v2.10-0 (21000JUN2005)

Uses of Class

Packages that use TBuffer

Uses of TBuffer in

Constructors in with parameters of type TBuffer
TBuffer.TBuffer(const TBuffer& )

Methods in that return TBuffer
synchronized TBuffer&TBuffer.operator<<(Bool_t b)
synchronized TBuffer&TBuffer.operator<<(Char_t c)
synchronized TBuffer&TBuffer.operator<<(const Char_t* c)
synchronized TBuffer&TBuffer.operator<<(Double_t d)
synchronized TBuffer&TBuffer.operator<<(Float_t f)
synchronized TBuffer&TBuffer.operator<<(Int_t i)
synchronized TBuffer&TBuffer.operator<<(Long_t l)
synchronized TBuffer&TBuffer.operator<<(Short_t h)
synchronized TBuffer&TBuffer.operator<<(UChar_t c)
synchronized TBuffer&TBuffer.operator<<(UInt_t i)
synchronized TBuffer&TBuffer.operator<<(ULong_t l)
synchronized TBuffer&TBuffer.operator<<(UShort_t h)
synchronized TBuffer&TBuffer.operator>>(Bool_t& b)
synchronized TBuffer&TBuffer.operator>>(Char_t* c)
synchronized TBuffer&TBuffer.operator>>(Char_t& c)
synchronized TBuffer&TBuffer.operator>>(Double_t& d)
synchronized TBuffer&TBuffer.operator>>(Float_t& f)
synchronized TBuffer&TBuffer.operator>>(Int_t& i)
synchronized TBuffer&TBuffer.operator>>(Long_t& l)
synchronized TBuffer&TBuffer.operator>>(Short_t& h)
synchronized TBuffer&TBuffer.operator>>(UChar_t& c)
synchronized TBuffer&TBuffer.operator>>(UInt_t& i)
synchronized TBuffer&TBuffer.operator>>(ULong_t& l)
synchronized TBuffer&TBuffer.operator>>(UShort_t& h)

Methods in with parameters of type TBuffer
protected synchronized voidTBuffer.operator=(const TBuffer& )
virtual voidTBuffer.Streamer(TBuffer& b)
voidTBuffer.StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
virtual voidTH1.Streamer(TBuffer& b)
voidTH1.StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)

Uses of TBuffer in Go4HistogramServer

Methods in Go4HistogramServer that return TBuffer
private TBuffer*TGo4ObjClient.ReceiveBuffer()
          Receive root buffer containing requested object

Uses of TBuffer in Go4Queue

Methods in Go4Queue that return TBuffer
static TBuffer*TGo4BufferQueue.CreateValueBuffer(UInt_t val)
          Create a root buffer that contains a single value val.
private TBuffer*TGo4BufferQueue.NewEntry()
          Create dummy buffer for queue.
          Wait for buffer object from queue.

Methods in Go4Queue with parameters of type TBuffer
voidTGo4BufferQueue.AddBuffer(TBuffer* buffer, Bool_t clone)
          Add buffer pointer to queue.
static Int_tTGo4BufferQueue.DecodeValueBuffer(TBuffer* buf)
          Extract value from buffer that was created by
CreateValueBuffer method.
voidTGo4BufferQueue.FreeBuffer(TBuffer* buffer)
          Free internal buffer to be re-used by the AddBuffer as clone
private voidTGo4BufferQueue.Realloc(TBuffer* buffer, Int_t oldsize, Int_t newsize)
          Reallocate buffer of TBuffer to newsize.
voidTGo4ObjectQueue.AddObjectFromBuffer(TBuffer* buffer)
          Reconstruct a TObject queue entry from a given TBuffer pointer.

Uses of TBuffer in Go4Socket

Fields in Go4Socket declared as TBuffer
private TBuffer*TGo4Socket.fxBuffer

Methods in Go4Socket that return TBuffer
const const TBuffer*TGo4Socket.GetBuffer()
          Access the internal receiving buffer of this socket.

Methods in Go4Socket with parameters of type TBuffer
protected voidTGo4Socket.ReallocBuffer(TBuffer* buffer, Int_t oldsize, Int_t newsize)
          Reallocate the fixed input buffer if necessary
Int_tTGo4Socket.SendBuffer(TBuffer* buf)
          Send raw buffer of external TBuffer object.

Uses of TBuffer in Go4TaskHandler

Fields in Go4TaskHandler declared as TBuffer
private TBuffer*TGo4Task.fxQuitBuffer
          this buffer is used for quit command
protected TBuffer*TGo4Task.fxStatusBuffer
          Buffer containing the analysis status which is
updated by the main thread
private TBuffer*TGo4Task.fxStopBuffer
          this buffer is used for stop message for threads

Methods in Go4TaskHandler with parameters of type TBuffer
protected Bool_tTGo4TaskHandlerRunnable.CheckStopBuffer(TBuffer* buf, Int_t* result)
          Test if buffer contains a message to stop this

J.Adamczewski, M.Al-Turany, D.Bertini, H.G.Essel, S.Linev
