v2.10-0 (21000JUN2005)

Class TGo4ConditionStatus

class TGo4ConditionStatus
derived from TGo4ObjectStatus

Status object for an analysis conditon. This is a wrapper for the condition object itself
which is sent to the gui within the object nameslist (analysis folder structure). So the
status creation pattern is avoided here, the condition is available as condition object
on the gui.

J. Adamczewski
Since: 15-MAR-2002

Field Summary
 private Bool_tfbIsHistogram
          true if there is a histogram linked to this condition
 private Int_tfiArrayType
          type of the condition inside condition array. zero if condition is no array.
 private TGo4Condition*fxCondition
 private TStringfxHistogram
          Reference to linked histogram

Fields inherited from class Go4StatusBase.TGo4ObjectStatus
fbDeleteProtect, fbResetProtect, fiObjectSize, fxObjectClass, fxStatusTime

Fields inherited from class TNamed
fName, fTitle

Constructor Summary
TGo4ConditionStatus(TGo4Condition* condition)

Destructor Summary
 virtual synchronized ~TGo4ConditionStatus()

Method Summary
 protected Int_tConditionSize(TGo4PolyCond* polly)
          Calculate real memory size for polly
 const Int_tGetArrayType()
 TGo4Condition*GetCondition(Bool_t chown)
          Access to the condition wrapped in the status object.
 const const char *GetHistogram()
 const Bool_tIsHistogram()
 virtual Int_tPrintStatus(Text_t* buffer, Int_t buflen)
          basic method to printout status information
on stdout; to be overridden by specific subclass

Methods inherited from class Go4StatusBase.TGo4ObjectStatus
GetObjectClass, GetObjectSize, GetTimeString, IsDeleteProtect, IsResetProtect

Methods inherited from class Go4StatusBase.TGo4Status
Print, PrintBuffer, PrintIndent

Methods inherited from class TNamed
operator=, Clear, Clone, Compare, Copy, FillBuffer, GetName, GetTitle, Hash, IsSortable, SetName, SetNameTitle, SetTitle, ls, Sizeof, Class, Class_Name, Class_Version, Dictionary, IsA, ShowMembers, Streamer, StreamerNVirtual, DeclFileName, ImplFileLine, ImplFileName, DeclFileLine

Field Detail


private Bool_t fbIsHistogram
true if there is a histogram linked to this condition


private Int_t fiArrayType
type of the condition inside condition array. zero if condition is no array.


private TGo4Condition* fxCondition


private TString fxHistogram
Reference to linked histogram
Constructor Detail


public TGo4ConditionStatus()


public TGo4ConditionStatus(TGo4Condition* condition)
Method Detail


public virtual synchronized ~TGo4ConditionStatus()
Method Detail


protected Int_t ConditionSize(TGo4PolyCond* polly)
Calculate real memory size for polly


public const Int_t GetArrayType()


public TGo4Condition* GetCondition(Bool_t chown)
Access to the condition wrapped in the status object. If parameter chown (change owner)
is kTRUE, the condition will be adopted by the caller, i.e. the condition status object will
not delete the condition in its destructor anymore. Useful if the condition shall be edited
by the gui and send back in a set condition command. Otherwise, condition would be
deleted on next refresh of the nameslist.


public const const char * GetHistogram()


public const Bool_t IsHistogram()


public virtual Int_t PrintStatus(Text_t* buffer, Int_t buflen)
basic method to printout status information
on stdout; to be overridden by specific subclass

Association Links

to Class TGo4Condition

J.Adamczewski, M.Al-Turany, D.Bertini, H.G.Essel, S.Linev
