RemoveModel(const char * ModelName, Bool_t IsDel)
          Remove model component from fitter.

Methods in Go4Fit with parameters of type TGo4FitModel
TGo4FitModel*TGo4Fitter.AddModel(const char * DataName, TGo4FitModel* m)
          Add model component to fitter and assign it to specified data object.
TGo4FitModel*TGo4Fitter.AddModel(TGo4FitModel* m)
          Add model component to fitter.
protected Double_t*TGo4Fitter.GetModelBinsValues(TGo4FitModel* model, const char * DataName)
protected Bool_tTGo4Fitter.ModelBuffersAllocated(TGo4FitModel* model)

Uses of TGo4FitModel in Go4FitExample

Subclasses of TGo4FitModel in Go4FitExample
class TModelTemplate

Uses of TGo4FitModel in Go4FitGUI

Fields in Go4FitGUI declared as TGo4FitModel
private TGo4FitModel*TGo4FitGUIArrow.fxModel

Methods in Go4FitGUI that return TGo4FitModel
private TGo4FitModel*TGo4FitPanelSlots.CreateModel(Int_t id, const char * namebase, TGo4Fitter* fitter, TGo4FitData* data)
TGo4FitModel*TGo4FitPanelSlots.Wiz_CreateNewModel(int id)

Methods in Go4FitGUI with parameters of type TGo4FitModel
voidTGo4FitGUIArrow.SetForPosition(TGo4FitModel* model, TGo4FitGUIArrow* forwidth, Double_t iLineAmpl)
voidTGo4FitGUIArrow.SetForWidth(TGo4FitModel* model, TGo4FitGUIArrow* forposition)
private boolTGo4FitPanelSlots.Cmd_RemoveModel(TGo4FitModel* model)
private TGo4FitSlotStatus*TGo4FitPanelSlots.FindSlotStatusForModel(TGo4Fitter* fitter, TGo4FitModel* model)
private voidTGo4FitPanelSlots.LocateModel(TGo4FitModel* model, TGo4FitData* data, bool usepad)
private voidTGo4FitPanelSlots.PaintModel(TGo4FitModel* model, TGo4FitSlotStatus* sstatus, QFitItem* item)
voidTGo4FitPanelSlots.Wiz_GetModelInfo(TGo4FitModel* model, QString* info)

J.Adamczewski, M.Al-Turany, D.Bertini, H.G.Essel, S.Linev
