v2.10-0 (21000JUN2005)

Uses of Class

Packages that use TGo4Runnable

Uses of TGo4Runnable in Go4AnalysisClient

Subclasses of TGo4Runnable in Go4AnalysisClient
class TGo4AnalysisMainRunnable
          Main Runnable of the go4 analysis.
class TGo4AnalysisWatchRunnable
          runnable performing control watcher functions of analysis client task:
status of analysis is send to status queue

Uses of TGo4Runnable in Go4HistogramServer

Subclasses of TGo4Runnable in Go4HistogramServer
class TGo4HisConnectorRunnable
          Runnable that waits for client connection request and starts new
class TGo4ObjConnectorRunnable
          Runnable that serves an object request for object client

Uses of TGo4Runnable in Go4TaskHandler

Subclasses of TGo4Runnable in Go4TaskHandler
class TGo4ConnectorRunnable
          Runnable to handle connection request from a new client which connects
to a listening Transport channel (socket) on a fixed port number (e.g. 5000).
class TGo4LocalCommandRunnable
          Runnable which executes all local commands on the server side to
prevent gui from blocking.
class TGo4TaskHandlerRunnable
          This is the abstract interface for all runnables associated
with the taskhandler class

Uses of TGo4Runnable in Go4TaskHandlerExample

Subclasses of TGo4Runnable in Go4TaskHandlerExample
class TGo4ControllerRunnable
          runnable performing the main action of example client task:
getting commands out of command queue, sending objects into data queue
class TGo4LoggingRunnable
          runnable performing control watcher functions of example client task:
status of application is send to status queue
class TGo4MainRunnable
          runnable performing the main action of example client task:
getting commands out of command queue, sending objects into data queue
class TGo4WatchRunnable
          runnable performing control watcher functions of example client task:
status of application is send to status queue

Uses of TGo4Runnable in Go4ThreadManager

Fields in Go4ThreadManager declared as TGo4Runnable
protected TGo4Runnable*TGo4ReplaceException.fxNewRunnable
private TGo4Runnable*TGo4Thread.fxRunnable
          External class providing the threaded workfunction
and exception routines for workfunction.
protected TGo4Runnable*TGo4ThreadException.fxRunnable
          Link to the runnable connected with the thread
(exception throwing runnable might simply pass its 'this' pointer as argument)

Constructors in Go4ThreadManager with parameters of type TGo4Runnable
TGo4CancelException.TGo4CancelException(TGo4Runnable* runnable, const Text_t* threadname)
TGo4CreateException.TGo4CreateException(TGo4Runnable* runnable, const Text_t* threadname)
TGo4RemoveException.TGo4RemoveException(TGo4Runnable* runnable, const Text_t* threadname)
TGo4ReplaceException.TGo4ReplaceException(TGo4Runnable* runnable, TGo4Runnable* newrunnable, const Text_t* oldthreadname)
TGo4RestartException.TGo4RestartException(TGo4Runnable* runnable, const Text_t* threadname)
          Restart thread associated with runnable or with threadname.
TGo4Runnable.TGo4Runnable(const TGo4Runnable& right)
TGo4StartException.TGo4StartException(TGo4Runnable* runnable, const Text_t* threadname)
TGo4TerminateException.TGo4TerminateException(TGo4Runnable* runnable)
TGo4Thread.TGo4Thread(const char * name, TGo4Runnable* runnable, Bool_t internal)
          TGo4Thread constructor parameters:
name: name of the thread
runnable: external user runnable to be executed from TThread.
internal: define if thread shall be owned by threadmanager,
or if it belongs to other aggregation
TGo4ThreadException.TGo4ThreadException(TGo4Runnable* runnable, const Text_t* threadname)

Methods in Go4ThreadManager that return TGo4Runnable
synchronized TGo4Runnable&TGo4Runnable.operator=(const TGo4Runnable& right)
private TGo4Runnable*TGo4Thread.GetRunnable()
          We need this to have access to instance runnable from static Threadfunc:

Methods in Go4ThreadManager with parameters of type TGo4Runnable
synchronized TGo4Runnable&TGo4Runnable.operator=(const TGo4Runnable& right)
Bool_tTGo4ThreadHandler.NewThread(const char * name, TGo4Runnable* runnable)
          Creates new internal Go4 Thread with name and adds it to the List
External runnable is passed to specify the threaded actions

Uses of TGo4Runnable in Go4ThreadManagerExample

Subclasses of TGo4Runnable in Go4ThreadManagerExample
class TGo4TestRunnable
          Example of a user defined runnable subclass.

J.Adamczewski, M.Al-Turany, D.Bertini, H.G.Essel, S.Linev
