v2.10-0 (21000JUN2005)

Uses of Class

Packages that use TGo4FitParsList

Uses of TGo4FitParsList in Go4Fit

Subclasses of TGo4FitParsList in Go4Fit
class TGo4FitAxisTrans
          Base class for axis transformation objects
class TGo4FitComponent
          Basic absrtact class, combining common properties of data and model.
class TGo4FitterAbstract
          Abstract fitter class.

Fields in Go4Fit declared as TGo4FitParsList
private TGo4FitParsList*TGo4FitModel.fxAllPars
          List of all parameters, associated not only with component directly but also with incapsulated objects.
protected TGo4FitParsListTGo4FitterConfig.fxParsCfg
          List of parameters objects, used for alternative configuration of parameters, which should be fitted.
protected TGo4FitParsListTGo4FitterConfig.fxParsNew
          List of parameters object, which can be used in dependency calculations and minimization.

Methods in Go4Fit that return TGo4FitParsList
          Get list of TGo4FitParameter objects, used as explicit configuration for minimizing.
          Get list of TGo4FitParameter objects, which can be used in minimization and dependency calculations.

Methods in Go4Fit with parameters of type TGo4FitParsList
virtual voidTGo4FitComponent.CollectParsTo(TGo4FitParsList& list)
          Collect all parameters to provided parameters list object.
virtual voidTGo4FitParsList.CollectParsTo(TGo4FitParsList& list)
          Add all parameters to provided TGo4FitParsList object.

J.Adamczewski, M.Al-Turany, D.Bertini, H.G.Essel, S.Linev
