Computer collection (under construction)

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This is my collection of vintage - and some more modern - computers, sorted alphabetically by vendor and columnwise by CPU architecture.
Click on the architecture symbol to view the various machines.

Amiga 68k
Apple PPC
DEC Alpha Mips VAX
HP 9000 68k PA RISC Itanic
IBM x86 RT-PC RS/6000
Intergraph Clipper
Motorola 68k 88k PPC
NCD 88k Explora NCs XP
Silicon Graphics Mips

Views of my "Retro Cave"

The Eastside: Workbench 1 Workbench 2

Note the home-grown construction to store the various pizza boxen, with mountings at both sides to take the original keyboards and mice. It is mobile, so one can reach the cable salad on its rear site (not shown here).
Note also the antiques like the HP-VUE login screen, the IBM Thinkpad 860 running AIX 4.1, and of course the still functional Amiga 1000 running Kickstart/Workbench 1.3 (of 1986 vintage :-).

The Southside: Southside Southeast side Southwest side

A shelf to keep machines a little larger than a pizza box (OK, "family pizza" may apply to some of them). Note specifically the stylish Motorola boxen in black (these are not HiFi towers !): an 88K based Delta 900 and the PPC based PowerStack above.
Also featuring the Ultrix pile, spanning the range of lowest to highest level DECstations plus a VAXstation.

The Westside:

Soon to come

The Northside:

Does not exist, i.e. is not (yet) populated with computers.


Application Software Catalogue

Common resources





System Administration


Miscellaneous Documentations




Last updated: 5-Mar-2019, M.Kraemer Impressum Datenschutz